Tin: daily citizi:n Will bf ptitiliihrd every moraine; frsrcpt Mon day! at the following rate strictly cr: iim Vcr..... rt on t-n Months .... 3 00 Ihrr Months............ l.fio On Mont h. ....... ,. BO Ont Week. 15 t mr carrier yil rlrli rrr thr paper every morning hi every part of the city to onr sub rrilierm, and parties wanting it will please call at tbc Oman Ofhcc. New Advertisement. Tailoring Black. Lost-winyah House. HtuksT. C. Smith He Co. Groceries, etc: A. f. Cotirr. Rooms to Rent SH WoodrinHl. for Rent 141 HaTWood Street. Flour Asheville alilllng Company. Racket tllore lieo. T. Jones at 'Co. Vnlted Mtatea Mlgnal ftervlce tm Uon, Aahevllle, N. C. LsTtn'ns, SO .1" North. I.onm'i 82.36 Wut. Blitatiom. 3,350 Phut. Meteorological report for 24 hours ending at p. m.. May , IHH. TBMPEK ATttRB. Northern Bxposure. Hhnirf1L 1 mm 34.0 2paiBpaMai.Mia.Daily Mean. sn.M i aa su 1 so. a ! to.ofi DBVrpof.NTT" 7 a at 3 8pm 2H RBL. tlt'MiniTY. AB8Q, Hl'MIUlTY 3 p I Daily Mean. I Daily Mc 80 tH'33 - I - 1 -745 .lean. BAROMETRIC. PRECIPITATION. . Corrected for altitude and temperature. Rahl and I Snow Melted fuMiw. Depth. Dally Mean, laches. Inches. 0 f U - 80.80 Weather Clear. K. T. RUCK. M. p., Qliserver. A Card. Kditdr Citukn : My Attention has been drawn to an article over the sitfna ture of Mr. C. J. Mi-Cane criticising very severely the pultlic- conduct of Mr. A. T. Summer while mayor of Asheville. I am thoroughly aoiuainted wifh Mr. Sum mey's record. 1 know that he made an honest and conscientious officer. I know that he did as much, and its good street work, in proKrtion to the means at his command, as any one who has ever tilled tbc mayor's office. I know that be al ways did strict and impartial justice be tween man and man, and also between the different sections of the city, and 1 am sure that bis election on Monday will give my portion of the city all the advan tages that it has a right to ask for. Mr. McCai asserts that mayor Sum- mcy left the streets in a horrid condition. I know that this is not tlte case, but, on the contrary, Mr. Sutnmcy macadamized eoutn Main street so lur as the public money rendered possible. l'oli tics like poverty makes strange bed leilows. A lew davs ago, in Mr. Sum mey's office, Mr. McCaiie and H. A. Und ger were engaged in roundly abusing each other; to-day they loin forces to vilify Mr. Sunimrv. hut. all tlu-same this uiimt prevent bis election. K. H. Jl'sTICK. A lard. Kimtor Citizkn: My ftvlings und anything I could do have been always in favor ol the Democratic party, and I did think that 1 would vote lor Mr. liluntun, out aner 1 running ine matter over 1 could not make up my mind anil do jus- iht iu my own icciings aim vote agninsi a Irtend that has liecn a friend in need. I shall cast my vote for Mr. A.T.Summey J. M. IU.AIR. Prof. C. U. Smith, of Franklin, mid 0 S. Furguson, of Wnyncsvillc, are down for few days, A New Ijinip. The Calcium Lninpjs nil metal anil is sufe. Gives a light eiiial to sis ordiiiury lamps. Arc made to hang or stand. child can put in new wick. Never get out of order. Will send a lump to any house . to use fur two days and t lien send and take them back. All are retuetvd to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble orex- pense in doing so. Law's Sii.vkm and China IIihihk, Opposite I'ostoffice rH'S D,,KSV MP Wy, D'L It? It rU,E 'O t ;( BY.. u W. n mro T T I A B a ii aii w j a i iia T p y u y u OrU rtt ov 01 N 6r I r ' ttft P iilf n, cell, Uif il A. D.COOPER, H"rTH "d, H.V S-Ar: Leave Vour Order 'With BLACK. The-New-Tallor, HOR BVIT OF CLOTIIKS, OR A PAIR OP PANTS, A PULL L1NB OP NKW OOOim JI 8T KB CBIVUD. Cloth sold by ths Yard. Ladles' Jackets Cut and Fitted. Boys' Garments Cut. All Kinds of Tailoring. LT- A bundle addreaaed to Miss H. H. (iordnn Wt ween the I'txttntHve and Winvah I It. him I'leaae return to Winyah lluuat or thiaolhcc pVlRRKNT. Four lurnished roniiis, I'IKSTPl.OOK, 141 iiaywouo Direct, ror terms apply to JACOBS' IiKt'O 8TOK1I. J0 HUNT, Two aire moms to rent at No KM '... ..!.. Htrrel. Will nut rent lo an.rlHitly who ha cnimren. rurnisneu or nnltirnlshed. maySdlw TO RENT. A good warehouse for tobacco or other purposes, la rear of IHt keratin's 8tore. Apply to Joiicn & Mliurord. may4tllw GILT-EDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, Monday, 13th day of May, '89. Iht the almre day wt will ofter ror sale at public auction oa the RTountls without re serve, that valuable pnijierty on Cullrxe antl tttruc atrceU udonains' to Mrs. Tho.. ). Cartrr, It has a honat with 1(1 rooms antl all neces sary outhouara: Is IHO fret on CoUenr tree I and aon fret oa Hpruca, and within 78 vard uf thr Public Hquare. This Is a rare chance to buy a resilience, business lot or make an Investment within the very heart ol the cttT. Terms of Halt M tier cent. cash.retnHlntlrr la. al, twelve, eiiihleea and twetity-lnttr months' time, with 8 per cent. -interest, pay able scml-annaally, on deterred paynirnla The property will be n Br red la lots and then s a whole oa day of sale. Both eltisen and atranjfrr are retinrated to call oa ua at our oltioe oa Public Kuuare, Ba ?. f.w."",ltai "here all desired infornia tWa wlU be .iven. lltles guaranteed. . Natt Atkinson Sona, Prtodi. kttn" M M"' T- c. marki-:th hv tki.kurapii. Honey and H-curllle Cotton I'rovlaloiia antt Produce MONSV ANIISRCI'SITIKS. NkwVosk. Mny 3. KsthsnKC quirt ami firm 4 8Ms4.Mttti. M onry eaiir. clnninK t,flrrcd nt 2. Rub-Treasury balances tJolil, flS:i,247,- OlMl; currency, f IH.Uhu.imh). (.firrminmt bonds dull but stcaily itrr cents, t.Ut't, 4W per cents, f l.Oh, Htate btmtl. dull nut nrtn. Ala.ClassA iisS tir.N tl Pac. Istmor 02 074 ti2'i ar.i, SK4 4.1 1-, 17 as 1)4 ' Ala. Class B.Ss .lll N. V. Central Ga. 7s, mirrt lual, N. A W. pld Northern fax... N. P. pfrl Pacific Alail rtradinK Mich. A Alle K. A W. Point.. Rock Island Ht. Paul H. C. Cons., f,M AJJ N. C. Cons., 4s vr.Hi 8. C. Brown's...lt)4 Tenn. fls 1 , Tenn Rs loa Tenn. net., 3s 7.T4 tViriftnisrii 4H Virxinia Cons... rin North western ... 107(4 do ptt... 1 04W Hll,t (tai. 72 . ' B4?i do Did ...13t Tes. I'siltic Del It Lack v..1:mi( Brie "... 2 Kast Tenn Lake Hhore Lou. Nash Mem. A Char... 61 Mob. A Ohio 1(1 TennCoalntlron I'nion Psctfic N.J. Central Mo. Pacific Western l.'nion.. Cotton-aretl (til Ccrtilicates Nash. A Chut... ttoJ Asked. .IVBSPool,. May 4. Noon Cotton, quiet with very small business. American mliliilitiK H 8-16. Kales ih; speculation and export NOO. Receipts 0. Futures closed Hut. 1 r. h. American middling. 6 3-1A. Kales of towlay 'Included 4,000 Amerlcun. May, 6 10-64, srllcrs; June and July, 6 1t-4 sril ers:Julyand August 6 9-64, sellers; Auirust and Keptemlier 6 A-64, sellers; Heptemlier antl DcUiiatr A60-64, ouyers; tK-tttiarranti Nftvem ber, & 41-64, sellers; November and Itecetn brr, S 8H-64 sellers; September 0S-64. buyers. futures citatea steady. NKW vosa. May 4. cotton nrtn. Kales to day 7.1 bales; mitltllinK uplands 1 1 .1-1 il, mid dling Ortcsns 1 1 7 16. Total net receipts at all ports lor to-day z.oni. Kiports to t on tinent, 3.641. Stock 3H7.IHIO bales NSW Vosa, May 4. Cotton Net receipts 0; gross 0 Fu Lures closed weak. Kales 4, IIOO bales. May 10.H7alo.MM Nov tt.Ula 9 02 June.. m.xti iicc u.tKta 9.04 10.0Oa1O.9rjun 1 11.01 aio.112 lO.OHil'cb HMi0a1o.11 10..14a10.3.'Murch 10.17ulo.10 U.UOal o.ool July... Aug... nept... (K-t (itLVKSToH, May 4. Cotton firm. 11; re ceipts 420. miiriiLs. May . cotton tinny, 11; re ceil its G3. IUl.TiuoitK, May 4. Cotton firm, 11;re- eeijiu 4HD. Boston, Mnv 4 Cotton quiet and firm, 1 1 '.Hi 1; recetiits- 442 WiLHiNnTos, N.C., Mny 4. Cotton steady, 10; receipts 30. PniLsini.riiiA, May 4. Cotton firm, 11$; receipts 5. Hsvannah, May 4. Cotton quiet antl firm; IIM; receipts 1H3. NkwOslians, May 4 Cotton steady, iu, receipts 181. MoaiLS, Muy 4. Cotton Arm, Ui; receipts H. Msufitii, May 4. Cotton firm, 10; re ceipts 1M. Ahuhsts, May 4. Cotton firm, re ceipts 23A . Cmsslkston, May 4. Cotton firm, Id'; receipts 617 FKOVIHIUNS AND rUOUIICS. Cincinnati, Mny 4. Flour quiet Wheat nominal No. y red H4aH5. Corn in lilfht tlc- mand No. il miird87. tialsilttll antl weaker No. it mlietl 2bu27. Pork In lujht dtmaml 1 2.1 2iin1 2.2ft. Laid lair tlrmitnil .H2!. Whiskey straily 1.02. Kt l.ot'is. Mo.. Mav 4. Flour inilct and itcutlv. W'hcat No. 2 red chmN 77'j; July 73?s- Corn slow No. 2 ml nil cash .'HI'S; Mny .'KMHu.'IOIj. Oats weaker No. 1! ctlsh 23. Whiskey 1.112. Provisions dull and weak. Ui.tiuouk, Mny 4 Flour in itnotl tlcninnd. Wheat Southern quiet anil nearly nominal Putts sOiiho; Longlicrry OiiaOtl; Wrstern easy; No. 2 wltilrr red upot h3i.tuNMUj, Corn Koutncrn, active; white 4Ha42Vi; yellow 40842'; western firm. Cmicaoii, May 4. CiinH tpiotations to-duv were as follows: Flour steady. Wheat No 2 red MuH2. Corn No. 2 33'i,liitl. lints No 2 22 Vs. Mrsspnrk 1 I 4tlHl I 4.Y I.Hnlll.7ll Short riln ft.M5an.0O; shoulders S.2ria(i,AO; unort clear .2nnti. 37 Vi. v niskcv 1.02. Nkw Viisk, May 4. Southern Hour dull Hlldstrndv. Wheat unlet No. 2 reil M'Jit. Corn dull and sternly No. 2 4.'la4.'l'4; May 41'. Oats dull May 2H,. Hops firm anil quiet, nuKar raw Hull; fair ren 11 in g 6. Mir lasses ftireign firm; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and sternly. Cottonseed oil qutct. Potatoes steady. Wool dull. Pork quiet. Beef quiet; la-cf hums inactive; ticrcetl licel sltiw. Lard eitsicr. Freights firm. Cotton 11 1 1. l-.rnin 2V1. WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN OfhifjliprMi'HwlMMiPOWEIil. ttSMDICU will wll you ,'hoiit' 3 K)tin(l CaniuHl IVimIich put up in lwavy nyrup for 1.1 ot'iitH? Thm nre liiHt wcn hou'h Cjuniiuu: uiid hit flint- clllHH. Wo ulso offor a liniit'Hl (luautity tf 3 pound Tic IViichcH at 10 coiitH pr can. WohavtMin liand from .10 to 100 canon of standard Maryland Corn tha t we offer at 10 ccntH jcr can, which is a bargain. Wo havo a car of N'ew York Burbanks Totalotv, tin finest over offered in this market, 7." to 80 centH jHr bushel. POWEIX&SNIDKIl COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVENUE. STRAUSS RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN, iiiccirlc" Vht Vhhh Ihc Iuof. I herewith notlly the public that this day. May 1, I have added lo my well known Kes- tauraitt a fine Ice Cream Garden. The same has been fitted up ncntly for the tic. easion and I will nlwuys hnvc on hum! the 'holcrst ol Creams and ShcrWts sml Cukes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice In larse or smnll quantities. Ho come In ood time and hnvc some fine Kt CrentnnndCiikes and don't foritct Hint nt Hlrauss' youwilUrt The Went of Ice CriHin, and where always polite and uiteiitivc wait ers will lie pit-used to serve. Come early, come often, come tine, come all, anil gWt your friend Strauss a good many calls. Very respectfully, ma2dtf Proprietor. MISClSLLAXi:oiS. We invite tho reader to rail at the Ilarket Store. IJear in miml we do not advertise what we have not pit, and we cannot put in tin uAd" like this even a third of the articles or lines of piods we handle. We have one of the. largest stores in Asheville, full iiii of bargains. We guarantee everv- tjiinj; we sell. We are connected with the great Auction Drv Goods House of V. B, .JJoiiss, 4!(i und UiH Broatlway, New York; by this connection we are aide to un-j derhiiy and undersell any concern in this city. The red flag of the auctioneer or nherifF does not damage our goods, but it everlast ingly umiishes the prices. We buy a bargain ami wp nell a bar- ain. We do not ell a dollar's worth to any one on credit; we mark our goods in plain figures one price, spot cash, and you get tho worth of. every dollar left with us. No merchant who keeps a set of books can meet our prices, and no so-called cash store in Asheville an meet them, hecatise they have lot the same facilities for buying. Our Mr. Kouss supplies over 4(H) Racket Stores ; he buys for rash in immense lots; he sends us a part of all the best bargains he gets suitable to our section ; we sell ut a small profit, and the peo ple who pay cash get the benefit. Any one having ten dollars to spend, and living within W miles of Asheville, w ill do well to come to the Racket Store to upend their money. We guarantee Rutisinc tion. Do not buy anything, ex cept groceries and drugs, until you have seen whether we have it or not. Thankful to the people who have dealt w ith us for over twelve months . in our new quar ters and with our increased snick, we are better prepared than ever to serve them. Our prices are never put up, we never seek to lower them. See us before you buy. N. Y. Ollice 4tir! Broadway. (iKO. T. JONKH tV ('O.' New York Ollice 4l.fi Broadway. iM,iy), 1X8!). 2t Swannaiioa Hotel, Cnestcllfd cuisine. - Popular with tourists, families aiiif liunlne" men. lUcctrlc cars puss the door. KAWI.S IIKtlS., Mildly I'ropr's. GRANT'S If your prescriptions arc coniuiunilcd at Ornnt's I'tmr niacy you can positively de icntl upon these facts: l'ltst, Ihut only the Purest and llcst drtiKs antl chettiiculs will Ik used .Second, they will Ik ctiniHiuiitled careftilly and ac curately by an experienced prescriptionist ; und third, you will not le chnritrd an eiorbi tnnt price. Vou will receive the best irood" at a very rca- DRUG sounlile prollt. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, Ayer's Kecamier I'rrpuia tltnts, Scott's lilectric Curlers, etc., etc. We have the UKency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medi cines. IikVACLT'8 01-t) STAND, a 8. Mttin St. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free of chnriie STORE. mar'JOdlv jjoticb op ih.ssouition! The liirtucrhlihrTvtiii'oreeilinnlctwmi P. C. Mclutirc antl Philip Melutirr tuiilcr the linn iihiiic ttl P. C. Melinite t llro. is thtx tiuy tnssoivtti ny uiutiml consent. P. C. Mc Ittlirr rrtlrttiir. The Imainrss evlli i- ...... ducted In ItiltiiT by Philip Melntire who will pay antl receive all debts owIiik by antl due ,w mm in, April P. C. MclNTIKH, aprldrilin PHILIP MclN I IKH. FURNITURMALE HnvInK closed my tiourditiK house 1 have u surplus of very tlcsintlilc Funiiturc that 1 will sell ttt . KciiiHrkHbly Low Price. I'urtlcs Inicrestctl will Unit it decidedly to their Interest to cult at the Thomns itousc antl csnminc goods anil learn prices. MRS. 15. LACV, nmvil.lt Thomas House, I'ntton Ave. A. F. bTE VENSON,- CARRIA6E : AND : SIGN ; PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all klndsor l'lnil,,u tt.4.... on your ulil-li.okltig Carriaicrs, Units. 8ur rys, HuKKirs, Carts and Was mis and have them Tarnished or repainted, so the will look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, hltstrr or come off until It wears off. Terms reason sl.l.. Hhop on Harnett Hilt, Uaalc Htrert niaraitlUm ASHEVILLE ADVr.HTlSEMF.STS. DON'T OUDICR From yourCirocer, even for trial, our "ROLLKR IkING" PATENT liVrnust' it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," I ii t we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, . Can 1m? made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT ' Is tlie most popular straight joods in this market. Ask your (Jroeor for the above Hrands, inantifacturtHlhy the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHEVILLE COAL C03IPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SiiMi ior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and ltetail. Office: Biirnurtl IluililiiiK, I'attun 4vpiiih'. HERRING THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH While wc Have the Fiiicit and Mo.st 1-aIiiunable Uuods in Our Line, Wt-ulho biivc llic L'lit!iicst. Call utitl stx'iis.- " W. 11. MAKX, Prop'r. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND MT'G CO., M ANl l- HhhIi, Uuortt, Hliiuld, 9IoiildiiiKit, Floorinjt, CciliiiK and all KlndH of Ilitrdwoiid interior finish a kki iitlty. OAK STREET INN, ASHIJV1LLK, N. C, It. iiiiitfnlli- 1. ..A ;.. I ...l.:s-. ..n. . . i i .. r pint', wnn no nusi or noiw, tit tht- cor ner ol Oak antl Woocltm street. ntr the Femnle Col lew, uwi milv three (Hiiiart'H Irom the niurt hoiine. .s iKiiiiirti .i nitim v iiiniiNiini nmnin 10 .lecoiiunixiaU' noanlerM who (k-iire a niiT. U'et place, away Imin the hotels. Nice rooinn. new furniture, Hood fan- lirst-clitss eiMikitlta. Ht reioiiifiMt.lf nrleeu Aln hi.t i.nlil l.tiik. Wr. T. J. II AHliAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND AW tlindi-rn mid lHtct improved mclhods for trcatiti(j chronic discast-s of the Itinirs Mlrtint und none, hv the Inhalation of vaporized and lltunilrcd fluids hy the pnetmiiitic nntl ,,, .,n,u , , oinmiaiiiH witn tnc vaporised Hal sani Ithe nahmm obtained from the natural IiiiIshiii trees near Asheville.) We also iiiHiiulacttirc a Home Trcutmcnt of the Compound Oxygen, which is etmitl ti the office treatment, and will lie sent on itpplii iition hy express, oti receipt of price f 12 (lur success here for the past three yen rs with this treatment has been phenomenal hnv inu cured manv cast-s that were oronimticeil hniK'leHM wh,.M nunM n.i ohtained liy cnllinK at the Sttnilurium. Hy ............ n-Mv . . ,,. j . n.mii, r,-iiiiiviir,j. r.. ncco.ciers t'. pi. court ; Kev G C Knit- km, pastor First Mrthoillst Church ; Kev. W. A. Nelson, pastor I'irst Raptist Church H T Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. THE "BONANZA," V WINE AND . LIQUOR . STORE v IN THI5 8TATK. FINE SAMPLE AND IIIIXIAKD ROOM. j. a. w a mjvA kit, M K.r. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C UtWia MAIIIU'X, Pres. I.. V. McI.Ol'K, Vlce-l'res. I. H. KANKIN, Cashier HntKCTossUwis Mitildin, M.J. Hrardrn, M.J l'ttKg, J. B. K.iiikin.J. B. Kay.J1!!, Kwd 8. II. Kccd. tieo. S. f'owell, C. M Mcl.oud. lTa WESTERN CAROLINA BANK JA8IIBV I.LB, N. C, FlillKDAKY 1st, lhMU. t)rKunizcd May 1st, 1888. lAl'lIAL, 50,K0. . 8TATB, COl'NTV AND Docs u (icm-rtil IlMtikintr Httsiness. Deposits lections made on nil accessible points. The On all sums In this department, deposited of per cent, per annum will lie paid. 8wclal attention given to loans on rcul estate, which will be placed for long time on real suitable terms, . Open Irom Oa. tn. lo3 p. m. On Saturdays the Suviug Ui.-artn.ent will br open till p.i febadtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Sutxx'88trs to Hart & Willinmstin,) MANI'FACTt'KKkS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AJoultliiitfM, Stun-Work, Vim Jn k'lior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASIUiVII.LK, N. C. AliKNTS ft Ik The IUit ki'vc I'tiiiiii . Steel ami fin Shinnies, l-ltxir mill J Icjirtli Tiles. i Li - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE ortlautl I t-,..-.il, Hto 111 wkB ance, of various designs and c.lors and very tlnrnhie for walks In yard., sidewalks, floors for Public Bull.linKs, Halls, Porches, Untruntx-s, Basements, llutcher Sho.w. Ac swb.i sls, colors Hmldcslsns for I1KART1I8. lla.til.ome Carrlnite- Hlwks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT Bam,desofnik..ete.,etlK-en.lfflOVer j. B. lHckerson'. ll.rtlware Store on Public 8tuare, corner of South Main street. 9 . " Yard: Oltl Ik-pot. & WEAVER, MAIN STKRliT. kl'IM'8 DAWSON. Hunt. ACTCHIiKS Ol' Mill Work. tiprMtllni MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. M-miission wr refer to the fiillowinK well-known T. J. HAROAN, M. It. . SCRPH.7S, f s.ooo CITV PKl'OSITORV. received. Hmhanne botiKht and sold. Col- Suvlnjj feature will receive Sk-cIiiI attention. for four months or longer, interest ut the rate A(lliNTS M'l''KS. -OK IHrkit'a I'lik-tit Vlicathin Lath in AND TILE WORKS. ad Tile, c,w.dlKl, handsome In pWHr- AND G000 BUILDING SAND FOR SALE P. O. Hox 03. C. E. MOODY. H. T. COLLINS, I'ichiiltiit. ASHEVILLE I'uiv Ic iiiadc fioTii Distillnl Water. Ofliec: .aniartj lluildin. l'atton Aveiuio. ). C. Watldcll, President. W. W. Ilarnunl. THE CATiK ASII15VILL15, N. C. UlRs-.tTOKt l I. P. SAW Vl-.K. Tiw. PAITON. .U. MARTIN, W. W. 1IAKNAKD. . L. CAKKOLL, D. C. WADDf LL, oi;u. w. Williams, oi Wilmington, n. c. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Itauk in INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, sn.uis.-iBi sis mii i djs:r, n uiuuwsoHuviiaiia raientuatigcrH, t'uitits, Oils and Varnishes, M usury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Uluss, botk , French and American We keep in stock St. Louis antl Kentucky Lead. ii:0. F. SCOTT, (Sucxx-sst.r to Dtiuliltilay & Sttitt,) North Public Square, -WINDOWS, - ISLINDS, - DOORS, Class, Putty, Lime, Plastering llnir, ShinKlts, Laths, l'ciicitiK PoBts. All kinds of Buildinii Orders will receive prompt attention. W. T. I'KNNIMAN. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOIIBKKS H J AiR j D ASIII'VIM.i:, is. c. AGENTS FOR . DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, M0LINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. feblldly ' Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, In Pallnn A ' fchiodtf - PLUMBING, STEAM AND CAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, - ' ARCHITKCTl RAL IRON AVOHK. Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application We have thorough me-chanic. in each line who have had many years' esperleu In thcr hu.ineH. Wc can safely Kuarantce our patrons satisfaction In our work,, low hgure.. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblStlly C. IL CAMPBELL, ManufHMurer and ;in;i:r alk, ciiampagnu nni-n. LICTIONMHK, n , CARRONATI-U WATUR IN SIPHONS. l-ctor, ai7 Haywood HI. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, N. C. Kir the rm-itii.n (if piitk-ntit gncrin; f (irat-a l Iihikb and throat, nnd ctimltictcd Uhhi the pi mi ol the mmitnire. at OtcberKdt.rf and Fnlkeiwlem in Or many. Our in the only mich institution in the United State., nnd endorsed by the U-ndinK niembera of the medical profession. Terms reasonfli,ei KARL VON Rl.'CK, B. S M. 1. Ii. L.LACAN, Secretary ICE C0L1PAI1Y. Vice l-resident. Lawrence Pulliam, Cu.hier. OF ASHEVILLE, "C8tei u Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUND $20,000. Iclj.ldly Material, fcbllldly W. H. I'KNNIMAJt. AND IIBALKKS IN- I W I A i R ! E WholeHHl ahin ... SARSAPARIJLLA, ii.a,j "-ONICJByKjKR, P. O. Box 4.