THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Crmrn It th anoat extensively circu lated and widely read newspaper la Western North Carolina. Its riisctismoa of public men and measure, bis tKf In Lr rest of public Integrity, honest .toverament, and aroiroa8 Imlustt y, aod it now no prraouaJ allegiance la trenlinK pub lic tmoea. The Ctrmtn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, w Hk b now cover, the arhole world rn tla acoe. It baa other lacili tka of advanced jxmmaliam for gathering newa from all quarters, wits every thtne care fully edited to occuy the emallcet space. rprcimca copies or any edition will be seat f w to any one srmling their address. Taaaa Daily, o for one rear; $3 rVrr all biontha: AO cents for one month i 16 centafor one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in every part of the city to auhaniljera. and par ties wanting it will picas call at the Cmxaa 'j lice. , Adviitisiso Bitrs Bcaaonahlc, and made fcaown on auolicaUon at this orhec All traaascat adrcrtiaemenu must uc paid In as TUESDAY. MAY 7. 1889. VrJTEKDAlU EUiCTION. At the moment of writing this, we do not know what Mr. Wanton's majority may be. It matter not to at whether it be one or one thousand, ineithrrcvent, Mr. C. D. Blanton is ora mayor. When we use these words, we do so ad risedlr, intending aft that they mean He is the chief officer of Asheville; as such, we will respect, honor, obey and Support him. It will be no forced obedience, no pretended loyalty, no churlish, hulf hcarted support that our mayor may ex pect at our hands, but all 'of these we will render him to the very fullest ex tent, as may Ik extended by one who from infancy hat been taught that it in bis duty, "to honor and obey the civil authoRy." Mr. Blanton may expect from us no captiouscriticJsm. We willsieultourmiiid freely on all public measures that may be proposed by him. Should be heed our ad vice, we of course will be gratified ; if he does not, we hope he it wiser than we re, and never attribute to hira any un worthy or selfish motive. Those who elected him are our friends, and sincerely thought him the best qualified of the candidates. While we differed with them during the canvass, the question to ut it now settled, and we will do all in our power to prove their judgment correct. The election passed off quietly, tlie some good nature prevailing to the last, at marked the campatgn from beginning to end. There were numerous charges of - bribery and corruption, but such is ever the case. We have no meant and no wish to verify such accusations. If there it sufficient evidence to convict any man of being given or accepted a brilw, we cull upon the proper officers to present such case to the grand jury, and to prosecute it with all diligence, and il guilty, let such person or persons be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We arc sure Mr, Illuntou will join us in this advice; it it as much in justice to him and bit supporters, that we urge this course, at to purify our elections in future, .... We most emphatically beg all of Mr. Illanton't late opponents to do as we do, k't no bad feeling exist or find an abiding place in your breast. We fought boldly, squarely, let us surrender honestly, read ily and shake hands with Una Mayoh in hit determination to build up Ashe ville. .. TAtTK OR Dl'TV. No tingle incident in the New York cele bration has given rise to more comment, jHeasnnt and otherwise, than the sermou delivered by Bishop Totter on Tuesday, April 30. On the 30th of April, 17H1), into fit. Paul's church, the newly elected President entered with his friends to en gage in religious services preliminary to the solemn, momentous ceremony of the inauguration. It was most appropriate that on the spot in winch was invoked the IHyine blessing upon the new government Coming into existence, that thanks should be r turned for the bountiful response to the invocation of blessing; and so ttood under that roof the President of the hundred year old republic, continued without break of continuity to rend in the present the history of the past, nntl to return thanks, if he so willed, for the consummation of original hucs and aspirations, It was a fit occasion to impress UMn tlie minds of the distinguished men pres ent, auditors or worshippers, and to him especially who, in the line of lawful suc cession, had come to stand, after the lapse of one hundred years, wliere his first pirdecesnors had stood and knelt and prayed, tlie immensity of the con trast presented, the feebleness and dis trust attendant upon the erection of new institutions to which all the rest of the world were hostile, to the mightiness of a government grown to strength and power, preeminent among the nations, its systems adopted or imitated as tlie wisest guides for new aspiring govern ment, the several indeiendent States weak, discontented, power drawn firmly into tlie bonds of indissolltilile union to vast increase of national and rrsonnl wealth, and possibly, beyond all, the smooth, harmonious yet vigorous work ings of the principle the machinery of winch was set in motion on an eventful day, '.Z.. . .. . It was natural, it was inevitable that, in the achievement of such prodigious " IIR-WM, In the nttnhtmrrrt-nf utter) esVwt tive power, in tlie addition of so ninny vast concerns to the care of administra tion, In the accumulation of such vast ttoret of wealth, wide departure from original simplicity must have taken place, j lest purity in the attainment iifoflice, less purity of patriotism and great increase of individual self-seeking and arty corru tion, But it is not too late to recall the minds of those who live in the days of boundless wealth and unlimited prosieri ty, of easy luxury and umlcnyiug selfish ness to the times when these things did not exist; and when the perpetuity of the new institution was dependent .upon the fidelity of the people to hard and some what abstract principles of populur gov ernment, associated at they were with reverence tor Itt founders, of submission to law, of endurance of relative poverty. Contracts between that part and this present are wide, and present to our eyes dongert which are only tlx more immi nent in proportion to the effort to ignore or conceal them. Bishop rotter did a brave deed, ns an net of duty when he seized the occasion to dwell on tliese con trasts as rebuke or warning. Whatever flenee may be given by outsxkcn words will lie forgotton or forgiven when tliey are referred bock to tlie stern tense of duty. President Harrison, ns tlie exo nent of the newer and reprehensible line of public thought and conduct, may or may not take to himself tlie rebuke of Nathan unto David, "thou art tlie man." He need not, we think, appropriate it. But he may accept the ImiUI words as a guide and warning, and shunthednngers that threaten him, or retrace the steps his predecessors have trod. tOlTHKRN MILITARY AT THK CENTENNIAL. A long article in the New York Times reviews in detail the military parade of last Tuesday, seen, it strikes us, with somewhat jaundiced or hostile eyes. If the criticisms upon the Soutliern trooji are justified by facts, then tlie pride or the vanity of some of the States may lie mortified at the verdict rendered. We in North Carolina, have been, it would appear, unduly elated at tlie perfection of discipline, effectiveness and and excel lence of equipment to which our State Guard was represented to have attained. The Guard was represented in the grand parade ny iiirce cracs compuijica hk . . v i- :.. Governors tiunrUs trom Kuieign, inc Pasquotunk Killes from Elizabeth City, and the comjMtny from Tnrboro; all, to our eye, tlie iierfection of volunteer troops. Tlie article curtly dismisses tliese bodies wilh the following brief summary: "North Carolina (ioorly represented ; troops budly in need of better nrms ami equipments." South Carolina fares even worse at the hands of the critic. He says of the military from that State: "Troos on the whole, most miserable in appear ance. They are badly armed anil equir ped ; are apparently without discipline, and are little Utter than an armed mob;" a judgment which will be justly contested by a people military in their instiuctt and .most rigid in the observ ance of discipline, tlie fundamental prin ciple of military excellence. Few other Southern States receive more than half hearted justice; and a general summary of their military qualities, as illustrated in the comparison with the gaily udomcd troops of the North, places the South at an enormous disadvantage. Pcrhnm the South places too little stress uiriii externals. It remembers with pride that, in rugs and tatters with inefheient, often untiquated urms, splendor of equipment or even tlie com fort of full stomachs, covered backs mid well shod feet, were not the essentials of victory or of fortitude under disaster. Tlie time may come when tliese dcritled Southern troops, side by side with their more splendid Northern rivals, may ad vance tlie national standard of victory, and uphold its fume for courage quite ns fur as those more showy in externals. Hut the deprivation of projavr equi meats during the war was an enforced one. Whut necessity then enforced ditl not create, us a normal condition, squal or, neglect, or iudiHcrence to the hard rule of privation. But it may have use fully tuught that the success of war, the capacity for endurance of adversity, ure independent of "Hutip mid circum stances;" We are snllicieiitly well pleased with the modest garb of our representa tive military bodies ns compared with the splendor of their Nortliem brethren, so long as the question of discipline holds thcproier runk. Comparative poverty forbids rivalry in the one; warm hearts, willing, active and stout bodies assure tlie iHTfcction of the other. Pr'TTlUR KW AN PICKET, (ten. mid Ivx-Oov. Alfred M. Scales lsto'1 deliver the memorial itddrcss at Kalcigh on May 10. There is to be u reunion on the occasion olden. James Johnston l'el- tigrew's brigade and (!eu. Scales will make that brilliant scholar and soldier thcsiilijeclofhissccch. ThecfTortsofCol. Win. L. Stttmdt'rs, dipt. Bond's recent Mtmpli!ct, the Wilmington Slur and other authorities have done much toe tablish the truth of history and the splen did courage displayed by Pcttigrew's North Carolinians at Oetlvshuig, and Gov. Scales, who washimscll in the third day's fight will throw still more light upon this subject. Apropos of this is the following from the Weldon Newt: dipt. Bond s pamphlet showing (hat Pcttigrew and not Pickett is entitled to tlie glory that graced the Confederate banners at the battle of Gettysburg, is ls:nriiig fruit. It is bound to convince any uiir miuucti man wmi win reau it. a private letter to the author from AnIic- ville, says that the writer had a long conversation with General Douliletlnv, a Federal officer and brother of the General Dotibleditv mentioned in the pamphlet "General lKitibledav contended," eoiitin ues the letter, "that Pickett's men ditl as So-called history savs tliey did, and reaped ull tne glory." 1 asked him as a personal favor to read the essay Pickett or 1 cttigrew. He hn mst finished tell ing his opinion. Said he, "It owned my eyes, otir brave men have been shut deredi Cupt, llqnd gives chapter ami verse. It is a hue easav. fr. J'arker Prays cream Van-Ola, Kosa liiiCjOngHlitie and Ihnmond nail Hwder having now Uvonic tfiedirsHTiTiiiiUs; t V. L. Jacob' drug store, tliese (Hiptitar manicure articles may always be found together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete hie of drtiL'S and toilet articles, in addi tion to the llchc Soda Fountain from winch ice cold drtuks aiv dispensed. Cor ner Main street and Pnttoit avenue. ' Th (it-ii a I ne cradle, Augusta Chronicle. North Carolina is tlie cradle of patriot ism and the spnwniug ground of centen nials. The sturdy old Presbvterinns commenced in the (lid North State the first ngitittion ngnitistthc British crow n, and tniidc it a hornet's nest of revolution. It was the home ol the Mecklenburg cen tennial, A IMranliiK Hs-iine Of health and strrturth retwwisl mwl i ease and comiort follows tlie use of Syrup oi rigs, as it acts in imrin my with nature to elkvluallv clcutisr the svsinx u,lu... costive or bilious. For sale in Bile, und 1 bottles by nil Icudiug druggists. Fruit of the Loom 8 1-2 by the Holt. We return thanks for pant favora .and invite special at tention this week to Beaded Caries, all-over Flouncing in white and cream, Butcher's Linen, blenched and un bleached, for children' apron, piece good for boy' paiitn and 8uitn, Honiethiiitf tfood in Iadien', inin8e!' and children'! Black How, Wind- Hor Tien for the boys and I'araHoln for the f?irln, Lonn- dale, Tride of the Went, Fruit of the Loom, and other brandr! of l)onienticI A now aHHortnient of buttonn, braidn, pirdleH and dnns trimmingr!,' white goodn in P.iiuen, MarweilleK, . Nain nookn, Check MlitsliiiH, India Linen! and Linen LawiiH, Al- batroHH in pink, green, blue ereahi, red and black, receiv ed to-day. Satinon, Challien find NunV. Veilings in all the new Nhaden. Tliene goods wen; niadt regular, bought regular, and will be sold regular to regu lar ciiHtouierH. FirHt-clann in every reHiHrtjiiothingrihtMldy or Keeond handed . aboift them. Warranted as repre sented or money refunded Buy them and you will be pleased. Fail to do so, and you will regret it. Uespectfully, nosTic imos. & wkhjut. P. S. if you ever intend to buy towels now is the time to do so. We have the best bar gain in a towel you eversaw, and can beat the Klectrie Street Uailway in this line. II. II. & W. Asheville, April 19, 1 HMD. HOOKS AND 8TATIONIIHV, ARTISTS' MATHMA1.8. BNlilNliltRH' Sl'14'I.II'.8, PlCTl'KlM AMI I'KAMliS, FANCY omnia, III.ANK ItllllKH OF liVllKY GKAllli, A. IM1I.I.-S, TOYH AND f.AMKH, VYHSTHKN N. C. SCHNliH, iiotii I'liuTor.KApine anu hand- I'AINTKIJ, AT lCSTAHROOKVS, aa H. Main Street. A LAKI1K ASSIISTUKNT OK AMERICAN VATCIIlv, All styles, sites und prlet'S. Jewelry of everr tltwriiitlnn. Silvirwnrt, solid anil lated. Uohl nml Silver llrailnl Canes. 8K-0tiu-les and Kyr Glumes fitted to the rye. Pine Wnleh Relialritld anr) KngravinK BHrelnlty. LANG, The Jeweler, ' nouin mmn Hirc-vi prt4 iKIiu REGISTKR ! NothiiiK so Itnpurtttnt for the arason aa to register your names at . J. M. ALIJXANpEirS- For a good art of rin.rt.rsa or a Sadillc. His stock la now eomulete and looks perleetly lieaiitlful. l'ine Knitlinh Itridlrs, Croia, Ujj. llins, etc., at lowest uKUira. The sleest selec tion ol l.lnrn Lap Holies and Momk Dusters at rrinarkshly low Snurea. Motto: Uukk MiUra and Short I'roHts, aiirI4d0m A. TKNNIiNT, Architect and Contractor, I'lana, siievin. atlona anr) eatlmatra ,r. nishrit. All work in my line contracted for, anil no eharirea for urawlnss on contracts awarded me. KrH-reni'ra when desired. llfhoe: No. 1'J llendrs lllork. Nnrlt mfuart, Ashctllle, It. C. kbllMlly MISCELLAXnOUS. 17. II. LEA'S OIG EASTER .OFFER FOR CASH ONLY. 2000 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8c. by the bolt, 44 wide. 104 Mohawk Valley Sheet ing at 2e. Kir yard. i G-in. Pillow (Wing at I5est Lonsdale Cainbrie at lie. per yard. White Quiltw from .Vic. to f 2. (50-in. Conestoga Ticking at Nice lVrcfiles, from 7c to 1 1 c. W. H. LEA, 17 N. Main Street. k A new lot of Hall ltazaar forms just in. Also, a complete line of lish- mg ttu kle. This week we wish to direct attention to Men's, IJoys' and Children's (nothing, and Men's Furnishing Goods, of which we show a large assort ment. Also, to sjrecially low fig ures on Ladies' and Misses'. Spring-Jackets and Ladies' Headed l'acs. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing, Dry (.oodti, Fancy (oodH, HhocM, Hats, and Carpets. 7 and U I'ATTDN AVliNl'U. ANPiOCNCKMKNT TO THE IADIES ESPECIALLY. We a l-epleastnl to announce that our stock of Millinery is now in and ready for insixc- ion and would be pleased to have the ladies call. Our intention of having a HjHsinlHlrantl-Pptmfrig-hns to lie foregone, as Mrs. Mac- Nair is so busy with orders that we have not the time to give it projier attention. Also wish to announce that our stock of Dry (Joods, Fancy Goods, Parasols and spwialties art; oiten for in- siKvtion. With our thanks or past favors find with a determination to merit your continued patronage. KeKjrectfully, A.WIIITLOCK. MISCELLAXLOIS. 00000000 000000000 T, C, SMITH & CO,, WHOLESALE -ANU- RETAIL PRESCRIPTION , DRUGGISTS, Johnston's Corner, Aheille, N. C. tl O II o 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 1ICHM0N0 IUNVILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) r'ASSRNORS DRrtSTHRNT, Ashrviixs, N. C.Jan. 1, 1HH9. PAKSBNGBR TRAIN 8CKBDULB. In Bfprct Jaw. 1, 1889: j No. 61 No. (13 I.v. Asheville, Ar. SliHliury, " Danville, " LynehhurK, " WHsldnrtcm " Raltimorc, " I'hiln., " New York, " Boston, " Richmond. " RaleiRh, ' Goldsboro, " Wilmington 05.rpni 437am 97iwi 1245im 7 3rim 92()pm 3oonm 6 20am 8 Hiipm 14pm 643im 10 2Opm 1 oonm TOOam . 825am 1047am 1 20pm 90opm a 30pm 81 Ram 7 Roam 1 1 4.1am 1 02pm 310pm fiwipm No. R5 I.v. Asheville, Ar. HcndrrmmviHe, Ar. Spartanb'K Charlotte, " Columbia, " Charleston, AnKtu, " Havannah, " Thoraasville.Ga Jaeksonvllle " Atlanta, " MontKom'y " Mobile, " New Orleans 8 30am 9 20am 11 60am " 8 30pm 440pm 9 10pm 90Rpm luara 1 4t)pm 1 oo in 10 40pm 7 2Rnm 1 5Rpm 7 2ipm I No. 84 I.v. Spartanburg, Ar. Ilendersonville, 340pm 6 07pm 7oopm Asheville, I No. SO No. R2 1 No. 84 .Asheville. . Hot Springs Knoxvllle, Chat tan 'KB, NHshville, Memphis, . Ashevil.e, . HotSprinfrs Knoxville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, 740nm 11 20uin 1 10im tllopm It I Ham 74()nm U2(iam 1 1 Opm fl loam 0 30pm 74Rm 444pm 81 Opm 8Ropm R40nm 1 1 4rain 8 3tlpm 444pm 6 10pm 8R0pm 7 IRam 1 1 45 a in naopm; 7 4.rpm' 7 OR pin M40pm MtiRPHY BRANCrt. No. 18 I.v. Asheville, Ar. Wayncsvillc, 8 2Rutn 10 53atn B4Hpm Jnrrett a. No. 17 I.v. larrett'a. 6(Oatn 1 2Rpm 84flpm Ar. Wuvncsville, Asheville, Sleeping cars on all night trains. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBIIRN, O. F. A. H. I A. 8UL. HAA3.T. M. IIRCIODI FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD. It AN l-at APS . BroouiM, Whisks, Hearth and Cellinfr Ilroonis. M 111 and FHctory grades a specialty. Quo tations ann samples free. K-tilorlly J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. febiodlv JOTICB. win eoiien neiita ror anyone In the city for iiermit. iwxt fneilities for renting and col lecting rents on Houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. J. B. JOHNSON. At Blair's furniture Store, ft i ratton Avenue. mar14lHm Refrrence. given JAMES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Maia Street, . Asheville, N. C. Jrbiodljr REAL ESTATE. W1I.TKI P. OWYM, W. W. WF.ST. GVAU & WEST, (Successors to WaHer B.Gwyo) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary l'uli.ic. Commiiudouen. ol iM-rds. FIRE INSURANCE. FFICK-Bontheat Couri Square. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, in trnclafrom BO to 1()0,(KK) acrea. Have a number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the liest of terms. If y6u wunt a large or small Turin call on inc. If you want mlncruls of any kind, you need go no further,. If yon want timber lands, this Is headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything yon want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer amf practical surveyor engused to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. fcb24dlv W. CORTLANlr, Real Estate Broker. INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, 1'atton Avenue, Barnard Building. feb9dly D. S. WATSON, Real Kstate Agent,. Om.-rs.for sale the best lot in Asheville for a Hotel two acres on Tatton Avenue between Builey and Grove streets. Also, some very fine residence lots for sule centrally located. Uood business lots for sale ut the. Old lie- K)t. I'int farming lands, timlicr lands, etc., for sale, nenr the city. FOR RBNT. Four splendid houses furnished and tmfur. nished, for rent. . U. 8. WATSON, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. INSURANCE. jflRB INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bonk or Asheville, ASHBVILLB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. : FIRR. cash asskts IS tl. s, Anglo Nevada, of California,......... 97. H83 Continental, of New Yord 4,878,1123 Hamburg-Bremen, of Orrmany.,... l,120,AO4 London Assurance, of Bngland 1,843,998 Niagara, of New York 2,237,492 Orient, of Hartford 1 ,OII7.B'J2 I'hienis. of Brooklyn 8,064,179 St. I'aul Hire and Marine, of Min nesota 1,641 ,0fl1 Southern, of New Orleans 439,084 Western, ol Toronto 1,039,232 Mutual Accident Association. Ktna Life Insurance Company. dtmar2U -THB- EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OP TUB VNITHB-STATHS. Assets 993,04a,9t.96 "U,J""" .7V47 ! (Larger than any other Conmnnv. I Outstanding Assurunee...Ss40j,ti6,is6.oo w ntirn in ixmb IS.I,,JJ,S..U Tontine Policies with 1R and 20 year pe riods are the most popular and p'rofltable form of assurance. For examples, rates, etc., confer with K. D. Monroe, Ajft., Asheville, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. feb23dtltn WM. R. PENNIMAN, PROPRIETOR OI THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Ashevlllc,ON. C. P. O. Host P. mar 13d I y THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ' Rooms on Main street, oooosite the office. Open daily, except Similars, from 10 a. m until 1 -pT-m.rimrI:(M until rrmr: The terms of subscription are-. One year t'2: 6 nios.. (1.80: a moa.. SI : 1 mo., r.o. i- . I imcers tnr 1 HNQ lr..i,)r.i t d u u i Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsry ; Hec.anii i reas., i. . vtataon; Librarian, Miss B.J Hatch. Citliens and visitors are eonliallv Invli.l to inspect the catalogue and inserllie their names aa members. febHdtf YB.WOLFB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. A 11 VLtrla es4 I. . 1M iviiiiiii TTIUK MUIIsT, I oh hit. ar and kiilnniinins- - i's uinuiii m- IpiirlrMl X with W. H. WUII r Co. febttdrtm MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Building. Pat- ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she Is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the market affords. Terms reaaonahte, mar31d()m ANBW DHKI), carefully prepared hr lead Ing memliera of the Aaheviil h.r ... anest twrehmeat aad heavv flat sawrl .ring all necessary points. Just out and aow on saie at tne oince of the crrum Publish. iw c . No. North Onirrt Bq.are HsnlHtf HOTELS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PHIVATE BOARD. THE THOMAS HOUSE. NtiAK IIATTl'.HY PARK, Is now under entirely iitw uianiit-uieiit. untl will be kept in strictly tirbt-eluss stvkr. TRANSIENT OK RbUI'LAK HVAkUkKS TAKKN Northern Cooking. Kates keusonalilf. , MKS. B. LACY & vS()N. rrt)rk-tors. dtf A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Hound Trip Tickets only $4.80, including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PA1.K HOTEL. The Hatha in Marble Pools and Poreeliiiii Tubs are the finest null most luxurious iu America. The Hotel is NEW AND F1UST-CLASS In Bvery Particular. UNEXCKLLKIJ IN ITS CUI8INB. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by I'inc-clud Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no maluria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely licrfcct drainage. dt,iul'"J KICHLAND HOUSE, Corucr Main und ix-pot, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Kooms newly lumislicd. Fare the beat tlie market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 per day. G. D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietor. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House One of the Iwst In Western North Carolina, Summer and winter resort. Nature's sanita rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate. OHO. N. BLACKBURN, Prop'r. mnrl3d3m J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building:. (School and College Text Bowks,, n full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, -Family Bibles, S. 8. Bibles. and Test nments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and (rents' - Pocket books just opened, Fancy (Joods and Dolls. febllkllT j. c. imcnvN, MERCHANT TAILOR, as Pattou Avenue, (Next I t to Grand Central Hotel.) nprltflly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. B. !lckcrson & Co.'s Hardware Store, under th firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience aa under taker ami emtialmer, and unequaled facilities for buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Kverythlng pertaining to the business al ways onhand. frhisdflm QflillDTS- DENTiFRICF A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. OS- 0kUTttY PUBC iNOSfOlfNTS tAUTIFItS THI TttTH. 'nlllRVIl THt GUMS. WCCTtNtTHK IRtATH NO INJURY TO TMB ENAMCL. BAfK ANO AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET PREPARATION. MICE 80 CENT PER BOTTLE. oi0 av all onuaonTm. . H. WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. Pliort (.TiMont. Mb. For -. , J. 8-" , 4wUn38 ' ..- " ' r ( "' . "... .- ' ' ' J-

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