t:::: daily citizen Will be fwibHhed every mominf frvcrpt Mm dnr) st im tooowing rates twctij cm.' One Vr.r Sil Month ,-,.,,. ., ,,,, , 8 (K Three Month I SO M...11 h , , , go UtM Week. , 18 Oar carrier will deliver the paper every morning la every part of tlx city to oar sub scribers, and parties wanting it will pleas call at the Crruaa Office. Mew AdTcrUtcmcnla, Private Board PHnt street. Agmt Mt. Zioa Baptist church. ' Notice Wrat Abevilk Toll Hridge Co. Syrup of PigsCalifornii Pig Syrup Co. Vailed Mates atfraal Sera-Ice attav- . Uoa, Aahevrllle, M. C. LATirrna, S8.S0 Noim. Loaormna g2.36 WasT. Blsvation, a.SSU FaaT. MeteorologiraJ report for M hoara ending at s. bm , May o. lemw. TBMPBRATURB. Morthci a Bxposure, tthaded. Taai M.8 2 pn 1 9 pail Mam. I Mia. Daily M 77.l t 6,7.1 L8l-1J 81. '. ' raa. .27 "T)BW-iOlNT. T86 2 St Spa 9 pa 87 8 "hbL. Humidity." AB8Q' ht?MII)ITV. Daily Meaa. 2.HH 2 p a I Daily Meaa. I18J 1.B BAROMBTRR PBBCIPItATION. Corrected for altitude and temperature. Bala aad I Snow IseltcdSaow. Depths. Dally Mean, laches, Inches, 0 0 80.21 Weather Clear. K, . RUCK. M I)., Jadlcioaa Advertialna;. CREATES many a new buiinena; ENLARGES many an old butine; REVIVES many a dull butine; RESCUES many a ktt butine; SA VES manr a failinn business: PRESERVES many a large butine; SECURES tucce In any butine. To advertise judhioutly, use the col umn of "Tlx Cititen." Everybody read it; and in propoition to the return it yield advei titer, it rate art the cheap- tit in the count r. "You hare beard-a cat purr, I sup pose?" asked the judge. "Yea." replied the Major. "Rut outside of poetry you never beard a Lowper. A Mew I .amp. The Calcium Lamp is all mvtul and is safe. Give a light equal to six ordinary lamia. Are made to hang or atand. child can put iu new wick. Ncvergetout of order. Will lend a lamp to any home to cm for two dayi and then send and take them back. All are requested to try the lamp, and will be at no trouble ore penae in doing to, Law'i Silvbr and China Hoi hk, Opposite I'ostoffice. N OTICB. A meeting of the stockholder and part Ira In terra ted in the West Ashcville Toll Hrldgr Company will he held at l.vman ri Child's office in Legal Building, Wednesday mprnlng at luo nix-R, U4i pRIVATK BOARD. A nicely tarnished front room with flrst das board, la high and central location, can aow be found oa Flint (tract, ft rat house from Haywood, oa ngnt hand aide. 1 1 Agent at Aslievillc. To whom It may concern : We, the member of the Mount Zlon Bap tiat church, of AahevUle, N. C do hereby au thorite Re. I. P. Rumley, the paator of the aid Mount Zloa Baptlat church, to aolldt and collect contribution! for the rxprcM pur pose of punhaaing a site upon which to erect a building. We hope that aot one will refuae to help ua, bat contribute liberally to this much needed cauat. This church was organised February 11, 1HBH. Bince mat time Ha members have brea baptised and 123 added by restoration, making the membership oyer 200 at present. This la enough to eiprcsa the usefulness and energy of the Key, R. P. Rumley without saying anything mors, lie Is a man of con siderable theological ctprrlrnc and draerves to be suatalned as the general soliciting agent for this temple for Ood's church. This church will be located at a conrrulcn t place for those who arc employed In services, may? dlaw At ta TOWN LOTS FOR SALE ! 183-4 ACRES, Lying near the "Oakland Inn," overlooking the river, upon which arc several as beautiful unoccupied building sites as can be found hi or near the city. Apply to JOHN K. CONNAIXY. aprll dim enun JpOR 8ALB. Beveral floe sows, Iresh to the pall. Apply to K. U. Mll.KtlKIl, aprlt din IE sua Fernihurat. rJRl'iTBB t BALK. By vlrtae of a deed of truat xreutnl to me by 8. B. At slue, to secure the payment of a certain note mentioned therein, said truat beina dated the lid of Aorll. 1HUT. and reieia. trred in the omce of the Regiater of Ueeda of unncomoe eounty. la Hook No, 10 at page 122, 1 will sell at the Court Houae ia Aehc villc on the 16th day of May, Immu, the lot mentioned therein, aituatc.'on the east aide 01 imi aircei, in inc city 01 AancviMC, wtir front on said street of 1.12 rret and runnint hack oyer WH leet yerydrairallriiriiierty Thia April 16, 1BHU. X. 1. ell'MMKV, aprlo d v ta 4t Trustee. Leave Your Order With . BLACK, The-New-TIlor, OpKalte the Bwannanoa Hotel. . . ' ' FOR A SUIT OF CXOTHICS OR A PAIR OF PANTO. A Fl'LL LINB OF NBW UOOlMt ll'ST BR- CBIVBD. Cloth sold by the Yard. Ladles'' Jackets Cut aad Fitted. Boys' Uarmcnts Cut. AU Kinds of Tailoring. EILT-ECCE PROPERTY FOR SALE AT AUCTION, Monday, 13U1 day ofmay, 8. On the above day we will oner for sale at public auction oa the grounda without re arrve, that valuable provrty on Collrgr anil Kpruee streets uetoaglng to Mrs. Thus. U. Carter. It ha a house with 1(1 room and all acces sary outhouea: Is IrMllret on College atrcrt aad (KMl a-rt oa Bprure, and within 7S yards of the Public Mquare. Thia ia a rare chance to buy a residence, business lot or make an Investment within the very heart of the city. Terms of Hals 2ft per cent, cash, remainder la aii, twclvs, eighteen and twenty-tour months' time, with a percent. Interest, pay atW semi-annually, on deterred navmrnta. The property will be ode red in lots and then aa a whole oa day of aals. Both eitlara aad etraanvr are rrqueated to call oa as at mir uthtv u iHihllr a,,..., u.. aard bull.iing, where aU dralreil informa- - " n'a. 1 lues (naraateed. Katt AtVttiBon St Dona, , lo.Uni ""' " Mr-T- Carter. marki:th bv ti li graph. Money and aercarltlea Cotton Provialons and Produce. MOKIT AXDIKCrSITIFS. Kuw Yon a. May 6. Exchange dull but trady to 6rra. Money eaay 2a.l. Hub-Treasury balances Cold, 183,350.- OOO; currency, fln.VUM.ooo. Government bonda dull bat nrm per rent., II At, cr centa. Slow. Ala.ClasA 2ao Hir.!i I rac. i.imor .i Ala. Class B. 6s 111 IN. V. Central Iu7"i Ga. 7a, mort lo4l.N. He W. pfd 6i H. C. Cum., 95 IN. P. pfd - - S. C. Brown's...l Pactnc Mail S7i Tena. . loilReadinK "SV Tenn. 6a.. lOlH Kich. 4i Alle 17 Tena. Set.. 8a.....' 7W. at rotni.. tVirmniaiu lKKk Inland U5k Virifinia tona... an tn. ram , Northwcatem ...107SI io pM 1M1,4 do pld ...139 Te. Pacific 22 DelaUKk 13Mt,!Tenn Coal Iron 3d4 Brie - 2;)irnion l'acihc 6I, Eaat Tena 9 Lake Shore 108 Lou. at Maah 64 Mem. At Char... 6 N.J. Central 9V, Mo. PadBc 73t Wcatern I'nion.. HriaB Cottonseed Oil Mob. ADhio...... 11M,i Certincatea... 05V Maah. a Chat... 9SWI LlvsarooL. May Noon Cotton, quiet and rather easy. American middling 6 3-16. Salea 8.tNH: speculation and eiport fiiM). Re ceipts 13.0O0, American 9,100. Futures closed quiet but steady. 1 r. M. American middling, V Riilcs ol to-dav included A.AOO American Mar eJH-fis, value; June ana juiy, o n-o aeiirnt juiy ano Auauat 8 M-tM. srllera: Auvust and Mcplrni ber 8 6-8A, sellers; Mcptrmlier and ttatober 5 A9-8A. srlkrs; October and November, 0 3U rV4, sellers; November and December, 8 3rt 4 sellers: Hevumber 6-o sellers. Futures dosed dull. Nsw Voua, May . Cotton quiet. Hales to-dav 1.17 balcsf middling uolauils 11 3-111: mulilllnn Orleans 117 18. Total net receipt at all porta for to-day 0,470. Biorts to (Ireat Hritain 21,941, I ontlncnt, 3,ooi Htork 3H7.M71 tiulcs NswViiVK, May 6. Cotton Net receipta 2HH; gross 5,788. Futurrscloacd weak. Kalea 1 1 2.BOO bales. - ' " May 10.7alO,7MNov Wia 9 Mi June 10.7010 77 lire U.n7a 9.hh July 11121 Ian 9.U5a 9.U0 Aug ll).M7all.HH:Fcb 10.U8alO.04 Sept lo.28alo.il7l March II). Halo 12 Oct 9.U3a 9.04 Galvkktoh, May 8. Cotton quiet, 11; re ceipts 341. Noanika, May 8. Cotton steady, It; re cctpta 482, lULTinoai, May 8. Cotton firm, HHire ceiiiu 2H2. ' Boston, May 8. Cotton quiet and firm, 1H.H1IV receipts 677 V ilu inotom, N. C, May 8. Cottonquiet, 10VS; receipts 82. Piiu.Auai.riiiA.May 6. Cotton Arm, 11 receipts o. Havannah, May 6. Cotton 'quiet and Arm; 1A: receipts HMO. NswOsLSANs,Mny 6. Cotton easy, 10. receipts 97. Mosil.s, May 6. Cotton steady, 0; re celpt. 311. Alsurius, May 8. Cotton firm, 10; re ceipU H. Auopsta, May 0. Cotton quiet, 10; re. ceipts SN7. CHAaLKSTos, May 8. Cotton Drill, 10; receipts 017. PROVISION AND PSOIIUCS. Cincinnati, May 6. Flour barely atrudy. Wheat steady and stronger No. 2 ml N4uH(k. Corn eauler No. 2 mlied 38Km37. Oats stronger No. 2 nilscil (Hjiil'ilv,, pork steady 12.28. l.aritlinn bliVj. Whiskey stead v 1.02. 8t. Lin n, Mo., Mav 8 Flour quirt and steady, Wheat No. 2 red cash 77V4; June 7IW7tlk. Corn hiKbrr no. 2 ml rasb .'li,; Mav 81a3l 14. Oats firm No. 2 cash 23Wa2344 bid. Whiskey stcnily 1.02. I'ro- visliins. dull and weak. Bai.timobii. May !. Flourln good demand. Wheat Southern nearly nominal Fulls 88 ami Longlierry KOnlltl; Western dull j No. 2 winter red spot 8414. Corn Houthcrn, steady white 40u42U; yellow 42n4.'l; western firm. Chivaoo, May 6. CAnh quotations to-day were aa follows; Flour strnily. Wheat No 2 ml H2V. Corn No. 2 34li. Outs No. 2 2 2.1. Mess pork II. BOal 1.8.1. Lard6.77H no. mi. nimrt tins sines a.ni van on; snoui ders S.28aA.80; ahort clear 6.2oatl.87Vfc. Whiskey 1.02. Nkw York, May 8. Southern Aour quirt. Wheat dull and sternly No. 2 ml H3aM:., Corn stroniirr No. 2 44a44ti; Mav 4214. Oats steady and quiet May 22U. IliqM Arm and quirt. Hugar raw nominal; refined dull and lower. Molnssrs foreign strong; New Orleans quiet. Klre steady ana unlet Cottonseed olfqtilet. Wool quiet and weak. Pork more active. Href dull; beef hams quirt; ticrccd lieef slow. Lard ettsler. Freights Ann. Cotton Vlil. Oram 2VI). WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN Of hiM'h prict-H when 10 W 10 IA, & SMDEU will wdlyou choice 3 pound Canned IViw Ih'h put up ill honvy nyrup for 15 contH? Tlitwviire liiMt wn hou'h t'linniii"; and tiro fivwt cIuhh. Wo iiIho offer a liniittHl (uantity , of U pound I'io PenolicH at 10 contu mm cnn. We have on hand from GO to 100 canes of standard Maryland Corn that wo offer at 10 centH jkt can, which in a bargain. We have a car of New York BurbankH 1'otatoeH, the ttneHt ever offennl in thin market, 7G to HO cents m bushel. - POWELL & SNIDER COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVENUE. STRAUSS RESTAURANT ANIJ NEW ICE CREAM 6ARDEN, lilct'lrlcnreUPJWriJiic Door. I herewith notify the public that tills lny. May 1, 1 hare milled to, my well known Res taurant a A ue Ice Cream Garden. The same has lieen Atled up neatly fur the oc casion and I will always have on hand the choicest ul Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice In large or small quantities, 80 come in good time and have some Ane Ice Cream nnri Cakes and don't forget that at Straus' you will get The Bent of lie Cream, and where always polite nnd attentive wait er will be pleased to erv. Come early, com often, conic one, come all, and git- your frieud Strauss a good many calls. Very rssptL'tlulty, KsSTRAVSg, saayauu Proprietor. MISCELLAXEOUS. We invite the reader to rail at the Racket iStore. Hear in niiml we flo not advertise what we have not pt, and we cannot (mt in an uAd'' like this even a third of the article, or lines of good we handle. We have one of the largest stores in Asheville, full ni of bargains. We guarantee every thing we selL We are connected with the great Auction L)ry (ioods House of C. B. ISouks, 4'! and 408 Broadway, New York; by this connection we are able to un derbuy and undersell any concern in this city. The red flag of the auctioneer or sheriir does not damage our goods, but it everlast ingly smashes the prices. We buy a bargain and we sell a bar gain. We w not sell a dollar i worth to anyone on credit: we mark our goods in plain figures one price, sot cash, and you get the worth of every dollar left with us. No merchant who keeps a set of hooka can meet our prices, and no soH'alled cash store in Ashevilli can meet them, because they have not the same facilities for buying Our Mr. Houss supplied over 4(H) Racket Stores ; he buys for cash in immense lots; he sends us a part of all the best bargains he gets suitable . to our section; we sell at a small profit, anil the peo ple who pay cash get the benefit, Any one having ten dollars to spend, and livin; within 40 miles of Asheville, will do well to come to the Racket Store to spend their money. We, guarantee satisfae tion. Do not buy anything, ex cept groceries ami drugs, unti you have seen whether we have it or not. Thankful to the peopl who have dealt with us for over twelvemonths in our new quar ters and w ith our increased stock we are better prepared than ever to serve them. Our prices art never put up, wo ever seek to lower them. See us before vou buy. . N. Y. Ollice 4! Broadway (Jko. T. Josks & Co." New York Ollice 45i Broadway. May 6, 188!). 2t Swunnunou Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business men. Blcctric cars pass the door. ' RAWL8 BROS., fchtdly Propr's, GRANT'S If your prescriptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy you can positively de pend upon these facta : First, that only the Purest and Best drug and chemicals will be used Second, they will be compounded carefully and ac curately by an experienced irectipt!onlet ; and third, you will not be charged an exorbi tant price. You will receive the best goods at a very rca- DRUG (liable profit. A full line of Patent Medicine, Toilet Arti cles, A ver s Hccamicr Prcpai a tlons.Vott's lilectrie Curlers, etc., etc. We hare the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medi cines. DkVAI'LT'8 OLD 8TANU, 24 t. Main St. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free ol charge STORE. mar 2th! ly JhOTICKOP DISSOLUTION. The linrtnrrsliliihrrrliiforrriistlniilM.to.n-n P. C. Mrlnlire anil Philip Mclntirr uuilrr the nnn name 01 1 . t , Mcintire 81 Hro. Ia thii day dissolved by mutual consent, P. C. Me Intirr tvtlrinu. The hiislnrn will tir ,.. ilucted In future bv Philip Mclntirr who will pay ami receive an units owing by and due to said Ann. April 15, IMHII. P. C. McINTIKK, aprlo dim PIlILIPMelNTIRU. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; ANO : SIGN ; PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, I prepared to do nit kinds of Painting. Ilriiig on your old looklng Carriages, Ilretts, Rur rys, Kuggirs, Carts and Wagons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. AH work warranted not to crack, blister or come on until It wear off. Terms reason able. Shop on liamctt Hill. Bugle Street, mar.lldum H'S 0 T't LoOk Wy, D' E. It? lTrO.,E tO T." AR "Yb "." RcmI"D yu T,..T 'T pa,8 fj H y O 1 jj re C9 pr It? o U u y u QrU rik f ov Ol N GVni Feel Ci a. d. ;ooj? Srtv vwMlired. 7 No. 12 llrmlry block. North Court "AAshcvUle, N. C. IcbllMlv ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. DON'T ORDER From yourfirocer, even for trial, our , "ROLLER KING" PATENT FrfH-uuse it in made in Anheville, "VOU KNOW," " Uut we iiUnlge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can be made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Ih the inoMt popular Bt might gooda in thin market. Ah1 yourj(Jr(M er for the above Bmndu, manufm-tured by the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, ' . II. T. COLLINS & CO. Suierior Hard ami Soft Coal at AVholenale and Ketail. Oificc: Barnard Huilding, Patton vTne. Yard: Old Dejkit. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Most l''aliloiiallc Goods iu Our Line, W'c ulwi have tlK'clK'aja'Mt. Cull and set us. W. II. MAKX, Prop'r. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO., MANUl'ACTUKKKS Ol' Hash, Doom, Blind, Moulding!, Flooring, Ceiling aud all Kinds of Mill Work. Ilurdwood Interior Anish a sKciulty. uprL'rldlm OAK STREET INN, ASHIJVILLK, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of oaks nnd white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner of Ouk and Woodfin streets, near the Female College, nnd only three squares from the court house. Wc have a number of elrgantly-fumlshrd rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, owny from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-vlas vwiftiuH, afc itn.uiinuii pinx-.. ni.u, not HUU COIU Ollllis. Dr. T. J. H ARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANDjiDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lungs throat and nose, by the inhalation of vaporiied nnd atomlied fluids bv the pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vaporized Bal sam (the balsam obtained from thr natural balsam trees near Ashrvlllr 1 We also manulacture a Home Treatment me um urBiranu, inn win oe sent on application Dv express, on receipt or price, gl2. ' Our success here for the onst three vears with this trenimni ha hm nKAMr.n.i k. Ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of Asheville: B.J. Aston, ex-Mnyor; J. B. Hied, Clerk V. 8. Court; Krv.O.C.Ran- sin, pastor i-irsi mrinooist tnurcn; Key. w. THE "BONANZA," THK LKADIKU ' WINE AND .. IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. J. A. NAHUCARDT, M'K'r . I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C LBW18 MADDUX, Pres. L. P. McLOU", Vlce-Prcs. I. B. HANK IN, Cashier, DiKgCToMs: l.ewls Maddux, M. I. Bcanlcn, M.J. Fagg.J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Heed 8. II. Hied, Geo. a Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK 1ASHBV U.B, N. C, FBBKUARY 1st, 1KRU. v Organised May 1st, 1MH8. CAPITAL, 50,000. . 8TATB, COUNTY' AND CITY DHI'OSITORY. Docs a Ocneral Hanking Business. Deposits received. BxrhanKc bought and sold. Co. lection made on all accessible (mints. The Saving Kent 11 rc will receive sikcIii! attention. On all sums in this department, deposited of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Sliecinl attention given to loans on real estate, which will lr pluced for long time on real sonahle term. Oiien Irom 9 a. m. to 3 p. tn. On Saturday fcbSdtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hurt & Williamson,) MANI'PACTIIMKKSOP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding", Stair-Work, Fine In ,, U'rior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AOKNTS HtIK Tile Rtli'lcrvi I'lioiM Steel and fin Shinlcx, HtKir ami Heart h 1 lira. fcl - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE PortlMiid Crmrul, Mont mock ance, of various design and color and very for Public Buildings, Halls, Porches. Bntrances, Basements, Butcher Shops, c. Special sires, colors and designs for HliARTIIS. Handsome Carriage Block, with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT Sample of Block, ete., can be seen at office Public Rouare, corner of Souta Mala street. . WITS DAWSON, Sunt. of the Compound Oxygen, which Is, equal to A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H, T. T. J. HARGAN, 91. D. LIQUOR . STORE . SURPLUS, $3,000 for four month or longer, interest at the rate the Saving It urtmcnt will lie oicn till p.m. its a ki'i''S3rorr Hyrkit'a 1'iitetit Sheathing Lath, ililty AND TILE WORKS. nnd Tll, e.cccdingl, handsome in appear- durable for walk In yard., sidewalks, Boor AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE over J. B. DUkerson'. Hardware Store', on P.O. Bui 83. C. VE. MOODY. 11. T. COLLINS, rrrsiilcnt. ASHEVILLE I'ure Ice made from Distilled Water. 01Ii-e : Laniard liuilding. l'atton Avenue. II. C. Wublrll. Prnridrnt. W. W. Bsnmril. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OIKKCTOKH 1 I. I'.SAWYBR. . G. MARTIN, I. L. CARROLL, OHO. W. WILLIAMS, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank in INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealer In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masury'a Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. LUMBER YARD. C.EO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doul.kdity & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds or Butldinir Material. s (-Orders will receive prompt attention. W, T. I'KNNIIliK. PENNIMAN & CO. -JOBBBKS AND I-fATR D 1 ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR OUTONT POWDER CO., RICHMONO STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. fcl)9dly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, fchlOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics In each line who have had many year.' experience in their business. We can .afcly guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, low figure. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblodly C. II. CAMPBELL, """""rer and Wholesale Shipper of GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, ; MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER. 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONSH lacloo, HjHiiywoodm, "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. For thr mx'jition of patients itficring of diocuiiea oritinn nnd throat, nnd conducted npon the plnn ol Uk? tuinitiiirei at Gicber-dorf and Fnlkenatcin in Gcr mnny. 0nr in the only iuch institution in the United States, nnd endorsed by the leading members of the ' medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. X, E. E.EAGAN, Secretary ICE COLIPAIIY. Vice President. Usnwi Pilllin r..hl T. W. PATTON. W. W. BARNARD. D. C- WADDI'.LL, ' of Wilmington, N. C. Wetttcru Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUND $20,000. IcbOdly fcblodly W. S. PBNNIMAH. DBALBB IN Wf ArFsT Ei M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. P. O. Boat 4. : - v ?- A. 4

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