ti;:: daily citizi:n Vill be pnli!!hed every mnralnefrsrrpt Mm liny) at la loiiuwLng rsura simile caai: ne War ....... no M...ili . a.M IhfT M.mlli... ............, ......... l.fto One MimtiL,M.HWMM,rtMw.H-HHHM.1MM., no Or.. fcrrk. ... ; 16 Onr crrWa w ill (if ll rrr the paier every nrninn ia ferry part of the city to onr awn srnlirrs, and parties wanting it will picaac eaUl at tta CmzHa Ufhcc. New Advvrtlaeiiiciita. Private Board Print street. . for Kent No. HH Hailey street. To Kent Mrs. M. K. Krwin. Fur Bale tua;liy Grantee Farm. , Valtcd Mattes allBal aVcrvlcc Mia. Host, Aabevlllc, 1. C. LsTrmna, 8S.M Norm, IxiNorrrtni 83.2A Ware. Blbvatioh, 3,3(H Farr. M r tr oroloaHcal report for 3a hoars endiny at p. m., May 11, ishw. tBMPBRAT(!RB.' Northern B i poaure, 8hsrled. 7 aj2pmBpmM ly 1 6n.8JH8.8t75.L88.HjflO.O 7floaB WW 7as 68 "REt. HUMIDlTVr ABSO. HUMIDITY. 3 p ss I Dally Mean. bally Meaa. 4.431 41.01 BAROMBTKR. MBC1T1TATIOK. Corrected for altitnde and temperature. Rala anil Hoow Melted Hoosr. Depths. Dally Mean. Inches, laches, 0 0 ' MM Weather .Clear. K. . BUCK. M. D Observer. RF.rORTOniAL, KIPPLKsV 1 No Mayor's court yesterday. Four weeks until Asheville Femule Col- Vrfire commencement. Attend the lawn party at Mrs. Rcyn olds' to-morrow evening, and thus help the city schools onward. Skyland Is to have the Congress Halt building. The hall will lie erected during the season by a stock company. There will be a meeting of Pisgah Lodue, No. 33, K. of P., at Masonic Temple to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock By request the "Missionary Ship" will be repeated on Friday evening, May 17. After the play a social entertainment will be given. The spring term of the United States circuit court for the western district, now in session in this city, will adjourn Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Walter Connelly, truin dispatcher of the W, N. C. railroad, will immediately begin the erection of a handsome rcsi denceinWest Asheville. Cement floors arc being laid in the jni building, the walls are Iwing whitewash ed on the inside and other sanitary im pro Yemen ts are being imtugura'ed. Mr. J. M. Campbell yesterday pur chased the J. D. Brevard estate tying on the Ilendersonvilleroad six miles south ol Asheville. The price paid was $0,' (MX). - The Light Infantry boys arc ixgiiuiing to make arrangements for attending the Wrightsville encampment. Our people should lend the 'company all theencour agemcnt and support in their power, The waiters' clubs of the Swannnnoii and Battery Park hotels will playia match game of baseball on the Builey street grounds Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock The clubs arc comxcd entirely of col' ored people. A horse belonging to Mr. J. A. Wanner, ran into a street car on South Main street yesterdny morning. One ol the occu pants of the baggy to which the animal was attached received several slight bruises in the collision. Ths Citizkn is informed by a gentle man just from New York, and who is a close friend of . the Vanderbilts, that George Vanderbilt will erect at once a residence on his large purchase near this city. This come direct from Cornelius Vanderbilt through our informant. Thre Buartela of strawberries. Three bushels of strawberries have been ordered a part of the refreshments to be served at the lawn party to tic given by the young ladies of the city schools to-morrow evening in Mrs. T. E, Reynolds' yaid, corner Main and Wood' fin streets. Creams and cakes will be served equally as abundantly. Let every body turn out and enjoy an evening in the moonlight. The proceeds are to be devoted to the city schools and tlie li North Carolina Directory. Kcv. Levi Branson, of Kulcigh, who has been issuing a business directory of the entire State for the last twenty years is now revising for the seventh edition of that valuable publication. Tlie revise will make a book of some 7(H) or 8H pages and will contain about 00,(MM) -names. Mr. Branson will be in the city for several days and will be glad to have the assistance of business mcu in making up his Asheville record. Red need states) or Htreet Railway service. On and after Monday next, the Ashe vill Street Railway Company will sell tickets at the rate of six lor 25 c(s., each good for one ride. Time tickets will be sold by conductors on all cars. Arrange ments will also be uihiIc for transfer tick ets preparatory to tlie ojieuiiig of tiic other lines. At Half frlvaj for Ten Isaya. 1 have had to vacate at short notice my Japanese Department. Having no room to store and show this line it must be closed out, at once. Most of it is now oftered at Jnst half price. Goods marked in plain figure. The stock is one of the best m the South. This is a gruud oppor tunity. Call early. Sale closes on May 22. , J. II. Law. 67, GO and 61 S. Main St. Notice. Having tested for near two mouth the new local Anesthesia. 1 can an nounce to the putilic that it is a decided success; giving entire relief from min in most all cases. I further assert, that it is the greatest discovery ever yet made fcr the relief from puin in the extraction of teeth. It can be applied with perfect aalety fur children as well as adults. 1 have used it in a great many cases in the lust two mouths, and thus far have not had in a single case any bad result. This statement I would have mnde sooner, but wanted to be thoroughly satisfied as to its merit. K. II. Riuvhs. 11 HICI.V I'I MHONAI. l)r. YV. C. Iirowiikon, a former riturti. but now of New Canaan, Conn., is visit ing friends in the city. Mr. A. Weber, of New York, an eaten- Hive owner of real estate in thin city, will Wave for his home ti-luy. Mr. Willie Brown, the elerer ami gentlemanly heuil clerk at theSwannanoa hat returned to tlie city from New York. Superintendent J. II. Knrnnrd of the electric itreet railway, is at home after an absence of five week in Southern citltf. Ei-Solicitor C. 8. Frrguon,ofVVnyne- .,:n. uui . :.i. v n i n..,- on, ot Charleston, liotti are at the Grand Central. . The Very-Her.. IVnn Hoffman of tlie General Theological Seminary of the Protectant Episcopal church of New York, and wife are at Battery Park. We are pleased to meet Gen. Geo. It. Smytbc, of Norwnlk, Ohio, who provrit bit appreciation of Asbcvillc by the repe tition of a former visit, much to the pleas ure of his numerous friends here. ' The Chorcbea TDa, Pulpits atTfic various churches in the city will be occupied to-duy by the fol lowing divines: First Presbyterian Kev. Mr. Martin, of Humpdcn-Sydiiey, Va. Services at 1 1 a. m. - First Baptist Rev. D. B. Nelson, of IlendtTsonvillc. Services at 11 a. m. French Broad Baptist Rev. T. P. Sum mers, of Asheville Femule College. Ser vices at 11 a. m. . Christian Church, Baily street Rev. A, II. Barrett. Services at 11 a. m. First Methodist-Rev. G. C. Runkin. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School U.30 a. m. Trinity Episcopal Rev. Jarvis Buxton Services at 1 1 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. St. Laurence, Catholic Rev. I. B. White. Mass at 11 a. m. A Faahlonable Wedding. The following taken from the I'hihulcl phia Times of yesterduy will be of interest to society people in this city, to whom the bride and several of tlte purticimnts in tlie nuptial ceremonies arc well-known; "A distinguished wedding took place Inst night at the residence ol Mrs. Samuel Chew, 17I Walnut street. The l.ruk was MissGabrielledel'otcstad, dnugliter ol the Mte Maniiis tie rotes tad ol Spain. The young lady, who is a great beauty and also an heiress, was liorn in Snaiii and her mother, who is still living, was neiore marriage miss vnnpnian.oi riula delphia. In this wav the bride has innnv family connections here, with whom she spent the ist winter. She made quite a sensation at tlie first Assemlily she at tended, llie bndegroom was Kicharil lilghmun, one of tlie brightest ami most popular young men in society. There were fourteen bridesmaids, nil 111 soil, fleecv white uowns anil oink rilihous. They were the Misses Tighmnii, sisters of tfie bridegroom; Miss Mitchell, Miss Ashhurst, Miss Willing, Miss Keating, Miss llenmon, Miss W mnor, Mihh Mc Murtne, Miss liutchiiison, the Misses Hiddle and the Misses Chew. Such adis tinguislied coterie of bridesmaids has not been seen together in Philadelphia in many years. " Otis Coxe wns liest man und tlie ushers were U. 8. It. Chew, William S. Carter, Richard McCnll, lerard Holsman, Frank Coxe, Roliert Tolaud, Sidnev Thayer, Robert Le Conte, Caldwell llitf.lte, Wolly nucr, lir. turns, llinrlcs Henry, l,iew ellyn Barry am! W. Wriuht. Arihhishoi Ryan performed tlie ceremony, assisted ny kcv. lir. llorstinaiin. The younir Indv is a Catholic and the bridegroom jiiiied the church in order to marry ner, as Hid Mr. Morrell in the case of Miss Urexel. The weddim? was verv beautiful and a full orchestra played lw wedding march. There are several hundred Kwsts iiresent. The fine old fashioned dining room was lighted en tirely ny candles, in tall silver cundle sticks.'r Senator Joe Brown of Georgia hnliecn at tlie jMiint of death for some days at his home in Atlanta, but is now passed the crisis and is recovering. Couricr-Jotininl: A Republican ex change contains an article headed "Farm, ers, Think." This is very imprudent ad vice for a Republican to give. When tlie farmers of tlie country begin to think ti some purpoae the days of the Republican party will be numbered. RKNT. A frw vaennt rooms to let at the Iiaviilaon Bouae, 7 c oiK'Ke street. mnr r.-ai MKH. M. K. liKWIN. JfOR HA LB. ThoroUKhhml retdatrrrd Short Horn bull "tioveniur Hate" tliWiii, liv l!ml Unite ol Kent aa.'to7. out ofCrnevR Belle, (vol. a.l, p 171H7I. Apply KuRhy (rnMc I'lirm. Klvtilwr, may ia-1 w GRANT'S If your iirrsrrlptlons arc ; coinuonnded at Grant's Phar macy you cm u positively do pend upon these facta: First, ' that only the purest and Best ttnijrs and chemicals will be used Second, they will be coininmndcd tttrcfully and t?.. curatoly by an experienced prcacripllonisti and third, you . 4f 111 not be chanred an exorbi tant price. Von will receive . the best foods at a very rta- 1 DRUG sonatile profit. A hill , line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Aril cies, Ayer'a Hersmler Prriai a tions. Bcutt's likxtrk Curlers, etc., etc. We have the aiiency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Medi cines. tisVAl'LVHoLlI HTANli, . Main Bt. Prescriptions delivered to an j part of the city free ol chargo S TO R E. BiaraodlT , pt AMKICTN II v Ti:i.i:.KArn. Moner and SK-curlUe 4'oUon frovlHlona and Produce. HONS V AMR SKCI'RITIKS. NkW Vona. May 11. Bxchanice dull but teaily. Monry eaay-ctf Ming om-rrd at U'a. Hub-Trrojiiiry balani-ea tiuld. tl33,JW),- OOO; eurreney, f lrt.fM,(Ml. r.ovemmrnt Ixmda dull but tt'tttly 4 per cents, Sl.VUVt; S per crnu, 11.07. KUlr bonds dull lint steady. Ala.ClaaaA 2aS loVtN 1 1 Vac. l.tltloT UJ V Ala. L'laM B.6S..III N. V. Ltntrul to7 t;a. 7, mort lo3N. W. plil 631, N. c. Ca.. as..iaJ'iiNortliern I'ac... aroi, N. C. Cunt., 4a VI N. P. pill H4 H. C. Brown'a...lo4 Pacific Mull...... Mt Tenn. Ha.... lofiWIKeadinK 1V. Trim, lit llllKirh. Alle HI Tenn. 8el., 3a 74V,jK. tk W. Point.. iir., tViririniaM 4H iHoca laland U'-i Vlrxima Cone... S t. I'aul mi' Northwestern ...lo7Vl do pfd 1H7 do iid ...l.l ITei. Paeilie 21 IielaLatk 1 HMVslTenn Coal Iron m Krie ... I Union Pacific Hast Tenn 9WN. J. Central 54 Lake rthore OHMo. Pacilic Ti l.ou. i Nh fm.lWrstern Onion.. HOli Mem. Ik Char... (it ICotton-sred Oil Mob. At Ohio ll ! Ccrtllicatc 6WA Nash, a Chat... V3 COTTON. I.ivsipooi., Alny 1 1 Noon Cotton dull and illuminate. American middlina a 1-1. Hales fi.iMio; aia-culatioa and eiimrt Silo. KreriiiU Ift.ooo. Amencun 13.000. Futures closed ltiic-t. 1 r. a. American mlddlinit, B B-ia. Bale oftoHlay Incluilid 4.KOO American. May ft 3 H4,scllera; Vlay and June 9 83-64, aellera; June and JnlyQ fl:i (lsellira, July and August .;:! . sellers; AnKust and Hepiember S 0-4, buyers; Mrptcmber and tlctolier S42-eH, selt ers; (k tolcr and Novemlier, 8 84-4. buyers; Novemiier ana iieceniuer.o ai-n sellers; hep-U-mber S 0(Mk4. buyers. Futures closed quiet butsteady. , Nsw Vosa, May 11 Cotton firm, gales to-day 17l bales; middling uplands 11: mill dlinu; Orleans HVi- Total net reeeiptsnt all ports lor toiay ii.n.iw. r. ports to ureal Britain S.fttlu; Continent 03. - Btosk 3n2.K2H bales Nsw Yohk, Mavll. Cotton Net receipts 411); Keoss 7H3. Futures closed quiet. Bales in.nuu uaiea. May lO.ASaKI.SHINoT B.MOa 9.KI June Hi ftr.alo.ftO liec., B.HUa 0.N3 July ...in f.Blll.ll.liJan. V.HWa 9.U0 auk ... ...i.aio.rir'eu U.U7a U.ux Sept .10 1 1 a to. 1 at M arch lo.oSalo.OH Oct: 9.H4a tt.HCI Ualvsston. May 11. Cottonauiet. 11: re ceipts fiU. Nohvolk, May 11. Cotton quiet, 10!j; re ceipts lU-ft. liALTiaiowK, May 11. cotton quiet and steady, 1 Hn; receipt ano. Uostos. May 11. Cotton uukt. 11U,: re ceipts UUA n il hinoton, h.w.. May 1 1. cotton notn inx cloinx. HI'-,; receipts SIS. I'iiilaiiklpiiia, May 1 1. Cotton Srm,ll; rrceipisiiu. Bavankah, May 11. Cotton easier, 10(?; receipts U'J. Nsw OSLSANa, May 11. Cotton dull and easy. lnA; receipts . Mobii.s, May 11. Cotton dull, 10; re ceipts SIA. Msueuis, May 11. cotton steady, 10 11 10; retrlrla:iu. Aiiohsta, May 11. Cotton quiet, 10; re crinu 21 CiKSi.KSTON, Mar 11. Cotton firm, 1U; receipts ia. PSOVISIOSJS AND rSOIHICB. Cincinnati. Mny 1 1. Flour in ntirdemand. Wheat scari-u anil 4irin No. It red xuaifti. Corn dull and weaker No. 2 mixed 3VfcuHt). Outs stronu No. 'A mixed 27ifc. Pork uuiet lX5o. Laid in good demand 6.75. Whis- Key I lJ. 8T. Lopis, Mo.. May 11. Flour quiet und steady. Wheat No. 'J red caah MO; JumHit,. Corn firm No. U mixed cash Hl!Ua;i5; May 3'Jn!l2t4. Whiskey l.OJ. HAl.TiMonn.Muy 1 l.l'lour active and firm. Wheat Bouthem nominally steady: Pulls Bftnun; Lonxlierry IHialitl; Western dull; No.a w inter mi a ait no i. corn eiouinern, ltnn; white 4s44; yellow 4.la44Vi; western firm Chicaiio. May 11. Cash limitations to- iluy wire as follows : Hour steady. Wheat- No. V red NilHNiUj. Corn No. SI ;ira;tft'k Oats No. 3 IMS,. Mess pork ia.10aia.15. I.urd ll.uaiwill.tto. Short ribs U.Ooall.10: shoulders R.aouo.SO. Whiskey 1.oa. Nsw Vonk, May 1 1 Bouthrnt fluurstcady Wheat firmer No. J red M4U store. Corn hliihrr No. a 44V4; May 4H.. Oats Wither May ivtk. Hops quiet and arm. I'oiree May i8.4iia1H.U0. BiiKnr raw stronKerand quiet; rrnnni quiet. Moiaaws Ion inn quiet Wool quirt and steady. Pork quiet. Heel dull: beet hums uuiet: tierced lieif slow. I.ard kut Hirm , . hi nuipt I ntiiinimi .imii dull anil steady. Preiuhts hi in. Cutlon 7-U41). Oram atU bid. THE LOCAL MARKET. IvOKKKCTKn IIAI1.V.J Th. r,ll,,ulnu ,trl.-M ..an lu. .. IM..,I r.. . ....... j ii.niH.c, Cabbaites, niivlv trimmed, uerlti. .i.'iK'min per gal li,ltl nines mii'mi, perm xv4ati Irish porators, per bu...... Ooitrtft Wheal, iier bu. ....,., utl .....a.50a.nl Corn, irrbu....'. Chickens m latin ...lawaai ItKK. per dox , Mutter, per Hi , Turn),, wt I,.. in aim'jft as Carrots, ier bu.... , 711 rarantps, ierbu Onions, s:rbu , four Prat wr t.H 70 ..1.00 ...751.0(l Ceh-ry, ier bunch. ....... 4 neei, per in fcrosa Mutton, tier th arrnaa 3a4 3a4 7r.nl IHI Apples, per btt IIUCKS Turkey, dressed,... live Beans, ier bu tlals, per bu Hay, per ewt..... '.. aoaan , HI . 7Roi aa ,l,IHial.75 4iiano ....mial.ltto J?OK KBNT. A pleasant house In (food repair. Apply at nn o.oiry sireci. may ia-4t KIVATU IIOAKII. A nicely Airniahrd front room with first china hoard, in hlih and central location, can now lie found on Flint street. Srst house from nnvwoiMi, on rttint hund side. It A. Ft STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN ; PAINTER GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kindsnf Painting-. Bring on your old-looking CarriiiKes, Bretts, Bur- rys, BiiKKits, Carts and Wajfons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears off. Terms reason able. - - Bhop on Burnett Hill, Hank Street, inariitdllm WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN Of liiu'h iiricettwlion POWELL & KN 1 1) HK will st'li you choir. 'I pound (1atnuxl I'otu hos up-in heavy wyiup for Ut 4 m H'll t ? Tllt'Sf Jl t. lUHt S( 'il- HtVs canning and nve ti clais. Ht Ao alHti offer a. limi ltHl liiaiHi(y of a pound Pit r'ai li'8 at 10 ivuiti jK'r can Wo havu on hand from 50 to 100 cjistH t)f Btnnd art! Maryland Corn that we offer ut lOtrntH jkt tan, wlik eh it a harpiin. Wo have u ear of New Y ork UuibankH 1'otutoeM, the flnent ever offered in market, 75 to 80 cents this per IniNhel. POWELL & SNIDER COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVENUE. AsiiLviu.n ahvi:kti$i:mi:sts. DON'T OIIDEIt r'roni yourflrtM-er, even for trial, our "HOLLER. KING" PATENT PecnuHO it is made in AKheville, 'YOU KNOW," Hut we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER DREAD, RISCUIT, ROLLS, Can Lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight goods in this market. Ask your (irocer for the above ASHEVILLE ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Hi Ts COLLINS & CO, 8uiHrior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and lletail. Oltice; Banird Btiiltlinjr, Tatton Avrnuc, HERRING THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH While we Ilave the Finest and Most Fahlonublc Goudttln Our We alao.hu v the t licaiciit. Cull aud W. U. MARX, Prop'r. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'FG CO., MANUKACTUKERS OK 8ali, Doom, BIludM, 9Ioulding;it, Flooring, Celling and all Kiudtt of Hardwood Interior finish a sieeinlty. OAK STREET INN, - A81I1IVILLE, N. C., Benutirulty locntrd In a Rrovc of onlts and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the eor ner of I Ink and Woodlin streets, near the Kcmalc College, anil only three squares from the court house. . We have a numtier of eteirntttlv-fiirnlaliefl eoiima M...,,M.Mf iu..,iaM ....i nice, quiet plure, nwnv from the hotels. Nice wwuiiti, a, luwuiiuin, iiRn, niKO, not HIIU CUIO OaillS. Dr.T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN ANOHlCATED BALSAM VAPOR. All iniMlern and Intent Improved methods for treating; chronic diseases of the Iuiiks throat and now.-, by the inhulation of valorised and atomized fluids by the pneumatic and nmipnuaen air apparatus; also i-ompound oxvxen in connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam tiwa near Aatviii. We also mnnulocturr a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxvicen, which Is, equal to the office treatment, and will he sent on application liv express, on receipt of price $12 Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hoiieless, whose names and residences can In obtained by callinu at the Sanitarium. Hy permission we refer to the following: well-known tr 1 , 1 V. IV ., wmnyor.j. . Ktca. curs ti. . court; Kev. O.C.Kan kin, pastor Kirst McthiKllsl Church; Kev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T. THE BONANZA, THIS I.KAD1NG ' WINE .. AND IN THK STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM, j. a. MtHoi'AmiTi lw'irTr I NO. LRWI3 MADDUX, Pres. Ln P. McLOU. Vlce-Pres. DiCTos:-l-ewls Maddux, M. I. Benrden, Western Carolina bank IA81IKV U.K. N.C., FEBRUARY 1st, Orgytised Mny 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, f 50,000. . STATU, COUNTY Dora a General nankins; Business. Hetmsits lections made on all accessible points. The On all sums In this department, deposited of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real sonahlc terms. " - fltlM imm n m m An 3 . .... .1 .. . . . . . w u ,.. ,...,, sKiiuMnivi. febadtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williumsim,! - MANIPACTIKKRStlF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Stair - ttn ior KiniHli,- Mantt'lM, Etc:;- ASHUiriLLE, N. C. ACKNID Ft IK The lliH'krvr Pmnii. - Steel ami fin Sliiulcn, I'ltMir and Ilenrth Tiku, feb - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE Portland Cel, (.(. Block anr,o. various nesign. and etdor. and rrry durable for walk. In ,.n rilItWalk., floors for Publk..,.l.dlng Halls. Porches, Untrnnces, B.s.nnts. Butcher Bhops, Ac. Special rise., colors and design, for HKAKTH8. ICd,me Carriage Ulk.wlth name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT fern,, of Mocks, rt,.. . b, e .t m Public eViuare, corner of South Main street. marked 3m Brands, manufactured by the HULLING CO. Yard: Old Depot & WEAVER, MAIN STKKCT. Line, nee us. KL'FUS DAWSON, Supt. Mill Work. aprSta dim rooms, new furniture, good fore, ttrst-clasn T. J. HARGAN, JH. . LIQUOR STORE v 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. & I. B. RANKIN, Ca.hi.r. M.J. PaitK'. J. B. Kankin.J. B. Ray.J. H. Keed . SlRPLl'H, $ 5,000 AND CITY DEPOSITORY. received. Bxchange bought and sold. Co. 8oving feature will receive Sedul attention. for four months or longer, Interest at the rate . .. me saving IK rt mint will beopentill n p.m - Work, Fine -In- AC.HNTH M'lls. UK Uyrkit's I'fttcnt SlKatliiiig Latb, Idly AND TILE WORKS. M,.d Tll. cxcerdlnuVh.nd.om. in a, AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE over 1. H. IHckermn,.. P. O. Boa (134. C. E. MOODY. II. T. COLLINS, President. ASHEVILLE I'uro Ice nmde from DmtilhnJ Water. Ollico: Ikunard Uuildin. Putton Avenue. D. C. Waddcll, Presitknt. W. W. Barnard, THE BANK ASUIiYILLE, N. C. DIRKCTUHB I. P. KAVYYIiK, T. W. PATTON, 1.0. MAUTIN, . W. VY. BAKNAKD, . L. CAMKOLL, - ' U. C. WAIHH XL. GEO. W. WM.l.lAMH, of Wilmington, N. C. ' DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY S Oldest "Bank In INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, botk French and American We keep In stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. LUMBER YARD. A. - titiO. F. SCOTT, (Suceessor to Douljlcday St Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds of Building Material. MrOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. W. T. rKNNIsUN. PEHHIMAII & C0., -JOBSEKS HIAIIaIPI.WlAIRTE ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGHNTS FOR , OUPONT POWDER CO., ' RICHMOND STOVE CO.," CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcbOdly Anything In the Jewelry For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, 18 Patton ArrtuiP. 7 fcblOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. V Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanic. In each line who have had man, year.' ,rlcee 1. the.r business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In onr work, a low hfrurcs. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblSdly C. II. CAMPBELL. nannraAurer and UINVER ALE, CHA9IPAUNE tlni u . LEMON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, J-:-. MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, - I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ai7 Haywood St. " THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, '.' .. ASHEVILLE, N. C is " f For tlie recciition of puticnU suffering of tliwawt "flung, and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol the MtniUriea at Gocbcmlorf and Fulkenstcin in Or many. Onr. is the only such ln.titution in the United Statct, and endorsed by the leading mcmbera of the medical profession. Terma rtoaonatile, KARL VON RUCK, B. 8., M.D, K. U-liACAN, Sicretury ICE COLlS'im Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam. Cashier. OF ASHEVILLE, 'Western Carolina. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FUND $20,000. fcbSdly fcblOdly W. PBNNIMAM. A.NU DBALBKS IN- Line at LOWEST PRICES hniai. . ar . V. OVS S304

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