T::i5 OAILY CITIZKN. ten The Cmiiix la th mixt i(m.UrlT rim., lj.tr.1 and ...i.iyread ncw.uaperln Wcat.ra North V amJina. I it. rt, . of public mm and mii No la in the in ir re. t of public Inlrimtr. nonrat I o rem men t, ami pri"irr nni ao prraoaal allcgi! The emmn frahllihee the diapatrhca or the I A.aoeiatd I'm. which now eoecra the I whole nd la ita aiw. It hna other fadii-1 it'a,: uiiv r.ntd to occupy the arneJirat apace. I r.i1inea. cnoic iilur edition will be scat I frrtoanToti. rn.iingthclr llrrM. I Tsaas iiaiiy, .orotic year; j ior I biontha: AO crata for one month ; 14 cciltsfor I . L ,ll flrliwrr nat in 1 ereey part of the city to autMrrlbera, and par-1 win.uDiiwIa.nv.uu '.'flat. 1 AnaTln BTa-caaoTiat)lc,in(lmart kao.a on .m.Hration at thia m. All traaaknt dvcrliaciucatt must be paid at ad-1 TUESiDAY.MAY14.18H9. nKHOMAIa DAY I Was celebrated id some of the towns I and cities of this State with appropriate I observance, and nowhere with morel warmth of feeling than ia Raleigh. There I amongthenamerousmonumentsofgener-1 als and 'the countless headstones I of the "unknows dead," especial I and eloquent appeal to the mem-1 ories of the post was, most forcible, when academic and scientific hie but he prefcrr that appeal was enforced by so many sad ed to remain a where the attachments of evidences ol sacrifice to duty. No doubt his life were formed. The entire family ol the appeal was suggested elsewhere with I equal force, and responded to with equal 1 ekMiuence. But there was something in I the occasion at Kalcigh that carries with I it an impresmvencss that will not weaken I under reflection : for there, the orator oil the day, himself a prominent and distin-1 guished actor in the scene) to which be I referred, was placed in the unjust and un-1 natural position of defender of the fame I and vindicator of the reputation of those I disembodied spirits who might, without I stretch of Imagination or shock to rta- son, be presumed to throng around l.im, I to bear words that restored to them I their ravished honors and called to life and verdure the laurels blasted by the I breath of defamation. I The pious task of General Scales was a a moat ungracious one. It was the vin dication of the fume and valor of North Carolina troops, not from the contempt I or disuarajrement of the euemv the en-1 countered from tbem just ackoowlcdg-1 ment was forced by arguments that could I not be despised but from their associates I in arms, from brothers inspired by the I same patriotic ambition, by men ani-1 mated by the cause which to all of them I was holy, and to whom the fame ol I achievement ought to have bcencommon. I In a tragedy so enormous as thut of Get-1 tysburg, In a battle Involving the fate ofl the contending govern men Is, there seemed to b no room for petty jealousies, no place for mean rivalries, no Justification fat ungenerous disparagement. Yet his-1 tonr is so distorted as to elevate Pickett I and depress Ptttigrew; to make heroes I of the Virginians, laggards, h not cow-1 ards, of the North Carolinians; tocrowu I the one with all the laurels of the achieve-1 tneut, and deny to the other an honora-1 blc share In the immortal deeds of a dis-1 .. . I! . . .4 t 1 , I no uisn inor to ine vaniuisnc. wt nave no msposuion to iiiuierrntc the tnlor of the Virginians, or the bnl- iin.. f 1 1.. -.-r,.l . ).1U,... . i 9 , . , , . , ateiyerowneu as vnc uinern nero Gettysburg. Hut the claim of Virginia! should be made with more modesty hi I the face of the fact that on her soil, blMatrer,wt",ler' Ulllu- her defence, she brought fewer to her aid man norm carouna sent, ana uiattnc dead of the hitter on Virginia battle fields outnumbered Viminians two to one. - . , . . . A ... , 1 .. .....l n i of the fearful sacrifice without fruit, only I a terrible harvest of death and wounds .A ;.,.-. Vrf k. 'i,..i i.ri.wr. I ... ... . , . . , , I wun u nuintag oi .name; ix .wings wun It very much of pride in its splendid illus-1 selves, capable of suptortiugour mil tration of American character and South-1 lion of their people, they could organize L. i 1. A. . !,!...,. i ., ., ... ... nonnvaronnanasinstrineasoiiie oi us most nonorauie ana nriiimnt pages that no enemv shall deface the record. It rests uiUk iiu ii v iMJt TfitiKiBVi iu i vanriii, lit, in, correct error and rebuke injustice. This, oenerai Denies, in nis vinuicuiion oi ret-1 tiirrew and his uroner oresentation of the claims of the North Carolina troops to , , " r iionor won ai ion expruae nti well done so far as the limits of his able address on memoriul day would per- RKIU4ANT WKDU1NUS," It fills us with a feeling of happiness to note, remarks the Albany Extireaa. that r- . ,L. i '.-a i.i: i. : .uc ijiuei. nniuuij i wining uiuiv nnu more Into Vogue, and that the riotous, twiiatmna mirrlnir la in Ana morr nml . m .a. .!. I V. Y I , . V J ". nv nciu an iuohk tuuv tire practice of solemiiixiiur a marriaire with the aid of dynnmite.n tmiiie of real Indians ami ..team cIlio,w. very reprelusible J .. n 1.. j ...:.i. ! i mi uoinu in mraiu wun our iweus oi what ought to be in good society. The tnidrm v of fa.hiona ia nil in IW same direction to expressive display, whether in the "brilliant wedding" or in the "gorgeous funeral, " the ushering in of one great event of life, tlie solemn eon gee to its final net. For the first there is apparent good reason j for anticipa tion is at the highest exultation, and parties most closely concerned and their friends naturally fix the period of mar riage as tlie culmination of happiness. The other is a solemn absurdity, a hid eous mockery, often contradiction to life, how often we know not an impious anticipation of the life beyond the grave. But reason, experience, or observation might tench as much modesty and cir cumspection in the one its In the other. No human calculation can fix the dura tion of happiness in any relation of life; least of all in the marriage life. Ofull oth ers, It is tlie clusrstand the most sure and the most prompt to develop incapabili ties of respective dispositions, the one most certain to expose incongrniiiKties of tastes and objects, the one that inevi tably betrays tlie selfish motives that of ten lead to matrimonial alliances; in its best state, with love and congeniality of tcmier and the sunshine of prosperity, exposed to vicissitudes and miseries only intensified by the depth of aflection, to be entered into with deep reflection and grave anticipation. Brilliancy fat very of- followed by gloom ;11ic most nplcn.li.l coloring by soIht slunk, tlie most glow- d , t) darkest full of misery. J one . witliolds sympathy with the - , . . . . twecn anticipations unci realities there l . ' . o often the contrast in violent extreme, mcnt that moderation miyht widely be . ... , . , suggested, and weiKluiga lie soicninizeti with k of aeniiat ona hr nnev. w,ln KM iiriiimm.y. A TAtKNTKU KAM1XY. . : c i.,..f ri,,.. ni.in:.... M IIV IVIIinillDVI I Vl . V. .1 ..... Ml.I.j.W . ... . , f. I I Frirlav were taken "KU -OIUmilia l,n mouy Were UtSCD immediately to CliU:l lllll, , w tic re tliey were interred Prof. Phillis) wits one of the tiniest mathematicians in the conntry and his senrket to North Carolina during hi forty years of lalxir were invaluable. Hundreds of men all over the country who hare profited by hit wise instruction will bear with sorrow of his death. His devotion to the State was remarkable. Many opportunities were offered him of bettering his financial condition and at the same time entering wider fields of his father. Rev. lr. James I'liillipi, hint- self also a Professor ofour University for forty years, were ueonle of tnk iit. He and his brotla-r Samuel Phillips, ex-Sola? itor General of the United Slates gradua ted tn the same class at the University with the highest honors, the contest be- twecn them being so close as to make it a difficult task to determine between them. The sister, Mrs. Conelia Spencer, is a woman of masculine intellect who has contributed largely to the lustor- ical and miscellaneous hterature of tin- State. Prof. W. B. Phillips, son of the deceased, devoted himself to dniKrulogy and is one of tlie leading practical scicn tists of the South, occupy ing a lucrative osition in I'irmingham, Ala, CAN VOl' ItAVK A I.IFKf Yes, this great privilege so rarely uc- conled to ortlinury mortals is yours. million of people in China ure on the verge of starvation. Thousands have already dietl. Multitudes have wnnilercU into other parts of the country hoping by work or beggary to find enough food to keep them alive. Failing in this they use their rcmaimng strength to go home to die. One Innuly sold their little girl ol seven for a dollar to procure food tor tlieir homeward, journey. In a small village the richest limn had a bushel ol millet seed, and a pile of rug weed, as the only food for a family of six. 1 tight hail gone he knew not where', "and the old nutn had poison to take to spare himself the sight of the last agonies of his loved ones. These fucts nnd many others are given by a native Chinese Missionary in u let ter published in the New York livitngclist The part which most concerns us is that one penny a tiny will save a life. In six weeks tlie gram will riien. Less than v. K..t ( ....... v , , t,... need is so great ail should do something Tlie money can lie sent at once by tele graph to the American Missionaries wht sm.sj ns umiii iijm wi jtis v uu uvniiv vv .nv one life or miinv mav semi the money to Mrs. Cyrus W. Field. 123 li Twenty Third St. N. Y. or Kev. C. W The Problem" stolved. Pulitor Citien-As our colored (iroplc Inpiwnr to be dissatisfied, ami ore piling I into some of the Southwestern States, 1 want to write a snori yarn lor tneir to,MM tn cotiRlilrr. I hr ril fifiiat-i so Americanised that thev dou't care t go to Africa, nnd as hundreds nnd thous- amis ol their petiple are now pretty well idiHnu-ti, it MR, w lint iKA.vioti n KU Unitcd Mfa wnrm ltitutetf tlwn 1 government, under the Constitution I our government with the lilicrtics and prerogatives of any other State of In l (imon, and there ilia vc their ow officers, from governor down to nmu 1 i III.. II!..! j- i irnin. i neif wjuhi lit no cuiiuHin oi raw i- i ' I iiMnlinrif tr viifit f hi'li M'tirvaumtiif tuuai CongreVs, to whkh none ofour ieopk- KortH of Soutn would oiiject. New Mexictt is alioiit twice as large tl ..LH I! !.'! . . . ' niiinn; a ...mpicaicouniry wltn water, timlier, ami genial soil ; am ,f families are crowded 111. us thev are i Kngltind or Ireliind, or even some (itirts ew Bngland, tilteen million of jicoplc could' be amplv provided for. Our i i , i . , , t-ouinYHS wouiu iiiiiiitic nu ine minis no ulready entered, and in tMisHession. ami I the netirtHS theinselves, (viulit or tell ol them now in the Southern States, worth ? ",u" '- gran I iirtiibiiiLr liiiNiiM'aa. Mini rhf anuill ...'itii. I . . . . i uthsts assistiilg the general limil, couli I buy out all the owners of the laiuls, inn Sell to tllt'ir OV.1I lieople Oil time, W ill I iisnnmiiivni ! l ii mo, itm.i j mi: i Irs. i i ill wnli mi,l for, so that emigrant families i con lit jro nt once to work. Ot vtinrsv I there are thousands of the older colom I'!''" wuM not lie willing to g. K" ' "T' " 'VX " " ' . ' ' " . . ' : " I nUHMl So as to lllcir owl! co(r; audi I they ure in the nllcriiotiii of their day "f.V Would prtlcr to reilllllll mill -li :.i i ii... ...i i..a i fin ii (iv i v. iivi viiiiviivvii iiien lino women, and men who have made mone since tlit'ir ehmucipation, and have mncpr lor olticc anil popularity, nnd I Imviiiu things their own war would mikli happier located in a lloiirialiiui' government ol their own. New Mcxie the centre of it, itliout the latitude Augusta, I'ti., lucks only an mtclligc d tlirillv iKipuintioii to make it a tin wealthy unci delightful country ; mid if coming venr, it should ticcotnccrowdcd Ajmonu lemtoy, itmoimni; on the Went ctiuld tie easily had Iroiu tnir covii incut. Truly, tie. J. W. V. Dr. 1'iirkcr I'nys crenm 'iin-0lii,Kosii' line, Onjjiiline mid Iiitnioiul nail hiwiIi huving now become the Indies' favorites, at V. L. Jacob's drugstore, Uh-sc Mnilur inunictire articles may always be found, toother with (iockct emery lniftrd,or nnj; wood sticks, nail scissors, files jiud otlier such reiuiites. Alm a ctnnilcU' line of drugs itud toilet articles, in addi tion to the llelie Soda Vountain fnim WUKh K-e cold dnnks are iIikhciinciI. Ciir- ner Main street uud I'attou uyciiuc. There is no reason in the world whv R "lmby show" shouldn't be a howling nccesa. A IIvhhIiik MH' Of health and stirnuth renewed and ol ease and comfort (allows tlie use of Syrup oi I ita, na n niiaiu nariil illy with uuturt to ellcctually cleanse the srstem when costive or bilious. ' For sale in 6wc. and $1 bottles by all leadiug druggists. lore Clerk Needed. Customers in tliedrygooiln IOUH0 Ol lSOHtlC lirOH. & Wright uro tliiinoiing for moro clerkH. Well, it will mir- iriso you to whj how buny their six iietive nalewnen me ept, nliowiiig, iiieuHuring, bundling, boxing and count ing enHh. Mr. E. L. IJrown law Iwii North two w'eokn i ei)iTis;nting thw nnn. bo in (uldition totho fino OHHorted wtoek now on hand the ladies may exiiect many new leau- ies to arrive at onee. Their Nothing Htock wus never more complete.' .Suits for f .1.75 to f 30. Doys' Suits or less money than any louseintheeity. Huts! huts! uits! from Un (10) cents to 5.50. lie sure to examine their stock of 104 Sheeting, Mosquito Netting, Comforts, Imq lied Spreads, (at a. big Mirguin), Curtains, Screem, all colors, Outing Clothes, Trunks, Valises, ladies' and Mens' Undervests, Hugs, Pur- isols and Fans (by cartload ) Uemeinber that this is a Cash louse, and the cash will se :uiv you the Ixwt goods and more of them than anywhere lse. They will be glad tt lave the pleasure of showing you tlieir Laces, . hinbroider ies, Jlibbons, Hosiery, Ties o every description, All-over Embroideries, Silk Trim tilings, Kid and Silk.. (Haves Corsets from sizes 18 to 3(5 (lents' Shirts from 40e. to $2.50 Linings of every shade and color, lluttons to suit any dress. Of course you buy all your Dress Goods there as they are headquarters. Remember the place, No. 11 near Court Square on Main street. HOOKS AND STATIONARY ARTISTS' MATUKIA1.S. KNU1NEUKR' 8l'l'PLIIi8, l'lCTUKHH AND KKAMUH, FANCY GOODS, I) LANK liOOKB Of KVHKY OKADB, DOLLS, TOYS AND GAM US, WK8TUKN N. C. SCENES, DOT 1 1 l'llOTOUKAriltC PAINTED. -AT- AND HAND- ESTADROOK'S, ta H. Blalu Street. LAKOB AIUHIKTUHNT OF ami:hican WATCH1CS, All styles, aim and prives. Jewelry of every deacrlptlon. 8llvrrttur', solid and pluUd. t'.nlil uml Hllvrr llrHikil Canes. uiul ltyr OIumh-b tUUtl tu I tit- eye. Fine Watch Krpulrlnu anil KnKmvlue a Htiedntty. LANG, The Jeweler. Houtti Main tttrvel. llprlil:Hn REGISTER 1 NnlliiiiK iu luiMrlmit fur the aeuaun us to rrKlntcr yuur niiniea at J. 91. AU-XANDliK S l;ur 4 iiuod act of llurncw or a Rndillc. Ilia tutW I. u eonipletc and looks perfectly hea tit ll'ul. Htae KnglUh Dridlra, Cmps, Ug Kins, etc., at luweat IlKurai. The nkvat selec Uon of Linen J.ap Kulies and Mumle Dtwters at remarkably low "gares. Motto: Uukk Kales and Short lrBts. aprl.lnm A. TBNNUNT, Architect and Contractor. I'lHtia, .iwclrtoatluna and eallmatr. tnr. lahrd. All work la air line evntraetrd fur and uo charura for drawtnaa oa eoatraeta awanlrd me. Mrlrnmrr. when dratrrd. tHIi No. Ill lr.lr. Block. North Court Bquan, AalwvUlc. N. C. atUtlWl, AtlSCELLAXrolS. V. II. LEA'S BIG " EASTER OFFER Oil CASH ONLY. 2000 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic, 8c. by the bolt, 44 wide. 04 Mohawk Valley Shm't- ing at 2Ge, jkt yard. -IG-in. l'illow Casing at Id lest IiOiisdale Cambric at 11c. per yard. White Quilts from 55c.to!; 00-in. Conestogu Ticking at 35c. i Ni Percales, from 7c. to lie W.H.LEA 17 N. Alain Street. A new lot of Hall Bazaar forms just in. Also, a complete line of iish ing tackle. JUST OPENED. A lot of French Robes in veryhaiidHomecoiiibiiiations which we offer at very low prices. Also, a full line of sizes in Fine Kid (Jloves, tans, slates and black. II. REDWOOD & CO. 7 nd 0 I'ATTON AVENUE. Fancy Good), pry (soodo, Clothing;, Hats, Shoes, aud Carpets. Sjiecial Bargains in Ltulies' Straw Hats. . FOR MEN ONLY! I DflCITIVF LOST w FAIinfO ARROODi RrUdllllConMralua BSKV0ITS DSBILITT riTTT? T WMkam of Bodyw. Mind. Itlmtt V U AVXl af Smra.rEiMHMia011vTui S.fcail, SwM. MtIHHMf. Krfa. Hm.lalM.IM) lUmallra K k, I KUiHm lllll. ! a r.KTK.I SMU, tkMMal.il ..Ikllln UIIBIt TSHITSUIT-Swiau k a w In WWW) flrM. 41 81.1m. IVrrilMlM, .Ml rwrla. fWMrtri aaalat) baa. AMnai ( ilCM MH Hlf All, 1. 1 iMMawrttoiam. Ask Tour Retailer for tha J A1II.S IIEANS $4 SHOE H TMB) JAIIES II E A ITS $3 SHOE. jLocordlng to lour Mteda. JAMES MKAHS M STTOH fim ii. aim mji.ni, iima ilk. a ln p.rlcll t uy Uw rt lima a u win mtufy tn. moat m aiN..iulely tua wwa er iu prh Wlllcs haa mr btm alien! m. anwnira anraiHiny miir. oat. want AekfhrM JU.ii.SWiU Moknajrlays 1. HtAIffl COH Baat.a. fall Haas af lha aaova ahaas far sal kf For Bale Bofttlc II rots. & WHuht, A8IIBV1LLK, N. C. fehatdSm to th sat JUTICB. Tk. nuniiinilie Luailirr and Mnaufitrlnrins ComiMinjr la thla dny dianilvrd by mntiiui conaent. All parllea haviuH claim. aKainat the Mint will prrarat them t uac for pay. menu TUB tU'NCOMBK H'MPHR ft M'fO CO V10d0t JUNB,f.re.iut,t.' ltAT i.'ne. ya AltSCLLLsiXVOLS. T. C. SMITH & CO. WHOLESALE AND 'retail AND PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Johnston's Corner, Agltcville, ' N. C. ICHMUNU Ik HANVILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Westera North Carolina Division.) PAHtllNOBK UBPAKTUKNT, AriHKvn.i.K, N. C, Jan. 1, 1889. I'ASSKNGKK TRAIN HCHBUULB. Ia Bh-bct Ja. 1, 18ut f'No. 81 No, B.I tv. Aaheville. 9o5pm 4-37nm 947am i i 45pm 735pm DUOpm SOOiini eOam 8aopm "3 3ipm 7 5 lam 1140am 14(lpm 048 pm lOUOpm 1 IHlum 7 OOam Ar. Sali.liury, " Iianville, " l.ynehliurK, " WaahiiiKton " ltnltiinorc, " Phila.. " New York, ' Boaton, ' Richmond, 8UAnm ' 1047am 1 20pm QQOpin S 15am 1 02pm' SlOpm 600pm KkIiikIi, ' (loldKboro, Wilmington - No. S5 j.v. Aaheville, Ar. Hentieraonville, Ar. 8iartnnl)'g 8 3llain 920am 1 1 50am Charlotte. Colmnliia, CharleMton, 8 30pm 440pm 910pm " Augnata, " Snvannnh, " ThiimasvillcGa " Jaekaonvllle 90npra 615am 1 4ilpm lil on m Atlanta. 104(ipm 7 ar.ara 1 S.rpm Montfeom'y Mobile. New Orlenna 7 opi No. S4 . euirtunhurK, . llenileraonvllle, Ashcyille, 3411pm 607pm 7 0opm No. 60 No. S3 No. 64 . Aaheville, , Hot Springs Knoxvilk, Clmttnn ku, Naahville, . Memphis, . Aahevll.e, Hot8pr)nKS Knoxville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, 740nm 8 20am 1 lOpni 444pm eiopra NSdpm 6 4) lam 11 4finm S3tipm 444pm Sliipiii 8nopin 7 15am 1 1 4Qam 0 3i)pm' 7 f Hpm' 7 ofipra 840pm 618pm 01 Oam 7 4i mm Dallam 1 10pm 041 la in eaopm 7 4nptn MCKl'll V IlKANCIlT No. 18 Lv. A.hevffieT Ar. Waym.vlllc, ' Jurretl'a, HSRum lon.'lani 64"pi No. JIT Lv. Jorrett'a. Ar. Warneavllle, " Aaheville, OiMlum 1 UFipm S4.ripm Mr- WcepinR ears on all nlfc-ht trains. JA8. L. TAVLOR, W. A. WINIIUKN, 0,.A .... II. PA. SOU HAA8.T. at. 11ROOM FACTORY. 1IANFUHD N. LOCKWOUU. Hau-MAia Broom, W hliikH, Hearth and Celllnjf Broouid. Mill and Factory Rrndes a apccinllv. Quo tations aad samples free, febl lid ly J.W.SCIIAttTLK, MERCHANT TAILOR 41 N. Main St. fehsndlv N OTICB. W III collect delita for anynne In the elty for iiernnl. Oood faeilitlea for rentln androl In'tina rnita on houacs. Will aell furnitare on weekly iunieuta. J. B. JOHNSON, At Ulalr'a I'urnitnre Store, ., , 87 I'atton Avrnne. Rcferenera irlrea. innrlWKin JAMIiS FRANK, OSALSS IN . FAMILY6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala itreet, . Aaheville, N. C. srblUdty KLAL EST A TV. AI.TKV II. r.WVM, W. W. WKT (Succemaora to Walter B.Gwyu) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVIUE. . REAL ESTATE. IoaiiM Securely riaeetl at 8 Fer Cent. Notary l'ub.ic. CominlaaloiKrs ollxxda. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK HoutheoHt CourtHqaare. Win. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AKD MINERALBROKER, Attheville, S C. Can aell yoa one million acres of land. In tracts from SO to 100,000 acres. Have number of city lota. Improved and unim proved, which I cilh acll on the lM-.t of terms. If you want a larae or small farm cull on me. If you want minerals of any kind, yoa need ao no further. If yon want Umber lands. thia ia headquarters. In fact I can suit yon ia anything you want in my line. fiervieea of a firat-claaa civil enKlneer aad practical sarveyor cnvuKrd to show up all property when required. I have had Blteca yeara' experience ia the real estate bualncaa. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. ,' KD24411T W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pattoa Avenue, Barnard Building. fcbOdly D. S. WATSON, Real I&tate Ageut, ' Ofters for sale the best lot in Aaheville for Hotel two acres on Patton Avenue between llailey and tirorc streets. Also, some very fine residence lots for sale centrally located. . (ood business lots for sulc at the Old lie pot. i'lae farming lands, IIiiiIkt lands, etc., for sale, near the city. I'OK RUNT. Four spteudld houses furnished and uunir. alahed, for rent. P. 8. WATSON, dtmuyl Aaheville, N. C INHUKANCIi. JJIKBINSl'KANCB. F1UK. LIFE.. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Aaheville, A8HBVILLB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. ! IIKK. CAStl ASSKTS IN tl. Ant-lo Nevada, of California, .!j,4!lT.83: Continental, of New Vord 4,N7S,li: HamburH-Bremefl.of (lermiiuy 1,rj!),tll)4 l.onilon AMuranee.nl BnKlaad l.n43,HU5 Niaaara, of New Vork 3.il37.4H2 Orient, of Hartford l.BH7,Bii2 I'lliL-nix, of llrnoklyn fl,0B4,179 Bt. I'aul Hire and Marine, of Mln- " neaota 1,(141,(161 Southern, of New Orleans 4:tO,HM4 Weatern, ol Toronto ,., 1,03U,H3 muiuhi aecinent Aaaociniion. Ktna Life Insurance Company. dtmar2 TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OV T1IS UNITBD STATES. Assets 93,04a,91.vc Surplus o,7M.7iS.I3 ( Lararr than any other Com pun r. I Outstanding Aiturance...34e,ii6,ia6.oo Written la lasa.... iSl.9U.SJ3.oo i on line i-oiKiea wun id anu M yvur lie- nuna are ine mint popular anil profitable iui ,ii n aanuritnee. 4 For examplea, rates, etc., confer with E. D. Monroe, Agt., Aaheville, N. C. Office with Jude Aston. felji!3clUm WM. R. PENNIMAII PROfRlllTpR PP THE ASHEVIUE BRICK WORKS, AsbevillcN. C P.O. Box p. muriadly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main atm-t office., . " " "" Oih dally", except ttiuidaya, Iroin i' io riri! until 1 p. m., and 4 JI0 until .3o p. tn. The terms of subacription are: One year 6 moa.. i r.n- a .... i . . lluil v 'J eta. " oittcera lor lrlNtv l'reldent, R. R. Rawla ; ..-..,yni, Lnanca w. woolsey ; See. and rrcaa., U, 8. Wut.on ; Librarian, Miss H. 1. Hatch. 1 Citiaens and visitors are conlinlly Invited to inspect Ihe entaloifue and biarr)!,. hir nuinea as niemliera. lebHiltf lyB. WOLPB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL. PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wrak done. lutililni. ami b ,. l...i.i . . tended to. - KrVi0". c'J'on Orders can be fcft with W. H, Weatall & Co. . (ehUtlOm FITS CURBU BV OI.il fil'KCIALlBT Bottle of medicine Free. W. mmr. rant our mnedv tnetir. th. ea, and the only phyakians whniln thia to ,r oeinir tiiiiHiacn nHin by mm satna fnlae name nnd who are not Doctors Because other, failed la no n-x.n. .... . aalns; thia medicine. Rive Rxprru and Poat olllce addrraa. It coats von nothing Arf.. Aaahel MciilcoJ Bureau, aui Broaifwav, New f,f- Iana7d&wly' HOT US. ' ASIIEVILLl;: To HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $4.SO, ImludiiiK lull duy'a board at the ' ' .. . MOUNTAIN I'AUK'HOTKIa. The Hatha iu Marble I'oula and 1'on.xluin Tabs are tlie finest and Woat luxurious In Aaicrka. The Hotel Is NEW ANI) FIliiST-CLASS In livery Partkatar. V . I'NHXCBI.I.BD IN ITS CU1S1NK. The place la a choraiinjt spot, nestled among- and sheltered by Piuc-clad Mountains where there is no fog, ao dust, no malaria. Pare and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. - dtluliltt A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne IIoumc. One of the beat In Westera North Carolina. Summer and winter resort. Niitnrela sanita rium, flcencryand water unexcelled. Terms moderate. t'-10. N. BLACKBURN, I'rop'r. marl3d3Sji , J. Na MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. IStiliool and Collofrrj Text UookH, u full line. PrietM, 1 1 in tory, KomaiK, IJioiapliv, Travel and Novels, Family Uibltw, S. 8. 15illea and Tent, amenta, Oxford Teachers'. Hible, Son? liook'H of allM kindrt, largostock Stationery. Hlank Bookn and Olfico and School Supplies, New line Ladies' and (JentH' I'ockut. Iwoks just otH)iied, Fancy Goods and Dolls, febliidlT ' J. C. MIOWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 5 Patton Avenue, (Next to Orawl Central Hotel.) aprSdly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at bis old stand over J. B, Uickersoa&CQ.'s ; Hardware Store, under the firm name gf "4 J. V. BROWN & CO, Having thirty years' experience as under, taker and embalmcr, Snd uncqnalcd facilities for buying:, can sofrljr guarantee satlsfuctlon, Calls promptly attended to at all hours, Everything ierUlnin to the business ah wavsonhand.' frtilAdHm THIS CITIZEN PUIILISIIING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square Is pivparttl to do iiitfli-gradeV work iit LOW RATES Hi H" iij we tlil'y have i ' FIRST-CUSS EQUIPMENT. , A TRUE TOILET LUXURY, or ABaokWTtu ruse inoakoicnts. BCAUTiriCS THE TCCTH. RCSEBIVCS THC GUMS. WEtTCNSTHC BREATH JIO INJURY TO Til ENAMEL. Art AND AGREEABLE WITHOUtVquaT A A foiLE-r PREPARATION. MICK t CENTS PER BOTTLE. old ar u DMuaaisrrs. -. M. WINKEIMANN 4 CO.. fROr. CTIMORC MO. . For wile by -J. 8. GRANT, dawtau28

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