p '- ' ' ill raw Railroad tickets bought sold and ex changed. All transaction minnu.i..i Reliable information chcvrfullv fnmUlil at 51 North Muiu street, opposite court Streetcar conductor (to passenger) "ou'll linve t)iwivl':irffiirth,ii tic is over 6." I'asscngcr (indignantly Well, that' the first time I've ever fwen asked to y fare for that baby, tin.) he's rul.len with me nn ir.,t ,,.-.c...: .. . . . . viug IV.' I 1 1 1 II years nud more." IT WW Absolutely Pure. It Jrt'wST "J! A Pur ity, stmurth and whulwomtmis, Morccco- - "''" than the onii.mr, kind., and Tnn be whi n eompctlli.H, with the muiutu.fc .rf kiw teat, abort weiKht alura or .,h,....h. Pwucni. SoM only in rans. Royal IUkim; f..wi. cu ... urn Wall St.. New York" nwtftirlT . Kulriuh. Ja ;. Martm. Asia-vine. 1 Ashcville. jAVIOSt)N, MAItTI.S&JONBS. . i Attume.vf and Counsellors at Low. . Aahcvillr, M. C. J ,;v'n . ii ill the 1 1th and ISth Judicial . '.,"tr,kts- "Utn the Supreme Court of North v - ' l amhnn. ami In the Folrrni Ct.urta of the Meier to Uaak of Ashcville. dUcl . CIU. A. )01. ; UOKr 1IKHIUCK. JUtHJKE & MUKKICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . Aahrvilk, N.C. - ,1'ruvtice in the United States Circuit and UlKtrlct Courts atAahcville.StnteaYilu-.Cimr. little un.l Lrernshoro, in the Supreme Curt at KalrtKh, and iu the courts of the Twelfth . Judicial District of the State of North Cnro . . inu. - , Special attention tfiven to collection of chums. . I'artncrahln does not extend to practice to uu.numus iu.tr.ur v.ouru. ; dtoc3 "-'"r.-. ri.Kiki uiv - .. ..... f w a I 11-11 is always alive to the interests of rtsiiculle and its f..nlc. is UK most popular mlvcrtisiui; oiuin in rvortn Luroliiwu Is read by a greater inmiUr of iicoplc any tuner secular hiik.t in the Mate. Is always tilled with the choicest read nig matter ot the lav. Hoarding houses lill their nuinu. byrnl- in me linziiN. New, and all the news, nuiktu the ClT a Ktncral favorite. io retail nicrcnaiilcvcr made trrat sticwia without ndvcrtisiii.. Try tlie V.ITUKN. An adviTtiseineiit in the CmzKN nays n.ivv. l.MH un iiuiiumi-ioki. , Ulve tbe Children a chance. TIhtc is something rndicallv wroni; ...I, I. 4. 1 1.1- r i i .. rt 7" l"e neaun oi n cniui wncn it seems listless, has poor of no -njictite, eyes Hunkeii mul with dark skin lieucath. In most cases sliowim: tlR'SC SVIlll.tuma the. child has worms, am nil thiit it needs is some simple remedy, ducb as Hurt's Worm Cream, to cxcl the worms, and the child will soon lie in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little oties have a liiir chance for life. ' Harry Had it prcat time lasttiiht, old man! Took a nirl out to ritlc with the new m.irc, you know, and my arms fire tame to-iny iroiu tryitu; to hold her III! . -Will TIic girl ? Hairy No; the ware. 'r ..... . minis in 1 "c .i.w.M uciicaie coiistitiiii.tii cm vauous pjirts ol the ImhIv. sink nw nt tlie 1 salcly use lr. I. 11. McI.e.-m'K T...- Wi.... I'.t in uie siomacn, loss ot apietite, lever-1 niiim. it is a sure remedy lor isimcss, iipuplcs or sores, are all positive tuu,'us, loss of voice, nml nil throat am i viocncc oi pcuwiiieu Dlood. No matter '""K irouiilcs. Bncklcu'o Arnica (Mlve. TIhj Iwst salve in the ,,rl,l fi, ,t. l)ruise(i.ores, nk'TTs, salt rhenm. frvrr sores, tettiT, ehaiHied hands, chill.lnina cimis, and all skin eruptions, mid .m tivcly cures piles, or no pny reipiired. It piaronteed to pive iK-rfcct satisfaction. or money relundcd. l'rkx 25 cents irr ixix. Koranic hy F. L. I.u.,1. .l ive Tl e RniK.'ror of China is said to em ploy ten men to carry Ins limlmlla. It is quite evident that this youthful H)tcntate is prepared for ft hard rcijjn. For a safe aud certain remedv for frwr nud n.'ue, use Ir. 1. H. XIcLenn'a I'l.iiu and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure. lid (to Ada in her ball costume ) What a lovely giil you are! . Ada (wmolyr-Yoa ought to see me wlien I am dressed ! . LIGHT AND SHADOW. n lirt.t 'er ah lava vlUiout IU atuulow iwting n Kmnu Muwpauo turn ilia oumw ay; Rumnlilr txaoi can (tuup lla t oroa ao LlIh Bi.l that the oljjht may ilimud IW faJuig ray No human luy vltuout kaatuuird mm. The fuuna nktiaurai uiui olum Ujm. vn.o.)iuuiKKn(. vlUvhuarkKMllliaUwnlght noaouDiaurta.u:htr. with their cIhm waklua Tbamu.liKhi air in aurKWuf delight. Out Uitfw ara inuaaa to show that hmrta aia umuinx. Aa If tha tranxlant folly to reqult Ths eliandeller can oarar la ha glowing Uk-Iu up Uin .toodor of Um halla of iMa. Out Huh the tallow dip it Quatiy abon uut rhsKlMMly aquaJur ibnlla pour rMUda. Al Uw Itrw dawa of the Croat loo Tha ntNiluii and Uw uioruuur matle tha m worw, in ery nuit and atation. m lutni ana aruuow Bold altwnruo saay tua anauaa ueir louilwr pain ara caat UUJ. We Bhrnilrl nnt droon or falt,w Ihm Am.,u Hum, too' tha fraata tbe awaeUMt twds are Uaat. , uuc. Their Hluvtowa uotne not, for do nlirhl k. there. -un wiunui tklUKlo AtlautaCoDslitutioa. to W ' un;: Tbe l'irnt Hyiuptonia of Dvatli. i ucu icciinji, (inn neailaclic, ). O. JfKltWIHOM. t. a. conn. . .. ' , fmii Jt MKKK1MON, Attorneys and CounHcllors at Law. I'nictice 1.1 all the court. -Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston buildiiiu. . ' ; " UtK . W. W.JONKS. USO. A. SI1UFOKD. JON US A SHUFU UU. " ' Attorneys at Law, . Anhcviilc, N. C. l'racticaln theKuH.'riorCourt' Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the btafc, and the Kr.l.ral C.ljrta at Aahcville. Ulhcr iu Julinnt.in l.uil.liiiK, whrreonc mein bcr of the firm cuu alwi.jn be fouud. -mjg' ;dtnvll : ItlllNSTONU JONBS, " " Al-roltSHV ANU CmJNSKl.l.OK AT LAW, ' " ,A8Hii VILLI?, N, C Pmctlcca In the United States Circuit und tHKtrieiCmirta nt A-.lu villc, in the Hupremc Court at HalciKh, and in the Courtu of the rwelHhJuflieiid liiatrictuf UwStateurvorth . vwwn.'re, on nin services nlav be iwiuircd. oilicc over So. KxpriM (HHce. Hendry Block iaua3.itf now it became K)isoncd it must 1 puri lied to avoid death. A cker'a K...rlttt. liiood Ivlixir has iu-vcr failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & -0 fcbQduwlw Do not inveigh Kind reader prclsh, Against this Kentle inorith of Mcigh; Nor the weather impugn, Although so sugn The sun's warm reigh icniuyou toseigh: i nuuticr! It's hot enonch tttr Iulmi !" Terrible 1'orcwaruliiKH. Cough, in the moroiiuj, hurried or dilli- ...If l,:.i. ... .... JikIIcIoim AdvcrtlHinii. CREATES many m new business; ENLAUdlSS many an ohl bushtcsS; REVIVES many a dull business; - , Aictzx many a lust business; ;' SA VES manv a failintr huxiiu-sn PRESERVES Ulan V a lurve business: SECURES success in tnr h.siiv To advertise jmlkiously, use tlie col li inns of 'The Cilixen." Jiverybody reads it; anu in proiwition to tlie returns it yields advei Users, its rates are the cheat ;.. .... ..-4... loiuiurniuuur, ... I.lttle, "But ldiouKli," M Mcrcutio said of his wound. We refer t. tl.. 1.;..... i:,.i.. . r-i.lt l.n..H :.. .Vii" " , . "V" 'cucis, w men are , ,7i; ;kf S- T r,ra', !!l',,w ?". "lt il sure, in cases of sick iur1: "i"-: ,,,"uus- uti,Kttk,n and ... v..,.K on tin: nrsi siat'CS oi con. i nuiliption- Acker's liiiL'lisli (.n,.l. kv,.,. cdy will cure these (earful 8ymitoms,uiid aoiu umier a iM.sitive guurantce by T 10. Smith & Co. iehSdawlw When a strand of feminine hair gets entangled iu u nuisculinc acurf piu it does init reipiirca very heavy stcu in an ad joining roo,ii to umke two hearts beat as twenty. Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; If we cannot do the fishing Fossibly we may cut the bait. . . ' CoimunipUou Carablv. Since the fact that consumption is both preventable, and in itsearlicst stage cura lilcit has lost inuchof its Urror. lftlictirst symptom arc at once recognized, and the Faults of dikcstion cause clis,.r.l,.r ,.f n"1Ftr ily applied, very lew, if any the liver, and the whole system becomes ol,e.""'ddie of consumption, which is deranged. Dr. J. H. McUau's Sarsapa- T y ? T,,,u.la-, -Mke many other nlla ertccts the priK-css of digestion and !l,sca!M;B this formidable one grows out of assimilation, and thus makes nure blood ' ." "" lnls " trn trom tl A iUtb of State. TliequiMtn of MudlliniNCUI. bna biUn 1.... -I I .L IPl" . . iror jroni Uttlll. llilMHIinil.il aI.m.i iiig un wan observed with ffivat pomp. ilia vrunvli iwpers rtiimrt that the. quoon was clothed all in srarlet and scaiao uNiia rcl yelvt t throne; a coi ner of the rH)ni wusmiltxlolT with red . u. mi., uriiuiu mis wits rolled a great oatn luusoion wlioels. A sol emu procession rn UipoiikIi. bcuriiic tlie wuLir for the bath, nmlcrials for the ire Uj bet it, niatlediiwtly under the ouui mo iuhiii. me towels, soap, per fuineand various toilet appurtenances. As soon as tlie water was utliciently neawu trie tire was put out, prayors a ..jinn aiiiig uiii.ioriiiir Hint Ilia nnui.. T. i uaawsa autinr sua iiuptii w iwm ler dartno; act, and then, tut she dis appeared behind the curtain, a salvo of artillery was fired aud the drums bent to announce to thsexcitod multitudes Prewnll the most c!-vti.i : TH6 LAXATIVE wo NUTRITIOUS OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with thb niedici: virtues of plants known most beneficial to tliq li system, formiti(r an agrtxai and effective laxative to pe rn, nently cure Habitual Con..: pation, and the niauy ills ; pending on a weak or h- c;' "chdition of tlie ifiDKEYS, LIVER ASD BOWELS , It iMheauutciceUtnt remedy known v. CLEAttSE THE SrSTEH EFFECTUA;., Whea one it itilir...a or Consiipuud SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REPRESHINO SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH NATUHAU.T FOUOWi Every one is using it and all delighted with- it. ASK YOUR 0RUO0IST FOA BYXITJI? OP FIGO MANtWACTURtO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FXAIK(SC0, CU. lOVmiUt. KT HEW YODK. H. MISCELLASEOVS. i..... ... . " ""rpawMrd. i,5x I ect Above TldeAvater. I ille Mlucrnl Springs within a Short Walk oflue Hotel. 1 o 0 M mm I n . b jiim t.V 'Np. tl"" Schedule Street Railway. I .1 . n, -"" "HSIIIIU Utiths and Toilets ou each floor. outaido tliat the important part of the T take Friuu' Mttrih . t -3o. m oorwuioiiy was lakuur n m At n.Q . . - . - C I . UIO mm oi a oner niteen minutes the queen reappeared, somewhat paler in Car leaves Court liouw ..fl.ao a. m ,.7.oo ..K.IMl from tnea till 7 u. m. ear U. , Also, ear leaves court b.mae at und W.oo i. ni. r Aictv, F1VB CBNTS. Thc"IlICKORVIN"il...iif rt... ... ., . .. . " mcts, likvtric Lights. C.ns aV.d 1 .c trU 1 ZZELT!: ? . TK"- i.-l. nu. i :r 7. v : , u -oiu naier v.vKiiniiy liirnisnca tlirougliout. 1 , ' FRANK LOl'GIIKAN, Prop'r, Hickory, N. C. hue, but gorgeously arrayed and wear in or all I he crown iuu-nla In l.... she cuiiicd an ox horn, tipped and oounu wiui suver, full of water taken from the bath just previous to her en- ut.ihh,w,i, uoanug this mid accom panied br tlie nrinifi mi.,i.i Dl, marched to the wluce Krtal, where site dipped a branch int.. 1 1, Q auu snntiKled the spectators as thev Dout '"e of Way, with a stock oi tr. ""b. "i1n.11 gave mem Ihesaua- fUtl.,11 t fu..ll..M .1.... A. 1 1 .ooHHij i.uttl luey nave iu a iieasuru suareu In the dangers wWch the quoen as the head of the nation 1UU UOIUIV OOllfnn.lsH NU,U V I. .r. 1 . luii ituenuo. $25.! Bcautiftil Hu iltUnK Lots IN S.oo p. in. MISS SARAH ICIXIC K ta iJieiiHca to announce to her friemls nud the unliHc geiarally thut she iiroii.we to ooin II. DOUGLASS, D. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wingcrt's Dni Store. Hcsltlenee, Wo. 9M Bailey St. fcuKHIly flt II. KEBVBS. D. I. S. It isaslted in Chicago wliether George Washington's carriage, exhibited at the New York Centennial, is the original hack he took at the cherry tree. Better Than Hulclde. Professor Arnold says; "Aa incurable dyspeptic is justified 111 ffinimti tintr siit. I cidc. We will guarantee to cure any dys- 8ist8' p ""."in tnree moutns liy Acker's lvnghsh Dysnetitk Tablets. T.C Smith &0. ... , ' febSdawlw diseased liver. Hence, wc have the hack mg cougb, the lungs, and nil the symptomsof hastening iui.suiuiM.iuu, an tnc result ot depraved blood and a diseased liver. Tlie use of Dr. t lerec s Uoldcn Medical Discovery will arrest all such symptoms, restore the liver to healthy action, and send streams oi pure uiooa into every organ. OI drug: BKNTAI, OF1ICF, Iu Connally BuildlnK, over Kcd wood's 8tore, " Hntton Avenue. - TM.h ...H. 1 . I . . ... v 1..1 w.iuuat pom, auaau cuaes wi ivau.m.ijr vorrectca. el.t3tlly F. BUKU1N, M. D. The ciar has returned to St. Petersburg anu cliumred his winter suit .,flw,;u. iron tor a light suit Of east steel. o Mot Huffier Any IoiiKer. Knowing that a cotitrh can he rh li...l m a day, and the first stages of consump- Spectator (to defendant) Well, I guess tlie jury will find for you. The judge's charge was certainly very much m your favor. Don't you think so ? Defendant (moodily I knew all along that the judge's charge would be all right. - It's the lawyer's charge that's worry in' me. A Scrap or Paper saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap- " -t ' " 'OFFICKj "t2feinrf;.... .'.:.. ... w umua ventral Building, over Bur 83 Clothing Store. Tlfin llf-.,lrf.M .., a . . XlsUB :A !? PfH but it saved W li.eVSbewas kbl7dlm a "7 r win retund. the money to all who buy, .t uucciions, anu ao not hnd our statement correct. T. C. Smith & Co' " fcbfidawlw J F, HAMSAY, I), u.s. Dental Ullicc i In Bnrnard BuildiuK Bntrauccs, Avrnur and Main Street, febutidly Patton Miss Middlcton Whv Gcorgc? George Did n.ni. your miner is tin nio- Miss Middletou Physically, I mean. George fscttlinc lmekl til. nil ;,,v,i I was afraid it was something serious. in the last staires of-consumntinn t..l.l In. physicians that she was inctirnt.l m.H toum live only a short time. She weighed .von man seventy ixninus. un a piece ol n in iui. l' uiiuLT Hnr nH 1 nt i iv i iti..' New Discovery, and irot a smnnit. U.iil LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, l um vuuOTi. Binoruiikry Mulcrinls will W siR-ciulty. Trusting that the lu.lk-a will nonor ncr itn their presence and a share of their patronage, she v. ill cu.leuvur to do all in her power to pleitae them. Corner Main and Willow streets, under the Swauniinoa hotel. imr2H.llv - ' M Georgia Sllrer Hlua, Muni years ugo when the rod men roameu over the f..iv.ct i.. there was in tlie nine w.wl. oh, TttzeweUasilvermiue. The locaUon Of this mine was kuowu only to the Indians. They worked it for some uuieanu Drought the silver to Buenai Vista to sell to a man who was in the "Y"UUI ousmess, out whose namei Utt rprgottea After a time they ceaeed to bring it, and the merchant upon mquiry leai-ned thut the water uu luuuuateu tne mme in such away as to- prevent further work. He fur nished thorn with Pumps of some kind, when they again brought him silver! ojwr uie inuiaus left this country for the west the merchant offered $1,000 to any one who would discover the lTllriA A fia.M n aZ-ZJ RTO store, Ana man nr 1. .V; . . i i . I r " MMuuveaeu tne location of too muw several years afterward J , wor Uia lllo'd pieces of SKYLAND SPRINGS iH fitoniu; covntv, n. c. SkyianaSpHilsnnew THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINFRAI sprikrs im tup wm vi uw in ink winiu entyvci, SpringMiulylM-iite. Almn. tr.m. Ki-jom, Sulphur, Magnwhi, and Fneatone iun culd aud hiulth giving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "nil thf viuf Vi.tsn.i wii i..... 'j m Several bui.iK. re Kohig nTim MHI and na'", T.. . OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. may 10 dCm ; m THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Fluent ami Larxest Stock of WHISKIES, i BRANDIES AND i WINES, All eyes fitted and fit guuranteeil, plete stock of the above goods at A com-1 A NBW PKKP, carefully prrpnrrd by lead lng mimlMm of the Aabcville bar (on 6nt psrehmeut aud heavy flat pupcr), eov ering all twcesHury 'points, juat ont and now ou ale at the office of the Citukn I'l'i.i.imi- lo fo . Snrtl. l'.,nrt iiinnp flnnl'lt' If any draKir says he ha tha W. t. Donrlaa Um bottom, put him down aa baudV It lieljied her.- She bought a large bottle Jhd I understand vou to sav " , " ,K'Ka ner more' s"e "ought tin father is failing 1 ' otner u,nd Krew hetter fust, continued its use una is now strong, healthy, rosy plump, weighing 1-io pounds. For fuller particulars senU stamp to W. II. Cole druggist, rorth Smith. Jrial bottks ol Luis wouuertul uiscovcry tree at Jacubs v.i store. No need to take thos.- bl.r 1, pills.: one of Dr. I. H. HrUn'f I and Kidney Fillets is quite sufficient and more agreeable. inc tonaeco manufacturers trust, it is Milieu, will not liu-r.'.'ise ,.ri.-.-u It ...ill Daughter Mother, the d(K-tors(ui'.'d p"tiltllli(! pro quo by decreasing the me so tiurmg the wait! Mother-Let . un icx mm! i Mat's the futhcr was caught ! Way your size of plugs. lesser. Of two evils chew's the Ci, . " ttapcpny .1 his is what you ouyht to have, in tact you ilinst have it to fully enjoy life. Thou- sanos arc searching lor it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou ao.iua uin.il inousaWIS OI (III l!irs un- ParcntH Crftnlnally Liable. More than half" of nil deaths lore six years ol aie. An nnnv ..I in.., cent, lovely children arc swept needlessly away each year. Parents arecTimiimU'v ft-siKinsible for this. The death rate of sln .annually by our people in the hope children in Kntrland is I. iiM 1 linn rt'ill'4 liu I that tllL'V tllH V Jit i li in i Inu luuni A .t . , ( i i , I , - j '"'i'ii, nnu HI B liiigusii iiany soother has done 11 maJ attaineU by all. . Weirii.triiiitec HRire io iii-tug this about than nll'nth..r tliat l-,lectnc fitters, fuse. .., .r.lin.r i.. causes combined. You cannot ulford to directions and the use iK-rsistcd in. will lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. bring- Vou good diLtstion mill mint tlu . 1 HcmOH flVSHeilSlll mill inKli.l inan.1 waiiung inc carlli ; some cpsy. We recommend I'lcctric Hitters satisfied with an un- lor dvsncusin and nil li,u.. ,.f i:. pLuiiiiicu nun KKincys. Molil at Otic, and Talk about men wouldn't lie liolstercd comet. V. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE roit CCNTLCMINr Beat in tha wm-l.l .flOOKNIIINK 111 .0 HAND-HKWI II wr,I,T KHOK. HI KNIJINK HAN1 NKM NIIOK. I'OI.IOK IT A H M IT If u hii tw ' Rfl VVrii A raa. T. 2 1 ... 2. .1 ..VMM9 i J5 WOBKINOMAW8 HHOK. 4.00 and 1. 73 hovs W HML SHOES. All aiads la Cvniin-n, Cuttun and Lao. V.L. DOUGLAS Q3HSH0E tAror.. n1?! '"' yl". Bast fitting. If aul bryoar i.alar, writs W. UTNOUULAS. BUOCKTOIT. MAM, (CxKiulna w. l UouirlH sa.oo Uot for Oentlinen and LatlieM. : ' . . For sale by , HERRING & WEAVER, oil Stjuth Main Street, Asheville, N. C. jiipltldly Hi Ktt km. .11 ,. 1 u.u, .m ub disnua for wlilch d.wtori had no uina. Tbe nulla ama off bU flnif. era, and ths flnmrt earns oS to tin. rania mini. or s years ha luffeml Wnt. dreadfully; la now rotting well, and I am satlnntid Bwlfl' H.win. i. ih. unci caiua bis improvement. Jsa.lt, lS9t. Pers,luo. "K-er.. tlm remit t of Um mllra of ealf comlnr I., ran. Ml leeimnn pain . Iinrelum K.y un.ua out with xirta am tin t win, mt tnget. Tba nleen wrrt A b.hI liowrd bo Ihcllnatioa to baal. t-. fi'i HiKrlfa. aud lie la now writ ctb.Ut(. fan r. Usia,Aubnrn, Ala. fend fur books on Plood PoImim 4t skin Planuca, Bwurr braouno Co., AUauU, On. t:USTAI!G LIIJICEEIT BirOirr,T) ALWAVR BE KEPT IX RH0P. aUTCaEN. BTAitLK AND JACTOUX I . Hinlth. wife. - - When ijie day is o'er, ami the evening is The cattle are lid. the milkin.r.l,,.,. Smith takes his rest 'neath the old shade I tree, From the labor of the land his thoughts lint 106 faithful wile, from Rnnin gim lanes ncr liurdcn u) that's never done: There is no rest, there is no play, For the good of the house shemust work aiway. And in the end this faithful, overtasked woman, will break down lieneath her never ending round of work; and ns she lies tqion Her couch of pain, Smith will have ample time to liemonn the selfish economy which closed his purse strings when his patient wile gently hinted that her lading health required a tonic. Why was he so short sighted ? ' Dr. Tierce's rnvonte rresmiition would have given a new lcnsc of life, and brought the blush of girlhood to her checks again. Itisthe only remedy f'oroverworked, "worn out" and feeble women generally. Sold by all druggists, tinder a positive guarantee ol satisfaction in every case, or price ( $ 1 1 iwomptly refunded. Sncak-thicf (who hus iuaf il.-ci..l.,..,i IK.. .... .t... t '. . k.ru KlK uoor-iiuiu'i Ma'am. I O....M ...... I - ,1 .. I J""1 ....Bi.u.i.i, ir. nransoii, actitmet.ir his overcoat. Mrs. Ilnmsmi (11. i.,.i:,i eh? Well, as he's been dend ton l....r. had thiuiglit he'd send linr h.a li..n ouster. $1 per lx.ttlc by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. 11. A uh....lll . -. . . . ... - i uuiiy a. itiv.eii fwives The latest local news. -The freshest State news. Tlie Ix-st general news. A first-class telegraph service. Full Washington reports. General and special comments. i nc largest subscription list of any secular paper in the State. . The best advertising medium in the State. .A full stalT of able editors aud corres pondents. - The neatest, newsiest aud most entcr prismg paiier in North Carolina. Its efforts are nlwnys tlevoted to the upbuilding and development of the re sources of the Stutc, pnrticidnrly the Western section. . Subscription, $0 per annum; $3 six months; GO cents iet month. A REAL PLEASURE rf - lut guuueman, irom some u. or omor, was uuable to pur lu property at Uio time, and it IS Owned bv an mtnla V, (.:. , . , . -wiww, M.o uutra oi wmuu uave moveu away and left tlie yvvny uncareu ror, nor do they know anything of there having beeL iver found on the ulace. The loca Hon is known toa ,,. iiiIM n aisocomborutos everything that has "" uuoui iu urookiyn Kugle. Bow to Enjuy a Claaratta. Cheap, hand made cigaintles form a uoiicious smoke, iiarUcularly if while Z&H, " J"fT " Ji,Bm :ou ,et.y' their ori-m. To one who knows, this daily luxury of tlie cabnmn and waiter is redolent with associations for . .rv" rn gauiored the ma toiiuui? There is three volume uovel In every cigarette.- What a ai.londi.l exercise in imagtfittion it is toflgure 1.1 ,n..1u ...In.l ...t. .. . n umi iue smouers were WbO contributed enrh . the remams of a cii?arett ..r ,. einptym.rs of a pipe fur the jg-amin to dry and llizlo til! it was ready to be a cigarette again. Youth, beauty, fash ion, old acre, vice and vinim ..,o oil have auiokpd the tobacco iu its earlier form. It must be hinb.lv construct a group of sliuuowy smokers "uuniuuiices. lxiuUou Ulobe. . A FaUoltoua Turn. Pr. iu.. W.. 1 1 I . . . .. . wjwieu in capturmg Miss Smith's Jonet Notexiwt.v o-nt h .l.i "-'I u urown - An? Jonos-Yea. I col (, troit Free Press. 2 SOUTlf MAIN 8TRBUT. Oculiata' imscriptiona a (xreialty. feb27dflm liver Brought to Ashevtllc. l artiis wishituj u uod urtkfc for family w ,lher,mrowle will find it to their interest to k'lvc tnc a cull. KesiKx-tfully. THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN milKlldly Frank O'Donnell, PropV. OK TUB W. N. C. UaptlHt Convention. .4 f'iier lh'voUil tn thr htlcmtt of tlie lie. nomuiutton In H'cstcrn Ai.rdi Cumliiiu. $1.50 Per Year, in Advance. AvertisiiiK si.aec limited. BuU-a tuade known upon application. AI.IirB A A may) 1 dim wty ASlIBVIM.lt ItAI'TIST, Asheville. N. C. -De- rimplcs, blotches, scaly skin. spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses mid tu mors, unhealthy d is. h areas, aiu-h I catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and miwr forms of skin diseases, are symrtomsof OIO.HI impurity, lake llr. I. II. M. lean's Siirsapnrilla, TO DO YOUJt PRINTING As you .want it aiitl wjicnyou - want it. CITIZKN I'UHLISIIINd CO nOSTAKG LIIIIOEHT tlUSTAKG LiniriFflT INFLAMMAT1..N. OLD SORKa IS FOE MAW A T,Pi-r r.,.ra7"' MULEAFUiWiTu'imViiYioNi OAHLKDItUKAbTd AneJA7i' H1TK6I vviiat tney call a "tantium"ox team IS not a run. tnw.i,.,.l.. :.. i . i, -c- - 'v iu cuaturn t"io. a uamoridim m:.. m.baA ..11 uuy lust 8U11111HT tviiii ui. 1...- I , anaa msb va im lleiSscd IlltO a Slirilur I.M.Ik II- u"vti Hie OS Himself nl.iU ,.1.1 lady followed aionir bdhlii.t' ,..lli. rone tltid to tlm l.,L, .J. " - - -. iaj nunc uie uiu- cmue. Full fed and prosperous immld ran tieyur iiinlcnstuml huiigorund poverty, hut twk with Marie A.,il,..,. i'l the poor people uroso clamoii.us for bread, whoiitbtw miiriii 4.... i. ..1 . e ' - ... u ii. cakes for two jieuce apiece. Martyu. It is said of on absent iniutlod man, who used t. live iu Dixlicltl. that he eft clothing enough watlerod about the woods where fie worked to cover the whole town. . ( Mrenirth to vigorously push a business, strength to study for a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor without physical pain. Do you desire strength? If you are broken tlown, have no energy, feel n il life was hnrdly worth living, yon can lie relieved and restored to robust health ami strength bv taking Hrown's Iron Hitters, a sure cure for dyspepsia, malarial weakness and oil diseases requir ing a true, reliable tonic. It nets on the Wood, nerves and muscles, and regulates every part of the system. , HUSTANG LIIIIL1EI1T CTIITCS PILES, KURNS, CITTH, CORNS buuiKEH, oiuLiiLAiMjAntoaTurrjia A ItlSINIiHSl.OT jl-r i5iic -iirsvuciinii. MBiuruB), at !- June 1, 1889, I will aril at thcji- oime. a . --..-.j. .... j-. , . Fine ItuKluesM Lot, With one-hulf of brick wall of No. 0714 North Muiu street. Sue ofiot UBxlOO teat. Terms of sale: One-huff cash. Latum in ty , ...!,. I at H per eent. interest. Title nerfcet. . C. S. COOI'UK, tnuyS dtds 3U South Muin street. m - ..... i l::.. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY. NO. 37 1'ATTON AVENUE, akdivN PARK HOTEL Wholesale and Retail AND FAMILY COTTAGES, Furniture Dealers, vp inuiH soutn of Anhrvillr, on the A. c S. u.Muuu now oien lor tlie Muaou. KATHS. ."V!:-v-;"-- - ... a o I'er Month , 4U 00 For circular!. n.lilrcHs THUS. A. M0HKIS, Prop'r, "ny2dtf Ar.ti-ii, N. C. And ITudertakers. I'ronipt utkntioit given to all orders day or uight. Resilience t o l'eulautl Street. TLANTIC COAST UNB un unci niter thin (lute the f.ill.iwiiiK aeheil- :V .r nm "v,'r u" --..luinl)iu Iiivisi.in." no. aa inven Colunilila a.an p. ,n. Arrives ntcharl.t.in Il.ao p! m No. 02 lA'uvr Chiirltnii 7.10 a. in. rnvc Ult,liiiin,la..,,.ll.r,fl a. III. v-oiiinititm with Irainn to nn.i from nil I......IH t.ll l le Clmrl.ilt.. f',.l....,i.lu m. a.. I " ... "u tolulll,a at oreenvillc KuilrouOs. T. M. KMKKSdN, Oen. j. r, uivvinu, trcn. supt. - lililUly . t'aaa. ArL MRS. S. STI2VI2NSON ..... tviikivci li. the lohnmnn It., I,ll.r i... ln avenue, cnrner i.f Clmreh street, whew hoarders. Tahle fiiriiislini with the IkkI the i...rii.iiir.is. iermr'HK..iiul.le. mar:il (im I Leave Veiir Ortler With BLACK, The-New-Tailor, Opiioslte the Swunnun'oa Hotel.: -KOH- A SIJJT OF CLOTIIliS, -OR A PAIR OF PANTS. A FULL LINK OI NBW OOOllS JliBT KW- CHIVIil). Cloth sold hy the Yard. Ladies' In. k. t. Cot and fitted. Boys' Garments Cut. All Kinds of full. irlnn. nUSTAIJG LINIMENT CURES HOLLOWIIOnM, CAKED BAOS, GllUU It HOOF Ws-AWfi ixiT I' ti V S; u v f ' J SH-GPAIID, MANN & JOHNSTON, F U N E R A L -DJ R E C T O R S, EMI1ALMING AND SHIP PI N'G A SPECIALTY. 31- -31 PATTON AVIiNUL P. Ilnrewton will attend Calls Day and Night. -'' tnnrStdly ! ' -3 HUSTAHG LlfiiriEUT nilSTAHQ irr.2.T - " via a a juibu 1

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