I..-:: daily citiz::m W iri 1-r rut l. .l.1 every morning (rirrpt Mon 0tl at Itic following IIUI stftljr tai: f ... ill On t-t alonOis ............ w 8.IHI 1 Mr klonlha........ .,.... l.otl 1 Inc r t hi.,..MH..MM,.,...... ftl I One km IB Oar cariirra will dtlirer the paorr erery anormnff every part of the cit y to or nb stnocrs, mill Mtrtic wattling it will picaac call at tuc Clruaa Olhea. Mw AaWertlacnscnlM. Notice J. R. Rankin. Town LotaI. A. Hranner. Canar'a Head Hotel f. A. Mllca. Money and v-curlilca CoMou Iro laloua Knct Produce. MOKiTanittacrarriKs, Nsw Yuan. Mar 1 . Exchange dull but Steady. Money easy at 3a3t. Rub-Treasury balam-ea old, 91G3,4ol,. (HHI; currency, ltl.m.'X. tioreramrat bonila dull lint firany per crnt, f per rcnta, i.u4. tttate bond argU-ctril. Ala.ClaaaA 2aS HloVjINOI'ac. Istaior 01'i, Ala. Claaa H 6s 1 1 1 N. V. Central 17 o-Ts. tnort ln.'ii N. w. iiiii n-" United Mate Wfnal Service aU-av tlou, Aancvlllc, M. C LaTirms, So.. Noam. Loaomtna R3.se. Wasr. bL.tirion, 3,800 Par. MeteoroloirkaU report for 34 a oar ending up i., atay ft, inflff, 7 a at 61 B 60.5 Kortbera Bipoann, Shaded. 3pm Sas I at ai.Tld la. (Dally Vfeaa. 8 Bd a ISU.O j 68. W ""tfiMTPOlNtr 7am 1 3pm I SO I flu RF.L. HUM1PITY Vo' Iaily Mcaa. DO.S3 PKBCIPITATION. Rata aad Melted Haow laches. 0 10 Weather-Fair, Snow Depths, laches. 0 9pm ABSO. HUMIUITYr Daily Mean. 8.8HS BAR0MBTBR. Corrected fur altitadc and temperature. Daily Mean. 80.03 K. . BUCK, inc i U. D., Observer. Three children of the late lame 0 Christmas, of Warren county, N. C, who married daoehter of Myra Clark Gaines, csjme in for a share of the Gaines ' judgment. Christmas, it will be remem bered, killed Whitney, the father of the otoer bars tn toe case, bat did so in sclf- deooe and was acquitted of the crime, eea the wife of the dead man not finding room to condemn mm lor his action. Lee Carson alias Charlie Armstrong, colored, was hung at Shelby Tuesday for buro-larr. He fainted awav on the arai- fold and after recovering fed on his knees and for ten minutes begged the sheriff to spare tus lite, v TUm Election In Dakota. Minneapolis, May 1. Sjiecinls from II over Sooth Dakota indurate m very small vote is being polled. There is no rtfimaituia hat.i.p v. h aM Ci. . .. v Falls constitution of 18H5. Republican. . arc in the majority. In some parts of k!-.l. I . i I. L wi m Lsaaoiaiuriiiaairc iiiicrnmiig Willi the vote. The electirtn develops noexrite- . . .i. . i . . i , an wimixTCT aa lucre is noimng par muiar at issue. - trlka Adjusted. Springpibld. III.. May 14. At a ioiut meeting of miners and oierators of this district yesterday existing differences were satisfactorily adjusted bv the alor tion of the followinir scale: From Mnv 15th, to Uctolier 1st, fKKO, 65 cents xr ton from October 1st, 1HHU to May 1st. 1890, HO cents per ton in addition to this, all miners are to have a check weigbman paid through the oflice, and sevendghths screen.' Miners Killed, Houohton, Mich., May H. Two miners at Huron Mine were killed and two others badly injured lust evening by inning rot'SS. At Half Price for Ten Day. 1 have had to vucate at sluirt notice my Japanese I)rMtrtmeiit. Having no room to store and show this Hue it must be closed out, at once. Most of it is now offered at just half price. Goods marked in plain figures. The stock Is one of the best in the South. This is a grand oppor tunity, Cull early. &ue closes on May 22. J.H.Law, 67, CO ami 01 8. Main St. CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILL IIB OPBNIin PUR TUB BUASON OP lRHK ON The Flrtitof June. The location of thin Hotel on toeiummit or Cesar's Head Moaatain, an outlying spur of the Hint Rldas, la upper Boath Carolina, afford! a HI mate and water unrquated. Aa a lummar resort It has no parallel la the Boats. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70", Whilst Its aataral icenery ia yaried aad grand beyond eoacrptloa. Comfort of (vesta care fully consulted. Livery and dally nail. Kae- lly rracbtd Iroai Aihevllle ia one day, or from lleaderaoavlllc la half a day, over delightful roads, through a romaatic and charming country, F. A. IrlltES. maytSdtf MAHUICTH II V Tl.l.l ;U.4I"II. misci:llai:ous. Owunnauoa Hotel. . 1 Uneiorllcd culalne. I'opulur with touriata, fanulica and buaiaraa men. Blcctrk can paaa the door. 1 It AWLS DKOH.. fcbldly Propr'a. ( N. C. Cona.. 6a..l'Ji N. C. Cona., 4a C. Browa'a...l4 Tena. 6a..... AW, Tenn. na Tran. Bet., 3a... l'ac... Northern N. P. pfd Pacific Majl...... Kcailina .... Km,' Hub. tt Allc 7W!H. W. PoinU lit, AM 1$ tViririniaBa IBock Uland K.'.', V rinnia Cona... So I HI. faul ...... North ea tern ...I0HI do pfd ...lim, no otu .int. racinc itt PHLach i:iHS,ncnnCoalAiIroa .17, Brk 3HV4, union fannc. Baet Tcnn. 1( Lake Shore 1034 Loa. a Nad B7 Mem. a Char... 63 Mob. a Ohio It a Chat.- M N. J. Central V'i Mo. Pailie 71 -H Western Union.. S6I CotUn-ared Oil CcrUlliaU... C5Va COTToa. LnrkaHtoi.. May 1. Noon Cotton quiet with limited inuuirr. American middlinx 0. Rales 7.0OO: anecnlatlon and eiport SOU. Kecctpta w.ttw. Amencaa 1 i.otnj. r iurr loard Arm at advance. 1 r. M. American middling, B. Ba Ira of day included 7,000 American. May , aellcn; May ana June n.arficra, June ana juiy n, rra: lair and Aouuit . acllrra: Aauuat and 8eplcmla)r 6 -t, arllert; Bcporititicf and ijctooer dwh, onyera; tanoorrano nturm her, 0 So-eVa, buyers; November anil iieccm . a a a a . 1 a.n.M.k K tt'jjtA. 11 ara.' Futorra cliracd' stcadr. Nsw Voaa, May 14. Cottoa nrm. nam to-day MSO balea. mkldling uplanda II; mul- dling uncana 1 1 14. 1 otai net rrceipia at an oorUfor to-day s.HTa tsiports 10 orcut Britain 600; Prance SIO; Continent 4,700. atock S4H.U30 Iwka - Nsw Voaa, MayJ4. Cotton Net recelpta H4H1; groaa !i,81. Putureadoacd quiet. Bales 47,300 balca. May .....10.62al0.6SNov ........ 9.H4a O.HR uo. ....... li ialo iec.... nna w.kt uly ...lO BMalO Htlllaa . .UHa 0.04 Aug..n ...10.73al0.74'eb ...,1U OlalO Oil 8riit......10.1alll.lIMaMh...10.oyal0.10 Oct e.sua B IXH GtLvavroM, May 14. Cotton iteady, 10; receipU344. NoaroLK, May 14. Cotton Uaily, 10; recelpta 3H. BALTiHoas, May 14. Cotton quiet and trail r. 11: rrccii.ta O. Boston, May 14. Cotton quiet, miallVi; rceetpta 537. wu.uuoToM.N.c.,May 14. cotton iuwt; 10'; receipts IS. 1'HiLADUi.rHiA, May 14 Cotton quiet, HH;reccipU44. SAVANNAH, May 14. Cotton steady, 10H; recetpUa7. NSW oal.EANi. Amy l. voiwn iccaay 104i: receiuta 2.BOA. ' Moan s. May !. Cotton ami, 10; re- cetili S.i. Uuphu, May 14. cotton quiet, 1011 IS: rereiiila41. AtmutTA, May 1. cotton steady, 104.; receipt! 4U. , Chaslkston, May 14. Cotton firm, lo'i reccipuaa. PBOVIMOMS AND PSOIMJCB. Cincinnati. May 14. Plour dull and ncu. lecled. Wheat in liuht demand No. !i red HM Corn dull and cunicr No. 2niiicd Wi'&L'MW Oata firm and unlet No. ii miieiH'7 1'oik caairr la.aS. Lard weaker .7V. Whia- krv 1.03. get. LiMMa. Mo.. Ma 14. Plour unlet anil steady. Wheat hlKhrr No. 3 red rnah 7NV,u TU; June 77. corn firm no. 3 mlicn coli 311,: Muy HIV Whiakey 1.03. Bai.tihosk. Muy 14. I'lour fairly active and firm. Wheat Houthcrn lirm: PiilU Mftn utl; Longtierry UOaOtl: Wrutrrn ateady; No. 3 winter red apot Nttl,; Mnv Nil 4. Corn Houtnera quiet; wniu-42u4;vyeiiow43a4:ij wcntrrn nrm. . Chicaiio, Mb v. 14 Canh auotatlont to day were as follows: I'lour atcHily, Wheat No. 3 red M4M Corn No. 3 .'14 hid. (lata no. 3 wi. mem porn 1 l.u-'ai 1.00. i.aru 3. N3u.au. Mn. nnort ni s.miaa.ua; ulioui rri S.30h5.SO. Wlliiikcy 1.03. Nhw Vouk, May 14 eSi.iilhem Hmimtendv Wheat weak No, 3 red H4r.aN4 atiire. Corn uimettled No. 3 4HU,; Mav 43.. Oata dull and ateadv May 3ii. Hop hrm, I'olfce May ltl.ftSalii.tlO. Hugtir raw Hrm; refined quirt. Molnaae uti nily. Rice aUudy. Cot tomeea on quirt, wool truiiv. rork quiet lieel inactive; liccf hama alow; tivrced Im'l' quiet Lurd lower and quiet. Prrighta firm GRANT'S If your prescriptions ure compounilcd at Grant's Phar macy you caa poaltively de pend upon these bets: Pint, that only the Purest and beat drugs and chemicals will be uard Second, they wit) be compounded carefully aad ac curately by aa experienced prescription iat ; aad third, you will sot be charged aa exorbi tant price. You will receive t the beat goods at a very tea- DRUG sooable profit. A full line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti clca, Ayers Reeamier Prepaia tioaa, Scott's Btrctric Carlcra, etc!, etc ., We have the agency for llum- phrejr's llomropathic Medi dnea. UsVAULT'8 OLD 8TANU, 24 8. slain Bt. . Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free ot j charge STORE. mar30dlv " IS OTICB. Osncs AnAsn Co. Comuimiionkss, Buucomlic county, N. C, May a, Ordered, that a aiwclal term of the "Crlm nal Court" hr Buncomlie I.oimtv lie held, commencing Monday, June HI. 1Nm9. All i.Kewa ana precepia returnanie to the laat leraa ot tae interior court, or to the next rcg- wmr wm, 01 hit nminai i.ourt ' are now returnable to this licet al term and all re.,.. alaaacea, bonds, obligations and lumnuiu Ukea for tnt aiipearaar of ddendaata and witnesses to either of said terms are binding "!"? ,d Prtir tor their appearance at the HRMi mm ajoreaaia, raayie dlt wt j. B. RANKIN, Ch'a. TOWN LOTS, REALLY 1 CHEAP! The following gilt-eilged town lots arc now for sale at low rates: I eUx unimproved lots, DOxlftS, with back entrance, lying on Woodltn street. Just north of the Pemale Colleav and a,ll.,l. big that property. Vusurpaaard la the city. S-Oa large house, th Oak Htreri Inn, INOi SO, aas oak grove, corner of Htk and Wood tin streets. -Oa lot oa Oak atract. facing th College eamiwa, SOxaaT. OeughUul ptaot for a . aosss, AO thsss lots are oa water aad sewcr ; age Has aa withla from sra to fifty yards of street railway line, Soon to be j comakted. 4 Pour fine lots with grove on liberty street, aorthera part of the dty. Mx3oa. Three lots are actually cheap sad the terms ' easy. "Apply to J. A.BRA1SNKR, Box 514, aiaylfidet pRIVATB BOAlPI). bnardeTS eiia bs aecommodnted at Sit t'atton Avmuel maylSdlm MRS. W. W. ROLLINS. WHY SHOULD YOU COMPLAIN OrhSKhpiiwHwhonrOWELI &SNIl)KHwillwllyouclioi( Ji IHJUlltl CaillHHl i'oiw iioH pu up ill houvy nyrup for 15 cents? -Tlicne tiro last wiir hou'h cunning and are flrst- Wo also offer a" limitet quantity of 3 pound Pit Peaches at 10 cents m can We have on hand from 50 to 100 casesT of standuri Maryland Corn that we offt at 10 cents jer can, which is a hargain. We have u cur of New York tturbunks Potntoes, tht finest over offered in this market, 75 to 80 cents wt bushel. POWELL & SNIDER COURT SQUARE AND PATTON AVENUE. t7K Til tOCfl MONTH ran he nadc nrv-thcir TH'S D"ESV LoOk Wy, D"E. It ? Ir Is l,0nE tO ,"z,R YbRmI-D yuT...T,TpV Oil y O K C ce C fir IP t u u y u Oro rit ov Oi N Gr I P &f P nil a n ccli Uif r M A. D. COOPER, N"rTH 'de 1 UbLic S'VL: STRAUSS . RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. lSlei-trlc Cars l'atis the Door I herewith notify the public that this duy May 1, 1 hare added to my well known Kfc- taurant a line Ice Cream Garden. The same hus been fitted up neatly for the oc casion and 1 will ulways have on hand the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice in large or small quantities. Bo come in good time and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakes and don't forget that at Strauss' you will get The Best of Ice Cream and where always polite and attentive wait v f crs will be pleased to serve. Come early, come often, come oue, come all, and give your friend Strauaa a good many calls. Very respectfully, I& STRArKM, may3dtr Proprietor. JkOTlCB OP DISSOLUTION. The imrtnrrahlpherrtoftireeilstlng between I" C. McintilT and I'hilin Mi Inlln uncl. r Ihr firm name ot P. C. Mclntire Ik Hro..ia this lay dissolved by mutual consent, P. C. Mc lntire retiring. The business will he con ducted in ftiturc by Philip Mclntire who will pay and receive nil debts owing by and due io stuu nrm. April ia, i mho. .P. C. MclNTIRK, uprlSdlm I'lilLlI McINTlKB. (erred who ran furnish a hone and viw t whole time to the business. Hpnre moments may lie profitably employed atao. A few vacancies in towns and cities. II. P. JOHN- Ul IM Jt 111 Imiu u. ui..h t" - ...... ... (i ii nn iiiiiiiiiii, R, N. B. t'lense state nc and business expo nence. revcr minu auout Kniting stamp for iny. o. r.j, am, apr.ntoin we ASM- VILLE A t I EK TISLUICS TS. DONT OI1DEI1 From yourCrocer, even for trial, our "HOLLER RING" PATENT IJecauso it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," I5ut we pled' our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can be made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight goods in this market. Ask your (!ror for the above Brands, manufactured by the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. X. COLLINS & CO. Sujterior Hard und Soft Coal at Wholesale and ltetail. Ulhce: Burnurd liuildinj;, I'utton Wn'ie. ' -. Yard: Old DeiiuL HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ' While we Have the Fluent and Host Fashionable Goods In Our Line. . We ulsti huv tbv clicupttit. Cull aud ace us. W. B. MANX, Prop'r. kUi'US IMWSON, Suut. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND MT'G CO., MANtlPACTUKURSOF Hash, Doom, Blind, Mouldings, Flooring;, Celling and all Kinds of Mill Work. 1 lurd wood Interior finish a iecinlty. aprl'ddlm XAK STREET IlN, ' ASHIiVILLU, N. C, , f4a talllsfllltsr l.U.ua.al 1m u ,r.. f.,L. I ...l.li ..1 " , . nrrol 'Oah and W aud lia tttrvxls, ucar the Female College, and only three tuiuart'S from the court hottMc We have a numlxr if ekK.Uitly-.'urn.rhed rooms to accomrtitMlate bonnlcrK who dmlrv a nkY, quiet plnw, awa.v frtmi the hotels. Nice roomtt. rtew lumitiirc, good 1'aiV, tiraUluM tuuams,, as, isvuoiv " -i "JV UU VVMU UUini, Pr.T.J.H ARC AN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for trcntinK chronic disease of the limits throat and nose, ly the inhalation of vuHirined and atomised fluids liv the uncumutic and ....,.,......, p.. uuii '..thvii in coniiix-iion wun tne vaiHirlzcd Wal Mm ltn hulMMm . 11 i.i.'il fr..m fh. ....... . . I l... I . . , . 1 , - .... .....M.w. 'ninmu urnr nnnevillc.t i.iiun.c.uiTr n niimt rrniincnt oi inc t.oinpounil tiyKrn, which is. criitnl to the omce treatment, and will lc sent on application liy express, on receipt of price, $12 tlur success here for the past three years with this treutmcni has liccn phenomenal, hair lug cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose numen and residences can tie tlemen of Asheville: B. I. Aston ex-Mriyor; J. K. Heed, Clerk V. 8. Court; KcT.O.C.Ran kin pastor Plrst Mcthojllsl Church ; Kcv. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church : H. T Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. . , ... . T. J. HARGAN, M. D. THE "BONANZA" V WINE . AND LIQUOR STORE V IN THIS STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND lUIXIAKI) ROOM. j. a. wahqi'ahdti Wyr. I NO. 43 S, MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C N OTICB. Tk ll.....,.lw. I e.. ... .... ...... ........ ai,ii.T .mt mmiHiwiunnR Company is this day dissolved liy inutiinl W- ".(HI. t,IITIIK QKIUIISl ... Miv win Hii-scm iiK-m at once ior jiny TIIU nUNCOMUU Lt'MIIRR t M'P'O CO., J. U. LINK, President. maylOdOt JfOK HUNT. A nteasant house la vim id vnnir inni. n t Bailey atraet. may la -It HUNT. A a-a, ,ant u... ... . tk. l,.i.l hosse. 87 Colkgr itrcet. atay la-aw m Kb. m. K. BK win. Thnmuvhlirrd rrirlstrntt ahnr. I...H "Oovernor Hats" tltlim, hr aud Inikc id Kent ,12:107. out nftlenrva liellc, (vol. a.l, n. i(iiiT). Apply Kiia-lyliraiiKcl-arin, I Irlchcr, N. C. ' may ls-lw JJ0 HUNT. roar mrnuaco rooms, lor housi krr idnir , No, 11 Haywood street. For terms apply nayld8t (JT1AYBU .? Ith "'"""I" o" the moraina at the lata, a liMiuits ,, . W1W uf iru. .Ilu-.r, IU rupa aiuaad horns. 1 ' WM, p. BLAIR. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is preimred to lo all kinilsnf Palnthi. tiring oa your oJd liHikln. Carrlaura, Brctti, Bur rya, lluKKica, Carts aad VS axons and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look al Hood as new. All work warranted not to rneh, blister or come off until It wears off, Terms reason alile. ".hop m Itartwtt IIIII, Itugk Btrset, aiaxuidtiia FINE JOB WORK tSl'lOClALTY, AT NO. 6, N0UT1I- C0UKT SQUAltK t-iiwio MAUl.UA. Frcs. UP. MCI.OUI, Vicc-Prcs. J. K. RANKIN, Cajhhir. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IA8HBV U.B. N.C., PBDHUARY 1st, 188U. Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL, f 50,000. . . 81TR1-LCS, 5,ooo 8TATB, COUNTV ANU CITY ItBPuSITOKY. Ikjcs a General Uunklng Business. lleiosits received. Bichanxe liotiKht and sold. Col lections made oa all accessible points. The Savins Pcalure will receive special attention. On all sums in this department, dciosited fur four months or longer, interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. Special attention ifWcn to loans oa real estate, which will lie placed for long time on real sonank terms, Open from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. On Saturdays the Having DtMrtOHut will bcoian till H p m - . febadir . WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) HANttPACTt'HKKSOP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, tSUiir-Work, Fino In Uu ior FiniKli, Mantels, Etc., ' ASIIIiVILLK, N. C. AtlKNTH M The HiK'keyc rump, Sttvl and fin SIiiiikIcs, . I liHirmui Ik-urtb l ilts. 1 Irlildly AC.HNT8 a MV'kS. UF llyrkifs Patent Slieuthinj; Luth - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. rort.H..d Cement, Mont Block. ..Cl THeat, exceedingly hand.n,e In appear- aace. of ..rlouadcMga. and color, and very durable for walk, in yards, aldcwalks. flo, 6.r Puldk Building., flails rorches, Entrance, Dnm-mcts. Butcher Bhopa, 8pec4l l Ucalgna 6.r HBAMTHS. llandsome Carriage Biockswith name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND. FOR SALE, .mpK,cBltKk..rt.,ca,beMen.t0moW J, B, ltkeui. ,lnrdwM a.,.- . Pnhllc nqoare, corner of South Main street. P.O. Box SM, C. E. MOODY. II. T. COLLINS, I'rtsi.Utit. Ii. Ii.IiACiAN, StvrctitrY ASHEVILLE ICE CODPailY. l'uit' Ice uiado from I)intilktl Wuter. Ollice: Iiarnunl Building. I'utton Avenue. D. C. Waddcll, Preaidcnt. VY. VY. Barnard, Vice President Lawrence Pulliam. Cashier THE BAIIK OF ASHEVILLE, ASUIilVILLE, N. C. UIKtCTURH I. P. 8AYYYEK. T. VY. PATTON, . 0i MAKTIN, VY. VY. BARNARD, 1. 1. CAKKOLL, . 1). C. WAHKhLL, OHO. W. W ILLIAMS, ot Wilmington. N. C. . DESIGNATED STATE-DEPOSITORY .. HMH..........M... . 01dc( Bank iu W'cHtenr Carolina. INCOKPII HATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STA1 E s CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers In Wall Paper. Window Shade aud ratcntllaugcrs, Points, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed Paints and Colon. W indow Claaa, bovk Preach and Anicrica We keep in stock St Louis and Kentucky Lead, fcbftdly LUM1SER YARD. CsICO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to lkiubledity & Scott,) ' North Public Squarci " WINDOWS, - BLINDS. DOORS. Class, Putty, Ume, Plastering Hair, 8hlnKles. Laths, Pencing posts. All kind, of Bulldiiw Material, " ar-Ordcrs will receive prompt attention. (clUOdly W. T- I'KNMlMiK. PENH & CO., JOUBHJ1S AND IlKALBWa IM-1 W. . PBNMIUta. H ; A ! RTP WrATR E ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS POR - DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. febodly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, IcblOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification? Furnlshfd' on Application ,''', W, ha thorough mechanic ia each Une who have had man, year extierleac h. the buslacH. We ran softly uuarontc our patron, tirfartlpn n 0nr worki . low j, BALLARD. RICH & BOYCE. " fcblSdly C II. CAMPBELL, Manufacturer and whole! Bhi.. GING1CR ALK, - CHABIPACNB CIDER, ' " LL9IONSODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, T- CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. I i Hayrood M. P. U. BOM 84. " THE WINYAH SAKITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, It C. For the reccirtion of Hiticnts .offering of disease flrntoa and thront, and timducted uion the plan ql tin- siinitarica at Gwberwlorf and Fnlkrtiatein In Ccr. inuny. Ours i. the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading member?, of the medical prtifrsaion. Terms reasonable. KARLV0NRt:CK, B.8., M.D. atar30d.ini

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