royal.!: "Ji N ill : Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur. ity, strength and vrhnlcsomcncss. Mure eco nunical than the ordinary kind, and cannot be nold in comictition with the multitude of low test, short. weight alum or mwphate iHiwucrt. ptoiu only m cans, koyal hailing Powdkb Co., 100 Wall St., New York. d&wtsprl7 FROFBSSIOXAL CAKW. Tiiko. P. Davidson, Thus. A. Jonks. KaletKB. J AS. Ii, MARTIN, Asnevnic, . - - - Ashe ville. i . JJAV1DSON. MARTIN JUNES, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, f Asheville. N. C. Will pr lire in the 1 1th and 1 ath Judieinl 4 Districts, nrd in the Suni-eme Court uf North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western lMstrict of North Carolina. Kcl'cr to Bank uf Asheville. dtsel ui ttiM hit anu n.i:Ati ki:. Kailroail tickets Ixmglit Wild anil ex- clmtiycil. All transactions guaranteed. Kclialile information cheerfully furnished, at 9 North Main street, opposite court In nisi-. V. M. CLAKKK. lh-amatic Author "Want a ikw plav?" Malinger I wearily I "Anv t hinir new hi it?" Iraniiitk- Author "Yes, sirce a iat." Manager (meditatively) "I'm ni iifrnin it won't draw very well. Uramatic Author teoiifulentlv I "It eat the wiit hustle riylit oil' tin: heroine." Manager (excitedly) "Hooray! Gimme tlie manuscript. Huckte-nM Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. onuses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. (ever sores, tetter, clinjipeti hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, uud posi- livelv cures piles, or no tay eiuired. It is guaranteed to give ncrievt satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Ixix. ror s.-ih-liv !. I,. acilis. daw Guide (showing -places of historic interest) "It was in tins room that VYasmugton received Ins hist coinnns- sion." Mr. Einstein "His first coin mission lshtlotso?" "Yes, sir; it's a fact." "Vot percentage of commission did he get.", For a safe und certain remedy for lever and ague, use Dr. J. II. McLean's Chills J i , . . . ..1 A ever 4urc; u is wiimniicu m cure. and I C II AS. A. HOOK B. : MJFK MKKMCK, LJUORB (k MBKRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. . Practice In the United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, StHtcsvillc, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at Kalriiih. and in the courts of the Twellth Judicial District of the State of North Caro ina. e)ieclal attsntlon given to collection, of cluinis. Partnership docs not extend to practice In - bnncomlK Inferior Court. dtoe3 T. H. COBB. J. 0. UHKMMOM. OBB & MBRKIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. ' dtsc. W. W. JUNKS. TONUS & SHUFORb. GEO. A. SHUPOIID. " Attorneys at Law," , . Asheville, tf. C. Pntctics In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. , Office In Johnston liiillilinn, where one mein- ber uf the firm can always be found. dtnuvll JOHNSTONK JONB8, ATTOSNEV ANU CIIHN8E1.I.OM AT LAW, " " "ASHRVIL-B,.,C. Practices In the United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, in the huprcinc Court at RulciKh, anil in tne courts oi tne Twelfth ludicial District of the State nf North Carolina, and elacwhrrc, as his services mny be required. Othce over So. Express Office, Hendry Block . lun.Miui JJ U. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Wingcrl's, Drun Store.. Residence, No. 98 tlulley St feblOdly Johnny Joncs(l)oastfully )" My father's I wen to the Lcirislaliut four time, Johnny Smith (doini his best to keep up) "Well, my father's beetle to jad twice, uny how. The Flrat tt luptnniH of Death. Tired leclinu, dull headache, twins ill various parts of the body, sinking nt tlie pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, lever tshness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must 1 puri fied to avoid death. Ackers bnglisli Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by 1 . . hinitli fit Co. lelKHlawlw Matron "Tlie road to a man's heart, my dear, lies through his stomach; tlie moral ot which is, learn to cook. Daughter "In other words, mother, the way to learn to mash men is by first learning to mush potatoes." Terrible KorcwurulriKH. . Couirh, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tin,' chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats nt night, all or any of these things are the first stages of Con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cuit these fearful symptoms, and is sold umler a positive guarantee ov I. C. Smith & Co. fibfidaw 1 w le the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with tlie health of a child when it seem listless, has ismr or no apislitc, eves sunken and wilb dark skin Ix-ncath. In most cast's showing these symptoms the hild has worms, and all that it needs is some sim pic remedy, sue has Hart's Worm Cream, to exisl llie worms, and tlie child will soon lie in lerfcet health again. I'a- rents, try it and let your little umj huvc a fair chance for life. I'oet I have a little flight of fancy here liditor It's mighty luckv you brought your wings with you. Stubbs, w ill yon open the window. I'implcs, lilotclies, scaly skin, ugly SMts, sorvs and ulcers, altccs and tu mors, unhealthy discharges, sucn as , ... . t . t caiarrn. eczema, nngwonn, aim oiner forms of skui diseases, are symptoms ot l.lomt impurity. Take lr. J. U. Mc Lean's Sarsapai ilia. Mr. W.-iIkisIi And V"U attended tlie centennial hall, Miss I'rairie, while you were in New York ( Miss iTatm1 Well we went shimming mute n liartv ol us and took that in amongotlHT things, von know. TIk- most delicate constitution can alcly use Ih-.J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. It is a sure remedy tor coughs, loss of voice, and till throut and lung troubles. Convalescent Doctor, how much do I owe you for saving my lite? Doctor Sixtv dollars. Coiivalescviil Sixty dol lars! ( With an uir ofconvictiou.) Jt ain't worth it. .Jndtclona Avertflif. C'n'i.t TBS many a new business; . BXLAh'tlBS muny u ohl business; KBVI 'BS many dull business; M'SCVES many lost business; . SA VBS mniiv a fuilinu business: J'k'BSBK VliS many a lurfte business; SbCUKLS success tn any business, To advertise judiciously, use the col umns of'TheCititen." Bvcrybody rends it: and in lmnwitiori to the returns it vicli h advei tisers, its rates are the cheaj- cst in the unti r. A SurprNl Jukrr. A laugluiblo but r-.itheremlKirrns.sin2 case of mistaken identity occurrvU the other day in one of Ikjeton's largest rvtail sturca, jt'iitleruafv. who is a little tio fond of joking entered the sUire for the purpose jf inreting his wife at a certain :ountr. 8ure ouougli, Uiore stood lady dn-ssed. Ui Ins eye at least, just like the woman he was a iter. Uor buck was tunied and do one was near her; so lie qiiicuj up prouched, Usjk ber by the arm, and said, in a voice of siuiulutcd seventy : Well, here you are, speiuimg my money as usual, cm The face lumen quiciy towaru iiuu was not bis wilvs;itwi mat of an acrid, angry, ketn eyed woman of uhoul 50 years, wlioatti-acted the atten tion of everyboiiy in iiu an oi me store by Buying, in a loud, shrill voice: "No, I ain't spcndinK your money nor no other man s money, ami 1 II "1 be your pardon, madam," cried the confused genilemau, "I supposed vim were wife, and" "Well, I just aiut your who, nor no other man a wile, uiunit lonuno. to be ia wed at everv time 1 buy a yard of ribbon I 1 pity your wife if you go round shaking bur like you did me. If I - I I'.in 1 waa ucr, t u The chagruned joker waited U) Hear no more, but uiade his way out of the shop ttiiiiif the titU-ra and sly chuckles of those who Had witnessed uiscou fusioiu Youth's Couiuniou. I.lttle, "But i:nouh," As Mcrcutio said of his wound. We refer to Dr. Tierce's little Pellets, which arc small, swift and sure, in cases of sick headache, biliousness, constipation uml indigestion. "Miss Woodwcd s Christian name ex presses her ambition exactly," remarked Mrs. txuudtg. "What is it?" asked her husband. "Marian." 11. H. KBUVBS, D. D. 8. DliNTAI, OFFICK Mamma "Howard, are you going to take part in the tree-planting at school on ArlMirdny?" Howard (emphatically) No, 1 hnm t; there 8 null swilcues growin round our scnoifliww. Faults of diuestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J. H. McLean s harsapa rilla m-rtects the nrocess of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. The frosty feeling's left the nir, 1 he bird sings to Ins mate, And lovers leave the rocking chair jo swing upon the gate. Better Than Suicide. Professor Arnold savs: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure nnydys- iicptic within three mouths bv Acker's linglish Dyspeptic Tablets. T.'C, Smith &Co. febGduwlw In Connolly UuikllnK. uvcr Kvdwood's store, Patton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, withthenew unarslhctic, and all cases of irregularity cor- reeled. ' eni.ioiy D. t, BUKGIN, M. OFFIC15 1 New Grand Central HuIMIiik, uvcr Uig 22 Clulhing IJtorc. Ielil7dlm CoiiHuniptloii Curable, Since the fact that consumption is boll preventable, and in itscarlieststngc cura Lleit haslostmuchof its terror. Itthetirst Symplons are nt once recognized, and the proper remedy npplietl, very tew, if any one, need die ot consumption, which t really lung scrofula! Like many othc diseases this formidable one grows out of impure blood, and this in turn trom diseased liver. Hence, we have the hack ing cough, the pains in chest, the inflamed lungs, and all the syinptomsof hastening consumption, all the result, of crBved Mood uiid u diseased liver. The use of Dr. I'k'rce's Golden Medical Discovery will arrest nil such symptoms, restore the liver t healthy action, and send streams of pure blood into every organ. Of druggists. 'Mv vk-torv," remarked a Biinguinc candidate on election day, "is like a sen ol glory." "In what way t asked a uystnmier. "It spreads from poll to poll, ex plained the Klitical aspirant. KupepMy. This is what vou ought to have, in fact yon must have it to fully enjoy lite. Thou sands are searching for it ihiilv, and mourning oecnusc mey nnu a not. i nou- snnds upon thousands of dollars lire siien annually by our people in the hiie that they may attain this boon. "Anil yet it may "lie attained by nil: Weguarantee that Electric Hitters, if used according to direction und the use persisted in will bring Vou good digestion and oust tlie Pictures In Marble. - Several hundred people were massed all of yesterday in tlie central court of llie city Hall craning ineir necKs aim straining their eyes lo see wiiui me small bova were Irvine to point out . .. . . ... i. And when ilcaugiiuneireycsv. inn was ill Ou one of tlie white marble atone! in the wall near the bouUic4lsI corner was a minute picture 6f anudc female traced in the natural veining of Uio stone. The llgure was stunning up right, with arms stretched aloft and hair streamiutr down the buck, very lifelike and ouito artistic. There was no little discussion of how the sketch mil there. Some were inclined to lay tlie blame ou one of those wicked street urubs wbo hud failed to catch the spirit of Anthony Comstock's teachiiiL- But it was nut u re that did the work, and there tho slender femule will stand us long as does the city hulL unless the slab of marble shall he removed or a coat of whitewash covers it But it gave the groups of idlers lotaof wonderment yesterday. Men. womcu and children waiU'd until their eves hud caught thocuri ous figure, and then they passed on to let others get a sight and go in ueaco. Other lifelike liguresaro traced in tho marble of tho city hull, und if the curious fret to work there is ma terial for an art gallery. Philadelphia Record. V-v Presents tn tKc must ! jii . i THE LAXATIVE A no NUTRITIOUS wUI'J or Tits FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the nit'dici;. .! virtues of plants known to .!. most bcneiiciul to the hm.i system, fonniiiK an ugri;': and eBectivvrmxtl e to vr.i; nently cure .Habitual C'niv-, pation, and the many ills pending on a weas oi : . . :nnition ot the , (ID NEKS, LIVER AND BOWELS It is the most excellent mnetly known t A CUMSE THE SYSTEM EfTiCTVAi L Whesonsu lliliuus or CoasliKiud , J SOTHAr PUM BLOOD, REFRCSH1NQ SLEEP HEALTH and tTRENCTH . NATURALLY SOU0W. Every one is ttsing it and all an.- delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUOOIST FOR 8YHU1 OF FXO-S ' MAHUAOTUR(0 OMLV BV . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL, louismu, Kt new roRK. k. r. MlSCELLASmi'S. CUuiHte l'uurpaetl. 1,500 Feet Above Tide Water. Fine Miucral Springs WUhiu a Short Walk of the Hotel. 0 1 ft 3 m Schedule Street Railway ro take rtu-vt Fmlny, Murvh 1, nt B.noa. in Cur k-nvrs Court House H no s. ro " " 7.00 - " " " H.IH " " " .! Prom thi-n till 7 p. m. car leaves court house rerv 30 minutes.- Alio, car lenves court house at H.OO p. nnu 9.(K) p. m. KAKH, rlVn tHNlH, s. 1 n s m w' :m m e mt' m i I m mm 53 K 0 0 1 . Tin' "lIK KOltY INN" is built of brick, stone and iron lulu nil nioilorn iiitiH'ovt'iiH'ntM. Klwtric Lights. (Jas ana Hliftrk- lU'lls in t'liclt room, Hot and Cold Water Batlwand ToilctHon each floor. I elegantly furnished throughout. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. CcorKC Bancroft ibcnijinantlv). "We cannot reasoiuilily exect, my friends, to enjoy many more centennials." biuion Cameron I hesitatingly). N-no, I HiipiKiee not." Susan 11, AnthonV Ulefiantly), "I'd like to know the reason why." ' Do Mot Buffer Any I.oner. Knowing that a cough can 1 checked demon dysic(8ia and install instead liu- I An Extraordinary Dream. - . A trii'l et llackjie v. aceU 19. with her two brothers and a vounirer sister. was loft in charge of the house while their narcnts attended a funeral in the country. In the evening the gill's 8weetlioarteaIlcd. Asslio was alarmed at noises which she fancied sho heard, ho staved at the house all niirht to re- iissuii) her. Durinir tho uitrht he dreained he saw the' girl walk past hia. beckoning him to follow. Ilo awoke, and becoming alarnitid went into tho passage. Iluving dressed he went to the door of tho girl's room and knocked. Receiving no answer be then awoke the others. Un tno bcu- room door bemir opened the girl was found lying on tho floor with blood issuimr from her mouth. From a doc tor's examination it would seem that the girl died at about the time that ber sweetheart clreameu she bccKoncu him. Pall Mftll Gazette, All eves fltted and nt guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above K''l" ut GRANT'S DRUG STORE, .. -4,8M1TH MAIN STHKKT. Oculists' prescriptions a sKcinlty. feli27d0m Beautiful Building Lots SKYLAN D SPRINGS III'NCUMIIK POINTY, N. C. Sky 1 und Spring 1 new rvnurt. 1id off In huitdiim lot, eiht mile south of Ashcvllk, oa. the A. tit. H Kuitroud und the lUiidcntonvilW Tike. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven Springs Chulylieutr, Alum, iron. l!Mom, Sulphur, MaKticsia, and Freestone iurc, coin aim ncuiin giving. Fine Hotel Finished und Opened For "nil the venr 'round," with low rrites and Iwst of rooms and fare. Sevcrul IniililiiiKs are KoitiK up. Sow Mill uml l'lnner tnnklnK luinlHX riuht in the place. l-or u short lime, cnolec lots are onen'ii very low lo seiners or tnvcsiurs, Oruud views, level lots, wide streets, pure air, line water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. niiiylo dora J. F. KAMSAV, V. U.S. Dvntal OlDce t In Barnard Ilulldinir Entrances, Fattou Avenue and Main Street, fclililklly in a day, and the first stagesof coiiKiiini- tmn broken in a week, we liercliv guaran tee Acker's linglish Cough Kcnieily and will reluml the money to all who Imv, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C, Smith & Co, fchSdawJw A NRW IIKHI). carefully nrcuared tiv lead Inif members of the Asheville liar (on I finest parchment and heavy flirt pticr, cor ering all necessary points, Just out and now .,n .nlr at thr oIKrc of the ClTUKN I'l'BI.ISH- iml I'll . Nn North Oolirt n"-" HsnlBlf t f any dwilor says fc ha. the W. t rionruui Hum without nama and price sUniped oa Un botto ut aim oowu as a irauu. It's wcll to lie merry and gay : It's well to lie honest and trnei It's well to tic off with the ancient attach- nietit llclore she gets ready to sue. No need to take those bii cathartic nills; one of Dr. I. II, McLean's Liver K'isy, i we recommeml lilectric Hitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at COc. and $1 per bottle by F." L. Jacobs, druggist. Customer How much are these trous- 8? HiL'h-priccil tailor Twenty dollars, sir, Hy the way, how will you nave tne Dockets irrraiiKert f Customer (gloomily I ou nceiln t put in anv A Scrap of Paper Haven Her I.I re It Wiis just an ordinary scraj) of wrnp- liinir ikukt, but it saved her lite. Mic was and Kidney I'illcts is quite sufficient and in the last stages of consumption, told by more agreeable. physicians that she was incurable and couiu live oiuy a suon u;nefvic wcigmn Well, that's ftinnw." remarked young- k-ss than seventy nounds. Xm a niece ol Munkee. "What was funny?" "Why, wraiminii naiK-r she read of Dr. King's that remark of Miss Johnson's. I asked New Tliscuvery and got a sample bottle. il 1 miht see her home, and she said Jt helped her. She bought a large bottle certainly, on a clear nay, anil tnen sue and it hclicd her more, hhc houglit an ....,ll,u,l ..M .,..!. Il,,, ..... ItlK.llratta " W. L DOUGLAS lLJAr? FOR 90 OnU- OENTLCMIN. Best In tha world. Fsamlrwi his BK.OU 1KN!NK IIANI-KKWrl KBOB, J4. HAN ll-MK V Kl Will .1.110 I'OI.IOK AND rAKMKKN' NUOE. t.M KXTItA VAI I'K CAI.K KHU1C i.OO and M.7,T IIOVS' M HIMlI, SHOES, All uk la Ckinniiiu, ltulion and Lsua, V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LA-TlS. Boat Material. B-at Stylo. Be. FiUlng. I . .... . ,..lp wrila W. Im IKJUOLAS, BHOCKTON, KASSj Kxamlnc V. 1 Iouh:h i.oo Hhoes for Gentlemen and IadleH. z For sale bv 1II.KKING & WEAVER, 30 South' Main Street, Asheville, N. C. jaoliklly walked off with that jay, Blodkins." Pareiila Criminally I.lahle, More than half of all deaths occur lie- fore six years of aire. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each year.. I'urenls are criminally responsible for this. The death rate of children in lviicrland is less than half this. Acker s bngltsh Italiv Soother has done more to hnnn this about than all other eauses combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. Foreman You might as well look for another ion lerry. Bricklayer What lorf What have 1 done ? "Your trowclful of mortar struck the owner of the building down on the first floor." "I.ct him keen out. If the liell strikes 12 when I've got a trowel of mortar 1 don't carjvhere it drops." other and grew liettcr fast, continued its use and is now stronc, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, druiririst. Forth Smith. Trial liottlcs of this wondcrlul discovery Iree ut Jacobs Drugstore. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. S. BLACK, 66 South Main Street, Opposite the Swannunoa Hotel. A fine line of Suitings to select from. Leave your order for a perfect fitting Suit. A BUSINESS LOT For Sale at Auction. Un Saturday, at jm.,Juiie 1, 1889, I will sell at the court house, a Fine BuhIiivhh Lot, With one-hulf of brick wall of No. (171. North Main street.- Siie of lot UOxlSu feet. Ternm ol sale : t)ue-hall' cash, bnlunce in 12 luonthh ut S per cent. Interest. Title perfect, C. 8. COOI'UK, minN dtds ;i! South Main street, The Best Chocolate. If vou liavo a larsro and rather elab- orato dessert cliocolatfl may bo sirvcd with. sav. the third courso, as un uc- compaiumciit to tho remaining part of inoiiicaii or, 11 tne ucssiti 00 ngui., chocolato may bo served tho last thing with whipped crenm and a sweet wafer. A senator's wife who is said to make tho best chocolate in Washing ton guvo tho following recipe to Miss 1U1UU liigtills; Three-quarters 01 a cake of chiK-olate, one quart of cold water, 0110 quart of sweet, rich milk, sugar to tasto. Urate or scrape tno chocolate and mix with tho water. thoroughly and smoothly ; then sweet en and allow to boil until it is quite a thick paste. IS01I the milk separately and stir it into tho chocolate mixture and cook a few minutes longer. New York Telegram. Modjeska Apologised. I think Mine. Modjeska is the most cretiutuclv religious woman I ever mot Sho is the truest kind of a Chris tian, A woman of siucularly gentle disposition, she never has a word of harsh comment or criticism lor any body. I was in her roomsonoSunday evening and we were waiting for Mr. Uoiilcy. Mr. Ilenlev was lute. "That is just Like him," Mmo. Mod jeska said ; "'he promised to be hero at a quarter to 0 o'clock, and now it is 0 o'clock." Then she paused a moment, and added : "Tlioro. I have been abusing him, and I've just como from listening to a sermon ou charity, too.. 1 must apol ogize to him when ho comes." And she did. San Francisco Coll. ARDI-N PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, !V niik'i south ol AHhcville. 011 the A railroutl is now open for the m-uson. KATHS. Perl'nv Per Week Per Month For circulars address THUS A, MtiKKIS. i'rop'r, imiy-dlf Ardcii, N. U $ 'J 111 1-iii 40 III THE CAROLINA SALOON, i- Has the Finest and Largest Stock of WHISKIES, 1 BRANDIES i AND i WINES, Uvcr llroujfht to Ahevlllc. . I'urtics wtahiiiK u nood urliclc lor fuuiily or other purposes, will Bud It to their interest to give uie u call. Kcspectl'utly, ""-'""i : '" . uiitratdly Frank O'Donnell. Prop. TLANTiC COAST LINK (Hi find alter this date the riilliiw lnii ached ides will Ik- run over its "Cnlimiliia iMvisiuti." No. S3 Lenves Coliiniliin fl.'Jo p. in Arrives ntChurleston ;i.:io p. 111 No. 62 Leaves Churlestou 710 a. ill. Arrives at Columbia 1 1 .."ifi a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points ou the Churlotte. Colnnitmt Au- uiiNta and Columbia Greenville Railroads. Daily. T. M. KMHRSON, (Jen. l'ass. AkL J. t. liUVINIi, Ocn. 8upt. MRS. S. STEVENSON II im removed to the Johnston HuitilhiK. '"t- ttin it venue, etirner tf Chureh lreet, when the Is prepareil to keep regular r trnimieut ttotti-ilern. Table Itinimhttl with the )Kst the market HtTordH. Terms reaKouulik'. ntur31 Um INE JOB WORK Hmlth'H Wife. VVlien the day is o'er, and the -vveniiiK is come, -Tlie cattle are fed, the milkini'donc, Smith takes liis rest 'ncath the old shade tree. From the labor of tlie laud his thoughts are fit. lint his faithful wile, from sun to sun, Takes her burden up that's never done; Tlww is no rest, there is no play, .) :il. F.irl r'.i mi:.-'! il- il I Hl'l'.dll 'll l f iv K 1 :il t v.r.iu 1 1 lot y Ii, il ( r ii v ' i' i ) ii- , fliaii"' .' i. 'i l : I C',ll,'l 1 '' i v, ii : j my lllllitl I I 1 1 ,' I - '', L hvnf n 1 1 I IIIHV 'I IV'ill! ' I,l,1.! 1 'lliod t I I1' I fl I 111! IK il -. : ilri;'- inily lo irmy FhuUly I took l-nllt' Ppcclic. sua f Improro. Aflefft lehlla w (it my .i rl, Cfli-s monll's Invn hrn nnu ill n 1 1 i Um -duets of Hwlft's I'lMiclUc. Join )Uy, itn. t, W. Ft. Vvnynu, lil. Books an Uknd ami VVAn llxiu-e i n1l,C fns. Bwirr lit'LCuriu Co., t tlunti, (is laa iae r.USTA!;G LIIIIl.'.EIlT HEAIJ TNFLAMllsTlOV, OLD WIUES ciD iii'rd ,xicrr untai r, o. K :-: i tc i -A Ii r U n cv rv.iiiv-at A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING ! Having etiKHUfd in the Tobacco WnrehouMe bu-incmi, I find 1 cannot give my LIVEUY That attention It should have anil therefore propose scIIIhk It on lllnrtd terms. It eon siats oft Landau, S Ilretta, 1 ex. top 0-pnss- enner Carrlnue, 1 0K-n 4-passenner CnrrinKC, t Vlctonu, t-passeau-r, 3 I'hietons, 1 osn side liar lluKKV, 1 tup HuKKy, t Tip Cart, ( For the irood of the house she must Work l,r 10 H'r-cs. toother with harness, rola-s, lllwilV wnips, a lew oyvry suns, cvv. ovcrjriiiinK ill first class shape, brUcht and shlnlnu. One of And in the cnd-lhis faithful, overtasked the best outfits in the Hi ate. Ths stable 1 oc woman will break down neneaili ner eupy is tne Dest located in the city anu one of never eiidinu round of work: aiui as she the finest and best planned In the Houih. it he uiHin her couch oi imin, Nnilli will I can lie hail on rensonniilc terms, have aninlc tune to Dinionn inc scinsa Asheville is Ketling to lie one oi the iwst ceonomv which closed his piirsc strinxs "year 'round" livery points la the United Wlien nis paiieni wuc vniijr nmi inuv man lier lailinK nealtrt requimi a ionic. r ny was he so short shrilled ? Ir. I'icree't Fnvoritc I'rescriptioii would have given n new lease uf lite, and briniizlit the blush of girlhood to her checks again. Itistlie only remedy for over worked, ''worn nut" and feeble women generally, Siold by all (IwiggiBts, tinder a positive guarantee of satisfuetion In every case, or price ($1) promptly relunded, I will sell nt low llrures and make terms easy. Come to sec or write me at once. WAYNU 8. RAY. mndlOdl w J?OK HA LB. ThoronBhbrrd reKlstertd Short Hfirn bull "Coventor Hate" initio. Iir Und I Hike of Kent HJ;ioT, out of Geneva IU lie. (vol. U.'l, p, 1 T I H7 ), Apply Kunliy UranHc I'arnt, I'letcher, rl. .y may li-iw nusTASiG mim hustakg Liiiii.iEiiT BTtom.Tl ATWAY8 BE KEPT IN HTTOP, KiTCiUCN, BTAULIS ANU fAtrruux I IS FOR MAN ft BEAST. rKNETItATKS MUbCLEA r'lUUETOTllE VEUY bWE. Split Dla Side Two Irishmen were engaged in splitting rails in Australia when their employer overheard the' following ready application of a metaphor: "Uah, my joker 1" exclaimed I'uddv Bum. as he drove a wedgu honie with peculiar etl'ect into a lurgu block of the tree. Aru you muklng bun laugh, Paddy (" asked Jack (.Jul way. "l-vuirh is III rcioiiieu t'uuuv. "troth, Tm making liiui split his sides luughunf. iouth s CXiuipuiiioii. In tho lexicon of youth, which fute lesei'ves for u'ut uiaiiiiuoU, there is no such won. ua fuill - IJulwui1. LjUon. Strength to vigorously push a business, strength to study for a iirofessimt, Strength to regulate a IiiiuhcIiiiIiI strength to do a tliiv s lalsir without pliysical pain. Iioyou desire strength II you are broken down, linve no energy feel as if life was hardly worth living, you can lie relieved and restored to robust health and strength bv tnking Hniwn'i Iron Hitters, n sure cure foe (IvBiieiwia malarial wenknrwiand all diseases rctinir lug u true, reliable tonic. It acts on the blood, nerves and muscles, and regulate every jiart ol the system. MUSTANG LlilinEHT rnnpu iiitu niTTiKH rtiTn rnijwu WIU1HE8, CUILIILAINS 4 FUUSTltl'l'Lu A Hl'KCIALTY, AT NO. 6, BLAIR FURNITURE. COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wliolesalc and Retail Furniture Dealertf, And Vudcrtakertt. I'riinipt atlculioii given to all orders day or night. Ilcttidcnce o Penlaiid Streets lebldly ; ' ' ssjaasjli tirii---;'r -r-T VT'-L - -" fa' Ui.jf NOUTH COURT KtllTAKK SIIEPAUD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL -DJRECTORS, EMU A I. MING AND SIIIPPIN;G A SPECIALTY. 3- -31 PATTON AVlINUir- -3 II. lire w (on M ill nttciid Call Day and Night. marilldty F.1USTAI1G LIHIMEI1T CT'REfl nOLLOWITOHN, CAKEO TUtlS, OUUU U0(i' i" IH CATTLE I MSjSTAliG Llilli.lEIlT MUSTAtlG LIIllEIiT (TUKS HIlKUMATISM. LAMB PACK CURES FOOT ItOT, BHOrri,IF,n.noT, ANl tSTll K J')1N la. BlIHINUAUU' tKUKW-WOUM AND8CB U SilJiEFI h t " . . ' " ..