i i" I: THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be rrtihli.hed every moraine: (eirept Mtin dayl at the following rates- since c-' n Yrar W. an.no hi Months 3 no Tim Month. I .." tine Month . . f 60 UMkctt... IS Cnrr carriers will dclur rr the paper rTrry oniinii hi every part of the eity to oar tub seriliers, and parties wanting it will please call at the CiTLtaa Ofhot. New Ad.ertlaenaciitav. Fine Beef Philip Mclatire. try Goods, etc. H. Kedwood A Co. Freak Vegetables Chas. B. Lane A Co. Honey and tfcecarttle-CoUon Provlalotut and Hroduce. UNIT AaDSKCI'StTIKS. Niw Yoss. May 15. Esihaii(cc dull but steady. Money easy at itiWf. eiub-Treaaury balances Cold, 1153, Ull!,- ooo; currency, Slti,ti7,MMl. Goeernmcnt bonds nun out sienny. ot nls, IllilH.; 4W per cents, II 7 . Hlatc honda dull and H-atimk-as. Ala. L isas A 'Jaft KMiL, Nl I Pac. 1st trior 03 Ala. Class B..'. 11U, N. V Central HUi, a. 7s. mort inu N. At w. picl Dl4 N. C. Cons.. 6.. I r-'i-i Northern Pac... iiA failed Mate atlgnal Smlcc IMav. Uoa, Aanevllle, M. C. LATrrrns, 33.36 Noam. Lnaotrrns 83.26 Wist. KuaysTloa, 3.360 Fist. Meteorological report tor 24 hours coding (tip. as., May la. 1BH. tBMPEBATt'KB " Northern Exposure, ahaded. 7 a as 12pm 87. 7S 7 9pni I alas. I Mia. I Daily Mean. .... 1 m r ' wlh tBw point: 7 aai S3 BL. Mt'MIMTV 3 p Daily Mraa. 39 65.1MJ PHBCIPITATION. Bai a Inches. B p m 40 - ABSO. IIOMIUITY. I)ally Mean. 4.334) BAROMBTKR. Corrected for altitude and temperature Dally Mean. 3U.1 Weather Clear. , J. . BUCK, M. D., Obamren Tlia Lawn Party. Given by the lady teacher of the Gra ded schools and their friend at the rest dence of Mr. T. E. Reynolds, on North Main street last erening, was quite success in every respect. The attendance was large and the evening wn tnot pleasantly spent by those who inrtRiHt ted in the affair. A handsome amount wa realized for the benefit of the library fund. KNIGHTS OP HONOR. at (Election of Supreme Officers! IndlanapollM. Indianapolis. May 16. Thcthirddavi session of the Supreme Lodge, Knight ol Honor, was devoted to the hearinc ol report from the cammittecs and the election ot officers. The election resulted as follows: Supreme dictator, A. K. Sav age, Lewiston, Me.;suireme vice dicta tor, Samuel Klot, Newark, N. J.; su preme assistant dictator, Hon. Marsilen Bellamy. W'llmmirtoii, N. C. ; supreme re porter, D. F. Nelson, St. Louis; supreme treasurer,,). . H ranch, m. louis; su ureme trustee. P. A. remintrton, Phila delphia, Judge O'KevJiihiiatttn, of West Virginia, and K. K. Hacon, Lust on, ft. c In the afternoon the contested seat o Jacob Hough, of Jacksonville, Fla., wa taken up and finally disused of by Hough being admitted. It was claimed by come of the uprfme officer that Hough election wa illegal. tMorai In Iowa. IH'KMNGTON, In., May 16. A heavy rain storm (truck the city yesterday morning and continued lor two Hours. A wild storm followed which unroofed two business house while barn and other building were moved from tlieir foundations and trees and fences blown down. The aggregate damage iscousulcr able though individual losses lire not heavy. The ram was ol much tjcncli to the crops. Iron Worker feUrtke. I'lTTsiii sc. Mnv 16. Kninloves of the lopweld and and butt weld department oi inc national luoc num. vouipaiiy, at McKeesKrt, I'a., tried to-day for an advance in wages of 10 prr cent. Two - thousand men arc out. hmplnyet of the galvaniiing and rolling depart ineuts also threaten to join the strikers, About tt 000 men are employed in this plant A Mcanaitc from the Sea, Charlkston, May 16. Capt. Morris of the British Schooner, linlenu, wluc arrived at Charleston from New York to-day reports that when off Frying 1'an shouls, a carrier pigeon new on. imam (Hi one lee was a rubber band with 83 stamped on it. No vessel win in sight at the time. The pigeon was brought to Charleston. They Want tuloa wane). riTTSHi'im, Pa., May 16. The em ploye of the 8olar Iron Works recently joined the Amalgamated association ol iron and ateel worker, and to-uny struck for union wages. The mill hu been non-union for four month. Nearly all the departments were idle to-day Naval Knglneer tDead. Santa Hah hah a, Cal., May 16, Chid engineer R. L. Harris, U. S. N who win on the naval examining board to test the cruiser Charleston but who liecmiie ill on the voyage from San Francisco here am1 wa incapable ot duty died nt the hole here lust night. - - The Uraphaphone Mold. Piiii.adklphia, May 16. A svnilicn of Philadelphia capitalists headed by M Thomas Cochran, has purchased grapba Iihone rights for I lie world outside ol the 'nited States and Canada. The price - twill wm 9500,000. At Half Prlco for Ten Day a. I have had to vacate at short notice my Japanese Itcpnrtmcnt. Having no room to (tore and (how this line it must be closed out, at once. Most of it is no w offered ut just half price.. Good marked in plain figures. The stock is one of the best in the South. This is a grand oppor tunity. Call early. Sale closes on May 22. J. H. Law, 57. CO and 61 S. Main St. MARKKTtf HV Ti l l uHAPII. UlSCELLAM-Ol'S. Swannunuu Hotel. t'nciccllcd cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and Irasim. men. Electric ears pass the door. ' HAW 1.8 IIMOK., frbldly I'ropr's. C. Cobs.. 4s S. C. Bron s...l4 Tenn. Hs...... 1" Tenn. Ss lol. Tenn. Het., 3s.. ..j- 74 N. P. IH.I . Pacific Muil Reading Kk h. A Mr K At W. Point.. 6I;S, SO . 4n4 IIP, Virmmans i 4M I Rock Island Uo-i Virginia Cons... SS St. Paul ' Northwestern ... H'.li,l do pfd llO's do tad ...141 Tel. I'acinc fsHaLack limTcnnCoHlvlron 37 Brie iffVl nion I'aciric B'li Bast Tenn WN. J. Central Lake Khore oatMo, Pacific Loa. (c Nash 7i, Wealern I'nion.. mi',. Mem. at Char... 4 Cott..n srrti tin Mob. Ohio 11 Certificates.,... 50 Nash.' At Chat... COTTOS. LlvisctMiL. May 16 Noon Cotton firm with prices slirtening a little. American mid dling 6. Hales 1(1. (MM); svnlation and ft Pnt l.lMMl. Receipts 14,HNi, Atmrnun j.-wmi utares closed steady at advance. W r. m. American middling, o l-in. nnas of to-day included H.Ooo American. May 6 4-64, sellers; May and June 4-H4. sellers; one and July a - sellers; Julyanu August B 4-4. sellers; August and ricptrnilK-r 1-A4 ealue: Beutemta-r and tlctolier 047-04, sell ere; October and No vein Ur, S 3M-U4, sellers; November and December. 5 Ho-e4 vuluc; ne tember 6 1-ti value. Futures closed u.uict but steady. NSW vosk. May in. lottos steady. Bales to-day KM7 bales; middling uplands 1 1 l-Kl. middling Orleans 1 1 .Vie. Total net receipts at all ports for to-day 1,446 Ksports to Great Britain 3,'JJ4; Continent 'i.'iii'A. Ktock 33M.711 bales r NsW Vokk, May 16. Cotton Net receipts 0; griMM l.Niu Futures closed quiet but steady. Kales 63,'JOO bales. May lii.tuialo.nl No U.Wa U.H7 unc iuinisiii.nl lire u.rtxa u.h'.i uly lo.e7alO.HHl)an V.ttua U U7 Aug.... ...111.7 la 1)1.7 VI Feb 10 uliUl.r. nept JI).17alo.lHIMarch 1(1 1 UK). 13 IX't U.Ula B.UU Galvkstun. May 16. Cotton firm, aJV: receipts. NouroLK, May lu. cotton uulct ana steady, llki retTliits fl7l. HALTiuoas. May io. cottonuutet llVka 1 1 v: receipts ?;ih. boston. Aiav IB. cotton uuict. low; re erlitts !it V.il.MiN(iT()K,N.C.,May 10. Cotton 101: receipts 11. PMiLAiiKLriilA. May 1 1. Cotton linn.l 1 : recciiitai. havannah. May 1 . cotton atendv, loy.; retTintiai. nkwurlkans. May 16. Cotton nnn,lo. receipts 444. Mohii.k, May in. cotton iiulet and leady lu l-io; receipts Msui'Mlo, May 1(1. Cotton ouictand firm 11: receiiHs n. aiioiista. muv 10. cotton nrm. iihs. re ceipts 137. ....u. uUM,..m. . ,t ........ u C .... .J,Ti' vnaikniufl, mar . vuimn 11 1 in , . -u receipts IV. GRANT'S If your prcsi-rlptions are compounded at Grant's Phar macy you can positively de pend upon these facts : First, that only the Purest and teat drugs and chemicals w ill be used second, they will be comKundrd carefully and ac- . curatcly by aa experienced prescriptionist ; and third, yoa w ill not lie charged ate exorbi tant price. Vou will receive the best goods at a very re a- D R U G aohaltlc profit. A full Unc of Patent Medicines, Toilet Arti- , clcs, Aycr's.Kecamkr Prepara tions, Bcott's Electric Curlers, etc., etc. We have the agency for II um phrej's llomeopathn: Medi cines. UgVAllLT'8 OLD STAND, 24 8, Main 8t. Prescriptions delivered to any part of the city free ol charge .. .. STORE. marKodlT rsovituoNS and rsouucs. Cincinnati. Mnv 16. Flour nulet. Wheat dull No. It red hrmMtl. Corn stronger No. i mi ii-d :i5l3ii:ul. (lata dull No. it mixed .7. Pork unlet 1.. lilts. Lard eaaici O.HI). Whiakry steady 1.0-1. HT. Louis, Mo., May III. Flour Mulct Wheat lower No. it red cah 7UaM(l: lunc nvA. turn weHsct: no. n mixed caHna:iv um ni. outs lower No. . t-uxh -JU. Vi hi key 102. HAI.TIMOHR. Mnv in. Flour unlet anil steady. Wheat Southern active und firm I'uitx iiouiMi; i.ongiicrry uoittM): Western mioi llrtu; No. 2 winter red auot M. Corn Houth em firm nnd higher; white 4;iu4T; yellow 4:ia o;weaiern enay. Cuicado. Mnv 16. Cash iniotutiona to day were as follows: Flour tciuly. Whcut No. 2 red N2Ijun:. Corn No. 2 H4V. Oats No. 2 22. MessiKrk 1 1 4i)n 1 1 ,4A. Lnrd B.771. Short ribs o.7rari.M5; shoulders n.2rua.oO; short clear tl. 12'Aa(l,7o. Whiake 1.1)2. Naw Viikk, May trt. Southern Hour dull Wheat lower No. 2 red M2 "tore. Corn dul and lower No. 2 4at; Miiv42I4. Outs low cr May 24. Mops firm, t'once Mny IH.4natO.IVO. Sugar raw dull. Molaaars steady, Nice sleaily. Petroleum steady antl (iuei. tottonaeeu on tlcpresseil. wo steady nnd unlet. Pork nuict. Peel alow lieef hums iiuiet; tlerced Ir-cI alow Lltrd dull weatrrn triini 7.15. I'rtiKllls uiliKttlid cotton :i-H2a7-"4ii. t.rnin 2;VI'. flNH BBKP. illlp see with the finest car load of heef cattle ever brought to this market. When you want strictly good beef give hint s call at the ASIIBVlLLB MBAT MAKkBT. maylTdlw PlNBIPRINtl CIIICKBNM, I.ARGB TBNNBH8KU FOWLS, FRESH TJUTTBH AND BOOM, FHW8H NORTH CAROLINA VlidKTABLKS Received every Morning. All goods delivered to any part of the city. CHAR. R. LANB ft CO., may 17 No.B4 8. Main Nt. pRIVATB IKIAKU. A hoarders ran lit accommodated at ail Psttoa Avenue maylftdlm MRS. w. W, RtiLLINS. A. F.STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kinds uf Painting. Itring oa your oW-MM.klng Carriages, Hrrtta, Hur rys, Buggies, Carts and Wagons and have them tarnished or repainted, so they will look as good as sew. Ail work warranted ant to track, blister or coast of until It srears of. Terms reason able. Hip on Harnett IIIH, Bagte Htrret. -ssarSldAm ffNlT A sVw varan t rooms to let at the ha.LU.. Ihism, 7 Cuiiega atrert. saayl2 2w laka. M. K. BltWIM. The AVhitc Elephant Crop liiHt yt'iir whm wry lai-v aim iiaviu ciosiHiouttiioca of Ihirhiink's I'otattu'H, w now offt'r a car of Wliito Kit i a ' . i raws pliant rotaux'H. liicv an very nnc Tnco 75 to HO centw. TliDi'ipouiuH-ivam I't'iylu1 aw all pino. We Ht ill liav a few caws of the .'. pount I'io IVjuIk'h at 10 cents jm (an, and also a few ciihch the 10 cents Coin, but wi probably lie out within tht next ten tlayw. We are offering sonie hjh cial pricew in Stmps, Stirclf HIuoiiiK, lUackiii-' and Ci POWELL & SNIDER GESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILL 1111 OPIiNHIl FOR TUB 8bASON OF 1HMI ON The Flre f June. The location of this Hotel on thcauiunilt uf Cit'sar's llrnd Mountain, an outlying spur of the Hlue Riilgr. In n-r South Caruliuu, arfimla a cliinute itnd ntrr unt-ipiiiled. As a summer resort It hua uo parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 ' TO 70 . Whilst Its natural scenery is varied nnd grand beyond conception. Comfort of guests enre fully consulted. Livery nnd ilnlly imill. tins. Ily reached from Ashrvllle In one day, or from llendrrsonvillc in hnlfa day, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, , f. a. niLi:s. mayindtf rH'S D"Sv,t,oOkVVy,D"L It ? I r I "OnE T0 lATe" y,R Yb VR-mI 'D y u TT Oil y ( K fj ce C8 fr u y u UiO nt o Grip &n V oil a Hi eel ii bit r III A. II. COOPER, - N"rTH "ue ,Ui).c S"VE.: I A I T p y r'SN STRAUSS RESTAURANT -AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. IClcctric Cam I'atiH the Door, I herewith notify the public that this day May 1, I have added to my well known He tuurnut a line lee Cream Garden. The same hns been titled up neatly for the oc- i anion and 1 will always have on hand the choicest of Crcitma and Sherbets nnd Cukes. Also, cun supply fninilirs at shortest notice in lurge or small quantities. So come in good time and have tome fine Ice Cream mid Cake nnd don't forget that at Strauss' yon will ge The llctit of Ice Cream, s und where always polite and uttcntivc wait era will be plcnscd to serve. Come curly come olteu, eoinc one, come all, und give your friend Struuss a good many calls. Very rcicctfiitty, K.ttTKAl'KH, Ircrietir. mny 'Jtltf N 0T1CK. rl wish tt inform the Ladien that 'my stink of Notions, CuriiinhinjeH, Hibbons, Jew elry, Kid (llovew, .Silk, nnd IiiHle Mitt and (iloven, Ini broidery Materials, White (IooiIh, etc., have arrival ami am now ready to Khtiwtliem. SARAH ELLICK, Cr. Willow and S. Main St., Under Swannanoa Hotel. The lluncomlie l.umlM-r ami Manufacturing Company i this day dissolved bv mutual conaent. All partus having clnlllia ugiiinat niraHiiic win prsM-nt tnem at once lor pay- Mill IH iSCOMIIIi Ll'MIIKK M'F'OCO. J. U. LINK. Preaidcnt may 10 dot ASIIBVlLLB AI)VEM'ISES(BXTS. DON'T ORDER From yourfirtM-er, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT llccause it is made in Anheville, "VOU KNOW," Hut we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER DREAD, RISCUIT, ROLLS, Can lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the mont popular Htraight fooda in this market. nk your (irotrr for theabove Brantls, manufacturtHl by the ASJIEVILLE KIILLING CO. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SuiM'i ior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Ketail. Office: Uamartl Iluiltling, 1'attoti .vrrile; . . . . . Yard; Old JJepot. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKEET, While we Have the Fluetit and Moat FitNlilonable Good. In . Our Line, We ulso liavc tla clii.aK.ht. Call und stxus. W. Ii. MARX, Prop'r. - Rl'FITS DAWSON, Suut. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO. -MANUFACTURERS 0F- fia.Hh, Doom, UHucIh, Mouldlnjfti, Flooring, Cciliuo; and all Kinds of Mill Work. Hard wood Interior flnish a specialty. apr36 dim OAK STREET INN, ASHirVILLK, N. C, llcituflfiilly located in a grove in" ona and white tilnei Wttlrntl flUat 'or niifsiC at the cor ner ol Oak and Woodfiu streets, near the Female College, and only three squares from the court house. We have a number of elcgnntly-fumished rooma to accommodate boarders who desire a nicr, i)UH't place, away Irom the hotels. Nice rooms, new lumiture, good fure, first-class vuu.iiik, ni iiumju.uk jiiirB. jii.u, no. uiiu COIU UUtnS. Dr. T. J. HARfiAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern nnd latest improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lunga wo.,. nun Mim:, iij inc iiiimin inui if, vhiiotucu BIIU atOllllZCIl flUHIH liy thC pnetllllHtiC lllld eompresHed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vaiHiriicd Bal sam (the halaain obtained from the natural liaisnm trees near Ah.-vin.. i We also ninnulaeture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which Is, eipuU to vl ,n,m,l,li w" tn ttim-iiuoii oy expresa, on receipt in price, Our aueeeas here for the past three years with this treutinent hna been phenomenal hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopclr, whose names nnd residences can be "'..".' ' , """ "i iiuBJiioH vtc rci.-r to tne louowtng wcll-anown Kemn-mcn 01 aanevua-: tv. j. naton, cx-Mayur; J, IS. Kecd, Clerk u. S. Court; Key G C Kan kin, pastor First Methodist Church ; Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; if. T. vuiiiiin, vi.. ni.iiusiUi T. J. HARfiAN, 91. D. THE "BONANZA,' THIS LKAUINU ' V WINE.'. AND . LIQUOR .'. STORE '. IN THIS STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND 1UIXI UI ROOM. j.A.WAKUrABnT,Wrr. I NO, 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C LI1W1S MADDUX, Prea L. P. McLOUH, Vice-I'rcs. J. B. KANKIN, Ca.ihier DiKBCTiK9;-Uwis Maddux. M. I. lleanlcn, M. J. Fagg, J. E. Kunkln, J, E. Kay, J E Reed B. U. Kced, Geo. S. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK TOWN LOTS, REALLY CHEAP The following gilt-edged tow n hits are no for Mile at low rates! I !M unimproved lots, (Ulx lftd, with back entrance, lying on Woodfin street, Just north of the Female College and adjoin tng that property. Unsurpassed in the city. M One large house, the Ouk Street lun, lnox 30, fine onk grove, comer of Oak anil Woodfin streets. : One lot on Oak street, faelng the College , CHiiipus, atia7.. Delightful place for a hiimc. All these lota are on water and sewer age line and within from ten to filly yards of street railway line, soon to be completed. Four fine lots with grove on l-lliertv street, northern part of the city, HHxUOK. These lota tire uctually cheup and the terms easy. Apply to J. A. BKANNF.R,' II0X514. may ID dllt THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN ' OF Tint ... W. N. C. Itaptlut Convention. I I'aia-r i Vi i.f.i lo (he Interests tr tfie r aoniiiwtnia In H esrern Sunk Cnrulinm. 1.50 Per Year, In Advance. Avertl.lng sae Hmltril. Kates made known upon apHlcation. Address AHIIBV1LLB BAPTIST, msylldlmwly Asheville, N. C. ASHBV'LLB. N. C, FHtlKUAKY lat, lhMt). Organized May 1st, 1SNH. . CA1-I I ALi 50,mm. . . HIRFLt'S, 5,000 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY MliPOSITOK Y. Hoes a General Hanking lluslnesi. IK-pusita received. Exchange bought and sold. Col- lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. Onull sums in this department, deposited for four months or lodger, Interest at the rute of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. """ loam, w um catatc, wnicn will is; placed lor lung lime on real sonable terms. Open Irom 9 a. m. to 3 p. tn. On Saturdays the Suvlng Dtiaitnient will lxoientill 0 p.i . " febadtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTI'KKKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., AtillKVILLK, N. C, AI'.h'M-H fog The IWickevc I'liiiip, Steel and fin Shingles, I'lotir and Hearth Tiles. fell I illy AtiKNTS A M'P'KS. UF U vi kit's Patent Slicalliinj; Lutli, - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. ai a sua . . . monr ...octta and Tiles.. extdingly handsome In appear ance, of various design, snd colors and very tlurabie for walks In yar.l sidewalks, floor. for Public .bindings. Halls, Porctu.. Entrances, Basements, Butcher Shops. 8,B, -1st., color, and designs for II KAKTIIH. Ilnndatmic Carriage lllw-kawlth name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. ".,. ,tfHI.Kk etc., can I, aren st olhc, over j. K. Iilckcrsou. Hardw.r. hi,mw ... Public Houar., corner of South Mala strwt. P. 0. Bo S.H4. C. E. MOODY. mar30d3aj II. T. COLLINS, 1'rtsiiltnt. E. E.EAGAN, Secret, try ASHEVILLE ICE C0L1PAIIY. Pure hv made from DistilleiF Water. Olliee: Barnard Building. Pat ton Avenue. . . D. C. Waddcll, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cuahn-r THE CM OF ASHEVILLE, ASIIFVILLF, N. C UIKIX'TOHS I I. P. SAWYER. Ts. PATTON. .G. MAKTIN, W. W. BAKNAKD. . L CANKOLL, 7 11. C. W AUKFLI.. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY 01det Hank In Wenteru Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers lu Wall Paper, Window Shadcitaiid Patent IIaiiBer, PainU, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed Paint, und Colors. Window Gloiw. botb French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead.' h'bGdly LUMBER YARD. VKO. F. SCOTT, (Sncctssor to Doublcday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Olasa, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, l"n$M, Fencing Posts. All kinds of llulhling O- Orders will receive prompt attention. feblodly w. T. PKNNIUAN. (' PENNIMAN & CO. W. fSNNIMAN. -JOBBRKS ANII UBALKS9 IN- H A R D W'AR E ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO, OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . . MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fehlhlly ' . Auythlhs in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, . .-- - - 18 Patton Avpiihb. - ' - - - - a febiodtf PLOMBIIIG, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORK. Plans and Speclficatloiu. Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanic lu each line who have had man, yean, essence .n their businc. Wc eu .ufc.v guarantee our IM,trn. satisfaetioa .n onr work, a low hgures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblodly C. II. CAMPBELL, Manufacturer and whsieui. ..... . UINUER ALU, CHA9IPAGNK C ii.i LH9ION80DA, 8ARSAPARILLA, MIN1KAL WATI.RS, TONIC BKKR, I CARBONATED WATER IN (4IPHONS.U- Factory, ai7 Hay wood si. ' -.. HOI aM4. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C, For the rwition of piiticnls suffering of tliscHses l In.!" and throat, antl ct.nductcrl tiK.n tlic plan ol tin-sanitaria., at CKrrhcmlorf an.l Fnlkcnstcin inGcr. many. Ours is tl only aw.-h institution in the 1 litcrl States, and endorsed by the leading rnember. of tlie medical prolessitm. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. 8., M. P.

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