4? "" :jn"l - Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity strenijth and wholcsouiencsa. More eeo noinlcal than the ordinary kind, and cunnot Ik Hold in competition with the ntuttitmle of low test, short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. NovalUakino I'liwiiKi Co., llMi Wall St., New York. l&wtanrl7 FKOFliSSlOSAL CAttDS. Tiiko. V. Mayiiison, Thus. A. Junk KuleiKh. JA. u. maktih. Asneviue. Ashcvillc. JJAV1DSON, MARTIN &JONH8, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Ashevitlc. N. f. - Will or lice in the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts. rd In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Court! ol the Western DiMtriet of North Carolina. . Refer to Hank of Aiiheville. duel, r CIIAS. A. MOORS. DtirV MHKKICK, kjrooKB & MERRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Ashevtllc, N.C. Fraetiee In the United States Circuit and District Courts at Ashevtllc, stntesvuic, Char lotte and Oreenslioro, in the Supreme Court at RnlciKh, and in the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the Slate of North Caro. ina. 8icciul attention given to collection ol cluitns. I'urlnershlp does not extend to practice In Buncombe Inferior Court. dtoe3 T.H.COBB. J. u. HBKItlMON. OBB St MKRRIMON, . Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dtsc4 '. W. JONBS. 'ONUS & 8IIUKOKD. GKO. A. SllllfOUU. knilroad tickets lioituht sold und cx hniiucd. All transactions guaranteed. Kcliulile indirmition cheerfully furnished. nt J North Main street, opawile court house. VV. M. LLAKKK. "This isn't what I exiiretcd," said the new arrival in Ciiilhrie. "I whs told I would find riot ami hlmxlslicd on fverv comer. It seems quiet enough, innci: howled the thirsty-looking Texan who had been in the place twenty-lour hours. ' hen vou can t even (jet water lor less than ten cents a diini; how in thunder nn it be anything else! I am gome on to Wichita, b nosh ! lluckleii'a Arnlcu Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlKtiin. lever sores, tetter, cliapiied hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posv livclv cures piles, or no pav required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satislncuon, or money rciutt.ien. rncc -.r cents ipci Ikix. Formic by I'. I., niin. "aw Kfr. Hi'hlive llookinir "I) from the turner I "Well, wen: wonocrs win iwr cease Thev ve iot so now tliattney c in photograph in colors." Mrs. i,iu;iiihc L'lancittir at um nosei i mi"i ear. vou d liettcr get vour picture laacu . r , , .. I. ......I " nciore ine oio process is hihihuwovo- For n safe niul certain remedy for fever and nunc, use Dr. I. H. McLean s Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure. "Have yes iinv tin quart puils, Misther Ihmimn?" "No". Mrs. O'Flahertv. but Oi have pliuty of tin wan quart pnils." ' An' tjint's what Oi axed yes for, Misther Doognn." Faults of digestion, cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J. H. McLean's Snrsapn rilla perfects the nroccss of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. Life: "A year ago," he said, "1 sold out ray drug business and went to Wall street, and in less than n week's time 1 doubled my capital. That's making money fast, eh?" "Yes, indeed. You must "be very rich now?" "Well, no, not very. At the 'expiration of the second week I left Wall street, and am now clerking for the man 1 sold out to." Careless Mother. Many mothers have permitted their children to die lx-lore theireyeswlicn they might have lieen saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle ot Acker's English Haby Sootlier at hand, runs a risk which she may some time regret. U has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is dointf so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith h In. Ulvc the Children a Chance. There is soim-thnig radically wroiiK with the health of a child when it stxnis listless, has Kior or no npi-titc, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the lulil has worms, mid all that it neeils is some simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm C ream, to exai the worms, anil the cnuti will S.MH1 lie in Dcrk-ct lw:il III ni:am. I'n- reuts, try it and let your little ones have a fair chance lor life. AFRAiO TO MARRY. Attorneys at Law, . Ashcyllle, N. C. Frnetk- In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Ktute, mill the Federal Courts ut Aslivvillr. DIHee in Johnston building, w here one ineiu Imt of the firm cun always lie found, dtnovll i MUlkmalr Williamson 111. I Hlnisrtl on Um Day act for Ills Wedding. Thero is a rouittiieecoiiiiwUil with tho lift) of tho luto philanthropist, IsnJah V. Williuinsoii, which funned a gmit coiiiinotum in soc-iul circles in I' In adi'Inbiu a tbirtl of a century hl'o. Mr. Wiltiuinsoii remaiiioil a bachelor all his life, but it was a narrow twin, for it wua only tho excetwivo tiniiilitv of the man which rausctl him to shirk at the last moment, bineo his death the circuuistauee of the nullionairu a only lovei venture has been recalled. and tho Story told below is vouched for bv several of his friends, who ... m i...'. ...'( I knew him iu his money makitiir diivs. III. .......... ...... i -- ; - . .,. -m. i for '.lie wnon no was a laniiuar nguro on tuiru street. In those days Mr. Williamson was eonsidurotl one of the beans of Phila delphia, lie wua extremely fond of i i SOCloiy anu wusaiwaynu prominent uguro ill ine piy nnu giuuv uirongsoi neoplt not only in this city, but in Now York and elsewhere. It was his custom to spend tho greater portiou of the summer ftioiniis ; ut cwraioea, whore he was much auirted and un ified after by lovely daughters and desitmins nianinius. He was known as the "rich bachelor from Philadel phia,' and as he was by no means a bad lookine man. be succeeded in creating a decided impression whor- ever he went. It is Double thatamoiiff the brill iant throngs at Saratoga he Urst met the woman who, so fur as is known. was his onlv love. She was a Phila delphia belle, a member of one of the best and oldest families, a lovely and accomplished woman, wealthy, and in Husband: "I shan't lie home to dinner to-day; you need not wait lor me. I m going snooting nt rmnke inn. Wile: Snake Itillf I tnuiR you are just nliout marksman enough to hit some thing of that sue! , The relrikfrator market is now iu running order summer niul he is rep'ircd to keep meut us long as customers desire. Van Hniib: "I understand that old Mrs. Mushroom wants her portrait tainted tile worst wav." Van IKke 'Wants it the worst Way, docs she?' Van Daub: "So sl- says." Van Dyke "Then you're just the artist for the job.' America. The most delicate constitution can safelv use Dr.J. II. McUan's Tar Wine Lung Halm. It is a sure remedy for couuhs. loss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles. "Congratulate me, Charley; I'm the hnnoiest man in town!" "You don't tell me? I'm elad to hear it. How's your wife? Doing well, I hope." Why, what dti vou" "Hoy orgtrl ?" "What in thunder hit you talking about f 1 was going to tell you that I ve gotu post olhce. Flaming, Fire 111 the VeliiB. MISCELLAXUOUS. liiuate VutturpaHMcd. i,vx '"cct Above Tide Water. I'iue Nlucrul SprliiKH Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. 0 t We hold nositive nroof that Acker's evorv resoect a dusirablo life mate for English Wood Elixir cures all blood poi- the wealthy young merchant. The courtship was a brief ouo, and It was not I0112 before tho uuto or tho mur- riage was announced. Tho ceremony was to tako place in this city at the residence of the prosiioctive bride's Dorents. ProDarations for tlio weddiuar were on an elaborate scale, and it was widely heralded as tho coming social sons where cheap sarsaMinllas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call ut our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. Mrs. Dumpsey (uppcaring at the back door) lohnnv. run down to Mr. Smith's and iret me a venst cake. '. ... .... , ... ,.i Johnny (without looking up irom ms oven oi mo mviwjo. Pmenti in the omit rleitnnt fuitu Trie LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE ur THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to.be most leuefieial,.to the hutum; system, forming an nrteabk and effective laxative to iernin nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills dt . pending on a weak or inactive' , x3ndition of the , AlDNEYS, LIVER UNO BOWELS. It U the mot cmllint remedy known to CUAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whca one U Biliout or Coauptcl W THAT PURC BLOOD, REFRESHINQ SLKKP. HEALTH and THINQTH NATURALLY P0U.OW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOIST FOR MANUrAOTURIOONLV BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO. CAL louisviuc, xr new iork, . r. a i M "ri 't' if f M iLyg-t fv game of solitaire marbles I'-You told me not to stir out ol tlie yard to-day, ami i uni t u-goin to. UynpcpHlu, Ic'Hpalr, Ucath. ' These arc the actual stci is which follow iiulincstion. Acker's English Uvsiieiisin Tablets will both check and cure this most fcnrl'ul of diseases. Ourantced by T. C. Smith & Co. Schedule Street Railway. To tuke cfl'eet l'riilny, Miin.il 1, ut u.HOa. in Cor leaves Court' House...; ..il.Ito a. m " " " " 7.UO . " " " ' ' H OI) " " . .......U.OO - " Prom then till 7 p. nt. cur leaven court houst cvery HO mittuteti. aiho, ear leuveii court notiHe ut h.ihi p. tti. :uul U.OO p. m. FAKK. KIVB CUNTS r1 o d ft M 1 o 8- 1 Tho "HICKORY INN" is built of brick, stone and iron. has all modern inmrovemontt. Electric Lights. (ia and ICliM tric lU'llw in each room, Hot and Cold ater Baths and Toilets on each floor. In elegantly furnished throughout. Cuisine and appointments uiiHurpOHHed. , Judge: Lucy I'arsons, anarchist, says, "livery man who has not a musket be hind his ballot is a slave. A truce to this nonsense, Lucy. Kullots were not inude to serve as wadding for gnus- JOHNSTONB JONBS, ArtOllMll ANU COUNSKI.LOH AT LAW, ASHHVILI.K, N. C. 1'ruetiees In the Unltetl States Circuit uml I lint l irt Courta ut Athevllle, in tlie Supreme Court at KuleiKh, uml in the Courtn of the Twelfth. Juiltciul UUtrlet uf the Stute of North Ciirolitiu, anil eluewhrrc, ax his service may lie required. Olliee over So. Ux press Olliee, Hendry llloek iauUIIiltl II. UOUOLA88. I). U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wingcrt's Drug Store. Resilience. No. 88 Bailey $t. fcblodly Advice to Mothers. Mrs. VVinslow's Soothing Syrtipshould always lie used Ibr&hildrcu teething, it soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all uiiitis, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25c. a bottle. She (romantic). "Oh, how beautifully siirniticant those Indian names arc Alabama, lor instance. 'Here let us rest lie I uiironiautiir but determined to go her one better).-- "Yes, niul there's er Monougahclu, Here let us drink" letter Thau Hloody lluttles. General VVhealcroft Nelson siivs: "My cxiericiicc in the linglish army as well us in America, convinces me mat notiungso ttnticB the blood or adds to the health, vitror anil lite as Acker s Iviil'Iisii iikkiii lillxir." 1 his great iviuedv is sold miller a positive guarantee bv T. C. Sniith & Co. R. U. KBBVBS. O. V. 8. UlSNTAL, UFFICH III Connully Builillnu, over Redwood's More, I'utton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, withthenew annsthette, aaa all cases ol irreKUiuntv cor rected. iebl3illy J F. BUR01N, M. D. OFFICE I - New Grand Central Building, over llig 22 Clothing Store. fobl7dlra Nebraska State lournal "lohiinic, my Ixiy, wouldn't you huve liked to have lieeii ucorge Wiislunglon .' JNaw. "No? And why ?" "lie never seed a buse hall gume iu his life." No need to take those big cathartic pills; one of Dr.J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney I'illcts is quite sufficient and more agreeuble. Detectives Wanted ' to ferret out and discover, if they can, a single ease where Dr. Price's Golden Med ical Discovery has been used- tor torpid liver, indigestion, minnre blood, or con sumption in its early stages, without iivinir immediate anil permanent relief; provided, ot course, that the directions have been reasonably well followed. A machine has been invented which will Qing a man 15,000 feet in the air. The man who wants to rise in the world should buv one. P. RAMSAY, I). D.8. Dental Office I In Barnard HuililliiK Entrances, I'attoa Avenue and Main Street. feb'JOdly A NRW lll'KI) cnrefullv Dreiiared bv lead i Mt memlKTi of the Ashrville liar (on finest imnhmcnt and heavy lint riatlerl, eov erliiK all mtTsiMiry iiolnts, just out anil now nnnlrit Ihr oHire of the CITIZKN I'l'IILIIH iwi rn N n MnriUC'n-rl feiiniw finnmn If any doaler says h has tho W. T. DonKlaS Bitot withaut us and prloa stjtioied oa bm BDtWMTit yiu sua uuwu as a eruu 4 ,llfj I.lectrlc Bitlem. This remedy is becomingso well known and so iximilnr as to need no siiecial mention. All wlyKhnve'- used Electric Hitters niiiu the same souu ol iir.'iise A purer medicine docs not exist and it is gunruiiteeil to do all tiiut is ciaimeu lilcctnc Hitters will cure all tlisiKiS'.-s ni the Liver and Kuhievs, will rcniove I'imnlcs, Boils, Salt Khcum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria Irom the svstein and pre vent as well ns cure all Malarial levers. For cui-e of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money Ve- fimdcd. I'rice 50 cts. and $1.00 iicr Ixit- tie nt 1. L. Jacolis drugstore. Baltimore American: A New York eontemoorarv sjiya that the half has no I hitii ttiltl about the Centennial nail. Then don't tell it. One-half is enough. This month is called Maylxtuuseit may be pleasant mid then agin mnyii t. Tho dav arrivod. and a laroo and brilliant assoiubluiro of trucsts hud as- sombled at tho young lady's nsidence. TliQ clergyman was on hand in readi ness to read tho murriugo service; trie brido looked her loveliest, tho wed ding supper was ready for tho table, and tho guests iu full expectation, when at the lust moment it was dis covered that a very important porson- ugu was missing tho groom. Air. Williamson was nowticre to do found. Messengers were sent to his house. Ho was not thero, and after au hour passed and still no sign of him. tho best man. accompanied bv .another intimate friend of the uiissiuif man wont in SPJirch of lllin In a Cub. " rl nllr" un ul Kuuranimi. After vainly inquiring at soverul of I ulete stock of fin- uuove kuoiIb ut ins rcgulur liuuuts tbey urove to tils otllce in Bauk street Hero thoy found him si tti nor all alone in tho gloomy, dusty, little den, attired in his wodding suit, his knees trembling and his brows overcast. Ho was near ly scared to death. "Dont talk to mo. I con uovorfuce all those peotilo," was the only reply he would iiiuko to all the arguments of his friends. And he hud his way. After an hour spent in pleading with tho obstinute man there was nothing left for his friends to do but to drivo back to tho mansion and have the $25 1 BcmitifulBui,dinsLots $5 SKYLAND SPRINGS BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. Skyluod SprinH it a new rnmrt, laid off In bulMIng lot, cttfht mile Booth of Anhcvil.c, oa the A. & 8 Kuilroatl aud the licndtrnttinvillc l'ike. f THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE, Tweuty-aevcn 8rinns ChulylH'iite, Alum, Iron, lipsom, Sulphur, Magnesia, and Freestone pure, cold uuu neuitn kiviuk- Finc Hotel Finished and Opened Pur "all the year 'round," with low rates and tH-st of rooms and fare. I Several buililiiiUH are KoiuK up. Saw Mill uml Planer niukiiiK lutnlier riuht in the place. rur u snori nine, choice mis arc oiierea very low to seiners or investors. Cruiul views, level lots, wide streets, uure ulr, fine water, How Doctors Conquer Ueatli. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : "After a long exm-rience I have come to tlie conclusion that two-ttitrtls ol all tlie deaths from coughs, iincttmoniu and con 0.......1 .;..!, i ....;. i. ..i ;r a..t,.r'a UiiL'lisll Cough Kcmedv were only cure- gu uimuiswl (fivi8 " f fullv used in time." This woiiderlul Kern- cuse Uicy could devise. LhO brido GRANT'S DRUG STOKl?, a SOUTH MAIN STHKIiT. (X'ulifits reseriitious a spcclulty. fcliU7illlm A BUSINESS LOT For Sale at Auction. I88v, OTIS A. MILDER, Proprietor. 1 niny 10 dont THE CAROLINA SALOON, i- was nearly distracted for a day or so, but sho was soon brought to a reali sation of tho ridiculous Bide of tho matter. Tho onirugement was, of oourso, broken off, and this is why tho millionaire plulunturopist was never married. The ladv is still livincr. and is high ly respected by a largo circle of ac quaintances. Philadelphia llecord. Comfortable U Not Pretty. 'A Cliinaman is not nrcttv to look at, and his clothes do not Ut like the traditional 'paper on tho wall, but 1 think his atliro tho most comforuiblo in the world." said a trcnthmiun tho ing you have only yourself to hlnme. for Otlior day io Wgn wmi, uo re- lirown s iron Hitters will surely cure "m, , uio vuiuuuuui wwwo u ou vou. It is a certain cure for dvsncusia. low crowned, broad brim felt hat. indigestion, malaria, weakness, kidney, which is easier on tho head than a lung and heart atlcctions. Try it it you sun acrDy or 611 K nat fina a greater desire to lie healthy; robust and strong, protection to tho eyes. Then his nock curative la dressed more comfortably than ours. too. IIu wears but a single band around the neck, or two at tho most Mavo wear DOW, edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. L. Smith & Lo. Old Grump There is something aliout your face, madam, that reminds me of a bird. Oirly Girly Indeed, vou flatter me, Mr. Grump! What is it, pray ? Old Grump I hose crow s leet under your eyes. $500 offered fornn incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head, by the manufacturers of I)r. Suge.s Catarrh Remedy. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and stmng? If you con tinue feeling miscralilcnndgood-for-iiotU- and exiK-rience its remarkable qualities. OitHuturdiiy, at mil., June i, I will sell at the court house, a Fine ItusliiCriM Lot, With ouu-lialf of brick wull of No. 07V4 North Main street. 8iie oflut 2310o feet. Tcrtiis of sule: One-half ensli, balance in i'J months at 8 per cent, fiijftrest" 1' itle'iK-rfeet. C. 8. COOI'UK, maySdtds 811 South Main street. ARBCN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, Has the Fluent find Iirjccst 8tock of WHISKIES, i BRANDIES i AND i WINES, FvcrUrouKhttoAheville. I'lirUi B w IsIiIiik u tiiniil article for rurally ur other purposes, will find it to their interest to give me a call. KcsjicctfuUy, ' S niarSlilly Frank O'Domicll, Projp'r. 9V4 milil Soutk'f. ruiirouu in now Ishrrllle, on the A. t 8. i n tor the season. KATli.S. PerOny v................ I'er Week I........... l'er Motilh For circulars mlilrvHS THUS. A; MOKKI8, lYilp'fr' muy2Utf' . Arikii, N. C. $ 2 oil !- on 40 OO A TLANTIC COAST I.1NH 0 VOU over counted Up What We trustn and Columbia S Oreenville Kail r Nol Well, just figure it out Tho uudorsUrt bond is ona a ,. .... 1v,,N,r:riel,t.','n' VL L. DOUGLAS Isr" FOR 3d OnVC OENTLIMEN. Frst In th worlil. KxnmlrM) !.- S.OO OKNI1INK IHHII-liKWHn SIIOB. S4.00 IMNII-N WKI WH.T """r" HJHI FOI.IOK AMI KAKMKBS' SHOK. .ftn KXTKA VAM'K CAI, SHOK. iiooanil l.75 HOYS' HI HOOJL SHOKft All uuuki Iu Ooum -ess, lluttoii sntl Law. In Consumption Incnritble? Kead the following: Mr. C. 11. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me nn Incurable Con sumptive.. Hegan taking lir. King s New Discovery lor Lonsniniition, nm now on my third bottle, und nlile to oversee the work on mv larm. 1. is the tincst medi cine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: Had it not iK-cn for Ur. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given ui) bv doctors. Am now in liest ol health." lryit. haniplc buttles tree at F. L, Jacobs drug-store. Agent at Ahheville. To whom It may concern We, the members of the Mount Zion Dap- nossible chest Orotoctor is two. a shirt tlst church, of Ashcville, N. C do hereby au- t,,.,l ls tlrw, ft ,.0llnr is four, a luy-k- tiois live, a vest collar ls six, a coot is seven, on overcoat collar is eiirht, and a nock scarf sometimes makes tho total nino uino bauds around the neck. What a chance for perspiration I Yes, tho (Jhinamuu's rig is mora com fortable. Chicago UcrakL flu anil nfter this ilnte tin- lolluw inn elicl-1 ulcs will lie run over IU"CuIuiii!iiii liivision." No. f3 Leaves Colutiiliiu ,r.U0 p. in. Arrives ntt'hurlestoii ll.rto i. in. No. 52 Iauvcs Charleston 7. to a. in. Arrives atColiiintiia 1 1.H5 n. in. ContleeLinif with truinN to ami from ull I points on the Charlotte, Columbia Me Au- KUtiroans. Ant. thoriie Rev. R. P. Rumley, the pastor of the said Mount Zion flnntist church, to solicit and collect contributions for the express pur pose of purehasinK " site upon which to erect a building. We hope that not one will refuse to help us, bnt contribute lilKTally to this much neejded cause. This church was organized February 11, 1HHH. Since that time SO members have been baptised and 1 22 added by restoration, miking the memliershlp over 200 at present MRS. S. STEVENSON Hits removed to the Johnston lluiMinii, Put-1 ton avenue, comer of Cliureh ntrtH.1. whe she ii reired to keep nunlar or trniisii'iit iMmrtkm. J atik turuirilutl wan Uu- tH-Ht the lnurkctulTunU. TcrniKmLKuiuible. mai'3iUtti BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, Boiler Eiploslons of the Tear. Tlie Safetv Vufvo crives this record This is enough to express the usefulness of boiler explosions during 1888: Total and energy of the Rev. u. v. itumiey witiiout number of boilers exploded 203:68- saying anything more. He is a man of con- timttted lil(ia to property, $4,100,fJOOi siderablc theological experience and deserves estimated loss hv stonuairo of.business. to U' sustained as the general solidtingugent i.05(l OOOi nimtlwr of enn.loves ' ' ' . . . r . for this temple for Ood's ehureh. This church will be located at a convena-nt pluee for those who are employed in servii may 7 dlaw 4t tu VV. L. DOUGLAS G3 SHOE ros LAD I IS. tsat WataHal. Bst Stvln. Best FlUinC MM wmp itlM. WrllA " W. U UOUOUAS. BUOCKTOW. MASS, KxAKiinc W. IM nouKlnn .oo sjhM:M for tientletueu aud Iulles). For sale bv HVRRING & WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Aslieville, N. C. jonlOdly "Oh." said a pretty West End girl 'there are such remarkable bargains in the stores now. "Huh!" grunted her father, burying Inmscll deeper in Ins paper. - . 'Yes. she continued, "and fveryiiiing thev are ollcring is so lovely, too, Why papa, the only cheap thing 1 saw down town to-dny that I didn't want was a $3 pair of trousers,'' The old gentleman looked up over ins naner. cliucklcti softly to mmscit uuu handed the girl $3. VJiA !1 In tm I wnilrac!' it lilond Poison Tint Iml tin.', slid v. ;.i truated with lllercurv, , ll ir. il pnmiriii uiixlun-. mw Ii w-i.-miall liiolime. i i..u 7 . ,vill liiiliaH.H S. wlilch curiil mo i ntin ly, sua no sign ol toe drcauiui utnjasu nss reinnmi. J. a. Nisei. Jul 10, '; i. , Hobbjvulo, lad, ! f lilt Ic iil-tu Imd white swclllnil to such ruiili'iit llislsUsKsscoo. n, il in i nt i (1 lor s ions urns. u. !,. n -n i l..rra nf hona csma outel h r U .-. sift Um doctors ssld umiwlni.'-a vtl'-e enlyhmcdyto suvolvrl 1. 1 r'li nilliieppcnalon id put I 1 1 ! simI she now iipm il i HW r 1 In as gisst hesltii ss tnvfliiM. JliM Asnis Osssuso, Fell. 1 1, "Ul. Umuuidus, us. Uouk ou Bloisl Dlseasoi sent frea. Swirr (tPBCirio vo. Drawers, AUsDU,0e, Im 1i Her wealth of tangled yellow curls, Her eyes cerulean blue, . The crimson dye of lips and cheeks Outvie the rainbow's hue. Two dimples nestle in her cheeks, . And one imprints her chin; Her sunny smiles play hide uml seek, To chase them out and in. What a refreshing' picture of youthful beauty nnd sweettemper! AnilGrelehen owes it all to the splendid health sheeiv iovs. Wise lievond her venrs, she very sensibly avoids tnc his (inn nininutcs w nc Ii snn me ncaiiii uml sircnui n oi so many of the women of our land, by the nseol IM". fierce s favorite i-rcscription This is the only remedy tor woman s miliar weaknesses und ailments, sold liy nil druggists, vndcr a osilive guarantee from the manufacturers. For directions, see wrapper around Inittle. MUSTANG UlilhlEUT IEAT,B INFLAMMATION. OtiD ROBES OAKJiDBIiliASTii tMJVS Wmi NO. :17 l'ATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. -J- Sale. Small Farm fur On Saturday, the a.lth dav of NUTT at the court house we will sell at pulitle outcry that nice little liinn ocionifinK to A. M. iwuiew, two miles out and ailJoiiilnK the i'ntterson mill projiertv In west Aslieville, coiilnmiuK 10 acres, won eoinlortniilc IiuIIimiiks, iiue wuter, and 5 acres of choice bottom laud. Antilv at our oniee ror pnrticultirM. NA IT A TKINKON RUN. miiyludlw wit Keal Bstute Healers. A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND ; SIGH : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, is prepared to do all kinds of 1'uin lliiK IlriiiK on your old-looking Cnrriaxes, IJretts, Sur- rys, IIiikkIcs. Carts and Wilsons nnd huve them varnished ur rcuuiuted, so tliey will luok as Kood as new. ' All work warranted not to mruek, lilisler or eome oil until it wears oil. Terms reason-ahle. Shop on Harnett 11111. Uulc Mreet. mural illlin thrown tcinporurily out of worlt, 10V 000; number of lives lost, 820 : num ber of persons Injured, 4U1. Ul hollers in saw mills and other wood working establishments there wore C9 explo sions; locomotives. 21; steamships. tugs, and other steam vessels, 19 s port able boilers, bolsters, aud agricultural engines, 27; mines, oil wolis, colliers, 18 paper mills, blcacheries, digesters, etc., 13; rolling mills and iron works, 25; distilleries, breweries, dyo works. sugar houses, and rendering works, 21 1 flour mills and grain elevators, 13; textilo uiuuuiuctories, 16; nuscel laueous, 21. MUSTACiQ Lhlii.! BHOITI.T) ALWAYS BE KE1T IN K1I0P, lUTOUiiN. 8TA11LB ANI FA0T0UY I FINE MERCHANT TAILORING, . FeS.KLACK, 66 South Main Street, OptKislte the Bwaiinanou Hotel, A line line or Suitings to select from, Leave your order for a perfect fittlnu Suit. Curious Parasite Tho greenish color of certain cloths was found some years ago to bo due to a parasitio growth of algre upon the hair. Two genera and three species of these mfuuto plants one genus grerin, and the other, 'with its two spe cies, violet have since been' described by Mnio. Weber vou Bowse. A single hair may huve upon it from 160,001) to 200,000 individuals. -New York Tele gram. . "Mow much do vou n'n'f'd'y uitfora ion use tnisr ' asked a rural iiriiicgrooni of the minister who married him. "The law allows nic a dollar." "Well, R.xat Scott, man here's your dollar. I don't wantcr J40 to law 'bout itl Reckon I'll have trouble enough now, unyhow!" Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, tily spots, sores nnd ulcers, abscesses nnd tu mors, uuncniiny tiiscnarKcs, sucli ns catarrh, eczemn, ringworm, and other lorms of skin diseases, are symptoms of blood impurity. Take Dr. J. 11. Mc- lnn s Mtrsapanlla f.lUSTAIIG LIUII.1EIIT 18 FOE MAN HF.ABT. PEKETBATK8 UUtiUlJS AU'lUltETO 1T1E VEUY 1I0NK TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Stcamcns. Low Rates. Four Trips per Woos Dolwfi n DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Votmlurr, RaiiU Htr. Mai if, nnd LHo liurou Wity FirU. Xrrr Wf!k Uity Hotwoon DETROIT AND CLEVF.LAN Spsrlnl Knndsy Tfl( d'ln .In..'. July, Aii;ut un.l Kr t, Doubl" Daiv Uac Hw""-en CHICAGO AND ST. JOOilPH, MICil. OUB ILLUSTHATKO F'flWPUL T lllaiiri Exiursl n Tinker wlli t. r bv .viiir Tl-k'.i AkuiiI, it n t:i J E. B. WHITCOMU, 0. P. A., Dnrnur, I ,i 11. , Detroit and Cleveland Steum W,... Co tmiylHdtf aoo BUSINESS OPENING ! llnviiiK enuumd in the Toliueco WuriluniRe liuslness, 1 linil 1 euiinot Kive my - - MVIittV ' " That attention il sliouUI have nnd tlu refore propose selliiiK it on litieral terius.' It con sists ofl l.iiniluu, 0 llretls, 1 ex. top t)-pass-euKer CnrriiiKC, 1 o'ii i-iiussen;er L'urrliiKe, 1 Victoria, 4-iassenxer, il I'hietons, 1 iiien side linr llUKKy, 1 top HuuKy, 1 T'l Curt, H or 10 Horses, together with harness, rolas, whips, a few livery stills, etc. I'. very thiim In first elass shiiie, lirlht uml sliiniiiK- One of the best outfits In the Hlittc. The stulile I oc cupy Is the Inst lornteil lii the city and one of the finest and iK'Sl planned In the South. It can lie had on reasonable terms. Aslieville Is KittiiiK lo lie one of the Ih-sI "year 'round" livery points in the l! lilted States. 1 will sell lit low fiuies anil make terms easy. Come to tux or write nie at once. WAVNH B. KAV. madlndlw Ami Undertakers. I'roiupl attniiiiiii nivcn to all orders. day or iukIiI. ltcisldcnce t q Pcnlaud Street. lehlilly iUSTAIiG LIHIMEilT HUSTAKS LicHEEiiT CTIRKH rn,F.S, PTIItNfl, CDT8, f'OUNR, I OTTTCES IIOLLOWHOUV, CAKED BAOR, UWJl.SLS, ClllUlLAINSJtFUOmiil'm (iliUil A, UOOV MftWt IX CATTLK I SIIEPAItD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL-DJ RECTORS, EMBAXMIiNG"AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. -31 PATTOH AVENUE; 3- ll.;ilrcwton will attend Calls) ay and Nljcht. mnrilldly QUSTAHQ Liill'.iENT UUSTr.IiG U.X31T CrrtKS llTIEtlMATlHM, LAME BACK CCTtE3 FOOT HOT, RnOTJT.DETt ROT. AM WSli'V iVUi'i'A. UDULN UAIU)' cXiliEW-WOliU ANPSCAU U bliU-D