THE DAILY CITIZEN. The CrrtlKW la the moat rxtmairrlT drru laird and widely read aew.papcr la Wmlcrn Korea Carolina. I ta diacuastoa of public mm and mraurr la la the intrmt of pablk integrity, hnoeat fOTerament, and aToanrrou. industry, and it iowiio pcnooaJ aiicgiascc in treating pub lic lanes. The I'mn pabUahra the diepatrhea of the Awociated Prraa, which bow coeeri the whole world ia lu acopc. It baa other facili ties of advanced joaraaKss. for gathering aewa from ail quarters, with everything care tally edited to occupy the .malleat apace. Kpeeimea copiea of any editioa will be arnt frre ta aay aw aradiaa their address. Tbius tally, $rt for one year; 93 for all month.; 60 crU for one month; IS ernt.for one week. Camera will deliver the paier in very part of the city to .shsrrilsrra, anil par tJr. wanting It will please call at the Citiikh flice. i ADTiaTuuta Fates Reasonable, aad made known on application at thia office. All traancnt advertiarmcata moat be paid in ad vance. Kcadiair watjeaa tea rent per line. Obitu ary, auuTiaae aad society aotiora fifty cm la each laot exceeding ten Unca) or fifty centa per inch. SUNDAY, MAY 26, 189. ITANDINO ARHIES. Jut at thr present time, when tliectn trnnial celebration of the hirth of Repub lics are before us, reflection nnjlit justly be given to the contrast! between the practical operation of the system ot free governments, and the tried methods of several centuries as adliered to by the monarchies of Euroi in relation to urrrm merit. Our government, overshudowiiiK the greater part of a continent, and with a population of sixty-five millions of peo ple, of all sorts and conditions, of all creeds and modes of thought and action, of all bloods and races, gets along peace fully, happily and prosperously with n comparative Mjurul of 25,000 men. liu rope, with a territy no lurger, but with a population much greater, kecs in its es tablishment a force of not less thun ten millions of men, not to sieak of what a war looting would make at once availa ble; and, also, not to speak of tlie prodi gious naval force which rivalry is con stantly enlarging in extent and costliness. And all this is done to keep the ieuce. To us on this side of the water, this prodigious armament, this iiermancnt challenge to war, this attraction of men from industrial- pursuits, this wasteful application of the necessaries of life, this enormous burden of taxation, this unpro ductive application of resources, nppeurs to be the slieerest folly if not the blackest wickedness. We find some other use for money than to waste it on armies, some other use for labor than to waste it on drills, some other use for men thun to train Ihem nfi tfi Ike killer! some other use fur power than to strengthen as an engine of perpetual menace. If we are a little beyond our trnnsat lantic friends in higher culture, if we luck tome of the refinements which come with age and long practice, we certainly ex cel them in the arts which conduce to peace and prosperity, the objects which ought to be the aim and end of all govern ment. Our fluctuations of parties, our changes of administration, our frenzicsol elections, even our abuses of the ballot may excitejt he censure or the ridicule of the powers entrenched behind hcrediturysnuc tion or uphold by surrounding bayonets But our fluctuations weaken no stability our changes of administration overturn no dynasties, our excitements of election destroy no peaceful relations, and their evident extremes are instantly followed by calm acquiescence in results mid good nntured raillery at the expense of disu- pointed jMirtuuliis. This certainly, is a contrast which might make monarchies question their wisdom, and give republics courage to go on with the example they have given to mankind. For the latter ix'iice is es sential and fundamental, Hut it must lie 11 peace with honor," for this republic hits proved that, when aroused to action every man in it is a soldier. Wo to the nation that provokes it to anger. . AMERICAN DIPLOMACY H. FORHION CANNON. Americans mar feel exultant at the at titude their country hits taken in tlie ne gotiations now going on for the settle ment of the Sanioan question. Us re pre senlatives confronted with those of the most powerful of existing nations, re cull the plain garb and simple milliners of lien Franklin amid the splendid cos tumes and eleborate ceremonies of Ver sailles, There is tlie same quiet reliance UMn moral forces; tlie same confidence of the power lying in reserve behind them of which display would lie idle ontcntn tion and useless expenditure until tin- oc cusion arises to call it into action. So tlie American Commissioners meet on easy and equal terms those whose every participation in Ivuropenii affairs is backed up by the haughty confidence in countless armies and numberless alii bearing down opposing will with tread ..ft. I i.: .i: . r.i v. ...... ni... ,N, iiimii, mill tH' inhibiting shut and shell. To this arro gant display of physical forces stand ar rayed iu quiet dignity tlie ieaceful forces of diplomacy, armed only with tlie weap ons of reason and practical common sense. There is something admirable in tlie "rcosc" tif our representatives, their attitude reliant and self-possessed, their inspection of tlie hostile eye calm, reso lute and confident, yet without offence or annoyance pressing on to the point which they claim of right to be their own. That tlie German Chancellor has re dded from his lofty stand that lie has yielded to the American demands, .marks revolution In the sentiment of the world, the most notable that has been presented. It tells that force of amis is no mure the arbiter of the fate of nations. H tells, at least, that the great American republic has passed beyond the power ol threats; and that, strong in the policy of peace, one of the fundamental princi ples of conduct nt home and abroad, we can look, not without concern, but with out fear or solicitude, at the movement of the old world powers. To tliem, in relation to us, there ia something anom alous, almost terrible in the proved exist ence of thia new and jiowerful moral force; a force that governs without dis play of outward strength, yet rules a continent with strung and equid pulse, calm and equable in its beat, slow to lie inflamed to passion, hard to be rounrd to wrath, but when exalted, maddening the heart and invigorating to gigantic energy the heart and muscles of sixty millions of people, to move to common aim and impulse. Conscious now of strength, the I'nited States deed make no demonstration of its powers. Recognized us a sleeping lion, the European powers will make no twistc to arouse it. IHKKAL. CHRIMTIANITY THI! KEY TO CHRISTIAN I JilON. At a meeting of the Evangelical Alli ance, held in the city of Washington, one of the Sienkrrs I we think it was Itishop Harris) said, that the first steis towards tlie attainment of that I'nion which was the object of the Alliance, should Is? for Christians to abandon the idea of com- lietition, and to adopt in its stead co-oi- eration in all works ol religion, ana an (Torts to uplift mankind. This express ion at tlie time impressed us most forcibly and we are glad to sex- measures adopted which indicate that the thought is grad imlly cry stuliziug iutoractjon. T la press dispatches of yesterday and day licfore inform us that the I'resbyteriaii Assemblies of tlie Southern and Northern hurches, meeting simultaneously at Chattanooga and New Vrk, adopted resolutions of ctMiiieration with each other, tin- effect of which wilt be soon to licumirTrc'uch which has long existed la'twecn tlicse churches. As an additional evidence of the extent to which a desire for Christian union is growing among tlie churches, and the conviction which it carries that greater Ijliendily is necessary to its accomplish ment, we copy ami endorse the follow- ng editorials front, the recognized organ of the Episcopal church, with which it closes its comments of thankfulness for the course pursued by tlie Presbyterians. We hoie li hear of a revision of the I'resbyteriaii formularies for another reason ulso. The disputes and divisions of Christians, at least of Protestant Christians, have liecn mostly concerning theories and not concerning tlie ctcr uul facts of the Christian faith, Looking forward, us we must ever look to the visible unity of all who "profess and call themselves Christians," we must needs hoic for a removal of every stone ol stumbling and every barrier of divis ion. The greater part of the Westminster confession is much like the thirty-nine ar ticles of the church of England. Until are valuable historical documents. Hoth in their time have lieen useful. Neither ol them is necessary to n full faith in the Christian religion. Neither of them ought, for a day, to be icrmittcd to keep Chris tian men opart." When such views can lie expressed in such nn able and influential paier as The Churchman, gome of us may lioie that we mny still live to see accomplished the prayer "That Uicy may all tie one, even as we nre one." The constitution ol South Dakota that was adopted at the Sioux Falls con veil lion is in iiiauv scsnects remarkable. Wo men are given school suffrage, and it is provided that nn amendment shall Ik' submitted to the cople giving women full suffrage. Corporations are pre vented front lH.iug created by the Legis lature by sK'cial legislation, and the abridgement of the legislature's right ol eminent domain and of the State's police Miwer is sjiecially forbidden. The State debt must not exceed $.riO(l,000, except in case of war, and county, city anil town indebtedness is limited to G pc cent of the taxable property. The Gov ernor is given the right to veto items in appropriation bills, and the Legislature cannot authorize the construction ol street railroads except with the consent of the cities and towns iu which they arc constructed. Wilmington is trying the high license plan us a remedy against the liquor busi ness. The Star tells us that there arc now in the city seventy retail liquordeal ers, paying at the present rale of taxa tion $1 1 a month. It is now proposed to increase the rate to $50 a mouth am if the increase is made, the liquor dealers declare it will run tin in out ol the busi ness. I'litiiH of North Carolina Caiull- CllltfM. WnshlttKton cor. New York Sun. The North Carolina candidates for ol lice have laid their heads together, or at least some ol them have, anil tins is the programme thev have agreed uim: feeling that their demands have not Is-en properly considered, thev proisise to represent to the I'icsiilciil and those ol Ins Cabinet who miiicnr to lie most reluctant to concede what the Stale wants, the great Hiwer that the three Ncpiihlicnn members of the next House of Keprcscnt.itives ninv yield in tlieor- ganixiitiou of the bod v. There will Ik1 a sort ot threat made that if the Ailminis trillion inn nlloid to disregard North Carolina now North Carolina can allord when Congress meets to exact terms from the party which shall Ik- ample to make amends lot present neglect. With out these votes the House could not he organized at all. All of theConurcssmeii have not consented to enter into this little arrangement, but some of the tired applicants tor apHiintuient have Urn canvassing the matter iiuetly lor n week and siH'iik with confidence to-ilnv of the erlieaey of the scheme if it shall lie adopted. The North Carolinians who are not applying for local offices, ait nearly all cniulidales lor consulates. Dr. I'lirkcr l'rays cream Van-Ola, Kosn liue, Ougaline and ltiauitiud nail powder having now liccome the ladies' favorites, at V. L. Jacob's drugstore, tlicse Mpular manicure articles may always lie found, together with (KK'ket emery hoard, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files mid other such requisites. Also n complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the llelie Soda fountain from which ice cold drinks are disicnscd. Cor ncr Main street and 1'atton avenue. Alexander !''olsom, of Hay City, Michi gan, recently deceased, Uipiciithed to the I'rcshytcriuu Hoard ol foreign Missions $170,(HH, mainly for missionary pur Hses, $U0,tHM of which goes to the Prccdman's fund. A 1'leHNltin Hrnae Of health and streneth renewed and ot ease and comlort follows t he use ol Syrup 01 rim, as 11 nctsmnarm nv wan nature to eilwtually cleanse the system when eosttve or bilious. For sale'in 5tlc. and $1 bottles by ull leading druggists. DON'T Ik'huinliujrHl. Talk ischi-jip but "tin proof (if thfpmMiiijj, is tin' chewing of tin nt riii?." ioHtie I'ros. & Wright's is the dace to buy and thoiiMuiiil of well iili'asetl cunt, outers will tell you the name if you will inly take tlie trouble to ask them. They have the goods uul they sell them at bottom trices. They have received this week their second gtock of Dress Goods, Notions, bits and Shoes fort he Spring UiL.lJuimi r trade. Some of t hem bough t under "mudsill" rices and are now goinglike lot cakes. They have this week made a reduction of '2 Kr cent, in many goods and are now offering unheard of largains iu Kiiecial lines. Their store is filled with cus todiers every day and none go away without lieing ait d tin, for their salesmen are polite and attentive to the trade and are always ready to give you the worth of 100 cents for every dollar you leave with them, (ioandsce their new goods and you will be surprised at the low price and beauty of the same. The man that said "Money is King" will have to learn that Thick and "Politeness will go farther in a day than money will go in a" life- time, and if you don't think so, go to No. 11 l'ubli Square and you will nre that we are taking Cleveland's ad vice and are "telling tlu truth" when we say Iiostit Uros. & Wright are selling OjJ..(1alif'oesiit,rM,.(jingl).iuuH at 7c, and Satines at He., Outing Cloths at l2J$c'.,Cmj!.v Cloth at I.V., and the pretti est Challies vou ever saw at Vf., bought at lleadqiirV' ters for cash, and they invite y( Mir careful inspect ion of the same. HOOKS AMD STATIONARY ARTIMTH MATKKIAIJt, liNC.INiiliKSV St'l'I'LIUS, I'lCTt'KliS ANIl I NAMIiS. FANCY GouliS, iii.ank iiooKH, i:yi;hv(;haiii; 1MII.I.8, TOYS AMI C.AMIi.S, WICHTI-IHN N. C. Sfl-INI-'.H, infill I'lKiTiir.KAi'ilK' Ami Iiani I'AlNTIili, -AT KSTAKUOOK'S, aj H. Main Street. I.AmlK ASSOKTMKNT OF AMl-UltAN WATCIIICS, All st.vkit, tin.-M and i-ricvu. Jewelry of i' very (krH-riiillnn. Silverware, militl and pluted. Hold und Silver I Km led Ciuun. SiH OUule and live t.lawtt fitted to the eye I'ltif Watch KetxitrltiK and ICnxniviiiK a ftK'vlalty. LANG, The Jeweler, Month Main Mrt.-t.-t. iir14 il.'lm THE GREATEST ATTRACTION la tlmt lim- lot of IINC.I.INII II KIM. 1:8 unit TIIKIili-IIUKN CMAMtllSt SltAT SAl'lll.l-S at J. 91. ALEX ATS DICK'S And the low price, ut which he I. av-lliuK all Itooila In hla Hue. He hu. Imrrnaeil hi. (unx unit intend, to meet thr drninnd. 8ATISPACTI11N t'.t'AHANTHlili. J A. TUNNKNT. Architect and Contractor. I'lan., .im-IAeatlona and rallmntra I'ur nl.lird. All work In mt line contractrd for, and nu ehuriir. for Urawinu. on vuntrnet. awartlvd mr. NrlrrmiT. whrn itealml. tim: No. ia lloidry llluek, North Court H.uarr, A.hrrille, N. C. k-bludl. MISCELLASUOVS. SMALL STOCK. The smallest stock of goods that has ever been seen in sheville has just leen re vived at -,W.- II. LEA'S, 17 North Main street, and so retry and cheap, too: It will make the hair rise on your head when you see those pretty Dress Goods, such as Sateens, Ginghams, 'bailies, Lawns, ami Dress loods of all kinds. And oh, my ! just see those pretty Jeaded Wraps They are erfectly exipiisite. And you must see our pretty I5Iack Hose in Lisle ihitad, and some of the best Corsets you versaw, such as Warner's Abdominal, (iood Luck, Sua rise, Coraline, Kour-in-IIand, Health, and many other kinds too numerous to men tion Ladies' Lawn Tennis Shoes and Caps to match Hie best (iloriah Silk (.old Head Umbrella at 1 fl.!.0 and tl.Ot) offered in' this city. All I want is for you t( come and set? them andjudgt for yourself, and if you don't say t hat they are pret ty am cheap I won't ask you to buy a cent's worth. Yours very t ruly, W.H.LEA, SIW ('ASIL-STOKE, 17 N. Main St. This week it is Men's, Hoys and Children's Spring Suits Very low priced stylish Dress (loods, Outing Shoes for ev cry bod. "rand various items iu seasonable goods whicl we receive almost dailv. II. REDWOOD & CO ClotliliiK, Dry Good, Shoes Hat, and CarpctH. 7 and 9 Pulton Avenue. See our new Spring Suits for Men, just iu to-day. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT ANI NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Ivlectrlv Cam PaHH tlie Door. I herewith uulil.v the public that thia day, May 1, 1 have inlih-d to my well known Res taurant a tine Ice Cream Garden. The Mime hua Im-n lilted up neatly for the oe enaliin mid I will alwav. have on hand thr choicest ol Cream, and Sberla-t. and Cake.. A I no, can aupily fnuilllr. nt shortrat notice In larut- or anmll ipiantitiea. So conic in koihI time and have .ome tine ler Cream and Cukra and don't forin t thnt at Htrnuaa' you will gvt The HcHt of lee Cream, mid where alway. iolite and attentive wait- era will Ik plmm-d to av-rve. Come enrly, eomt iilteii, come one, eome nil, nnd irlv your friend Htrnnaa a Rood many valla. Wry reaiwe'tfully, i:.8TKAt-8H, "J!''llf lruprkt..r. MISCKLLASL'nCS. T. C. SMITH & CO., WHOLl&ALE ANK- KKTA1X PRi:SCRIPT10N DRUGGISTS JoluistouN Corner. Aslivvillv, N. C. ii'i-iii iiiiii:iiiiiii!iiiiiiii-iiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirn-ini lICIIMUNIl c UANVIl.l.Ii KA1LKOA1) CtlMHANV. (Weatern North Carolina Iiivtaion.) TARSKNIlKR llKl'AKTU KNT, 1 A8HKV11.1.K, N. C, Jan. 1, 1NM0. 1'ASXKNtiKR TRAIN M'HKIItH.K. In Uppkct Jan. 1, isno: No. St No. R3 l.v. Anhevilli', tinfipm 1 40pin Ar. Salisbury, 4.'l7am .64:1pm " llmiviilc, liTam loi'Opni " l.vnehhurif, 12 4,rpm 1 oouin ' W ftnliinton 7Hrpm 7 00;itn " Baltimore, II 2opm HUfiiuii " I'hila., aooam 1il7nm " New York, HL'Oam 1 aopm " Hoston. aaopm tioupin " Kiehnmnd, H3(lpin Gl.ruim ' MuleiKh, I 7 fioiim 11 o2i)m Colllaliorci, 114.5am 3111pm Wilmington lioopm Nu. S! l.v. Aaheville, Ar. Ileiiih rKiinville, r. Spartnnli'K " Charlotte, " Coluinhia, " ChurleHton, I H.tonm '.t'joain I 1 1 floani 5:10pm 4.4opm WlOpm tilinpm "riTrViiin 1 40pm ' Auiniata, '..Sa-vj4uu4v Ttiouia8vilU', t.a ' Jat-kaoiivllle ' Atlanta, ' MoiUiiom'y ' Mobile, 1 New Orleima uoo in 10411pm 7 LTiam 1 r.ripm -J -"I I Nu. 4- I,v. SpurtnttlmrK, Ar. Htnilrrson villi, " Aslu vilk, I M40inn I OTptn 7Mtilll I Nn. r.o 1 Nu. r.j 1 Nu. r4- l.v.tAshi'V.lte 7orjmi M-Kipnt Ar. Ilot SiriiiK " HltOXVIIlC, " vtinttan'Ku, ,MJnshvit1e, " Mtmphis. l.v. Anhcvil.o. Ar. Hut SpriiiRB " Ktit.xvillc. I,(uinvilU', " Ciiu-innuti, " Chicrtikin, " St. laflUlH, MI'Kl'IIV HKANC1I. No. 1H f.v. Asheville, Ar. Wa vm-Hvillc, " Jnrfett'a, 1o.r:inin f.4Hpm No. 17 m loam 1 '.Tipm 840pm l.v. Jnrrrtt'., Ar. Wnvncsville, " Asheville, tyr Sleeping ear. on nil ni(tht train.. JAS. 1.. TAYI.OK, W. A. WINIIt'HN, C' ' A. II. H A. : Si 1 1.. HAAS, T. M. ItltOOM FACTORY. IIANI OAD N. LOCKWOU1). IIANII-MAIIR BroouiM, Wlilttkit, Hearth and Celling BrooniH. Mill and Factory rrndea a aieeialtv. tiuo. tntiona and anniplc. free. frb'lildly J. W.SCHAItTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 41 N. Main St. feli2iidlv JkOTlCK. Will collect debt, for nnvonr Is h r... percent.. I.ood faeilltlea for rmtinit and eol hvtliiK renta on hoiuH-f. Will Kll furnitim on wrekly payment.. J. B. JilllNSON, At lllnlr'a Fumilure Store, KcfrTYmT atvrn 01 t atom Avenue. mar14mm JAM1JJ4 FRANK, iiealki m FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS A(trnt for Kreni. Crrek Wuolrn Mill. North Main Buret. . AahfTlllc. N. C fcblOdly 7 40(im 4 t-4im IfJOntn l 10pm t 1 pm Mf.oiim t l;pin O-Hiani 01 nam 5;iO,m 7 4-Onm 444in It L'lutm tl lnpiti 1 10pm NfiOpm 7 15(1 Ml t Hiani 114-ruitn (K' top m ti.'Hipm; 7 .ripm 7ripin' REAL ESTATE. VI TKn r.wvu. . w. H-T GWYII & WEST, (Succvusora to Wu-ttr B.Oni ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 PerCviU. Notarv I' Coniiiiissioueni ol lH-cds. FtRE INSURANCE. cn-l-'lcK-SioutlifUHt court Square. Win, M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND M1NERALBR0KER, Alieville, N. C. Can aell you one milliou aeu of laud, in traeta from ro to 100,000 nerei.. Have a number Hi eity lota, improved and uiiinl- piuved, w ldeh I can sell on the lieal uf terniH. II you want u lnrjn' or small farm cull on me. If you want minerals of any-kind, you need K no further. If you want timber lauds, thia ia hcadtpiurters. In fact 1 euu auil you in nnythititf you want in my line. Services of a 5rstH.lass civil engineer and pruelicui surveyor engaged tu show up ull proiK-rty when reipiired. 1 have hud liltecn years' exKricncc iu the real eatate business, oiul think I know what will plcusc. rruinpt attention to nil inquiries. r-u4k1 1 v J w: CDKTI.ANll, Real Estate liroker. INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSUKANCE AGENT, l'alton Avenue, Ilurnurd Uulldini;. febtldly D. S. WATSON, Kcal Kntate Aeuty (Nut a SK.'i-ulator.) Fur Sale A larc amount uf valuable City Pruperty, i in proved ami unimproved. Fur Sule Some line farniitiK lantiH ; utsu, tttnheruiul nilucral lands. I eun mure fur parties Inivintf City Iuta from me money to improve the ttume oninoHt reasunahle termis! Money tu luan on good eity uml country profivrty ! OlKce huunt: l-'rom M tu ti. U. S. WATSON, Sotitheust Corner Court Square, Asheville, N. C. may Jli dtf im'KANCll. JIKl! INSUKANCB. F1KE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM &. CO. At the Hank ol Asheville, ASI1IJV1I.I.U, N. C. KcprcKcut the fiillowiiiK companies, viz. : FIKK. CASH ASSKTS IN 1'. S. A hhIo Mi-vaila, ol CubtorniH ...$'J,!I7,K,'I; Continental, ot New Yord -l-.HTri.n'j:! llamburK-liri uicti.of Cermanv 1 .1 'J!l,(io London Assurance, ot I-.mkIuihI 1 ,R4..!.ii;ir. Niagara, ol New York a,2:i7.lli ( iricnt.-ol Hartford... 1 ,lil7,(iilt rhiemx. ol llrooklyn.... ri.ooi.l?'.! cm. ram i ireuiiu Marine, ol Win- lesota Southern, ol New Orleans 4.'lli.K4- Wcstern, ol l.O'J.l':! . AiiHiiai rtccuicnt Association, .'l-ltiia Life Insurance Company, dlinar'll TtlU EQUITABLE LIFE Atnnuraitce Soeiety NO. 120 IIKOAIIVVAV, NKW VOKK. Cash Assets U5,iii,ull.4A v-aN niirpma t7t4iT-l$ . ue .--tiroiiKCNi, mosi uoerai ami most pro gressive Comtmuv in the world. Its Tontine Policies w ith 1.1 mid 20 year Iktiimik tw-ncn issueu in appropriate lorni oiler tu insurable K-rs,,ns a two-told udvan lace. I rrotcelton Auninst Loss and A Secure and Profitable investment. H. D. Monroe, Ag t., Asheville, N. C. Olbee with IuiIkc Aston. feb23dlm WM. R. PENNIMAN l'KOI'Klli'l'OK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. P. O. Hon P. iiinriadty THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, uMm"m Mnin "treet, opposite the post open daily, ex.rpt .Sunday., from 10 o. m until I n. ni.. nni R nnin 1 . The terms of aubaeription nre: One year duiw i m"n- l ; 1 " rui-- tlmeya lorlKKtl-IVesidrnt, R. R. Rnla iee-l'resldent, Chiirlc. W. Woolaey See nmi Ha'lTh "" WuU,,n; Mis. ii j Citiicna and visitor, nre eordlallv Invited to ins,HTt the entnloKue and tnscr'llie their name, as uicmlicr. felmdtf "Y.B- WOLFB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik u.ine. tended. kal""lii'K nromptly at- lth W. II. WeatalKi, Co. R-liBdHm I. X. L. MARKET, Cur. ration Avenue and Ik-pot Street. The Cholecnt Hecf, Lamb, Mutton and Veal In the eity, & Butter and Preah Country rnuluee, naayU4 dUia HOTELS. A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASIIEVIEEE HOT SPRINGS. Kouud Tlip Tickets ouly 4.30. imludiuc full day's board at the MOl'XTAIM'AKK IIOTKL. ThVllatliMii Marble I'ools uml 1'ornlaln Tubs are the finest and must luxurious tu America. The Hotel ia XKW AM) FIKST-CLASS Iu livery I'urtieulnr. t'Ni:xci;t.i.iiu in its ci'isink. The plac-e Is a eliurmuiK spot, nentl.d amoiiK und sheltered by l'iue-elad Mounlaiiu where there is no fog, no dust, no muluiia. l'un und abundant water, und absolutely ixrfeet drainage. dtjulyo A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House. 1 inc ol the best in Western North Carolina Summer iituLn iuter resort. Nature's aunilu rium. Scenery and water unexcelled. Terms moderate, OKO. N. 11UACKBUKN, Prou'r. muri8d:im J. N. MORGAN & CO.. No. 3 Barnard Building. School and Colh'oe Text IiookH, a full lino. Foots. His tory, Koinanco, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Hihles, S. S. Hihles and Test- n meats, Oxtord Teachers' IJibles, iSong Books of all kinds, laie stock Stationery, Blank Books find Office- and School Supplies. New lino Ladies' and (ients' Pocket books just opened. Fancy (loods and Dolls. feb 1 Oil lv J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, (Next to Urund Central Hotel.) uprUdly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at hi. old stand over J. li. Dickcraon &Co.'a Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. ISROWN & CO. Having thirty yeurs' experience us under, taker and emlmliuer, and uneipiaicd liieil'itie. lor buyiiiK,"can salely guarantee .atisfaetiuu. Cnlla promptly attended tu at all hours, liverything iertaining to the business al wnvsonhand. " febl.tdlim CESAR'S HEAD IIOTKL WILL llli OI'KNIilJ FOR TUB 8F.ASON OF IMH'J O.N The Firsof June. The location of this Hotel on the.umiuit ol Cusur's Head Mountain, an outlying spur of the Itlue Ridge, in upK-r South Carolina, ullords a climate und water iiucipiuled. As a summer resort it bus no parallel iu the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 ' TO 70". Whilst its natural scenery Is varied uml giiiuU beyond conception. Comfort of guests enre fully consulted. Livery anil daily mail. lins. ily reached from Asheville iu one duv, url'rum llcndcrsoiivlllc in hull' a day, over deliglillul roads, through u romuutic und eliurnilng country, F. A. muvlRdtf WlNKELMAHN'S AN UNEXCCLLCC SPECIFIC in ct or CHOLCRA CRAMPS; DlW(rA, Summer comflaint DYSENlt.HY AND OTMCN rrCTI0r OF THE ST0MACMAX0 DOWELS PRICE 2fi Ct: TS. J. H. WINKFLMANN CO Olff P"ir'. f Ml, BALTIMORE, MD. U S. A. For Kile by J. 8. GRANT, rinwtnu2H X.F. STEVENSON" CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, I" prciaml to do nil klml.of Paintlim. llrinil on yunr ohl-loHking Carriagea, Ilrrtta, Hur ry, II igglc, Cart, and Wagon, nnd have them famished or repainted, lo they will look a. (rood a. new. All wor warranted not to ernck. blister qr eome ufr until It wean off. Tern.. reaun Bbbj. Hhop on Harnett Hill, Buk Htrett. marJIldtlra

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