P3UBER Absolutely Pure. Thin Hiwilcr never Yarit-a. A marvel ol pur ity, treiiKth nml wtmk-iiomeiie. More e--tiomuul than the ortltnurv kiml. unil eiiiuti.t Ik sold iu eometition with the iiiiiltituiU of low test, short weight nlmii or phosphate ihiwiIith. Kohl only iti -nn. koVAl. H.IKIN.'. t'owiiKK Co., loij Wall St., New York. tlNtwtupi'17 l'KOlT.SSlO.'AL CAKM. TllKO. F. llAVIIiSON, Tllos. A. JoNKS Kakill. J AS ',. Maktin, Asluvilk, . Arlu-villc. D AVltiSllN. MAKTIN Mc JUNliS, Attorneys anil Counsellors ut Luvv, Asheville. N. C. ' Will pr u lii-e in the 1 1 th anil tUlh Imlicial IHMrii tH. ird in the SuprciiH' Court of North Carolina, and in tin- Federal Courts ot tlu Wcsteltl lliMtrirt of North Carolina. Kcfcr to Hank of Anheville. dtwl a:iias. a. mooicKl Ut'fF UUKKICK. jiioKii mi-:kkick. Attorneys and CouinK-llors at Law, Asheviile. N.C. l'raetli-e ill the I'uited Stati Ciniiit and tiisti-ii-t Courts at Af he villi. Statt-svillc, C iui r lotte and Orevnslioro, in tin Siipri nii' Court at Kali-inn, and iu the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District ot the State of North Cam illa. S-K-cial attention ulvcti to collection of f-taimn. lartnershii does not extend to practice in ftuneomlH.' Inferior Court. dtue3 T. H. conn. J. o. ui:kkuiok. OIIB & MEKH1MON, Attoniey mid Counsetlors at Law. lroctiiT ill all the courts. i nice: No. 7 ami 8, Johnston liuililiuti. dtsel . W.JONKS. riwus sutipuKi). UKU. A. Sltl-FOUIl. Attorneys at Law, Asheviile, N. C I'rncties 111 the SuiK-rior Coui ls of Western North Carolina, the Supremv Court of the iStnte, and the I'edrral Courts at Asheviile. Mhcc iu Johnston butlilniK. w here one ini m- k-r of the iirin eiul always lie found. yjiXdluovl 1 JOUNSTDNH JON'KS, ATTOMNKV ANII COt'NSKl.l.OK AT LAW, ASllliVILl.B, N. C. i'metices In the I'nlted States Uireuit and hstrict Courts ut Asheviile, in tile Supreme Court at Knleiuh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial Ilistrict ol tluStateof.North Ciirolina, and elm-wlure. as his services may Ik- rerpiircd. Ollice over So. lixpress (ntice, Hendry Block junU'lillf 11. DOl'GLASS, U. I). S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST. Over Grunt & Winjjert's limp Store. Kesidenre, No. l lliilley St. lilillldly R. 11. RBI5VES, I). I). 8. DENTAL OHICK lu Connully IliiildiiiK, over Ked wood's Store, Patton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew unasthetie, and all eases of irreularity -eor. reeled. iclillldly P. I1UKG1N, M. II. mSsX. OFFICIil New Gram I CVntnil IttiilditiK. uvcr I'.im U etil7dlni J. V. KAMSA Y, I), U.S. IK-lital rrl) onuc : In HarnariL llilililiiiu Hntrances, A veiiue and Main Street. feli2tdly NHW IlKlill, carefully pnpured hy lead int! niiiuliers of the Asheviile hur ion Hnest pnrehnieiit and heavy tint uaicrl, em criiiK all neeessurv points, just out and now mi sale at the i.Miie of the Cn uiiN I'mu.iMi- l'. 1'.. -i-'ortl I'.tirt vi.ti.'ir liH.i'Otl If any dealer aar h" has ttan W. I,. Donsl 8hm-s without name mid price tniiiueu the bottom, nut hiiu down as a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE P0R GENTLEMEN. .1.0U tlKNIUNK 1I ANK-SKW K.I) N1IOK. 14.1X1 II ANII-SKW H) WK.l.T H1IOK. .').nO t-OI.IOK AM) FA K M K.HN- SHOE. . K.XTKA VAI.HK VW.Y MIOK. 4.0O and Ml. 7.1 no ,.-( SCHOOL SHOES. All uuMJu in txinim-ss iiiuii"! wia mhi W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOR LADIES. Raat Mainrial. Beat Rrvle. Best FlttlnK. I n.a I. v.,r iI.If. wrllfl W. l DOUOLAIi, BHOCKTON. MASS, Kxamliie XV. I.. IXiiulaH !. - Hliovn fur leiitlenieti and ItulcH, For snlebv HERRING & WEAVKR, 30 South Main Street, " Asheviile, N. C janl'Jdly For Iv ii ye: ri 1 1 r'-emoill i- -il f o I i . ii I lldi-nlilnl I'-rf rv. nml et'l.lilli'il I ti n it far t v 1 1 ... duiit'i! v. ft i I i euiilil rol V' in liiimli i n , ) !. fur S nun I. e : I lUUVVlliyi ll i'' t n'. ill IU ll I i 1 linimi I- . . i 'till.y Ik.-i 1 1 . : s : i. .X or onrv in L'n.i v. i j Finally I to"k F1fl'i Ppwlilr-, 1 ! f'm l Imiimvo. After swldl yr-tnt n- work, fi .1 f : l ti Kit live mimlh h ive hi n jvjiv M r n L1h tiOectl uf Hwtll'n Snt-clOc 1 1 t-Vi rviiH ut. Jlllll itv, Jan. 8, 1WJ. ' Ft. V'ujiiu. Jml liouiui Ou llkiud nil ''kin TIw-hm 1 mlU-8 Int. bwirr bi'Kciric Co., tlantu, Inn 1il' ' f.'U3i HEAlJ INFLAMMTinN, (UH()UEa CAKilU ilUXAJiTS mft-i.CT lilTKUl vr.t .. T . '" 14 jt?y . s JA ''j(Wrtilllll AliQ Llllii'.EliT i I.1USTAKG LIHiuEfiT MUSTANG LiiilWtllT HlalM SS AMI PI.KASI HK. Kiiilniiitl tickets bought sold and cx- ili.-inovil. All lraus.n in ins yuarantml. KcliaHc inlv)rtn .tion cheerfully litruilu.i. at 'J North Main street, ooposite court In. use. V. M. L'lakkk. The lea'lcr of a brass band ouj;lit to inl on a i;rcat "air." l-'iik: drvss limiiIs, ilmncstic and im ki Utl ginghams, tlu Usi sikvlioii iullie tuv, at Wliiilm-k's. It seems ik-irniloxic:il, but a maid many colored unil arc u liitcwaslicis. , Hucklt ii'h Arnlcu Salve. Tlic Ijcs.1 sab v in the woilj tor ciiU, li"utst, mux's, ulcers, sal', i hemu. fever sores, letter, el: .:;.-ii hands, chilblains, corns, ami ail skia eruptions, ami jisi tivelv eutes j. iks, i no p tv iv.piiivil. It isiiaranUvil to iivr j.'i lev l saiisiai iion, or tiKMietr' tvumikil: ' ' l Y.cv "J." n-iits i hi Iwix. l-'or sal.- by ?, , -. . daw The coal ill alei sonic. lines, by mistake, yives the cart driver a weiith. THAT UACKlXt; DH till can U- so (piickly cured by Sliiioh's Cure, We iiaraiiUv it. Wll.l. il" Si ri'loC with Hysisia and Live,- Complainl ? Shiluh's ilalin is j;iiaranUvil to ctiie you. I'.C. Smith iS; Co. WIk-ii a man K"s t the road he should use a "lop" 'spin on Iniaoy, Complete line of embroidery, silks, .licnillc and auiseue loi'laiicy work, at iVhitlock's. He I to SlicYc, slorin. you like to ride in the rain? eseially if it is a tlriviny For a sale ami certain remedy for li ver and ajjtic, use lr. J. 11. Mclx-au's Chills and l-'ever Cure; it is warranted to cure. Yes, Julius, the health lift is ti koihI thin";, but don't look for it in the vicinity of a mule's heels. .SIIILOH'S VITAI.1ZHK is what vou need for Constipation, boss of Apielite, 1 Miriness, and allsyuiptoinsofllysn'psia. I'tice 1(1 ami 75 cents per bottle. CKOl'l;. WHOtll'lNti COl'C.H nntl Itronchitis immediately n-lieved by Shiluh's Cure. T. C. Sniith ei Co. It is said that every mail has his double. It generally occurs iu youth, during the green apple season. Just received large stock China silks, ptain and figured, at Whitlock's. Paris will he loaded with congresses this year. A meteorological "congress" is already announced to meet there. Faults of digestion cause disordeisoi the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Hi. J. II. McLean's Sarsapa t illa H-rfects the process of digestion and assimilation, ami thus makes pure blood. If there were ten chairs in the room and one freshly painted, t would lie the tale ot a man to sit on that chair. I'liish table eovers, fancy felt lamlnr ipiins, smocked and pleated jerseys, nt Whitlock's. The mean is not the extreme, but if there is anything meaner than a hornet's extreme it has not come this wav. CarelVMH Mother. Many mothers have ierinitted their children to die lielore theireyes when they might have lieen saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle ol Acker's English.' Baby Soother at hand, runs u risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For sate fv T. C. Smith & In. When a man tells you that you have "a thick head of hair," look at him twice to see if you can discover any mischief iu his eye. White goods, embroideries, ladies and misses muslin underwear, gauze and jer sey related underwear, at Whitlock's. First brokerJay Gould's stocks ate li verish this morning. Second broker Feverish ? Is it possible that he forgot to water I hem ? Kleclrlc IlitlerH. This remedy is liceoiningso well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Flee trie Hitters sing the same soiiu of praise, A purer medicine iIocr not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed, lilcctric Hitters will cure all diseases of tlic 1 .i.ver unil Kidneys, . will -remove I'implcs, lioils, Salt Klietim and oilier affections cansed by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system mid pre vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Ivleetrie Hitters liutire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. 1'iice 5(1 ets. and $1.00 per bot tle at F. L. Jacobs' drugstore. There is curiosity in luiroiie as to what the I'crinee of Wales will say to tile Shah ol I'rsia. Coaching parasols,- tiuibrcllas, fans, ilibons, tlress and driving gloves, from the cheapest to the lx-st, at Whitlock's. 1st CoiiHitmptioii Incurable? Read the following : Mr. C. II, Morris; Mewark, rkM savs; "Was down with Abscess of l.tmgs, and friends and phvsi- L'taits prtmoiint-cd me an Incurable Con sumptive, Itcgaii taking llr. King s New Discovery tor Consumption, am now on mv third bottle, and utile to oversee the work on mv farm, 1. is the finest medi cine ever made." Jesse Middlewnrt, Decatur, Ohio, says: Had il not Urn for Dr. Kintr's New Discovery lor Consumption 1 would have tlied of Fung Troubles. Whs given up by doctors. Am now in U-st ol health," Try it. Sample bottles free at F. L, Jueobs drug-store, II. (). Houghton, the Ilostou publisher, wants to U- Governor of Massachusetts. New lot of black black Uoum-hiRS, draKTV nets and at Whitlock's. Jokes about sealskin sitcques are very fur fetched. Her wealth of tanylcd yellow curls, Her eyes cerulean blue, The crimson dye of lips and cheeks Outvie the rainbow's hue. Two dimples nestle in her cheeks, And tint' imprints Iter chin; llersuun smiles play hide and seek, To ehnsc them out and in. What u rcfrcsliintf picture of youthful iK-atitv and sweet tcniiier! AndCrelchen owes it all to the splendid health she en joys. Wise U-yonil her years, she very sensibly avoids the ills mid maladies which sap the health mid strength ol so many ot tlic women ot our land, liv the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This is the only remedy lor woman pe culiar weaknesses and ailments, sold In all druccists, vnder o imsitive L'tmrnntcr from tlie mnnnfiieturcrs. l-'or directions, sec wrapjier around liottle. unmti-i) always hr kkit iv hiiop, hi l'CUKN, h'l AlI.K AM) t ACTUUX I I Ladies' silk, lisle and :iuzc vests, all BU?r Thau liloody ItattltrH. odors, at S. ICIIak's, Main strvt-t, under' General WbcnU-n.ft Nelson says: "My Sw.iiiiianur. lintel. "exierienee in the lvnlish nraiv as well as i n America, convinces me that notlunirso ICiilisli society is now divided into three cl.is.c: the t'cople. the .iisiiK-rais and the ll.ttlciiln.-r); Ilaliiis. lilu tlie Children a Chanc, Tlicrv is somethiii" railicallv wruni' with tlK-laalth of a chill whin it scons I listless, has, ih ior or no apiielile, eves.! stiul.eu and with dark skin liencutli. In ! most casi-s showiiiH tiles svinpl.wHS the hild h is worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Mart's Woi ai ! ream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon lie in K-rti-et lir.ikli ai;iiti. I'a leiils. try it and let your little ones have i lair chance foi lite. James 0. 1-ish's voicc-iilir-il.lv- ilitr.:. his s: iiison. l-'or nearly lour tvu .i siriimi bass. lnitiiii-sr --:-ii'. .v 0'st: ile-taiied eou y in itlaiiu veats I'isti lias' a cd Work jii ".lUlTilll d.SI.- ti'l l T lllllfV, it h'uli Vs. Secretary Kusk s..is llns is to Ik a Inn year for; .n.lcii r"j s. Vn luie Jcrvmia i, l!e pvopnci, is right. The ni'ist dclic.iic couslitiitioii can ulvlv use lr. . II. M.l.ian's Tar Wine tiny ll.dm. It is a Mire rcmcdv I'm ouglts, loss til voice, ami all thloaliitid 'ting troubles. The M din i l'i K ml liaii nl U ll, is.re.de iml Manuel shirt waists, sues f to 12, at Whitlock's. . Mark Twain dresses more carefully than formerly, liven his recent jokes have lieeit cut in the F.nglish fashion, Klamliix I ire In tliv Veins. WV hold positive proof that Acker's liiiglish Wood 1-lixir cures all bluotl poi sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so ciilled iim ilii-is jail. Kntiwiiig this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. Oail Hamilton writes her articles with a stub lien, but there is nothing stubbed about a good many of the points she makes. Our millinery department is constantly receiving novelties and eclipses every thing in Asheviile. at WhitliK'k's. The Ttilhunii ear porter is a bunk o stccrer to the green visitor. SI.FFI'l.FSS NIGHTS, made miserable liv that terrible cough. .Shiluh's Cure is the rciucdv for vou. CATAKKH CI'KliD, health and sweet breath seemed, by Shiluh's Catairh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector hee by l.C. Smith & Co. "I cannot play on the banjo, sir." lie said, with a blush of shame: Hut braced right up and said; "You bet. I can guitar all the same." Little Lord l-'.iuutleroy Knelling col lars and cuffs, at S. lillick's, Main street, under Swannanoa Hotel. "That man belongs' to a crack corps." "Why, he does not look like u military man at all." "lie isn't. He's a sale burglar." All kinds of material tor fa i lev work, at S. Fllick's, Main stieet, under Swann;.- noa Hotel. The Shah of Persia it ill sR-ud three days at the Czar of Russia s winter palace. A red tint lias already begun to settle about that palace. ItyHpepMla, IteHpair, Ucntli. These are tlic actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's Fnglisli Ilvsiiepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most tearful of diseases, Giirautcvd by I . C. Smith & Co. King Kalakaua is to go to see the Paris show. Ia-ssoiis iu art embroidery and stainp ingtree to all who purchase material atS. Fllick's, cor. Main and Willow streets, under Swannanoa Hotel. Charity eovers a multitude of sins and kceis them warm and healthy. No need to take those big cathartic pills; otic ol Dr. I. II. McLeans Liver and Kidney Fillets is quite miHicicut and more agreeable. The cider never toils or spins. Its spirit s but lame, Yet with a slight amount of work It gets there just the same. How ItoclorM loiKjuer Death. Doctor Waller K. Hammond says "Alter a long experience 1 have come to thef oncliision that two-thirds of all the deaths from cottghii. pm amonia and con sumption might lie uvoulcil it Ackers Fnglisli Cough Kemedv were only care fully used iu time." This wonderful Kem edv is sold under a positive guarantee by t . L. Nnilli &. Lu. hen the Czar ol Russia takes u tri he goes Komaiiotl. black silk, round ami square dot and lish drapery net for dresses at S. Fllick's, under Swannanoa Ilnlcl, Main street. Lord Lonsdale is (iff for lviiL;laiid, Detect I voh Wanted to ferret out and discover, if they can, a siiiLrle case where Dr. l'lice's Gol'dcn Med ical HiMcovery has lieen ttsril for toriid liver, inili(,'cstinii, impure lilood, or eon siitnpticin in its early stages, without Lfi vinjj immediate anil permanent relief; provided, of course, that the directions have Ucn reasonalilv well followed. Vachtman Duni.-ivcn hook about Aiiicriea. once wrote u Just received n new lot of Indies' Mouse waists. utS. lvllick's, tinder Swan nanua Hotel. l-'or lame hack, sideor chest, list Shiluh's I'oi otiH Plaster. Price lio cents, ve-.v-.w SlULOirS CorOII and Consiimption Cure is sold liv us on a utinraiitce. It curt-sLonsumplion. T.C. Smith it Co. The imiiecuniotis tenant may never have iK-en a father, but with him it is a heart-liroken pay rent. Instead of fecliiiK tin-d and worn out. instead of aches ami pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? If you con tinue techno; tniserahlt nud j;i'od-foi--noth-inu you have only yourself to hlanie, for nrown s iron nitteis will surely cure you. It is n certain cure for dysiK-psia, imucjCHiion, niaiana, weiiKiiess, Kidnev Iiiiik anil heart hIIcciikiis. Try it if vou desire to lie healthy, rohust anil strong nnd exieneiiee Its retiiarkalile curative qualities. Mrs. iNtiliorder. ' I hat's n very pretty motto you are working. Mrs. Ilrowne- llaash: "Iearn to Say No!' Is it for your son ? Mrs. Itrownc-IIanslii "No; it's for the dining room!" The private secretary of Secretary of War I'roctoris Mr. I'm tridire. Hut for nil that he will not quail in the presence oi t uc enemy. - IN FOB MAN I1EA8T. PENF.THATF.fi U bCJUt, r IJJIU5 TO T UK V til Y HUN Ji purities the blood or nilils to the health. vi-'or anil lite as Ackers l-.tpjlisn lilooil Elixir." This great rvimilv is sold under a (Hisitivc jjuanuitix- by T. C. Smith & Co. With two Millers on the Suprenic Itench tin.' wheels of junticc oiiylit to grind a little taster, Sitting Hull says if lla.- wl.itr man takes his land he will fcvl like the setting sun. Is this nil ominous allusion to uu utiier rising ? The groom is likely to be u more stable character than his master. $500 offered for an incurable case ol Ca tarrh iu tin.- Head, I v tla.- inaiiulaclurvis of" Dr. Siige.s Calairh Remedy. Prices for tolxiggaiiing are regulated -irrTntlti firnj-srntr. Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugb sHils, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, tiuhealtliv Uisciutrtics, sucli .is ntarrh. ceema. nut-worm, ami otlu forms of skin diseases, are symptoms ol blood impurity. Take Dr.'j. 11. Mc i .e.-in's Stirsniirtrilla. Washington Crilie: Political ipicstiolis "n New York continue to In- asclay iu he .lands of the Poller. KKMON 1XIXIK. A pi.i.as.w r i.;:mo vkim-:. l-'m-biliousness and eousl ipaliou, lake Lemon i;ii.ir. For iiulim st ion and li tii stoiua-. h, take Lcmmi Flixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Iaiiicii .Flixir. Fo:. sleeplessness ami iicrvousiicss, take Lemon Flixir. l-'or loss of apiietite and tlcbilitv, take bcmini l-.lixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, lake Lemon Flixir. Iaiiioii Flixir will not fail vou iu auyof the above diseases, allot' which ariscfroin a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid neys, bowe s or blood. I repaicil only bv Dm. H. Moi.ky, Atlanta, Gil. ' 5tK-, and $1 lier lioltle. Soltl by drug gists. A I'KOMINIiNT MINISTKK WKITKS: After ten vcais of great sutieriiig from indigi-stion, with great n rvous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kitlucvs and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Molev s Lcniim l-.lixir, ami am now a well man. Kev. C. C. Davis, Filler M. F Church, South. No. 2S Tntnall st., Allanta. Ga. aprlM tltocJl th sit "I've found an Irish name in the Hible.' said Iliggins to Wiggils the other day. 'In the Hible?" 'Yes, ill ihe Apuci yph, at least." 'What is it ?" asked Wiggins. 'Mac Caltcs," was the reply. Prcenli. in the most elegant foim THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITI0U8 JUI0E OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Comljincd with the medicinal virtues of plants known to lx; most Ijeneficial to the huninn .system, -forming au agivealdo und effective laxative to jK-rniit iiently cure Habitual 'Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or in iotivc "nidition of the X1DNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is themost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one U I'.iiiiuis or Constipated Ml I 11 AT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Iv very one is tising it and all arc delighted with it. AoK YOUR ORUUQIST FOR . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 10UI8VIUE, H WF YORK, H. Y. TIlii CITIZEN PU11US11ING COMPANY, No. ( North Coui't S(tiiii'c, l.s pi'i-pii led to lo liifili-i'iil( work at LUW RATES 5- HirauHi? they havo n FIRST-CUSS EQUIPMENT. HUSTAKG LIIJIMEHT ctiitKH l'li.r.H, m:uNs. ct'ts. coknh. UUU IN EH. C1UJ..HLA1 N 8 A F UObTWl'liH M V Ik. PHENOMENON. The Thrilling b-niR uf To ln;luU City Ml urn. A phbiiiiiiieiiul liindi'iit tHvurred on the 7M level on the (.'hollar mine, the particulars of which have Utii dis closed .by two bailljr scaij mini in who nlaywl leading parts in tlie st iis,i tional uiidiwroiinJ tir.tma Ueorgt Murray and Tom Hailc-v were cng-agi-d iu ruiiiiiug the mam drift north on this level which is in several hundred fis t friiiu the station. in new ground mid newly timU-ivd from oiie end to the other Tin y bad ; lixed everything for llio lirtiig of a I round of boles, in thn facti of tin' drift ; and retired to the station to eat snpi r j and give Hie powder fumes a'eli.iiice U work till j On returning. Murrtiy lowered bis j t-unttle in the mass of debris to um-ci- luilL. tllt: n'SuiLoI-'llie Itlasl. lii n l i-1 lost Ins- eainlli- nml portions of his eyl'liL-dies and eveliniws hy the sail lieu ignition of u volume, of ir.is wlm h U'Ii'IhhJ forth and riKki-i-il liku u vol cauo The sitiiatitin wits upiKttluiL' Tliu thillies ciivt'i-i-tl tilt) entili- face o t!io ift unil wen driven Uu-k with ti i-ri uc lortw M the iipikt liinln rs wveral feet fiMin tin1 faeo. Mnirav unil llaili'v wciv so uwu struck and sKIIUiiiud that for a few atuiiients they could do nothing l l niiHy one u( llieiii ruslnil liiw-li to tin- station anil rcturintl with bis arms full of band irn-uatles Tlu-se ui-iv th row n with (jivat fonti and lii-okiii ut the faeo of tlio drift, but it set iiied like :uldin fuel to the Humes I 'lives uf uroken jrlass t-imld Ik" beam jinlinfr- dgiunst lliotopof tbo iliil'l, its if 1 1 if franlie clement was luuuliin ut all droits to chuck it. Stt-iiii notliiiij; but u ten-iblo catas troplio U-foi-u them, ono of tlio miners wai dispaU'heil for tbb shift boss wliilo tlio other stood iniard over the fearful tiiv at a distaneo of twenty feet- tbo beat lichi;; so ititcnso that It was itiiKil)lu for It mt to yet nearer. He-cnfoiveuieiits sluntly urnvud with more hand crt'iiadi-s, which proved fully as useless u tbo 'flrst. An excltetl cmirrcncu was lielu. which rvsulled in a miner beiiij; sent on top with a Bitbt'tH-k extinguisher, while) another was instructed to luivo overy prc)ur.itioii iiuulo for blowiu out tunnel's and bulkheading npunst tlio luuiies. When tbo cxtinjniisher un-ivod on tlio sei iio a stream from tlio iiiiicliine was turned on the fueo -if the drift. and in u. few moments tin) lire was subdued; but whether this result was broun-lit nlHitit bv tbo exhaustion of tlio pas or tlio ellleieiiey of tho ex UMKUlslier is n question. Uttt prolwbly the straiiOTst part of tho storv is vet to bo told. Tho siinad eagle llamo wits dazzling in its brill laney more like that of eloctno lijlit than gas light. there wus no smoke from it ami no spiell, but tho miners who fought it experienced partial blindiiPM and so vera ueadaehes. An examination of tho timbei-s which it was thought must surely bo badly burned, although (freen revealed the fuct that, while blistering hut, they were not even scorched,, showing that tho Quint huiged tho ci-ounu ubovo prottv closely. Murray and liiulev osttmnte Unit enough gas was consumed ill tho forty mintiics to ituvo supplied tlio whole ol it:..-:. :.. :. i , . . v ireinm vity wun uni lor six moniua Had such a thinir liainicued In old ground or any whero udjacent to old timber (which exhale gaseous sub stances), the tiiiners say they could Uuvo accounted for it to souio extent, but as above stated, both groutid and timbers wcro new in this case. No such nheiioiuouoii has ever bo- fore been seen or heard of in anv of the Comstoek mines, mid tho men who witnessed it are not eitfxer for a rciKition of tlieir experienco. They have passed over eonsiderablo ground in tho siiino drift since without unv thiii'' of tho kind haviiiL' airaiu occur red, and ttiD now waitniif to licarsoino of tho knowing ones explain tho mys tery.- irgnwa'Liiy (Aov.) ieri-itonul tnterpriso. Tim Trutlii In Uive'H I'ettul-H. "It is tin oi-diuai y octui it'iifo for a gentleman to puivlnwii iiiii'iigagciueiil rinir on the lifst of tho month una about the hust t- return with his ludv lovo to select tho hoop of gold that is to l)iiid tlicin together for life. In some instances, uud not u few, either, tlui lovers come here together und buy thtieuga;;' un nt uiul wetldiiig rings ut the saiui' time, rioino vettrsuo such a thing was uuvor hoiinl of." we ever sell engagement rings to women ( Ul course wo do. When tho man hasn't gut tho requisite cash and is at all bacKWiH'd in making advances, the lady is often considerate enough to buy tho ring herself, mid to save him any embarrassment slio is thouglitful enough to niiiuo tlio day without iut- iiii j nun ui mo irouoio oi uKin!r. lit . too, that women who do that iiiug aro generally old enough h tlio valuoof money. Jowel en. .. cekly. llow Oxnrgln I,sdy ttt tier TeetU. A lutly wua visiting a friend at Amcricus lately and she vfoa set of fulso teetu. A uttlo 6-veald bov Haw her taho the teeth from her mouth, ant) ran terrified, to his mother. exclaiming: "Mamma, niiunina, Misi Marv tiullcd oula whole luuiuful of teeth ut ouco, and tore ull the bkiu out uf her mouth, and didn't cry one bit UUldu l hurt, but vou 11 have to givo her all of old t'ipeck'lo's egg to out, for bho can t chew her victuals." lie couldn't bo uiudo to understand that they were fuhe tcetli und wus sure tho UKly would sturve to ueutlt. buvau- uuu new. FuUjr AreoanUd For. Jack Who is that unfortunate cripple minus one arm, one loir, sov- erul teetli, one eye and tliree-tourths ol ins nairl Us rutiier eurty for base- ball umpires. Tom Uhl that is what is left of poor Muggins, lie served un judge iu a neauty show tlowu cart souiewliere. l'ittsbuK ilullelin, FITS Ct'U til) 11 V "i Tl . I r S I lie I A 1 .1ST I'llV.SKIAN. lli'ttle ol nii-illi-liii- I'nt, We wnr- runt our n-im-i v toenrt-the w orl enw, nml tin- only ihylelnn whoilo tlii to lin venl your hi-inK Imiiiom-iI upon hy nim uniiK IhIw minin nml ho lire not liortiira. m-riiiKM- ollii r lnlli il In no reiiaol lor not uiiiiK thin mi-illrint- tllve liipren nml I'ont oltiie ud.lr.-i. It i-ontii vou notliinit. Ail.titaii Amhel Midi. Ill llun-illl, UlU llr.m.l nv, New Vi.rk inn'Jitlfewl v SIRS. S. STIiVIiNSON lln nmoTTil t the lolin.ton MulttlliiK, 1'iit lull iivenur, rumir of Chiin-h mreet, where lie in iie.iin il to ki-i p reuiilnr or trnnii nt iHinnlera. 1 able lunilnliril Ith the lwl the limik.'t alluriln. TeriiinmiaotiHlile. mnr:ll llui UUSTAIiG LI'ilMEIIT cntEs noLLownor.N, caked haoh, (iiiiiu A hook in t Arn.K t A FltRV CliiiiMtcl iiHurpai.i.vd. i,jn Mineral SprlnifH Within i i il f i. .; '.J l - 'li-iWBv-k -ii l4 .Thv'NIH'KOKY INN-'isluiilfof brick, stone anil iron, li.isiill nioilfiii iiiiH'owni'iitK. KltH'tricIJohts. (urn und Klfi ti-ic lidls incatli room, Hot amH'oItl Watw HatliHand Toili-tsoii fai-h lloor. Is flcpnitly furnishtHi throughout. CuiNinc tuul apiioinliiuMits uiisurpasst'd. 1 ncaulI,ul,5uiidinLot8 g SKYLAND SPRINGS III NCOIIli; ( Ol'NTV, N. C. SkylitnU Siniiin" is ii new nm.rt. laid off In ..v niitiiuiiitniiu inr iieiiiierHOllviuc 1 Ike, HE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twi-iity-Mi vcu SpriiiirM ChulylK-atc, AHnn, Iron, uri', cum uiul ht-ulth tovtnK Fine Hotel Finished uud Opened l or "nil the year 'nmiiil," with low rntes und In-Ht of roomii ami fre. nil liiiililim'K an u.-ini; up. Saw Mill unit 1'luiu-r makin ImnlK-r rijtht in the ulucc. 1 or u slmrl time, elioii-e lots ure ollired vrrv low to m-ttkrn or inventors. Craiiil vii wa, level loin, wiile atrrrtti, pure air, tine water, OTIS A. MIIXKR, Proprietor. muylo THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Fluent and W5II8KIi:S, : BRANDIES AND i WINES, - Uvcr Ilroujht I'm liiM IsIiIiik a tjooil urtiik- for liimily or give me u cull. KisKetlullv, Frank BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. :i7 l'ATTON AVKNUU, WlioJcale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And I'litlcrtukcrs. 'i oiiiil ill ti im inn yivt'ii to all ordrrs Hcsldciice : 39 fi-l.l.lly SII1CPAUD, 3IANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL -DJ RECTORS, KM1SALMING AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. 31 31 PATTON AVIJNVi;. 3 II. Ir-v ton M ill attend Cull Iay and Nlrht. niHryidljr KJoTAEiG LllilE!ITUUSTA:JG LII!li:EtIT crit::H muxm atikm, i.amr itACKnmF.H foot ittrf, rhotti.der-rot. ANI)KT1KF.I0INTS. BtilNUAlU' KtlHKW-WOUsI ANUSCii IN KUEtPl Ktit Abote Tide Water. Fine a Short Walk of the Hotel. litillilinv lots, tlht miles suuth uf Asheviile, on Hpnom, Sulphur, MaKnesiu, and Pimtunc dfm Largest fiitock of 7 to AbhtvUlc. other iurioiiea, will Unit It to their interest to O'Doimell, Proper. day or uij;lil. I'ciilaml Street. PI . .....

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