TIZ1Z DAILY CITIZEN, TV rmiH U th moot estenalvelv clmi-1 .,.nhT"'ln., PP west It. ritmruwmim of public mn and measure. I of d nroi kanw. ao urravnui allegiance ia treating pub-1 Ill luuj I The crrtiKM ptilpll.hr the dispatches of tlx I ,. Asaociatcd Pma, which bow covers the! dbok wiim n iu Kopc u inoiiwrnii. 1" .VraJtnrh": tniirxiitcduxxxap th amaitot apace. I fcorcimea copies of any edition will be sent I f.-rr to say oar aroding their tildrm. I isa.a lialir, an nr one year .J mr M.:. i tvmu tir m mitli : 18 mlri 1 k. Carriers will deliver the paiirrla I every part of th city to subscribers, anl par-1 ura waauag n wiu please call at tw irruaa l A.TTaIteaaof.hW.and-fc know oa apnlkatioa at thla omce. All traaaMat advertisements must bt paid la aaV I Reading notices tra cents oer line. OIHtn-1 tSiTTXV iVtJ Snul WEDNESDAY, MAY 2U. 1889. THE PENSION TO MRU. WAD- DEIX. Yesterday morning' ClTizKNcontiiineil I an item pleasant and luggesti veto North I Carolinian and to all whe upheld the I to Ckvelund by the Young Men' Dtmo Lost Cause. A pension ba been granted Icrutic Awoviution, write to hi pur to the widow of Capt. James I. Waddell I for service rendered by her husband in I the Mexican war to which he was enti-1 tied participator, having been a mid-1 ahipmaa at the time, in active service in I the naval force operating on the Mexican I coast: service of labor and responsibili-1 ty, though bringing with it only inci- dental dorr J ji . i- Capt. Waddell was a North Carolinian of long and heroic lineage; and the State is proud of the fame hi deed reflected unrui hrr- nVda mt 1lu.tn.t l)v the upon ber, deed, not illustrated by the auicuuui. ui victory in uuiuc, um iiuni- able in heroic devotion to the duty to be I n-tmiMl tiniW !l th. advrra mnHi. I tion.ofi.,lation,withnohomebut the open tea, no resource except hi own kill, no hoot but in hi own success. I-th lurht nf Mrt-ot hi. i-.m-r na a I At : -t.inti t I ittention to political topic i thorongh commerce destroyer is not calculated to , venU m ,)y d fc(d. win the applause, or even the condona- . men to review tnt. reuson for their tion of those who (ufTired. Yet all nam) I power recsgniie uch "commerce de- ... .. iL . ,. . . . I troyrr a. tne most enect.ve any o. . mantime war. The purpose of all war i to attack the enemy in hi most vulncra-1 ble point, and to inflict the moat dnmage democratic fath, and to the enuae of our .th..t r,.tK. ...ii.e"""try- If we are true atid loyal to " , ' V " " """"" I ant To this end all buropeau naval I power direct their preparation; and tlie I tranaiitlanlM- atranwra heoi.me fnmo... I r A ft J L . 'A t. . e. . I mrtneiripeea, are oum wiin reiereiR-ei i I..! e .. ( I -nu .pu.auon r meir use, u war .noma CO..K, a. suca commerce w Thi.iecie.of warfare on the oan -.lne... ,,a:vo,ne1v.0...1era SUte m the war between the State. It .ucceanaiumeinoa maae it ounox- loa.A iL. , r i !iL l.!..t. I -JWt.icvurgeo.J,.ritcylwiin it wa. ttigmatued by the .ufferer., the - - - . . . . nw I wuij rrrcnge ariiiu vuera. lie re wus no l more piracy on sea than there wa rebel lion on land. Name do not alter facts ; I and when the right of belligerent are I candidly admitted, the folly of calling I name and making mouth is excessively I childish. - ' " I The Claim of Capf." Waddell i recog-1 nixed ft that of a Mexican veteran, not I as that of a "Confederate pirate." But I tbe fact that he is recognized at all act al a onemng of hostile sentiment, Hccan-lto not be named at all without associating I him with the Slicnandoah, with piracy, I with ruin to Northern marine interest. I To give hi widow a pension, therefore, I is to recognise the legitimacy of hi acts I a a Confederate seaman, acting under the authority of a government de jure and de facto while it existed; when ex-1 The pension attorneys are to have a glo Mtihct, Its actor falling back into the jritma time tliisycar. Tlie taxpayer la not rank of American people baveacommon property in tlie gloric achieved by either aide to the strife. The time will come when tlie naval prowess af Buchanan, Tatnnll, Semnie Waddell and many other, will be iread with equal pride on the pages of Ameri can history a race characteristic as those of Parragut, Foote, Dupont, Rog ers, or others whaadded lustre to Ameri- can naval annals. The liimlish have eual pride in tbe fame of Blake, Aysrue. n ..Jr, t .. ""nn du i enn, men wnu serveo tne commonwenlth.thegovernmcntolRt'liela, a in those of Nelson, Howe, Koliiey, and other heroes loyal to royalty. In like man-1 tier year will pay equal tribute to ourlrc the graduating class at Davidson naval heroes, whether their reputation I College, June lBth, and Rev. lilliert wa won a the "truly loyal" or as "rebel pirates." HAIt, MTUMMM. The month of May, as we stated onie time ago the month of bail .torn,.; ro... , ,7, m m,,R lmurni ana more terrmie in tnnt montn than in 1 1 ft . . ri i uincra. iic great sionn oi sumiay at Salisbury and in the vicinitv nfTonU another il nalral nn nf h a r... U Th.t . , . i ...... t,... Huuauniij the hailstones are dcscrilied to have been as large a hen' egg. Thi, up here in the mountain., i. thought to be an exng- .. m . . , . veratiiin. Ffirtitiintrlv w hnvm m . .... v.- penenceol sued temiile phenomena. But though unknown here, example arc not wantingelwbeieof even much lanrer . n bnil, and mort destructive torni. In 1 864, atom riling in Alamance county, awqit a far touth a Johnston county, taking Chapel Hill in its course, and making It track a broad twathc ol ruin; obliterating growing crop, de stroying fruit and strewing the ground with Umbs of tree. Tbe focus of ruin seemed to ban been at Chapet Hill, where not only were tbe window glus broken, but shingles and window snshc aplit and broken. Tbe hail fell not in round or symmetrical stones, bat in irregular, flattened masses, and in piece said to have weighed a pound. We once, after a hail storm in Fayetterille, half nn hour after it wa over, and where the hail was piled knee deep, took stone without special selection as to sice, and weighed them and (bund several single stone to weigh nine ounces. - European account go further thnn this. A scientist ol France record the fulling of hail in Germany in 170H, wcigh ' " Kht pound. An Italian arientist record one stone that fell in a storm in Italy that weighed fourteen pound. But the one recorded a falling In the Mysore country during the rein of Tippoo Suit) throw nil other in the shade. It wni said to be at a an elephant! ivof. OJmstcnel, once State Geologist North Carolina, uv the cause of hail e t 1 1 :,l ;,.. Tapn vi a in nui in aim uuiiiiu nil ij mriMmlv niixiiiir withru-erilinirlv cold , , , . .. WHIU III IW lllklKI li;iwl" , niv , ' no difficult .uxornnlishnu-nt at this Mason of the year when the sun ia ' , . nearly at the lummer Solstice, when tlH' ,...:..l.l I,:,.l,l ,,.C...A "'h"V - mnA mm wlmi th nrv-nmnu- rolunin has 7 . i r out a snort ncini i" riac minis i"" n contact with tlie itill low and near upper arctic current 1 ' UK. ti,r4?r.inii B Brr.r,vn Notwithstanding the carpi,,, of the I Sun and World the Democracy ol the metropolis seem lorhave" the "aceneil intercit in Mr. Cleveland' movement and utterance and the whole country respond. Henry Grady, the great Southern editor who is in New York and was at the banquet given Monday night that if nothing extraordinary intervenes Cleveland will undoubtedly be the next tirmocratic candidate for the presidency. Hi speech at tlie buniitict hud the true Hug in it. Among the muny good thiugs he Mid wus the following We know that we have cKitouwd the cause of right and justice. We know that we have not permitted duty to the country to wait upon expediency. We know tliat we have not trafficked our principles for success. We know that we Uave not deceived the people with false promises and rrtentun, and we know h(lt wc hnve n()tcorrul,u.Ullor Hetrnved ,hc KM,- w,t,, the moCy ol the ITCH Who shall say that these thing promise no reward, and that triumph shall not ,T There are to-tlay no weak nor weary and lesiMndent members of true democracy, and there should begone. Tlioiit-htful party alfillition, and the upKrter of Ppncipie we proieiw are constantly recruited bv intelhiient.. younit ami t . m)heretlU. 1ct u, deaerye laK;r confufencei and in hunning all igno'jlc iiractice. let us remain stendinat to the these, the day of our triumph will surely ,.nd ouicklv come, and our vktorv hull lie fairly and nobly won, through the iuvineibk Spirit of true demiKTacy." 1 aBa-aM AOAINHT THK LOAFKHM. A good move by the new administra tion WRa tRken when ncction 654 of the tbe public WUBrc: Thii .eetion 'forbids toHgU,,,,. of loafer around the en traKeg ril,iwni( nm we how itspubli k evitelltt! ofit. intended enforce. ment in the near future. Thi will cer- uin, Und to muke our nmill treet J mnft attructive, Baltimore Sun : Pension commissioner Tanner Saturday exhorted a iension at- torney to do hi best to give bun "shadow of law" on which to base nn in crease of a ccrtuin class of pensions from $30 to $72 per month. The '"lawyer, whose fee depended on hi making nn et fort, showed to his own satisfaction and Tanner' llmt the increase was according law. It wa accordingly made though the practice of the pension bureau and tlie opinion of comietent official dead against it. Congress, tlie hitter mildly suggested, should lie ullowed to change the taw, if a change wus demra I ble, but the commissioner seemed to be I opinion that Congress ia too alow, I n uch good luck tkn. Roger A. I'ryor has recalled hisac ceptance of an invitation to ienk ut A niston, Ala., because of the recent charge made agaiuat him of desertion. He says it injured him at the South and therefore he cannot go to Anuiston to siienk. The Southern press ha very generally con ceded that Gen. I'ryor has been t'ullv vin I dicntcd of the chni ire made bv one editi I ""'I copied on bis authority IivoIIkth. It by n" me"n tW'Wthcns the (ienernl I character to decline to come South o I g,K. irro,.i, I . 1 Rev. Dr. Edmund, of Sumpter, S. C will preach the Bnccaliiurate sermon I I Smith, of Gretniilioro, N. C the annua I crmoii liefore tlw V r M.Vr A.-- fmt of eight medal given in the theological de I partment of rriiicctoiiColh'ge.graduates I Davidson College have carried off live, Wo , ud trt,m ,h, fa vnVmtf i ,.,.,... ,lf n,:,.,,,,,, .,1(x1 .I.. .. . . . 1. . . I New York on tlie htrurta Kumlnv, on h return from n three months' tour in E I ..... l l:. v:.... l. .". "i ""ivi in invx ne wna nun t0 h"r,i f i:Klaiid. As he wus smoking, he said to Eord : I "Will you have a tivar?" I "Thank vou; but 1 only smoke one ,,r.?;'i VU''7, ,y' .. I nil iik:iik, a ii iiii Biiiii. I . . .... , mix wa. orouiMit. It wn em iKllished with the familiar picture I '.""ry ' the West." A lie took hi. c,rw' , , I When olil t liiv wna nlivi. ln iiiml.. a Kxtd cigar, but his ion tlon't keep up hi reputation." "Henry Clay! Why, he didn't make cigars; he was a statesman, and ranked a high with U. A. Gladstone or John Hricht do in your country. " "I beg your pardon. I've smoked t!iese cignr all my ble, and I tell you old Clay made n d light better cigar thau hi boy do," Dr. Parker I'ray cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Ihnmond nail powder having now Iwcome the Indie' favorites, at F. L.Jacob' drugstore, these popular manicure artkle may alwny be found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet article, in addi tion to tlie Hebe Soda Fountain from which k-e cold drink are dispensed. Cor ner Muin street and l'ntton avenue. A cat with it fur ruflled doesn't feel fur-truight. A Plcalnsi Hens Of heulth and strength renewed mid ol ease and comfort lollows the use of Syrnp ttf Figs, as it acts in harm my with nature to eliectunlly cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For ante in fiOc. and 1 91 bottle by all leading druggist. DON'T BeliumbiifJCgnl. Talk ih cheap hut "the proof of the pudding is the chewing of the Ktring." BoHtie BroH. & WiitRht'H n the phu-e to buy mid thounand of well ileunet custoinei-H will 11 you the name if you will only take the trouble to auk lem. They have the good and they well them at bottom triccH. They have received th'w week their necond 'stock IhvHH (iood, Notiotm, latei and Show for the Sj ring find iSumtner trtule. Some of them bought under "mudHill" trices and iiii' now goinglike lot cakes. They have this week made a mluction of 25 er cent, in many goods and are now offering unheard of largaius in s'tecial lines. Their store is filled with cus tomers every day and none go away without lieing wait ed on, for their salesmen are Hlite anil attentive to the trade and am always ready to give you the worth of 100 ents for every dollar you eave w ith them. (!o undsee their new goods and you wil le suqrised at the low price mid kuiuty of the same. The man that said "Money is King" will have to learn that I'luck and Politeness will go farther in a day than money will go in a life time, and if you don't think so, go to No. 11 Public Square and you will see tha we are taking Cleveland's ad vice and are "telling the truth" when we say Bostic Bros. & Wright am selling Oil Calicoes at 5c, (Jinghams at 7c, and Satinet) at 8c Outing Cloths at I 2c, Crazy Cloth at 15c, and the prettj est Cballies you ever saw at 7c, bought at Headquar ters for cash, and they invite your careful insiection of the same. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ARTIMTtt' HATKRIAMI, tiNUINUUKS- 8U1-1'LII!8, I'lCTl'HI'.S AND HKAMl'.S, I'ANCV OOOD8. HI.ANK HWIKItVKHV.HAUi:, M)I,I.H, TUVs AND 0AM KS, wi:hti:rn ih.c. ici:nkm, HOT 1 1 I-llUTtHiKAI'IIIC AND IIAND- I'AINTUU, AT - ESTABIIOOK'S, at H. Main Street. A LAMM ASSOKTMSNT OF AMERICAN WATCH lis, All styles, sites and prices. Jewelry of every description. Silverware, solid anil plated. tiold and Silver Headed Canes. ' " SKciU'les and li.ve Glasses fitted to the eye. Pine Watch Kepairlng and Ungraving a Sievialty. LANG, The Jeweler, Mouth Main tMreet. aprl4 d3in THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Is that line lot of liNCI.lSH IIR1DLK8 and TIIKISIt-HOKN CHAMOIS 8UAT HADULK8 at J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he Is selling all goods in Ms line. lit has increased his force and Intends to meet the demand, SATISFACTION Ol'AKANTKKI). Jt K. TKNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. I'lana, prviflcntiona and estimate, fur alannl. All work In my line contracted for, and no charges fur drawing oa contract, awarded m. krtrrrncra when fhnrirrd. " (inie: No. in Hendry Block, North Court UaR, AsaevUla, N. C. itbllMly WXELLASEOUS. ittlAIX ViTOCk. The smallest stock of goods that has ever been seen in Asheville has just been re vived at W. II. LKA'S, 17 North Main street, and so pretty and cheap, too. It will make the hair rise on your head when you see hosepret ty Dress- ( loods, such as Sateens, (linghams, Challies, Lawns, and Dress iood of all kinds. And oh, my I just see those pretty ieaueu Wraps, lliey am lerfectly exquisite. And you must see our pretty Black lose in Lisle thread, and some of the liest Corsets you versaw, such as Warners bdominal, (lood Luck, Suu- rise, Coraline, Four-in-Ihind, Health, and many other kinds too numerous to men tion Ladies' Lawn Tennis Shoes and Caps to match The best (lloriah Silk Gold Head Umbrella at 1.25, $1.50 and $1.90 offered in this city. All I want is for ' you to come and see them and judge for yourself, and if you don't say that they are pretty and cheap I won't ask you to buy a cent's worth. Yours very truly, W. H. LEA, SPOT CASH STOKE, 17 N, Main St, .This week it is Men's, Hoys' and Children's Hpring Suits. Very low pricetl stylish Dress (ioods, Outing Shoes for ev erybody, and various items we WMrive aluuwt daily. II.RKDWOOD & CO. Clothing-, Dry ood, Shoen, HatM, and CanelH. 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. --M'(? our new Spring Suits for Men, just in to-day. STRAUSS RESTAURANT AND ,s NEW ICE CREAM 6ARDEN, Electric Cars Pa the Door. I herewith notify the public that this day. May 1, 1 have added to my well known Res taurant a flue . ' Ice Crenm Garden. The same has been fitted np neatly (or the oc casion and I will always have on baud the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can supply fsmllk-s at shortest notice in large or small quantities. So come la good time and have wmt fine Ice Cream and Cake and don't forget that at Rtrauas' you will get The Heat of Ice Cream, and where always polite' and attentive wait er will be pleased to serve. Come early. cum. often, com. one, com all, and give your friend Htrauss a good many calls. Very respectfully, Ii. NTRAt SS, rHf Proprietor. MISCELLASLOVS. -ii iiiiiiii.HimiiiiiHtiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii'i-iiil T. G. SMITH & CO., IrVHOLliSALK AND RETAIL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, fflliniifnn's Tnrnpr " j Asheville, N. C.I RICHMOND & DANVIULB .HA1LROAD COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) Passknorb Dkpakthknt, AsMKviLLB, N. C, Jan. 1, 1KK9. PASSBNGBK TRAIN 8CHEDULU In Bffkct Jan. 1, 1HH9: 1 No. 61 ' No. B3 j l,v. Asheville, 035pm 1 ()pm Ar. Salisbury, 437am 64.1pm " Danville, B47am lO-'clpm '" I.ynehburg, 134rpni 1 ounm " Washington 7 85im TIHIam " Baltimore, OUOpm H2rnm " Phila., 8(Hiam 1047am " New York, 6 2inm 120pm Boston, aaopm 9(Wpm 'R iehmond, 3c )pm 61 5ani " KalriKh, 7 Roam I l(ipm " Goldaboro, 1146am SlOpm " Wilmington 6K)jim "-- j No. 66 I.v. Aahcville, 8 8llnm Ar. Ilendersonvllle, 9 20am Ar. Spiirtanhg 1160am ' Charlotte &3)pra " Columbia, 440pm Charletiton, BlOpin "Angmtta, " ' "006pm " Savannah, 616am " Thoina.ville.Ga 1 4)pm " JnekaoBvllle 12 00 m " Atlanta, 1040pm '" Montgom'y . . 71'6atn " Mobile, lS6pm New (Orleans ' 72Qpm ' No. 64 I.v. SiMirtanburg S40pml fiOTpm I 7 (Hpm Ar. Ilendersonvllle, " Aoheville, No. SO I No. 52 I No. 64 - I.v. Asheville, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chattan'ga, " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. A.hevll.e, " Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Louisville. " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " St. Louis, 740am U20am 1 lOpm 616pm 6 10am 740am 9 2iam 1 10pm A 40am eaopm 7 46pm 444pm AlOpm H60pm 61 lam 1146am 8 3opm 444pm 610pm 8 80pm 7 1 6am 1146am A.'iOnm' 7 or, pin I 840pm 746piiq MURPHY BRANCH. No. 18 ""8 26am 1063am 6 4Hpm iXAsheville, Ar. Wavnesvllle, " Jarrett's, No. 17 Lv. Jarrett's. Ar. Waynesville, " Asheville, 600am 1 26pm 8 46pm Mr Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. t TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN. O. P. A. I). P A. 80L. HAAS. T. M. 'KROOM FACTORY. IIANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD. HAND-MAPS BrooniM, Whisks, Hearth and Celling Brooms. Mill and Factory grades a specialty. Quo- inuona auu sample, irec. let) 1 1M1 1 y J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. main St. fcbaodlv JOTICH, Will collect debts ftr anyone In the dtv for percent, oihki lacllllies Hi rcent. Good facilities for renting and i lecting rents on houses. ts on houaea. Will aril f-,i...-. in weeaiy paymenu I. n. IOHNSON At niair's Furnilura atorc. Rrarrencea given oi i-aiion avenue. JAM1CS FRANK,. DSALSI IN FAMILY GROCERIES Al.0 PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street, . Asheville. N. C. ' fcblUdij HEAL ESTATE. Wai.tks B. Owvn, W. W. Wkst. GVYII -fi WEST, (Succcaaurs tu Wa ter U.Gwjn) ESTABLISHED i88 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLL REAL ESTATE Loauti Securely Placed at 8 1 Per Cent. I Notur fub.ic. FIRE INSIJIi ANCF. OFFICK (MiuttaeoMt Court Square. Wni. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, I - Aiihevllle, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, in tract! from 60 to 10O.0OO arm. Have a number of city lots. Improved and unlin proved, which 1 tan sell on the best of terms. If you want a larite or Hmall farm call oa nic. If you want minerals of any kind, yon need lio no further. If yon want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact I can suit you In anything you want in my line. Nervier of a fint-claar dvil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. 1 have had fifteen years' exfienenrc in the real estate business, una imnsi Know wnai win please, rrompt .!..,:... ... .ii i..i, , cuxuiT W. CORTLAND, Real Estate lfroker, - . ... invcsmcni nnu urt inuriAnt;c aulhi, ratton Avenue, llarnard Huildtngr. febttdly D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) For 8ule-A large amount of valuable City " m w K.. . r., ,..,.u. . timber and mineral lands. ic.cUr,f, parties buying city Lou from me money to Improve the sme onmost reasonable terms I . Money to loan on good city and country property I Office hours: Prom 8 to 0. D. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Aahcville, N. C. maySO dtf INSURANCE. P"IKK INSURANCE. FIIIE LIEE . ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Hank of Asheville, ASHliVILLB, N. C. Represent the following coinpunics, vis. KIKK. CASH ASSIKTS IN V. . contC-'N'ro'':::::::::: iiumiiurR-Hremen.or t-ermany 1 .1 2t,no4 London Assurance. of Bngland l.lUn.on.i Niagara, of New Vork........T......... 2,iia7.40S Oriint, of Hartford I,6fl7.fi92 tl.,Bl nf U.nkl.. B till A . SI l.,iimn,,n,lu.ri ul.. ' . ...li.. ... ..iviihit,. U.U1I..1 1 I nniota......... .'. l,B4t,061 nnutnern, oi New oncan. 4:iy,nK I Western, ol Toronto.... . 1,030,232 Mutual Accident Association. 4.ua Life insurance Company. dtmar2U -THE EQUITABLE LIFE Astiurauce Society NO. 120 DMOADWAV, NKW YIIKK. rash Asaets 09.1,O4S,9S3.ti6 .'ash Surplus 'Ot794.7l.VS The Strongest, most liberal and most pro- l a1 it .uiiiimnj in wic worm. Its Tontine Pol icles with 16 anil 20 year periods I when Issued in appropriate form) oiler to insurable persons a two-fold uilvun- tace. I Protection Against Loss I A Secure and Profitable Investment. J E. D. Monroe, Ag;t., Asheville, N. C. office with Judge Aston. feb23dflin VM.R. PENNIMAN, I'ROPKIBTOR OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, P. O. Box I. marl 3d ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 0m on Main street, opposiU the post- Oprn dally. eiTnt Bundnvs, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m.. and 5 nntil 7 p. m. aoTI!f trr "of '"""cription are: One year dalW acu' 3 ""' ,li 1 mo- 50"-; Officers rorlNNA President, R. R. Rawls VIce-IYertdent, Charles W. W.,l.y ; Sec",i Hatch U- " Ubrrt- B J Cltiwnj and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the catalogue and Inscrll their names aa members. lebHiltr PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik Hone. lohlilnir mmt L.I- : : . ... tended to. ""K "mPX at- l'.r,w"'i7';,",'r3.t; ntm can be lea 1th W. H. Westall tk Co. feblMBm IaX. L. MARKET, Cor. Patton Avenue and Depot Street. The Choicest Beef. Lamb. Mntton and Veal in the city. Butter and Fresh Country Produce. may24 dura HOTELS. a itLDTFii exc::.c:::i i ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPItllSGS. Huuud Trip Tickets only .6o, hiiHuUniK a full duy's board at tbe ' MOUNTAIN I'AUK HOTEL.. The Baths in Marble Fools and Kuri-elaiu Tubsare the Hncat and most luxurious ia America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIUST-CLASS In Uvcry Particular. UNBXCELLKD IN ITS CUISINB. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by i'iue-clad Mountains where there Is no fog, no duil, no malaria. Pnrc and abundant water, and absolutely I perfect drainage, dljul20 I scs nuiCL in DHISUn CUT. The Sway ne "House. I One of thcliest in Western North. Carolina. I .Summer and winter resort. Nature', annita. I rium- Scenery ajid water uucicelled. Terms mooerate. I u9u. n, dlacmiukn, nop r, I ouo J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Bulldlujc. School and Colleire Text Hooks, a full line. Poets, His- uul J ivuiiHilire, UlUgi apiiy n:i i . t, i,.,, - o. uioies aim lest- aments. Oxford Tmu-Iioi-u' I nji.i o , . uiuiwH, nun dooks OI ail kin(j8 irKe8to(jk Stationer V. Blank Hooks aild Office aild SfllOnl Silirinliuu Nmw lino I - . . . . . R'Wj.JMlVJIJ, i , , T 11 1 IV Ladies', aild Gents' Pocketr books just oiiened. Fancy uoous ana uons. feblOdlv J.C. BROWN, MERCHANT t TAILOR. - aj Patton Aveuue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) aprtfdly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's buainessat his old stand over J. B. Uickerson & Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience as under- iuker mhalm' nd "- lor buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction I """ 1 0T aaiaiiacuon. Calls nromiitlv uH-i.i-.l ... .n . h i uvcrvininv wr,nm in,. .n i i I ... ... or "u.iueaa ai- I way. on hand. febl3d(!ro CESAR'S HEAD 1I a- lm.. mm-- WILL IIB OPI1NKD FOR THE SEASON OF 188!) ON The Firs of June.. The location of this Hotel on thesummit of Ca.-sar's Head Mountalnran outlying spur or the Blue Ridge, in upper South Carolina, affords a climate and water uueiiiated. As a summer mort it has no parallel in the South. . AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60u TO 70, Whilst its natural scenery Is varied and grand beyond conception. Comfort of guests care fully consulted. Livery and dully mail. Eas ily reached from Asheville in one day, or from Ilendersonvllle in half a day, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, mavldtf F. A. MILES. 11 Itlln if A mim - . o Rn a? o V , AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASE OF CHOLCHA, CRAMPS, DlAHRHCtA, Summer com'-laint Dysentery and OTHta ArrtcrioNa OP THE STOMACH sNO BOWELS PRICE 2S CENTS. J. H. sVINKELMANN 4. CO olc Pni:Tcia., BALTIMORE, MD U 8. A. For sale bv J. S. GRANT, rlawtau28 A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kinds of Palntlng .Urma on your old-lookina Ci. u... rys, Buggies. Carta and Wagons and bars them varnished or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come on until it wears off. Terms i able. Shop on Harnett Hill, Eagle Street marilldtlm