jJfcarW. Absolutely Pure. Thla uowder never variea. A marvel of pur ity, atrenjrtll and whidvaotnrncaa. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie Mild in competition with the multitude of low tent, ahort weight alum or phoaphute powdcra. rWild only in aui. Koyai. Uakimi; Iuwiik Co.. HW Wull St., New York. l&wtitprl7 I'KOh'ESSlOXAL CAKOS. TltltO. I'. lUYlliaON, Tlloa. A. JllNKK Kak'ii.'h. jAa. O. MAKTIK, Ashe v ilk-. U AtH.'Ville. JJAVIUSON, MAKTlfi & JONES, Attorney! oud Counacllura at Law, . Anhrville, N. C. Will yr lice In the 11 til and 12th Judicial llittlricta. "i d In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Court of the Wcntcrn lrialrict of North Carolina. Kefer to Bunk of Ashcvillc. dtacl CHAi. A. MOOHK. UVVK MKKUCK. jJO)RB& MEKK1CK, Attorney! and Couiiactlora at Law, ' Aahevillc, N.C. " Practice In the United Mntca Circuit and DiHtrkt Court, at Aahevillc, Stutcavillc, Char lotte and Grccnalioro, in the Supreme Court at KalriKh, and in the court of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro- ''special attention given to collection of claims. . . it Iartncra1rip doea not extend to practice In Buncombe Inferior Court. Utoc3 T. H. COBB. -pOUU & MBKRIMON, J. S. liRUKIHOM. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice In all the court. Oflice: No. 7 and 8, Johnston buildiiiH. dtae-4 w. W.JONK. WONBS it 8HUPORD. OKU. A. SlUlKOKll. Attorney at Law, Aahevillc, N. C Vractie ill the Suiierlor Courts of Western B.iitin the Kuiircnie Court of the fetttte, and the I'edernl Courta at Aahevillc. Oflice in Johnston imiiuinK, wncrcouc n in ner of the Ann vim always lie lounu. dtnovll " JOHNSTnNB JONB8, ATTOMMIY AND COHNSBLLUM AT LAW, ASH HV1LLB, N. C. . Practice In the United State Circuit and thstrict Courts at Aihcville, In tne Supreme Court at Haleiah, and in the Courts of the Twelfth judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his service may be required. Oflice over So. Express Oflice, Hendry Block )anaa.lll JJ H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wlngirt's Drug Store. Residence, No. (Hi Bailey St. feblOdly It. II, iiBBVES, D. D. S. UajNTAL, OFFICK - lu Connally Building, over Redwood' Store, Patton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with the new ana'Sthetic, and all case of irregularity col reeled. :ebl3dly JJ F. BURG1N, M. D. ' OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 Cluthltiif Store. Iebl7ulm J. P. RAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental ) Office i In Barnard Builillnu Entrances, Avenue and Main Street. , fcbUlklly Patton ANBW DEED, carefully prepared by lead ln(t members of the Ashcvillc bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), cor erinK all necessary points, lust out and now mi sale at the oflice of the Citizkn IMini.Mii- l N. n Nnrtli t-'tiirl Qn"'r' flntit'O' I f any dealer aaya he ha th W. L. Donrla fllioea without nanw and pries atanined fbm bottom, put him down a a fraud. V. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CCNTLEMEN, nrm in inn worm, r...""" m 5.0O OKNUINK HAfI-KKWKI KHOB, 4.1MI HtNII-KKWII) WK.l.T HHOK. IJSO POI.K K AN1 FAKMKBS' KHOB. 4.IMI HNII-KKWl;l) WK.l.T HHOK. BO KXTKA VAI.l'K KAi.r MlUJk. OK UflbUltllUAV'H Kim1.. i.5 WOKKINfJMAN'M NIIOK. 4.00 and Sll.1.1 HOY!' HI'HOOL IHOKI, All auds la Oonareu, Button and 1 tjaua. V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE l a diri . Material. Bt BtylA. Bm ritting Iff mitM. inul i vnnr rl.iaJitV. wrfla W. U DOWLAS. UHOCKTOir. MASS F.xnmlne W. I- nouirlas) i.oo tihoen for Gentlemen and ItUles. . Forsalcbv HKRRING & WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. janlDdly TBI V01LO SUIIBI TO K0W II, 1 - Th world onpht to r" lone lor me in Ilia cure know what 8. S. 8. h ' of mflllLHantCuiici. w nicn waa ao nan aaio ho eo;tHldud inert' in ChieJtpo, whuro ; bl by the pliyslr.lan Wrnttohetrraltxl.Onr ma s eony of an silver Hwlft'abmeine. and 1 "4 in i of my neihhi r". tttcuient In p-au't 1' htyan lakini; It. 1 n dcaeft tho polmi vt my ryatotu, nd I wr will. It la nnw t'- relief friim tho (In few tradnalljr forrrd oat of mna enn-a anand and nontlwalncel quItUtk lli.t- H.B K. ami I V. bad no aiini of reluru of th dnuuful dlaoam. Mna. An Bothwiix. A Mtble, Mich., Doc Bend for books 1 UUedfre. tan inhrt Blond Dlniama Olid Cnw Hum Hwirr rnrie Co. tower s, AUant, rJ .'.ysraiG Lini:.iEiiT nF.AIfl INFLAMMATION. OLD BOREarj ly 111 Ml. NIC AMI PIJiAlilH RailmaJ tickets 1miik1iI sold (index i imiif;etl. AU transiirtions r-imriuitrvtl. Ktlialile inliirmi'.tion cheerfully furnished. at U North Main fctreet, oixsite court house. W. M.Clakke. I Wifvciu i6jsoiml lib en nil' i-quid Jitcs aa on),' a 'I liases, und I iloiil lit- leniltob e Kictntcrf to b I'nntc r 'niuiisora uy ImDvi Lse I wil wriie m own editor lain rlijul Miy o f a prufr i iidst-T aiit my 0 u tYyc. Country llilitor. For n wife and certnin remedy for fever i lid untie, use Ur, ). II. Mi Ua'ii n Chills ;-.nd Fever Cure; it is warranted to eure. The skeleton of tla; "Pime Museum" is like N;ixiletii at Waterloo. He is the b my uirt of the show. I . a Hound UkhI Oliiiou. R llninliridL'e Miiu.lav liMi., Cmnityf A ttormy, Clue Co., Texas nays: "Have ud lilevtrie llilteni wiili i""t hamiy totalis. Mv hrother ulso was very low with Malarial Fever hud Jaundice. ut was cured hv timely use "I this medicine. Am satisfied lileelric Uittera Siived his lite." Mr. 1. I. Wilcoxson, ol Horse i.nve, Ky , adds a like testimony, sayim,'-ie ositivelv believes no wimni ii.hciim, id it uol been for lileitrk-Jtitters. This creat remedy will ward on, tis .ell ns cure all Malanal Diseases, ami I'M- all Kidney, Uver and Momacii iisoi- ers staiuls uiiiuualcu. i rieeumainii, tF. U Jacobs. "What is the sweetest tbinf in life?" sks nn exi-haimc. The firet love letter limi your sweet-heflrt. SIULOH'S VITA.LIZFK is what .you .-.I I'nrConstiiiatioii. Loss of AlHietile, iNitzmess, and allsyni)tomsoi Dyspepsia. I'riee 10 and 75 cents jier laittle. CKOUl', WHOOl'INO LOUGH aitu llronibitis immediutely .relieved By Shilob's Cure. T. C. Smith & Lo. flie Sultan of Turkey drowns bis uemtcs in tlie Hospnorus. a aunui Turkish bath, as it were. The most delicate constitution can afely use Dr.J. 11. McLean's Tar Wine .ncr itnlm It is a sure remedy for coughs, hiss of voice;, and all throat and lune troubles. . fnirilistg mav not be ohilauthronists, et they are all of the opiuion that it is I letter to give man to receive. The Sew Discovery. ..You have heard your friends and neinh- liors talking about it.. You mayyourseu lie one nl the many who know Irom per- onmil rxiirrience iust how irood a thiniz it is. II you nuve ever inea u, you ait - its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thiiiL' alMiut it is, that when once giv en a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever ifii.rhrihlHflii aL-ein the house, it you have never used it and should be afflicted with a couth, cold or any Throat, L-ung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or monev refunded. Trial bottles free at F. L. Jacobs' drug store, The man who is resnected by his wile never needs to look fur tor a testimonial of character. SLIiEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable bv that terrible cotujli. Shiloh's Lure is tin-remedv for vou. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet l..ith secured, by Shiloh's Lntarrti Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector freebyT. C. Smith & Co. K imr Tamasese of Samoa getsonl v $20 week salarv. The amount looks small, but it is probably all Tamasese is worth. 11 Samoa held lour Kings it might beat the world. no Not Buffer Any MniKer. , Knowing that a "cough can be checked in a day, and the first stagesof consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's Iingbsh Cough Remedy and will retund the money to all wlio uuy, take it us er directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. L. hmith & Co. . iebodawlw Keep way from dat nigger, I tell you," said Uncle Rube to his sable daughter. He's like wot John de llaptis lived on." How's dat ?" sluT asked. "Low ens nn wild, honey." was the reply.-1! exas Siftiugs. Harenttt Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur fore six years of age. An army of miio- cent, lovely children are swept needlessly iwaveach vear. Parents arc criminally rcsoonsible for this. The death rate of cliilibfii in liiiL'l.itid is less than hull this, Ac ker'a Liar is 1 lialiv Soother has doiH' more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. .. . He Won't vou come canoeing with me. Miss Beacon ? She O, don't dare to! He Why. it's all right if you sit lK-rfectly still. She 1 kuow it: but where the fun ? Faults of diuestion cause disordcrst the liver, and the whole system liccomcs Icranircd. Dr. 1. H. McLean's Sarsnpa- rilln perfects the process of digestion and issimilation, and thus makes pure oioou Tawkins (sadly) And so Chatty and his wile have been separated lor a year What a nitv it is that they can not be happy. Hogt Why, bless your soul thev are! Pimnlcs. blotches, scaly skin, ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, unhealthy (lisenanres. sucn ns catarrh, eczema, rimrworm, and othe forms of skin discuses, are symptoms ot blood immiritv. Take Dr. J. H. Me Lean's Sarsaparilla. Miss Elite rushinir in V Oh, ma. Clara Tintou has cloned. Mrs. Elite (fervently) Thank heaven! Now we won't huve to send her any wedding present. Terrible ForewarniuK. CoitL'h. in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tne cliest, quiCKeneu puise, i-iiuiinciro the evening or sweats at night, nil or any of these things arc the hrst stages 01 con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem cdv will cure these fearful svmptoms.am is sold under a positive guarantee ny t . Smith c Lo. tension w 1 w College Student (nervously ) Did the prima donna get my iMiuquet ? Stage Door-keeper Yes, sir; but that six-loot young feller vou see back there got the letter. He's her son. The Firnt Hymptoiim ot Death. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various iHirts or the body, sinking at tne tilt of the stomach, loss of apwtite, tever- lalinnu. nirnnlcs or sores, are all ixisitive evidence of poisoned blood. No mutter how it iR-cnme poisoned it must oe pun ficd to nvoid death. Acker's English Mood Elixit has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guurantet by T. C. Smith & (JO, ICOOUUWIW HUSTAiiG Llnls'iEHT HIIOPLO AI-WAYS BR KEPT W riHOP, 40,000 I.oat. "I lost forty thoiiHand dollars by a ieriolical at lack 'of nervous skk hrrt.l uche," said n Chicago capitalist to a cor resiondcnt, Miinting across the street to a handsona- corner lot. ' That lot was sold tor ten thousand dollars nt public auc nuction five years ugo, and liiitctided to by it, but was too sick with headache to attend the sale, and it is now worth five thousand dollars," If he had known of Dr. l'ierce's I'lcasant Purgative Pel lets tliey wouid have removed the cause of his headnclR-s biliousness and be woufcl have maife the money. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative I'elletseuresiik headavlic, bilious head ache, dizziness, constiiatiou, indigestion, and bilious attack; 25 cents a vial, by druggists. Partial pnyincuts Those eferred ctvditors. made to Terrililc Hluuirhter. Tliotis;iidsof livpe -n-crenetillely4'ru .vd last vrar in ilneouiitrv. nun other ves nr' laing as ivniiloidy sacrificed to- iv. Disease is (.muling Many Down ito the dust of liialh. who might lie ell. Mark tlitise inili;:, for tlKfchy angsatale: "(5. M.D. '' They stand r Ir. Picnv sloUlcn Mcilicnl l iiscovcry, hicli is unciiiialeil for imparting vigor ml tone to the liver and kidneys, 111 urifving the H001L and through it leansing and rcnewiiigthe wholesystem. 'or scrofulous humors, ami consumption r Inng-scroltiln.l in Us early stages, it is a positive specific. It is sold u'-der a iitsitive gtiaraiilctol pencilling or curing 1 every ease, on liemg given a lair trial, r money paid fir it will be refunded. Appropriate ending to a mask-maker's advertisement : "New feMturescoustanlly added." THAT HACKING COUGH can be so uiiklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. , WILL YOU Sl'Fl-lvK with l)ysicisin nd Liver Complaint ?,Shiloh's Vitaiizer is guaranteed to cure you. T,C. Smith & Co. Brown I understand you told Wells that 1 am a regular chump. Jones- Nothing of the kind, sir. I'm not round telling the public what 1 think. 300 Kewsrdi The former proprietor of Dr. Sage'sta irrh Remedy, lor years madea standing public offer in all Amcncunnewspapersot .$500 reward tor a case of catarrh that he could not cure. The present proprietors have renewed this offer. All the druggists sell this Remedy, together with the Douche," and all other appliance advised to lie used in connection with it. No cu- arrah patient is longer able to say"! can- ot be cured." You get $;uu in case 01 iiluft. , "What a persistent woman hater Evergreen is!" "I didn't know that he was." "Why, he has been married four imes. Bucklen'a Arnica ttalve. The liest salve in the world for cuts. iruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oros, ana an skin eruptions, ana posi- velv cures piles, or no pay reomrcu. It is guaranteed to give irfect satisfaction, r money refunded, rnce 25 cent per wx. ror sale hv r. L. Im-olis. naw ,'Isyourwifea brunette, Tom?" No, sah ; she is a perfect lady, snh." Give the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health ot a child when it seems listless, has poor or no apiictite, eves sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the hild has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Hart s Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in perfect health again. Fa rents, try it and let your little ones have u luir chance tor tile. A prominent man in nublic affairs savs . ,r, . ...... 1. . . . t mat lie gives uis orain its enuticu icst uy never taking politics to bed with him. Of course, he hus no use for political sheets. For lame back, Bideorchcst, use Shiloh's Fortius Plaster, rnce 25 cents. SHILOH'S COUGH und Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a guarantee. . It utcs Consumption. T.C.Smith & Co. Red or black corsets now have the call It seems the color line must k closely drawn somewhere. Belter Than suicide. I'rolessor Arnold says: "An incuruble lvstKMilic is justified in committing sui citlc. We will guarantee to cure any d vs- 1 ri)tk- within three mouths by Acker's hnglish Dysiieptie 1 ablets. l.L. i-multi & Co. Icb5duwlw The woodman s axe is an inconsistent weapon, hirst it cuts a tree down and then cuts it up. No need to take those big cathartic pills; one of Dr.J. H. McLean's Liver und Kidney Fillets is quite jiullicicnt and more agreeanie. Appropriate ending to a muskmaker's itlvertiscmcnt "New features constantly idded. . Why suffer longer from dysicpsia, in digestion, want of niiiietite, loss o strength, lack of energy, malarial inter nuttent levers, etc. ( Hrown s Iron Hitters never tail to cure these diseases. They act like a charm on the digestive organs removing all dysiieptie svmptoms, such as lielchmg, heartburn, biliousness, etc. Kememlier it is the only iron preparation Hint will not blacken the teeth or give headache. A REAL PLEASURE To no YOUH PRINTING Am you want it und when you want it. CITIZKN rUBLISHINO CO. tiUSTAIIG Lllil'.'iENT 18 F0K MAN A ItEAST. rF,NETRATE3 UUMOLE i, UlllE TO THE VUY HONK. The Itally 1 IIUu. Is always alive to tlie interests of Aslieville and its people. Is the most popular advertising me dium in North Carolina. Is read by a greater numlier of jwople than any other secular puiicr in the State. Is always filled with tlie choicest read ing matter of the day. Hoarding houses till tlnir rooms uyud- crtisiiig in the Citizkn. News, ami all tlie news, makes tlie LIT- izkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever maile a great iKxesa without auvcrtising. try tne Cjtizkn. Au advertisement in tlie Cituln pays tlie advertiser an hundreil-fold. "Yoii nreall the worhl to me," afl'ee- ionutcly remnrked Noah as he surveyed his menagerie. The Asheville Dally Cttlsen Vive The latest It Kill news. The freshest 8 tale news.- The best general news. A first-class telegraph service. Full Washington reports. General and sccinl comments. The largest subset-lotion list of any seculur japer in tlie State. The. best advertising medium in t In state. A full staff of able editors and eorrca- iMiudeuts. I he nea lest, newsiest anil most cuier prising pnier 111 ixorlu taiiiiina. Its rllorts are always dcvolctl tt the upbuilding anil ilevelopmcnt of llie 're- s iiirecs ol the Mute, parliculai ly tlie Western section. "Siilcriplion, $( tier milium; $.'t six n ut lis : 5(1 cents ier mouth. - Presents in the mont elegant fotiii THE LAXATIVE ano NUTRITIOUS JUIOE or THS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined vyith the medicinal virtues of plants known' to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive "audition of the AIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It ii themost excellent remedy known to CLEMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUMLLT When on U Hiliout or Constipated PURE BLOOD, RCFRIIHINO SLKP. HEALTH and STRIN0TH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOXHST SOU bthup or mos MANU'AOTURIO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCI8C0, CAL. UWSVlUe, Kf " HCW YORK. H. t. THE CITIZEN PU11LISIIING COMPANY, No. 0 North (Join t Square 1b turpi imJ to do liii--riwl work at LOW RATES I5tH:aune they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. MUSTAIIG LIIIIMEIIT CITRKS ITI.EH, llL'BNH, CUTS, f'ORNH, bUUlKKS,(:llIJJjLALN8A,i'UUB'liliTLtJ A FINt TALKE.R. (illll ltrlt;ht 111 teirltll lnlnlT,itn- II In 1.' ntllunt Luui.uMt(. lie nlwuvs UiIUimI acII. but 1 Ibink lie never talked bell ir than ulter bis iiructieal withtlrawul fitan public lilt). I seemed as though Ins ikiwci's 114 a 8ivuker, no longer uwh! for the in struetioii of tho woi Id ul large, were mployed ail the. uioru uiilv?vrilly ir the bcnulil of Ins iiersoual li'ii'inls. I was upon books and liU'inry sub jucts guiierally that he clncllv liked to talk. Ins knowlejgo of tnglisli lit endure wus in certain diroctioiis won crfully wide und dei'p. 1 imagine thul there are very few men who ould huve btuteii 1 1 i id in a competi live exaiiiiiiation in our Knglish HieUt from the days of Milton to. those of W ordswortu. liis llterury tusU's were us simple as his personal liabiut, and 110 doubt lie would have fallen untler the eoiiU'innt of the suiierior critics of ttirtuin cliipies if they bad tarTi "wwarr of Ins oiiiiioii on inuny subitH-U liut evun thuv if tlii'v bail Hliiovixl tbt privilege of liisfrienJsliip. wouid have hwii ubuniiiMi bv bi urinir him rtt ili', us he wus very fond of doing, favorite passagos from the kk Ls he loved so well. One evening 111 the spring of last year, shortly before his illness bt gau, I wus Billing beside li tin in the smoking room at the Itefoiin club. wheu he began lo talk uboul bnglisb ly 111 11 and hvinn writers. By and by. curried away by Ins tbuiiie, he rt'H'utod Ui me many of 1 1 in favorite hymns. As he recited llioui in measuii'd tone the charm of thai beautiful voice which hud so often tlirillod the house of coiuiiioiis, and subdued a hostile majority, made it self felt even in a club smokiiiK room, and from all parts of .the room men drew quietly near Uthesxt where we were sitting, and listened with bated breath on the old man elotuout repeated verses of a kind which, I fear, are not often to bo beard within the walls of a club. There was one noticeable characteristic of bis voices Though the tone was low, it was so lear, and soskilllully wasit modu lated, that when speaking in his ordi nary tones he would be heard with distinctness at the further end of a large room, even although several groups of talkers occupied the apart ment. And then, how .. admirably chosen was the language in which he spoke, even in ordinary conversation I nave said that some superliue critics might, perhaps, have sneered at his taste id literature. There is not an English writer now Living, however. who would not be the. happier if he could write as well as Mr. Bright habitually spoke. For his words, eveu in tho most commonplace conversa tion, were chosen so well that, us he talked, you seemed to be listening to some masterpiece of our literature. London Mews. Field and George. A gentleman who was present on the occasion told me today that sever al years ago David Dudley Field and tienry vieorgo met ror tne tirst time at the olUco of Tlie North American Re- w. Mr. George had just returned irom abroad, where he hud made a great reputation, but in New York personally tie was little known, al though his abilities wero generally conceded everywhere. Tho gentlemen met to interchange views on tlie sub ject elalxirately set forth in Mr. George's book, "Ingress and Pover ty. During the course of th inter view Mr. Field criticised . alleged staiemeuui in inai worn on political .1 .... i i . i economy. Ills remarks indicated ig norance or the text to such degree as to surprise Mr. George, into Buying evi- lently the gentleman had not rood the book he had come to criticise. Strangely enough, this Mr. Field ad- T - : i . ".."J i i iniwou, wuicii causeu umuirrussiiieni 10 both and cut short the interview: Bub- soquently, at another meeting, a more tuorougu uiHlerstaniling or each other was huu, and the opinion ot earn as to the other s abilities was decidedly com nlimcnlury. During thoso interviews Mf U tkltll tllll IIM.II ru.iu.t rul Iflll and artful skill of a lawyer, would try U) entrap Mr. tjeorge into an aUunssiou of some proixisitioii, with a view to prove its fallacy. The quick intclli geuce of the latter grusiK'd at once the question in all its bearings and his adroit and ready answers showed genius for debate. Tho duel between these two ruas tors was, said, my Informant, t thing to be long remembered and showed tho great controversial talent f tho one no less than tho cxhau.stlcss rcsoui-ce of the other both suiierb." New York Uraptnc. Died with Flab lu HU Tliroat. A curious cause of death was re ceutly recorded in India. A native who wasllNlung in a stream caught a Hal, eel like turn, about 111 teen to six teen inches in length. Being desirous or killing it, ho put it in to Ins mouth in order to bite oil its bead. Ihelish, howevor, scarcely appreciating this ut- tempt at decapitation, vijorously es saved to make other arrangements, in which it was successful. Gifted with a slimness. which made it vorv dilllcult to hold, it slipped through the mans ....... . . . lingers into his mouth, and conveyed itself partly down his eulleL The sit uation now was bad tor the fish, but still worse for the man, but owing to the sharp litis on the back of the ntm it was not ossible to withdraw it. The man died in great agony within an hour. Detroit r ree i'rtm ... A Soldier of th. Rerolutlon. The town of York claims the honor of furnishing Hourly the Hrst aud also .1.1 . " .11' . 1 . .s. me iusi surviving soiuieroi me revo lution, this lust nuiiieu was VViUmm I Titt.,1,1 no ivllit u.na lrt in Vrhitr fV.f 6, 1704, and died fei l'euobiicot, May 2, ISUO. At the close ol tlie war lie re turned to Penobscot, which has been his home since he was 4 years old, and in 1805 be joined in a (ourih of July celebration at Bangor, a revenue cut tur having boon dctuched for his con veyance toauu from thut city, and as lie nusHed by the renobscot river the guns of Fort Knox tired a suluteof welcome, un honor said never before lo huve been given to uuy persou in '.he iiluto. Lewiston (Me.) Journal. PITA CUKEU. BY OLD SPKCIAL18T II I V I'HYSICIAN. r I I II n"ttl' medldne Fr.-e. war- III far rant our remedy to eure the tororat caaea, and the only phyaleluna who do thla to prevent your Deing nnnoat-ti upon y mm ualnK fulae namra and who are not lioctora. Ilcriuiw othrra fulled la no rcnaoi lor not UfhtK thla metlidne. lllve Expreaa anil Poat oIltiT sdilrraa. It cnata yon nothlnv. Addteaa Aanhel Medical Bureau, Hill Hroaiiwar, New Vora anK7dwljr aiUS. S. STEVENSON t.Hfl removed to tiie John it on BtiHillriK, pHt ti'ti Hvenue, cc.mcr nf Church iitreet, where she in vtrjinml to keep rtgulnr ur transient MmrrltTN. Table fumiHlierl with the rnt the market aflonln. Termitreatonable, mar31 6m nUSTAHGLiniriEHT CtlltES HOUXIWimnN, CAKED BAOS, QiiVii A UOQV IX CATTLE I MISCELLAXEOVS. Climate 1'iiHurpanhcd. 1,500 mineral SprlutCM Vlthlu Tlie " HICKORY INN" is built of brick, stone and iron, uis all modern improvements. Eleetrie Lidits. (Jas anil IOIectric 15elln in each room. Hot and Cold Water Huthsand Foiletw on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout." Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. $25.1 Beautiful Building Lots IN SKYLAND BUNCOMBE Skylantl 8)riiiKa la a new reaort. Inltl oft"in builtlitiK lota, rlirht mltra aouth of Aahcvllle, on tbc A. & H Railroad and the Henderaonvillc 1'ikc. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF Twcnty-ftcvcn SpriiiK Chalylx-ntr, Alum, Iron, pure, com unti ncaun giving. Fine Hotel Finished and Onened Fur "nil the venr 'round." with low rntea and lirat ofnmnia and farr. Svvcrul ImililiiiKa arc K"iii up. Saw Mill anil r ur antjri iinii. i-ihmix una arc onvren vrry low to aeuiera ur inveaiora. Grand vicwa, level Iota, wide atreela, pure air, one water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. majrto dSm - THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and WIIISlUFS. i BRANDIES t AND i WINES, liver Brought I'artka iliinn a yuutl artklv for finally or give me a cull. Kcapcctlully, Frank ninr3td1y GLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, ------ And Undertakers. l'rompl iitlfiil itiii ffiven to nil onli'in tiny or tiij;!t. .. Residence t 39 Penland Street. Mildly ? -TP', SHE PARI), MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL -DIRECTORS EMBALMING AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. 31- -31 PATTON AVENUIV P. It. llrcwtou m 111 attend Calls Day and Night. " " ' marttdly -. imim li!!iue(it CIHIKH RITKTMATISM, LAME BACK AND HTIFr JOINTS. BIIHlNUAiU' Ketrt Above Tide Water. Fine a Short Walk of the Hotel. .as l$65 SPRINGS COUNTY, N. C KiNERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Kimom, Sulphur, Matfnca.a and Freestone Planer tnakinx lumlier rijfht In the place. Largeat Stock of to Atuevllle. other pun'oaea, will find It to their interest to , O'Donnell, Prop'r. -31 nusTAtiG li;:i:::;;t CUTIF.R FOOT HOT, SHOTJI-DKR-HOT, HCUKW.WOUII AND SCAB IN KllKKl' 1 In