Ti:Z! DAILY CITIZEN. The CiTfiKM I. the mint ratraaivelT circu lated nd WHlety read newspaper la Wcaura riinh Carolina. Its riianiMMtHi of public men and mr.pnrr. I la th Interest of public integrity, honest rowniiMat, and amnprrooa industry, and it knowa ao pcraonal allcgiaaccin tprauag imb bc Tkc Crrnas publishea the dispatches of the Awociatrd Prraa, whkh low ninri the whole world la it acuut. It has other farili ti.s of advaacrd journalism fur aathrring wwi from all quartrra, with evcrythinsjcarc tully edited t occupy the emallctit apace. urcHnra evatea of any eriitioa will be Brat Tone Daily 8 lor one rear; ti for sii snoatas; SO cents for one month : 15 ernUfor one week. Carriers will deliver the Daiirr la erery part of the dty to eabarrihera, and par- ur wanting It will pieaac call at tlx C truss ADVisrnso I its Rraaonabk, and marie traanait adrcrtlaraMaU mast be paid ia ad vance. Heading aotkee tea cents ner line. Obit a ary, aaarriagt aad society aotkra hfly orou card (not exceeding tea line.) or nltjr (tnu per men; FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1889. iNlVKUITT MAfiAZINaw- Magazinet arc not long lived in North Carolina, Limited and uncertain pat ronage, uncertainty and irregularity ol contribution, made more uncertain and irregular bjr inability to offer proper, or indeed any, compensation for the arti cle that are to give value to tbe publica tion, make it merely a question of time when a new candidule for favor follow, the footsteps of iu .predecessor, and goes down in disappointment. Some pe riodical have been begun in this State, especially since tbe warL that seemed to have contained in them the elements ol vitality because they apjiealed to sen timents and memories m themselves, imperishable. Such were "Our Living and Our Dead,,,andthe"LandWeLove.v Tbey perished and are forgotten ; and ol their successor we know nothing. The University Magazine still lives, sustained by tbeenthusiasm of its student editor and the contribution of Mr Spencer. President Battle. Mr. Week. and other who have their reward iu t lit good they may do, not in tbe pay tbe writer. receive, or in the patronage of generous subscription. This Magazine has had a checkered existence, of brilliancy and ob cunty, of life and death, activity and suspension. Once it was illuminated by the histonctil contributions of Swain Hawk and Graham, rcrhup now it it uttie, u at all Interior, to what it wa in iU bet day. Hut at any rate, It worthy the support of all North Carol! nians, because it may be mude the repos- Horyofmuch local and peraonul history perishable and passing away, but which would be cherished as the literary torch which may enkindle a great intellectual light in our midst. And the sulwcription price $1.00 a year bring it within reach of all, t The Democrat of Ohio are now en gaged in holding county conventions for the election of dclegutes to the State con- tkin and the nomination of legislative and county tickets. So far, in almost every instance, the convention have adopted resolutions strongly indorsing the kite administration of President Cleveland and reaffirming the principles ol tne Democratic pinttorm of 1888. THH CLOsIKU HKA. The announcement from Victoria, Hrit- ish Columbia, that the North l'ucilit squadron of the British navy Was ordered to Bearing sea with strict instructions to protect British seal fisher is no doubt exaggerated, but the questions involved in right of seal fishing in Ilehring sea art in rutin v more difficult than any pre sented in the much mooted Suinoun con trovcrsy, and if the attitude apiwrcntly assumed by the administration in rela tion thereto is insisted on they may lead to a serious complication. While Aluska was Russian territory that government claimed exclusive rights in Hearing's sea as being what is known in maritime and internationallawasa "closed sea." It is that vast body of water north of the Aleutien islands extending to Ilehring trait. America's purchase of Alaska in cluded this sea with the exclusive right claimed by Russia. The instructions to Capt, Heal v of tbe revenue cutter Bear sent to protect our seating interest iu that sea would Indicate an intention ou the part of President Harrison ami Secre tary Blaine to insist on the exclusiv rights aa purchased from Russia, It is very doubtful if the other powers will ad mit these rights. Tbe Victoria diMitch indicates that Great Britain will not. - It is announced this morning, however, that tbe Knglish foreign oflicc denies that the fleet has been ordered to Bchriiig Sea, It is said a ieciul session of Congress will be culled for October and the Krpulr licans whose minority isonly three in the wilt Mlillf H . IM . HM M .ri...-t t.. change the rules of the House so as to shut off filibustering to which they liuvc so often resorted in the pnst themselves. This wiit be preliminary to the effort ol the Republicans to pass a bill placing all congressional elections throughout the country in the hands of Federal suiervis- im Sum B.niliitl lui. ilMUnul DcttKicratic party will be able to defeat both measures and that the republicans win not oc auic to curry out any radical partisan legislation with so small a ma jority. Mr. Randall, it is said, is strong believer in what is called the negative strength of the House of Representa tives under its present rules that is the ability of minorities to prevent sieciully obnoxious legislation. THB HcDOW TMIAU No incident of murder has ever aroused more of indignation than that of Capt. P. W. Dawson in Charleston, in March last. It ia most natural that outraged public sentiment demand the punishment of such a slayer, at the hand of the law. Tbe public wrath that at first demanded in stant and summary retribution was staid that law might have its cool, Just delib erate way, and that whatever the offend er might have to say or present in his be half should be given due weight. And I)OW( tKU v.'v .... . n, miu the first abhorrent outcry against the cruel deed ha spent it agony, there Is every purpose to abide patiently uy tne course of the law. We do not presume to prejudice thecase f the slayer of Mr, Dawson, but we, see enough to conclude that all the machin ery of legal ingenuity will lie employed in tlic defence, and a possibility that by the adroit use of such, the man who barely escaped the fury of popular rage when the crime was hot and fresh may step forth a free, vindicated and much wronged man. Such are the extremes to which American sentiment is ruslied by the absence of the assurance of tbe ad ministration of the law nKn the intrinsic merits of the case, making decision de- fcndent not so much upon tbe weight of evidence as Upon skill in the selection -of jury imervious to reason, and impene trable to evidence. ALARUM ANP SlKRVICICH. At tine last meeting of the Hoard of Al dermen, by a tie vote, decided by the mayor, the salaries of Messrs. Troy and Murray r-rewetrrely--aierinlerterrr-rrl streets and of waterworks, were each fixed at 175 per month. Last year tbe duties of both depart ments were placed upon Mr. Howell at a salary of $45 per month. Therefore the labor of the new apiointeesmayrcnson ably be expected to bear the same rela tion to those of Mr. Howell tliut $1,800 icr annum lars to $.140. Wilmington Star: The town of Con cord seems to be bounding to the front with a dush and energy indicative of an ample stock of inherent vitality. Within the pust year she has added several new industries to those already in oK-ration has built a splendid hotel, and u number of other fine busi-n-ss houses and resi dences, established a street railway am .tectric light system, and is now excavat ing the foundation for one of tlie most oolosnid manufacturing establishments in tin? South. To construct his building will require 1,(M)0,(KHI feet of lumber and 2,750,0(10 bricks. The dimensions of the building will lie 304 fret long, by 12 feet wide and 40 feet high, with three towers, two 05 Icet high and one 75 feet high. The factory with tlic building at tached will cover an acre nnd a half ol round. It is the plant of the Kerr Manufnctiirini; Company, which will manufacture seamless bags. The Stand ard is very enthusiastic over the begin ning of this work, which it pronounces "only the beginning of a list of grand improvements." The Stnrcongratulatc Concord on her brilliant irogress. Rev. (ireenlield Schorr who committed suicide in Baltimore and left the letters of tlic woman he proteased to hive iu the hands of a newspaper to publish after hii death has outdone the popular act ol murder and suicide, He accuses the wo man from out of his grave with decep tion and falsehood. The letters were left to the New York World ami naturally the Baltimore piicr are highly indig nant that the World should publisli them. Tlic New York Sun also seizes the opportunity to pose on high ground over the matter, It is ustotiisliiug whut dia metrically opK)itc views of journalistic duty thc,8uncnn take under different cir cumstances. Its idiosyncracy in this par ticular is us hard to understand us its pretensions to licmocrucy or its love for the one mun of the country whom every body else despises Beaut Duller.'.. Wilmington Star: The increase in the unrulier of ub-iillitinccs, of the Farmers' Alliance, in this State is remarkable There nre now 1,810 of them, with a re- Hirtcd membership of something over :I5,(HH), This is n striking growth for an orgmiixution introduced lcssthnn tw years ago, anil shows how quickly our North Carolina farmers have cuught on tothe Texas ideaof co-operation. I'ndc proKT matiagcmenti' und there is no reason to believe it w ill be under tin other, it will prove a powerful instru mentality in bettering the condition of the agriculturist of North Carolina, and when their condition is bettered tin whole Slate is the gainer. jt The New York Sun re-echoes the Hon Sam'lJ. Kumlnlt's aspiration that IK-iik crnts must till get togetlicr and whip the other side out of their Units in '02. This menus on the part of the Sun that it will cheerfully supirt the iK'tnoeratic nomi nee if it should hiipH.'n to lie Ben Butler, and on the part ol the Hon. SaniiielJ Randall that the lH-mocrutk.' party must abandon the living issue of tariff reform upon which it retained the popular ma jority in the last election and Uon tin stout maintenance of which it may conli denllv base the hope of ultimate nnd final victory. Durham is in trouble. The Plant snvs "After the two railroadHgct their tracks down on I'chImkIv street nnil thchtrcet Railway Com winy put down their track, as tliey have licen granted the right to do, had not we as well tell the Lvncli- burg road to take the sidewalk, so the destruction of the entire street will be made complete ?" "Roliert lilsmere" has had n strange cf- fcet iiKn the Yule I'niversity Theologi cal Schoot, It hit about broken up the faculty. Prof. Russell has been asked to resign, and others may go, It is now said, there is small hope for the recovery of Senator Joseph K. llrown, of Georgia, who has been ill for some tune. - Dr. Parker Prays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline nnd Diamond nail powder buying now become the ladies' favorites, at P. L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles muy ulways be found, togetlicr with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nnil scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disrnsed. Cor irt Main street and Pntton avenue. ' It is rumored that Ux-Ciov. Poster, of Ohio, recently njioiiitcd Sioux Coin-1 missioner, is rapidly actuiring the Indian language. He recently culled pornker A IMenalns; SMrna Of health and strtneth reurwed ami ol ense and comlort Mlows tlic use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harm my with nature to etlcctunlly cleanse the system wlien costive or bilious. For sate in 5(c. and 1 bottles by all lending druggists. DON'T k'liumbu'tl. Tnlk ischi'iiji ut "the proof of t he imliiir. i the chewing of the string." iontic IlroH.& Wright Via the l;ice to buy und thousands of well jileaned customers will tell you the same if you will only take the trouble to ask them. -They have the goods and thpy sell them at bottom irices. They have received this week their second stock of Drew (Joods, Notions, I bits jt ml Hhoesfor t hn Spi ing and Hummer trade. Sonieof I hem bought under "mudsill" trices and aiv no goinglike hot cakes. Thi'y have this week made a reduction of 23 ler cent, in many goods and are now offering unheard of lairgaiim in eciul lines Their store is filled w ith cus tomers every day and nont go away without being wait ed on, for their salesmen aiv polite and attentive to the trade and are always ready to give you the worth of 100 cents for every dollar you leave with them, (Jo and set their new goods and you will he surprised at the low price and beauty of the same. The man t hat said "Money is King" will havo to learn that "I'luek and Politeness will go further in a day than money will ga in a lift time, and if you don't think so, go to No. 11 -Public Square and you will see that we are taking Cleveland's ad vice and are "telling the truth" when we say Itostic Bros. Jt. Wright are selling Oil Calicoes tit 5c, (iinghanis it 7c, and Satines at He, Outing Clotlmat I2c, Crazy Cloth at 15c, und the pretti est Ch allies you ever saw at lc, bought at lleudquar tern for enwh, und they invite yo"uFcrc;funiisition of the same. HOOKS NI) 8'lTIONURY AKTIMTM' MATKRIAI4I, liNGINBlSKH' BlU'PLIKS, CICTlIKliS AN1J FRAMES, l'ANCY 0(M)I)8. BLANK IIOUKM.ICVKKl'UKAHi: lMii.t.s, toys ani (iamlh. witi;hn n. c. hcknich, IlOTII I'llOTlH'.KAI'llIC AMI 11 AND- t'AINTKU, ',; . '. luSTAIIROOK'S, aa H. Main Street. LAMtlS AMOKTMKNT or AmiCKICAN WATCHlvS, All tln. ilns and rUri. Jt wclrjr of ev rjr ilmriplloli. SllvrrwHir. suliil and idatitl. (old and Silver Headed Canrs. Siwitntles und Kjre ('.lui'i'tuiii tUthc t-t- l'ine Watih RetwiriiiK and linttraviug a icvialty. LANG, The Jeweler, ' Month Main Mtrcct. aprl4 d:tm THE GREATEST ATTRACTION" It Unit fine Kit uf HNULISH UKIHLU8 and TUKIiB-IIUKN CHAMOIS 8BAT SAKDLliS at J. M. ALEXANDERS And the low prices at whkh he la arlling all KihmIs in his line. He has increased bis furvc and Intends to meet the demand. SATIB'P ACTION OUAKANTBHU. A. TBNNBKT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, ixdAratliins and eatlmatra ftir nl.nl. All work In mv I In euntrartrd fnr and no eharara for drawings on coo trait. awartWd ntr. Nrh-rcat-va when dralrrd. tIH: No. 12 llmiln Kl..wk r. . .juart, AimmtUIc, (. C. ' kblWIjr MISCELLASIXHS. SMALL STOCK. The wnallest sttM-k of goods that ha ever been wen in Ariheville has just iMt'ii re- ceivetlut W. II. LKA'S, 17 North Main utieet, untl ho pretty tintl cheirj), too. It will make the hair riw on your head when you wr how; pn-tty Dickh (ioodrt, HUth jiH -iU'Hh, (iiiighaniH .'liallien, IjUwiis, and Dress iooda of nil kinds. And oh, my! just we those pretty Headed Wnlps. They tue perfectly eximisite. And you mueit w our pretty 151ack Hose in Lisle thread, and some of the best Corsets you ever saw, sm-h as Warner's Abdominal, (JoodLuck, Sun riw, Coraline, Four-in-IIand, Health, jind many otht kinds too numerous to men tion Ladies' Lawn Tennis Shoes und (Japs to mutch The best (lloriah Silk (Jolt Head Umbrella at $1.2 11.50 and fl.90 offered in this city, All 1 want is for you to come und see them and judge for yourself, und if you don' say that they are pretty tun cheap I won't ask you to buy u cent's worth. . Yours very truly, W. H. LEA Sl'OT CASH STOKE, 17 N. Main St. This week it is Men's, I5oys unci .I'liildren's Spring Suits Very low priced stylish Dress floods, Outing Shoes forev erybody, and various items in seasonable goods which we rereive almost daily. II.UEUWOOD&CO Clothing, Dry Uoodd, Shoes), Hats), and Carpets. 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. See our new Spring Suits for Men, just in to-day. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT -AND- NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. lvlcctrlc Cars Putta the Door. 1 herewith notify the public that this day May 1, 1 have added to my well kuowa Res taurant a fine Ice Cream Garden. The same has been fitted up neatly for the oc casion and t will always have on hand the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can supply families at shortest notice in large or small quantities. So conic in good time and have some fine lee Cream and Cakes and don't forget that at tttrauss' yon will get The Beat of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait er, will b pa-sard to serve. Come early, con often, com. one, come all, and give your frknd Strauss a good many calls. Very reaprctfully, E. BTR Al'SS, yfeltr Proprietor. MISCl-l.LASUOL'S. Ill I - I full il 1 1 ! 1 1 1 Hllllll!l-l!lIIIIIHIlllllillini'-ll IJ T. C. SMITH & CO., wiiom:salu -ANU R1STAIL, PRHvSCKIPTION DRUGGISTS Juliiistun?H Corner, A8hcvillc, N. C. IflCHMONI) Ac DANVU.UB HAILKOAD " COMPANY, (Western North Carolina Division.) I'ASSKNOKS UKPARTMKNT, AsilKVll.LK, N. C.Jan. 1, 1HHU. PA8BNC.KR TRAIN 8CUBUUI,B. In Kfpkct Jan. 1, 18HU: I No. B1 No. (S3 Lv. Ashevllle, Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, ' l.yni-hhurK, " WnshlnKton " rialtimore, " Thilu., " New York, " lloston, tiri.lpm 1 -Klpm 4 H7am A 4.8m U7arn loiipm li! -tripm I (( lain Y.i:.pm 7 (loam 920pm HUfiam M I ll lam 10 47am ti 21 lain 1211pm I 8'topm 900pm Riehmnnd, I 3'lllpm Rirnm Kuleigh, 7nonm 1 (lUpm (itddsiioru, Wltniington 11-VTiuin 8111pm I lioopm No. S5 l.v. Ashev.ille, j Ar, llentlt-rsonville, Ar. Spnrtantrg C harlottc. " Columbia, 11 Charleston, 8:iiihiii U-'Oiun 1 1 nonm IS :uiitn ttlpm lopm " (i 05 pm 6 irHtu 1 40pm " Augusta, " Savannah, " Thoinasville.Ua " Jueksonvllle ' Atlanta, M Montgom'y " Mobile, " New (irU-nns 1 oo m 104Opm 7 5am 1 snpm 7 2Q11 J No. 64 I.v. SpHrtanliuri;, Ar. Ilrniternonvllic, " Ashevllle, 340pm 1 to7pm I 70lpm I No. no No. 81" 444pm lopm snopm B 4( Htm 11 4Tium 5 :iOpm "444pm 6 I Opm H.topni 7 loam 1 1 4Tnm B.toptn; 74flpm I No. 04 Lv. Ashevllle, 7 4mn U Jiiarn 1 lopm 6 1 opm 0111am "740am 0 2" in in 1 lopm 7orpm 840pm Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chattan'gn, " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. AsheviLe, ' Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Ltiuisville, ' Cincinnati, Chicago, " 8t. Louis, 6 4lam (laopm 74opm MURPHY BRANCH. I No. IK Lv. AshcTllle, Ar. Wavnesville, " Jarrett's, M2r.nm lofl.lam B4Mpm I No. 17 Lv. Jarrett's. Ar. wavnesville, " Asheville, eoonm 1 Wm 8 4.1pm - Mr Sleeping cars an all night trains. IA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINHI1RN, O. P. A. I). p A. SOL. HAAS. T. M. 11R009I FACTORY. HANFORD N. LOCKWOOD. HANIt-HAIIR Brooms, Vi'hlsks, Hearth and Ceiling Brooms. Mill and Paetnrv grade, a anednltv. nun. tatiitn. and sample, free. febludly J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Main St. frbaodlv JOTICB, Will collect debts for anyone In the city for per cent. Oood faculties for renting; and col lectins; rents on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. J- B. JOHNSON, At Illair'a Furniture Mure, 37 Patton Avenue. wrsrrrncf alveti marlidOm JARIKS FRANK, DSALSS IS FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS Anent for Rrems Creek Wook-a Mills. North Main Street, Ashevllle. N. C. n-bllKlly REAL ESTATE. WAI.TK B. fiWYIt, W. W. WKT GWII & WEST, (Suca-saur to Walter U.Cwvo) I KSTARLISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loaus Securely Placed at 8 rerCcnt. Nolarj I'uli.ic. Cnmmiuiiincri ol Ixxds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFI-'ICK Houtlieant Court Square, Win. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND K1NERALBR0KER Asheville, N. C. Cnn sell yon one million neres uf land, hi truets from 50 to 100,000 acrrs. Hare a number of city lots, improved und unim proved, wliu-h I eau Hell on tbe beat of lernia. If you want a targe or small farm cult on nic. If you want mini mis of uny kind, you need Ko no further. If you want timber lunil, this is hraduurters. In fuet I can suit you in anything you want in my line. rVrvieesofa nrst-clas eivit etiKinecr and practical surveyor engaged to shuw up all proierty when required. 1 have had litteen years' experience in the real estate business, und think I know what will please, fronipl attention to ull Inquiries. kO-Milv VY. CORTLAND, Real Estate llroker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. AGENT, Patton Avenue, barnuru lluilding. febudly D. S. WATSON, Real Instate Agent, (Not a S)ieculutor.) For Sale A large amount of valuuble City Property, improved and unimpruved. For Sale Some fine farming lumls ; also, timlK-r and mineral lands. 1 can secure for parlies buying City Lota from me money to improve the same on most reusonuble terms! '' . Money to loun on good city and country property ! Uttice hours : Prom 8 to 8. D. 8. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Squure, Asheville, N. C. iiutyliO dtf INSURANCE. ' jpIRB INSURANCE. FIUK. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bunk of Asheville.V . ASHIiVILl.K, N.-C. Represent the following eompunies, via. : I'll"!. CAIHI AKHKTS IN tl. S. Anglo Nevuuu, ol Culirorma fj, 4117, Mil; Coniineiitul. of New Yord 4..s7r. : HaniburK-llremcn.of Uernmnv l,12;,tl(i London Assurance, of KiiKlanil..,,. l,n-i,Hliri Niagara, ol New York 2,i!;i7,4(l2 Orient, of Hartford l,H7,li!l2 l'hienix, of Brooklyn 5,OS4,17!) oi. i-bui fire ami Marine, of Min nesota , 1,51,0111 Southern, ol New Orleans 4-;,ix4 mcmcm, oi lorotllo 1,11311,231 miaum Amm-ni Association. vlitna Lile Insurance Company. dtmar2U - -TUB- EQUITABLE LIFE AHguraiiee Society HO. 120 HKDAIIWAY, NBW VOKK. Cash Assets Cunh Surfilus.... . .. .......,p,n., iiiiipi iiiH-ini aau most pro- sn-Hstve Comonnv in the v,ri,i Its Tontine Policies with IS and 20 year """ iwnin iniiH-fi 111 appropriate lorm offer to insurable peraona a two-lold ail van inuc. ProU'etion ARnlnst Loas and A Sec Secure and I'rofituble Investment. E. D. Monroe, Agt., , , t . . Ashevllle, N. C. Office with. ImlKe Aston. icbuadtlm VM. R. PENNIMAN I'ROI'RIETOR OK THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS Aheville,N. C. I. O. Box P. marl ,lil ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, KlMm on Main itrrri aitiiMinrlt 4k. . . offiw. yi Oiwrn ilaHy, except Sumlnvn. from to m until 1 n. ro., and 5 until 7 n. m i iic icrma oi Bunacrtnttiin i daily acts. , nunj.. ai.uu: a mot., xi i mr k.i. Onicers for 1MHU prl,l- a u .. i. .7.'' ' ""' "'on; i.iiirannn, Misa B.I iinun, nrc coniinny invited Mn. n-iinc cnuuoirue and nu-rll, ih.1. "iinnrria. f, l,M.ltf y.B- W0LFB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woi k none. Jobbing and kalsomlnlnn promptly at tended to. with V . H. Wealall ft Co. frh9ilnm I. X. L. MARKET, Cor. Patton Avenue and Depot Street. The Choicest Beef, Lamb, Mutton and Veal la the city. Bntter and Fresh Country produce. aiayil.UOia HOTELS. . ASIIEVILLl- TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tkkils only $l.5u, m.lud.i.a . full day's bunrd at lia- MOUNTALN l'AUK IIOTI-L. The Hatha In Mai tile Cools and Pfrei Nun Tubs are the finest und moot Injurious in America. The Hotel ia NEW AND FIIIST-CLASS , In tiery Particular. UNbXCELLUl) IN ITS CUISINI-. The place is ,i vhttrmlug smjI. nestled among and aheltt redby I'iiie-elad Mouiita ns where there Is no log, no dust, uo mularir. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect droiuuKe. Utjul.'U A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITf.. The Swayne House, One td' the beat In Western North Curnlina. nuuiiinTBiiii wmier resort. Nature's sunitu. rium. Scenery and witter um-xcelled. Terms moderate. GHO. S. BLACKBURN. Prop'r. niarl3d3m J. N. MORGAN & CO., . No. 3 Barnard Building;. Hcliool iukI College Tcxt Hooka, u full line. 'l'cxtK, llin tory, ltoniiince, Diograpliy, Travcd and Novels, Family Dibles, S. S. Uiblew and Tent ainentH, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Hooks of all i( kinds, lai'jrestoc'k .Stationery, Dlnnk Books and Ottice and School Hupiilies,. New line L.auies una uents' I'oeket books just ojiened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. fcblodlv J. C. BROWN, as Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) uprUdly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. H. Dickcrson & Co.'a Hardware Store, under the v f firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO, lIurinK thirty years' experience as under taker and cmbalmcr, and uneuualcd fueilltics lor buyltiK, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly, attended to at all hours. BverythiiiB pertaining to the business al ways unhand fehtadom CESAR'S HEAD IW A IV-U WILL 1IB OPENIill POR TUB 8BASON OP 18H0 ON The First of June. The locution or this Hotel on thesuintnit of Ca-sar'i Head Mountain, an outlying spur of the Illue Rid-, in upjer South Carolina, affords a climate and water uneuualcd. As a summer resort It has no parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70". Whilst its natural scenery is varied and grand beyond conception. Comfort or guests care fully consulted. Livery and dully mull. Basi 1 ily reached from Ashevllle in one duy, or from Hendersonvllle in halfaday. over dcliKhtful roads, through a romantic and charnilnu country, F. A. MILES. mavlSdtf WlNKELMAflN'S 0 0ttr?to- AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASES Of Cholcra. cramps, Diarnhcza, Summer Complaint Dysentiry AND 0THES ArfECTION OP THC STOMACH AND BOWCLS v PRICE 2S CENTS. J. H. sVINKELMANN tV CO SiOLt Ps.rsiETost. BALTIMORE, MD., U S. A. 1 For sale by J. 8. GRANT, Hnwtnn28 A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER, GILDER AND VARNISHER, s prrrutred to do all kind. of Painting. Bring m your old-looking Carrlaires. Bretta. Ror. rys. Buggies, Carta and Wagon, and have them Tarnished or renaintrd. k. ,ni lotik as good aa new. All w ork warranted not to track, blister or come off until It wears off. Terms reason- nble. Shop on Harnett Hill, Kagle fUreet. njarftldGin S