. f royal I::-? 1 N Absolutely Pure. Thin Hwt!cr m-vcr varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomciicss. More eco nomical thull the ordinary kinds, utul cannot Ik.' sold ill comiietition with thr multitude of low lest, short weight itlum or phoHpluitc Iiowtlcrs. Sold only in cans. Kovai. Hakims dwiiku Co., inc. Wall St., New Vork. U&wtnprl7 l'KOFlSS10,AL CARDS. TlIK". I'. L'AVMWOM, ' TllUH. A. JoNKS, ' Kulcigh. J ,. Martin, Anhevlllc. Asheville. QAVIDSUN. MARTIN t JONBS, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law, Ashoviltc, N. C. Will pr u lice in the 1 1 th mid 12th Judicial IliHtrii tH. r,i'd in th Supreme Court of North Ciirolinu. ami in the I-Ydcrul Courts ol the Western District of North Carolina. Kclcr to Hunk of Asheville. duel CM AH. A. MOOKK. .. UUP! UKKKICK IIKIKK & MBKKICK, Attorneys mid Counsellors ut Low, Ashi-vlUc, N.C. Practice In the United Slates Circuit and llistricl Courts at Asheville, Stutcnville. Char- lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at KulciKh. anil in the courts ol inr iwenin Jiltticlul wiscrici ul ine aiucc oi nurin miv inn. Siiecial attention irfven to collection of el:iims. Partnership docs not extend to practice In Ituncoiuue Inlerlor court. uioco T. H. COBB. J. II. HBKUIUON OBB 4k MISRKIMON", Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In all the courts. (Mice: Nun. 7 and H, Johnston building, dtse W. W. JONKS. (tNUS (it 81UIFOKU. UBO. A. BIIUFOKU. Attorneys at Law, Asheville, N. C Practles In the Suierlor Ciurts of Western North Carolina, the supreme court oi inc Stale, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. (Mice In Johnston ImildiiiK, when-one nicin- UCr til IIIC III III VUII oinuji 1 luim. dtntivll JUHNSTONHJDNHS, ATTOH N K V ANU COIINSKLLOH AT LAW, ASHRVlt.l.U, K. C. Prnetlewi in the ttnited- State Circuit uud District Courts ut Asheville, in the Supreme Court at KalciKh, and In the Courts ol' the Twelfth Judicial District of theStateof North Carolina, ann eisewnere, as nis -oi-a iiij be n-quin-d. Ofhce over Bo. Kxpress in, tlendry llloek lanzaou JQ U. DOUGLASS, U. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST. Over Grant & Wiiigert's Drug Store. Kcsidcnce, No. OH Bailey St. frblodly R. 11. RUEVliS. I). V. 8. DENTAL OKKICK In Connally HulldlnK, over Kedwood's Store, I'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew ana-sthetie, and all cases ol irnguinnty cor rectcd. .eui.miy F. BURGIN, M. D. OFFICKi New Gruud Central UulldliiK, over Dig Clothing Store. kl.l7dlm V. KAMSAV, D. D.8. Dental Ollice i In llnniunl Biiililiiig lintrauecs, I'atton Avenue uud Muill Stn-et. feliUOdly t N1!W liliHD. ean-fullv pn-pared by lead inK memliers of the Asheville bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), eo erinif all necessary points, just nut and now on sale at tlieomeeot tnr citihk rnsuw in- w. nrft, i-i.w i'ir. rti""' If any dtler lay he lias thn W. L. IHhikIm nnoS WlI.nouK dbiih nu liriw siuivu the bottom yut htiu down m a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS & ruAr for 4a OnWC CENTLCMEN. K. In Ik. n.M Vv.nilii tils ll.On OKNUINK H ANI-SKWr.I HOK .M( IIAND-HKWI l( WKI.T "HUB. :l.RO l-OI.K'K AND KAHMKHS' HHOB. 24.IM) HX1 IIA VAI.IIK OAl.r tHOH. ... 'J M WlkllUIWiJUtN'U Uliah'.. 4.00and ltOVS' SCHOOL SHOES. All uuski In Cuniirf Mt Button sad Lac W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LApDiRta. Hmit Material. Boat Bryls. Best FltUn. u mn wiiu ur junr uuaicr. write W. L. lM'UOLAH, BKOCKTOIft F.xamlne W. i ItotiKlaM .oo tinoes for uentlenien aiid ituiua, Forsalebv HERRING & WEAVER) 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. jnpl9dly ! In ton 1 1 in-nw ! i.lond t'olsoo of bail l.u. n sl : muted with tm-rmrr, n:u-ti i d purMipsrlllt mittiin , rmvi- -;.. -ill tlietlir 1 bmk 1 1 -nil ls.tlcsH.H H.IUcll cnnil i ! e.nlnlf, nud no sign of tuouraiuiui iiiscmw tms re'-nrimo, J. C. Nahci. -Inn. 10, ': I. UubbyvUle, nil. i r liUiui .1 v.o hsd white swelling lofiicli nii.-.U'i-t tlistthe wiucou-llin-U tu the I' it lor bini time. Mnretii.:!! S) i : res of hone cume outef h r I ', it i' I I'mi diKtors ssld nniiut: -i v -it 'to ctilrrcmwlT pruoli r! -. 1 1 ';:il I 'to operation at dp till .(-it . i.tt. und slie Is now mini di-f.lvii: Ihinst.-tsslheRlthM unrcY.M. ?,ie Asl (isssuso Feb. II, 11). Columbus, Us, Douk oa CIokI Clmuvs sent free. HwinSrecirio Co. Drawers, Atkau,0a. HUSTAIIG LfHILiEflT 18 FOB MAN fi ltKAST. TENETliATES alUtitJLEAJ-'liilUiTOXUKVtKYliUMi mm iu'nini:hm ami i-i.iAti hi: A Mound l.fKUl Opinion. Ii. lUiiiilii-iile Mtimlay County Attorney, Clay Co., Texas ays: "Have used liki-tric IlilUrs with most liaiipy results. My brother iriso wag very low with Malarial l'ever and Juumlic-v, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am sitlilk-il lileclrie Hitlers nuvccl bin lile." Mr. I. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cnve, Ky., adds u like testimony, suyiu",: llc iMtwcIv lelieve lie wiulil Have UR-U, lad it not beiMi for l-.lcclric Hitters. This erc-at remedy will ward ofl, lis well as cure all MalunnI Ihseases, and lor all kiihuy, I.iver anil Stomach Disor- msluirlB uiieiiualeil. 1 rieeJlKiinuj, at K. L. JucuIm. In u fil l's room all roads kail to the ookiiiti-L'lass. For a sale and ci-rtniil miicilv I'm' lever md iiiiic,.tiw Dr. J. 11. McIa-ihi's Chills llld l'cvcr Cuit; it t wicrwuilcHl U v-urc. Tis struma: that we slmillit have licsti KJIs as the result "fa fowl habit. SUILUH'S VITAUZKK is whatyoul need lor Constipation, Loss of Appetite. luzniess, and iillsyinpluiusoi uysjiepsiu. nec IOuikI : cents per Itnttle. CKOl'l', VVUUOriMi V-tMl.tl ami b-ouehitis immediately relieved by aliilolis Cure. T. C. Smith & Co. Would it tie inappropriate to wish a. kin", of horsemen" a Iouk rein? The most delicate constitution can ilelv use Lr. J. H, McLcitii's Tar wine Lunu llalin. It is a sure remedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and Iuiil' troubles. The ervinii need ol this country is u Hick K"te t hut nobody can hung a joke The New DIscoTrry. Von have beard vour friends and ncii;b bors talking iilxi'H it. You may yourself be one ot the many who know Irom per sonal exucrieiice iust how irocjcla thiiiK it If you have ever tried it, vou are ol ts staunch trtcntls, oecnuse tne womicr- ful thinn alMiut it is, tlmt when oik-c kv en a trial. Dr. Kind's New Discovery ever alter holds a place in the house. II you have never used it and slioulil ix; tunicicii wiLh a eotiirli. cold or any Throat, hung, or Chest trouble, secure n Itotthi at once ndivetta luir trial. It is iiiaraiitceil every time, or money reiunaeci. iruti lioitlcs tree at t. L.. lacoiis urug store. A scrintural uuotation by distrusted aw students "Hang all the law and the profits." SIJii:i'Li:SS NIGHTS, madcmiscrable by that terrible couuh. Shiloh s Lure is the remedy for vou. CATAKKH Cl'KEU, health and sweet breath secured, by bluloti s Latarrli Kcinedy. Trice GO cents. Nasal liijcclur free by T. C. Smith & Co. A maiden desirous of a ,swavini figure enn easily aiiain cue buiiic oy husk cacc . . ..ii..:.. .1 I... I isc with a swinging gait. Do Not Buffer Any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, und the first stagesof eonsutni)- tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker s I-.ugbsll Cough Remedy und will refund the money to all who buy, take it ns iter directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. Srmtu & Co. febGduwlw What this country really needs is less scrambling for olhce and more straw berries 111 the shortcake. Parents Criminally Liable. More thnii half of all deaths occur be fore six veurs ol age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are' swcpfncedlessly nwny each" year. Parents are criminally responsible tor this. I lie death rate 01 hildieii in butrland is less than mill tins. Acker's Unglislt llabv Soother has done more to bring this alxmt than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. No, Ocorgiaua. Because a dude sucks the head of his cane is 110 good reason for supposing that it is a sugar cane. Faults of digestion cause disorders 01 the liver, and the whole system becomes (Icranucd. Dr. I. H. Mcbcuifs harsapn- rilla H.-rfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes ill re oloocl "How did you like the sermon to-dav?' Well, it was such a nod discourse that 1 slept through the whole of it." Timplcs, blotches, scaly skin, ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, unhealthy discharges, - such as alarrh, eczema, ringworm, uud ollie forms ol skin diseases, ore symptoms ol blood impurity. Take Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsnparflla. Any man - who ever owned o balkv orse will' tell you that he found the tninial exceeding hard to get along with letter Than Huleide. Professor Arnold suys: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dy icptic within three months by Acker s iiiglish DysiHtplic Tablets. T. C. Smith & Co. febGdawlw Now the Wagner matinee nnd Wagner night are over people will cpitt calling linn v ogner and go hack to the old pro nunciation. No need to take those big cathartic pills; one ot Dr. I. 11. McLean s Live and Kidney Pillets is quite sulHcicnt and more agreeable. Ex-Senator Riddlelx-rgcr wants to Ik- Governor of Vireinin. Is he anxious to have the Governor of North rCarolimi address him officially? Why suffer longer from dvsiiepHin, in digestion, want of- ttpjictitc, loss ol strength, lack of energy, malarial inter mittent fevers, etc. f Brown s Iron Bitters never fail to cure these diseases. They act like a charm on the digestive organs. removing all dyspeptic svmptoms, such ... 1... I I f.... 1......I1 ' iThi. . ..... as iHticniug, iiearcoiirn, oinoiiniiesa, eie. Kemimlicr it is the only iron preparation that will not blacken the -teeth or give headache. Samuel T. Ruby has been npiMiinted United States Consul nt Ilelfast, Ireland. Curious thing, that sending a Kuby to bnicrnltl isle. . Terrible Forewarning),. Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats nt night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Rmith& Co. fcliGdawlw No wonder sea captains are crusty when they ure pilot bred. For lame back, side orchest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. SIIILOH'S COUGH nnd Consumption' Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It curcsConstitnpliou, T.C. Smith & Co. r -ustaeiT, Li:;:r.L-;:T SHOULD ALWAYS BE KEPT IN SHOP, KITCHEN, bTAliLK ANU FACTORY I 40,000 I.OHt. "I lost forty tbiiiisiiuil dulliiis by a ieriodiciil nttack of nervous sick bead nche," said a Cbieuno eapitnlist to n cor-n-sMiudeut, iitil nerosw the Ktrcet to a handsome corner lot. "That lot was Sold liar ten thotma nd dollars ut iulilicaiic aiKtion five yt-iira n;o, mid linlendeil to by it, but wns tiMi sick with he:idaclie to attend the Hide, unci it is now worth live thousand dollars." II he had known id' lr. I'ierei-'s I'lcasant I'mjativc 1'el lets thev wouid have remo-ed the cause of ' his bendm heii bilioiihiiess mid la- would have made the money. Dr. Tierce's l'lciisnnt PurKalive relicts cure sick hendaclic, bilious head- f ache, diiiiiiess, constipation, indigestion, I and liilious attack; 2. cents a vial, by' druggists. I Scvrctary lil.iinc has entirely recovered from his recent attack ol luiubaiio. His back li as not trouble him, but be has j dill'uully in keeping up a front to the world. I "Lord " l'aiiiitteiiiy'ftK'hitls collars ami cull's, tu 8. I-IIrW's, Main St., under ! Swaiiuniioa Hotel. I A man kmiws all nlntul the ''till-Kimc" leeuu lile - paiciit-iuioii me lunviviwe-j tueiils Ssak ol just alter he lias lost ail : liis money at Miker. , Terrible HlauRhter. I Thousandsof lives were tieedlesslv sa ri- j liccd last vear in this country, and other j ivcsaiv lieing as wantonly sacrificed to- j lay. Disease is Grinding. Many lhiwn uto the dust of death, who might Ik- veil. Mark those- initials, Tor thcieby hangs a talc: "G. M. D." They stand ir Dr. Tierce Golden McilR-alliiscovery, which is uneipialcil for imparting vigor mil tone to the,, liver aim Kidneys, 111 lunlymg the blood, and through U leausing and renewing the wliolcsystcin. For scrofulous humors, and consumption (orbmg-scrotula.) 111 its early stages, it is u Dositive snecilie. It is sold tirder a insitive gtmriwteeof benefiting or curing in every ease, on ocing given a uiu 11 1.0, ir money paid lor it will ue reiuiuicti. Oen. Houlnngcr is trying to make him self solhl with the people of Wales by eating Welsh rarebits. black silk round and square dot and hsh drniK-ry net for dresses, at S. IJllick's. Mam St., under hwanuuiioa Hotel. Strange but true: "The quiet marriage" nukes the most noise when it gets out. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so luickly cured by Shilob's Cure. We uurantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvsix-iwia and Live.- Complaint? Sbiloh's Yitalizcr is guaranteed to cure you. I.e. Ninth cV Co. I have a very loquacious burlier. What shall I do to make him cut bis sneech short ?" "Advise him to curl his lip." ' Soo Reward. The former proprietor of Dr. Ssage'sCa- tarrh Kcmcdy, for years made a standing public oiler in all American newspapers of $,"1(10 reward for a case of catarrh that he eould Hot euro.- The present proprietors have renewed this oiler. All the druggist sell this Remedy, together with the 'Douche," and all other applianceadvised to be used in connection with it. No ca tarrah patient is longer able to say "lean not Ik- cured." You get $500 in case of failure. Mr. Wanamnker is said to lie much pleased with Clarksoti. He couldn't have found a lietter man tor Ins sus pender department." Forster's and other makes of kid gloves guaranteed and fitted on the hand, at S. Hllick's, Main St., under " Swannaiioa Motel, The average young man is never so much disgusted with the opiiosile sex as when -a girl lieals him three or four straight games at tennis. Uucklen'H Arnica Hal ve. The licst salve in the world for cuts, bruises, gores, ulcers, null rlieum, fever sores, tetter, chajiH.'d hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and msi- lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlcct satisfaction, or money refunded, l'ltce l.t cents per Ihix. ror sale by r. L. Jneolis. (law The wo'-st of these childs' banks, said a fond father the other day, is that it lakes so long to get the money out ol them when you tire ill a hurry to catch the trnm. Just received silk Ids lloss in all shad for art embroidery, at S. Ivlliek's, corner Main and Willow St., under Swannaiioa Hotel. The Connecticut dairymen are not cast down by the Governor's opHsition in their light against oleomargarine. 1-ot them raise on their banners the motto: "HuttiT luck next time." Cool and bracing The bunko stceier. filve the Children a Chance. , 1 here is something radically wrong with the Health ol a child when it seems listless, has poor or -no npiietite, eves sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing tlicse svmptoms the child has worms, nnd nil that it needs is some simple remedy, such as II art's Worm Cream, to exiiel the worms, and the child will soon Ik in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones huve a fuir chance lor lile. A big horse is seventeen hands high and a big elephant is seventeen feet high. The Klt-Mt (iymptoiiiH of Uenth 1 ired tccling, (lull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the iit of the stomach, loss of apM?tite, fever ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of ixiisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be puri- hed to avoid death. Acker hngbsh Blood I-.bxir has never tailed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic masons. Sold tin dcr positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. fclrduw1w A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUIt PRINTING Ah you want it and when you want it. CITIZEN PUBLISHING CO, HUSTAIIG LlfilOEUT CTOE8 HOLLOWfTOTtN, CAKED BAGS, GliUJJ HOOF imI5 IN CATTLE I mmk- "3 Presents s he most detent l(-o THE LAXATIV wo NUTRITIOUS wUlOE OS TMI FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, .Combined with the medicinal, virtues of plants known to 1 most beneficial 10 the human - system, - forming :au nrceablu and effective laxative to jH.rniu--, nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many Ills tic pending on a weak or in ; ti ; ndition of the A'BSEYS, LIVER tD CCUILS. It is themoM exec lleni rcmeily Ioiom n to CUUISE THE SYSTEM EfFECimU Whca OM i or l'oni.Mi-! MtTHAT y PUHt BLOOD, REFRE8HINC SLEEP. HEALTH und TMKNOTH NATURALLY fOUOW. livery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VCKIR UHUOQIST FOR ers-n-rri op pigs MANUrAOTUniDONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL 10UI8IU, Kt KW YORK, f. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F.S. 1JLACK, 66 South Main Street, OppoHitc the Swunuuiiou Hotel. A line hue of SuithiKM tu Hc-tcct from. Leave your order for a ierfect fittiiiK Huit. ARUEN PARK IIOTIiX AND FAMILY COTTAGES, 014 miles south ol' Aslicvill.-, on the A. & 8. ruilruiul ia now oR-n lor the seuaon. KATtiS. I'errinv a OO Per Wi-ek , 12 00 'er Month 40 00 For circulars ndilrem THUS A. M0KKI8, frop'r, mnytfcltf Arikn. N. C. FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet Offered. That deiralile huuac, I'uiituiiiiuK t'iKlttecn moms, now aiiproavhing completion at No, 20 Cluyton street, will be ready fur occu pancy nnd FOR SALE OR RUNT On or ubout the 15th day of June. It Is es pecially acluptcd to the uses or a private boarding house. All persons interested arc- invited to cull nnd exumine It this day. Terms, which are most reasonable, can Ue had on application to Ts W. PATTON. mayt'l! dtf " ' " THli CITIZEN PU1SLISIIING COMPANY, No. ( North 'Court Sijusii'f In luvpaiiMl to do hif-h-rnid work nt LOW RATES IJfJcaiiHo they have u FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. UUSTAKG LINIMEIIT ClIRKH PILES, HWINH, CUTS, COUNH, JiiiUliSKH.tllHJlLAlNaAi'KUbTUnt.h CNCARNED INCREMENTS. neollic of ArlKlH hiiiI IkM-t.int l;fr-rt-tl by thti lllEKl'U "I "' AlHrkeL, Wliati vera paiu'i-r niakc-u by wint- mg, from 0110 point ol view, tl is oli- 1011s that bo earns, bo inuch skllb-d nljor cxc-bangi-s f-r so mui ll niom-y. ow let us supixiMj that a xnlruil ixiiiiter. wbii) bis skill has conic to malurity, discovure,. by, what Adam Smith calls Ihu biggling of'thu iimrkc-l. ml the value of one of bm MirtnutsiH .W. und Him sUtU) things eotitliiin-8 for ten years, during each of which bis time has bc-eu fully occupied, lie has MiiiiH-d, we will say. onu M)iliiul a month, and bis annual income has bewn 2,4iiO a year. Now, every one mid admit, iiidotxl. 110 one could Ic-iiy. that tho NiiiiU-r t-arued ly Ins kill just what bis skill was worth. The world has known what be could mxliiiHi, and tbu judgun-nl of the orld, wbicll in Ibcwo eases is the ul timub' con rt of ..apiK-nL.lias. W'Ulcd ihe- value of the prcKlnt-l 1 Ills applies, I say. tu the llrxt b-n mir during which the world litm iiown bun. At the end of this t riod, however, wrbnn cliangw begin U) dovidop tlu-nisc-lves. A new art critic has arisen, who has eclueuU-d the public la-sto; a c-onsnli i-.ililo uuiii her of ininii'iise fortunes have been inudct, tbu iMimmsonicif which have all ' . 1 .: . ... 1 ..11 ..r .1 , I IIICMII UITIMI1- taslC-K, UIIU Ull Ol llll'UI wtuit to have tlu-ir iMirtraits painU-cl The coiist-ciiieiit-e is thai the intiulor. isli-ad of having as formerly twelve coiiiiiu.ssioiis u vear, bus now sixty Ho cannot cxec-iitei n ii lie cannot ex ecu to more than twelve., Tbu conso ut-nci-is bu bus to raise) his price, and instead of ructiiviug f'KI for u portrait bu finds that be literally bus tlioUKUiid lliriisl tiiMin bun. thus his income rises from t'2,4(HJ a year to ,,,,1 mi . . 2,uui. 1 neit) is an iiiureiuviii 01 . t'H.tiOU. W but bus been the cause of this increment? ilas the painter been the cause of it? How can that hef He does nothing more than ho used to do. Ho is able w do nothing 11 10 if than be used to do. Ue works 110 harder und no onger. lie bus no more skill. And 't llivre is an increinent in bis in- omeof 9,(500. A similar phenomenon, and one equally fnmiliu., shows itself in the case of doctors. A doctor at some spa bus a certain recognized skill in dealing with a certain class of com plaints. His loo is a guinea, and bis time is fully c;cujiixT.. As years go on, however, un increasing number of rich )uople overeat themselves, and como to tho wuters over which this doctor presides 1'ci'hups a king is unioutr Ibem, whom be happens to cure of a stomach ache. lie is ut ouco beset by putienU from every quarter of Lurooo. and ais fee conseouentlv doubles itself. This increment is no norotliieto tho doctor than a similar increment in the painter's cose is due to the painter. To quote Mill's words, they have neither of them 'worked any harder they, have neither of them risneu, iney nave neither 01 mem 'ecQUOijiizoil" The increment in their incomes litis come to them, "us it were, 111 their sleep. It has come to them in the natural course of things -that is to say, 111 tne doctor s case, from an increasing mnnU-r of rich men gorging, in the painter's case from un increasing uumber of rich men alfecting it taste for urt, in both from people in general Ix-iiic creese enough to follow the fashion. The National Kovtew. ArtlDclaJ Flowers. Artificial (lowers are now niiido bo perfectly that they aro.fiic-siniiles of the natural so much so that the most critical cannot detect the diirereneo. It is the mi'o now for Indies to wear llowers, und the poorer irirls, who ai-o equally as ambitious us the weulthier ines, ctinnot oltoni to replace llowers every iliiy, or twtco u uuy, as tasliion lomui ids ; no tiiey tn-t a utiiich or uiu (iiul. vicili'ts pr a cluster of pink roses, and, tu carry out the ellectof iH-rfect-. iy natural Lmxmm, a lew ifi-ec-ii leaves tro ohUinetl ut a trivial cokI irom the lloristund twined ubout the artilicial llowers. The rt-sult is iici-fcct ami true totht'ciNLMiiul ell'ttt. Many of the (low ers you see on tlie corsuffoof bello and lieauly ure ai'lillciitl oin. flowers ure cousiilcivtl by some to be vc'-y laudable extruvuL'ituco and tiy others ure reKitiHeU as a sinful extra vuj,'ai ice when the iu uuIlimicci is too lavtwh. lor iiiiitaucc. tho late Mrs. Drexel, of I'hiludeluhia. who was very inous and generous. mil who had all the wealth to "ratify her love for llowers, considered them in her Kcruiiulous soul as an extrava gance, owinirto their brief existence. So whi-.ii she wished to present How- uiu to decorate the allura she. ordered quantities of urtilicial ones uiado by the def t hands of the House of Good Bhephiitl, itnd would present these Imskets of exciuisiU copies from na ture, instead of tho i-eul ones, which would only last 11 day or so. tJU Louis U lobe-Democrat. Quite as Well. A series 01 ruiirotui notes simnijer md truer than lictiou, und rtiiiLaiitr from L'i'iive to irav, nught easily be made by uuy observant traveler who lias occasion to be much on tho roau. "Wbei-o be you coin'. Mis' Steele?" In quired a farmer of an old lady, as he took a sent beside her in a car. "Oh, I'm coin' to see Josiah's folks. anu surprise em, returned she, beam ing up ul I mil. 1 never let em know 'mcoiiiin'.v I like to drop in on 'em." lies see, Josiuh lives id Lowell? "No, in Great Falls. - It's Maria that lives in Iju well. "Then you're on the wrong train, Mis hteelol VV liatuver was you think- in' of to cct aboard this, inslid o' the 9:20?" For an instant Mrs. Bteelo looked at him wildly, as if she might pull the bell rope or even Jump from tho train. Ihen a smile broke over her feutures. "Whut's to hinder my coin' to I well then, to see .Maria?' suid she. "Mitfht as well surprise one as the t'other But, Deacon Merrill, you jest iiici your iijis light loceiiu, anu Uou t cc;it u 111151 Deacon Merrill was but human, however, and somehow or other the story got o it. - Youth's t'-onipuuion. FITS CUKHl) I1V Ol.I) KI'llClAi.UST I'HYSICIAN. Bottle of nic-illeinr Free. We wnr runt our remeilvtoeurrthe worst eases, ami the only physicians whoilo this to prevent your Ih-Iiik imposeii . upon iiy men iislnit false nnmes nnd who are not lioetors. Hreaiise others fnlled Is no irasoi lor not uslnif this meilieine. Olve lixnrena Mini Post- ollii-e nilrlit-ss. It costs you nothing. Adiliess Asnhel Medical llureau, iilll Hrimilwny, New Vork (nnV7iiwlT MRS. . STIiVliNSON llns rrmovrd to the Inhnntim fttiiMhttf. Vtii tm nvrniir, corner of Chtireh utrert, when' h in prepnrccl to ktrn rt'K'tlH- or trttnniiiit bonrdrrn. Table furniniird with the brnt the market nfTordn. Tcrmnnnsnnfiltle. nmrHt flm vmitm immn HEAlit) 1NFLAMMTH)N, OLD HOIlES CAJUil) liUKASTii -cjXJT ill 11- I MISCELLASEOVS. Climate 1'iiMurpasM'd. 1,500 Feet Above Tide Water. Flue mineral Hpriuga Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. 1 m $:" $r- Z m.M - J&w i ''S3 SB M k K4 Tim "HICKORY INN" i built of brick, stone nnd iron. h.is fill modern iniiirovt'inentrt. Electric Uolls in each room, Toilets on ewh lloor. Is elegantly furnisluHl throughout, ('uisino and appointments unsurpassed. SKYLAND BlNCOMniJ Skvlantl Spring in n new nort, laid off In Iul1ltnir totn, elvht mtlm south of Ashcrillc, oa the A. & 8 KailruuU ami the HcndentonvMe I'ikc. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-Heveu 8iHnjjt. Chalyln-ntc, Alum, Iron, purr, cuiu Hiitl ncultn giving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "nil the year 'rounil." with low nitc-s and liest of rooms anil fere. Kc-vc-ral Ituildin'S urt-koiiik nil- Saw Mill nnd 1-ur a short time, enotit lots arc ofli-ml very low to sc-ttk-rs or investurs.. , Uruncl views, level lots, wiilc streets, ure air, 6ue water, OTIS A. 3IILLER. Proprietor. niHYlo THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and WHISKIES, 1 BRANDIES t AND i WINES, Ever Brought 1'iirilis u ibliiiiK u liooJ urtivlv for luinlly or give me cull. kesoectiultv, Frank lliar.'llilly CLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail And I'utlertakerkt. l'lniiipt MlU-iil inn );ivcu to ull orders Residence t 39 Mildly 7 SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - E M,B AIMING SPECIALTY. 31- -31 PATTON AYKNUir.- P. II. Ilrewton will attend Calls Day and Night. marttldlT immm liihueiit CUHKS U1IKUMATLSM, LAME BACK A.N U BTlr JU1NTA UUU IN lLUU) ' Elwtric Litrht-H. lias and Hot and Cold Water ISutlmand SPRINGS COVXTY, N. C r liwomt Sulphur, Xlaguesia, and Frccfltonc I'lanc-r making lumber nRht In the place. dfirn Largetit Stock of to Asheville. other purposes, will find it to their Interest to O'llonnell, Prop'r. Furniture Dealers, tiny or uii;lit. Pcnlaud Street. DIRECTORS, AM) S II I P P I N G -31 uusta!:g li::i:;z::t (TTlFfl FOOT KOT, HIIOltT.fiat TtoT, BCJliKW-WOHM AND SUAU L.N bitLLT (

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