TIIII DAILY CITIZEN Will he pnhli'hed every morning (rcrpi MuB day I at ttic loll, wing rale mtrtctlf cmmH: Vmr...................6 0O I Mutuha. .... 8 IX) Three Montiu l.RO t)lW Mrwith nl BO One Wees. IS r carriers will dciircr the paper every nnniini m every part at the city to our sub scribers, and panic wanting it will please call at Um Citiun Odice. Mew AdTertiaenicata. Ladies" ParaUhinga-atia Barak Ellick. Mr. FtarMn at GrtCMboro. toe unouwinj nuriman, 01 Mon day, says: Although the rain had not only cooled the atmosphere but also dampened a number of scats under the gospel tent, the eager crowds pressed in at an early hoar and the apace was duly tilled at herrtotore. The eenUemniily ashen packed the seats so as best to economue room, and evenr one was , Blade as comfortable as the circumstances would permit. The simplicity, clearness and kieical force of the discussion seemed irresistible, and for a time the silence was almost audible, the hearers spell-bound under ' the persuasive powerof evangelical trmn. it was do new gospci, out ine oin siurv told with new unction and enforced with new ana apiirojmate niuiimiKni. i ik cAect was fine, and a larire number of persons remained for the after meeting. Mot Responalblc for Dance The A. L. I. Pair committee desire to say publicly that the dance carried on at Ray s warehouse after the close of the fair on Wednesday night was not only without their consent but was directly against their reiieatedly expressed will, and was also in .opposition to the wishes of one of the proprietors of the wore- bouse. To have thus turned ourentertainmcnt into dance in opriositton to the wishes and convictions of many of the K"d pro- pic ol the city who kindly aided us in lurnishinii and manairiiiK the fair would have been to be guilty of a piece of double dealing, not to say treachery, which we wish to distinctly disavow. - Tendering our heartfelt thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly con tributed to the success of the fair, and refraining front any expression of our opinion ot the young men who imperti nently intruded m getting up the dame we are, respectlully, etc., A. L. 1. Fair Committkk Thirty reel Down a Well. Hickory Prass-Carollaiaa. While Mr. fierce Haas was drawing water at the well last bun Iny his little four year old daughter was leaning against the box which hud been removed the week before for cleaning out the well and had not been fastened. As Mr. Bus leaned to pour the water from the well bucket the box fell over leaving an own ing into which the child pitched bead foremost about thirty fret into the well. The well is thirty-six feet deep and had five or six fret of water coming near the top of the rock wnll. The child struck the wall and has a severe cut on the back of her bead and neck. It seems mimcu lous that she was not killed. Her father called to her to catch the well rope wnkh tlie dni and held until he went down and - got hold of heft- She is doing well, but bad a narrow escape from death. Cannot Con This) nniunier, Rev. 0. C. Rankin yesterday received the following letter from Key. Sum Jones which explains Itself: - Cahthhhviixe, Gn., May 27, 'H9. My Dear Hro. Rankin: Yours of May 21st received. 1 am very triad to hear from you aguin and wish very much it were possible for me to give you a date this summer, but 1 have looked over my engagements and find that I have scarcely a day left to myself. The lortl willing and we live to next summer I will reserve date for you 1 love to work with you. With best wishes 1 am, irn ternally yours. Sam I', J onus, Tho Vm. ' The regular monthly meeting of tltc Y W. C. T. V. will be held in the ohnstoii Hall at S o'clock this afternoon. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Visi tors welcomed. Tableware. All needing anything in the way of china and glass can find great induce ment to buy now at Law's 57 und Oil South Main St. A splendid assortment of tea sets and dinner sets in white or decorated goods at the lowest prices. All Nortbcniprk-esduplicatcd, saving you freight and breakage. LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, PIumIich, Wliit(Jools. Laet'H, Embroiderii'H, Hih boiiH, Art Nmllt'work Mate rial, HandkorchiofH, Coi-HotH, CiIovoh, Honiory, LiuHcm' Un derwear, LainurtHiuiiiH, l abl Covens, Pillow Shu tun, TitlieH, etc., etc. IjOhhoiih in Art Eni- broidery and Statiminir fit to all who inin'liaeto material. kid U loves fitted to the hum ouimpmg uono while you wait, at SARAH EIXICK'S, Corner of Mala and Willow Mtreets, under Hwannanoa Hotel. ' THE ASHEYILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN or TII8 W. N. C. Baptist Convention. A Paptr Dtrutnf to tot Inttmf of tile Dr- momlmmthm in It'eatcra North CaroMua. 1.50 Per Year, lu Advance. Avsrtiainc suae limited, Kates msdc kaowa spun application. Address ABIIBVILLB BAPTIST, ; mnylldlm wly Aahrrllle, N. C JOTICBOK INCORPORATION. Notice la hmby given that letters nf Inoor nnratloa wen thla day laaucd to "The Firms Broad Lumber Company." The pur poses of the incorporation are th haying, riling, owning, holding and dealing In stand ing tma, ttmtier and lumber, timlwrnirn's materials and supplies, and timlier and other laads, and tbr manufacture and aalt of lum ber and fnralture, etc. The place of hu.lncaa ia Aahevllle, N. C. The amount of thrraplial la S 1011,000.00. Ttwnamhrrol aharrala l.ouo and the amount of earn than ! One Hun dred LKiilara, This May jr,, ihhii. i W. T. KKYNQI.IIft, . dlt C. B. C. Buncombe Couuty. FOR BALI! t AT RUGBY GRANGE FARM, FLETCHER, N. C Tkro,ighlred Trlterrd Short Horn Bull, "tloTemor Hnle." price HM. Throuihlirrd Dcrkihlra lloar (not rrirlt. tctvdj, pi 10, . aiarSISdn 8UI GHTKRINO WOLYI J. An Old Time Hunt In Macon County After the Varmints- Atlanta Constitution. Clayton, Co.. May 29. A Inrire num ber of men front-this county and from Macon county, N. C. met on the Nnnta- hdla about a week no for thejurpoe of tilling woivcs. 1 nunwiuy nifm came and passed, and no trace was bad of the wolves except one wolf was heard to howl on the l'inniu'le Thursday night bv llcn- ncrson Unily and others, which caused them to return at once to the camp. Friday morning was ckar, anil the drivers, with theireuuipment Jhoundsand guns, manned in single hie toward the place where the wolf was heurd to howl. Soon they readied the place, and every effort was made to raise the desired ani mal, hut only a cold trail could be bail Slowlv. but surely thev followed ita trail till late in the afternoon, with no suc cess. Here some of the party. nettniL! worried -t-Bot- tinning the wolves as numerous as they had imagined, re turned home, leaving hunters yet in the woods. After consulting the foreman. Iitsia-r Hopper, who was an old and eicrienccd hunter, in regard to wolves at thisseuson of the year, it was divided the hunters arrange themselves in purtK-s of about tnree or lour in various places on . the mountains und learn from the howling the wherahouts of these wolves. Tins plan put the pursuers in possession of the idea as to where the cunning wolves were. , Next morning at five o'clock tlic signal gun was nretl by v. . f. tarlnml lor even' standi r to go to Ins stand in doulileiinck time. After sufficient time was ullowcd for all to get to their stands the drivers shouldered their arms, and. heini; led bv the foreman, made their wuy toward tlic mountain iiiie laurel, me place where the wolves had their den. They readied the place very soon and loosini; all dotrs. bidding each dog as tiny untied him to nrgh-on. Everything was us still as a graveyard for a few minutes. All at once the hounds, closely followed by tla-ir mastrrs, were upon the den of wolves. Here for some time no description can I given of the fight. Men were hollow ing ut tlic tops 01 llicir vok"cs, and dog howling for hie. After a while the men reached the den where the dogs und wolves had just ended one of the most terrible fights on record lietween dogs and wolves. Although the fight was a rough one, only one dog wus killed and two wounded. "Now Uvt the young ones," said one, John llnidlcy, beiti" the first to get to the den, laid off his shot pouch und crawled in to where the little ones were. Soon he counted out seven, nil mules but one, thought to lie aliout a week old. Meanwhile the hounds that had escaped a shaking were chasing the old ones back and forth through the laurel. Soon the reiKirt of a shot gun was heard that would have shukeu tlie wnlls of Jerk'ho, which only seemed to give courage to tlie dogs. Shortly alter the rtKrtofa rifle was heard tomix with the yelping of the hounds up tlie laurel, which was a fatal shot fired by a Mr. Nk'hols, almost instantly killing one ol the largest wolves ever setn by the hunters present. Just how many old ones tliere were is not known, but there were certainly three. l-ow Katea to the Mate t'lilverNlty Centennial. Round trip tickets will he sold by the W. N. C. K. K. CiiaR'l Hill mid return for OisIV fur -adults' find- for child ren $3.15. On sale from May 31 to June 0, and good to return until June 10. MISCELLASEOVS. See the new SatineH at the "Kaeket Store." Some love ly patterns. A new lot of UibooiiH, all widtliM und hhiiden, in l'lain, (iron drain and Moire at "Uaeket" prinu. Quality the bent, n'uv the lowent. All the Standard Novels at the "Kaeket Store" for 10 eeiitHeuiJi Itetfula r price, 25 fiints. Brass riaeciues, Puiier Holders, Corner Ihatk- I'ts, Towel Hollers, and a thousand and one household eon ven lenees at "Kaeket prill's." Swaiinanuu Hotel. Unexcelled culianc. Popular with tourUti, families and buxinow men. Electric cars puu the door. BAWLS BKOR, fcbldly Propr1. The White Elephant Crop last year was very Uu gv, and having elosetlouttheear of ' lturbunk's TotattM's, we now offer a ear of White Ele phant J'otutoes. They arc very tine. Trico 75 to 80 eents. ThoJJ pound I'l-eain l'eaehes aroall gone. We still have a few eases of the Jl pound Pie IVuehes at 10 eents per ean, and also a few eases of the 10 tvntw Corn, but wil probably lie out within tin next ten days. We are offering some siie- eial priees in Soaps, Starch, lUueing, IHaeking and Ci gars. POWICIX&SNIDER GRANT'S If your pmeriptiuni are cunixnnilrd at Grant's Phar- . " mucjr jroo can pwiitirrly de pendi upon thrae facta: Kirat, that only the Fureat and fleat druK and chemicals will be uaed Second, tbey will be compuundi-d carefully and ac curately by an experienced -preacrlptionlat ; and third, yuu will nut br charged an exorbi tant price. You will receive the brat Kxda at a very rea- DRUG sonahle profit. A full line of Patent Medlriiica, Toilet Arti cle, Ayer's Kecamler Prepaia tluna, Seolt'a Electric Curlers, etc., etc. We have the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Med!.- cine. DkVAULT'B OLD HTANU, 34 8. Main St. t PrcKcriptloni delivered to "any part of the city frw ut charge STORE. rsinOd'JI Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Priday, March 1, at fl.SOa. m Car leaves Court Hotiac 8. 30 a. m " 7.(MI " " " " HJMI " " " " UIMI I'mm then till 7 p. m. car Icavea court houae every an niinutra. Alao, t ar Icavra court houae at M OO p. m anu v.w p. m. FAHK. PIVK CKNTR. A IIISINICMSLOT For Sale at Auction. WuHMlurday.at ism., juii I, lH8c, I will aril at the court houar, a ' Fine BuhIiivhm Lot, With one-hub of brick wall of No. 67t North Main afreet. MIk of lot UAxlAll tn-i. Tcrma of safe! One-half caah, balanwin 1 month at a per cent. Intereat. Title crfect. C. g. CtMIPHR, mays dtda an gouth Main atrcet All eyes lltted and lit xnaranteed. A com plete atm-k of the above aooili at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, S Sdl'TII MAIN 8TKUHT. flenll.u' preairiptlona a aimlalty. fcl.U7ilnm J;l VATB BOARD, A frw board rr eaa tw accommodated at 911 l Avenue, mayiodlm WKs. W. W. KULL1NS. , TLANTIC COAST LINE On and after thla riatr ihr r,.n.,in -kl ulra will lie run over lta"Cniimhla llllon." r.u. on icavra ciiiumirin' n ilo p m. ' . Arrlvea al Chnrleatua V.SO n. m. NO- 0!It1bv Charlralon . 7.10 a. m. Arrlvea atColnnthla M.AAa. m. Cnnnn-tina with tralna )., .n.l (V.. .ii point. t, Charlolta, Colunihia An ul and Colnaibla M Umatilla Katlruada. 'lially. T. M RMKHMON, (Wa. aaa. Aat J. f. KB VINE. Oca. pi. " TO MACKINAC Summer Touns. Pslacc SrtSMtss. Low RTt8 Four Trip, par Weak Set w. n DETROIT, MACKINAC IjsLANO raloakay, Sauli ri. Mart., and Lak. burua W-jr Porta. vary Wak Day H.lm DETROIT AND CLEVELAN D BrWial MMslajr Trips JaM Jmj, nmi tW(4. Double DaJIjr Uu Be wrti CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATCO PaKSHL I, aafcw ana amura! n Tlokv. Mil b-i ni nuliad bj jranrTlok.1 aniil, i r..lT. . t. B. WMITC0MB, Q. P. A., DttaoiT. Mich.. Ostrolt and Olsvaland atsam Na. Co. nmylNiltf rH'S 0"HSV', VVy, D'L It? Ir ir'Oi tO cATch ,t R 'TeVITmI-D yu T.,aT,TpA, 1U u y n UrO rit ov Oi N GrlP A 0 P ,11 S n eel Wif r M A. D. COOPER, Ilo TU al 111 LC .... ur I - n r n de Ub 1 0 A L N 'imcB. Notice la hrrphv uIvm tUm n.....uL... Intrlv ralatiiiR Iwtwcen T. W. Thraah, P. II Tlira.h. Ma. I.imlun .i w t n k ti!v " A'bevH'e, under the Arm name ol i nrn.n. ni.iiKn k u , waa diaaolvetl on the iiHToi may, ifotu. ny mutunl conarnt Mai l.lndnn anil W. I. Iluuirh aaauminii nil ilehta due bv the Hnn. the navmrnt of All orraona inilclitpri t tk Hm. m aettlc at once. m.v'JN d:iut E. FOGETTE, Architect. Plana and aireincntions prepared and rati- matea aiven, at short notice. Office: Wolfe Bulhllni, Court Houae Hnitare. Anhevllle, N. C. mavAodtv GEO. KIMI1EU, 6ENERALC0NTRACT0RAKD BUILDER Moaaie Tile and Cement work aacclaity. Orstea, Kangr and Bolk-ra aet. nulldinas moved and repaired la Aral ilaaa manner. Heweniire, Urainam and train for the same thoroughly undrratood and promptly at tended to. (MBwi Wtitl Bllllng.ConrtHonae!.iu. Aaaevlue, N. C. aiavaodlv ASIIEVILLB ADVLKTISLMEXTS. DONT ORDER From yourfirotrr, oven for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT j - DwauHe it i made in Anhevillo, "YOU KKOW," L llut wo pledge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can bo made from any iniortod Flour, 'j ELECTRIC LIGHT 1h the mont popular Ht might goods in this market. iVtik your Jirwep-ftn tlip-lovf Drandw, tnamifartimHiby the ASIIEVILLE MILLING CO. II. T. COLLINS. President. ASIIEVILLE ICE C 0 Li P A U Y. Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office: IiarnarJ Juilding, Pattou Avenue. ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Sujierior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale und ltetail tifficc: Harn.ird Ituililing, I'atton vipie. Yard: Old Depot a HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Fluent and ltlot Fatriilonable OoodMlu Our Liuct Wculso have the clitiicst. Cull anil sec us. W. U. MARX; frop'r. Kl'HUS DAWSON, Sunt. ASIIEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO,, MANUFACTl'KKKS OF Satth, Ooors), IlIliidM, 9Iouldiiig;H, Floor! ng, Celling and all Kiuda of Mill Work. llnrdwoud interior flniah a apeeialty. . aprt'fl dim OAK STREET INN, ASHKVILLE, N. C, nrautifnlly hx'ntrd In a irnrve if onka and white pine, with no duat or noiae, at the cor nrrolOHk and Woodnn atreeta, near the Female College, and only three aouarea from the court houae. We have a numlicr of eleimntlv-furniahed roomi to Bcromtnnriiilr Inankn t.. .ii . nii. quiet plnw, n way from the hotcla. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, 6rst-claaa vuv.ni(, v iiHuuuuw ji iwa. aiiu, nui nnu 10111 uuini, Dr. T. J. IIARVAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND" MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and Inteat Imnroeed methoda for treating chronic dlaeaaes of the lunui throat and noae, hy the Inhalation of vaiMiriied and atomiacd riunl. h. the iiH. ii,,.tl.. ..... compmnwd air appnrntua; alao Oimpound OxKin In conneition with the yaiwriicd Bol aam (the hnlanin olitaincd from the natural balsam treea mar Anhrvillr I We alao mnnutiu-ture a Home Treatment ol the Comiound Oiym'n, whkh la, ngual to niv ..m- tre-mmcKi, .uu wm w m-iii on npjim'iiiiun oy capreaa, on receipt ol price, i 4 (lur aurcraa here for the aat three yeara with thia treatment haa been phrnomennl, hav inn enrca many i-aaea mat were pronouniTU noirifaa, wnoae namea and reaidencea ean be oiiiHinru oy 1'nuinn ni im rannnnum. ny K-niiiaaion we refer to the lollowinu well-known ininono w niim-viiir ; n. j. naitin, ra-mayor; j. n. area. Clerk 1. b. Court ; Ker. O.C Ran kin, paator Pi rat Methodlat Church; Rev. W. A. Ntlaon, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T. T. J. HARGAN, M. D. THE "BONANZA" THE I.KAIIINU . , ' V WINE AND LIQUOR V. STORE . IN THE8TATK. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIAUD R009I. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEYILLE, N. C J. A. M AKUl'AHDT, M'K'r. E. E.EACA.N, Sirreti, irv D. C. Waddcll. President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam, CaaUicr THE BAI1K OF ASIIEVILLE, ASHITVILLI IS. C, DIRKCTUMtt I T. P. SAWYER, T. . I'ATTON. . O. MARTIN, w. W. BAKNAkl., . L. CARROLL, b. C. W Alllll.l.L, OKU. W. WILLIAMS, of WilmiuKton, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FlO $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shade and Patent Hangers, l'uinta. Oils and Varnishes, Masurys Mixed Puluts uud Colors. Window Claaa, both French and American We keep in atock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. tcbodly LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doulilcday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS,""- IToORS, Olasa, Putt,, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shin., I.nth., Pcndag Pouts. All kind, of BulldinK Material. . W-Orders will receive prompt attention. feblOdly w. T. PSNNIMAM. PENNIMAN & CO. -JOBBBKS AND flBALBKS IX- W. . VBNNIHAM. J H1A1R1DJWIAIRTE ASHEYILLE, c. AGBNTS FOR DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, M0LINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. frliUdlj' .;. -; .-. - - - - I.HW1S MAIimiX, l'res L. P. McLol'H, Vlce-Pres. f. B. RANKIN, Ca.diler, IHSSCToss: Iwla Miulilux, M. I. Ilennlen, M.J. f&KK, J. Hi Kuiikin, J. B. Kuy, J. K. Reed 8. 11. Ktvd, do. S. Powell, C. M. MiLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK A8IIBV LI.U, N. C, PBHKl'ARY 1st, lbUli. Organized Muy 1st, JH8K. CAPITAL, fso.uoo. . . SURPLUS, 5,ooo 8TATB, COUNTY AMI CITY UBI'OSITORY. 1 A" iNaa a (knirul Itttiikluv; Huaineaa. I lepoaita received. Kxehungc bouKht und sold. Col- lections made on nil aecewible points. The Saving Feature w ill receive special attention On nil sum. in this di purtmcnt, deposited lor four ulonth. of longer, interest ut the rati of percent, per annum. will he puid. - Ski-IhI attention itivin to louns on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real sonnlile terma, 0RS from 0 a. at. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving U i urtmint will be open till p. ni feb2du WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANtlFACTIlKKKS OP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fino In tvrior FuuhIi, Mantt'ls, Etc., ashk villi:, n, c. AllKNTS KllK Tlic lluckrve I'niiiii. Steel nnil tin SliiiiK'cs, I'loor and Ilcnrtli 1 ilcs. R-l I A 1 3 ACKNTS A op (iyrltit's Patent SlicatbiiiK Lmli - ASIIEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, ntone Rlocks) and Tllesi, exiTedlngly band.n.e In appear an, of varinua dealgns and colors and very durable lor w alk in yarda, sidewalk., floors for Public Buildings, Halls, Porches, Kntn.ni, llaarment. Ilul.hcr 8ho(M, Ac. Dpeetnl si, colors and deaigna for HBAKTHS. Ilandaome Carriage P-locks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND 6000 BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Samples of Mocks, etc., ean be seen at office over J. H. Iiickerson s Hardware Store, i Public Square, corner of Routfc Main street. P. 0. Boa B.'l. C, I. MOODY. Anything lu the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, IS Pattnn AVwa...o ' frbKKltf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE HOOFING, ARCHITliCTUKAL IKON WORK, Plans and Specification? Furnished on Appllcatl on We have thorough ttcchanii, in -ch line who have had many year,' experience In their bualnew. We can uely guarantee our patron, satisfaction in our work, . low figures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. m fcblfMly C. II. CAMPBELL, Manafaclnrer and Wholeaaie at.in- UINGKR ALE, CHAMPAGNE CHiKn. LEMON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS.I factory, ai7 pay wood HI. n " THEJ WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEYILLE, K C For the reception of patients stiflerinjt nf diseases of Inns and throat, and conducted UM.n the plan ol tliesanitaritt'sat Ccrlwrsdorf and Falkcnstcin in Oct. mnny. Ours is the only such institution in tlie United States, and endorsed by the leading rocmlicrs'or the medical proft-ssion. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. n. marUUdaui