t:::: daily citizen Will be rmbH.hed r-rrry mfmilm Irscrnt Moa day at the fotlawuig nm-tuxU auh: k Year .. ft) OO (Ml Months. .. ....... ......... 3 IMl Three ,11 i 1.60 !Hi Unl , , , , 6J Oac Week. 1 Uamrrim will deliver the paper every morning la every part of the city to our sub scribers, and parties wanting It will please, call at tac C truss Office. MARkl Ttt BV TKl.iXiRAPlf. Mw Advcrtlaea ealaV Lost B.J. Ward. Poand This Office. For Male W. L. McAfee. For Bale Laace, Aoctioaeer. Groceries, etc. Powell at Snider. Notice Depot Street Impaeaablc. Money and Becarltlea Cotton -Provtalona and Produce. UMl tKD .RCt'RITIRS. Nrnr Yon, May 31. Exchange quiet but itrady to arm. Minify easy, 2a2l.. riub-Treaaury balances Gold, $I53,H2,. O0; currency, fl7.4l4.tNM). bornnmnt bonds dull hut steady 4 per cents, f l.tttt; Vi per cent, f 1.07b- state bond. none received. Ala.ClaaA Slafi limmNOPac. lstmor urtVi lulled Mate Igaal SVci-vlcc Ma. Uoa, AahwTlllo, M. C Latitvde, tS.M Noam. LosorrT-nR 83.26 Warr. Blrvatior. 3,860 Parr. MrAeaeoloffica report for 24 hoars cadlag t t-p. at.. Ma 1. 1b. Koetaera Bipoaarc, Shaded. lam 7aal2na.upaM JLl -U 6ujJ8B 1 3-8 Mia. I Daily Mean. Tia I Spat I Bpm 8H fo I 86 BL:HCMtbltY.rABorHlTMIMITY. 3 n f Daily Mraa. Dally Mean. TO 7.7 J S.616 : T A0MBTBII PRBCIPITATION. Corrected for altitude id temperature. Bala laches. "Dally Mean. . o ao.oo tL. T. RUCK, at. D Observer. The Star. Glen Alpine Spring will open for visit on Jon 15. With the (Treat increaie of business in Morganton a bank ia an absolute neces- Electric lihti have liecn placet! in tlx cotton factory and arc working like u charm. Married, at this place lut Sunday, Mr. Thomas Lowdermilk and Mrs. Ida Amos, all of Burke. Kev. II. F. Rentier officia ted. The snpreine conrt on the 10th inst. affirmed Judge Roykin's decision in tht case of Wilson vs. 1'rarson. This putt Mr. Richmond Pearson, as executor foi bis father, in for about $7,500, and end a lawsuit that has been in' the courts foi about twenty-three yenrs. It secures tr tht heirs of Charlie McDowell all that fcimras property known as the Otiakei Meadows, or McDowell farm, on tht Catawba river one mile from Morganton. It satisfies Moj. Wilson without interler ing wnn incite neirs, wnicn it wm thought at one time would have to bt done to bring the suit to a close. . Front Thick aa a Knl Blade. Fran ilia Press. A heavy frost fell in certain sections ol the county lust Wednesday night and at was formed about as thick as a kmit blade. Corn was bitten but will corm out again. The fruit was more or lew injured. Tin-re was a slight frost in Franklin the same night but not enougl to do much damuge. This is about tltt Utest frost within the recollection of Hh oldest inhabitant. ted action Work Hold. Charlotte Chronicle. The Tiedmont Reduction Works at Thomasville were sold at auction Mon day by the receiver, and were bid off hy the company's attorney at $29,000. These works were erected for the ma- ntwlation ol ore from the Silver Valley mine at a coat of $100,000.. A log rail way was built to the mine 16 mile distant. There are as yet no indication! mat won win ne resumed. Miss Florence Little that was, tht young lady of York county, 8. C, who distinguished herself last fall by secretly marrying young man named Minti, and next week marrying another suitor Dr. D. C. Atkinson, has been arrested UMn a warrant of bigamy sued out by ner nrst nusnanci i tauier. Tableware. All needing anything In the way ol china and glass can find great induce ment to buy now at Law's 57 and 60 South Main St. A splendid assortment often seta and dinner sets in white or decorated goods at the lowest prices. All Northern prices duplicated, saving you freight and breakage. , J? OB BALI AT AUCTION. A marble top, solid walnut, handsomely earred sideboard, with oval mirror, will lie sold at aarttua by Lance to-day. aware, aomeooay. A bargain it L08T- A Ladles' Black Pockctbook, nn the mart irom toe court nouae to the win van llonar, oa Wednesday, Mar ail. The Under will bt rewarded by returning the same to K.J. WARD, Junt diit Wlnynh House. FOR SALE ! 20,000 Salmon Brick Knqulre of William Bailey, at the kilna ol the late I. Wallach. W. L. McAFEE. Juald3w N OTICB. IWPOT HTKhHT lMPAHnAllLH. Owlna to the hcavr ralna the briilu lriot atreet waa IniumI to an entcnt that rcnuirea Ita complete renewal. The public win tase notice tnat tne trert will lie Im passable antll Monday nest. Ala. Claea B. 6s.. 1 1 J Ua. 7a, mort log N. C. Cona.. 6a.. 12a N. C. Cona., 4 tin a. C. Browa's... UN Tean. 6a .107 Tens. 6a... 1113 Tenn. act., 3a 7S t Vh-irlnia os. 4H virinniB v. i... an Nortkwcatera .112V do old ...142 Del At Lack 14 uric. Bast Tean.. N. V. Central 1ok N. At W. pfd IWS Northrrn Fac.. '.'!, N. F. jrfil -.. 67 racincjuau an Heading 47 1 Kuh He A lit Ill, K. at W. I'uinL. 3S Kock Island...-. UUV. ot. Faul 74W do pfd 11A4, Te. PaciAc 2H Tenn Coal Iron S7S ifH44jCnin Facinc 63 loPt. J. central nil MISCELLAXEOrS. Si' the new Sutinen ntthe 'JliU-ket Store." Some lovi'- ly puttenm. A new lot of libhoiiH, all wiiltlm . mid HhadeH, in Plain, (hot Crain and Moircat "lUwket" iinH. Quality the bout, juice the oweHt. Lake Shore lia'iMo. Pacitk 74i Hon., Cotton-seed I HI j CcrlllkslM..... 60 Mem. Char... 66 atob. Ohio...... 11 Maah. a Chat... Asked. cottom. Livsaroot,. May 81. Noon Cotton nuiet, with very small buainrss. American midillinK 6. Bales 7.0UO; speculation and eiport soo Receiota H.ooo. Americaa 7.600. Futnm doaed weak atdecline. 3 P. M. American mlddlina. 6. - Kales to- day Included 6.IXIO American May 6 6.1 64. sellers; May and June 6 63-A4, srllerii; June and July 6 63-64. sellers; July and August 6, buyers; August and Heptcmber 6 63-64, buy- October and November, o -, nuycrs; rio vemlierand Heremlier, 6.12-64, value; He li tem urr 6 6U-64 sellers. Futures closed dull Naw Voaa. May 31. Cotton Arm. Hales to-day 618 bales; middling uplands lit-; mid dling Orleans 11. Total net receipts at all ports to-day 1,024 Hiporla to lireat Hritain 37M; Continent 4,133. Block 2U1.6NH bales NSW Voua. May 31 Cotton Net receipts SOO; gross 1,060., Futures closed dull. Hales 2H.SOO bales. 7 June...4.10.61at0.62Dec tt.MRa 9 H6 July . ...... lO BHHlD llUiJan U.li:i t 4 Aug.... ...lo.74alil.7nlfeb iti.uiaiii.iix Hctit 10.14al(l ldlManh loollalo.lll Oct 9.MMa 4 HUIAuril.......lll.l7al0.1M Nov U.K3n U.H4I UiLVKsTon. May 31. Cotton ouict, iOM; receipts .ih. Nosrol.a, May 31. Cotton steady, 11 receipts 60. Baltimobs, May 81. Cotton quiet and tcaily, 11; receipts o. Huston, May ol. cotton iuic t, 1 1 y4a 1 1 n, receipts 71. WiLUiaiiTOM, N. C May 31. Cotton quiet, llIU: recelnts 16. FiiiLAiiui.riiU. May 31. Cotton flrm.l 1H; recelptso. Havsnnam, May 31. Cotton quiet. lOVJ. receipts 12. Mkw OuMtANs, May 31. Cotton quiet, 1; receipts i4. kloaiLa, May 31. Cotton qukt, 10; re feints 1. M rm pit is, May 3 1 .Cotton quiet, 1 0 1 1 -1 , receipts 37. AiiousTA, May 31. Cotton quiet, 11; ceiota ID Ciiaki.kston, May 81. Cotton lirm, 10; receipts 2. PROVISIONS AMU PHIIbt'CR. Cincinnati, May Bl. Flour dull nnd heavy Wheat quiet No. 2 red Mo. Corn lirm No. 2 miied 34Vfca35. Onts barelv strildv No 3 miied 2nu2n. Fork quiet, 12.121. I.uril 6.60. Mhiakcy steady 1.02. ST. Louis. Mo.. Mnv HI, Flour, quiet anil tradv. Whrut irregular No. 2 red chhIi 76ja'77; June 74U. Corn higher No. 2mlnl I'snh 31j,n:il'; June !. Oats Hrm but dull No. 2 chkTi 2:in23l4. Whiskey 1.1)3. Haltimomr. May 31. Flour nuiet and lirm. Wheat Houthern sternly; Fulti w.'tauo, Lonuiierry MnuUO; Western hrm; No. 3 winter mi niiot K-'HKa1'.. corn riontntrn active and firm; white 40a43; yellow 40u41; west cm Hrm. Ciiicaiio. Mav 81. Cnsh unotntions to- ilay were as lollows: Flour steady. Yihent No. 2 red 77. Corn No. 2 U:i;1ln.'l4. OhIk -No. 2 21uJI'. Mess pork 11 mm II Mr, Lard B.H7l,yirt 70. Hhort ribs ft.7oan.7r.; Hhouldera ft.UUaaft 2S; abort clear II 00a 6.12. Whlilkcy 1.02. NNw VciKK.May 31. Houthern nourqtilrt Wheat unsettled and lower No. 2 rid H tore. Corn weaker No. 2 404.; May 41. Oatscasier May 27. llois firm. Coftee luirvly steady June IU.4nHl66A. Mugin raw firm and quiet Molassrs foreign strong. Kice steady anil quiet. Fctroleum quiet and teady. Cottonseed oil quiet Wool Arm and quiet. Fork quiet and steady. Keel ham Mtronger. quoteti 14am. L.arti eapier nut dull western steam 7.07V. Freights Hrm Cotton 7-64U. Oram ;o.,ii. . I'ND. A bent handled hlcknrv walklnucane. The owner can have same by applying at thlr umve ana paymg lor auvertlaement. LADIES' KEW FURNISHING STORE. SilkH, PliiKhe4, Whit(.oods. LactjH, Em broideries, Uil bon. Art NwHllework Mate- "Hill. lTHniikorYllifiI filfu.iru - J ...... . V ...I ' J - ' I I - (iloves, HoHiery, liuditw' Un derwear. LarabrequiiiHuble Covers, Pillow Shams. Tidies, etc., etc. Ieon8 in Art Em broidery and Stamping free to all who purchase material. Kid GloTes fitted to the hand. Stamping done while you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of Mala and Willow Rtreets, under Bwaaaanoa Hotel. TKE ASHEYILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OFTHB W. N. C. Baptist Convention. A Paiwr Iwrolcd to e fntcmta ot tin (V aoastoatfoa at rVeelrra North CaroHna. f t.o Per Year, In Advance. ATsrUstag space limited. Rates made kaowa apaa appHcatioa, Address ' ASHBV1LLB BAPTIST, Btaylldlmwly Ashcvltle. N. C. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Having uiHK)HtHi ol t no ear of White Elephant Potatoes, we now offer at cost what we have left of a ear" of Haeon We uo thiH iii order to ilosi out the ear and make room for another. If you wish a few cases of the Corn that we are offering at 10c. jer can call early as we will soon be out. We have only a few cases of the Pio Peaches left at 10c. iier can. While bav nig your attent ion drawn to these special barga ins do not lose sight of the facthat w carry the largtst- stock ( Staple and Fancy (iroceriei drain, Hay and Flour to Iw found in tho State, and ca offer sMcial induceinents to wholesale or "retail buyers. With a big, clean stock, bought for cash' at the right time, we defy cometition. POViaL'& SNIDER Court 8MHrc. All the Standard Novels at the "Kacket Store" for 10 cents "each. Itegular - pri-e, 25 cents. I5rasH Placpjcs, PuiKr I Iolders, Corner Brack etH, Towel Kollera,- and a thousand and one household onveniences at "Racket prices." , Swanhanou Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business men. Blectrtc ears pass the door. RAWL8 BK08., febldly Propr'a, GRANT'S If your prescriptions arc compounded at Grant's Phar macy you can positively de pend uMn these facta: First, that only the Purest and Beat drugs and chemicals will lie used Bet unci, they will be conqioundcd carefully and ac curately by an experienced preMTiptionlst; and third, yon will not be charged an exorbi tant price. Yoa will receive the best goods at a very n-a- DR U G i 'Habit profit. A full line of I'Htrnt Medicines, Toilet Arti cles, ryer's Kecnmier Prepaia tlons, Hcott's H lie trie Curlers, etc., etc. We have the agency for Hum phrey's Homeopathic Mrdir ciiics. Its VAULT'S Ol.ll BTANII. 24 S. Main St. FrcscriptionR delivered to any part of the city free ol charge STORE. ramod'jlv " Schedule Street Railway To take e fleet Friday, March 1, at 8.30a. m Car leaves Court House 6..10 a, " " " " 7.00 " " . " ," .....H.00- V " 9.0O From then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every so minutes. Also, ear leaves court house at H.OO p. tn ana v.tiu p. m. FARB, PIVB CBNTS. A Bl'HINlCWS LOT For Sale at Auction. UnHMtunlny.Ht ism., June i, iHSia, I will aril at the court house, a Fine HttNlftcRN I,ot, With one half of brick wall of No. B7t, North Main street. Silre oriol a.lxinn fret. Tcfum of sale: One-hnll cnnh, balance in 12 months St per cent Interest. Title perfect. C. 8. COOFUK, may" dtda an South Mala street. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. tLACC STCAMtRS. LOW RTtS Four Trip, par Weak Bet wen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND stusasy. Bsull St. Marl, and Lsks Uurua W ty Ports. Rvsey Wa.lt Day Bntwssn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND tawtaJ cVuKo." Trf 4nf .hum, Jtiljr, An ansl $mf. Double DI).T Uiv Bsiwr-on CHICAGO AND 8T. JOSfcPH, MICH. OUH ILLUSTRATEO PAUfPHL T, Hsu. .nil Si.nir.l n Tlrks's will ti'fn iibhd by ,vur Ttok.i Arfsiit, pr s,'il .n t. B. WHITCOMB, 0. P. A., DlillUT, Mi,,m. , Oatrolt and Olsvaland Stsam Nav. Co maylHillf rH'S D "Sv,t LoOk Wy, D"L L ? It F'U E 0 1- 7,1 SY.. " p. n '. T T I A 8 iu n it nil y J " Ilia T p y ASHEYILLE A DYER TISEMEXTS. DON'T ORDER From yourOrocer, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT - Ikrauso it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," 15ut we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can le made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT - Is the most popular straight goods in this market. isk your U rocer for Hie above lira nds, uianufy cl u red I y tin ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. II. T. COLLINS. President. b- t.LAt.AN, Secretary ASHEVILLE ICE C0L1PAI1Y. Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office: Barnard Uiilding, Pattou Avenue. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SuiH'iior Hard aud Soft Coal at Wholesale and Betail. Office: Itaniard Ituilriing, I'ntton .v-nne. Yard: Old Ilqiot HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKEET. While we Have the Finest and Most Fashionable Uoods in Our Line, We ulsu buve tbc clicaK.st.. Call uutl sceuh. ...... J W. B. MARX, Prop'r. Kl'FUS DAWSON, Sunt. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO. MANUFACTl'KKKS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Celling and all Kinds of Mill Work." Hardwood interior finish a apeditlty. Hir'Jdlm OAK STREET INN, AHHEVILLH, N. C, Beautifully ItH-atcd ill a erove of oaks nnd while nine, wilh no ri.iMl or n..!.. ih. ner of Oak and Woodlin streets, near the Female CoIIckc, and only three squares from the We have a number of eleicnntlv-furniiihcd room, to accnmnimluie li.inrd.-m uhn h...i nice, nuiet place, away from (the hoteln. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first class VUU.IHX, rcnnoimoic prices.1 Ai.o, nut null cola natns. Dr. T. J. HAKGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND" MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseawa -of the lunisi ......... ...... trj ..xmia.iuii wi tbii,iiku niio utiifiiiccu nuios ny tnc pneumatic anc compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in conncotioii with the vaporised Bill sam (the balsam obtained from the natural linl.am trees nnr Ahviilr i We also manulacture a Home Treatment of the Compound OiyKen, which is, equal to v.v .i.a.uiirH., nun w in or nrni on HyjiilCHllon oy ciprcss, on receipt ol pncc, Sl. Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been iihi-nomennl hv. ln cured many cases that were pnmnunced hopeless, whose names and residences can lie obtained by callliiK at the Sanitarium. By (irrmission we refer to the following well-known p""""1 "!"" .; r.' ( es-mayor; j. is. Kcea, tiers I', s. court; Key.O.C. Kan 'n, pastor First Methodist Church; Kev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T vwuiii"! .s(. nnn ri vsilinuu, T. J. HARGAN, M. D. THE "BONANZA," TIIV ft. m a, U of A " V WINE AND . LIQUOR . STORE . IN THIJ STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND IIIIXIARD ROOM. J. A. MABQl'ABBT, M'K'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEYILLE, N. C All eyes Atted and At guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above good, at GRANT S Dill G STORE, SU KOI'TIl MAIN RTKItltT. Oculista' prescriptions a specialty. feba7(lm TLANTIC COAST LINK .k. a. ii i . . . ... ...... n... . ,,n.. .iv xiiiwinn M-nen- ules will lie run over Its "Columbia IHvision." no. oil i.rnvni i omnioia-. ,.,. 5. ail p. at. U . rt v n.iir.,11. H .ill U HI. No. Oil leaves Charleston T 111 a. at, nmTTs ai.ontmoia li .nna. m. , ' r V " mini all point, oa the Charlotte, Columbia a Aa "u " tolu,nW rnville Hailroails T M BMnxnoN, Oea. Fas. Art. OB y O M u y u 6cc CS pr iP o ' rO nt ov Ol Ns, Gr I F K p F nil a ii cell, Ui, t m A. D. COOPER, N"TH 'W ,U.,',C S'VLi OTICH. N Notice Is hereby itlven that the partnership lately riKtlnt between T. W. Tlirio.li, '. II I hiuKh, Mat l.imlnn and W.J. HouKh.ofthe city ol Ahevllle, under the Arm name of Thrnah, I lough a Co , was dissolved on the day of May, 1mn, by mutual consent, Mai l.indan and W. I. Hough assumiuK tile Int vmenl of all debts due bv the Arm. All iM-rsona indebted to the Ann wilt iileaae settle at once. mnvUN daut E. FOGETTE, Archlteet. I'lnna and arciAcatlona prriHired and esti mates given, at .hurt notice. OfAce; Wolfe llulMIng, Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. maySOtlly G1DO. KI9II1ER, 6ENERALC0NTRACT0R ANDBUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work aspccialtv. Orates, Haugrs and Hollers art. j llulldliiK. moved and retmlred In first ebon manner. Brweraa., UralnasT and tim ftir the Mme thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. omcet Wolfe BulldluK. Conn Honor auae, Asheville, N, C, BiaySOdly I.BWln MAIillt'X, I'rca L. P. McLOUM, Vlce-Frcs. I. B. RANKIN, Caihier. I)irrcto:-UkI Maddux, M.J. Hcanlen, M.J. Fngg, J. B. Kankln, j. It. Kay.J. B. Reed 8. H. Rccd, Oeo. 8. I'owell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASIIB LI.B, N. C, KHHRUARY 1st, lhHU. -Orgnnlwd May 1st, 1HNN.- CAPITAL, $so,uo. . SCRPLCS, $S,ooo 8TATB, COUNTV AND CITy Ulil'l IS1TOK V. IKies a General Hanking Buainrss. Iiepoaits received. Kichangc bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive hcIhI attention. On all sums In this department, deposited lor four months or longer, interest at the rate of 4 per rent, per annum will be paid. Bpedal attention given to loans on real estate, which will lie placed for Ions time on real sonahlc terms. Open rom 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Ou Saturday the Saving IH; arttncnl will beopcnlill H p.m febiidtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Sutxt'Snors to Hurt & Williamson,) ' MANI'KACTI'KKKSOP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MouldingH, Stnir-Work, Kino In terior FiniHh, MnnU'ls, Kte., ashkvillf:, n. c. I), c. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cashier i THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, AtiKNTH PON The llmkt've I'iiiiii, Steel ami tin SliinrlcM, Klmir ami Hearth Tiles. I iltily Alii. NTS ft llVus. OF U.vrkit's I'ntetit Slicathinj; Lath ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIKF.CTORtt I I. P. SAWYER, T. W.I'ATTON. I.U.MARTIN, W. W. BARNARD, I. L. CARROLL, ' U. C. WAKDI LL, HBO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C. - DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Ilank in Weflern Caioliiia. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE S1ATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SMS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealer in Wall Paper, Window Shadcitaud Patent HauKcrs, Painta, Oils and Varnishes, Masury'. Mixed Pohits add Colors. Window Gloss, botk French and American We keep in slock St. Louis and Kentucky lad. I IcbOdly LUMHER YARD. ' I. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doiililctlny & Scott,) " - North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Sliingles, Laths, Fencing Pouts. All kind, of Building Material. " erOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. fcblOdly W. T. rRNNIHAN. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOBRRRR AND DRALRRS IN- W. R. 1-KNNIUAN. H i A R i D W rA , R , E T ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGBNTS FOR - DUPONT POWDER CO., - - - RICHMOND 8T0E CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., um, nitnUKT wawns, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC N'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. febodly AiiythliiS in the Jewelry Une at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, 18 Pattmi lvn... fchlfldtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ell - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. i Portland Cement, litone Rlocka and Tllea, ocredlngly hnnd,,me In w.r. snce, of various deign, and color, and very durable for walks In yards, sidewalk. fimr. for Public Buildings. Halls, Porches. Kn trances, Basements, Butcher Khopa, ftc. Sa-eial aim. color, and design, ft.r IIBARTH8. Handsome Carriage Block.wlth name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE Sample, of Block., etc.. can (warm at office over J. B. IHcke,",.'. Hardware Btore. on Public ftqaart, eorner of South Mala .treet. P. O. Boi 83. . C. E. MOODY. ataraedaat ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. 4 Plans aud Speclllcatlon.- Furnished on Applicatiou We have thorough mechanic, in each who have had man, year.' experience ta their busluc. We can .aldy K-arantee our patron, satisfaction In our work, a low figure.. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblddly C. II. CAMPBELL, I INI-liD ,""f,","rer"' W"ll.hlpn.( OINC.ER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, UJJION SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, IIAkhuNATlD WATER IN SIPHONS.! P. O. Box S4. I nclory, S17 Haywooel Hi. " THEJ WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHElLLE,-ft C. For the reception of patk-nls siihVrinK of ,linrH!(C, f Iuhk and throat, and conducted upon tlie plnn ol the sanitaria-. at Ottrlgrstlorf n( Falkenstrin In Orr. many. Ours is the only smh Institution In the United States and endorsed b, the leading rncml of tlie medK-al profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. R M.