Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength nml wholesomeness. Moreceo notuleal than the ordinary kinds, rnij cannot lie sold in eiHiiKtilion with the multitude of low test, short weight nitim or phosphate itowdcr. Sold only in cnnti. Kovai. Iiakino WiwiiKa Co.. KM Wall St., New York. IKwtiipM7 professional CAkim. Tiikii. I'. Iiavimuin, . Tims. A. Pinks Kulcixli. J. (. Maktin, AshcviUc. Anhevillc. JAVllSON, MAKTIN c JONU8, - Attorney! and Councilors at Law, " Asheville, N. C. Will ir i. liee in the 1 1th nnd 1 3th Judicial IHHtrii'tH. hi d in the Supreme Court ol' North Carolina, and in the Federal Court of the Western iiintriel ol North Carolina. Kefer to ilank of Aithrvdle. dtset CHA. . Moons. WVt M KKHlCKi rtHJKB & MBKK1CK, Attorneys and Cuunnelloni at I.bw, Asheville, N.C. I'rnetiec In the United States Circuit nnd restrict CourtB lit Anhevllle, StntcHvillc, Char lotte and Orecnslioro, in the Supreme Court at Knlcich. and In the court of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro- IIIU. Sueeiul attention id veil to collection of claims. Partnership does dot eiteird to practice In Buncombe inferior Court. - . dtuc3 T.H.COBB. J. 0. MKKKIU0N. OBB 8c MEKKIMON, Aliiirni'yB iinii .uuuwiiuni ni uuw. I'rnctlce in all the courfs. tlfliee: Nos. 7 and H, Johnston building, disc . w. JUNKS. roNiia & shui'oru. OKO. A. SIIUKOmi. Attorneys at Law, . , Asbeville, N. C. l'rnctlcs In the Suiierior Court of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Kiulc. and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston ImildinK, where one mem- OCT ol lilt mill cuu uimnja in. ivuiim. dtllOVl 1 - ' JOHNSTON 1! JON liS, ATTUKNSY AHU COUNSKI.tOR AT LAW, , ASHHVIL1.B, N, C Practices In the United Btutes Circuit "Aiiil 'district Courts tit Asheville. in the rircmc Court at KalciRh, and In the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of theStuteof North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may lie required. Office over So. Express Office, Hendry Work laiiiiiiuti Jf H. DOUGLASS, U. I). . DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN STf Over Grant He. WlnKcrt's l)ru Store. Kcsidence, No. UH Bailey St. fculudly It. 11. KB liV US, D. U. 8. tfl Couually Building, over Redwood's Store, l'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, wlththcnew nuivsl helic, and all eases ol irrcKtiliirily cor. retted. icbi:idy JJ F. IHJK01N, M. U. OFFICE I New prand Central Uulldlnt(, over llig U ClolhiuK Store. fell 17dl in ""m fTkamsav, v. u.s. Dental In llnrnurd Buihlinit Bntranees, Fatton Avenue nnd Main Street. feli'Jlldly A N'i'W lintcii. carefully fireiwred hy lead a. ins members of the Aslicville linr (on - finest iMirchment and henvv flat imiikt), eriiiK all ncccssarv points, just mil nnd now on ante at the otnee ol tne citizkn itiilish ,m M. l Sm-lh ...irl ,f,iw. Ilinl rfkHvMalflt-MTi h 1iasth W. T.. Tlnnrli Rhors wlllioat aam mm! prloa stamped on 1st bottoiiiff uui uiiu uowu as m irauu 'iswtn V7. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN H.it l 11. vapI.1 1rMmtti Ills SH.OO OKNIIINK HAMl-NKWM) HH0B M.nO IIANI-HKWK.II WKI.T hllOK. IXriO I'OI.H K AND FAKMF.KM" MIOB. 4iH and Wl.7. llOVS- H( HOOL SHOES. All nuufci In Confrmss, Button and Lac, V7. L. DOUGLAS T.iSi lit riiviifiiiii'is winrtn'f )iiiii-rii)-T"i-r'"-"-J ,.ltas WXntat. JtostirylaJkiiArJtttsMjvJ0 If suiL Mill iv vwr flcaipr. Writs T ri. 1m iaa.uutsi anwAivni sssinas Kxanilne W. I.. DouiilaM li.nn Hiioen lor iutleiiien ana l.auiem For sale by IDKRRINC. & WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C , jnnlOdly For tv 'i ye. r.t 1 1. 'I rheinimH-:;iHih lit '.' Itul.mbliil i.-.cf. tv nml e II.:. iml i v tin j tsd f r a v'.io!'! y-ni, Ulirli R V.' Ir'.l t '"! ' cj-.nld noti V rn ' , luisli in ,1 ..t! ! f'Wltoi'l 1 t 1 I I i niov.'Mv. K' il"l, rii'.uei d bt li i I klirioliil i, V.i itn.' "cd liy I c I j V!i: nnlv to urnw Wi-n-c. Finally I lonk Kwlfl'd Upecinr. ami rci Is "its I liiiprove. After hl!e w.:sat my orU, i nil t'tt. Isvt Arc mnnllM Invo tnwi vri-ll si 1 mirvus ill from lua ellucli of Hwilt's Hjiociae. .Tnn-i Rt, Jan. 8, WHO. Ft. Wsyrni, 1ml Booki ou llluod sad Pltln rHnmi it-.illifl fnu -wiw lirnurio Co., Hants, (is Ion 1rfa.h"r.rl CUSTAIiG LIIIiOENT IH FOTt MAW A BEAST. TENETTtATES iUSCLE & FllilUi TO TiUl VEliY LONJi Bl eI.Nl..S A Nil PI.ICAMI HH. SHILOH'S YITALIZHR in wlmtyou ittvd lor Constipation, Loss of Apictiie, 1'uini-ss, and all symptoinsof Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 mits per bottle. CKolT. WllOUl'lNG COllill nnd Bronchitis iinuivili.it fly relieved by Shiloli's Cure. T. C. Smith & Co. The spring lias lieen li.uk ward; but iIktc is nuiinj,' htukwurd ulxiut tlie Spring 1'al.uc at Dallas. Mr. Thus. M. Dawson, speiial iitfciit lor tlie Vacuum Oil Cm. of Km-lM-ster. New York, wlio has been in the city for the imst few days, has scored another point lor his well known company liv avctirmt; the contract with tlie lilcctrie Lichl and Power Co. for their supply ol 'tuuriciilinji ils for one yeur. Thin speaks well for ictiuin oil. , Tlie Memphis Appeal savs adiourmiij' was the last thing the Tenner fctfs- j :iture ever tin!. ; No need to take those bur cathartic nils: one of Dr. I. H. McLean's Liver iml Kidney I'iltets is ipiitr stitlictcnt nml ilore .iLTceiilile. l-or sale by r. L. Jacolis, rrugnist. Clara Were yon out callini; last evening? Clara's Iluslmiul No; why? Clara Because you talked in your sleep last night and said: "lliveine two curds. .' Clara's Husliaud Is that all? Chtrn Then you said : "I'll come in." Clara's Husband Yes; 1 made several calls wisu I hutltft. Cart-li-HH Molliera. Many mothers have iieruiitted their hildren to die before theircyes when they might have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle ol vkcr s hnulish Haliv hootlier at and, runs a risk which slic may some time regret. It has saved the lives ol thousands of children, and is doing so very year. For sale UrT. C Ssinitti Co. A convict in the Connecticut State prison has privately contitletl to tne Warden tin.' fact that he is a guilty man. It is needless to say that the Warden was astounded. Flamlnir Fire in the Velua. We hold iMisitivc proof that Acker's Knldish Blood Elixir cures nil blood wii- sons where cheap sarsaparjllas and st- ealled purifiers' fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who cull at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. tmith & Co Customer Vour neve brand of cigar? is first-rate. You should advertise t;iem well and they will sell largely. MniiU' cturer Yes. I mean to have tnem widelv pulled. . .. $oo Mot Called For.' It seems strange that it is ncccssarv to persuade men that you can cure tueirtlis. eases by ottering a premium to the man who fails to receive benefit. And vet Dr. Sage undoubtedly cured thousands of eases of obstinate catarrh with his "Co. tarrh Kenledy," who would never have apj)tit'dTo .liiIn,if it had not been- for- his oiler oi the above sum for un incurable case. Who is the next balder lor cure or cash ? Chorus of His Wives (to a Mormon husband starting for Paris) And you will lie taithtul to us, darling f Husband .fJfXes, d darlings to some ot you any now. Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, unhealthy tliscliarucs, such as eatnrrhi eeisemaj ringwwtii, alld 'Other lorms ot skin discuses, are symptoms ol blood impurity. Take Dr. J. H. Mc lean's Sarsnpiinlla. For sale by. F. L. Jacobs, druggist.. Now that Uncle Jerry Kuskhas shown the farmers how to mow, it behooves him to show them .how to raise their mortgages. HIie'B Much Older Thau HerHus band." We heard a voullir L'irl make the above remijSTk the other day about a lady with whom wc are slightly acquainted, it was not true, vet the ladv in question actually docs look five years older than icr husband, ullhoiiLrh she is rcallv several years his junior. She is prema turely agco, ami luncxionai tierangemcni is the cause. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription would cure her, ami should be recommended to her, ami to all others who are in the same condition. If the reader of this chances to lie. J.l similar sufferer, let her get the "Prescription." It will bring back her lost beaut v, and, liettcr still, it will remove all those dis tressing symptoms which have made lite u burden to her so long.' Money refund ed if it don't give satisfaction. See guar antee printed on bottle wrapper.- Humanity very much resembles the succulent and seductive strawlierry, The green ones generally go to the bottom, If disease has entered the system the only way to drive it out is U purify and chricll the blood. To this end, as is acknowledged bv all medical men, noth ing is better adapted than iron. The lit tilt hit herto- hits been -that" iron t'Oiild not lie so prepared us to lie absolutely harmless to the teeth. This difficulty has lieen overcome by the Hrown Chemical Company of Baltimore, Md., who offer their Brown's Iron Bitters as a faultless iron preparation, a -positive cure for dysiepsia, indigestion, kidney troubles, etc. St. Peter (sternly ) Young man, put uwav that note book ana iienctl. New York Reporter You will have to excuse me; but I am due this afternoon at a New York seance, nnd this article will lie a clean "scoop lor our evening edition. . Fh ults of dikfstlon cause disorders oi the liver, and the whole system lieeomcs deranged. Dr.J.H. McLean's Sarsapa- nlla pcrlects the process ot digestion nun assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. "Doctor, if a pale young man named Blinker calls on you to-day tor a pre scription don't let him have it." "Why not?" Vile wants something to restore his npiietitc and he boards at my house." SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable fcy that terrible cough. Shiloli's Cure is the remedy for you. v CATAKKll CUKlvD, liefilth nl sweet breath secured, bv Shiloli's Catarrh tiemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector tree by T. C, Smith & Co. Miss Frances Willard says thnt con stitutiomil prohibition is in the air There's where it ought to stay, How Doctors Conquer Death, Doctor Walter K. Hammond snys "After a long experience 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thinls of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and eon siimntion might 1 avoided if Aeker'i Knir iah Couirh Kcmedv were onlv care fullv used in time," This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. smith at co. .lUSTAHQ LHllUrilT RHfiTTf ,T ALWAYS BR KEPT IN HHOP, EITCUEN. BTAJJLB AND rAUTUUI I Iletttr Than Illoody Itattlea. Ciencral Whcatcrotl Nelson Siiys: "My ex-rieniT in the liiifilish army us well us in America, convinces me that nothing so purifies the blood or adds to the health, vigor nnd life us Acker's Knglish lilooil Klixir." This great remedy is wild under n positive guarantee bv T. C. Smith it Co. Law ley. Flu., ought not to complain. She gets a postmaster who knows the difference bet ween a postal card and u pau cake, IIHp;pMla, IH-npHlr, IHratn. These arc the actual stcis which follow hidigtstion. Acker's Hnglij-h .iysKisia rablets will Imth eheck mid cure this uost Iciirful of tliseascm. liuranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. Mr, Fiction: Nice spring weatlicr, isn't it? Mr. Truth : Yes. Springs Ji-mu oue kind Qaj!thcr.; ... ,i..i:.... ..,:.: .., . . , , ., M,., " Tar Wine i u.i... "u ,.. fi.r ' cniiijlis, h's of voice. aul all throat nnd lung troubles. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. r An Indian woman' is n stiuaw, IhcrtN fore an Indian baby is a siualk:r. ' Bncklen's Aruica tsalvc. The best salve in tin: world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, snll rheum, fever : aim, letter, chapped hands, chillflains, orns. ami nil skin cruptimis. and iiosi- lively cures piles, or no pay required. H s guaiTinteeo to f;ive la-iieeic.iio.i.iciiv'u, or money retumlcti. rruv cents ei Imx. -r sale liv P. I...a(iilw. ilaw 'Tis better to have loved and lieen Llivoreed, than never to have loved at all. THAT HACKING COUGH can he so itiicklv curexl by Shiloli's Cure. We guarantee it. will, yuu sur f UK witii uyspeiisia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalixer is guaranteed to cure you. T. C. Smith & Co. , Teacher When was New Hampshire settled? Pupil l'lease, ma'iiin, it has never been settled. There's a landslide 'most every day, Ijive the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, lias poor or no apiielile, eyes sunken and with dark skin licncath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as llart s Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soou lie in perfect health ugain. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a fair chance for lite. . Now, that the Wagner oiera has ad iourned sine die, our most distinguished local musical circles are getting their haircut. Merit Wliit. We desire to say to our citizens," that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, nr. King's New Lite Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and . Electric- BilttTS. nnd - have never hnndledremedies that sell us well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand muly to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies huve won theirgreat iHipularity purely on their merits. F. L. Jacobs, druggists. Young Doctor Well, I've got a case at lost. .Young Lawyer Glad to hear it." When you get him to the point where lie WUIltS a will drawn telephone over. For a safe and certain remedy for fever and ague, use Dr. J. H. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure ror sale by K L. Jacobs, druggist. A parson's letters I A debtor's letter 0. W. A Safe Investment Is one which is guarnteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in cuse ot failure a return ot purchase price, xm this sale ilan you can buy trom our advertised iruggists a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- co-vcrr tor t-oiisumption. iv is gimrnieeu to bring relief in evcrv case, when UR'd iranv alleclion ot lhroal, Lungs, Broil chilis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Crouti tc, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, lwrlcctlv sale, and can ulwavs Is? IciK'iidctl tiixiih 1 rial bottles tree at v L. Jacob's diirg store. The AMlievIHe Dally Citizen CiiveH The latest local news. The freshest State news. The liest general news. A tirst-clnss telegraph service. Full Washington reports. General and special eotniiicntg. The largest tiubseription list ot any in the secular paper in the State; - I be best ail vert ising niediuin State. A full staff of able editors uud corres- mindentsv 1 he neatest, newsiest and most enler- prisiiiK paper in North Carolina. Us ctiorts are always ttcvotetl to the upbuilding and development of the re sources of the State, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $6 per annum; 'i six months; CO cents per month. For lainchack.sideorehest, iiseSliiloh's 1'oiotm f'lnsler, Price US cents. SHILOH'S COUGH and Constiinption Cure is sold by us 011 st guarantee, . It cures Consumption. T,C. Smith & Co, The Dully Citizen. Is always alive to the interests of Asheville and its people. Is tlie most tionular advertising me dium in North Carolina. Is read by a Kreater numlicr of iteople than any other secular pniier m t In state. ........... - Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the day. Hoarding houses fill their rooms byutl- cttiviK trrttre.-,t.'ltTH'wi."- ' n.. News, and all the news, makes the Crr- izkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made n ureal success without advertising. Try tlie LITIZHN. An advertisement in the Citizkn pays the advertiser an htuidrctl-lokl, CREATES many a new bimincxn; ht LAW 1 muity un aid uuninviut;- REVIVES many a dull business; , RESCUES many a hat hwtinem; . SAVES mnity a failing buximns; , PRESERVES many u large huiiineHs; SECURES success in any lnsiiw.in. To advertise iwliciotmly, use the col umns of "The Citizen," Everybody rends it; and In propottion to the returns it viclils advei titters, its rates tire the chenjt- est in tne eounti v. FOR SALKI AT RUGBY GRANGE FARM, FLETCHER, N. C. Thorotrirhtircil reirlsterrd Hhort Horn Dull, "(iovernor llatc." nrii-e SIOO. Thiirciujrhbird llerkshlre Boar (not irjtls- icmii, nm f iv, iimingii MUSTANG LltllUENT OUTtES noLrOWTtOTW, CAKED BA0R, 0KU11 A HOOF IM CATTLE I AM V 1 5-' x " Prteni"! r. tlie tvoKt elr?KJnt THE LA X AT IV h AND MUTRITtOUa JUICE or th - FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, ('ombinetl with the medicinal virtues of plant known to lie ino it beneficial - to the htitnnn - system, forming an agreeal lc and effective laxative to jiemu nently cure Habitual C?ous'.k pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or i'nctivo , .ndition of the . 41DNEYS. LIVER m BOWELS. It tbemost excellcnl rcroi.il y Vno n to CLMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whca oaa i Kiliont or Constipated W 1 MAT fUKI BLOOD, REFRMHINa SLEEP. HEALTH nnd TKCNOTH MATURALLV SOU.OW. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. A&K VOUR DRUOOIST FOR 8THUP 3TB?J&XGra MANU1ATUR(0 ONLV BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, OAl, wi'sviui, at new roKK, r. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. s. BLACK, 66 South main Street, Opposite the Swuiinunoa Hotel. . A tine line of Suiting to select frum. Leave your order for a iierleet ftttlnif Suit. ARDEN PARK HO T1X AND FAMILY COTTAGES, i, mlK-s south of Asheville, on the A & 8. ratlrouU is now open for the scuaou. RATBS. PerOnv i'er Week I'er Month , J (Mi 1 J no 40 00 Ifor circulars address THOS A. MOKRia, Prop'r, maytltf Artkn, N. C. FOR RENT OR SALE. Tlie Best Chance Yet OAercd. That dcHlrulilc house, ixmluiiihiK etuhteen ruuniM, nut aj)proui,hing: eomplctiun at No, ItU)' Clay tun street, will Ije irudy fur uceu puncjr nnd --'-- ' FOR SALU OR RENT On or ubout the lfith ttuy of June. It is es pecially atlaiiU'U to the uses of a private boarding huusc. Alt persons Interested are invited to call nnd examine it this day. Terms, which are most reasonable, can he hud un upplktttiun to . , . ' T. W. PATTON. may'Si dtl' THIi CITIZEN rUl.IJSIIING COMPANY, No. (5 North Court; Sijuan' iHJiircpiiint to ilo liili-grudi work ut. LOW RATES Dmiuse they have n FIHST-CUSS EQUIPMENT. HUSTAIIG LIHIUEtlT ctmr.8 tiles, ihjens, cuts, coiinh, BitVIMEH, CHlUlIAlNtj FBO8TWTE8 Tli ProfVtstir Was Tim Mow. Assistant District Attoriiov ITuitv M;K:doiia tells a story uhoul a for copy between a uewspaiier tnlilor and a st iciitisl The occasion was tho last solar tH'lips and the tillice in which it oecurrvd wiut under the uittiiagciiii'iit of nLiiirice MinUiii. Telegmpic com niuiiu alliin was e.sLib! ihlnnl ul various KiinU. but returns cume in slowly. A in iIihJ pinfi'sxir of utruiioiny had cburga The time for going lo pivss was apprtmcliing, and from tlie saut' tu in in which tlm astronomer was in lulled tioooiry was lortbcoinini'. Ki iiully Mr Minion camt in uiid con templatcd the professor, stalled amid 1 tomes of sciciitiliu daUt. Iiuid ul work on stiii ii- alislrusu vulciilaliou, "Any copy yet, professorl -it's get ling lato." Sly dear sir, 1 have not been able to justify this calculation" i..i....., I m;. M u LJ 1 b. II1V.-I . I. U .... .f ! Uf (ircss " pretty soon and intisl lutvu ! stime-copy." Nr unswer. Tlie professor wus tloup ' in his calculation , In liftenii niinulcsllicctlitorbtiuiiced ' in again. There was no copy. 8nv t eral tmo)ciii-d tt'li'rains lay by the j liund4 of the professor, who I uui not i yol "instilitxl" his calculation, tirudti' j ally tlie paper wits tilled up save the i si.u!u for the eclise stuU' Tlnire was no more tnno to wait i "Have you any copy; (irofossorl" fuirly yelled Miulou. . ''My dear sir, roiilly, I"- Minton could stand no mom. With abound lie seized the telegrams and us fast us Hit' enveioiies uropiiuu lo tlie lustra i reporter grabbed tlie conUnils ami nut lliom into shape. Justus the pixiteji sor awoke from his scientific reverie ho heard Minton yell, "send out that stud head for tho eclipse," l3efoie the scion list had just i lied lliut astoui.idkig ortler there was a steady roar downstairs and the paper hud gone to press. Bomo time uftor the Kiuer was on the street the specta cled professor laid a pile of scientific data upon Minion's dek. Tlie etlilor bowed but the copy didn't move. Tho professor's opportunity was lost,. New York Grujihic, Hurt Was Different. Sometimes, amusiurr mistakes urc muUo by actors in regard to their let ters. Horace Weston, tho chaimiion banjo nluyor of tho United States, is fond or Udlingan anecdote in point. Mr. Weston is u colored crcntluiniiu of distinguished manners and apjwur ance. "When I was In England with Jur- rct and lJalnicr," Jlc Weston mm,-"'! was constantly in receipt of letters from women praising my iierfoniiaiiee and requesting interviews. I always took these to Mr. Jarrett, who would advise mo to pay no attention to them and would throw them into the waste basket. 'One day a Btraiifro Uxking letter reached me, which I glanced tit hasti ly,. ,saf . that, it was tv iututl turn tv lady and laid down again. Sotnoduys later I handed it ov.or with a lot of others to Mr. JurretL "Soon i was startled by an excla mation from that gen tlemuu. I hxiked up. lUs eyes seemed to bo bulging from his bead. " 'Where whero did you Bret this!' be gasped, holding out the strange letter.,-'''' "Oh, it's only one of those blame fool iiiasu letters, 1 answered. . " 'One of those blame fool mash lot- tersf cried Mr, Jorrctt, in great excite ment. 'For heaven's sake, man I it's an invitation to appear before the queen I "And so In fact it was. U. It. it. Victoria Rcgina, through her secre tary, requested my presence at Wind sor castle at a certain dato. ' ''Luckily the date was not thou liassed, and we succeeded in patching up tho matter without 1 any nitnrna tioual complications." New York Herald. Uow Kentucky Mutton ts Ilulswl. " - A few years ago a party tf Uritinli noblemen escaiied I roin their cajrtis and blew over hero. It was), if the recollection is correct, when the Duke of Sutherland was in America for the Hint time with Mrs. P.lair. Anyway, when they got to Washington some kind heart steered them up nguinsl Col. Dick WinterHinith, who did his very best lo entertain them, uud brought out some of his oldest and rarest stories. Tho Englishmen warmed and did their best, and, as nil Knclishincn do. came down to Buuthdown rnutton. How I bey praised that uiiitton, and said there wiui nothing like it in the world, told bow its ieculiur and ex quiHite flavor was duo notulono to tho rich gru&sus of the Downs, but to the snails) which abounded there, and which theBheeuate with avitlityV "8iiail8,"said Col. Dick, hoarsely, as be laid a restraining hand upon the speaker's arnl "Don't say another word. Come with me." . Ilo led the way Chamberlain's and bad a brief coufub with John. Half an hour later tlie party wuro eat ing some of that Kentucky mutton which has fume on three continents. The Englishmen wore forced lo ac knowledge its superiority in tinoness and flavor. "Gentlemen," said Col. Winter smith, gravely, "for two months be foro 011 r Kentucky mutton is slaugh tered it is fed exclusively on chopped blue grass and pate de foie gnts." Washingum Post. Names of Plaewa In Maine, A Hiram correspondent of The Ox ford Democrat thaws homio 1 iff lit on the origin of names of lacs 111 thut vicinity. Bill Merrill inountuin got its nuitio from 0110 William Merrill, a hjiuUir,, jv Jjo ; got caught on the moun tain 111 usevere"ftnovr-'-Urin and couldn't make any one hear his calls for assistance. It is said he always calls for help now lust before a storm. Another lull near Hiram is mimed Old Mare's hill from a poor old horso that some orio turned out to starve to death, and a steep precipice near a road has uuen Known us norso 11 11 ever since a horse fell down there and was kicked over tho bunk by it owner. Lois- ton Journal. - "MReCSTiiViiNSON" Una rrmovrd to the lohnstnn lliillillnir, I'nt ton avenue, eorner of Chureh street, v. hire she Is iirepareil to kern rrKiilar or transient tioarrirra, Talile furnished with the iMrst the market affords. Terms reaonnlile. miirMl llm rrifii m-i uui FITS C UK till II Y III. It HI'KCIAMHT rilYHICIAN. nottle of niedk'ltie 1'rcc. We war. rant our remedy to cure the worst ensra, iliiu tlie only pnysieinns w 1111 110 mis to pri'vent your being Imposed upon liy men HMlnK laise names anil who are nn iroviorn lliritun- others I'lillnl Is no rensoi lor no usinu this medleiiie. Give Kspres and I'list ottice address. It eosts you nothing. Adiliess Asahei Medical Bureau, UUI Hroadwny, Ne Vnrk. taiilidwt nUSTfiiiSS LiiSII.!EllT ItKATiS IKFLAMMITKiV, OT.D H(lUE."i 5AJtD liltfiAUTii Awe-iCT itlTKtt 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Climate I'utuirpaHHcd. 1,50a Keet Above Tide Water. Fine mineral Spring Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. ' s -j'"' V';"-111'-1 l,lk.'J,"' ' 1 - '- 11 " fir ? m mi? A , 1 . , -41 . - SB '0 n 1 m m c. n 0 0 Tim "UICKOltY INN" h built of hrick. titoim mt.l iron linn ull modern improvements. Klivtric 1 Sells in e.-Mh room, Hot and Cold Waiter UatliHJUtd Toilets on eiu-h lloor. Is elegantly furnished throughout, (hiisine and iippoiiitineiits unsurpimsetl. . 1 BcttuilfulBuiidingLot8 1$5 SKYLAND Ill'NCOMBU COl'NTY, N. C. Sk.vtainl Sii1iik is a nrw resnrt. lulil oir In litilUHnc lots, ciiiht miles south of Asheville, on the A. t 8 Kailruai) and the llenilersunville l'ike. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven SpriiiKS Chalylieate, Alton, Iron, Itpscim, Sulphur, Magnesia, and Freestone iure, cum ami Health Kivmg. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened I'nr "all the year 'round," with low rntrs and liest of rooms and Tare, tk-veriil IjiiililiiiKi are KiiiiiK lip. Saw Mill anil 1'laner iiiakinu lumlier rixht in the place. i'ur a short time, eholee lots arc oflered very low to settlers or investor. OriinU views, level lots, wiile streets, pure air, fine water, . OTIS A, HIILLER) Proprietor. may 10 d&m THE CAROLINA SALOON, Hat the FiiuMl and lar(e( Stock ol WHISKIES, 1 BRANDIES AND i WINES, ISvcr IlrouKht to Anhevllle. I'arties winhlng a j(o"l urtlele for family ur utlier iurioses, will find It tu their interest to give me a call. Kesiievtiully, Frank mar.lldly . . t , , ... , ., . I BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 l'ATTON AVliNUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertake. l'i't mi I it iitli'iiliiiii ojven to nil orders RcHltleiicet 3 fill 1 illy m."' .. .. .. 7 SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL -DJ RECTORS, E M II A L, M I N G AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. 31 31 PATTON" AVliNUE;. 31 1. II. Ilrcwtou will attend Calls Hay and Night. ; miu21dly 'ISLUi'j Uillf-IEIITKUSTAKG UX3T (M-lir.S ntlV.UMM'lSM, LAME BACK CTTTtF.H FOOT HOT, RlOTTLM-n-ItOT. AN0 tiTIKlMOlNTH- UHlilN UAUU' eKUlKW-WOUsi ANU8CAB IN BUIiEtM Electric Liiilitw. (ins nnd SPRINGS O'Donnell, Prop'r. day or niht. Pculaitd Streets -s-yrf s sr.--.T'

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