Absolutely Pure. Thie powder nrvcr Yariea. A marvel of pur ity, atrriiirth and wholeaomenea. More ceo-Kintti-Hl thun the orrlinnrv kind, und t-Miinnt be sold In eomiietition with the multitude' of low tent, ahort weight alum or phoiipliute Iiowders. Sold only in run. Kovai. IIakinu 'owukk Co., 106 Wall St., New York. d&wtnprl7 I'KOFIiSSlONAL CAM. , Tmko. F. DAVimuii, Tikis. A. Jonks Kuleltftl. Jas. O. Mahtin, Aahcvillc. . Asheville. JJAVIHSON, MARTIN & JONUS, Attorneys und Counnelloni at Law, Aaheville. N. C. Will prmleein therlth and l-'th Judicial lliftrivltt. -ted in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the u'..i,.rii liiutriet of North Carolina. Kel'er to Hunk of Axhcvillc. dlutl cil as. A. HOOKR. UUVF MHKKICK. rtHIKH & MURKICK, Attomcys and Counsellors at Law, Ashevilli-, N.C. Vruellee ill the I'nitcd States Circuit and liistrict Courts nt Ashevillc, Stiitesville, Clmr loltc and (ireenalioro, in liic Supreme Court at HuleiR-h, and in tneomrU of the Twelfth Jmlicial District of the State of North Curo- It, u ' ' Hneelal attention nivcii to colleetlon of claim". . Partnership dues not extend to urtu liee in ituneomlie Inferior Court. dtoeil T. II. COHU. J. 0. UlSKWMUN. OBU & M15RKIM0N, Attorney and Coiium.llura ul Law. I'rnctiee in all the courts. Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dte . w. JONKS. r ON liS i BIII I'llllll. UKO. A. siiuroKii. Attorneys at I. a. Ashevillc, N. C I'ructics In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court ol the tilatv, und the Federal Court at Ashevillc, Oflicc in Johnston otiiminir, wiitieom- mem ber of the tirui euu always Ik found, tltnov 1 1 '""lOHNSTONB JtWR, O ATTOHN KV ANII COKNSKI.I.OK AT LAW, ASH H VI LI. B, N. C. I'rarltccs in the (tnlted States Circuit mid district Courts at Ashevillc, in the Supreme Court Ht Kalch;h, and in the Courts of the Twelfth judicial District of the State uf North Carolina, anl elsewhere, ns his services may I'c reiiuired. t lilies over So. Express Office., ilendry Block janaadtl jrj II. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & WinKcrt's Drug Store. Residence, No. 98 Bailey St. fcbiodly REBVES, V. D. 8. DENTAL OFFICU In Counally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. " Teeth extracted without pain, with the new aniesthctie, unci ull cases of irregularity cor rected. Y u3U- II. F. BUKG1N, M. D. OFFICE 1 New Grand Central Building, over Dig 22 Clothing Store. - icul7dlm F. KAMIAV, 11. U.S. , Dental J Office In Barnard Btiilillnc Kntrunccs, Fulton Avenue und Main Street. fctiimdl y ANKYV PBHD, carefully prepared by lead Iiik members of the Ashevillc bar (011 finest parchment and heavy Hat paper), eo, rringall neerssnrv points, lust out nnil now on sale at the office of the Citixbn I'iiih.isii- tw 'o S NrtrlV Cmiil fifiniull If any dealer says ha has the W, L. nnnatM a,o4s without name and price Biamnof ou Uu bottoiui yut liiiu down a a fraud V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ron 6ENTLEMEN. I. m wnriil. Vvatnln Ilia SB.OUOKNIIINK HANI)-KKWK.I HI! OK. 4.IM) HANII-HKWI II WKI.T HIIOK. s..f lii ii.t i.wi rtn.ivr, Ai rAKDiFjis nnuai .ft(l Kll lil VAI.IIK l Al f KHUla ., K WIII(Ulvi:illM KUflK. ,00 and WI.7S HOVS' VI HIHIL BHUIn All ouuki In Coukivm, HuUaa and Laoa VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE lafd.W ..Itaw Malarial. Bast llyla. Bart PlttiaLfe . If But arthl l, ,,r fioalxp. Writ W. U POVGLA8. U&OCKTOir, BfASa Kxamlne W, J Ioiiitlnn I1.00 HUoea for Ocnllemen and Iadlca, For sale bv " 31) 8iuth Main Street, Ashevillc, N. C jnntlldly TitiWII nntili(('W I'.trtod rolsrm oflHul Ivis-. n:nl V r) Inutcal with mereiiry, hIu: Ii n J sursunarllla mixuiren'rowli M iirsii ail the time, 1 took T K .lmll InitLlKafl.H H. which enred 11m entirely, and no aifm ot 1110 ureuumi uisean has rcuirnea. J. C NiNCL Jan. 10, 'K9. UabbrvUki, lud. l'r llttln iilt-cci had white swelling- to sucli 011 extent tliat she was con fined tn Hie h A for a lone time. More tlnn 90 Ires of hone came out of h riv i, ami thuduclnra said niHitniinn v. :;s Vie only remedy lo itvehirliio. I refused the ouersiion and put her u 1 1 .KM. and she la nos unai el wuvo r :si in as conn nraiia aor child. Uim AmiiiGrmuko, Feb.ll.'rs. . Columboa, Ua. Book Ota Blond Diseases amt fret, Swirr Hpcciria Co. Drawer t, Atlanta, 0s. mn frwKrn4 r.USTA!GL!!!IL1EllT CITIES HOLI-OWHQRTf, CAKED BAflH, WllUB HOOF 1IN CATTLE I 9 3 1 Hl BlM hit AND IM.1.AHI UK. JuHt Received. A freslicoiiniiiifinentof Lo1hIt, Clain, Soft Shell Crnlia, Fish, etc., nt li. Strugs Kerstnurnnt, South Main street. Call cur ly if you wish to lie supplied. Ouiiiiiie is mulnria'i bitterest enemy. Weittent UreMwd Beef and Pro vlHtou Company. The uliove company will have coinplct C(l their cold store house and lie ready to receive nnil distribute the choicest meats the West produces, on or about tlie 25th of this month, yvhkh will he sold strictly at wholeside. This is an effort to supply a long felt want of butchers and hotels in this city and vicinity. Their patronage is solicited und we feel conlidcnt in saying that while the quality will lienll thatenn lie wanted, prices will be entirely satis factory. Their refrigerntor nnd office is located oil the railroad at the oM lqxt. Female colleges should have a course of true love. What cau he Fouud at Cliandler'a Tolill your market basket this morn, iiic: Extra nice ueaches, Ix-rriea, tomn toes, bruns, beats, cablmge, all classes of I poultry, and fresh eggs. Mnuv men meet with a fall when wait ing lor a "rise." No need to tnlce those big cathartic pills,; one of 1r. J. H. MeU-nn's Liver and Kidney I'illcls is finite sufficient and nioiv agreeable. For sale by L. JmcoIjs, druggist. A spark of love The tliaumud in the engagement ring. CareletM Mother. Many mothers have iiciniittcd tlR-ir children to die before thcircyesyvhcH tncy might have been saved. Any motner who keeps house without a bottle of Acker's English Uaby Sootlier at hand, runs u risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives ol thousands of c hildren, and is doing so every year. For sale by f. C. Smith Ik to. It is said that mermaids tie up their hair with a murine. Flaming JKIre In tlie VeliiH. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cures nil blood mii sons where cheap sarsaparilUis and so called purifiers tail. Knowing this, we will sell it to ull who call at our store on a iiositive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co When u little man is hoic!cssly in love it greatly increases Ins sighs. THE KEV. GEO. II. Til AY EK, of Bour bon. Ind.. savs: "Iloth invscll and wile owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUME TIONCIIKE." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Consliiiation, Hir.iucss, Miss o ApietiUf, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalize is a Kisilivc cure. T. C. Smith & Co. X Willier cvnicaT toast rati thtisT""W0 man She rcipiiix's no eulogy ; she speaks lor hcrscll. $500 Not Called For. It seems stranire that it is necessary to persuade men that you ean cure their dis eases by offering a premium to the man woo inns to receive ncnciit. Alio vci ir. Sane undoubtedly cured thousands of cases of obstinate catarrh with his "Cu tarrh Remedy. " who would never have applied to him, if it had not iocen for his offer of the above sum for an incurable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or -ash ? The man who wus lost in admiration of a woman afterwards found himself in love with her. Piniules. blotches, scaly" skltir Ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, unhealthy discharges, such as catarrh, cczemrt,- ringworm, and other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms of blood impurity. Take Jl)r. J. H. Me Lean s Sarsapanlla. For sale by r. L. Jacolis, druggist. The man who savs: "1 was about to Who always gets remark," is the man left. "She's Much Older Thau Her Hus band." We heard u young girl make the above remark the other day about a lady with whom we are slightly nciituiinted, . It was not true, vet the lady in question actually docs look five years older than her husband, although she is really several years his junior. She is prema turely aged, unci lunciionui derangement is the cause. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- se-ription would cure her, and should lie recommended to her, and to ull others who nrc in the same condition. II the render of this chances to lie a similar sufferer, let her get tlie "Prescription." it will bring hack her lost beauty, ana, better still, it will remove nil those dis tressing symptoms which have made life a burden to her so long. Money refund ed if it don't give satisfaction. See guar antee printed on bottle wrapper. - Oncer ulKiut flowers, isn't it? They shoot before they have pistils. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., fit) cts., and $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH RlvMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Iiiphlheriaand Canker Mouth. T, C. Smith & Co. "Talk of the scarcity of husbands!" exclaimed Miss Longwate, throwing down the pnier in vexation ; "1 rather think the trouble is the scarcity of single gentlemen." If disease has entered the system the mlv way to drive it out is to puril'v and emicli the nioou. 1 o tins cnu, us is acknowledged bv all medical men, noth ing is lictter udaptcd than iron. The fault hitherto has lieen that iron could not lie so prepared as to be absolutely harmless to the teeth. This difliculty has lieen overcome by the Urown Chemical Company of Haltimore, Md., who offer their Brown's Iron Hitters as a faultless iron preparation, ft positive-cure for dvspeiisia, indigestion, kidney tijtiblcs, etc. Mrs. Mackny has a $50,000 dress with real pcaris on 11. Faults of digestion cause disorders 01 the liver, und the Whole system becomes deTOngett;lTVj-.-b -Meln hnriwitm- rilla perfects the iiroccsB of digestion and assimilation, nncl thus makes pure blood For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist, AjMaine ora tor blunderingly introd need man." How Doctors Conquer Heath. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says ; "After a long experience 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia und con sumption might lie avoided if Acker's Lnglish Cough Remedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive gun rant tie by T. C. Smith & Co. L'USYAI.'G LIIHHEIT CURK8 rlLF.M, BliRNH, CUTS, COKNR, BitUiaKtJ, Ull lIHiAlJiH&fHUBIiUlii.tt Heller Than Moody HaltleM. General Wlientoroft Nelson says: "My experience in the Bnglish army as well as in Aniemii, convinces me that nothing so purities the Mood or udds to the health, vigor mid life as Acker's English Mood Llixir. This great remedy is gold under a punitive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. An Knglish bride's wedding trousseau consisted of 80 garments. "HACKMUTACK," a lasting mid fra grant iiertume. I 'rice 25 and 50 cts. SllII.OUs Cl. Kli will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Hron- liilis. i . u. Smith : t-o. Mrs. Hicks Lord is given to wearing white kid gloves on all occasions. DyKncpNlti, .Denpalr, Death. These nrc the actual ste8 which follow idiirestion. Acker's liiiLlish Dysix'iisia Tablets will both check and cure this most fvai fid df dise'.iscsii- (lurautecd Iry T. C. Smith & Co. The Itostou girl savs "lnnccli t snake." It isn't imlite to say gftrtcr ximke. The most tUlicatc i-nistitnlion can safely use Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine bung Halm. It is a sun- remedy- lor coughs, loss of voice, and oil throat and lung troubles, l-orsalcbv i L. Jacolis, druggist. Helen Chalmers, daughter of the noted divine,, tlcvoljjs her Hie to reclaiming guls. s Buc-kii'ii'K Arnica Halve. The lavst salve in the world lor cuts, bruises. Hoivs, ukvrs, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chnpinil hands,- chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and sisi- livclv cures inks, or no nay rcouiieil. It is guaranteed to give iK-iicvl satisfaction, or inoncv rclundcil. 1'ncv cents iier Ims. l-or sale by F. L, Jacobs. daw If you want to give pleasure to a nreltv woman do not talk lo her of her own beauty but of the ugliness of other women. c;ive the children a chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has xor or no apictile, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, sucluisllarl s Worm Cream, toexiiel the worms, and the child will soon lie in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a lair cnuncc ior mc. Mrs. Ilecjone -"Have you rynd 'How liss Anne Tiqite?" Miss Men rronose. Miss Anne 110 Anne Tkik- "No, 1 don't care for undi luted fiction. Men don't propose." t Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have liecn selling Or. King's New Ihsoovery lur Consumption, lr. King's New Lite Tills, Hucklcn's Arnica Salve and lilcctiic Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given ucli umversal salts. taction. W c do not hesitate toguaraiitcc them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use Ihcsc remedies have won thcirg-reat jiopularity purely on their merits, r. L. Jacobs druggists. "My dear was that a hymn you were singing to Lord piUde orny lastnightf asked the fond father on Monday morn ing. "Oh, yes, papa; it was "When 1 Cau Keud Mv Title Clear." FOR DYSPKPSlAand LiverComplaint vnu have a tirinted guarantee on everv bottle of Shiloh's Vitaluer. It neverfaifs to cure. A NASAL INJBCT0R free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kerned v. Price 30 cts ..T.C Smith & Co Miss Hclle (wnrninglv) "Sally, they used to tell me when 1 was a little gir that if I did not let coffee alone it would make tncifoolish." Sally ( who owes her one) " Well, why didn't you." For a 8iific ami certain remedy for fever linH fiRiic, use Dr. J. H. McUan's Cliills uiu i-evcr 11 in warTiini.cii cu curv, I-1 r sale, by h. L. Jacobs, drufjKist. 8imel)0(ly auks, "Why tlon'touryciunf men come to the tront ? liccansc the bald-headed men pet the seats first. Advice to Motliera. Mm, Winslow's Sootliinir Syrtin should nlwavs lie used fur children tccthiuij. It soothes the child, softens the irums, nl- ivs ull paiua) cures wind colic, und is the liest remedy tor diarrhiL-a. 25c. a bottle It is not the iiiirs in clover that trouble 1 resident Harrison so much us the des perate efforts of the hogs to get into the trough. A (tafe Investment Is one which is tniarntced to brini; you satisfactory results, or in case ol failure a return ol purchase price. On this safe ilnn you can liny trom our advertised i tiKjlists u bottle of Irr. Kiuir's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is giiurnlced to iirin renci 111 every ense, wncn used lor any alfection of Throat, Lung's, Hron- .-liilis. Asthma, V hooping loui'h, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, iK-rlcctlv safe, and can always lie dciK-nded ukiii. Trial bottles free ut V. Li, Jacob 8 drug store. Teacher (to pupil) "Johnnie, what is a demagogue?" Johnnie" A demagogue is a vessel that holds wine, gin, whiskey, or any other liquor." RIVATB BOARD. A few boarder ean lie accommodated at 211 Pnlton Avenue. muylGrilm MRS. W. W. HOLLINS. FOR RENT OR SALE, The Ilest Chance Yet Oflcrcd. That ileairulilc houac, ' ciiutainiiiK rlKlilixn rooms, now npproaehinfi coniiletlon nl Nu. HOt'lwjftow atreelr-wlH lit wurlj-hrt-tw pancy and FOR SALE OR RUNT On or about the lBth day of June. It In c. HKi-4lly ilt4 t tlHiw-if a irtrntT hoardiiiK hoituc. All person Interested arc invited to call and examine It thin tiny. Terms, which are moat reasonable, ran be had on application to T. W. PATTON. may22 dtf ARDEN PARK HOTEL, AND FAMILY COTTAGES, tlK mile aonth of Anhrvllle, on the A. & 8. rnilroud is now open for the aeaaon. HATHH. Per Hay .....,..,1.,,,..., ai $ (Ml Per Wk 12 (Ml Per Mouth 40 OO For circular address THUS A. MORKIR. Prop'r, may2dtf Arden.N. C HUSTAIIG LIIiU'ENT W FOR MAN FEAST. PENETRATES lluafJLJSAKlBiUiTOTIIB VEKXJJONlt 1 -, . r.-e- f'W cr' t - u. " a. v fi It Tf (; - .7 V V: I- . i -ui t lilOUf.JUIL FIC C .'-irORNIA, Conibiuctl the medicinal ..ti;.li!es-of-4'l"iiU.- known to 1k; mnst lei."fi . jal 10 tlie humav t.yKtctn, furmino; nil itKreerM". und cfflctivo l:ixativc to cerr.;- ncutly crrti ilaliitual Cwi;.;. patitm, ui..l the many ills -pir.t'.in; on a wcrtV: cr i-.-.'v .. " nitiort of the XlDu'EYS, LIVER m ROWELS. It the most exccll'-m rcmei'y kno n to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM ErFEOVALLf When one it I iIhiiu or Cunilii.alcl Sit Til AT PURt BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH hATUBl-L POLtOW. J')wry one is using it and all are delighted with it. ask your onuomsT son ' e"VTE.XTr OP XZGr8 MANU'AOTURtOOMLV BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRAHCI8C0, CAU lOUISVIUi. AT HCW YORK, It. 1. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F.S.m.ACK, 66 South Main Street, DpiHiHite the SwHiiimnuu Hotel. A tine line l'Suitliii to aeleet frum. Leave your order for a perfect GHiiiK Suit. Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OB Til It JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to lour Needs Bn Uht and itvLih. Itnuiib ntwktnir, and KEOUIKK8 -KKKAKlNtflN ,"be perfactlyaasr tba flnt dm II Worn. It Will l.tl.Ar thM rr.... flutklloin. JAMKHMKAN8 o Biiue ii abtuiuteljr is aliua of lu price whlca nu CTr been plaoed m- teualTely on tb market which dorabllllT otHiiklered belon men out ward Mmuu n Sow for Boys JT. MEANS St CC Boataa. Fall lluaa af Ik abaire aaoea far aala bf "". "For Sale """ Bostlc Bros. & 'Wright, ASHBVILLB, N. C. fcb21d3m to th aat rtd Walikay WaV , Ita eared at home wlta oatpala. Book of pah Uenlan mnt FKEB. BM.WOOIXBT.M.IX Otaoe UU WuiwbaU bi, tn th aat Drunkenness Or tho Llqor Habit, Positively Cured it aiwwmiiH i. Mii:r uiiti men it. II inlM (ivM i cup ol eoKoe or In, or in ir- Hclu of food, without the kuowledfre of tlie pei -on taking iti it Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. w GUARANTEE complete cure in every Instauoe. in pane book FREE. Address In eonfldenoe. (OLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 8S Rico St., Clncmnitl.a FOP, J1EN ONLY! PfSliTIVF FortOSTerFAIlIKO HAlTHOODi u;ner) aad hckvuus uaMILLUIj rtTTT) XI WfiUncw of Eody.nl Kind : Effects O K AJU 0! Errtr or Eiouhi in Old or Young. NMMm, Mtt .haii-- imii H'-inrra. now 14 .Miarffi- .na llr..t.. WKU.1 7. KMllXI IIUCIKS PlHTBol SOB. IhMliiUI nlilllM lll-nr. THKTk(IT-SrMU I a SoBUMlfV lr II KUI-s TrrrlUriM, .Ml t-'.rtlip, C.lrln. irM. r.lli-,lan.tlD., M. Mni.rflH.tM Ull SUllltAl W,IIIAIS,B. I Tim CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. (J Noi ih Court Kqtmro, l8,Iropi mi to do hili-Taile vvark LOW RATES- liecauHt they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. .lUSTAtSGfLliiK'iEilT RHOULl) ALWAYS BE KEPT IN PTI0P, JUTUIIKN, KTA1K INU (AUl'UUX I am. r a m. IV . sr v BV H,, "Wl fx bv a. A in mm Va AUjtaia, U. frhlOdawlT WEARYIN' FOR YOU. Jim a-woarrui' for you, All lua Uiue a-faellu' Uloa; WUhin' (or you, wooilerlo' wbeo You'll ba oomui' home airua; Buallnai (tool know what to do. J eat a-warytn' for you. Koep amoplo day by dayi DuU-Ui avurybody'a way Folk they tiuilv an' mm km( Wouilenn' wlial 00 aartli la wruon; Twouliln't belp 'em If tbey km-w - -Jeat a-wearyln' for you Room1 so loomoimk with your clirlr Ktupty by lua areiuu llmre; J ml oanl aland th sliilit of It: Go out door aa' roam a bit, But Iba wood la ksieauuHX loo, Jeal a wearyio' tot you Comea Uia wind with aufl carves Like lb ruatun' of your drew; Blouwoina fallla' lo the frround Softly Ilk your fooiaUii sounds Vioksa Uka your eye au blue, Jaat a waaiyui' fofyoo Horntn' uorae The bird awake (Dae to aiug au for your sake) But Umre'a aadneH iu the Dolee Tliat eomeatlirlllin from Utelr thnuU! Beeta to feel your abeenott, too, Jeat a wwu-yln' fur you Erwiln' falla I una you more Vi'hna the dark glosu'a iu the door; Beeiua jest like you ortei to ba There to open It for iiw Uueh (coee Unklui1 - tlinlla me throuKh Bet in wearyln' for you Jeal a wiwylu' for you All Hie time a feelm' blue'. WliUiiir for you- woihIitId' wheo You'll be uomiu' lionie tto. ' Beetle --dou't know what U) do Jest a-wuaryUr fur youl -F L. buuibw ui Ailouta CoualituUoa The Cotillon In KnuMie. Wliy is tlie cotillon the most utmv lur da 1 ico in Fruiice? And wli v hi it bo little Uiiiiciti in ICiiL'luud, unit tlien in a maiimil and abbreviated fonnf The answer seems to be, tlmt iu irar .1... L'. 1. i. irvjuua suit int: rivncii ciiurucier, aim that tlicy tlo not suit neurly 10 well the moiD staid, possibly (lie more txin- derous, humor of the Knt'lisli. The most sublimo or all the arts is lo look foolish imicefuHy. Few KiiLflishinun cau learn lo do tlmt, but to the French man it is eiLsy uiiouli. Ho is less self conscious thun 11 10 limn of iiei'liuuiua Albion, and tlioniuulily einovsan ex hibitiou which would inuko a good many englishmen iitTiileUly uticom loriauie. 10 oc puiicu inrougb a paper screen iliuo u circus rider) bv your partner, to have u paper bag put over your iieuii, to waltz with a doll ortouocompolicd to jump overachalk line uciore you can gut a partner; these are giunbols to which an Kng- iisumaii uik-8 not take very kindly. Yet it is irudciiiiiblu that the cotillon is very amusing, and that it provides even more precious opportunities for flirtation than more formal and state ly figures. And it is understood thai young ladies highly appreciate the presents, Honietuues very rich and rare, which fall to their share when a wealthy hostess-vela, un a cotillon, Yet, for the divers causes and consid erations which have been enumerated the cotillon will prnbublv never be very popular in Encluud. -St. James' Gazette. Telltale Polly. A lady living iu the far west has a parrot whose powei of mimicry ar$ really wondorful. It will frequently repeat whole seiitences in the exact 1 tone of the speakers, although it cart rareiy ue induced to utter tlie same ii - v , sentence twice. One day when the parrot's migtresa was very dubv. and did not care to sea callers, she happened to look out of the window, and saw an acquaint ance approaching the bouse. there comes Mrs. 11 1 Dear. aear 1 sue said, in a tone of lmna- uence. A moment latiT Mrs. B was ush ered 111, and on the instant Folly ex claimed, with a remarkable imitation of her toiiKtrcw tone and emphasis. 'There ciiuio Mrs U - I Dear. aeurl liinsiiinjr w-m.ii contusion, the em barrassed hosut.sa iiiiKN-ently mads matters worse by suviiio hastily uii. iieai-e excuse roily, Mrs. 1 . -You know what a way she bus of r.'iieulniji I'vryliiing 1 suyl" noun) s 1 omitaiium On a Tiii-He'a li n k. One of the old mid n itiulai' denizens of l'aii'hehl isii i-iver tiirtle w ho niade his Hist Hiineiiniui-)- liiere in 1847 ao- cortling to'ih'e I'm. liclilJuiJiiml John It. Joy disoovei-ed Inni and marked him with his it'll i-i U This was milo from the i-ivi-i In K0I when the war broke out. he caiho to the front and lienton liinwu met linn and marked him with Ins initials In IH08 he reaiipearcd ami was iiL':.in niiirked. He is in the huhit-of Isibbiurr mi near me nig oooin, to make the ai-iiiiaiut- anceoT the river drivers. hIsuiI once in four years, harly in IKSD he again maae his appearance. Another in scnption was carvetl on his buck and be was toted around town lm exhibi tionand then liberated nipim He is a great itot among the hiinds at the Doom. Juewiston Journal. Dean Stanley' WhIUiiu. l'hlllius Urooks told an liiUirestnnr anu amusiiigaiiec.doteorDeaii hlanley recenuy. the dean sent a 110U1 to shoemakerregardingsoiiie work which that artisan was doiiur for him. The writing was so dilllcu 1 1 to tluci iher that tne shoemaker returned it to the deuu with a note sayiuir, iiiiusjeiitlv. that he was "unaccustomed lo the cliiroir 1 m . , i . .. . . . rapnyoi inemgiier classes, andaskei for a translation. "Just as if." said the dean, laughingly, in relating the anecdote to the Boston diviuo. "1 to be held responsible for the baud writing of tho entire British aristoc racy." -St. Louis Kepublic. No PoMlbla Eacaiw. "If 1 were in your place. Anifie. said..MissJlUtlAnhijam:hiuia.rit. vjsaVer lay, "I d never speak to Mr, Thread bare hbmiii, , 1 know he comes of a excellent family, but he's an awful llirt and is dissnuiled besides Angie (sweetly) Tlinlik vou SO . mtinii.mira, bin t uiiit-Vw how loaa-4 escajie Uil king to him now U'lie fact is we were nuiotly married the niirhl you tried to get him to propose to you. i iiiiaucipiiia inquirer. MRS. 8. STEVENSON lln removed to the Johnatnn lIutlillnK, l't ton a-renue, eorner of Chnnh trect, where he la prepnreil to seen rt-KUior or imnaient hoarder. Tnhlt fnrnl.hed with the tirnt the market afforil. Termreaonnine. mar.il urn piA CtlKllI) II Y OLD BI'UCIALIST LI I V PHYSICIAN. PI I il Bottle of medlelne Free. We war III w mnt oar remedy toeure the worst cae, and the only ihyieinn who do this to prevent your tirinn imponeo upon nv mm ti.InK fnlne name and who are not Doctor. Because other fnlled I" no reof for not n.ing thi meillclnc. Give llxpre and I'twt otTiee addrm. It cot you nothing. Addle Aaahel Medleal Bureau. Uttl Urondwav, New York. iana7dAiwly KUSTAtlQ LIJliUEIIT HBAIaS INFLAMMATHIV, OLD HORESa CAJU0BUEAHXii -iicJ,CT Wl'KSI 11SCELLAE0US. Climate I'liHurpaMHcd. 1,500 Mineral Spring, within a o tn M m I 1 ! ."m? , "! !! I mini i. i- i in o xl Sv' v $ 11 if' ' a. nt i h ymA " n.-fN'v i mm if ii,,jm Tli "HirKOltY INN" is built of brick, ptone and iron. ins all liioilcrn imju-ovHiit'iitw.- EltH'tric Lights. (Jas and iltHtiic iklis iu t'.icli rooiu, ToilctH on oat h lloor. In clofftintly furnirshtHl throughout. 'iiisiue and ajipoiiitincntM unsui'iiaHsod. H!Otl! I Beautiful Building Lots kftK SKYLAND ' miNCOMIIi; Skylund Siiriut;" is n new resort, laid off in liiiildlnK lota, eintit mile south bf Aahcville, on - the A. i a Kullroad and the lienderaonville Pike i THE FINEST COLLECTION OF Twenty -ittven Sriu;M tlmlyrKitlf, Alum, lurc, tutu liiiu ncuun giving. Fine Hold Finished und Opened I'or "(ill the rear "rounil," with low rate and beat of rooma and fare. . - a Severul builitiiiK are iroiti up. Saw Milt and i'or a anort tune, enun-e lot are onereil very low to settler or Invcatora. Grand view, level lota, wide atrecU, pure air, fine water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. : - mnylO ilfini THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Fluent and aUargettt Stock ol WHISKIES, i BRANDIES t AND t WINES, . Ever Brought I'artle wIhIiIhk a good article for family or give me a eall. ' KeRpectfullr, Frank mnrftldlr ! 1 1 . . i - - BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wliolesule und Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. I'l-uniiit utttiition Kiveti to nil orders KcsklcMCc;: 39w felililly s a- fi tt J X 1 K VrVawVaaTaTMSW lllls-i-l 1 -"''nS Mnaafltf rA SIIEPARD, MANN & JOnNSTON, FUNERAL - E HI BALM ING AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. 31 31 PATTON AVBNPErr- P. II.- Krewton will attend Calls Day and Night. UUSTAEf 8 LlfilLlEllTUUSTAKG UIiniiST CIIHEH ItilElTMATISM, LAUTE BACK CUltES FOOT EOT, RnOTJLI)KR-ROT, ANU bTll F JOIN'IH lil'H IN UAUD ' 8C11EW-WQUM AND 8CAB IU bllliEPl Vect Above Tide Water. I'lne Short Walk of the Hotel. Hot and Cold Wator Bathe) and" SPRINGS COl'NTV, N. c. MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE Iron, Iipunm, ftulphur, Mngnia, and Fmatonc Planer making Itimlier riKht in the plaee. to Aeihevllle other purpose, will find It to their Interest to O'Donnell, Prop'r iliiy or night. Pculaiid Street. 4 DIRECTORS r21dlj

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