1 : : i: aixy citizen. - Crnivn m ihe mttmt emtrnalTrlT rlrru ltrl .ml wt.ielyread newspaper ia Westers fc'-rtil C irniint. la m the intrrrat of ptililk taitra-ritv, anwiewt uiiTrnmcnt, and frHirrfaa intlualrv, ana n knowa no personal aikgiattce ia treating pub- T i itixkm publiahe the dispatches of the AmuM-tatf-fl pres., whtca 10 cover in Hiw worW la It erone. It has other facili- tka of ad v. nerd journalism fur flhfnn ears frma all qaartera, wita e verytmngcare ullv eibtl to orcunv the amnlleat apace. ripecimea copire of any edition will be aeat f-re to an J one armlmg Incur auurcita. - Ts Daily, id fur om year: l for di uiofltaa: ftO ccnu for one mowta ; 1ft centafor one week. Camera aar til deliver the paper la every part of the city to .uhaeTttiere, and par ties wanting H will plcaat call at toe Cmiu AnvtaTtanra Ritiuv Reasonable, and mark known on apnncatioa at thia office. All traaaicat adveruwncats at oat be paid la ad vance. kradmar notices ken easts per Hne. Obitu ary, marriage and society aoticcs fifty cent sack (not exoeediag tea lines) or fifty ccuta perinea. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 18H9. RAlUtOJtO IN MOHTM CAKO- UK. . An article in the Wilmington Mesnen gcr refers to the work going on in thin State in railroad extension, but confines that progress limply to short lints and the BHing up of missing links. The arti cle somewhat excepts certain operations now going on iromthe somewhat re strictive, though not enfeebling term "connecting links;" operation of such magnitude as the road from Vuth erfbrdton to Cumberland Gap; that from Durham to Lynchburg; tbnt from Koaaoke to Winston; that from Tarboro to Norfolk, and sererat others, ai to sug gest a distinction without a difference be tween great lines and connecting links. However, we will not cavil on that point, only too glad to know bow much railroad work is being done to counter act by artificial meant the obstacle of ad-. verse topographical conditions. Late in the day ai is railroad progress with us as compared with the new, fresh rigorous States of the northwest, North Carolina had the honor, not only of pointing out, but of leading the war in great enterprises of this character. We refer we have frequently done it before to Dr. Joseph Caldwell's earnest effort, made as fur back as 1827, to construct a line from Beaufort Harbor to Taint Rock, a reality now, though more than hulf a century elapsed before it was made so to the Payettevilk and Salisbury rood, chartered and surveyed in 1833, falling through owing to fatal dissensions among the directory ) to the Wilmington and Raleigh road, chartered in 1835-6 afterwards completed and opened in 1H40 as the Wilmington and Weldon rood, the north terminus having been chunged from Kaleigb to Weldon to niuke coiiimx tion at the latter point with lines being built in Virgiuia ; and the Kukigh and Gaston road, chartered and finished in in the same year with the W. &. R. This latter road deserves a lasting mem dry in the minds of North Cargliniitns It was the longest line projected in ainy part of country except the Baltimore uud Ohio, It was undertaken by a town with a white population of less tltun fifteen hundred, and with an assessed projierty valuation of not more that $KX),MH), and it was completed with very little help from the country along the lint, which then bad not a town or a villuge on the road, and it received no aid from the State, A road of 1 64 miles, built tin dcr such circumstances, is imperishublc memorial to the brave, energetic mid u gacious spirits, who conceived and per fccted such undertaking. A trifling, though somewhat curious, fact i that the first railroad in the State was that kid in 1832 from the ruins ol the eapttol, in Raleigh, burned in 1831 to the quarries, one mike southeast, to transport the granite to be used in re building. It was a horse road, mid wa used until 1840. Other States long since surpassed us but with present mileage of 2,500, and great additions in progress, there nothing for North Carolina now to be ashamed of. riuvBtiia do ur When they arc manipulated by malice or menuacny, ana punicumny wncn North Carolina is the subject of statement or count, whether it is for vuloror whetlier for illiteracy; whether it is for the nunt ber of men she sent to the field in the late war, or whether for the number of chil dren she did not send to the schools. It .. it only recently that the question of the respective merits of the North Carolina troops and Pickett's Virginians lutrl full ventilation, we are somewhat in . dined to think in favor of the former Nnv sve ftnrl in thf Nrwl and tNinrsr-r note from a townsman of ours, asking the N. & C. for correction of what heeon cores to be an egregious wrong set forth in the New York Jonrnul of Com tncrce, in one of those oracular, irrefrng- ble replies to cormqxindi-nts, oneof whom solicited inlhrmnliun m to the number of troop iu theConfederute army furnished " by the several States resiectively. The Journal of Commerce gives Md'herson, . clerk of the House of Representatives, us authority for the statement that North - Carolina furnished the prodigious amount of 23,000 men! Why, some of our coun ties did almost as much as that. Wr have not the statistics at hand to correct such extravagant a misstatement, or something deserving a harsher name; lor it ts not probable tnut Mcl'herson should ignoraatly have gone to witle of the mark. Any of the Southern pages on the Door could have corrected him ; any North Carolina member of Con gress could have informed him exactly; for there were uiuC'Southern Brigadiers" among them. Without being able toglvc exact figures in this Issue, wee in say that North Carolina, instead of furnishing 25, 000 men, furnished 125,000 men; and, including Senior and Junior Reserves, 131,000. And we gladly publish the concluding ' paragraph of the comment of the News and Courier on McP berson't statement with regard to South Carolina: "It may be mentioned in conclusion, that it is universally recognised iu the' South tlutt despite McPherson's extraordi nary figuret-iNortb Carolina furnished more troojis to the Confederate armies than any other Southern State." And we thank the N. & C. for the spirit of jus tice that pro.npts it. When titer question of resmiisiliililr for tlx bunting ofthe dam which caused the te enormous destruction of lite and roerty in tbeConcinatigh Valley comes p for investigation, there will be little isposition of indulgence. There is no- here in this country a very genial tem per towards those who sequestrate to the uses of sport and pleasure large bo dies of land or water, because it strikes at tlie root at that very American instinct of free use of all the tenants of the woods and the waters which nature hatl so pro fusely distributed for the common good. Restrictions iniosed on that use unplcas- cntly suggest the game and fishery laws which, in Europe, so shaqily define tlie distinctions of classes, tlie privileges of the one, and the denials of the oilier. Yet, while there may be inward rebellious feelings. Americausbavcalwaysresiected the rights of property acquired to those special ends, and been obedient to the taws which threw the shield of its pro tection around them. Wrt if it should apar that those who acquired such ex clusive right of uses had exercised them in such a way at to jeopardize the rights, the lives, the property of others, had failed in prudent oversight, bad neg lected prudent safeguards, had disre garded warnings; had wrapped them selves up in contemptuous sense ofirre sponsibility, then they are npt, when their day comes, to find themselves very rudely roused from their scll-complaccncy, and roughly handled, not only at tltc bar of indignant public opinion, but at bar which metes out its juilgmeuts in dol lars and cents, in burs and bolts, if, fort unately for the subject of "inquisition for blobd," it goes no Inrther. That tlie whole American heart is stir red by the . miseries of any por tion of those with whom it beats hi unison it shown by the quick rctponee to the appcut for relief. Already-three million dollars have been collected for tlie Johnstown tuffercrs' The- contributions of the larger northern cities are munifi cent in tlie extreme, those of New York and Philadelphia each exceeding hulf a million dollurt. The largest sum yet sent from any southern city is from Au gusta, $10,000; Charleston had con tributed about Sti.OOO." The enor mous wealth of the North, with hundreds of individual fortunes, reuching from one million to one hundred milium dollars, makes tlie obligation of benevolent aid not only to full more easily, but to bear more imperatively. To whom much is given, much is exicctcd. llut thougl relatively poorer, the Soul hcuimut evade ill obligation or deny itt debt of grati tude. Charleston, Memphis, Augusta Jacksonville, all have hud their hour ol tribulation, and they were comforted iu their sorrows, und lurgely so by northern sympathizers in their tulfcrings. The Muyllower landed ut Plymouth iu 1620, two hundred and sixty-nine years ago. A geutlcmuu named Mctson bus jusr died ut Uuxbury. Muss., ut the ngv of 97, who remembered tibencaer Cobb, born iu lG'J-t, died in 1801, who mucin bcred Peregrine White, who was born in thecabin ofthe Mayflower und died in 1704. These three lives bidgeover the gup between the wilderness America and the empire United States; between the unpenctruted forest domain ofthe savage and the splendid dominion of the densely populated area of the highest enlighten ment; between a world unknown to his tory and a world itself muking history, Albeit the French claim to be bound in indissoluble sympathy with Americans, because of ties creutcd iu tltc conduct ol the " American revolution, they displuy ttrange Ignorance of American urTuira and men, amounting to ludicrous aiiiich ronitm. Gen. Franklin, thcchiel director of the American brunch of the Exposi tion, must have tome singular emotions as he walks the tirectt o( Paris, in the cyet ofthe rurul, if riot the city, French, the resuscitated Ik-n Franklin of one hundred years ago, the idol of the popu lace. It it pleasant, or it may be other wise, to profit by a dead miin't fame We take the following from tlie Rich mond Despatch: , The Tribune hut interviewed a Doctor from California who is now in New York On the way from New Orleans to Ne York the 'Doctor heard tlie Pullman iMtrter tav : "When 1 mil down in New Orleans seems just like 1 was a slave again, but when I gets back home, north of the Ohio river, I takes a deep bretif and thank God I is a free man. ' Ten dollars will take a smart negro Iroin KH'hnioml to New ork. In Ne York lie can nuitle ten dollars u month more than he cnu in Richmond. Hut here he stays. He can't be enticed, nor lured, nor otherwise induced lu chungi hi domicile. There arc thirty thous and - ncgroct in Richmond. Why tion t lliey iminigrtitc to t luladclphui Itrooklyn, New lork and lloslon livery one of them could gel employ merit in those cities at prices higher than the prices which are paid iu this city. - Whv do they nil stay here? Hccntwe their lives are happy, whilst in a north ern city they would find no luippinciis not even contentment. Here tlie negro thitnks Gotl he is a frcctnun. In those ci ties he it a nobody. ,lr. l'arkcr I'ruvt cream Vmi-Ohi, Komi liiic, 0ngnliii and Himnoiul nail KwtU-r having now Ikxhiiiii- the Imlics' favoritt-s, at Pr L.jnctib'tdrutf tre,IlKiie'iit)mTar mnnk-nrc urtkks niity always he Ibniul, ttKi'tlivr with ut.'kct emery bunrd, tr ange woikI ttkks, nail scissors, lik-s and other siuh tvttitsites. Ahui a complete line ufdruxt and tuik-t articles, in addi tion to the llflc Stulu Fuiinliiin fnun which kt ctild th inks nix! ditticii;(l. Clr iter Mnin street and I'nttuii nvema. , Pithy wilt the ' following toast, prt iHMtctl nt a li(Hiiiakcr'ylinm-r: "May yt have all tlie women in the country to shoe and nil the men to boot." Kullllcd to the Heat. All are entitktl to tlie liest that their money will bny, so every litmily should have, at once, a hottlc of the liest tnmilv remedy, Syriti of I'ik". to ekunsc tlie system whencttstivc or liilious. d-'or sale in r(lc. and fl.tMlboUkt at all kaditiK druggists. Can It lie true that Tttcodore Roose velt wants the Civil-Servk-e Commission to einmtne aiilk-nnts lor the Mint at to their tkill in making jtik-t ? DONT juliumbuHl. Talk in cheap but "tlie proof ofthe puddiiif in the chewing of tlie ntriii." 5ontie IJpoh. & Writfht'H w the mv to buy and thouHiitxln of well pk'iiHcd cUMtomei-Hwill tell you the name if you will only take the trouble to link them. They have the gooln and they nell them at bottom riee8. They have received hw week their Hceond stock of Drew (Joodn, Notions, lata and Shoes for the Spring and Summer trade. Some of them bought under "mudsill" riee8 and are now going like lot cakes. They" have this week made a reduction of 25 mt cent, in many goods and aiv- now offering unheard of arguiiiH in secia lines. Their store is filled with cus tomers, every day find none go avyuy without being waitr ed on, for their salesmen are lolite and attentive to the trade and are always ready to give you the worth of 100 cents for every dollar you eave with them. (Jo and six? heir new goods and you will be surprised at the low price and beauty ol the same. The man that said "Money is King" will have to learn hat Thick and Politeness will go farther in ; a day than money will go iu a life time, and if you don't think so, go to No. 11 Public Square and you will see that we are taking Cleveland's ad- vice and are "telling the truth" when wo say Ikistie liros. & Wright are selling Oil Calicoes at 5c., (Jinghains at 7c, und Satines at 8c ( )u t i ng Cloths at 1 2e. , Crazy Cloth at 15c, and the pretti est Challies you ever saw a 7c, bought at Headquar ters for cash, and they invite your careful insiectionof the same. BOOKS AND STATIONERY AKTIMTH MATKRUU, KNtilNllliKH' S1TPL1B3, . . riCTUKBS ANK KKAMKS, ..." ' FANCY OOOD8. HI.AMK hok,kvi:kvhadk UULLH, TUV8 AND UAMU8. wi:hti;rn m. c. hcunkm, UllTH I'llOTOtiKAI'HIC 1'AlNTItlf, -AT AND HAND- ESTABROOK'S, iiH. Main Street. A CARD. Having sold mv Jewell business to Mr. Arthur l v leltl. I desut to say to mv friends and patrons that it has lieen my caw that all the liest feat ures bo retained that have made my business so successful, and I am sure M Kild will UKH't all wants am denmiuls, as I have tried to tlo. II. L. LANG. In assuming control of the busnuss of Mr. 11. L. liiuiu' hoH) by constant attention ami t he liest oienortstoofK' such increased advantages as to merit a continuanceoi the conlidence so generously In stowed upon my pmleces- sor. AUTllllI.M.FIKU). JuuT dAiwly THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Is that line lot of BNUL181I BKIULliS and TIIKIill-llOKN CIIAMOIM SUAT 8AHHLH8 J. Ma ALI' XANIli: It-S And tlie low prices at which he la scllluH all Hoods In his line. He has Inercaard hia lore and Intenda to meet the demand, SATISFACTION OMAKANTBKll. A TKNNHNT, Architect aud Contractor. Plana, spreiflcatlons and estimate, fur nished. All work in aty Hit eon tr acted Air, and ao char sea for drawings on contracts awarded me. kearrrncr. when dealred. oiHca-i Nn. IS llradry Moek, North Cnnrt Square, A abet ilia, N. C. kblVdly MISCELLAXLOL'S. S3IALL STOCII. The smullfrit sttM-k of goods hat has ever been rMt-n in Asheville has just Imi-ii rtv ceivtHlat W. II. LEA'S, 17 North Main street, and so uvtty and cheap, too. It will make the hair rise on your head when you see those pretty Dress (Joods, such as Sateens, (liiighamH, JhallieH, Lawns, and Dress ioods of all kinds. And oh, my I just see those ' retty leaded Wraps. They are lerfectly exquisite. And you atm.it- . a . .Bu.4-4-a IM.t..l I munt UUI IHllJr lose in Lisle thread, and some of the best Corsets you ever saw. such as Warner s AlHlOllllllSLl. llOIMl LlK'k. Sllll ' 'I rise, L'oraune, I' our-in-llauu, a -m a w a -.ltitjy Ik t lealth, and many other kinds too numerous to men tion .Ladies .Lawn ienms Hhoes and Caps to match lhe best tiloriali bilk dolt! lead Umbrella at $1.25, f 1.50 and $1.U0 offered in this city. ' .. - All I want is for you to ome and see them and judge or yourself and if you don't say that they are pretty and cheap I won't ask you to buy a cent's w orth. , Yours very truly, W.H. LEA, SPOT CASH STOKE, 17 N. Main St. Our Mr. Redwood is now selidihg us a number of bar gains, the result of a sonic- what quiet spring season in New York, with the June stock taking near at hand. Where the quantities of some lots would bo too large for either the Richmond house or ourselves, together we call use them easily and avail oui sel ves of t he closing prices. Sjiet:ial to-day : Lawns, Mus lins, Checks and Challies. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing- Dry CaOod, Shoe. HatM, and Carpcttu 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. o o 6- 0 00 0 0 o t - o o 006 o STRAUSS' RESTAURANT -AND- NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Electric Cars Fans the Door. 1 herewith notify tlie public that this duy, May 1, 1 have adtletl to my welt knows Kes- taurant a fin Ice Cream Garden. The aainc has been fitted up neatly for the ov caaiou and I will always have on hand the choicest ol Creams and Sherbets aud Cakes. Alao, eaa supply lainllkra at shortest notice In laie or small quantities. 80 come la nootl time and have some fine Ice Cream andCakes and doa't tbruet that at Stratus' you wilt .ret The Best of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come early, come often, com. one, , coot all, and give , your friend Strauss m Rood many calls, Very respectfully, - . l.8TRAl'8S, asaygdtf Proprietor. MISCl-LLAM-OUS. Illl-ll-ll!irlliir!il!lllllll-ill!llll!ll!l!lllilll!l!!l-llll CONSUMPTION AND ITS CUUE. A popular treatise on the new method of treating Con- sumption through inhala of suicr heated dry air, by Dr. Louis Weigert, of Berlin, with a description and illus- i TMlf Wm f if I t II litittttltTIIU I uui iwu ui uic tijijun tituo used in the treatment. Translation from the OH IT- I inai uy uie uev. iiout: isns- i I ' CU0 IViree. LllirllHll LllUlUaiU ... 4 1 01 oamt tieoi-ge s, lieriin. Price 15 Cents. Sold in Asheville, N. C.f by t A A1IITII O tf wholi:sali; AND RETAIL, DRUGGISTS, SOLE AGENTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA 11 nnTi ii 1 11T! i. ii n in n mi 1 ittTiiti 1 nrnrri it 1 u itiim 1ICIIMJN1) t DANV11.LB RAILKOAD COMPANY, (Weaters North Carolina Division.! 'ASaKNtlKK Okparthknt, ASIIKVILl.B, N. C.Jan. 1, 1SH0. PASSBN0KR TRAIN SCHUDULB. . In BpvsctJan. 1, 1S8U: ) 2o. Sl ftoApm 4 87am 947am laT.m 7 ar.ptn 9 1'lipm 3 cm lam 6 'JOum 3 Ultpm No. 53 i 4(Vpm 6:ipni IU 20pm 1 Otium 7 IK lam H tflam tl)7nm 1 211pm UUtlpm Lv. Aaht-vllle, Ar. Sahabury, -- tinnviiic, " Lynt'hbui-K, " WuahitiKtun u Baltimore, " Fhila., " New York, ' Boston, ' Kichmoml, " KaieiKh, Goldaitoro, " Wilmington 3 3Qpm 81 Bam 7 50am 1 02m 11 45am I 310pm I BOOpm No. BA l.v. Aahcville, - H.'IOum Ar. Hemtt-rannvillc, U'JOam Ar. Spartanh'g 11 fioam " C harlottCj 8 30pin " Columbia, 440pm Charleaton, ; ?J0P " AuKuata, 90Bpm "Savannah, 615ara " Thomttville,Oa 140pm " Jackaonvllle 1200 m Atlanta, 1040pm " MontKom'y - 7 25am " Mobile, ISSpin ' New Orleans 7atipm No. 54 l.v. Spartanburg, 340pm Ar. Ilenderaonvlllc, " Aahcville, No. SO I Nn. 52 No. 54 Lv. Aahevllle, Ar. Hot Spring M Knoxville, " ChnttanVa, ' Nashville, " Memphis, 7 4llam 0 21 lam 1 lopm OlSpm 010am 740nm 920nm 110pm 4()nm H3opm 7 40pm 444pm H 1 Optn HBOpm B40um 1 1 45um BMOpm 444pm 81opm K5(pm 7 15nm 1145am 7(irpm 840pm l.v. Ashevll.e. Ar. liotSprinKS " Knoiville, " Louiaville, " Cim-innati, " Chk-aK, " 8t. l.ouia, fiaopml 7 4opm Ml'HI'HY IIKANCH. No. 1H 8 2.rtm 1053am 5 4Wpin l.v. Asheville, Ar. Wavncsvillc, Jarfett's, I No. 17 l.V. jHITl'tt'l, Ar. WnvrirHvillc, 14 AMhVvHk, nooum 1 25 pill 345pm Mr Sleeping cars on all night trains. I JAS. L. TAY1.I1K, W. A. Wl.NIU'KN, O. P. A. II. p A. SOI.. HAA8.T. MT minora factory. HANFOAD N. LOCK-WOOD. M ANIt-MAIlR Ilroouift, Whisks, Hearth and , Celling BrooniM. Mill und Factory grades a auccialty. Ouo lalious and aamplea free. . fcb'lotlly J.T.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Mail. St. ftl.aodlv IS OTICB. Will collect dchta for anyone In the city for ocrcrnt. GixmI laciliika for renting and col levting rruta on houses. Will sell furniture on weekly payments. ,1 H. JOHNSON, At Ululr'a Furniture Htore, Rclerencrs alvrn 07 Patton Avenue. mar!4tlHm JAiniCM FRANK, DIALS! IN .FAhllLYGROCERIESANOPBOYlSnS Agent for Stents Creek Woolea Mills. North Mala . AaaevUkt. N. C. fcbiodly REAL ESTATE. WlLTKI B. C.WTK. W. W. W It ST. GWYil -6 WEST, (Suecraaora to Ws'tcr B Oa jn) ESTAKLISIIISD 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLL REAL ESTATE, Loau (rcurcly Placed at 8 Per Ccut. NoUr3,I'ul,k: - Commissioners ol breda. pjnjj INSURANCE. OFFICK Moutheuat Court Hquarc. Wm. M. Cocke. Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER a m.T atA ' Can sell you one milHoii acrvs of land, in tracli from SO to luO.lHK) acres. Have a numlier of city lota, improved and unhn- If you want a larjir or it mall farm call on me. tviavfxt tavhla-h 1 aw-1 1 i.n ih laatai- nfinrmB I It vciti want miniTHla (if nnv kind, vnu ncvtl oo further. ifou want timiier inu, .a . t a a . . . . tnis 1st neau(uaricra. in met i can suit, ypu hBuythiniryoa want in my line, : ..r .. . ,.i ;i I m.ivi. iv m M.ni-.Moa v . 11 .nKiiHti mi u practical surveyor rngugnl to show up all liruprrty whru requirrd. I have had ftliwa jrcara' ciunirncc hi the real estate business, and thluk I know what will pk-usc. Pronipt attention to all luquiries. KU-aUlr Jt W. COKTLANli, Real Estate llroktf, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pattoa Avenue, Uuraurd lluildio. febUdly D. S. WATSON, Real LCtate Ageut, (Not a Simulator.) For Sale A large amount of valuable City Property, Improved and unimproved. For Sale Some line farminK lands ; also, timber aud mineral lands. 1 can secure for parties buying City Lots frum me money to improve the same on moat reuaonuble terms ! Money to loan on good city and country property ! OHicc hours : From a to 0. Da 8. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Asheville, N. C. maySO dtf . INSURANCE. piKB INSU8ANCB. FME. LIFE. ACCIDENT. U I I A M Ar If! t w uuit ii'i v Xw w . At the Bank of Aahevllle, ASHliVILUS, N.C. Kepreaent the following companies, via. : Ftm. CAMI ASItKTS IN K. Allirlo Nevada, of California S'J 4IT N!l!t Contilientul, of New Vord 4.K75.(2:i HnmhtirK-llremen.of German v l,lUII,ni4 London Aaauranee.of UnKand 1,543,1195 NiuKara, of New York 2.237.4UU Orient, of llurtfortl , l,0ti7,Hl2 rha-nix. of Hrooklvn S.O04.17U m. t-ani rire ana Marine, oi Min- neaota ,. 1,641, on 1 Kimthcrn, ol New Orleans 43S),HH4 Western, ol Toronto , 1,039,232 mutual Aceiai-ni Assoeiauon. ylitnn l.llc Inanrance Company. dtmar29 TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Asaurauce Society NO. 120 HKOAbWA Y, NBW YOKK. Caah Aaaets 95,04S,aas.96 I CaahSunlus 10,704,71 ,.!. 1 he Ntronitrat, moat lllieral and moat pro- gTessive Compnnv in the world lta Tontine roltriea with 15 and H7,I I prrioda (when issued in appropriate form) riy,! ! wfferto inaurable persons two-fold advan t otipm 1 20 year I Protection Against Loss 1 v-- ..I t and t A Secure and Profitable Investment. IS. D. Monroe, Ajft., Asheville, N. C. Office with Juilne Aston. frb23d0m WM, R, PEfllllM All PKOPKIBTUH OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, : Asheville, N. c. P. o. Box p. uiarKtd Ijr THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, v. Kooms on Main Street, opposite the poat othce. v ien dally, except Sundays, from 10 a. m until I n. ra.. ami 5 until 7 11. m The terms of aiilmcrlption are: One year j i n moa,, iu; a moa., ai j 1 mo., 00 eta dullv2cta. fl&.-n. 1 WAfl tMl.l....t O t tt I- VkT-Preairient. Claries W. Witolarv; See. nnil 1 reaa., 11. S. VYatsoa; Librarian, Miss B. J. Hatch. ' Cltitrna und vlsifiira are eordiallv Invited In inaprct the catultiguc and inscribe their names as nicmbera. hrUNilU B. WOLFB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. AH kinds of cement wo. k Hone. lobbing and kalaomluing iiromDtly at- teudetl to. t KcaMrncc, Clavttm Bt Orders can be Ml with W. II. Weatall Ik tin. frbthlom FOR SALE ! t 20,000 Salmon Brick. Enquire of William Balfcjr, kt the kilns of th. late 1. Wallacb. I w. i iwcAFi:n. jnnldJw HOTELS. Tceu::itfii' excuS:: I ASIIEVILLi; tro HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tkki-ta only 4.5o, lut ludms fall du.v's board at the MOUNTAIN PAl IK HOTEL. The Baths in slarl.k- 1'oola ana Pomlma Tuba are the fineat and nioat luxurious in America. The Hotel la NEW AND FIIIST-CLASS In Bvery Partk-ular. I'NKXCKLLKU IN ITS CUI81NB. The pluee ta a chariniuK pot, ncatlcd among and Klielientd by Pinelad Monntulns where there is no tug, no dual, no malaria. Cure and abundant water, and absolutely lierlcet drainaxe. dtlulao ANEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swayne House, Un of the liest in Western North Curolina. num. feceitery xnd water unexcelled. Terms moderate. GBO. N. BLACKBUKN, Prou'r. mariaU.lm J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Butldliiir. School aud College Text Books, a full line. I'octs, II is tory, Romance, Biography, TrUVl'l Mill NflVI'lfcl lAltntUr Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Somr Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and rciiooi Mipplies. Wew lino Ladies' and lieiits' l'ocket books just opened. Fancy (ioods and Dolls. fcblOdlv j. c. mtowN, MERCHANT t TAH.OR, as Pattou Avenue, a (Neat to Grand Central Hotel.) aprlidly J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's business at his .; old stand over J. K. Dickerson & Co.'s II ir.t ... C 1 . . ------- . v .iniii, aimer inc firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Haviug thirty years' experience as under- taker and cmbalmcr, and uncqualcd focilities for buying, can saicly guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Bverythlng pertaining- to the business at wars nn band. fcbl3,l(tm CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILI. UU OI'BNBU FOR TUB 8EA8ON OF 188U ON The Firtof June. The location of this Hotel on the summit of Ca-sar's I lend Mountain, an outlying spur of the fllue Ridge, In upier South Carolina, aftiirds a climate and water uncqualcd. As a summer resort it has no parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70. Whilst Its natural scenery is varied and grand beyond Conception. 4'omfort of guests care fully consulted. Livery and dally mall. Bus ily reached from Asheville in one day, or front llcndcrsonvillelnhatfaday, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, F. A. MILES. mavlSdtf VJlNKELfilANH'S " aDl i r v . Dt"tn e . AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASE or Cholcra- cramps, Diarricea, Summer complaint. Dysentery a sid otnsh rricTiosi OP THE STOMACH AMD BOWEL. PRICE 28 CENTS. J. H. kVINKELMANN & CO OLt PSOPniCTORt, BALTIMORE, MD.. U S.A. For Mtlc ly J. 8. GRANT, 1vrtnn2M A. F.STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN ; PAIJITER ' GILDER ANO VARNISHER, ' Is pretuired o do all klmlaof Painting Bring o your old-looking Carriages, BretU. Bur ry, Buggle., Cart, and Wagon, and have them varnlaned or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted not to rrack, blister or come off until It wears off. Terms reason able. Bhop nn Harnett Illll, Eagle Street, snaraidtlm ntreet.