f i . ; I ft 1 i J l-.,..,UTtlfl,'-'",' Absolutely Pure. Tlii" jHiwder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, HtmiKth nnd wholcwMncnemi.. More ectt noniieal than the tmlinury kimlit, and cannot be old iu eomia-tition with tile multitude of low tent, short -weight 'nlnin or ilimihntc iiowdcm. Sold only in eniin. koVAi. ItAiiINO owiikm Co., lOti Wall St., New York. -tltwtnprl7 I'KOliSSSIONAL CAKM. TllKO. R 1J4VII)K, Tnos. A. Junks, Kuleijitt. J AS. li. MAKTIN, Ashevilk'. , AMhevillc. JAVtliSON, MARTIN tJONliS, Attorneys and Counaellon at Law, Aahrville. N. C. Will ur u lice in the 11th and 12th Judicial llislrli'tn. -Til in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Krilerul Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. . Kel'er to Hank of Ashevillc. duel CIIAS. A. MOOkK. UVflf MKKKICK JJJOORU& MliKKICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, A.hevillc, N.C. 1'ractiee In the t'nltcd States Circuit and District Courts ut Ashcvillc, Statcsvillc.Char. lottc and (trccnslioro, in the Supreme Conrt ut KnlriKh, mid in the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District ol the Slate ol Norm uaro. Illll. ttw,l,i MtO'titlttn irlvi'll to i'litfi'i'lluri ol eliiluift. rartnership docs not CKtcud to practice in UuneomiHj inicnor court. aioca im... ... .u u , t ii iluulrlunH OMB & MKKKIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors ut Law. Practice iu all the courts. Illlicc: Nun. 7 unii 8, Joluistoii bltililliiK. dtsc W.VjONltS. VONHS & SI1UFUK1). OKO. A. smiroku. Attorneys ut Lusv, Ashcvillc, N. C. I'rartii-K in the Suoerlor Courts of Wcslc North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at AshevHIe. oHice in Johnston liuihituK, where one mem- . &- i ., lU. C....H.I IC1 'I im oi in ...in uinuja in. dtuovll JOHNSTONKJONliS, ATTOUNKY A Nil COt'NHRI.I.Ok AT LAW, AtniKVILLIi, N.C. I'metin-M In the linked States Circuit and OtKtrirt Courts ul Ashvville, lu the nuiireme Court at Kaleitdi. and in the Courts of the I'wc lit h ui eial llistrul l tlicMatcol Minn Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may lie minimi. OHice over so. Jixprcss (Mlicc, Hendry lllock tunajiio J 11. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grunt He WliiKcrt's DruK Store. Kcsidcncc, No. 11H Bailey St. ieMOdly R. H. KliHVliS, 1). D. S. In Connully IluiMlnir, over Kcilwood's Stiirc Futton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, withthenew uiiu'sthcllc. undull cases ol Irregularity cor rected. icbUUIly JJ F. 1IUKG1N, M. D. OFFICIi I , New Grand Central lUdldliiK, over Uuj 22 ClothitiK Store. fcbl7dtm J. F. KAMSAV, 1). D.S. Dental j uiuec i la Barnard Iluihllnii lintrunces, Futton Avenue nnd Main Street. feliUihlty A NUW UK lil). carefully prepared by lead tincst parelmieiit and heavy flat pnH-r), coi erinx; nil necessary points, Just out and uw on snlr lit tllr ortief of the ClTIZKN FllllLISH IMC IV, No Norili Onvtr ,ll',w inn.tO If any dcalfir rays ho has the W. L. IMniBlM Bfiors wllliout uame and prlos atanipeir sa Um bottoui, put him duwn as a fraud- 7. L. DOUGLAS tl-l"M- FOR 4d OI1WC OENTLEMCN. Best In Mm world. Fwamliwi hi H.tMIUKNUINK HAN1)-HKWKI SHOB. S4.IHI II NI HK K,l) WKI.T htltri. l.ftO I'OI.K K AND FA It M Kits' KHOK. 8 V.IU KXTItA VAI.IIK IAI,F hUUlW , ; 'IKK WOUIMIlllTUlU :ilkh' X.OOnud I.7S IIOYM' SI HOOI, SHOE& All uusw Iu OunitreM, Buttuu aad Laos. W. L. DOUGLAS G3 SHOE la'dTh. Baal Material. Bost Stvlo. IKwt FltUngW If HiiL mnlii 1 vitiir .4.. .! vrtt W. L. UUVOLAS, liliOCKTOIC, MA88 Kxniiitne W. 1 imukIhsi .oo Hiiuva for ueniieiueu ana iiuieM. Fofiakbv HERRING & WIJAVIJR, 30 South Main Street, Aahcvillc. N. C j.ipiadly .' ' J With disnuw for which dnctnin had no nam. The nous came on his nnff era and tha aiuivra (anil off to the n. I .l.i i ... v..- a ... er....,t VJ m uiiuiiio jiiiiik. Kn yrjiup ua uunisu " dreadfully; Is now (relllne well, and I V am Mtlsilvd Swift's Hwcln0 Is the chief cauw of kit unurovoment. rA ioun Dstnii, in. 13, IM. Porn, lui. POISONCO BY CALF "y I little ic isiy liroka out with sorm ana ! li:ers , 1 1 in rrsu ft of Urn sslirs of a calf cimilnir In cod i; it with a cut flnfcca Tl ulcers were dwell and puin- i in mm "I'owni no iiiriiuaiiim lo nou, (t'a Hiierlnc. aad tw Is now well. I'oh. 'H'l. , John T, IIiakd, Aahnm, Ala. ikiid for books nn Wood Fnisraia A Skin Plsrasss, . u, . Bwun brauiraJ Co., Alhuiui, (Jn, .'.U3TA'G Lli'lHEIiT CT'TtES HnLT)WIIQnV, CAKKP1U0H, IVtUiri Hl HlNlvMSs ANU Pl.l.AKI Kt-:. No iiral to Like those big cutli.irtk' pills; one of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver ml kidney l illeta is quite MitlicK-nt nnd lure tin livable. For sale by F. L, Jacobs, " ' i ' The liU-r.irv interests of the country maud the iipiMiiutiiieut of Williiun I. Uowells lis Minister to Kussiu. It will Kive him his only cluincc of ever discover ing a jilot. Da Not Suffer Any lAiuger. Knowing that u cou;h eau lie eliecked it day, and the hint stiijfcsol consump tion broken iti rt week, we hereby gtiurnn tee Acker's English Cough Remedy mid ill relumt the monev to nil who miv, take it as per directions, nnd do nut find our statement cornet. T. t. hmitu & Co. fi.b5dawlw A fond Detroit father who has a fast mm informs us that he desires to secure fur him "a iKisitiou that will slow him li, so to six.uk." Make liiiu a messenger Are you bilious ami ilysiiejitie? I hies your liver sluggisU seem ? Is your slumlier ofter broken Uv a hideous, ninhtnmre dream ? Friend, be wise: flic I'leasanl I'ellcts Made bv Dr. Fierce procure, And they'll bring yuu back thesunshiiie Ul good health, you may lie sure. The St. Andre coal-pit in Ilelgium is 1.0.S4 feet deep. This would lie u good hiding. place lor a man while Ins love- tters are lieuig reutt in court. Better Than Hulctrte. Frofessor Aniold savs: "Am "incurable vsiicntic is justified in committing sni de. We will guarantee to cure any dys- icptic within three months by Acker's nglisli Uvspeiitie lablets. I.e. Ntiiin & Co. ! . fcbGdawlw A great man is huppiest when he can sit down and write his memoirs and irget all the mean things he knows bout lumsell. SuccetMtrul HuHlnetiM Men. Who are our most successful business ten? Co out on the street and look them over. Yon ..won't find them men wlio have pale check. They are not thin, uiucuitcd men. l hey ure not nervous, irritable men. They are men whose faces indicate robust health. Men with good blootl. and plentv of it. That's tlie secret 1 their success. A man whose blood is thin utid weak and juiisoned with im purities, is iievci success! ul like Ins Ucnltliy ncighluir. You cannot expect him to lie, t without rich, strong, nourishing blood he will lack the "vim" and "push" which the man must have who would succeed. Such men should use Dr. l'icrce's Golden Medical Discovery to restore their un to verished blood to its normal condition Uv the use of this great blood-punlier ml buildcr-tii of thesvstem, they may put themselves in a condition which will cnaiilc mem to win ine success incv ure anxious to achieve. As the season advances it is no longer a difficult task to recoinitia: the rcslaii nit shortcake by its strawberry mark. filve the Children a Chance. Tliere is somcthuii' radically wroni with the health of a child when it sceuis listless, has poor or no upiietite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beucntli. In most cases showin"; these symptoms the luhl has worms, and all that it needs is s nie sun i ile remedy, such as Hart s Worm Cream, to exjiel the worms, and the child will soon l in Derieet neaiin nuam, ra- ents, try it and let your little ones have a tuir chance tor lite. Children in arms should not be taken o a salliiijf rcL'titta. - Yachtsmen dread squalls. ', SIIILOH'S V1TALIZER is what you need for tonstiiwition, Loss of Apjietite, Dizziness, and Hllsymptomsoiuysiiepsia, Price 10 ami 75 cents per bottle. CKOUr, " WHOOl'INU LtitJliH and lii'onchitis iuimcdiulelv relieved .by Jdiiloh's Cure. ,T. CSmitl& Co.' When Winter's reiun is over we have the bpriiif; rain. Pimples,' blotches, scaly skin, uirly s Kit s, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, unhealltiy (iisciiares, such as ntarrhi eczema, nngwonn, nnd other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms ol blood impurity, lake Ur. J. H. Mc Lean's Sarsaimrilla. For sale by F, L, Jacobs, druggist. Denver has a. paiier called the Frog but the publisclier will have tondmit that the prospects of his frog jumping into a larire circulation are rather dis couraging, Faults of digestion cause disorders oi the liver, and the whole system becomes ilprnmirrl Ilr. I. H. Mcl'fin'a Suramin. rilio jx:rfects the process of digestion and .ssimilation, and llius makes pure uloou For sale by F. h. Jacobs, druggist. Tell a man that he is a fool and he will laiiL'li nt you; but tell linn that he is not is bin a tool as he looks and he will net is mad as blazes. - When vou suffer from dyspepsia, heart burn , malarial ullecttions, kidney dis ease, liver complaint and other wasting diseases. When you wish to enrich the blood and purity the system generally When you wish to remove all iceling of weakness, weariness, lack of energy, try i bottle ol llrown s Iron Hitters, and see how greatly it will lienclit you. It sur passes alt known remedies us an eni'icher of the Mood, and u perfect regulator of the various bodily functions. Ask your druggist. - This is a world of contradictions. Men praise heroic actors first been use they are well done and then Ixrcause they are rare. ' Parents) Criminally Liable, More than half of all deaths occur be- liire six years of age. An army uf inno cent, lovely children arc ewciit needlessly away each year. Tareuts are criminally rcsiKiiiHililc lor tins. 1 he death rate ol children in England is less than half this. Acker's English Habv Soother has done more to bring this almut than all other causes combined. Ymi cannot afford to lie without it.. T. C. Smith & Co. Lady 1 thoucrht I told you I wanted eurrietl iKiiuioes ior uiiiiicr. uriuuet Hostler was busy, mum, and 1 in no gruoul. I?or a safe ami certain remedy for fever and atruc, list- Dr. I. II. Mclean's Chills and Fever Cure; it is witn autrd to cure, For sale by F. L. Jacolss, dritKKist. The Sioux CommisHion is certain to encounter sharp "Pliosition at its first siUiiiL'. There is no Kosebud without its thorn. "''"" SLUIiI'LIiSS NIC.HTS, made miserable by that terrible couub. Shiloh's Cure is the reuiedv for von. CATAKKII Ct'KIU), health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy. J 'rice AO cents. Nasal Injector free by T. C. Smith & Co. , OUSTAIIGLIIHOEIIT CUKKH riLKH. liUItNH. CUTS, COIINR, BKUIMS8, CILLUiLAJiNSA FllOBTUrriaj The FIi-Mf Hympluma uf Death. Tired fevliiii', dull licailai he. iKiins in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of tlie stoiiuieh, loss of iii tile,tevcr ishness, pimples or snixs, arc all iMtsitive evidence of Hii.soiied IiIimmI. No matter bow it became jjoisoned it must In- pun lied to avoid death. Acker's Unuhiih Itlood lilixir has never failed to remove serolulous or syphilitic xisons. Sold un- ter positive Lruuruiilcc hy 1 . L. Sniilli 6z Co. kbOitawlw isn't it ratlier paradoxical for a man for sound to lie wrapis.il in silence THAT HACKING COUGH can U so quickly cured by Sliiluli'- Cure. We guarantee it. W ILL YOU Sri'FIiK Willi Uvsm-psia and Live, Complaint? ittiiloh's Vitatucr is guaranteed to cure you. r.C.bimth 4c Co. Women who are fond of music natur ally pivlcr the accorilioii-plaited skirt. HIou Kyc t Ik !!. Sioux is piunouiKtii S-i'is. thercloiv. Siou would lie"S si." ivy.' :sprunoimccii I," unit si"hed is proiHTiincetl as though )elt "side." Vet S-i-o-a-e-y-e-8-i-f-h-e-d would Ik refill i tied us a most (iceuliar way of RiH.lliii" suicide. It- is uu utrly tiling. liiiweveryoiisiM.lt it, ct thousands of women arc iii uctkullv guilty of it. Day alter dav, week after week, tlK-v en dured that dull jiain in the back, that terrible "ilriijflihnj-dowii" sensation that tellsot weakness and functional disoMPf, and do so ubsolulely nothing to ellivl a cine, in a tew years a oroken-lK-arted husband ami uiotlH-rless children will follow her to the (rave. I'alse delicacy prevculs consulting a plivsicuui, imt even this is not necessary. Dr. I'iercc's Favor ite rii'Scritioii h:is cured thousands of such women. To suffer and to die when this would cure is plain, unmistakable Sutehle. It is guaranteed to tive satis faction, or money paid for it rclunded. Steamships oiiizht to .be very iudepen dent, because, tlicy are tiivcn so much latitude. ' Bncklen'H Arnica Halve. The Ix-st salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores-, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, teller, chapicd hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and ixisr tivcly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give -'rlevt satisfaction, or money refunded. I 'rice 2I cents ier box. For sale liv r. L. lucobs. daw To lovers Never put off till to-morrow what you can woo to-day. The Verdict I'uauiuioutt. W. D. Stilt, Druggist, llippits, Iud., lestihes : I can teconimend l.lex'M ' lut tcrs as the very best remedy, livery bot tle hag uiven relief in cverv case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 vears' Ktaiidliii;. Abraham I litre, druggist, IlcHvjlle, Ohio, itlirms: 1 lie best selling medicine I have ever handled til mv 20 years' ex pcrience, is lvlectrie Hitters." Thousands of others have added their testimonv, so that the verdict is unanimous that lvlectrie Hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Ktdnevs or Itlood. Onlv a hall dollar a bottle at F. L.Jaeob'sdi ug store. . x " , . A contemporary savs: "Ik't'siulter I'ratt stole right and left." We know inai i rati aioie aiui leu, oui now euu a man steal rightly ? 1 he most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Luiil' Halm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, kiss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by r. L.Jacobs. druggist. Mrs. Smilk "Are you going to your Iricnd Mrs. Blank s luneral to morrow r Mrs. Dulib "Certainly not, she owned me a call." Terrible ForewaritlnifH. Couirh, in the morning, hurried or difli cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in wiecnesx, quicKeneti jiuise, cnuiiuess in the evening or sweats at night, all or uny ot these things are the first stages ot con sumption. Acker's English Cough Kent' edy will cure these tearful symptoms, am is sold under a positive guarantee by T C. Smith & Co. febGdawlw iransterable "Mary, l should be tie- lighted had I as much hair as you. "Wall, mum, yez can borry it any toiuic yen loike. A Woman's Dlscovefvy "Another wonderful discovery has luen niiiile mid that too livalmlv ol this olace Disease fastened its clutches upon her and tor seven years she withstood its se verest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that- she slept till night and with one bottle has been niira eulously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W.C. Hnmrick ci Co, of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle ut r . L. Jaeolis drug store. l)lit-rc vns two kinds ot tirlue, says Carl 1'retzel; "one nut some airs ol solcmnidy tind dcr odder nut a two handed suit of close on." Fur lame buck, sidcorclifRt, use Sliiluli Porous I'laster. l'rice 25 ctnU. SHI LOU'S COUGH and CoiisiiinpLion Cure in Hold by us tut a joiurciiitet'. 11 cures Consumption. T.C. Smith & Co. Tlie AHliellle Dally Citizen UIvcm The latest local news. The freshest Stittc news. The best gcncnil news. A lirst-cliiss telc(fii)h service. " , Full WanliiiiL'ton retMirts. General (ttid sjieciiil eoitiineiils The larL'cst Hiibseriiitioti list of ;niy secular juier 111 the State. I he Ix-st tiuvertisini; lueilitnii iu the State. - A lull staff of utile editors and corivs- iKitideiils. I he neatest, newsiest ami most cnler- irisiiiK iier in North Carolina. Its etlorts tire ill ways tlcvotcil to the upbuilding and (kvclopiiicnt of the re sources of the Stale, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $0 per atiiiuin; $3 six months; 50 cents jier mouth, tfCTntOknA MONTH run fie nirulc flu iu ip&gu workitiic for uh, Aviutitnre fcrred who can funHh a norm- and itvt thelr whnlr time tn the Imnlnrfirt. Hpnrv mintirnU tuny lie proHtably employed ,i)ho. A tVw viu'HiH'k'n In towns nnd el ties. M, 1'. JullN 8(N He CO., HMM) Mniu St., KU-hinond, Va. N. U rlenne stnte ki and luirtiiit-HH exiK rlent. Never tniml tibout si-ndinu: Htrintp for rrply. B. F.J. & Co. urad0m we E. S. BLACK, 66 South Main Street, OptMMltt' the Swaiinnniia Hotel. Aie line uf HultliiK" tu nclrtt from. Lea vi jroar onlrr for a perftct flttliiu Hult. MUSTAIIG LlfliLlENT 18 FOB MAN BEAST. FENKTttATT.8 fclUaCLE A FlWiE TO THE VUY 110NR S ? 7 . ;i '- i J-V X'TCf V TKS LAXAUV Na.rjTr.rious JU10E FIG"1 CALIFORNIA, Comhiutil with the medicinal v itues of jdiniLs kmrwn to lie j i-st bciK'iicinl to the humati tystefit, fonniiijr an a";rccaM.: and eflectivv l;ixative to penn:? ncntly cure Habitual Const -pntion, ami the many ills ci IK-ndinjj on a weak or -iacii : nrlitiou of the mm, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is theaKMltxcenVal remedy known to CLiMHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When on u l iliuiu or Conuiuaud mi i hat URt BLOOD, RErntSHIMO SLEEP. HEALTH and TRENQTH atuu.v rou.om. Kwry one is using it and all are delighted with it. aut y&uh DRuaoisT ton "STH.tJr OI PIGS MANOFAOTURtD ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA FRAHCI8C0, CAL , 1 wunviuc. Kf' kw nmt. . r. THIS CITIZEN PUIILISIIING COMPANY No. (J North Court HtlUUlV, Ih jiri'iiiiitHl to do liiglf-gi'tulu work at LOW RATES IJii'iiUHi' tlicy hiivu n FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUK PRINTING Ah you want it uml when you want it. CITIZEN rUliLlSllIN(i VA). K1VATU IltMkli. A frw liiiiinlir. ran Ik ac-ciiitiiiiiiiluU-U at 21 1 rnttun Avenue may 15(11 in MKH. W. W. HOLI.INS. .'USTAIiG LUUCEIIT 1IEAI.8 INFLAMMM'MIN, OLD ROItEii CAJUiO JJUEABTii mcjjOT UlTKttt GREAT SLAUGHTER OF SEALS. ThuuMUHla uf Them Killed Witlilu a Hhart Tltua tt the CaiMtilaa iuhmL DisiNtU-ltos from tha lower BL Law rence anil the gulf tell of the iiiokI re umrkiiblo ttvtiiil tliut Ima vvtiroccurretl in these loc-alitn. H imiu tint upixr end of Anticohti islund to tliu Magda len itilund a Urivniji, blinding snow storm btgai ou Tuesday, and on the uiglit of the sumo day g-reut linos of ica Ix-gaii to come dow n from the St Lawrence and tbu huutmuy. 1 be few pooplo alonir tlie north and . si nub shores and ou AutictKti who were astir on Wedneskiiy oiorniui; wit nusseU a sight that startled tlitnii. As far aa tlie eye coultl see up, tlown and acruMi the frulf, tlie floes still luov. lug were tt ketl with liarp or ureeii lund seals. The it wua fairly black with tliem. It was iiiiMwsiblo to limit them in the uioviiij; ice, but during the afternoon the snowstorm ceased and the ice packed. Tlieu everybody, old women, boys, jrirla, old men, prieeta anil farmers from milts artiund aruied themselves with clubs, luttelit-U or any other weaoii they could get hold or, and wont on to the ice alter the stalls. It was a fearful slauL'liter, and the poor animals stxMiied so dazed by the sudden attack that they wereub solutely incauhleof making any t-s cape. A knock in the lieuu was sulll cient to settle them, and before uiglit every iei-son lliat could wulk liadliis or her pile of dead seals awaiting transfer to the slioi-e from Cane Deros iera and Lanse au Urilliu to Fouri) Ion. ' '-" , ".'.- In Oasiw there were over 4,(MM) killed, and one priest had 800 to his credit. Along the north shore, from Cape Tieiinot to the Mingun Isles, tliere were 8,00(1 takeu, and in the Es nuiuiaux Isles the slaughter was fear ful. Oil Antioosti tlie greatest num ber were taken at Point au Lepinette, waei-u tlie slioivs are Mill heaped with the carcasses awuitiug skinning and boiling down. The son of the light house keeper at Point Cormorant killed 450 seals, and lost 10U of them because he could not get them ashore before nitrht set in, when it became dangerous to go on the ice. In the aiagualeu Islantls and on the Uird rocks the killing amounted to 7,000. At Havre au Bastiue the inhabitants continued their work at iiiirht, the floes covered with seals drifting into me Horseshoe nice lun-ixir ana remain tug tliere. At Grinsliue the wonder ful incursion of seals was a godsend to the people, who earned enough williin a lew uays to keep tliem a year, in the tsn-u rocks the carcasses were piled up like so many bags of potatoes, ami tlie peoiilo were opulent in their richness. Tliere must have been at leust 600.000 soeu altotrether. and the total number killed during tlinw tln va rpiu'hi'il ovi.p I All (KKI Tlixv are not the fur seal of Alaska, but are valuable for their oil, and their hides are used for boots, trunk covers, etc, They are worth here $3 each, and the fat is worth t per hundred weiirht. Fishermen were sent from Quobee to lite gun, ana an enormous number of seals were killed. Never in the history of the culf have so manv been seen at one time, and the more ignorant offer up musses as thanks for the godsend. Montreal Special. Be Owaed the He ante. He was nobody, a visitor in a coun 1 try town. In the city he was some body, lie Iinti exhausted the place so ur as sight seeing was conoornou, he had heard alt Clio classics of the saloofl. and he knew exactly the condition of 1 the crops and the state of the farmers stock all around. Tlie inevitable old est inhabitant had told him how when he came here twenty years ago, "this ere nlaco where thev wor a drinkin had been c&vered with brush an' there worn t but one cabin for Ave miles around. Life was becoming very wearisome when a man with a long crape streamer flying from his hat rushed iu to take a drmk. Here was some excitement It was a funeral. lie joined the procession. Ho didn't kuow who was dead, but he looked just as sad and solemn as those who did. Hie processiou wended its way to a little cemeterv on the hillside. They all gathered around the gruve. and us the service went ou he found all the mourners eying him with a i puzzled look. Then they began whis pering to one another. 'JJi-oUior, 1 suppose. "No. He don't look like him." "One of them heirs come to seo if thoold man loft uny property, maybe." "No, he don't seem to be iutorferiu' with thecolllu." "1 wonder who he Is." So it went on till one old womun audibly settled the question. "I know who he is," t "Who?" "He's tho man as owns the hearse." "Ah-h-h." bun Francisco Chron icle. Brrotmu at Hum, IIow uscIobs our lives seem to us sometimes I liow wo lonir for an ou K)rtuuity to perform bouio greutao tiou I We becomo tired of the routine of Lome life, and imagine we would uo iur uappier in other scenes. We think of life's great battlefield and wish to be heroes. We thiuk of the good we might do if our lot had been cast in other scenes. We forget that the world bestows no such titles us uoblo as father, mother, sister or bro ther. In the sacred precincts of home we huvo muny chunces of heroism. The daily acts of self deniul for the Kood of a loved one. the nwitlo word of soothing for another's trouble, tho cure ior ine sick, niav all seem as notliiue, yet who can toll the (rood tney uiay Imve accomplished? Our slightest word may have au iufluence over another for irood or eviL We are. uml y sowing the seed which will uring lortn some sort of harvest Well will it be for us if the hiirvost will be one we will be proud to garner. If soiiio one iu that dear home can look back in after ycurs. and. as he tender ly utteri our nume. savi "Iler wortls and example iircpured me for a life of usefuliiess, w her lwwe my present happiness, " wemuy well says 'H have not lived in vain." Nutiouul l'resby terian. "MUSTS. STi$VlJNMN ll rrmnvtil tu the lohti'tun lluililliiu, Put tm avenue corner of C'tiurth utreet, where I hc In tirrpnml to kern n-Ktiliir or triitmlrnt liiiartlera. Tnlile lunimncci wun me ui-nt tin ninrketnnorijH, TermnreBHiMiiililc. nuirMl llm CUIrtUi "V lil.n HI'liCIALlST Lll V -r-IIVSICIAN. I P I I J llottle til' meillt lne I'nc. Wc war III V rant our rrmerly toeure the womt i,nM..rt. anil tne on v invHieifinn wnouo oim to lirrvent your iwiiih iiniMintu uiiin ny nun uninK fnlae namt-a uml who are not lioetorit. HeeaoiM- other. InileU l no renaoi tor not u.lnir thin tni'ilU-lrtc. (ilve llxpre. ami I'o.t- offlee atiilrrM. It eot yoo nothing. Atilie Annhel Medical bureau, KU1 Hniniiwny, New York. lanXTrtiitwly HUSTAKG LIHILIEUT SHOULD ALWAYHKRK KPT IN SHOP, KiTCIliiN, bTAJS Uti i au iuux I MISCELLAHEOl'S. Climate l usurpassed. 1,500 Mineral Nprliigs Witlilu a 1 e 1 n 3 m Ji a. 1 . IS M M IIP' 0 M M t c ft J: Lr S I Tho 'IIICKOIiY INN" w built oCbrii-k, Htoue nnd iron, inisnll niotlci n iiujirovMiiontM. Electric Lights. (ja and lOlei-tric Ilellrt in ouch room, Hot and Cold Water Uatlmand ToiletH on each Hoop. Is eleirantly funuHhed throuirhout. I'Uirtiuo and aiipointmentH uiiHiirpaHHed. I Bcuullful Building Lota SKYLAND SPRINGS UI NC09IUU I'Ol'NTV, N. C. SkylunU Syi iiiK" i 11 new rvirt, laid off In Iniililinc lots, lht mlli-s south of Aahcrlllc, oa the A. Si !S Kailruud aud the lltiiilcmonviltt Mae. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twuity-iteveii Sprina ChulylwuU', Alum, Imti, Kimniti, Sulphur, Mugneiiia,, nnd Pmatoae purr, cohl and hiulth KviK. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened Mir "all the yvnr 'round," with low raten und twHt of rooms nnd fare, tk vvral builtlniKH un-KoK tip- taw Mill and Tlautrr makiiiK lumher riKht In the place. i;ur a idiort tinir, chtUav liti are ortm-d very low to settler or investors Orund views, level loU, wide streets, pure air, iiac water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. ninylU tlOin THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Finest and Largest Stock ol WHISKIES, 1 BRANDIES i AND t WINES. ISver Ilrouglit to Agheville. l'urtit-8 wiKhiiiK u tguutl urtklc ur family ur other purpuaci, will Had it to their intere.t to give me u call. Kunia-cliully, - Frank tnnr.'tlilly BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertaken. l'roiiiit uttviition juiven to all orders Reshleiiec t 39. felililly SIIKPAllD, MANN & JOHNSTON, ft. ;x f "pig.-:.. ' ' I FUNERAL - EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. 3- -31 I'ATTON AVISNUJU;.- It. lln-wtoii will attend Cull nay aud NIjht. niarXlilly , vmm LUiiriEiiT nustftiis u:::: CUHKH lUIKUMATlbM, LAMK HACK CUKKH FOOT EOT, HUOUttDKtt HOT, AND tJTU'K JuWiti. ItUU LN UAtU' BUUliW-WOUM AM) SCAB blii.LV I Feet Above Tide Water. l ine Short Walk of the Hotel. 1.1 O'Donnell, Prop'r. day or niglit. reiiland Street. DIRECTS AND j

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