t;::: daily citizis SlAKKKTS HV TKI.1CURAPH. V.tl he rmt.JUlwf every mom In r (errrpt Mofl dr at lu looawuig ratca iirKlfcuA.- v- - , ,, n00 f- t Utmihs NI 1 nrr Kl on lJt....... l.BO .. -.(. a All (M Vlcrk. 1ft I 4 Hir carrier ill vrr tlw utitf ewrv I Xteady, 'nine la everr oart at the eitv lo oar hI I Money eaay. Honey and Bcarllle-Cotton - Provision and Produce. MONKY Mil ECI'ITIKa. w Yom, June 11. Exchange dull but her, and part wutwg it Will picaat at tax cituuu. unci. Mew AdvertlacsaeaU. Pownd Thl Office. Pan "Racket Store." .T . Pratta, Btr -Chandler. Hotter- R. HamiBcrahlag. Bargain H. Redwood Co. Statement Wcatrra Carolina Bank. Coaaampttoa Care T. C. Smith Co. Kub-TrruurT balance Cold. $153,752.-1 OOO; carrency, flN.175.OiNi. Govern meat boada noil not arm a v crnta.f t.2; i per crata, fl.ob. State boadaduii nut nrm. Ala.ClaaeA 2a& 17 Ala. Cuu B.O(..U2 Ga. 7a, naort loit N. C. Coat.. S...12ft N. C. Coo... 4a WW a.C. Brown... l "7 Tenn. . ... 1M Tean. 6a 13 Tena. Set., a...- 7H Virginia 6a 4 Virginia Con.... B7 ... ll do pul ...142 Folic Coart, Robert Carter, for a violation of section North weatern 659 of the city law., was 6ned $5 by the M ZuZZi Mayor yeaterday morning. John H. Lake, also convicted of a io-1 Lake 8hoi"Z..ii'iMo. Pacinc 7ft, i.: t c-J m II. La. Naah...... 7,r7c.tern I'ulon 8H lauuu bwuuu W wo uinu f i Mfia, $t appealed from the Mayor'a aentence, and will take his case to the criminal court. NO Par. 1.1 mor no N. V. Central lott H. at W. pfd Nurtbrm lac.. N. P. Md ? Pacific Mail SO grading 47 Rich. Alle IUIa K. at W. Point.. 2.r Muck I land BMS, St. Paul - 73, do iM. ....... no Tn. Pacific 23'A Tenn Coal Iron 8V Union Paclhc I N. J. Central 1 1 IVj Mem. At Char... AS Cotton-ared Oil UrU Ccrtincalc..... ou St Chat... 7 COTTUK. MorVMKtlt, I Haw YoiK. Inn 11. Cotton nnirt and o '".. .! ! ! nJ !... I ". naura to-uar low iiaiea; miiiniinu du- epeciui aiicmion njuomira w landa 11 3-16; middling Drlcana It 7-l. Ti oi f t M m. Iamm mm I tal act racriiita at ail uorta tolur Mas Ki new VM..U.. .mo. tot;t Britain 743, Corilincnt 87H. k miulr tiir lichtinir atorea. halls, etc. Pranta B.b. Stock 200.7S6 luika UK V. . ' L nni nil 1 1 11 L. Futumiioard quiet, ealra incandescent lighU. These lamps will be Jt0 l)te sent for two dnri trial wbererer desired, jaiy lo.esain-otiilan Erery one should try one of these lamjw. tXIio Toalo lil ForsalcatUw's.67 &5D South Mam treet. Railroad Ticket. B.HHa U K'J 9 W.r.a tt iml Feb HMIalO.I)4 I Marcb io.llato.12 K Wia UKllAi.ril.. Kl.lMalO.'JO ... B.Hr.a ii.hu Mav lu.voaio.M GaLYKbTun, June 11. Culiuo dull, 10; ra- icrinuna. NoaroLK, June 11. vuilon aieauy, 11; re- 1 arififta ft Boucht. sold and exchanced. An trans-1 bltimoi, Junell. Coitoa trady, 11H. !31fa!-TEw - &iwu imwi j 1 oeipta oti to Grand Central Hotel. I Wilmi;ti. N.C., June 11. Cotton quiet, w 1 f nt.Bvif 1 revctuta a. rrcriotaO. MA8UNIC MOTICB. Havahhah, June 11. -Cotton quiet. 10Hi- AaheTlllc Chapter Ho. SB will hold lt Nkw oi,h. June 11. Cotton trady, MISCELLASLOVS. FANS FAIIS FAI1S FANS See the Display of Funs and Low Prices at the "RACKET STORE," ASIIEVILLE ADVLkTKL.UI-.STS. DONT ORDEI1 From your (irmt-r, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT lioeaune it is made in Anlieville, "VOD KNOW," Uut wo pledge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can be made from any imported Hour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most iopular straight goods-in this market. Ask your Grocer for the above Brands, manufactured by the ASIIEVILLE MILLING CO. T. COLLINS, rresiiltiit. E. E.EAGAN, txtrvtury ASIIEVILLE ICE OOLlPAi!! Pure lee made from Distilled Water. OUice : liarhard ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Sujierior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Ketail Office: Burtianl Building, I'attou viiim:. ' Yard: Old Depot. Cotton quiet, lo,; re- Cotton qukt, 10 11-16; monthly convocation on Thuraday ermine I i)t,- Rc-iut. 4U4. Jan IS, at S. 80 p. m. .harp. Klectioa of of I MoHll.a. tunc 11.- HOT. vwiM .v ht.it www. j v. I CTipta Alt. oftbcH.P. I UKHl'llit.June 11 St HAMMBK8HLAO, Kcc. ceita 15. 1 I AttoiiaTA, Juiw 11. Cotton quiet, lo?,; nfuurif. I receipta it. I CliA.l.anTuK, June 11. Cotton nrm, 10ls, un premiar. omit newtnai rm num 1 receipta in good coa Mating of knirea, prraerve jar., aril-1 cerlea, Owner can art fame by paying lor 1 eaoviMona and paobt'Ca. tai ndYerttaeawst. Swannanoa Hotel. Un'rxcelleil cuiaine. Popular with tourlati, families and baauma men. " Ulectric am una. the door. BAWLS BKOH., febldly Propr'a. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE JT CHANDLBH S. Chandler oflen to-day extra Bar Penrhea, SO eta a craw, riniaa, Heme., I ontatoca, PoUtoea, Heaaa, Ktc., Bte. Of the Condition of Iba Wenteru Carolina Bank Cwt'iNNAYh lane ll.-Plonr liHht demand. No. 11 red corn iiimhi demand and firm No. ii mixed 35. Oataliitlit Wheat lirm- drmand No. 2 mixed 35a2o. Pork quiet IValUlt. I.arn neavy and koihI dcmanil. Balk meat, and bacon .trady. Hoga.tronK. Whlakrv atradv 1.02. ST. Loina. Mo.. June 11. Flour, better grade, very at-arcr, airoiiK unit hiKlier, tnedl- um and low Kranc. niHiunni family .7ra ll.Nn, rlioice a la:i.2o, lam v H nrin;i.7r. pal- rata r.Oa-Htll Wheat hiKbrr No. 3 ml aah MS. Corn Arm No. SI mixed caah 31 At UwdoaeofbuaineMOB May IT, 18l, a t trady-No. ti caah BJI. Whiakey 1.0a. I Bai.timii, June II l luur huvinu eon- otHdallv reoorted to the BtAtc Trraaarer, ""! to loblwra. Howard atreet and Weat- Aaherllle. N. C. I era il.noaa.lHi, exira a.inn.ii, mmliy .ia 1 (Condeaard.) 4 KEaODRCKH. Loan, and Dtacoauta, City and County Honda, Dm from Banks, ... Caah on hand, -Bxpenar. and Taxet Paid, Furnitar and FUturee, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Moaak Tile and Cement work aapecialty. Urate., Banxe. and Boiler, net. BuildinK. moved and repaired in nrat claaa manner. BcweruK. Drainage and trap, for the unt thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. t Office 1 Wulfe Buikling, Court HouaeMiiuare, While we Have the Fluent aud Must Fatah louable iMdtlu Our Line, J may30dly Messrs. (iraves & Thrash, LMirni 1 1 . fi'ti 1 i.(i irti I a . a 'alU nwnrt nl 5 H0Hn.U0: hntilt.cra MW 2LI1I1 11 1 I I'lN'l I VI 11IIK II 84 1 18.01 1 -t'n'.afui inun victtr o.iafv.o;o. n dik- Nrw Vohk, June 1 1. Huuthcrn flour dull Drv (ioods. Notions. Shoes, and heavy. Wheat weaker No. '4 red Ml y. LIABILITI BS. Capital, ' ' " . Surplu., . '. UadlTldeU Pronta, Debenture Boada, Depoaita, ... 4.HO, City mill, rio brumla, extra 4,Mnu5.Mi. nnrat nouinem aieauv ruux B.-m IMtulrrw MAwtMl? WnlHV alvntlv No. J winter red aoot Kl ti. Corn Southern ateadv I NI, . 1 f I Ui.nili Mniri utmif it noa a I ahitr 4la44: yellow 4)A4W weatern .tenil v. 1 - , 0OO 00 . fcflow.: Plour dull. Wheat-No. 5 V0 JUst OIltMlwl this WlH.'k H I red 7',. Corn No. 2 Onta No. 2 1 I Shin S.IJa(l key 1 tvj 3,782.42 1.SOO.00 1 c,,rn Irrregnlar No. 2 la.'A June 41,. i n 1 1 1 11 .fa '' lOata Urn-June 2MU,. Hop. tirm. Coff.e vlOtlllllg aiKl 1 llllS I luti 10-30. apot Kto quiet. nuK'ir active I I raw mlr retinliin 7. Moiaane. nrm. Kite 333 844 lit qui and steady. Petroleum atvady and ' luuict. Cottonaeed oil unaetlkd. Hoaln nuiit land ateady. turpentine, quiet. Ilulia lateady. Wool flrm. 'Pork active. Ilecf quiet. Bo 000 00 1 '" earner ana aun, rreiant. caaier. cotton S.tMMJ.OO 10,012.77 31,000.00 237,1131. S 1 3-321). C.rnin 3 333, H44.ll I, J. B. Rankin, Caahler or the Weatcra Car olina Bank, do solemnly iwear that the atort atatement ia trae to the beat xifmy kaowletlge and belief. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS, Having disposed of the car of White Klephnnt Potatoes, we now offer at cost what we have left of a car of lhieoii. We do this in order to close out the car and make room for .mother. - If you wish a Our buyer, Mr. (J raves, who knows the wants of the West ern North Carolina trade, has selected these goods with care, .and buying, exclusively for cash is enabled togivoex mxlingly low values on al ines. Our lines of Prints am GinghuiiM-u.ru not excellei I. tt. BANRIN. Caahler, f, atlf tlaJitU fit (.... 41. ..4 ..... II... mil? 1iiSlJi lit 41 Bworato and lubacrlbtd before me, thla ctroio ui uict uiii unit vtt; uj. ihij iiuito ii uiuuij. are offering at 10c. jer can omierallv are invite. I .Mill 4-1111 V MM Will Ul W.Ik lull - ... - - . -. . usa va sy w iiv .'VTwa I 1. 1 T 1 out. We have only a few tu u"ul '"UB- casen of the Pie Peaches left meet the closest eomiet ition at 10e. tier can. While liav- Jn8i llth day of Jimr, A. 0. lHNU t. V. Mt'LOUD, Notary Public. Correct attrat: LEWIS MADDUX, C. U. McLOUD, Bt . H. KBBD, Diravtors. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. ' lacc Stcamihs. Low Ruth. Faaa Trlaa na Waak Satwaiia DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND rawaaay, Man aan. aaa uaa Karaa Wy Fort. van Waak Day Betwasa DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ateul aaaaay Tnai AmI Jmm, Uift Aimi awl Met. Daaat. Dally Line Bswia CHICAGO AND ST. JOStrM, MICH. 0UW ILLUtTllaTtO PAIfr'Ml T" aaaa. ana Sawnl m Tlnkaia will a. fn nuhi d by yourTiok.' Aewul, Arai.e.a I. S. WMITC0MB, 0. B, A., Oltanlt, Mr . , Ontrole ana Olsvsland Itian Ntiv. Co. maylMtr UKCZ -V -.- Jn.EOGETTE,. Architect. Plan, and .peclncatlon. prewred and rati- alts given, at abort nolle. OIBre: Wont Raildlng, Court lloaar Mqnar. AahcvUk, N. C. . ,.....,. tnayaodly ing your attention drawn to these special bargains do not lose sight of the fact that we carry the largest stock of Staple und Fancy Groceries, Grain, Hay and Flour to be found in the State, and can ,.rr.... . ....... :..i s...i 1... a... UUl-l n'n-CUll lllUlUT.Hirill UU Avertlaing apace limited. Bate, made wholesale tr retail buyers, known uKin application. Addreaa With u big, clean stock, bought for cash at the right time, we defy eomiet it ion POWELL & SNIDER Court Square. THE ASHEYILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OP TUB W.N.C. Baptlnt Convention A I'aKT fJrrotiff to the Intcmt of the l)t- uotlifiiMli.M in Wntero North Carolina, $ 1.50 Per Year, lit Advance. AHIIBVILMi BAPTIST, niaytt dim wly A.heville. N. C Plenty of Goods. 2 Cam Corn 1 ,21)0 buahcla, . 1 Car Onla l.oiio buahel. 3 Car. Hay filM) bale.. 1 Car Salt 20 aacka. 1 Car llran 2(H) aacka. 1 Car 8hurU 2O0 aaek.. 1 Car Plonr. Theae gooda on hand and no huuw will aclt for hua prtcea. Our atwk of fine Urocerira repleniahed dully. Call and are ua. A. D. COOPER. I. X. L. MARKET, hj Cor. Pattoa Arcane and Depot Street. BAH CHOICUST Beer, Veal, Mutton and Lamb TLANTIC COAST LINK LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE, Silks, Plushes, Whit1 Goods. Laces, hi 11 broideries, llil bons, Art Nmllework Matt rial, Handkerchiefs, Coiwts Gloves, Hosiery, ladies' Un derwear, Laiiibiinpiins 'fable ( overs, 1 illowSliams, idiei etc., etc. lessons in Art Kin - i brotdiTyatul "Stumping Iri t i all who purchase mau'ria1 Kid tiloves tit Ih1 to tliehan tn -1 ti iMai.ni ping none wane you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of Main nnd Willow Streeta, nnder Swannanoa Hotel. Always on hand in the Beat Refrigerator in lows. JAMBS WOLFB, Prop'r. maySS d6m FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Cliancc Yet OfTercd. That deairalilc kouae, containing eighteen room a, now nppraarhing eominVtioa at No. SO Clayton atreet, wilt be ready for occu pancy and FOR SALIt OR RICNT fnt or anont tha lAth day of J ana, It U ra- peclany adapted to the nam of a private boardina ". AM ueraon. Iti terra unl are tnvtlvd to rail and examine It thla day, Teraaa. which are moat reaaonabla, cut be had oa niilicatloa to T. Y. PATTON. On and after thla dnte the fulhinlug wh.il nle. will lie run over ita"Colutnlta Oiviaion." No, A3 Lenvra Colmnhin..., ft 20 p, tn. Arrivra atCharlraton u .'io p. m. No. ft Ibarra Chnrlraton 7.10 a. m. Arrivra at Cnlmnliin 1l.n5 n. m. Crnnevtmr wlib trnina to- and from ' nil pointaon the Charlotte, Columbia A Aa gnata and Columbia t Ureenvilk Kailroada. Doily. T. M. KM KKHON, Oca. faaa. Agt. J. P. DHVINIi, Uva. Sunt. 1 niay.:a dtf Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 8.30a. ni. Car leave. Court llouar .... !I0 a. m " " " 7H " " h.ihi ' " " " UIMI From then till T D- m. ear leave, court houar every 80 minntra. Alao. car k-avea court houar at M.IMI n. m and U.OO p. m. PAKH. riYU CIS NIB, A1II1CN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, WU mlk-a aouth of Aaheville, on the A. 4k S. railroad ai now oiicn for the ncaaon. BATHS. lrrDay , rrr Week.n Pet Month For circular, addreaa THUS A. MORKIR. Pmn'r, ! maylrltf Antra. N. l LOAM, Prom l,miotn td.ootk on nneneambrrrn imomved city real eatatr at a m crnt. Au " . KIKIM No. It, Jua7 dtf McLoad Building. 2 Oil 12 tm 40 00 h'Y.tn... -1 vl IV -La J;. 1 1 vv ,wrir atu w - - j ' -ii!n - It All eyea Sited and lit guaranteed, A cum plete .tuck of the above good, at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 24 SOt'TII MAIN HTRKKT. fk-nliat.' prracrlpUon. a ajiccialty, fel)27.IHm OTICB. N Notice la hereby given that the (tart iterant), lately rxiating lietween T. W. Thraah, P. II Thraah, Max l.lndaa aad W.J. Hough, of the t-itv tf Aaheville, aniter the Arm name of Thraah, HoiiKh A Co , waa dlaaulvcd oa the iIkvoi Mar, imkw, by mutual ronarn Max l.lndnn and W. I. Hough aaauniing the IMTmmi in an itrma une or inr nrm. All nrraona inilebted to the Arm will nh-i artlle at one. may2H d.lot CABHAUB AND CKLBKV PLANTS For aale by COHNK1.L A RICB, Beaver Dam. P. O. Aiiilrea, Aaheville, earc Ucarden, Knnkln NO. au SOUTH MAIN STREET. We also have the cltcaiiest. Call and see u. W. B. MABX, Prup'r. KDI'l'S DAWSON, Sunt. ASIIEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO. M ANl'FACTUKKKS OF Hash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. Celling and all Kinds ofSIllI Work. Hardwood interior hiiiah a atm-iulty. apr-'Odlm OAK STREET INN, ASHliVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of onka nnd white nine, with no duat or noiac. at the cor ner of Oak and Woodlin .trceta, near the Pcinalc College, and only three Milium from the court houar. We have a number of clcKHntly-uirniahrd rooma to nccommodHte boanlcra who dralre a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooma, new furniture, good fare, flrat-cluas cooking, ai rcaaonablc price. Alao, hot and cold bath.. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. uilding, Patton Avenue. C. Waildcu, Preaklent W. W. Barnard. Vice Prcaitlctlt. Lawrenc Pulli.m, Caahler THE BANK OF ASIIEVILLE, ASIIEILL)U, N. C. DIHKCTOBSl I. P, SAWYliK, T. W. PATTON, . U. MAKTIN, W. W. BARNAHD. . L. CARROLL, D. C. WADDHLL. GKO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades aud Patent llaugerij Paint., Oil. and Vorniahe., Maaury-a Mixed PaiuU and Color.. Window , Gloaa. bott 1 French and American We keep in tock St. Louia and Kentucky Lead. fcbSdly LVHIIIER YARD. Cal0. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Uoul.lcday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glaa Pntty, Lime, Plaatering Hair, Shingk a, Lath., Fencing Post.. All kind, of Buildin. Material. W Order, will receive prompt attention. fcblOdly COMPOUND 0XY6EN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern nnd lateat improved methoda for treating ehrnnie diaeaae. of the Inns throat and noae. bv the Inhalation of rnixiriied and atomiied fluida Iiv the nnrumili. unit romprcaard air appnratua; alao Compouml Oxygen In connection with the vauorixed Bal aam (the balaam obtained from the nnturnl tiHlaam tree, near Aaheville.) we aiao tnanuincvure a uoine treatment 01 tnc vompound oxygen, which la, eqnul to the office treatment, nnd will be aent on application by expreaa, on receipt of price, f 12. Our aitecca. here for the pant three yeara with thia treatment ha been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cane, that were pronounced hopeleaa, whoac name, and reaidences can be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. Ily iwrmiaaion we refer to the following well-known itlemen ol Aancvtiiei H. J. Aaton, ex-Mayor; J. B. Need, Clerk . 8. Court; Rev.O.C. Kan , naator Firat Methmliat Church; Rev. W. A. Nelson, oaator Pint Baotiat Church : H. T. Collin., Capt. Natt Atkinaon. X. J. HARGAN, M. D. m at THE BONANZA," THK I.HADINU " V WINE AND LIQUOR STORE V IN THK STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND IIIIXIARI1 ROOM. J. A. MAKUVAHDT, M'K'r. ' I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEYILLE, N. C. I.KW1S MADDUX, Pre L. P. M CLOUS, Vicc-l'rc. I. B. RANKIN, Caihier. UlaacToxa; U-wl Mnildnx, M.J. Ik-nnlcn. M.J. Pngg, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Bay, J. B. Reed 8. II. Reed, Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK lASHBV'LLB, N. C, PBIIRtlARV Ut, 1880. Orgauiicd May lt, lsss. CAPITAL, 930,000. . - SURPLUS, $5,000 STATU, COUNTV AND CITY DUPOSITORY. Itoe a Ccniral llunklmt llualmna. lH .lta rcceJveU. Bxchange bought and wild. Col lection, made on nil ucccaaiblr point. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. Oa all .urn in thl. dyttnrtnicut, dcpoaltcd for four month or lunger, interest at the rate of 4 per cent per aiimim will be paid. Special attention1 given to loan on real c.tute, which will be placed for long time on real onable term, j Open Iron 0 a. at. to 3 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Dci:artment will be open till H p.m feb2titf - " WILLIAMSON & SON, (StHxvssiors to lliirt & Williiimsou,) MANt'FACTtiRKKiiOK SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stnir-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHKVILLU, N. C. At;rNTn for Tlie HuYkt've I'liinp, Steel ami Tin Shingles, Floor aud llcitrtb Tiles. idlj AtiKMTS A M'F'Ka. t)K Bjrkit's Patent Slieathing Lath - ASIIEVILLE - W. T. PHNJUMAN. PEIltllMAN & CO., W. B. FBMNU1AM, -JOBUXIt AMU OSALIU IN- HIAIRI-DIWlAlffra ASHEYILLE, N. C. AOBNTS FOB DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO OLD HICKORY WAGONS, 8TUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, tTa M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. hudly Anythlus In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, fcbludtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN ANDLATE ROOFING, J ARCHITKCTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Speclilcatloiis Furnished on Application O.We have thorough mechanic, in each Une who have had many year.' experience h therr -tveeaa saMf guaroiitee onr patron, aatbuactjoa ta oar work, a low hgnrea. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. leblftdly C. H. CAMPBELL, Mannratvturcr and Wholesale Shipper 0r UINUER ALB, CHANPAONlU CIDER, DU9ION SODA, SARSAPARILLA, v MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BKIR, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. t-aclory, si7 Haywood fM. P. O. Box a4. ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, Stone Hlocka and Tiles, exceedingly handaome In appear ance, of varion. uealgn. and color and very durable lor walk In yard, idrwalk, floor ftr Public Building. Ilnll. Porche. Bntrnnie. llaaementa. Batcher Shom, e. 6wcial laea, color aad design. Tor II BARTllS. II andaome Carriage Hlocka with same. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE, Sample of Block, etc., can be area at office over J. B. Dkkrraoa' Hardware Store, on rublk Suuare, corner of South Mala atreet. P. O. Boa 634, C. E. MOODY. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVIUE, N. C For the retrptioii of patients sulTtTiiig of diseiues oflunos and throat, and conducted njMjn the plun ot thesanitariies at Gorrbenslorf and Fatkrnstein in Gcr nmny. Onrs is the only smh institution in the Untied States, nnd endorsed by the lending members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. 8., M. D. 'I jaa. u.w at 1.0, ar20d3m