at r ? t; Absolutely Pure. Thia powder ncrer yarlea. A nianrel of pur. .nl,.ih and whiilniwM'M. Mure ecu- ihnn the onlinurr kinda. und runnnt lie aold in eomiK-tition with the uiultitude-of low tent, ahort weini nnun or iiiHminnu nowdt-ra Sold onlv in eima. Khvai. IUkinii 1'owiiku Co., lott wall St., New York. dtwtnprl7 BlttlXIUU AND rLCAsl KE. No need to take tltose hill cathartic pills; one of Dr.J. H. McLean's Liver (I lid Kill lie v Pilkts i quite aulhticnt and more agreeable. For uie by F.L. Jacobs, druggist. In the Garden. From the gumerville Journal. She's fairer than a lily. And she's tweeter tluin u rose. And blie knocks the neighbors hilly Wheu slie wields the garden hose. Slie lifts her skirts from (hinder Wilh berk-It hand, while her rtht Grasi the noulc, and the stranger Gelt a rery pleasing siht. For slie't always fnsh mid rosy. Ami site stems so sweet and fair. At she sprinkles every posy With the most impartial cure. The neinhlHirt' eyes all twinkle And tla-ir Hitercst daily pt'ws. The Flr( Bymptonta of Death, Tired feelini;, dull lienilaclie. pains in various piirts of the IxmIy, siiikin;; at the t orthe stomach, loss ot apm'tite.lever- ttthness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became oioncu it must lie puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Mood Ulixir lias never failed to remove rofulousor svphilitic imisoiis. Sold un der positive guarantee by. T, C. Smith & Co. tebodawlw Winn von ask a tr.imp to cut a stick r two lor you hi exchange tor .the toutl 011 have uiviu him he usually cuts his stick. THAT HACKING COl'GU eaubeso quickly cured by Suilob's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL. YOU St I'T LK with Dvsiwiisia nd Liver Complaint? SInMi's Yitulixer is guaranteed to cure you. T.C. Smith & o. For they like to see her sprinkle, Aud thev like to see tlie hose. PROFESSIONAL CAh'liS. " TlIKO f. l Vinson. THOS. A. Jomks Kaleik'b. Js. O. Mabtim, Aabeville. Aahevilb:. JJAVIUSON, MAKTIN & JONUS, Attorueys and Cuunaellora at Law, Aahrville, N. C. Vill or iKt in the 1 1th and 13th Jndn-liil DislrkU ifd in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the I'nleral Courts of the Wentcrn litriet of North Carolina. Krler to Unuk uf Aahcville. dtael DVr MBKHICK. CM AS. A. MUOKB. JKKB & MEKKICK, Attorneys and CounseHors at Law Aaheville, N.C. l-ruetiw In the United Htutea Circuit and listriet Courts at Aaheville, Stuleavllle, Char lotte and OreenslMjro. in the Supreme Court i..,.i. u.h mid In the courts ol the Twellth ..Hi..iMi liilru-t of the State uf North C Si'ieeial attention given to collection ol Partnership does not emtend to prnetlee In lluncorabe Inferior Court. dtoej Uo Not Sutler Any Manger. Knowum that a couuh caii be eliecked in a day, and the first stagesof cousuiiii lion broken iu a week, weliereby guaran tee Acker hnglisa Cough Kcuictly una will reftmd tlie money to all who buy, take it us jier directions, and do not fun! our statement correct. T. C. Smith & Co. felioduwlw Oftentimes the boldest of veutuics is to venture an opinion. Are you bilious uud dysa.-itic? . Docs your liver sluggish seem ? Is your slumlier oiler broken Hv a hideous. nitrhlniarc dream ? Friend, lie wise: tlie l'k'iisant I'cllets Matle bv lr. Pierce nrocure. And they'll bring you back thcsunsliiiie 01 god health, you may be sure. He thut winkcth with his eye should take heed lest he be slewed. Better Than ttulclde. Prolcssor Arnold stivs: "An iiK-urabli dvsneiiLic is instilled ill eoinmittinK sui cide. We will guurantee to cure any dys-K-ptic within three mouths by Acker's liiiL'lish Dysiieiitk; Tablctt. T. C. Smith & Co. T. H. COBB. VUB1 it MBKKIMON, J. 0. H BK1MUN. Attorneys and Counaellors at Law. Iraetkc in nil the courts. 'Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston buililliiK. dtst-4 '. w. JONHS. fONtiS & 8HUFOKU. UKO. A. SUUfUKU. Attorneys ut Luw, Aaheville, N. C. I'raeties in the 8tiKrior Courts ut Wetern North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Stale, und the federal Courts lit Aaheville. 'ftHHce in olinnton liuildliiK, where one niem fl3of the jinn ean ulwnys lie found, dlnovll ; JOHNSTDNB JONB8, ATTOSNKV AND COHNSkLUIK AT LAW, ASHUVIL1.B, N. C. In the United Stutes Circuit and District Courts ut AHheville, in the Huprtnie Court at Kalcixh, nnd In the Courts of the Twellth Judicial District of the Stateof. North Carolina, and clnewhere. as his services may lie required. OOice over bo. uxprcsa lleudry Block Ianaadtl JJ II. UUUULASS, D. 1). 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wiugert's Drug Store, ttesidenee. No. UH Bailey St. felilodly 11. H. KMBVES, D. D. S. DENTAL OFFICK tcbGdawlw It is very good men who grow iiitlig. naiit and wrathy when tome one am tliere it no hell. . lu Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, I'Mlton Avenue. Teeth extracted without puin, with the new aniesthctic, and ull eases of Irregularity cor rected. :cl13dly P. UUK01N, M. U. OFFICES New Graud Central Building, over Big Ti Clothing Store. lebtTdtm ' f F. KAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental Office t In Barnard Building Entrances, 1'uttoli Avenue und Muin Street. febUttdly A NKW liHKII. carefully prepared by kad i Inn mcmlieni of the Aaheville bar ton K,,. .i .,ur. lii, nt ami heavv nut nailer), cov erinir all necessary points, juat out and now on sale at the office of the Citiism Publish- n M,. Nnrtt I'wirt amw llP!"'1 I f any dealer says he has the W. I.. Tloacla Shoes without name and price stamped on i bottom, yox nun ovwb as a uawr (."I&jf $3 L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. n a at-- ujJ mlna Ills rs in til" Will risi"""-"' -V,w I:JI0 K AND f AKHir.KH' Mi OB. . i.oO KXTKA VAI.UK Mir tk sirikit arakjiBjfa.mltkl t 1 J J k IV 4.00 and t.TS KOVS' NCHOOjL inOXS. 'All uiaik) la Cuaicri'is, Bultuu sad usw. VV. L. DOUGLAS G3 SHOE LADiVt. . Material. Best Stria, Heat rtttiaS W. U DOVOLaW tUtOOKTOM. MAM. Kxnnilne W. I- lon-iai 9.oo sjlivea for Oentlemeu sud Mtuiea. For title bv HERRING & -WEAVER, SO South Main Street, Ashevillc, N. C. janlOdly SEVABZABU U' For two years I It A rhelllllnltHmHO li:;(1 1'.ill ItUlnuljIul iiivf. m'il ml cn.r.m il li'" tin So lor s .:m;i jix , iirlnit !ikh I'ro I could not! nur' uii hands to lltv I" il.s ! I t. 1 U sionll.4c .lid v ii r-'C moviiiiiyn.u i:ilH:u,' 1 11 r - Bshrei'd In fl-fli fr. fiM l!i3tBiHlw. Wr.ilm; IIP aJJen hy W t Mi;lnt --SwV'S- only to Brow wnn-p, Finally I look flwln's Rnacluc. and siMin hi lh:i I. Imiirijve, AfUT awhile wnsst niv wik, and lorrV Part tve months have In sa wi ll as I aver wssal ftom the eflocts of Hwlll't Spucutc. Jon Hat. Jan. t, 1RM. Ft. Wtyna, Ind. Dvuka on luuod and Rkln TMaaaaas m11e4 free. Bwu-r Bracuio Co., Atlanta, U Ian invs Huccvaarul Iiulneta Men, Who are our most tueecssful business men? Go out on the street and Ion them over. You won t him them men who have wile cheeks. They are not thin emaciated men. They are not nervous. irritable men. Tiny are men whose laccsj indicate, robust health. Men with good blood, und plenty of it. luiil t the secret of their success. A man whose blood thin and weak uud poisoned with im purities, is iieversuceesst'ul like his healthy neighbor. Villi cunuoi cxiect. nun to or, for without rich. Strom.', uounshiiii; blooi he will lack the "vim" uud "push which the man must have who would succeed Such men should use Dr. l'ierce't Golden Medical Discovery to restore their im. oovcrished blood to its normal condition. By the use of this great blood-purifier and builder-up of the system, tlie may nut themselves in a condition which will enable them to win the success thev ure anxious to achieve. Kx-Scnator Kiddlclierger it going to write a novel. It promises to be an in toxicating ttory. Calve the Children a Chance. There it something rudically wrong with tlie health of a child when it seems listless, hn poor or no npietite, eyes sunken und with dark skin beneath. In most eases showing these symptoms tlie child has worms, and ull that it needs is reined v. such as llnrt't Worm Cream, to exiiel the worms, and tlie child will soon lie m lieriect health again, ru rents, try it nnd let your little ones have a lair chance lor inc. A who starts out on a wild-goose chase should not wonder if others make game of him. SHILOH'S V1TAL1ZER is what you need lor Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and nllsymptonisofDyspcpsia. I'nce 10 und 75 cents iier- uotue. CKOUIV WIIOOi'1NU-1,uijl,u aim Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. T. C. Smith be Co. Sadit drafts ure probably so called to distinguish them from the kind you cuu't see but which give you a eoiu. Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly siMils, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, uniicaiiny oisenurgcs, Mm o cattirrn, eczemu, rmgwunn, " "i-v forms ol skin diseases, are symptoms oi blood impurity. Take Dr. J. 11. Me Lean's Sarsanarilla. 1-or sale by f . l. Jacobs, druggist. . &.n-tnrv Husk should have hit fortta- coming book on cattle ixiunu in van. Umiltmif diuestioii cause disorders oi I !i liver, mill the whole system becomes I llr. I. II. McLean's Sarsana rilla perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and mus mime pure muou For sale by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. No woman ever really loved a man who would not fight on a pinch. Wh.Mi vou sutler from dvspciwia, heart- lu.rn miilariid affecttions. kidney dis- :ouv liver compiailll UUU oinei nraui disensts. When you wish to enrich the I.Io.hI noil mintv tlie svstem gciicraiiy When you wish to rejnove an iceiiiig 01 ureiikiunii. weariness, lack of energy, try 11 bottle ol Iirown's Iron Hitters, mid tec hour H-rentlv it will benefit vou. it sur passes ull known remedies ut un enrichcr ..filu-bl.Mid. and a perfect regulator ol tlie various bodily function. Ask your druggist. Piiie - utt4-kel - tlie iiiitentiat v at llluckwcll's siand, but 10 the great ilis- 11st of tin.' convicts uonc of theui were fired out. Blots !-: Slgii'-. Sioux is iiioiiiiuikTil Suns, tla-reloiv, Siou would be"Soo." live isiiroiHiunced I," and siglicd is prouuiuavd ns though pelt side. ' . vt 5-l-o-u '-y-e-s-i-c-li-e-U would be rcgartlcd as a most peculiar way of siHiliuu suicide. It is un ugly thing, however yon sia'lt it, yet thousands if women arc itruclKiuiY guilty ol it. Dav idler dav. week alter week, tla-v en dured that dull pain in the buck, that U-rrHik urnj'KUiiCdown sensation Hint tells of weakness and functional disorder, md do so ubsolutely iiotlunu to ellcct cui-e. In a lew vears a brokeii-ncaricu liusliand and motlicikss chihlren will lollow Iier to the urnve. I'lihse delicacy prevents consulting u physician, but even this is not necessary. IM I'rtcc t ravor- ite Prescription has cured thousands ol such women. To sutler und to die when this would cure is plain; unmistakable Suicide. It iti'imniiifeei to give satit- laction, or money paid for It rclunded Tourist to Native Is it against tlie law to fish 111 this stream t Nativi Naw. It't nL'in common sense; there hain't even a uiinny in liter bull crick. Bueklen'a Arnica Halve. The best salve iu. the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, ehapiied hands, chilblains, corns, and ull skin eruptions, uud ssi livclv cures piles, or 110 pay retpui-ed. 11 is truarantecd to give iicriect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents lie box. Kor sale bv r . L. acoiit, nuw Seiretarv Hlaine will siiend a large part of the summer at liar Harbor. Hut is it not cool enough now in Washington lor bun f The Verdict I'nauliiiouH. W. D. Still. Druiririst. Itipiius, lnd testifies : "1 can recommend Klcctric Bit ters as the very best remedy. Every tat tle has iriven relief in cverv case. One man took six bottles, und was cured Rheumatism of 10 veart' standing. Abraham Hare, druggist, Ilcllvjlle, Ohio, affirms: "The liest selling medicine have ever hundled in my 20 vears' t oerience. is Uleclric Bitters." Thousand of others have added their testimony, so that tlie verdict is unanimous that Klcctric hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver. Kidnevs or Wood. Only a half dollar a bottle nt P. L.Jneob's drug store, A, lull-grown man p looks alxut as dignified chasing a hen. ilaying croquet as a monarc I0RACE GREELEY'S GRIEF. THSLAXAi snousjt.oe k..IUT W Till CALIFORNIA, ! witl; ttic metlicinat t;!!T known to I:, Uut-faial 10 the huttvi t C.'iii1iinc; v. '.lies V.Wt.t svstem. lornnna: nu nsr and cffci'tnt' J ixative to yaur -Hcntly aire Habitual Ctmr; . imlion, aii'i Ihe many ills ! ixntling on a weak or 5imn:v : tulitiuii of tlie X!CNEYS. liVEB JlK!BOWELS. It is themost exctllcai remedy known 10 CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Wka on u lAm t t'uuuipauil PURI BLOOD, REFRCSHINO SLEEP1. HEALTH nnd STRENGTH hatohallv F0U.OW. Kwry one is usiug it and all are delighted with it. A1.K VOUA DRUOOiaT FOSI ta-mcTJE ox fiob alANOA0TURt0 OMCV BV .CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAD FSAHCISCO, CAU Loummu. at . new row. r. Ask Tour Retailer for the JAUES HEANS $4 SHOE It THC JAMES HE AITS $3 SHOE. locordinf to lour Needs. JAME8 MEAJiS S4 gnOK Bia Itaht and Mvl:h. ittlu likna tocklnf, and RKQUIKKS um penncuy w; the llrM unx K hh. At win mtiBty ma niBt BHOK la abaolulely tin -iA V ' V fVIUtnlll ItfA. ? 4A . M K t- iriw aim. ilr ilwa of IU prlca whkk baa ever been dIacmI px- wnalTely oti via aaukct m wnica aaraoiuiy m conAHierea Deaira ntaaw- vara AsklbrfliaJainas Hum Shoe fur Bora J. MEANS 4s CO.. lUataa. Vail Hum mi ! ' ' For 8ule Itotitlc Bros. & -Wrijtht, ASIIEVILLK, N. C. feb'JIdam tn th aat mn Aa Auaaua, Ua and Whlaker Hatia ttaenradathomeviut oat pain. Booknf pai tloulara sent fREK. B M.WO0I JJt Y, M.lAi frliKWawlY OfikW i WUlWtUaU at, tn th aat The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. 11. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm..... It it o sure remedy. for coughs, loss of voice, and nil throat und lung troubles. For tale by F. L. Jacobi, druggist. President Harrison's' nciwtism shows itself in permitting thousands of red antt to hold positions in the White House. A Cutblx-rt (Ga,) man has orgunizei' 1 nnti-kissitig ttKiety. It meets 111 0111 Drunkenness Qr tho Llqaor Habit, Positively Cared T AIDIWtTlllie N. IslIlT SSlltl WCIIIt. II esis thss is 1 est at eoflos tr tct, or htsr HcnM W looa, without Ibe knowledge of tlie per on takiiui It: It Is aWlutoly hannlesa and will erect a permanent and speedy cure, whether uie patient las moaeraieuriuieroran aimnonr wreck, it NEVER FAILS, We GUARANTEE 1 complete cure (n every Inetauce. in page book free. Aaureae in eonnuenoe. SOLUM spage I SPECIFIC CO, 1 B& Race St. ClntHinUta Um I ha Urvat Kill tor Sorrowad Over the DwUll of Ull Only ttoy. Pt rhnps the nuet putlicticchnpUTin Mr. Oivvloy's lifo tn the deulh of bis idolizisl Ixiy "rick." His grief wusuJ 11 loot beyond etnitrt t. Maigurcl Ful lur. writing from lU ine stiou after tlio fui lure of flio revolution of '411 to her utotlicr, says: . KCCCIVIIIg, IOW UUYS BlIHIJ, a rxtckcl of letters from Ainurica, 1 iieiivtl luciii Willi more loeuiigoi uow and giHid clircr tluin for s long time. past The lirxt words tliai met my eye were tliewi, 111 tlie nuim 01 air. uw ley: "Ah. Margaret I Tho world growt lurk witliusl ou(mevo, lor iiuo is fulluit; 1 uwuriL for ilckio laiload. 1 have shed nvers tof luars over tlie inexpressibly affecting letter thut begun. One would Hunk 1 nilgiil have become (amiliur emiugh witli iniugua of di'afli und instruction; yoL boiliuhow, the hnugv of lick'8 little Ouuciiig ligure lying sun and stark, between his iarunts. hus mude me wcp more than all else. There was little hopn thut he could do justice to liiiiiself. or b'ad a I nippy lifo, 111 BO iierplexed a world ; but never was a character of richer camcity-iio vera more t'burninig child. 10 me he was most dour, and would always have boon so, tlud he become Klaincd with earthly fault, 1 could never have for gotten whul he was to me when my soul pitied for sympathy, mire and un alloyed. The throe children 1 have sueu who wore lairrst 111 my eyea. hiiu guve most promise of the future, were Waldo (KiuersoiiL. Dickie, Heniianii Clark all niiHd 111 tlio bud. lCudless Uiouglil 1 nut mis given me, aim a re solve to seek the realization of all holies and plant elsewhere; which re solve will weigh with me as much as it can weigh before tlio silver corn Is liually loosed. Till then, earth, our mother, always finds strange unex pected ways to draw us buck to her bosom to make us seek anew a nu Liiuiout whiuli has never failed to cuuso us fivquent sickness." Mr. Uroeley luiubclf, iu lint tiocolloc tioua, says: "1 ltKiked in vain through Italian Galleries, two years afUr he was taken mm us, for any uurullel to his das iling beauty a beauty not physical merely, but visibly radiating from the souL Hi hair was of tlioliiuwt and richest gold: "the sunshiuonf picture uever plorilied its equal ; and the deli racy of bin complexion atonceli xtxl the ittteiitioii of observers like the lute N. P. Willis, who had traversed both hem ispheres without huving hit gaze ar rested by any child who could bear a comparison with this one. When at length the 'struggle ended with his lualbreuth. and even his mo ther was convinced thut his eyes would never again oien on tho scenes of this world, I knew thut the summer of my life was over, that the chill breath of its autumn was at hand, and that my future course must be along the downhill of life." The following totter, which is uu dated, was evidently written iu reply to 0110 of condolence: Your letter, dear R, was written iu your noblest spirit. I thnnk you warmly for your sympathy. What ho was tome, even you can hurdly dream; you that hnve two bona, in which the natural thirst of the heart was earlier sittisiied, cuu hurdly know what my one evo lauib wus to me. luat tie might live, that I might grow daily butter for hit suke, thut 1 might not spoil him by overweening love, were ever recurring thoughts. Uod be nier- MISCELLANEOUS. Climate I'nsurpaiaaed. 1,500 Feet Above Tide Water. Fine Mineral Springs Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. I t ft! ' .' r 3 gf j r mm mm rill 1 w Www am Tin "HH'KOUY INN" built ofbriek, atom 'and iron, lias all niotlcni iniprovoinentH. . Klwtrie Lidita. (iua and liltM tiic IU'IIh in wioh room, Hot and(bldVat'r ItathHand Toilets 011 tnu li floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. (Hiiniiio and appointments unsurpassed, , I BenuUful Building Lotii SKYLAND SPRINGS Bl'NCONBK COITHTV, N. C. Skvluiitl SiiriiiKa a nrw mtort. Inlil off in liulldlnn Iota. lht mllra aotttb of Aahcrtlk, OB tin' A. & Kullruad and the Htnilt-rauavillc I'ikc. - THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven Siriiina Cllul IkhIi-, Alum, Iron, Kiatoin, Sulphur, MaKncaia, and Freestone )mre, cultl and health Hiving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened . I'or "nil the war 'round," with low rntea anil Iwat of mnnia and fare. Sfcverul buildiuiia arc KinH Haw Mill and I'lam-r makinK lumber riuht to the place. Fur u abort Unit;, cliulre Iota are,pHi-n-d wry low to aettlera or Investors, Oruud views, livrl lota, wide streets, pare air, fine water. OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. .... " mnylO dBm THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Fluent aud Largest Stock ! WHISKIES, t BRANDIES AND s WINES, liver IlrouKht to AHheville. cifulto mo a sinner. buna l'urtlcs wishiiiK a good artii-lc for fumily or other purpoaea, will find it to their Intercat to New York Tri- Klve " Keapi-etlully, Terrible Forewariilntt". 'CoiikIi, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult lireathinj?! ruiiiiK phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, cliillniisH in the eveiiini! or Bweats at niuht, all or any of tlicne thiiiL's are the first xtuxet of con sumption. Acker's Knluih Cough Kem- dy will cure tliesctenrlul symptoms, ami is gold under a positive guarantee by T. . Smith L-o. r'Iioiihw 1 w Mr. Gladstone is rioiuir Unulnnd on a stuuipiiii; tour. Now we know why the ti. O. M. clioiw down trees lor exercise. A HVomaii'HDlHcover.y Another wonderful discovery has lieen niadf and that too bvaladv oftliispliiec. : . - . . ' . . 1 . 1 Disease tastciietl its clutches tiimn ner umi for seven years slie withstood its se verest tests, but Her vital organs were nnili riiiiiK-d and death seemed ininiinent. For three months shecoiiKhctl incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us it bottle ot Dr. King s isew inscovcry lor Consumption and wus so much relieved on takinir first dose that she slept ull niuht ami with one bottle has been miru- enloiislveurcd. llernutneis Mm. Luther Lulz." Thus write W.C. Hamriek & Co, fShtlby; N. C lleta free trial bottle ut V. L. Jaeol' drug store. A voting lawyer hits taken to bragging I 111 a theatrical way. lie says; -My uusi- ... r I ness last vcar wag some thing tec nominal." FOR MEN ONLY! 1 DnCITIVC Tor LOST ar F AILIKG MANHOODi rllal I IIC o...l u,a NERVOUS DEBILIITi 1TTTT7 "p Weaknau of Body anil Hiad: EffeoU av avai or Error oraxoeaaeaiauiaor xouaa; a. 7l. ,,.b I'MiiKVKIJll'KIMlHIiANaA PAHTaof Wlllf tkMluKlT aalklllaa HllSIt THUTKUT-Hraraia la a Am tAarHttc. a. r'flll".a prIWIM 1) ha Aaanaa till PtiiSAl ., lniiaLa, a. k For lame back, sideorehest, use Shiloh's i'orous Plaster. I'nce 25 cents. SHILOH'S COUGH und Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. T.C. Smith & Co. TOMACKIMC Summer Tours. Pa lac c Steam km. ' Low Rati. Tour Trips per Week Betwt-ril DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND ratoaka. Baull Kt Mails, auu Lata Huron W -y Porta. Bvary Waek Day Betwean DETROIT AND CLEVilLAN Spa'lkl KwmUy THadriiiK Juiiff, Jul)-, Aiwiial :.ttj iMi't. Doubl" Dally Uu-i Be attn CHICAGO AND ST. JOStPH, Midi. OU" lUU3THATtb"prwt Bataaantl Bznurai nTlnk"'n will b'u inu. bv your Tick- 1 Aitt'in. ' ra tl v t. B. WWTCOMU, U. P. A., DcTmur, t i m Detroit and Cletoli.nd Staam !.. . Cu inaylHiltf ' " 1 "' v 1 1 jRIVATK noAKl). A few tioanU'ra ean be uccoininodutcd at L'l 1 l'aUun Avcnur. maylSdlm MK8. W. W. KOI.LINS. nn chair. . parents criminally Liable. More than half of all death occur be fore aix vears of ace. An army f 1""- cent, lovely children are swept needlessly awuy each year, rurenis ure cnninmuy resixinsible for this. The death rate ot children in England is less thun halt this. A. Wa Knir ish Babv Soother nas none "more 16 bring thilBbotrt thmt-nll other , ' t r A l.. . causes cotniiincu. luiicraran lie without it. T. C. bmitn & t-o. Wlion vour father's sister visits you, lodge her in tlie aunty chamber. For a sale und certain remedy for fever H ,nie. use IH. f. II. McUan Chills and I-ever t.urc; u w wiirrmiivu For tftk by F. L. Jacobs, druggist.. Mi.ll I'ili-her is understood to have been the first bull player in this neighbor hood. KI.KKI'LUSS NIGHTS, made miserable bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is tlie remedy for vou. CATAKK11 LUKIvU, ncaitn anil swevi breath eiiired, by bluloli Uttarrn Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free byT, C.Smith & Co, This is a faster ngc than preceding ages probnbly because clocks now go with springs, while they used to be weighted down. When a irirt holds her breath a moment and then says sweetly, "Oh, no, smoking is not nt all disagreeable to me, Mr, Price," you may bcsureMr, Price is not nt ull disagreeable to her, whether smoking ib or uot. Unibandlna, the Swaala King. A beautiful vou lie wifoof the kinc's bad in some innocent way displeased hi ut. The order was pi veil to suiell ber out, and tho witch doctors did their horriblo work. Executioners were told off, und tltpy were sent out to tlio young wife to Ml ber of her sentence fcilio dressed herself lu her best ornaments, und determined to ap pear buforo the king to say "Uood by." Slio hud btt'ii the ruler's jilaymiile and favorilo Bvvuetlicart us u child, unu she ventured to send a messiiire to imu asking permission tosuy ',Uood-by"to bim. Tho king refused the request. Culinly preai-ing for deuth, the young .. .1: .i. .l i .1 :..r .1 woiiiuu uisregurueu ino uuuiui, unu wulkcd to where his "majesty was sitting', drinking chumptigue. She said to Imu: "king, 1 have come to say 'good-by;' tell mo why you are killing mo." . Tlio king vouchsafed no answer, and turned his fueo awnv. Tho poor wo man proceeded to Lid adieu to the other wives und yii'lsof the monarch. They Btmid in u row, and ussho walked down in front of them she said: "1 uui tho llrst, but there will be more of you to con io after me. Without ou othcr word alio quietly followed her executioners. They led her about three miles from tuo kraal, across the Tillan river, and there bunged her on a low thorn tree. The reun by which she was BU8)ieiKlcd being too long, her feet nearly touched the ground, and stran gulation was completed by beating the reun Willi bucks, tlie person of royalty being sacred to tho coxooiou touch. South Africa, marSldly Frank 0'Doiti.cll, PropV. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Vholcsulc and Retail Furniture Dealers, Aud Undertakers. Prompt uttcntioii given to all orders day or night. LEMON ELIXIR. A I'l.KASANT l.KMON IIKINK. For hiliousness and eonstipntkm, take Lemon hhxir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon hhxir. For sick nnd nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For slccpluasncssjuid-uer vousucss, take. lvcmon cuxir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Lhxir, For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon bbxir, Lemon Llixir will not fail you in any of the above tusenaes, anoi wiiicnnnncirom a tomid or diseased liver, stomach, knl neys, bowels or blood. Prepnred only bv IK. H. Mozi.KY. Atlanta, da. 50c. and $1 per bottle. Sold by drug gists. A 1'ROMINKNT MINISTKK WHITHSI After ten years of great suffering frotn iiiiliLt-atitui. with trreat nt rvoiis proM ra tion, biliousness, disordered kidnevs and consttimtion. I have been cured by lr. Motley Lemon lvlixir, and am now a well man. Kev. w. t.. uavis, Elder M. K. Church, South. No. 2H Tatnalt St., Atlanta. Ua. apr2l dttwai th su FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. S. BLACK, 66 South Vlalu Street, Oppualte the Wwunnunuu Hotel. A flni' line of BultiiiK tn ackft from. Leave your order fur a perfect fitting Suit. WANTF.n for MKCKKTHKRVICR. Intrlllin-nt men. ennahle nfaetlns aa detect I via. I'nr lull iiiirtiailiiin adilrcaa TUB IN- TKKNATIONAI. SliCKUT HiiKVlCIt llncor. poriiU'ill, No. 834 HroKilwav, New Vurk cay. "" junu diiiat w2t E. FOGETTE, Architect. rimia and H.-dAt-atluns prciiurcd and catl- matea idven, at ihort notice. Office: Wolfe Dulldlng, Court HiitiacHouiirc, Aaheville, N. C. mnySoilly lteNldcuce;t 39 Penland Street. SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - DIRECT OIR S, r:usTAi:c LtrarfEHT r.:usTAUG liuiueht IS Ftm MAN ft UK. AST. rF.NETIUTKH tiPAta tkft.AMIIATIoH. OLD ROTtEa I. X. L, MARKET, Cur. Patton Avenue und lH-put Street. 11A8 CHOICI'.KT Beef, eal, Mutton and Lauib Alwajra on hand In the Ileat RefriKerator In town. JAM Ha WOUI'U, ITup-r. ninyx(iiiin Mr. nright's flpaachea, Abovo twenty years airo I was talk- lug with Mr. Bright in tho smoking! fciitdiy room of tho house of commons. He was going to s)ciik later on in the evemng, and lie haU a large roll of notes winch bo was looking through. i never leurnou a soeech but once. ha said, "aud then I did uot remember it. Ihit 1 consider that no one ought to address the house oh an importunt issue without thoroughly getting the subject into bis bead, and knowing bow he intends to treat iu "xou write down some, passages," I said, pointing to the notes. "Yes," he re plied, "1 do. otherwise 1 might say more, than 1 intended." And then he I weiiL-OU-to exnluiH- that bis greatest . i . . a . . : Uilllculty in mastormg the art of which , t " - W ho hiul become su'i a master had been I E H Ik A L 31 1 A 11 O At M. A i. to acuuiru tuu uaoit oi iK3iutiiir aiow ly. ''You should not make pauses be tween words and sentences, be went on to say, "but pronounce distinctly every sy liable, "London Truth. MUS78."STEVENSOr Haa removed to the Johnston nuildlng, Tat nn Mvrnue. rornrr uf Cnurcn atrei-t, wnt-rr ahe la preimml to aecp rrnuiiir or unn.nm. boardrra. Talile mrnianen won ine ih i in market alTonla. Termairnaonulile. ninrlll Om aair CUKKIl HY ( HI'liCIALlST rlTn 1IIVSICIAN. Nl A Bite of Free. We war I U rnnt nurn-iiirdvtiieurelhe wurat caaea, and the only iihyaidana whodo thia to prevent your la-lug ImiMiwil UMn by nun miar numra and who are not HiH'tora. Keenuae othcra failed l n rcaaoi lor not ..I.. hla mnllrine. Olvc Kaiirraa anil I'oat- nlllr aililrraa. t coaia you nooiina. num.., i Aaahe Medical Bureau, aw nruaiiway, new York an27d&Wly A SPECIALTY. 3" -jl PATTON AVMISWI?.- -3 V. II. Urewtuu will attend Callit Day and NIrM. marSldly PJST Al!Q UKII.1EIIT .lUSTAIIG LHIII.1EIIT LlUSTAliG LlHIHEHT UU3TAEJG UIIIOT HUSTAIIG LKOllT IWTIOIIN, CAKED BAOS, MTOFTiT) ALWAYS I5E KEPT IN St IO lJ-aME IN ciniB I 1 klTClUai. BTAIll INU FACl'UUY I nrnrs ram. pttrnr. cttts, cohkr. crniEa noUiOwttoitK. caked baos. hiioft.T) always he k eft in stiw, VjUUIalS t !' min i in -im ' oUUli 110UF CTTflFR HttF.t"M ATlSM, I.AM r. HA15. ItiKfH nuri ttirt, niiwt. i.i-i iv -t i, AKl) bTlFF JUINTU. HV 11 IN 11A1U) ' BCUKW-WOUM AND SCAB IU WUitP JUbCLEAKyilUiTOTUJiViaiYbONiL

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