0I.Y A 11 IC The llrM M uaploiiiM of Ucattb. Tired iceliiiu;, dull beaduvlie, iniii8 in various Mirls of the body, sinking at tlwr 'U oflhc stomach, loss oi'upoelite, kvcr Uilincss, nuikit ur sores, arc idl nositivc evidence of Misoncd II(kh1. No matter liuw it became oisucd it must be itiri lied to avoid dcutb. Acker's English Wood Llixir bus never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by T. (.'. Smith & Co. tcboduwlw A7J.4L LSTAW. (luly a pie, I) hi there liy a bunch a succulent ).irt of the Wai.tks B. Owvh, W. W. 'T. Climate l'iisurpaed. 1,500 Feet Above Tide Water. l ine ill wood X'MKS I u i nil Of tlx pic-nickers, barrings of brown, and Bliueral Spring; Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. I GV1YI1 & WEST, (Sutnuun to Wa'Ur B.U)a - ol yellow ; A custard, deep, soft and enticing, und mellow, Only a pie. i ( idy u pie laid away from tlie unts ; HSTAKLISIIED 1881 (I'kitse observe tlx- young man in (lie d.iuling white pants); Young icplc who have courted in societ y j;o on bridal trij to see' how they like each other. We are offering tor tlie next thirty days harness saddles and bridles lower than ever. ChenK-t leggins mid saddle bngs in town. K. MclulurS' & Co.. 18 north I ndv n pie bv the wood posies Ivitti;, REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. What is tlx- new walU step the yoiiiil; man is trying ? Only n pie. REAL ESTATE. ft"'-- Only n pie ( Ah. the voting mar is rush; (.rent ncnveiis! tics slipped uuu come ICM-lllb THE LAX A 1 K MSCELLASEOIS. r ; J : 1 ; ' ' . ! If . down with a crush.) ,NJ.-UTMTlOU8JUiCE Main St. Only u pie. (Those wild chcenngs are roiiscrs.) I How custard shows up oil the scut of tired, lie sits down on aiilllinoisScnutor while trousers! When Mr. Harrison-liK'iuie8 very, very- Only a pic. Washington Critic. Hl'ttllvtMt AMU I'l.lUSt'Hlir Absolutely Pure. This powder never tstks. A marvel of par ity, strength and wholcsomeness. Moreccu auiulcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight Blum or phosphate tHiwdcrs. Bold onlv in carts. KoVAL Bakuao Puwum Co., too Wall St., New Vork. d&wtaprlT 1'rof, Osboriic oKiicd his dancing class last night with a uood attendance. Next lesson will be on Monday iiighl. Spcuis Building. A number of young women in Cuth-Ix-rt. Un., have organic d an anli kissing society. Those who have seen the tnetu- No neetl to take those big cathartic iiill- fine of Dr. f. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pilk-ts is tpiitc sufficient and hers say that such a precaution w us not more ngrcculile. 1-or sale by f jacoos, necessary druggist. I'KUFESSMNAL CARDS. Tiiso. P. Daviimmin, Thob. A. JoNBS Kakigh. J s. G. Martim, Asucyilkr. Asheville. JJAVIDSON, MARTIN &JONUS, Attorneys and Counaellurs at Law, Aslicville. N. C. Will iir utlee in the 1 1th and 12th Judicial m-ari. i noil in the Sutiremc Court of North Carolina, and in tlie Federal Courts of the Western District of North Curolma. Kclcr to Bunk of Asheville. dtsel CUM. A. MOOKB. MKKSlClt. JJtMJKB ft MBKKICK. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N.C. H met ice In the United States Circuit and district Courts nt Asheville, StuUnvilk, Char lotte and Grecnstioro, in the Supreme Court t kuktt;li, and in the courts of the Twellth Judicial District of the State of North Coro- ieeial attention irlven to "collection of claims. . , I'nrtiiershlp does not extend to uractlcr in Buueoniue Inferior Court. dtoc3 T. H. COBB. J. O. HKHK1MON. VJUB & MliKKIMON, - Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In alt the courts. Office: Nos. 7 and , Johnstou buildiiiK. dtse Judge "Miss, will you please give vour age?" Witness "1 am 'J7 year old " "Your correct age, please." "And 120 months." 1X Not staffer Any Loniier. Knowing thut a cough can lie clajckcd in a duy, and tin: first stagesof consum tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's lvuglish Cough kcnictly and will refund the money to ull who buy, lake it as per directions, and do not lind our stuteinent correct. T. C. Smith & (Jo. fcbodawl w THAT HACKING COUCH can la-so nuicklv cured bv Shiloh's Cure. We L'narnntec it. WILL YOU Sl't-TKK with Dvsiiciwiu and Live-Complaint? Shiloh's Vilalizer is guaranteed to cure you. l.C.stuiuio: Co. , When a dam gives way a bad break is made. Hlou Eye ttt(h-d. Siod is pronounced Soos, therefore, Siou would lie "Soo." Eve is Dronounced "I," und sighed is pronounced us though suelt "side." Yet S-i-o-u-e-y-c-s-i-g-h-e-d How loin; do mostiuitocs live ?"-asks would be regarded as a most peculiar . .rr.-uo.,nil.-tit That deneuds a irood wnv of siK'llinir suicide. It is an ugly deal on the kiud of fcllow tlicy light on. thing, however yousncltit,yct thous;inds oi women are uracncuir Kumr oi il, Are vou bilious and dysiieptic? hUv alter day. week after week, they en Does your liver sluggish seem? dured that dull pain in the back, .that Is your slumlier olicr broken I terrible "dragging-tlown" sensation that uv a mtieous, niuiniiiai tu.oo i teusoi wcasucss auu luiiciiouai uiaoim-i, Made by Dr. Fierce procure, And thev II bnng you uacKincsuusi H)l good la-alth, you may be sure. FIU Or CALIFORNIA, ymbinc; with the medicinal '.lues of jilmits known to v.iast Ixmeficiul to the human system, forming .faiiZagreutbtr andjeffective laxative to jvim. ncntly cure Habitual Const) patiou, and the tnauy ills t! lauding on a weak or imu lK ! nditiou of the XlDtiEYS, LIVER UNO BOWELS. It 1 tne at excellent rcaicdy knows is CLM THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When om is )tiiou or CtMUtiuntcd -W1THAT UM BLOOD, RIFttMHIMO SLIKP. HEALTH and STKINQTH . HATURAU.V P0LL0W. Kvery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUR OHUOUnrf M 8YHUP OP XXC3-S MANUA0TURID ONLY BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAH mMCISCO, CAL lownuc, ur new row. a. r. I Loans Sccurclv 1'lacctl at 8 Per Cent. Notary I'ob.te. Coinmissluuers ol tieeUs FIRE INSU RAN CK. OIHtK- Houtbcamt Court MUMrc rmpiiiu (rhllViswlT sik) Wslakcy HW Its ami st ham with (mtpaui. Buuknf par. Ucalarsmnl FEtt B M WOtUXKV.M.D. Office Us Wtattstuul tX to th sat Wm. M. Cckc. Jr., I REAL ESTAIE AND M1NEHAL BROKER, Akheville, N. C. Can aell you one millitiu acres of InuU, In tracts from CO tu tOO.OtKI aetva. Have uuntuer of city lots, iiuiiiuvcd and uuim- proved,' which I can sell on the lieat of lernis. If yoa want a large or mnull farm call on inc. If you want minerals of uny kind, you need go no lurther. If yoa want timber land, I this is headquarters, iu fact t can suit you I iu anything you want la my line. Services of a first-class civil eUKincvr and practical surveyor ciiKUKed to show tip all proierty when required. 1 have had tilteeo .years' eiitrknce iu the real estate busliass. and thiukl know vihut will pkiisc. 1'rouipt attention tu all inquiries. ' Cli.'Kl i v W. COKTLANli, Friend, be wise: Tla; I'Wasant rdlets ,,,! Ju go alisolutely nothinir to effect cure. In a lew yenm a brokcn-ncartcti hiisbuud and niollwrlcss children will Itdlow her to the uravc. False delicacy prevents consulting a physician, but even this is uol uccvsftur.v. Dr. I'ierce's Favor ite I'reHuripl ion has cured thousands of such women. To suffer and to die when Litis would cure is plain, unmistakable Suiciilc. It is guarniiteeti to j;ive satis faction, or money inid lor it refunded. The hen has never been banished, al though she is a famous "cgjj-silc. W. W JUNKS. J UEU. A. SlltlFOkll. JON12S & AjHUl'OKU, Atturneys at Luvr, Asheville, N. C. Practles in the Siiierlr Courts of Wetcru M.,nh l arolniH the Htiun-nw Court ol the State, and the Peilerul Courts at Asheville. OHicr iu Johnston buililinK. wliervoue mem ber of the linn ean always lie found. dtnov It J" OlINSTONU JON UK, ATTOHNSV ASH COt'HSKLLOK AT LAW, AS11KVILLB, N, C. fractices in the United States Circuit und district Courts at Asheville, In tla- Suprciue Court at kalciKh, anil iu the Courts or the I weirth Judicial District of theStuteol North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may lie reuuirvd. Olhce over So. Uxurcaa Olhcc, Hendry Block iau23dtl J II. DOUGLASS, U. l. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & WiiiKerfs Drug Store. Residence, No. UH Bailey St, , febiodly Uvttcr Titan Suicide. Proltssor Arnold sjiys: "An incurable dvsnptic is justified in committing sui- tulc- We will L'tutruiiiee 10 cure uuy oya- iM.'pltc witlnn tnrcc mourns oy jvcrki . lini'lisli Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C. Smith & Co. Icb&dawlw The regular drinker feels low-spirited when his demijohn is nearly emptied. Hucceattful Buslnesa men. Who are our most successful business men? do out on the street ainl look t hem over. You won't find them men wtio have pale checks. They arc not thin, emaciated men. They are not nervous, irrilabk' men. They arc men whose laces indicate robust health. Men with good blood, und plenty of it. That's the secret of their success. A man whose blood is thin and weak and poisoned with nn- por uressv afternoon, ludl and evening purines, is never succcssl ul like ins ueuitny I toilcta tlie stockuiL's must match the ncllHKir. You cannoi exK-ct. nun tu uc, govvn iu color, lor wlllloaincn,si.ron);iU""'""",,K uu. Bre'r Wanaimtker: Do unto other as vou would wish to lie done by. Senator (Juay's Boy (irom classy oup posin' others be DcnKK-rats f "Thcu. beloved children, this doesn't go. Huckvlvu'H Arnica Halve. Tla; U-st salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever I sores, tetter, chnpiied hantis, chilbliiins, corns, and ull skin crtiiitions, and ixisi- lively cures pile, or no iwty rciiiined. it is uuaraiiteed to give lierfect satisfaction, or money reluiuleti. rrice ceuis ki ho. KorrtaU- liy I'. I..jmiii. naw Drunkenness Or uo Llqior Habit, Positively cured n AiWMrraMi n. isiitr mihi uttirit HcaniMsima la a ess) at solo r tea. HorM m toos, without the kuuwletlm of the per ion Uklag it; It Is absolutely harmless and will street s permanent sad speedy cure, whether tlie Datlent Is a moderate dri n kcr or s n alcohol ir wreck. IT NEVER FAILS, We GUARANTEE s ooniDlett cure la every Instance, IS iiaae buuk FREE. Address In ooiifldeiiee, OLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 184 Rasa IL, ChKlamU-ls FOR MEN ONLY! i nn.MTlUC Forl08T(rFAII.rH0 MAHHOODi lirb4llllC Oenml ans KERV008 DEBILITTi flTTTl T Wraknus of Bwlyaad KuS: Effects UUJ-llXlof Irran or ExoesMS ia Old ar Touaf . "nJ.AV,iitui)iusi.iisrAaT8.i "imlhlnia 41 SUlm Trrril-rV.. tmrrttm ra.lrWa. In.u.fHUA". r.ll.i.l...U., w prf.?lW MWjfm. ASStm. Mil msicAl (" All, 1.1 Real Estate llrokcr, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Ulliees: No. 0 South Maiu st Second Hour. fcbUdly -Hi BBBVBS, Vs UK NT A I, OFl'ICK In CunnaUy Buildlnn, over Redwood's Store, I'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without piiin.wlththenew anavthctic, and all eases of irregularity cor reeted. iebtadty lis BUK01N' M- U OFFICKi New Grand Central IiuildiiiK, over Uia '22 Clothing Store. febl7dlm he will lack the "vim" and "push" which the roan must have who would succeed. Such men should use Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery to restore their nn. lHjverishcd blood to its normal condition. Itv the use of this mrat blood -purifier and builder-tip of the system, they may put themselves in a condition which will enable them to wiu the success thev are unxious to achieve. , The Verdict Viianliuons). W. D. Suit, Druggist, Ilippus, 1ml testifies : " can recommend Electric, Hit ters as the very best remedy. Every lait tle has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of khcumutism of 10 years' standing, Abraham Hare, druggist, Hcllvjllc, Ohio, affirms: - "The best selling medicine 1 have ever hundk-d id my 21) years' ex- iieneuce, is lilectnc Hitters." l nousunus A spirit medium's business is naturally f others have added their testimony, so dull iu Summer, there is so little demand for wrnps. that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidnev or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottfe at F. L. Jacob's drug store. Ask Tour Betailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OK TUB JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to Your Meeds. .JAMBS MCAHS 94 StlOK BiiUKlitsratityllAli. It tits like stocking, end TtKOUlKKS . IIU"UKEArUNOIN,nl m ponocuyeuy tne nrmt urns II l worn, it will utlifV the most flA.tMI.Hit. JAMKS MEANS 3 SHObi is slw.lutely tin ' wiu. or iu pnve wnica is ever been plaeed ox- teutively on the tnArket mwiuco aanuMiuy eouAraerea oeioni oat- D. S. WATSON, - Real llale Aiccut, (Nut Speculator.) 1-or SaleA larnt uuiouut ol valuable City Property, Improved und unituproved. For friale Some line faruitiK luuds ; also, timber aud mineral lands. 1 can secure for parties buying City Lots from tne money to improve the same ou most reasonable terms! Money to loan ou good city and country property I Olhcc hours : l'ruiu 8 to 6. D. 8. WATSON, Siulhcaat Corner Court Square, Asheville, N. C. uiay-'li dtf F. KAMSAY, D. U.S. r, cu uuice t Dental In Barnard BulldinK Entrances, Patton Avenue and Main Street. , , fcbaOdly . ' ANEW VHUV, eartlully prepared by lead tnir memlicrs of tlie Asheville bar (on finest parcliment and heavy flat paper), eo points, Jl Give the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems A water works company has no time listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes to generous wlicn it is kept busy try- suiikch ana wiia tiara riu-ucwum. ing to Mjust. must canes sliowimr these- symptoms the chiltl has worms, and all that it needs is The most delicate constitution cun 1 some simple remedy, such as Hart sWorni safely use Dr. J. H. McLeans Tar Wme Cream, to exiicl the worms, and the ehild 1 1 balm. It is a sure remedy for i . ' r..., 1....1.1. p.. 1. , i n .1 ...! win soon nc in iiciiccc iicuii.li " icouirns. loss oi voice, uu un uiiuni mm rents, try it and let your little ones have UI1), troubles. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, a fair chance lor life. druggist. It would be well for some of our base- jt j9 the ice cream that stands too bull teams to imitate the example ol tlie lnir oh the lee cream sta.HT that is modest, unassuming scores u goose-egg. J"--rJBBPw AV i.sj- 0a. w s. -iaiiL'5.AA. mere INSURANCE: piKB INSUBANCB FME. LIFE- Aa:il)ENT hen, who never I ,N)jMn. rnnc all neeensarv .,n nl. at the office of the ClTIIKM I'UHLIKII ust nut and now CITIZKN I'UHLIKII- Sn A Nnrlk I'cnrt l fl.nIO" f faay draler savs he has th W. I. Dane flhaw wlUiuat nautu auu iiriw sutniii Etta BTtttftm. pin auua uuw. m lM WW 1 "s-"'::1 f1 ; SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss .of Apiwtite, Dizziness, and all symptomsof Dyspepsia. I'rice 10 aud 75 cents xt bottle. CKOUF, WHOOPING COUGH and Ilronc-hitis - immediately relieved - by Shiloh's Cure. T. C. Smith & Co. Almost everybody will agree that the American Hair is a daisy. If so, then we already have a Nationul flower. l'imiilcs. blotches, scaly skin, ugly sK)ls, sores and ulcers, absccsse and tu- mtirs, unlicaliny uiseuurges, ;" ...iifirrli n-7eiim. rinifworiti. and otner forms of skill diseases, are symptoms of Disease fastened its clutches UKn her A ik ihr Hi lames IuauaK boo (or Boys ' J. MKAKB Ic COm Bostoa. Fall Ubm mt Iks shoes for sals f For Sale Bostlc Bros. & WriRlit, ASllKVH.1,11, N. C. iehl!ldm tu th sat - ached ule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March t, at O.30a. m. Car leaves Court Honse....,......B.ao a. m. 7.00 ' " " H.00 " ' .M " l'roni then tilt 7 p. m. car leaves court house every 31) minutes. Also, ear a-aves court nouae at o.oo p, m. and II.IM) p. nt. CAKb, riVU LQAIB. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bunk of Asheville, AS1IBVILLB, N.C. Represent the following cumiunks, vis. : riRR. CAM! ASHKTS IN It AiikIo Ncvndu, uf California $a.4!7,M:i Continental, of New Yord I lain burg-Bremen, uf Germany lmdoa Assurance, of Itaulnnd Niagara. f New York.. orient, of Hartford.... i'hirnix, of Bronklvn" St. t'nul Fire and Marine, or Min nesota. Southern, of New Orleans Western, of Toronto Mutual Accident Association. .dvtnn Life Insurance Company. dtmarito -9m V'; s2'l Tirii U'j i'l 'l The "HICKORY INN" is built ofTbrick, utono andiron. ihh all modern improvementa. Electric Lights. Gas ana Olectric BellH-in ouch room, Hot mid Cold Water Baths and Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. JJ25 1 KeautifulBui,dinclLot8 1( SKYLAND SPRINGS MUNCOMII1J COVNTV, N. C Skvlaud SiiriiiK" is a new resort, laid orTlu buildlnR tots, elht miles south of Asheville, on the A. at S Kailroad and the licnderaonvllle J'ike. THE FINEST COLLECTION . OF; MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATL TwcutyHKvtn SprltiK ChulybtHt, Alum, Inm, EMom, Hulphur. Mttgneai. and Freestone pure, wiu ana nvHiin KivuiK. v Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "all tlie year 'round," with low rates and best of rooms and fare. Several buildiuKS are aoinx ni. Saw Mill and Planer making lumber riaUt in the place. for a short time, choice lots arc onerea very low to senier or inTcaiorv. Uraud views, level lots, wide streets, pur air, tine water, OTIS A. MILLER. Proprietor. may to dSm THE CAROLINA SALOON, Hait the Finest and Largea! Stock ot WHISKIES, i BRANDIES t AND t WINES. Kvcr Urought to Asheville. ' urticn wUIiIiik u Kud art it It- fur family or other purpcMct. will And It to their tatcmt to give me a cult. KcNpectluily, " ' - Frunk O'Donntll, Prop'r. muratdly TerrlWe ForewarnlnnH, Couuh. in the moraine, hurried or dilH .! ln.tliiiiiT rnisiiiLr iilileirtn. tiifhtncss ill the chest, tiuicKcnca puise, cniiiiiiess m the evening or sweats ut ninht, all or any notice Is herebv iriven thut the partnrrship ,.1'tl, tV;,ra nn- the fiint stiurpa ntVou- IntHr riistiua between T. W. Thrash. I. If. .....;.. - A.-Lr'. Fmrlish Coni'h Kern- Thrash, Max Llntlan and W.J. Ilciunh.ofthc sumiitiun. At kers LiiL'iisn Louf,n Kim My (f Anev,llei umivr the nrm nnme coy Will cure inese iciiruu bviiiiciiib,hhu Thrush, HoiiKh i to., was uissoiveti un tne id a,,lH .Kifl.-f n iwmilivp frliuasillTfe 11V t.l flnv ol May. l wy. nv mutual etninenc. i' c...;. 1, is, f fr-li.tiiwl w I Mai I.lndan nnd W. 1. Houtih assuming the L. Smith t t.o. tcunoawiw mt.nt of rtrht, 3nc ov thr nrm. I . I 1 .1.1.. ...1 . AW- will nl.Mlu. ,. , . i nil imun. rimiuiiu w in h, .. ,.,.Hn A vtKorotis torei(n policy is one iimr. Bt once. mays d:it lives to net out oi tue state aepurxmem. A Womsa's DlHcover.y "Another wonderful discovery hus lieen made and that too by a lady of this place. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE l.hu.d imiiuritv. lake Ur. I. II. MO LenirsSiirsiinanlla. 1-or sale uy t. L. Jacobs, drtigKist. It is easier for New York people to select tlie site for a monument than to secure a Bight of the monument itself. Pmiltsof diwstion cause disorders oi the liver, and the whole system becomes dcrniiL'cd. Dr. J. It. Mclx-an s narsaim- CENTLEMEM. a ai ...1 Waraamlna Ilia .0n 1KNI INK H ANI-Hf Wf.I SHOK. .(K) H AND MK.VH WM.T W !.- 1.50 VOI K K. ANI FAKMKKS' SHOB. B1.MI r'XTKA YA1.1IW ytl.w r.i RBOEas and for seven years she withstood its se verest tents, but, her vital organs were nnclermiucd and death seemed imminent. Kor threr montlisshccouuhetl incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on titk iiiur first dose that she slept all niL'ht Hiid with one bottle has lieen miru- culouslvrurcd. Her numeis Mrs. Luther I " Tho.urfil.W C ll.'lttlt-U'tt Xt Ctt. rilla perlccU the process 01 nigesuon auu of Sncn)y N, c.-0eta free trial bottle at assimilation, aud thus makes pure oiooa. p l jucoos druif store TUB EQUITABLE LIFE AHHuraiice Society NO. 120 UKOAUWAY, skw yokk. Crudi Assets j.vM,vl.6 Cash Surplus so,74,7l.t.l.1 The StronKest, must liitrral aud must pro gressive Compuny in the world. Its Tontine I'olicies with l?i nnd 'JO yenr lieriuds I when Issued in appropriate form) offer tu insurable persons a two-told udvau- tuiic. J l'rotcctlon Asainst Loss and i. M7r..iia:t , - . t 1,121I.MI4 - sW. I l,fHH,UH5 - , '' i I ii, a37,na jl . .: la cut. I A Secure and TroHtable Investinen 1. U. Mouroe, ARt., Asheville, N. C. tMlice with Jude Aston. febitildtlm BLftlR FURIIITUBE COMPHIIY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. TOM ACKIMC WM. R. PENNIMAN, ii.UO and l.t BVS' 8 HtML Ail ausls ia Curutnxa. lUiUua sud 1 W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE l ad i BmI Material. Brt Bryln. Best fUAlmt, It aut Aokt by yr o. slur, write w ... Kiamlne W. I nour1a jtioes) for Uentlemem and Laaiett. For ulc bv " HERRINO & WKAVER, '""SO South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. jotitOdlT For sale by F. L.Jacobs, drugjjist. "but if you don't love him, Clara, why arc you fioinjf to marry him ?' "Ik-cause he dared me to, mamma, ne knew my high-spirited nature, too. Oh, I'll make him sorry enough for it don't you be afraid." The shadow of a doubt is something very thin. For lame buck, side orchest, use Shiloh's I'orous riastcr. I'rice 25 cents. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a irunranlec. it curesCousuinption. T.C. Smith He Co. When vou suffer from dys)Cmia, heart burn, malarial oftecttions, kidney dis- stranger to Native "What's the ease, liver complaint and other wasting ,UjtBCBt way to get to the depot?" diseases. When you wish to enricn ine Native "Kun, you tool!" IiI.ai aI nrl tl ril'ir t he svstem lreiierallv. I i wi..i v.hi wih to remove all tcclinif of For a safe and ccrtiiin remedy for fever weakness, weariness, lack of energy, try and ague, use Dr. J, II. McLean s thills a bottle of Urown's Iron Uiltcrs, and see and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure. how greatly it will benetit you. it stir- for sale oy r . l.. jiicoos, urnggisi.. ..-7Ti.i.-..i u.l erlf reiriilator of Sandal shoes ore worn v,itn Ivmpire U. iir will Imk 111 V luilLtlUll. ASK VOUr U"U uvvv.j tbi vosu ouaoi The world merit to Inne fnr me In thu core htrh was so bait rw to W by tlx physlriAiis went Ia he trrstrd. tine me s cht of sn wiver- Sivirt'sSptirlAc sud 1 Irlk'f fnmi IheArst fw Rnduslly foreed out of fund amind sml WMsiths sines 1 anil tsk sad su sigti uf ruturu of the Mm. Ass IIotiiwsll. As Sable, MIcIl, Dee, tA, "dtt. Bead hw books on Blond Dlsesm rind Caikck Sulkxl fra. Tus Hwirr Krsniru' DrsworA, AtiAHIA,(( la tfrl.AA to vs. khowwhstB.S.S.tuu of a sislii(itiit OauctT. Iio oisutiflered lncnra in tMiiescn, where I of my MilL'bhoni n-ti' llMnucnl iu n qsrn v Isrsn wk.ar; il. 1 1'"' d IIm ii 11-Kiti it my ssU)m.' d I tf' wi ll. H Is ii"v I'-f 4 loir 8. K M. sml I havi drusdlid dlsuisu. druggist. KcjDR-e, 0 young man. in the dnvs ol youth, but rcmenilier tlmt, Dig as lie is. tlie whale does not, uiow mucu umu .... reaches the top. Parent Criminally I4atlc Advice to Motberr. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrupshouhl always be used for children teething. It soothes the chiltl. solU-ns the gums, nl- lavs all imins, cun-s wind colic, uud is tlie licst remedy for dmrrhiL-u. 20c. a bottle, The new rococo riblrons look like the More than half of all deaths occur lie- of a ,jOW(.r gurtl,. w fuj jUIll. fore six yenrsofagc. An onny of inno cent, lOVCiy Cllllllivil am ..v....-v uway each year, rurcnts Hre criiuimiuy .u..w;i,l.- fi.r this. The death rate of iu Km.l.'itid is less than half this. Acker's lvuglish llaby Soollier nns uonc more to bring this alxiut than nil oiner en uses com III net . lOllCHlliiov uiiimu be without it. T. C. huutn & t.o. bloom. KLKd'LKSS NIGHTS, matle miserable bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the rriiii-dv for vou. CATAKKI1 CUKlil), health and sweet breath aeeiiretl, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. I'rice fiO cents. Nasal Injector free bvT. C. Smith & Co, Summer Tours. Paucc Stkamemb. Low Rate. Fowr Trip, psr Wk Helwcwa DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Vstoslunr, BAult sts. Hsris, sua immm Uunw W jr Aoru. vsrj Wssk Day Hstwasa DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Ssntal hsAay Trip. Awtn imm, J.I) , Annul anl IWIA. 1 Double Dally LLno U'vu CHICAGO AND 8T. JOSEPH, MiC.i. OUR ILLUSTHATCO" PAM PH L T"t ' Batas snd Bzoural io Tick"' will nt ru uuli.u by jrour Tloar' Asont, or ,d' v s C. B. WMITCOMB, Q. P. A., Onwnr, A-I.- m., Ostrolt and Cltrvalantl Steam N:;v. iio, maylHdtf THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN - UP TUB W. N. C. llaptlBt Convention. A PuKf Vcrotcd to Iht lutmtim of Hit lie- nomlimtloa la Western North Carolina. fi.jo l'r Year, ill Advance. Avertlsina- snaec limited. - Kates made known upon ainilicatiou. Address AHllltVlLLU HAIT18T, mayll dim wly Asheville. H. C, CUKKU HY OLD HPnCIALlST I-IIYHICIAN. Hottle of medicine I'ree, We war rant our retried ytocure the worst eases, and the only ihyieliinS whodo this to prevent your ik-iiik iniiHiseii uixin ny nun usiiis false names and who arc not Doctors. Because ot hers lulled la no rraaoj lor not using this medicine, (live Kxpresa and I'nst otlice aildrrsa. It costs you nothlnR. Addiess Asahel Medical Bureau, 'J VI Broadway, New York. ianJYOwiy PKOl'KlUTOKOl' THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Alivvllle,N. C. r. u. uui p. oiurl3dly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Kooms on Main street, opposite the post olhcc. t)ia-n dully, except Hundtiys, from 10 a. m, until 1 n. m and 5 until 7 n. in. The terms of suliscriptlon are: One year $; H m os , SI. DO a uion., SI i 1 niu., OOcts.; tin uv -J cts, ..A- . . 1.,. , (1 u U ... I tlllltTrA Hir IW.W i nnnmii, 1' onwin, Vlce-I'residcnl. L'hurlc W. Woolsey; Hee.niid Treas., U. r. Watson ; l.lltrariau, Miss U.J llnl.-h Citiiens and visitors are cordially Invited to insiH-et the catalogue and inserilie their name as ntemlH-rs. feliHdlf FITS rMiRTflnil ilfiTniHiT HUSTASiQ LllilffillT KUSTAIiG LIHIOEtlT MUSTANG LH1II.1EI1T ,"WW,,,,,M rrriT tvxfi AMU it Til ) V OLDHOtlEa CimKH TILES, BURNS, CTtTS, CORNR, CI'IIES irOLTOWHQUN, CAKED BA08, IH FOB MAN A 11RA8T. PENETRATES IJEAI INFLAMM 1 1( n, uu p BUUIHE. CjJiiJ,iJAlNrlA.FUOSTlJlTEa I OUUB A 1KX)F ir-stiraAii JN CATTLE I WOLI'B, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All sitids id'eemrnt work lloilf. joltliliia and kulsonnuliin promptly at tended to. Kesldenee, Clayton Kt. tlrtleni enn lie left with W. II. Wcstull ft Co. feldldltin MUH.". STEVENSON" frmnnd to the lohnston Hitlldlntf. I'nt ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she Is prepnrcd to keen n-Kular or transient boarders. Tahle furnjulird with the liest the market affords. Terms reasonable, marlll Hm tlUSTAUG LIIllUEilT WTOTILTJ ALWAYS BE KEFT IN BH0P, UTCILEN, BTAJK iNU I'ACTOUlf I And Uuderlakcm. Prompt attention ivcn to all orders day or night. Uesldeuce 39,. Petliid Street. tebldly SIIEPAUD. MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - DIRECTORS, EMBALMING AND S.IIIPPINC A SPECIALTY. 31 j 1 PATTON AVKNVH. 3" 11. llrewton will attend Call May and Night. maraidly UUSTAKG LIIIH-IEtlT 'USTAf'S U"II":a CVUV.A EHEUMATISM, LAME BACK CirRES FOOT EOT, BHOULPFlt ROT. J3Ttt'l?J0LNia BUULNILUU)' UClUiW-WOKM AND SCAU L.N biatl'l Ml,ltu:i.g.A.llRlilTi)TllKVKlttAlUJiJ, ' uaiujaua- "