t:::i daily citizen Will be fmbH'hed every mornine (eicrpt Mon- dyl at tit luliwwlliM ralra- su-M.-(r cash. m Vrar . .. 00 t-.-x Months . ...... S.OO 1 nn-e to .-TUn. ... .. l.nO C me M on t a .i.i... . , ft Om VictS 15 I tot nrrim will deliver the paper every Borning ia every fiart of the eity to our nib- vnuo, ann parties waaun 11 will pari caii at UK Oman Office, Mew Advertisement. Boarding C. B. Way. Katkct Store Geo. T. Jonea A Co. Trama Wanted 26 N. Court Kqare. Salphur bp-nags Hotel B. U. Carrier. HARKKTR HV TI I.IXHAI'II, M1SCELLASE0VS. The match game of baseball played at Camp Scales yesterday afternoon between the borne dub and the Asheville Junction dab, resulted in a victory for the latter, the score standing 10 to 19. Money and et-ecarltlea Cotton frovlNlona aud Produce. MORKY AND ICtHITI K. Nrw Yoii. Jane 14. Bxchange dull but) trail y s-s KKa- nuv-j Money easy. Wad. closing one-red at a. nub-Treasury balances Gold, 16,14U.- Out); currency, $1 n,S3.imm). Government bunds, dull nut nrm per i erata,Sl.aS; W per cents, Sl.oo,. Hljtt hftfli idu liut strutlv. Ala. Class A VaS 11)7 UIN l Pac. 1st mi "01, Ala. Class H.os..! 1 iwm. v. t-entrai i" Oa. 7a, mort 13 N. C. Com., 6s Ho N. C. C'uu .M VH ti. C. Broara't...K5V Tena. 6a i"H Tean. 6a ...103 Tena. eict., a...-. 7 Virginia 6a . ) Virginia Cone... 42 North area Urn ...lllli,t Swannanoa Hotels t'nescellcd cuisine. Pupnlar with tourists, families and I, usiness sen. Electric cars pass the dour. KAWL8 BKIlH.. nrbldly Propr's. Light. . Special attention is again called to the nrw Calcium Lamp. An extra large size " ts made (or lighting stores, halls, etc. One lamp is almost equal to lour gas or incandescent lighta. These lamps will be sent for two dars trial wherever desired. Every ooe should try one of these lamps. Fbr sale at Law's, 57 &59 Sooth Main street, j Kallr-oad Tickets). - Bought, sold and exchanged. All trans actions guaranteed. Reliable inlorma tiofl cheerfully furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. W.M.Claikb. N. W. plil Northern Pac.. N. P. phi f I'aciricMail 3-" grading T I Mich. In Alle l'J'i H. A W. Point.. 'i-'i-S Hock Island St. Paul Tl't do 1)1(1 1131 do old ...lIVilTei. Pacific an I Del at Lack .....l-tft-V.iTcnnCunlAilroB 3tt' I Brie VMUi;nioa Pacihc o-.--. hast Tenn loloiN. I. Central 1H Lake Bhore Hi-iMo. pact lie - 7V Lou. at Nash.. . at Char... Mob. At Ohio Nash. At Chat.. 7'., AO 13 UN Western Pnion.. bm1. Cottonseed Oil Ccruluatcl.u,. Dl IN MEMORIAM. If a nhflanthronte srjirlt. kindness of heart, tatea-tity and honesty of purpose, constitute aoodneaa. a neat aiaa has fallen in Israel. Died at his country home (Beat Pleasant) ear this city, on the axtn of April last, Pins aey Rollins, formerly a citlsen of Western North Carolina. We lit as shadows, and no man ran annex the morrow to his existence : vet la the brirt period allotted as here, we make snch records among oar kiiow mortals aa cmuajras inc memory of those cone before la words anil acta of kindness and love, or allows the earth that covers as to act as a mantle of charity la obscuring forever those deeds dune la the flesh of which no man spake well, and are best fbrnbttra. Praaacv Bolllas loved his fellow maa. His baad was ever extended m the friendly grasp of i-eeogrdtion. for none were too high or too low la the social scale to enjoy his friendship aad hie heart always throiibed witn .ympa ... the tie heipalse at the right f distress or re cital of wot. No conflicting: Interests or con tending passions alienated his feelings; he bore ao III will, aad the saa never went down oa his wrath. A devoted father and husband, aa affectionate son and brother, a kind neigh- bor and a good citlsen. With such a gluriuus tablet la the hearts of all whoknew him, how feeble is a friend's euloglum : how useless a proud marble shaft to record hia epitaph and commemorate kis virtues. Mould aot the spirit of one who had throwa ao much sunshine Into lifeandstrewn the pathway of others with flowers pass to the Upper lieep with that ease aad comfort . with which the confiding soul beholds this dissolving empire of the flesh ? eioftlyl Such n aot the lesson of Calvary: But the good, the hind, and the gentle, are often marked lor the most Intense suffering. In the full vigor of manhood he was prostrated by that most Insidious of all diseases, cancer, and lor sev enteen months he watched and aoted Its slow bat unfaltering-advance, which he knew could only terminate fatally, what ne sunereti oalvhis family aad a few aear friends wit nessed ; It was agoay, long drawn out, and Disease, as if appalled with Its own ravages. ranted a three days' respite, ana ne passeu away aeatly as s bal falls to sleep in Its there arms, aad his generous spirit OTitfinvi Riiiia, luau iiiv n pi.iii ascended to the bosom of his Father ami his t Ood. "The gentle sir came through the open window l.adcu with the odors of the early Bprlng: He breathed It aot. The laugh ol iassersby Jarred like discord in some mournful tunc. Bat awakened not Bis slumbers he was dead." Ills body rests In a Httte copse adjolnlngan on-hard. Here, as the years roll by, on each recurring anniversary of his death the violets ad the apple blossoms will waft their tier- fame o'er nis grave, aad the wild birds will aing his reiiuicm. C. W. ltvs. Washington, May S3, 1NN. C OTTOS. LivaarooL, Juae 14. Noon Cottun prices against sellers. American middling 6 1-ltl. Halea 7.000: succulatlun and export out). Re ceipts lo.lMM), American ouu. Futures dosed nuiet butsteadv. 21 w. at. Amencan miununic. n i-in. wim to-dav included S.7iK) American. June 0 1 A4, sellers; June and July ti 1-H4. sell. and Anaust fl 2-64. sellers: Aumist I tember a. sellers; September and (K-tolier 9 4S-H4, sellers; October and November, 5 Sti 04, sellers; November and lieceniber, 5 3-04, buyers; Decemiier and January o J.t '!, sell ers: Brotember 6. sellers. Futures closed dull. NSW Yoke. June 14. cotton quiet, buks to-day 694 bales; middling uplands WW, middlina Urleans 1 lk. Total net receipts at all ports to-day 1,4M. Bipurts tu Great Hntain 4.1S1, continent 20s. Biot a aon,- MHA bales Nsw Yosx.June 14. Cotton Net receipts 0: gross 1 Futures closed steady. Bales M2.V1IMJ bales. Inn 10.44al0.4ftllcc B.M4a 9.HS July... II) atil 47 jan DO Aug.... ...lo.aaain.Dii rcii . Scot 1 0. 1 Da 1 0. 1 1 1 March 1 0.otta 1 0.07 ttct 7a V.HHAuril 10.14al0.IA Nov Mla U.MiMay in Jlalo a;i Gxlvhston, June 14. Cotton slcauy, iun; receipts 702. NoaroLX, June 14. Cotton steady, 11; oeinta O. BALTlMosx, June 1. votton sieauy, im, receitita o. HOSTOM. June .Oliua quiet anu urin, lll.allSt,- recruits wilmimoton, N. c. June 14. cotton uuiet, 1(114: reevtota O. PHtLAi)Ki.rHU,Junc 14. cotton nrm, 117k; receiute 74. hivsNNAH, June 14. cotton quKi,iun,rr- IVllltS I07. Nhw Uhlkanb. June 14. Cotton steady, 10; receipts 374. M0111LU. June 14. Cotton uuiet, 10; ceints 6. MRHPHIS,June 14. cotton quart, lui-m; receiots Hi. AiMinsTl, June 14. cotton quiet, iuv; receiots 34. CHAaLitsTOX, June 14. cotton nrm, iuv,; recclptsoa rsovmoNs anu rsoimcx. Cincinnati, June 14. Flour in lictter de mand. Wheat strong and higher No. 'i red NHaN7. Corn fair dcniiimi No. v miacn aAMiaan. Onts steady No. W nilsed ii.il'jiijll Pork burclv steady 12. Kurd wakir n..ln. Bulk meats and bacon easier. Whiskey active and Urm 1 .til . T. Louis. Mo.. June 14. Flour, very firm. Wheat hliher No. 2 ml tush UH. Corn No. 1 miietl caahillV,. Huts No. it cash 22nM. Whlskrv IM HAI.TIMiiXK.June 14. riournrni witn gooo demand. Wheal Bouthvrn llrni Fulu H4it XI). l.onglirrryHAiiuoit; western hrimr; No. 'i winter red snot tfJW. Corn houthcrn act ive and steariv; white 4Ua44Vi; yellow 4Ja:i; western steady. Cihl'aou. June 14 Cash qiiotntions to-day were as follows: flour nruicr. w neat no. 3 red BOVi. Corn No. 'i Wi,. tints No. Mess porx 1 l.nnui 1 .;. i.nrii o.on. BANK '2'JW. Mess pork Short ril A.fnnn.Ml; shouliUrs ft. 1 lltjao.iloi short clear B.I ai.iaH 2.1. Whiskey 1 .02. Nkw Voxk, iiiic 14 Houthcrn flour nrm and uulrt. Wheat higher No. 2 red N.I. Corn Irregular No. 2 4m,a4Hi; June Oats sti-adv tunc 27',it. Ilopsouiet aniltiriu. Co flee irreguliir June IS.7i)alS 7; spot Klo depressed. Hugiir raw quiet and strong. Molasses linn. Kice stenuv anu tiuiet. rr- troleum uuiet and steady. Cottonseed oil sternly, Kosin steady and quirt. Turpentine quiet. Hides quiet. Wool quiet:' .Pork quiet. I.ard easy western sienui ti.)an.o. Freights steady. Cotton 3 -ayil.tl mil iVi, WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Jluvmir (liKpoHou ot tho car At s meeting of the lloartl held this day the nl lutn I'.li'l ilm lit I '1 it il 1 1 wM following resolutions were nnunlinously I 1 adopted : Whereas. It has pleased Almighty God In His wist providence to take from us our counselor and friend, DR. ANDHBW HIMOND8, Aad, whereas, we, his associates in the di rectory ol "The First National Hank of Ashe vllle," wish to place oa record some tipres . sion of oar regard and esteem. Be it therefore resolved, That in the death of Dr. Blmonde this Hank has lost a valued friend aad counselor and the banking frater nity aoutn its mremost, 11 aot its wisest, clearest and ablest Bnancieri Kcsolveu, That la mourning his loss we re- FINE MERCHANT TAILORING, F. S. BLACK, 66 (Houth ltlalu Street, UiijKjitr the 6waonanui Hotel. 0 A fine Mat of Huitinkf. tu ackct from. Lcnvc your order for a perfect fitting Suit, E. FOGETTE, Architect. Ptuns and specineationB prepared aud esti mates given, at short notice. Office: Wolfe Building, Conrt Houar Square, I Asheville, N. C. maySodly I. X. L. MARKET. Gor. Pat ton Avenue and Depot Street. HAS CHOICF.8T Beefy Veal, Mutton and Lamb - Always oa band in the Best Refrigerator in tuwa. JAM B8 WOLFB. Prop'r. may24 nom GEO. KIMBER, 6ENERALC0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty. Grates, Bangea and Boilers set. Buildings moved and repaired in first class tanner. Hewer-age, Drainage and traps fur the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. tnay30dly- LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, PIuhiVh, White Good. Loa-H, hinbroKieri.'H, i Kib- iHiim, Art NiHHllt'woik Mii( rijil, lIniidkcrcliit'fH, CorwotH, ( ilo vt'K, 1 hHMryr I jtiflim- h (lcrvvpnr, rjitnil)i''iniiis, Table Lovith, rillowSliains, 1 hIich, ct'.. tik. lins()iis m Art hia (roaU'ry and Stiuiipiiiir fnn' to all whopuivliaMMiiutt'iial. Kid (i loves ti t ted t tin hunt I .staaiimjj; done wluw you wait, at SARAH EIXICK'S, Cumcr of Main nntl Willow Stiretn, untltr HwannanoK Hotel. ' ASHE VILLB A I) VEK T IS I-VESTS. DONT OltDEIl From yourGi iM cr, even for trial, our "IIOLLF.R KING" PATENT lUi-auHe it in made in Anheville, YOU KNOW," Hut we pledge, our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can lie made from any importetl Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT 1h the niowt popular Btraight goods in thin market. Ask your Grocer f)rtheabovel5r!inds,nianufacture(lby the -ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. ISuiM'rior Hard and .Soft t'oal 'at Wholesale and ltetail. II. T. COLLINS. President. E. E.EAGAN. Stt retary ASHEVILLE ICE C0L1PA1IY. ruie I( made from Distilled Water. Office: No. 30 l'atton Avenue. D. C. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard. Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cashier. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHUYILLE, N. C DIRECTORS I I. P. SAWYER, . G. MARTIN, . I.. CARROLL, T. W. PATTON, W. W. BARJjAKD, H. C. WADDELL, GEO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C. Office: No. 30 Putton vpnnc. Vitnl: Old J(Mt. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Fluent and SfOBt Fashionable Good in Our Line, We ulitu have the cliciin'Kt. Call and sec us. Oldetit Bank In WcMcrn Curuliua. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. W. B. MARX, Prop'r. Rt'l'tm DAWSON, Buot. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO., FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Oealersin Wall Paper, Window Shades) and Patent Hans era, l-ulnts, Ulls and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed PuinU uiid Colon.. Window Glass, both French and Amcricun We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. fibnill y THE FIRST NATIONAL Of Asbcvllle, N. C, UNITED STATES AND STATE DEPOSITARY. sanrnT nr s wo now offer at etist what we liave left of a. ear of Huron. We do this in order" to elos' out the cur unit make room for another. If you wish a few onsen of the Corn that we Ure offering at 10c. jier euu call with tTBtotiiineM hit cm 1 Dent tituonrl CUll tUU'Iy lH WO Will HOOll IK sunal hlith credit and the resources of hlilnilt VV ( ll)I,Vt OlllV jreades, aad his Invaluable aid in intruductnH aad Riving as credit both North and abroad at the onenhii of oar Bank : Resolved, That a blank page In nur minutes tar Inscribed to his memory, and that we ten der his bereaved widow and lainlly our pro- luuna symatn.v. By order of the Board : WM. B. BRKKHK, Presiilrnt, W. H. PBNLAND, Cashier. Asheville, N. C, June 14, INHU. All eyes titled and tit Kuarantecd. A com plete stock of the above Roods at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN 8TKHKT. Oculists' trrescrlptlon a Sieclal ty. rebll7dUm MANl'l'ACTl'RIiKS UK Hanh, UvorB, IllindB, Mouldings Flooring, Ceiling and all Kind ol Mill Work. Hard wuod Interior hnmh a sH-cialty. air'Jll dim OAK STREET INN, ASHKVILLIVN. C, Itenutilullv located in a irruve ol onks and white nine, with no dust ur imine. nl lh.. c,,r- nrr n una ana vvuuunn streets, neur tne I'liu iic colicitc. and on v three suuarrs from the court hutise. We have a nuintier urclcKaiitly-iiirnislicd rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a nice, nuiet place, iiwhv from the hotels. Niiv rooms, new furuilurc. unuii lure. ti,Mtlt.MH cuusinx, ui rcasunuuic prices, aimii, nut uuu com uatns. Dr. T. J. H ARC. AN, Proprietor. - COMPOUND: OXYGEN ANDllEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modern nnd latest unproved methods for trcntlnu chronic iscaiics of the Ihmu. I throat and nose, by the inhalation of viinorm-d and utoiniied rluitls liv the inn mlii- i,,,H cumprrsseu air apparatus: also .otnpouiiii ixyxcn hi connection with the vaporucd Bal sam Ithe halsaai obtained from the natural hultiam trees near Asheville.) .. .. a 1 ne also maiiniaciurw a nonie t reatmeiit or tne tompouiul llxyKen, which Is, eiual to tile iiiiiix irentiurii, aim win u- ktiii on aiinciion I'y express, on receipt Ol price, 311;. Our success here for the vast three years with this treatment has been iihrnummnl i,u. inx cured many rases that-were pronounced lioK-less, whose names nnd residence can be obtained by eallinR nt the Banitnrium. By (a-riiiiHsioii wc refer to the follow inj well-known Kenticnien ui asnevine: n. j. Aston, ex-iwayor; J. ts. Keed, t. lent u. B. Court; Rw.U.C. Kau kin, pastor First Methodist Church; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastur Pirst Baptist Chnrch ; H. T. -oiuns, wapt. natt atainson. T. J. HARGAN, III. D. LUMRER YARD. GKO. F. SCOTT, (Successor tu Duulik'tliiy it Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, law, i'utty, Lime, I'lusteriiiK Hair, Shiiiplcsi. I.Hth, FcnchiK VohIh. All kiiuls of Uuildinjf - Material, iT Ordtrs will rcevive prompt attention. fcliiodly W. T. PKNNIUAK. HA & CO., W. K. I'KNNIMAN. -JOBUKRS AMI HKA1.KH8 IN R D W A RiE ASHEVILLE, N. C. -THIS SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, . l'OUR MILliS WEST OF ASHEVILLE. E. G. CARRIER, Prop'r. Will be openesl on the lflth of June for the Season. . Oood Pare, Pine Jersey Milk and Butter: Bplendid Vegetable Garden. PURB MOUNTAIN WATBK. 'Bus ateets all trains at the Asheville depot. This Hotel has ao equal fur families. 100 acts Part and Snc Lake with boats'." JvalS dSm out. We have only a few eases of the I'io I'eaehes Mt at Kkt. iHir enn. While hav ing your attention drawn to these sjiecial bargains do not lose sight of tho fact that we carry the largest stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain, Hay and Flour to be louml m the Mate, and can offer speciid iiiducenients to wholesale or retail buyers, With a, big, clean stock, bought for cash at the right time, we defy conil)etition. POWELL & SNIDER Court 8f.uH.re. Plenty of Goods. 3 Can. Corn l,aot bushels. 1 Car Oats l.oiMi bushels. a Cars Hay flOO bales. 1 Car Salt Hot) sacks. 1 Car Bran VIM) sticks. 1 Car Bhorts UtK) sacks. 1 Car Flour. FOR RENT OR SALE v ThvUcHt Chance Yet Offered. THE "BONANZA," THi; leKAUIlHfs. WINE . AND . LIQUOR .v STORE - in thij statf:. FINE SAMPLE ANU MILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MAKQl'ARIT, M'u'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. - AGENTS FOR 0UP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON en - OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, M0LINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. - M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Ii.dly l.liWIS MADDUX, I'res L. P. McLOl'B, Vice-Pres. I. B. RANKIN, Ca.thier. That desirable house, containing etiihteen I rooms, now nppruuchlnir cumplctlun al No. 2U Clnytun itrcct, will lie ready fur occu pancy and FOR 8ALi: OR RENT On or about the ISth day nf June. It Is es- la-cially adapted tn the uses of a private boarding; house. All persons interested are invited to call nnd examine it this day. Terms, which are most reasonable, can lie had on application to T. W. PATTON. mnyV'Jdtf Diksctoss: lwis Maddux, M. I. Beartkn, M.J. Fame. J. B. II. Reed, Geo. S. fowell, C. M. McLoud. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASltEV'LLK, N. C, FBBKCAKV 1st, 1KMU. OrKanltcd May 1st, lSKfl. CAPITAL, $30,000. . . SIKI'Ll'S, $5,000 8TATB, COl'NTV AND CITY DEPOSITOR V. Does a General Hank inn Business. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold. Col lections made on all Iccrssible points. The .Saving Feature will receive special attention. Un all sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent. icr annum will be paid. . Special attention given to luans on real estate, which will Ik placed for long time on real sunable terms. Open horn a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till rl p.m. febSdtf A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOl'K SANTBD TBAM8,. Apply at Sfl NORTH COPRT SUP ARIt, FBW BOARDBRB Caa he acrun modatrd at beautiful country home, il Asheville. jualfidlw "Hell Rosa." a miles north ol C. B. WAV, FOR SALE I 20,000 Salmon Brick. Bnqulre of William Bailey, at the kilns ol the late 1. Wallach. W. L. McAF IJliU Jnnl d3w These gootls on hand and no house will sell for less prices. Our stink of Hnc Groceries rcplcnUtied dally. Call and see us. A. D. COOPER. TLANTIC COAST LINK (1 1 nnd after this date the following sched ules win ne run over ita"Coiumiiia IHvlsion. No. 0:1 leaves Colnmbin 0.211 11. m. arrives atcnnricston.,,,,. v.:iu p. ni. No. 03 leaves Charli-stun 7. IK a. 111. Arrives atColunibla 1 1 M a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Char otte. Co 11111I1 a Au. gtista and Columbia At Greenville Railroads. -tiaily. T. M. ItMHRSiiN, Gen. Pass. Agt. j, r. L'n inn, uetl. mipt. WILLIAMSON & SON, I Siiat'ssors to Hurt & Williamson,) MANI'PACTl'RKKSDF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish," Mantels, Etc., ASHKV ILLU, N, C PRINTING Af.HNTS Ht)R The Hm'kf ve 1'iinip, Stct'l ami fin Sliiilc-x, I'ltxir untl Hearth IiIih. At'.KNTS S mV'Hs, OP llyrkit's 1'ntctit SlK-iilliing Lath. febldly KBNT. An ellrillily ItH'ated ten room house tlallv furnished, with f ""ihk1 well of water. A liar. tlally furnished, with garden and .table. A Ipply to I. I. Illl. I. Ar SON 14 dlit . 81 N. Main At., Asheville, N.C, w ANTED. A general house servant. JualSdlf Aniily at Tills OFFICB. JSRIVATB IIOAKU. A Srw boarders rsa be accommodated at 211 I'attoa Avenue, aaayl&dlai UU. W. W. ROLLINS. As you want it and when you ASHEVILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. ARI1EN PARK HOTEL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, uu, nines souin or Asheville, on the A. tk B. rniiruau is nuw oik-ii lor the season. RATES. rernny $ mm Per Week 1 J 110 Per Mouth 40 ott Fur circulars address IIIWS A. AII1KKIS, Prop'r, way'idtf Anlen, N. C JH) loan. From Si.l o $n,iMH) tin unrnrumliered improved city real estate at t-r cent. At-1 m n ins ni f, 11, McLoud Buildiug. Ill v at jua7dtr want it. Portlnnd Cement, Hloue lllovka and Tllea, exceedingly handsome In apiieur "vi 'Sims. uisiHos nnu cuors anu very tiurnnic lor walks In yards, sidewalks, floors CITIZKX rrilLlSIUN(l (.'0. f"f ru,,Ht """"''- ". I'orehes, Kntrnns. Bments, Butcher 8ho,, &c. Special sites, colors and designs for II EARTHS. Handsome Carriage hlockswith name, BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FORSALE. e.mpie.oriiiKks,etc.,canheBrenatomceoveT J. 8. IHckerson'. Hardware Store, on Public Square, corner of South Mala street. V. O. Box S3. C. E. AIOODY. Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST TRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, I ft Peallltll AP1IIIA. ' wa,saasv. feblodtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application :,Wc have thorough mechanic, in each line who have had many years' experience in thetr businew. We can safely guarantee our patron, satisfaction in our work, a low figures. BALLARD, RICH frblSdly & BOYCE. C. II. CAMPBELL, MaunfaMnrcr and Wholesale Shipper of i,NiR ALU, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA,- MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, 1 CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. I Factory, SI7 Haywood tit. P. O, Box SH4. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM," ' ASHEVILLE, H t For the rcvcplitui of patients siiirtriiig of discuses of limKs and throat, nnd conducted U,M, the p ol the sanitaria at Gterberatlorf and Fnlkcnstcin in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the lending members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON KUCK, R. R., M.D. i rliuiKiu

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