t;:i: daily citiz::n. IvDITUHMI. 1'OIP.TM. HONT The whole $100,000 cipital nk of lie humbugged. Talkischcap u.r:." iht -"h co,t"n il!c'"Ty U,UT t"kl" lut "the proof of the pudding iiKiuntrjf, and it and it if now a fixed fact that that city I . uud to i.ros- 8 l.IK' CIK'WIIIg Ol llir Mi nif;. Iiostic l.ros. & Wright's is the &f ISC EL LA Nl'.O t'S. S3IALL, STOCK. "RAL'KLT' COU MS. A Preacher TnlkH. A pivachcV of the Gospel Hie smallest stock of gooih said (and they ought to ... ms ever ix-cn seen in -now. liii-aiiKe t lev mum e MISCELLAXIWS. THe Crm.! In the most eitrnslvrl? clrctt Ipl.1 ami wi.i iy trad newspaper In Western hftrth e arxiMia. lia dttMimNioa of nubile mm and measures ia in I fie in tereat of public in viivrrnipait, and prowtierfma I 1 . . . . ....... i. I 1 i ,lagCnUri'dUl,'n "rC r" 1 Be c mis pnl)llhea the dispatches of the pcrity und business prominence Aaauriated Preaa, which now cover, the wrw.1r,!mar Wilmington ha. made a characteristic, place t() buy Ulld tl.01ISail.ls L, , h,ll,e..tedtooccUptl.rn useful, rolltrll.lltion to , ..l-.-.l fllK t ( ll III I'S Will free to one aendinf their addiwa. the Johnstown sufferers. She has mnt in Asheville IlilH JUSt UCCII H!- ... .. i " l 41 . ,. T rJ.-" yl 2Li' Zrrr A3 'IT. ? addition to $r,00 in cu.li. eighty barrels tell V'OU tllO 8IHUW if YOU Will ' With till' llcll Ulld tilt' poor), one week. Carriers will deliver the PleT " of tar and cinllty Iwrrels ' ' ...... . it mm nor. I tin wanting it will pleaac call at the Citush I admirable disinfectant, ".nirnnt lATss-Reaaonabl, and made I in neutralizing tli ottt SLtT, and tht-yKolltlinii ut bottom n,t. mj( v t()Q lt b(vn a blessing to theieople .ntl. tea tit. ner line. OMtn-1 ..... . -i. .1 t... I ....Iw.u TliulT llllVO r-(l V'I'I I I w.-7tw.?4?eiet-.ou. aft, cot. . " . . . will mak t.lio in r rk' on nf AuWill... Wiiiik. it. luul ii dc i or out crauii nfM ifiithtni iir tin, mm amHJim-1 . 1 . i. ii.. - i v, tioraui. T DELOTFUL EXCUnSlC iVii-iiTiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii.'i-iiii ASIIKVILLK Tt) contr. ,....on to ()f ,j ,( h. She Kent in ' h, ciuhty Imrrcbt t'U V'OU tl rrcLof roKin both , t, t,.,,,,, to l.Kk 'ivl lit W. II. LKA'S, 17 . it., and invaluable - tllilt tilt' "Jhicket f-StOltJ lull Rimiveodor. rininK them. 1 hey have the K(,,,H North Main ntm-t, and ho HOT SPIIINGS. caeklnotcaeeadiag ten lln.) or fifty ota gotten the faithful. He ha. just appoint- .....- flicir Htt'Olll Htol'k I d "my Oliver" to tne very nonon. fl , v., VOlir llOUll WllCU yOU WH' SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 1889. bte and lucrative po.t of con.ul at Kio; of 1)11'H8 liOOdW, OtlOHH, t- iicrhai). dcaerve. that it.... i ci. ...... f,. el,,. U.wimr t llOHtt Iiri'tlV Dl'CHH (lOOtls. OHUANI I : . i f ,. IllUhiMHiniloiBUM iuciiuiih i v I recognition a. wen b "" fhcjipenwl the. prici of every CONSUMPTION AND ITS CUttE. Round Trip Ticket, only 4.60, imiudinit a full day', board at the MOUNTAIN PA11K 110TKL. A popular treatine on the 7,:1 Someof Lufh uh SatMiK, (Jinghanm. line of goodH it haiulUnl, and cago by order of tbe Rcrrt conclave of ef J1 ""fun. Ke' thV."1 l'Klt Ulldel' "llludHill" WmYu LaWllA, Olid DlTHH I taUllt tllO IH'Ople llOW new -?thoil t)f treating Coil- Tub. are the finct and m.t ,,riou. . the Llaa-iia-Oaal vividly recall, the wor. ... , !, ,,., . ,1,.i,..,u ntwl mi IKIW troillir like M 1.. t ..ll 1. A,..l..l. I . untniitifin tlirr.iiirli itiluiln. America. The Hotel la Jtk. MI.V.I, .k. lhl. P'""""'."'"""'" """I 1 -"0 -0- UUDUBUIIUI Mlllin. illlUUll, . , , ft .... -- i i i.l i jii wn for complaint ol .tuuieu ncnieci. Teutonic tribunal of the latter Middle I ', , An period, in the dark decreeing death, and in the dark rtriking down it. victim. I i a .1 rri i... HOI caweM. mujr iiuvt: u..n . . . .. . of super heated dry air, by ... t t e .- " A Rangoon (Burmah)comK.ndentol week IllWie U rWlUCUOIl Ol W , , w,..llu m,w,r . . wl1(,n m-0i,(.rl V boUlillt. Ulld i)r. Tenuis WfiolTt, of TWIin. I i if i ij n. j in j tin i i v i - j j r with a-description and illus- UmingjMtKe pnn,ng tyranny, ana mpuInti(, a. i. that of India.. In , ; j , UlUHt See OUI" pretty IJhuk removmgTwtator.oftrKallawjfor J UXl lllH.8. . t . , V, , , profit. WllOW The Hatha lu Marble Tool, and I'orvclain NEW AND FIUST-CLASS I. the day. perhar- there wa. good ff .7 .lu.r ,Z t. i HlUTiy good and ..... . e k I tnum nun "i4eij I f il.. !!... I...-. . prete,t.perhap.tbere wa. rta, forob- " "" , n.jT' . , K)rt a nrB luiw f .rinir Ullheard of U 'Hl. AI1U you hUU affor( a f.lir u,nd Hying Uining justice, ponmhing tyranny, and . i. that of India. In . . ... inimt. WM f.llP tiwttv l.hwk tratioll of tllO aDDaratUS t ill niii'Mt inn I il .:- .u . I "" J " - ' . , ... it :.. t . i I i -i v,m.Mj . milHon. n)d , noted of Um. enrjj,, that Tlieir HtOI't' 18 nileU Wit II CU8- o.-J ill iiiniu iin trui I, Mini w all on onT.ide. and banded to cru.h were put on the .hi,-in the hn';'r toiiiers every day and none Home of the best Corsets youfthe Htatt'ineiit of our brother rrnot i!!..! aWUy witlu)ut Wnff waut- vw wlw, IV Warner'sl it j8 known that tll J in.il by the Key. Itobt. Ih-is- used in the treatment. Translation from the orig- long passed away, even though the iron .1...... ..! ! ..t. a mi'. '0'0.V! tu ai IM)lite and attentive to the , . . r , "Itacket" sells Blacking at 1 1 lf Kj . (. . . pnb.icopiin,to, ,,il,,,..l ......4 .. Af..,.l,,.o , ... . and .fat opiraMd arc no longer btlpleM. f wori TO give you tlie Wtirtll Ol UM) llLuul 4,,lu "".n ran, uua, JTriCe 15 .eiU8. L"h" mi faL. a R(l on for thoir .8Jllw,1M'n Abdominal, (ioodLuck, Sun- coeEa"e, English Cliaiilain .In Uvery Particular. UNUXCELLEU IN ITS CUIS1NB. The place is a ch.innmK .pot. nestled amony and .hcltcred by 1'ine-clud Mountain, where there 1. no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjulUO Certainly in this country organization. uch at we find existing and operative among us arc without- reason or cause, and demand inch an uprising of public sentiment, and such vigorous interposi tion and enforcement of law as to make them impossible. That anarchism in its most offensive form should have exhibited its outcrop- cents for every dollar you kinds tot) numerous to men- In the war wnj,id under Gen. Jackson ,aV0 with them, (it) aild See to subjugate the Creek Indians in the , . . , ... then Alabuma territory he hail with him '.,..11 Khnos mid ('mis .meofthcciicruwindiansfrom North be surprised at the low price ouutw Uliw -uim Carolina as allies. At the buttle of the aild beauty of tllO-Mime Horse Shoe bend, III tlie jieiiinsuiu 01 which the Creek, lifter crossing the :.. a t ! 1 1 t..tUa. l,.,u..l 1 aL 1. .t. At. . I HI llicir clle., viiiv i.n..iCTv. ,,..,.. .1 u Juna imkee, eader of the triendly Clnrro-peacefulorderofsoctetywasnotimproba- J .... ,.. . ihi ,UM ble because of the diabolical principle. , .' , , , . . , hv the white, fled to the rivcrn.,,1 found thllll lllOllwy Will gO 111 M llf tlair escax; cut off mid surrendered after t illie, 1111(1 if yoll (loil't tllillk cents ler dozen boxes, Ixad Ladies' Lawn Tennis and Caps to mutch. ,Vn,,i, ut G wits .h dozen, The best (Jloriah" Silk" (lt)ld ik at 4 centsier bottle, Mu- vr The man that said "Money Hoa(1 UiuI.iIIja at fl.25. ., . , a ' T, , .,vl.. is King" will have to learn . rix , . fl. ... cilageat4 cents, LnveloiMs b- that Pluck and PoliU'iiess -50 1-J0 111 , "' will go farther in a day this city. at 4 cents a pack, laperat T. C. SMITH & CO., which governed it. War against religion, against law, against government, against nnlnl nautaa aBaVaS.MntW fmitllU f fll V fl 111 til everything 'that man had laboriously Unut lu,,Ur' Thme.idedthcwar.AH s(;; j() No. 1- Public (.OIIU, u,,,l K(e theill Ulld judg( All 1 jwant is for you - to a reward tlie government gave juuuius ., ,- ."i ,:ii .flll,f kee a fine body of land in North Carolina ' "!" - ". J " " , " for yoUI'Wilf, Ulld if V'OU (loll t near which the present county scat ol We are taking Cleveland 8 tl(l- v... o..i.i.:....:n.. I- m:i..i-,i ..: i n..li:...- 41... I KM V 1 ll.l r. 1 1li'V !1 l'C I ll l'l t V il 11(1 aj i a j j !. i :..r. , njiniiiiui viiiiii,e."i""i'.'i"v,io o.im...v... v...,, jiiiii jiit; Iflllllli Ulir T - tnurnun oi ocniuna uhikiiik iu iniciuiui - . . n , glee around the flame, and ruin, of what really v ..limbic gift, and ..one t t, .,,.,. wfJ Hay l(,stic cheap I wfll't Usk youtobuy JL.fc.Ai Tk.t,.,m.,.tei,u. ofthernrciiistunees wliere justice wut ,,: 1 2 J ' ,jglle to tl,e Indian in giving, not taking Iros. , ngliu ure rw'iiiiif; MMlt'H wiiH.h Uill alicoes utiie., iiingiiams at7e., und Satines at He, worked to construct since the dawn ol human society, all to be denioli.hcd, all to be thrown into chaos to emphasize the aw. Atuiaata.waV o-XaiIamI ar m 1 1 KaU 1 1 Arilt t ta' 1 1 a ft 1 1 (II VUHklinifVi KUI I Mn.U is visa in,miui s , . - . . dream., a. prompt and determined hl Uway I... lund, baeUu h.m, the demand for extreme mca.ure. for tin-1 , .. Chicago Anarchist., and the demand , " :7".""t 0." Z..i.. . Olltillir Clothsatl2C.,CraZ.V I Villi IttVtt-l VTllltlrWI VIUVIIJ,"! UI .vd' I i ' Yours very truly, watgratihed. I .',.,!..,,, , r r ll 'l..Mi .it 1 nnl tlu. l.i-otti- Y T T 11 M It will be, perbap.. a. emphatic in ' I . ZF" . : . VV . M.I'lPiA. t 11 ABWal Am am BVIJ the demand for tlK puni.hmeut of the h"'1 "ow ,,"t " b'li1' nul """P est Cliullies you t'Vor SRW at ., . ... , . . ,. I character, lhs life, ha. been one of vio- , 11 1....:... ine murueTCT. 01 it. vruinn. lmuviuuiu- . . . -ij; IRH Ull t Uli 1 IflUH I Hill - ... a I Lfiuv anil ilidiitllci! of law. lie la a L.a-1 ' t " L tU TL T h T nTi!,r '''" " i "a. obliged to U'is for cash, and they invite the victims taken off by daily or nightly , '. . .. . ... .. cret crime. But the manner and the 1ht under .uSp.c,on o burning yur WUVful UlSlKftlon of the . . , at ,.,.. . hi. place of busiiicss, went to New Mcx- principle of his taking off, while it shock. . 1 , ... , same , , , . , ,. ..a., ico, where he shot a man, returned the tense of manly fair dealing with of- ' , . .,... . . , , , . , , .to Chicago, marrietl, killed a school- fenders, also gives alarmingwarmng ol 't,alM ....... . i, . . ... . , , i uiaiin pt nu iitiu viiviii.a Ana iv, thj. .AAW.nl a Mr. Mi.t,l.n 1 1 II nn.r. In tAvliU'li I . . ,, . . .. 1 wa. tried ftr murder, and only escniicd those powerful secret organizations ex-1 , , , ,,,.,.. i A-e it. 1 1 conviction Ieeau8e of the introduction ol JJUBC U.. l IICY JU.Vlir tlie .UHUH.-11'U. HUU I .... , . IL u-JiL. J. Lj.k i.;..i, n " which we wa. made to appear A AJAAJUA.m.A..AAH. V. A innAI nil. T. ...... I ...... , , . rr r . .. , ' . . the advocate, then became a lawyer, then we art on friendly terms, to whom we I .... , , , . , . . . , a ... 'ilt politician and leader in secret organise- ruiMni nv nil 4i. urmi linth nl I 1 j n ..i fc..l.fci-.-. ..,.t...d ,. ization. which lie wielded in favor ol the ' . . . I Republican party in the la.t Presidential KnllP.lr I. AAAan.T ..IaIT t lilt. HaaumIv nil.. I 11 I a. a. . . a . , I election, for which he 'claimed us a re- chtcf against it on sate vantage ground.! The sentiment of the American people - j ai . i r .. t I gee from England, and eighteen months owardt the Irish it full of sincere prac- " BOOKS AND STATIONERY, AKTIMTH' NATKRUIA UNC.INEtiKS' Sl'I'l'LlliS, 1'ICTl'KliS AND FRAMES, FANCY COOKS. r cents a (uire. a iiuai't Cof- fe( Pot. for 10 cents, Needles 2 cents a paper, Tins 2 cents a paper, the best Brass Pin at 4 cents a paier, (others charge 10 cents for the same goods), Rice Duttons at 3 cents for 12 dozen, Pearl Dress Buttons at 4 cents jiei dozen (worth 10), Lamps at 20 . cents - each, including burner, chimnev and wick. A. ft . . A . . I ' V uur Mr. ueuwoou is now sending us a number of bar- Mens' Oauzt Undershirts at gains, the result of a some- U) cents each, worth 35, La- what (piiet spring reason in A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. Sold in Asheville, N. C.,' by The Swuync Ilousie, lincof the Uht In Wc.tcrn North Carolina. A-uuiiuA-i aiii winier fevort. nature . .nnlta rium. tScenery nd wuU-r unexcelled. Terms moderate. O'iO. N. I1LACKHURN, Prop'r. mar3d3m J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building;. School ' and College Text Hooks, u full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, . Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test- aments, Oxford Teachers' ltil.b.u Mmiiii. I(,.,.l.., ,.f ..11 kinds, largi.' stock Stationery, Blank Books and Office and School '"'Supplies. New line i .,i;...,' ,i !. t.r.i 1...A. , SOLE AGENTS FOR WTH CAROLINA ,o",k June oimiS. Key doods and Dolls. . - . . WIIOLICSALE ANli - . RliTAIL, DRUGGISTS, fcbiodlv SPOT CASH STORE, 17 N. Main St. nil- llllT i fil t i n i i ij il i nil i JJ ' u 1 1 1 1 r i m m 1 1 n i LiiTt i n t ... . .............. . .... IT ' 1 . 1 xl... T . towards the Irish it full of tincere twac- ." "-'-"-" mnv lOi'K, Willi me iuih tical sympathy. It it the cause of the n mxaml 1' Y" "a olu"" l" oppirwed, and to a large extent, the iHrtt foreign mission. Such is Sulh- cause of onr kin. people; for Irish blood n-Bnd ,uch 1. MAI ft i fT - ' 1m A ..IaA.'L-OA. Tkl aau t . lA. . . . .1 Krwiiiflivrt nre aiimetitnAAa-miatnken in I a large and mott valuable element in the I . , .. , nom fhotookaimiic and haw admirable blending of race charncteris- V,e,r T ,ev"ur,"u "ln tict. The denudation of English in- K of the " m,W "tlmn!? by 0tX'"" laaaoalamnna Amrlonn. n. "earner., .uy., -tlie prolKrllcr WS llol U1CHMMNI1 ft HANV1I.LB KAU.ROA1" COMPANY. (Western North Carolina rHvlaion.) PAIItlKNOKK UBPARTHKNT, A.HKVH.I.K, N. C, Jan. 1. 1HMU. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. In Hhkkct Jan. 1. 1X89: DOI.1.S, TOYS AND GAMES, WEbTKHN N. C. eK. lCIHl-.8, iitrtlf ! otnira1 amt-tintT A matt'in rial nm I it it among tho more full, charged brought into use" until 1868. As a with the blood of the op,esd. But matter of fact the Lor, ,f not the .ncs- there is enough of Anglo-Saxon element ?n'Kkr ,,lre "' in American, to enforce fair play in the A m,U,,le "um!','; of " efl " PAINTED, AT assertain of a cause; to speak out man Ericsson propeller is furnished by the full, to demand redrew fearlessly, and U"itl State, warship I'rincvton, a vesm.1 to strike bold), at the last resort. The Irish case it seriously injured by of great .peed and power, in active co operation with the nitvut affairs attend- EST A I. HOOK'S, at S. Main Street. A CARD. stock taking near at hand. Where the quantities of some Jots would be too large for either the Richmond house or ourselves, together we can use them easily and avail oursel ves of t he closing prices. SiMi'ial to-day: Lawns, Mus lins, Checks and Challies. ii....:,,., ...i.l mentable tragedy, and to add to the hu miliation which afflicts it is tlie exposure cans who dubbed her "the Yankee Kcvil" Kill- I desire" to Sliy to my i ..i.. rt i ! ii... a ..... l ..r ii.. I tiMiim lu ntwl m T Vi iliu Thnt it tr.i .qi.a.wU nftUA.Hi..f..1i..fi,lei;.vr,f tlu. Lr,l. sue new u.o.ig hi t.ic teetii oi mr .......... .. ......... ........ , a,. , uuvun, n J ' -e. l .... ... a :.i . i i I l...o . ........ -,,. 11 Ml... r... 1.. .i. ,., Ti,. i..,...:i;,,., I winu wiiiiout aaiin, wiiiniut aioc -wmxia, jinn tn-ii 111 ,1 1 uic iikvi 1111 inr for its advancement. The imosition w-. . .. . . ..... , . , . . , I a l 1 1 . .. . ' , ; . t" Wl.ll (11 UU O XIC-lt-Kl.lll.nl I IUH OlKin the generous temtier of the Ameri- u the shin memorable for ilu- burslim. , ' " 1,1 4 11 A"- ' lMI!n pnn mtlilio f.nivaft huv lsfn nrnitU'tf. I its h.tr mm 1 lit M lVmtttiiilirrM in fit-i lUlVl IIUVUO 1UV UUHlllOHH HO lurHioii Uown thf river to test the un tn uie present Field will meet all wants and , tu which two ui i icrmicui i ici bcikhiivi I , , . . . . . . much sacrifice to tbecontnbutors.siiuaii- Hm three other distinguished men, imviil hllMlia.IUlS, US 1 UUVO tl'led to dcred in infamy, and theexposure of such I oll.cers and others, were instantly killed. d(j. infamy attempted to be suppressed by I - tecret murder. A cause so disgraced bv lr. Parker Prays cream Vau-Ola, Rosa- ' II I .... I 1 1 . I t. a . a a. . itt managert becomet Infamotit. Dm "'V' u,,u , 1 . ' J M,w,Kr 111 USSUllllllg control Of tlie Irish fellow citizens must emphatically I ""''"'M I,ow 'ecoiue ute amies mvoiues, n,UiS,n,,SH of ( , I,, Mn , ..j-. . ..,, , ho , constant attention tk,n. and leadership; our law. must.,. p. " w"'".. . ' II lid the llst ofcffort.8 to offer pre and punish such flagrant and dan- " ' - " " , " i,,,,,.,..,,! ,1 valltaiil'SHS tiiiir wutui iB iitiu BMivnr, hub tuiu , otiKr.iKh renuisitcs. Also n coniyjiu- t(j i iiierit i coiitinuaiiceof t he line of drugs mid toilet articles, in addi- Confidence SO generously 1C- tiontothc llelie Soda Fountain from stowed UlHUI HIV lUttleceS- Uke the work of public execution in all wn com onus, are o.s-nm-,,. vor- Nir. , uer ivitiui .itwi iiim uttoii uvciiuva i .A I L I I I I 1 1 L ill I1 I I'aIaI I inn7 dJtt w 1 v uncoil lie survivors in l lie joiinstowii IlatN, and Carpcttu 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. gerous abuses of national generosity. It dors not appear that the "Hang man . Trust organized in Chicago to part of tlie Uuitcd States is k-ss rrprelien-1 tiblc than an, of the "trusts" now exist- STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND , NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN, 0 . ... (fcif-i-.- ... , ........ IClcitrlc Cam Pant the Door. , AA.A . A ... I V'll. l .11. nill.l.WI. .11 . II. 11111111.... II ing. There is something revolting 111 the I ., . 1 , ... 1 1 . 1 r. , " . . " tt I Hood explains : I eseuped but Ml my idea of men entering as a matter of busi ness into the work of hanging, but it lay. claim to the merit of humanity in proposing to do tlieir legal killing in workman tike and decent way, and do awa, with the bungling uml horrible jobs of inexperienced slicrifls or other officers. Other trusts are organized to pilfer In a quiet way ; this one only tokill in another quiet way. a Slippery Bill Chandler, of New IIam thire, hat been nominated Senator, though it wat freely intimated in the canvas, thnt he had been using brilies to accomplish this result. He nccepted the nomination and pledged his sacred ' honor that be had done nothing undig nified, unworthy or dishonest in tlie con duct of hit canvass, neither tpruding or promls'inll money to voters. This re minds ns of a reflection by the lute Sir John Falstaff. &! p. f a m Awn 1 iwifiti clothes. 1 wasn't very presentable, but ML MtAIUI Al I KAU HUN my wile thought I could explain uitt-r-wui d. I hud gone home and was taking a bath. I was in the tub when she I TllRlili-HOKN cilAMtUS SEAT SADDLES culled to me that the flood was coming 1 herewith notify the public Ihul this day May 1, 1 have added to my well known Res taurant s Hne I. thul line lot of ENGLISH HRIDLKS and uud So frightened was she that I jumped out, realized the situation in , .a moment and With only the bath towel for a cov ering, 1 started for the ti Ills with her. We escaped, but niv clothes went with the house und und ull 1 Mssessed down the river. It was somewhat awkward, but I guess my wile was right. 1 can apolo gize, or let her do it lor me. They 'll 1 licvc her, pel haps, even it they wouldn't believe me." Kntltlvd to lite itrat. All are entitled tu the best that their money will buy, so every lamily should nave, ul once, a home ol the liest familv I .. ... i:. ... ..- Ice Cream Garden. The auint' hit. la-en fitted un neatly for the oe eaalon ami I will ulwMy. have ou hand the eholveat ol Cnuiii. und Sliertnt. and Ck Also, can .upply families at .horteat notice j. m. am:xanii;k's And the low price, at w hich he I. acllinK all uimmI. In hi. line. I i" ht'W of .mull qunntitle. So romc in Kd He has Increased hi. force and'hitsnu. t "tiint .nknTe ..e fine lW.Crem and Cake. meet the th'inand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J, TENNENT, Areltltet t and Contractor. and don't (oriivt that at Stritua.' you wlllifet The Bewt of Ice Cream, Plana, .necincatinn. and estimate, fur. reniedv Svruu of lrius to elrniiw tlw. "'"V"1- All work In my line contracted for, renieuy, r)rup oi ngs, to ileillisie tile and no eharne. lor drawings on contract, y.tera when costive or bilious. For sale awarded me. in 6(c. and $1.00 bottles at ull leiulinir R-'"nce. when desired, drtit-iriita No. 13 llendr. lllotk, North Conrt UrtlKKtStS. HaiuaaW Jl .K..11.. ft! A ' . .... . and where alway. polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come enrly, come often, come one, come all, and irlve your friend Strauss a itood many call.. Very reaiwctfully, 1!. STR Al'SS, msyUdtr Proprietor. dies' Jersey Knit Vests at 20 1 t I". A 1 cents eacn which are worm 1,8, and a thousand and one articles which come into the daily use of everybody, at prices that save dollars upon dollars to the people. These goods are all guaranteed to be the equal of any goods in the same line in this city, and thi8 agreement goes with every sale we make: Vhciv cause for dissatisfaction ex ists, bring back the goods and isi't your money. No man can make a stronger warrant than this. We wish we he had space in which to tell you of everything we keep, but it would more than fill this pajHT. Come to us fort'r(';vfi(butgroceries) before you buy. We will sa ve you inouey and will take pleasure in showing you our goods whether you buy or not, We underbuy and we undersell, and we have facili ties for buying low possessed by no other concern in Ashe ville. lies k t-t fully, GEO.T.JONES&GO. N. V. Office, 466 Broadway. Lv. Asheville, v Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, " LynehburHr, V nshinKton Haltimore, " Phila., New York, Boston, I No. SI j No. 83 i. 9 55 pm 140pm 437am 043pm 947am 10 20pm 124ripra lOOum 7 35pm 7 OOnm 9 2(pm H-J5am 300am 10 47um 6 20am 1 20pm I SSBpm HOOpml Richmond, 3 30pm J 5 lSam RnkiKh, j 7Sonm Yo2pm Goldslioro, llram Slopm Wilmington I 60()pm J. C. BROWN. MERCHANT t TAILOR, as Pulton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) J apr2dly ' ---' J. V. BROWN " Will continue ihe unili-rtakcr'. business at his old stand over J. E. Dlckcrson Co.'. Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. HROWN & CO. Having thirty yean' experience a. under- lukcr and embalmcr, and nnequuled facilities fof buying, can .nfcly guarantee Batislaction. Call, promptly attended to at all hours. Everything pertaining to the business al. w-nvsonhand. fel.13dnm Lv. Asheville, Ar. Heniiersonville, Ar. Spartaiih'g jC harlot tc, " Coiuinbia, " C h a rleti ton, j No. AR 8 ;k )um 9 20ani 1 1 50ain 530pm 4 1-0 put etopm ' AujtuBta, 1 Savannah, 1 Tht)itiH8vi1le,Ga 1 jHcksonvllle . Atlanta, MontKom'y 1 Mobile, 1 New Orleans Lv. Spartanburjc, Ar. Hentlerminville, Asheville, Lv. Asheville, Ar. HotSprin(?i " Knoxville, " Chnttnn'jja. " Nanhvillc, ' Memphis, t,v. AsheviljC, Ar. Hut SpritiKH Knoxville. " Loulaville. " Cincinnati, " ChiciiKo, " St. Louis. ) Nrt. 50 No. 5a 444pm CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL, WILL HE OPENED FOR TUB SEASON OP 18N9 ON The First of June. The locution of this Hotel on the summit of Cirsnr's Head Mountain, an otitlvinir snnr of I No. 84 I the nine Riilge, In upier South Carolina. 4opm I niionis a climate and water uncipialcd. 7(K)!!n! " " "ummcr Itlias no parallel in the I sontn. . ... 9ii5.im 6 15nm 1 40in 1200 m 10Opm 7 2fim 155pm 7 itopm 74dam 0 20nm 1.10pm 6 1 5pm 610am 740nui 9 20nm 1 lopm (1 40am 6 30pm 7 45pm lOptn snopm 540a.n 1145am 6 30pm 444pm a 10pm H 50)1111 7 10am 1 1 45am 6 30puC 7 45pm No. 54 75pnt 8 4Upn. MI'RPHV BRANCH. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, "FROM 160 TO 70. Whilst its natural scenery i. varied and irrand Uyond conception. Comfort of j-ucsts care- Hilly consulted. Livery and dally mnil. Eas ily reached from Asheville in one day, or from Uendersonville in half a day, over delightful roads, through a romantic and churming I country. F. A. MILES. mavlBdtf Lv. Asheville, Ar. Waynesvillc, " Jnrfrtt's, No. IS H 25am 1053am B4Mpm Lv. Jarrett's, Ar. WayncHvillc, " Asheville, No. 17 OOOain 1 25pm 3r.piu W Sleeping car. on all night train.. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINM'RN, 0. 1". A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS.T. M. HROOltl FACTORY. HANFOAD N.LOCKWOOD. HANO-HAI1R AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC I M riata MtP llroonm, Mriiltika, Hearth and Choliba. Cramps, Dia)Khcea, Ceillnitr BrootuM. Summer Complaint ..i .... . , DYSENTCSY Mill and Factory grades a specialty. Ouo- TU tations and sample, free. ftbltldly " 'fCTIOM PRICE 25 CENTS. H. vVINKELMANN & CO OLC PHUItltltTOlaC, BALTIMORE, MD., U S.A. For sale b, J. S. GRANT, dnwtan2R J.y.SCHARTLK, MERCHANT TAILOR ' 4a N. Main St. Will aell furniture J. B. JOHNSON. fcb'JOdlv JkJOTICB. r Will collect debt, for anyone In the city for percent. (Sood facilitie. fur millnu un.1 -..1 miing ttti 1. on noiiae., on weekly payment.. At lllair'. Furniture Store, 87 Patton Avenue. Wrfrrrores given marl4dilm. JAiniiH FRANK, OSALSS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reem. Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala " . Asheville, N. C fchlOdly A.F.STliliNSOJX, CARRIAGE : AND ; SIGN : PAINTER GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kind.of Painting. Uring on your old-looking Carriatte.. Hreti. a..,. ry. BuKgi, Cart, sad Wagon, and have them varnished or repainted, so the, will look as good a. new. All work warranted not to crack, hll.trr or come off until it wears off. Terms reason, able. (rbltKlly m3tom ntU Ebk" 8tTOt-

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