m.: : . . -I !-- - I t ,-i,lv-lv cif- , iJ m i uiI III V. Ur ;.,n of pul.iir mm Sod meamirea ,.it ol .ttll tnlrKIIIV, Mini Ofoticrmi. liuiu.try. ami it t h ,ouU aiHtfiuuiTln tript'agpub- n,rm (HiblUlira (he lii.raUhn of the ,1 I r,ri, which covers I m i ..!. 11 "- I, . ..f a.i. I (mr.Mli I- gathering r..,fr.m K.I ,Vmiun. w " e.ery tlllngcare l,,itv (,,..! l uvm i UK amllet apace. Mt c..,hi .l fV ciiuon will be rnt .t to .., , n..e et, "" adder... . t.,-HK-t,i .,oneyear; J lor sf OtMM onr mutilh ; Id crntiluf rTrT - . t, e will deliver the pufirr in ' to! tlwrtfy to ulicnlKT, anrijiar- " "a H m ptMe .ail at the C truss kJ"T'""0 -'' Rnhlr,llndntulc l'PlK4B at this olhce. All n ad,crUt"oU mat be paid la a- "ading notice ten em J per Hit. OMttt ik ?7,w "eietyaoUees nf' "''wwUwtoilWa) or fifty ccnu .THUKSDAY.JUNB20, 1H89. - -lt- MtvCMKT OHUAMZATIONi. Tlie oJcmn connitleratkms of peact in terna! as well at utcriiul, and the integ nty of American pufitiud institutions, -enforce an attentionto the secret organ- N,-Ii. , . . ... t.fe.ltlU r of action, uch was .b deed, tocb vu vtdual liberty reipect paid te) the right of any nmo to do m be pleated within tlie law, that men might, with perfect liberty, and in foct, with general public tentiineut of approval and encouragement, form their societies, conducted under their, laws not revealed to the public, known only to themselves ; but unsuspected, unmolested, waking no anxieties, because in general, charity, special or general, was tlie as cribed object of most organization! oi the kind. Even secret political ordcrse. ercised their functions without interrup tion, the efficiency of political actiou be ing recognised by all parties as sufficient justification for their existence. The revelations in the Cronin murder case expose an organization of an alto gether different kind, not peaceful, but murderous; not social, but hostile to so ciety; not a friend to liberty, but iu t In flame of liberty holding the sceptre of a galling tyranny; not a charitable order, bnt in the name ol chanty, deceiving Un generous, defrauding the suffering, ami making base personal uses of sacred funds entrusted to their faithless hands. Such organiiat ion, with an assumption of a general knowledge of its features and its objects, bus had the upprovul ol Americans because of the exteut of Irish association of blood, and of social and business tics among tliem.and the strong natural sympathy with a cuuse made su cred to humanity by the dread event ol past and contemporaneous history. Hut in the nurture of their sympathies, they believed that the Irish would act a Americans, in open, manly Americun methods. When it is learned t'utt the murders, the nssitssiiiutiims, the con- . flngrations, the explosions by which the world has been horrified, even when an enemy might be the victims, were the work of secret design and hidden modes of execution under the orders of organ ized bodies with wide spread raniili cations, and with unknown powerful sc cret influence, then uot only is tlie Ameri , , can sense of fairness and justice shocked, - but they are made to confront a new peril, real, and not imaginary. They linv been walking on the crust of a vokimo they have been at peace, and at any nit ntent may be plunged into war; they have been true to tlie faith of treaties ; at any moment they may, without complic jyvbe.fgrcedt,q a, violation of them. The Clan-mt-Guel seems the arbiter of Amor ican destinies in relation to their internal as well as external afTuirs. It has wielded its immense hidden power in tlie interests of one political party; it bat dictated nominations; it hits dictated terms; it has dictated beforehand the rewards for its service ; it hoi been able, in the revela tion of results, to amaic tlie American otef by proving to them the in efficiency of the ballot, the oK-n wcnxin of freemen, when counteracted by the hin den work ol combinations acting in se cret concert with the beneficiaries of what may be aptly called conspiracy; The long letter in the St. Louis Republican wrilte from Washington city, giving the history of the negotiations between the secret or guuizulious and the friends of Mr. Illnint- by which, in consideration of tlie hodil transfer of the lrislivote to thut nn runt to the Presidency, high preferment was to be given to certain Irish leaders this same Sullivan, now complicated wit the murder of Cronin, stipulating, ns I reward, a place in the cabinet, a foreign mission, or tlie vice preaidencv, but ' thwarted in his ambition by hisowncon- freres because of his known bad and dan gerous character bears the marks truth, authenticity and knowledge of facts, that make it valuable revelation and wanting Secret political organizations like the Clan-na-Gael must be eliminated from our svstem. It is a menace to our lilsr ties and a menace to our jieuiv. The creation was a betrayal of confidence. We received with generous warmth and humanity the fugitives from opprenKton, offered them- a welcome, a home, the brotherhood of citizenship. We did not , offer them a plotting ground for hostility for the nations with which we are at -- peace; we did not offer them it field ill which to work for the lietrnyul of the in tegrity of our institution. The American heurt will never grow cold in its sympa thies for Ireland and the opiiressed Irish; but it will not tolerate that which mr takes of treason to its generosity and which threatens with ruin tlie very nsv lum thrown oien for the distress!!. TMK PKNNMVI.V4N1A F.I.F.C TION, , On tlie question of the prohibition con stitutional amendment submitted to tlie people for' ratification or rejection, re sulted, as bad been largely anttciatcd, in its rejection by a Utrge majority. Tlie result is by no meuns a rebuke to the cause of temperance, but to the method adopted to give it permanent and bind Ingciistcnce in Llietundumetital law. Very many strong, zealous and consciclous temperancf men could not agree to sus tain such methods by their votes, and tlieir reasons were good and impregna ble. A constitution embodies the fundn imulul liiw of tin- li'iul; it is iivmniK il to funni J with at least u full und imam- ions consent of the H-ople to lie bound jit; It is presumed to lie adopted for ikliungt-ahle iermuncnce. When any jurstion, like the one just voted on in ennsylvania, is proMised for Hihipiion, tlie projiositiou Is made with full knowl- Ige of existing dissent. If the mat ion ic carried, it involves the discontent, open or secret, of a large minority, bound against tlieir consent, irrevmalily to tin- Iwervance of an unwelcome fundamen tal law, aguiust which there will always be dissent and resistance, and for the ol- servance of wliieh tliey feci rck-astd from moral obligation. Such changes ore more wisely left to legislation. If effected by such they commend themselves to public sentiment, and gain strength by harmonious observ ance. If otherwise, they are oien to re peal, and by rejieul no shock is given to tlie stability of the institutions of govern ment. If Khode Island bail been wise, she would not hove bound herself in the constitutional chains she husjust tried to break, H Peims sh would have IjdjyjGe break, If Pennsylvania had been wise earned by "In ex- Island. As they have both acted, they have each damaged the cause both of them made tlie attempt to. advance. . ' UlFFICKF.NCICM OF OPINION Hl'MT UK F.Xr-F.CTIClI HVr TWKICKI THI- UIMT UK r'UIKNIIS. It grieves This Cituen when -it finds itself obliged to take a different view ol any matter of public iolicy with its ex cellent coiiteuiMiiitrics. The States villc Landmark and the Charlotte Chronicle. whose ierfect triiicerily it will ever ac tio wledge and a pprove, and whose sit- lierior wisdom, it as a rule, is glad to adopt as its guide. While in this vale of human frailty it is not to be cxisxted that even these excel it friends and ourselves can in all mat ters agree, nudloshow tlmtTiiK Citixkk is not ulone in its views, on one material point of difference, it is glad to copy the following editorial, from the most thoughtful and able journal, the Nation f J une lit h. "Tlie wiser Southerners prcccive and conlcss that tlie only boie for the fuf.ure ol the negro is in education, although i here are some wiiounii it iiaro to realize this. Tlie Statesville, (N.C.) Landmark for example, recently declined that the smuttcriiigof education which the negroes have received is exactly what makes the race iiuostioii one of 'difficulty; while tin Charlotte Chronicle affirmed that the negro has shown no improvement from his education since liccomiiig a Ircciiutn the Asheville Citizen, however, takes issue sharply with 1 1 use vh'WS. v line udmittinutmit tH-rhaiisas a prod ucer t la- negro is not what he was as a slave, it holds that tins is not tlue to what little education he has gained since the war, but to tlie complete change in the svstem of lalxir and the general demoralization lollowmg the sudden emaiietiallon ol a densely ignorant race; ami it isMievci that education will bring Litem back t and beyond their productiveness as slaves Moreover, it funis already a noticeable improvement timonu them miipiicnruiice in milliners, in conversation, in morals; while the aggressive imiiertuieiice or stil Icn insubordination which characterize tlie race just alter the war, is giving way to cll-rcsiectiiig rtiurtesy, ami in ninny instances to the dignity ol freeman. Al though the privilege of learning undoultl edly had someellcct in making them con tcmptuomt ol the class ol work to which thev must look, they ureraiiltllv learning that industrial proficiency is the better part ol education. 1 hat these views ol Iiik Citizkn are sharetl by the most in telligent Southerners, is proved by the fact that the General Assembly of the Southern fresh vicrinn Church accept the declaration of the Northern Assembly that education is the true solution of the race problem, mid has agreed to co-oK' nte tit tne work. . THU HTATF. OF FHANKI.ANIt Some of the journals persist in calling the culling the Slate of franklin, as if the name wus in honor of tlie old pntrii and philosopher, lteiijamiii Franklin The name is V raiikland free land it sag gestion of the free, ladd spirit which sc up a Stutc in the wilderness, detaclu from, and indccndeiit of, all other su port but the strong arms und ck- brains of the men of l-'raiikland. We lo for ace n racy in resiect of the name the Tennessee pitcrs, and do not find lr. Parker I'vays creiim Van-Olu, Kosa line, Otigaliue and l'iainond nail piiwil. having now Iweonie the Indies' favorite at I'. L.Jacob's drug store, these popul, manicure articles may always be loin together with pocket emery iMianl, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files a other such rcttiisites. Also a complc Ime ol drugs and toilet articks, lit mh tiou to the IIcIh.- Soda I'ottntain frt which ict- cold drinks are dispensed. Cor mr Main street and Palton avenue. It is pleasant tn learn that tlie w lie crop of North Carolina is one of thermit est in iiiantitr ami the Unt in iimlil v harvested fur many years. IVrhaps it the largest, for the ni-reaj' has ineix'.-ixe of late years; iind the largest jiivvio yield was alitint ftnir million bushels, iu yet tpiite up to Dakota and California, hut not to he despised, in consideration that North Carolina produced n cotton crop of half a million bales, a tobacco of forty million pounds, a rice eeopof reH savtalilc niajtiliiliule, the largest turnn tine crop in the South, and the largest fish output south of the ('.rami Hunks; not to sR'ak of the forty or fifty million IiusIk'Is of corn, oats, rye, MtattH-s, fruits and vegetables. Hot only for home use but appreciable addition to the supplies if tlie northern markets. (".. T. Williams, of Moiilciuma, da., is evidently the owner of one of the most sensible Texas ponies tin record. At noon one day this week lie pulled his Hat up to the bank, but failed to lie it, and repaired to the shade of the trees on the hill for a nap, When lie awoke, lie was astonished to sec his pony aboard tla,' Hat carrying it across tlie river, where tla- fields were greener and tlie grass grew higher. annulled to the llet. Allure entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of tlie liest family remedy. Syrup of I'igs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sule in Cite, and $1.1H) bottles at all lending druggists. , DONT JehuiiibiitftfHl. Talk inciicnp ut "llit')ioof oflliopiKldiiiK . k . m . 1 i t IH lllO CllCWlIlir Ol 1 110 rltl'IIIK- imtic liroH. & Wi iKht'n in 1 hi; acoiobuy and thoiiHundH f WI'll jlll'.Wtl UHt0HI'I H w ill llyoulLt!KJiui if you will only take tins trouMo to nnk torn. They Jiavo the jjooiIh ii1 they Hell thfiii at bottom t SOT. ! I iw wwk tlieir WH-oiid HtH-k f Ditwh (ioodrt, Notions, I o,tn a nd SIkx'h for the Sj n inj; and Suiiiiiicr trado. Homo of icin bought undi'r"niudHiH" n iocH find aw now tfoinglike lot -akcH. Tliy have this wiH-k mm 10 a reum iion oi z. m?i- wnt. in many j?oodn and air now offering' uiihouril of Mirgaina in HiKfial linen. icir utore is filled with cuw- toineiH every day find none go away without being wait- d on, for their Halesmen are olite aiid atUuitive to the trade and are aiwayH ready to give you the worth of 100 entH for every dollar you ave with them. (5o and hw teir new goods and you will to HiiririHod at the low price and leaury of the same. The man that naid "Money in King" will have to learn hilt Pluck and Politeness will go farther in a day than money will go iu a life- ime, and if you don't think ho, go to No. 11 Public Square and you will see that we are taking Cleveland sad vice and are "telling the ruth" when we say 15ostk Bros. & Wright are selling Oil Calicoes at 5c., Ciinghams at ,7c, mid Katines 'at He hiting Cloths at 1 2&, Crazy loth at 15c, and the pretti ist Challies you ever saw a, V'., bought at Headquar ters for cash, and they invito your careful insiectioii of the same; IIOOKH ANU 8T ATIONliR Y AKTIHTM' M ATl'.MIAIJi, UNU1NHUKM' HUPl'MliB, 1'ICTUKim AND HKAMliS, . ' ' FANCY lilMlPS, . HUNK HOOK,i:Vi:HYiKAlK Htll.l.S, TUYH ANU CAM wi:hti:h n n. c. hc k n :, HUTU I'llOTOCKAI'lllC AND IIANU- I'AINTHII, AT lCSTAHUOOK'S, at 8. main Htrvct. - A CARD. Having sold my Jewelr business' to air. Arthur r-Meld, I desire to say to my Friends and patrons that it has been my care that all the best features Ite retained that ha ve made in v - business so suowssful, anM am sure Mr. Field will meet all wants and demands, as I ha ve triiil to do. II. L. LA NO. In assuming control of the business of Mr. II. L. Lang- I liojieby constant attention and tlie liest of efforts to offer such increased ad va ntagos as to merit .a continuance of the confidence so generously Im stowed upon my predm's sor. AUTmiUM.-PlFLD." hm?"ttiwly THE GREATEST ATTRACTION" l Unit line kit uf tiNC.LIHU HKIDI.liS and Tllklili lldKN CHAMtllH ttliAT SAHMLtiSl at J. M. AM . X AN DICK'S And the low ptkva at which he is sellitiK all ItiHxIn III hin line. lie hna Inemtaed his force and Intends to meet the demand. SATlSHACTIllN tll'AHANTHUIl. jr A. TltNNBNT, Arcliilvvt and Contractor. I'lnna, siieetnestltins and estlmatra tnr nl.hfU All work la mi IIm euntraetrri for, and no charm fur drawlnas us contraH-u awarded mi, Hrlrrrnera whm desired. lime; No. la Hendry Block, North Ctmrt aiuiarr, AahcTilk, N. C. lebllKll; MISCELLAKWUS. W. H. LEA Will commenre to-day to close out a big lot of Uem- mints iu Black (ioods, Hen- i.. i...k ......4- 4,. ose. and also a nice lot of o,.,.U,,r.L-..r.U will u nt.r. ' "- ...j ....... .... (') and 7 cts. jn'r yard, " nig at 10c por yard. 1 win also nm.r a biir iob in Ci wiin oloredLawn fit 5, 8 and Oc, goods that have leen ninging 15 and 20 cts. La ies' nice (Jingham skirls at Z4c. eacn. uenw mre Linen Dusters fit .a ni'it'iium iiitriiiii iii tn? offered in Battist Cloth and i i i i! iiik. mi I xmiHi .lacKiiieiat iuc i my will never le offered as cheat tlitlll. t oinu r:ltlj, tin no J mii.tit, I. ...... ...... I.r ..ff-l.,.1.1 will not stay long at that irkw. W.II.LEA, 'Spot Cash Store," No. N. Main street. If in nwd of Trunks and - ; . ' - ' t f 1 1 t it 111 vauscs, including xne nigu - - : qualities, we can supply you. Best possible value in La dies', Misses' and Children's ShotM, all grades. For Men our lines at $ 2, $2.50, '2.00, $3.75, 4.85, $5, 5.75 and 0.75, show attractions. II. REDWOOD & CO. Dry (.oodM, Fancy c;ood, Hats. Nlioc h. Car nt-t a. 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. t m: 11 Ti fl 1 1 ilT ill it t i tl T( 1 it 1 TP i 1 1 1 1 i iTm l tm i rfTiTTTTi n STRAUSS'.. RESTAURANT AND- NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN, i:ivctrlv C'ara Paw the Door. 1 herewith notify the uutille that this day, Mny t, I have ndded to my well knowu Kes- tttiiraut a flue Ice Cream Garden. The snme has been fitted ui neatly fol the oc casion and I will always have on hand the chuiccat ol Cn-ania and Sherlieta and dikes. Alao, can aupply families at shortest notice In InrRT or antall quantities. Bo conic In Roott time and Sive some fine Ice Cream and Cakes snd don't (tiriret thnt at Mtrauaa' you will net The Ueit of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will tie pleased to serve. Come early, come often, eonie one, come all, and your friend Stranas a ood many calls. Very rraiwclftilly, K.STRAV8S, msyadtf Proprietor. 'A'.tC'A7;r' COLVM.S. ,A Preacher TtilkH. A pivachcr of thu Cioih'! said (and they ought to know, Imvu-uho they mingle with the rich and the poor), that the 4,llat ket Stoiv" had lieen a bleHsing to the iicoplo of Asheville, because it had (heaH'nel the pritv of every line of goods it handled, and I lliUkkiib VH'J i a.V I1VM ..1 1.. 1 1.1 1 Ml gO"u IW BUIU when properly bought, and Htill afforu a fair and Ii vmir I l A. 11M 11 . 1 l" onc- no win question the statement of our brothe when it is known that the Uiuler-rlet" sells BUu'king at 4.1Jtlf n. 1.(y M.-vti-lt nt a loimt.u iui ilirittt I iivvitu Tkml I'encilsatb cents per dozen, ,,. ut 4.ntelvr bottle, Mil- cilaire at 4 cents. EnvelotM's ' at 4 cents a pack, Pajn'rat 4 cents a quire, a quart Cof- fi I'ot, for 10 centw, Nwdles 2 irnts a piqier, Pins 2 cents a paper, the best lirass Pin at 4 cents a pajfer, (others charge 10 cents for the same gootls), lliee Duttons at 3 cents for 12 dozen, Pearl Press Duttons at 4 cents jer dozen (worth 10), Lamps at 20 cents each, including )U,.niIV diimney and wick. MwnH, (j.lllZ0 Undershirts at U() tMnts tw, worth 35, La dies' Jersey Knit Vests at 20 cents each -which are worth 38, and a thousand and on articles which come into the 'daily use of everybody, at irices Yhat save dollars upon (i0llars to the ,H.ople. Thesi goods are all guaranteed to be the equal of any goods in the same line in tliiscity.ant tins agHM'inent goes wit 1 every sale we make: When vmisofor dissatisfaction ox ists, bring back the goods and ip't your money. No man can make a stronger warrant than this. We wisl we he had space in which to tell you of everything . we keep, but it would more than LM1 it ." mi this paiH'r. 1:01110 to us f o r c r 77 li hfj; ( bu t groceries ) liofore.you buy. .We will save you money and will take pleasure in show ing you our goods whether you buy or not. We underbuy and we undersell, and we have facili ties for buying low tossessod by no other concern in Ashe ville. ItesiHK'tfully, GEOJJOtiES&CO, N. V. O01cc,466 Broadway. 1 Misci-u.ASLot's. We Don't Want the Whole Earth I I&ut we do want our Drug Store continue the center of attraction to fill buyers and onsumers of Medicines, Toi- et Articles, Paints, Oils, Window Class, Brushes and Prescriptions. -We have tlie lK'st located and best equij- petl Ding Store in the State We have t he largest stock Of Dinggittts' (JoOlls aild the uanusomesfj store. au van i- ageously situated in all re- sjM!:ts, we possess facilities peculiarly suited to Asheville and the adjacent country, with inference to supplies of Drug's, etC Our Prescription I . , , I oiictiiiTOH mm uuigrunu uui ..i... a w:. i. CAJRlUUOIIH. flB IIllVO fill- loyed two (Iraduates of 'harmacy of established character to do this work. We hilVe SlM'lllt'd tllO COIlfi- deuce of the public, and we uli.ill iiu,M,.iuii if i.i.uliU.I.i mil" efforts in this direct ion.-We .',....,'., , eaatourlot with Asheville s termined to give them the benefit of lower prices and . .. e . , , larger supplies tf Druggists i!.iu (... linv.. i.JSchool Supplies. New line Ladies and Gents' JL'ocket creased every month until books just ojiened. Fancy we haveestablished ourselves ji -a Mi tar l and Hetail Drug Trade of Western North Carolina. T. C. SMITH & CO., DrujjglstH, , A8licvllle,N.C. lMCHMOND Sc IIANVII.I.B RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina IHvision.) Fassunoki Dkpastiiknt, Ashkvillk, N. C, Jan. 1, 1KU. I'ASSKNGER TRAIN SCIIKIlULU. In Ufpsct Jan. 1, IHHt) : No.61 No. 53 Lv. Aahi ville, Ar. Kaliabury, " lianville.' Lynchlmrs:, M wuatiinKton ' Baltimore, " J'hila., " New York, " Itoaton, Richmond, " RnleiKh, Ooldslioro, " Wilmington tlOflpm 37am 47aai 12.ripm 7Hfim WVtipin SOOara 6 i!Cluin 8 iiOpm 3 30pm 1 40pm 6 L'tpm 10 211pm 1 IMlam 7 Ol lam Sr.am l()7um 1 HOpm I 9llOpmll Sioam) i("l2pm I 3 10pm (lilOpm I 75(latn lt4fiain I.v. Aahrville, N3llam Ar. Henilcraonville, (120am Ar. Spartanlg llftOam " Charlotte, S 30pni ' Columbia, iopm Charlestons 010pm " Atigiiatit," r9i)5ini " Siivannah. 616am " Thomaaville.Ga 140pm " Jacksonville 1200 in " Atlanta, lOOpm ." Montgom'y 7 2Ram " Mobile, lSBpm ." New Orlenna 720pm Lv. Spartanburg, Ar. Itenilfraoiivllic, 840pm 607pm 7 00pm No. nq 7 41 lam 9 20am I lilpm 6 lfipm 6Hlam 74()am 9 2(lam 1 10pm 40am 6 3opm 74Tpm No. B2 444pm 610pm 8S0pm 640am U4flam 68(lpm 444pm 610pm 860pm 7 lBnm 11r.am 6 aopm; 74Bpm' No. 64 Lv. AahcvIHe, Ar. IlotSninga " Knoxville. " Chnttnn'gtt, " Nnahville, " Meraphia, Lv. Aahevil.e, Ar. HotNpringa M Knoxville, M Louiaville, ' Cincinnati, " Chicago,' " St. Louia, Si Ml'RPHY BRANCH." No. 18 Lv. Aaheville, H26nm Ar. Wavntavillc, 1053am " Jnrretfa. B 4Hpm - No Lv.Jarrctfa, , 6tMlam Ar. V. uvncavillr, 1 2npm "Aaheville, 345pm Mr Bleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WINBURN. ' A. li. p A. 8t)L. HAAS.T. M. HKOOM FACTORY. IIANI OMl) N. LOCKW'OOD. I HAND-SI SOB UruoniM, WhlMks, Hearth and Celling; Brooms. M ill nnd factory grades apecinlty . Ouo tatinna and an ni plea free. n-bllldl y J. XV, SCIIAUTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. fcti2(l(llv JkOTICB. WiM collect deota for anyone fn the city for per cent. tSood raeilities for renting and col-lev-ting renta on houaea. Will acU furniture on weekly payments. J. B. JOHNSON, At Blair's Furniture Store, Rcarreni-ea arlven o i raon Avenue. marl4dHm JAIli FRANK, DIALKB IS. FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ajrntt for Seems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main . Aibeville, N. C. frblOdly norms. A CELICHTFCL EXtlUHS'C ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Kound Trii Tk-ki-ta only ll.no, ln lu.lnij; a lull day's tioard at tin- MOUNTAIN PARK IKiTKL I l ne nnina m MUSUIC I'UUIS HIKI I'urivluia Tub. are th HiitBl and m.t lnriu. i NEW, AN nuST-CLASS In Every Partliular. UNKXCKLI.Kn IN ITS Cl'ISINIi. ir- tne piace is a cnarniiiiK aput, notk-d among and .hcltiml l.y rineld Mount.tiua where there Is no fog, no duHl, no inalari.-t. I - ' l'ure and abundant witter, and abu!utcl, oerfert drainage. dtjul2'.l A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. The Swuyne Ifuusc7 One of the best hi Western North Cunilhm. Hu,V- Sl'intry ntl waU-runexcvlleU. Terma iiiiiuerHic. Kit, I M m.Af 'I.- till u HI !...' l"ar13l:"1' ! I- MflDniW X Nw J Baruard Building;. School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets. His. Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kintls, large stock Stfitionery, mrak 1(K)ks a(1 0fflw ft,Jj iiou imu LHJim. fcuittdiy MERCHANT t TAILOR. a Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Centra) Hotel.) aprdly T mi irmr Will continue the undertaker's businesaat his old stand over J. B. lliekerson & Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Harinir thirty years' ierience as under. taker and embalmcr. and uneiiuated facilities lor buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. everything pertaining to the huaineas al wavaonhand. fehiadnm CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILL BB Ol'BNKIJ FOR TUB SBASON OF 1HH9 ON The F!rstof June. The location of this Hotel on theaumniit of "i'i:r ouuin Carolina, nff's a climate and water unequalcd. As a summer resort it liua no imrullel in the Bouln- AVERGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60'' TO 70. Whilst Ha natural acenery is varied and irrnnd I lievnn.1 r.inra,.ll..M i-....r. . .. . - . - Kueai care fully conaulUd. Livery and dully mail. Kua ily reached from Aaheville In one day, or from Henilcraonville in half a day, over dcllghtfiil roada, through a romantic and charmlnir I country, F. A. 9IILES. mavtOdtf IV1NKEMMIS r xv j - . m. u AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC in cash or cholcm. cramps, dl"bhcea, Summer complaint Dyscntiay AND 0THCN AFrCCTIONs) . OP THE STOMACH ANU BOWELS PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN K CO oli Paoi a i r -ai, BALTIMORE. MD , U S. A. For wile liy J. 8. GRANT, duwtu28 A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN : PAINTER OLDER AND VARN1SHER, Is prepared to do all kind. of Painting. Rring on your old-looking Carriages, llretU. Hur rys, Buggi, Carts anil Wagons and have them rarniahed or repainted, su they will look as good as neve. U r warranted not to crack, blister or come off nntil it wears off. Terms reason, able. t "hop ns Raraett Hilt, Ragle Street. marBldtim -