r , I BOYALKS'-"f J N Absolutely Pure. This Kwdrr never variea. A marvel of pur ity, strciiK"ih and wholesomencas. More ecu iititiiicitl than the ordinary kinds, und cannot le Hold In competition with the multitude of low test, ahort wrijfht filum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cuna. HovAi. Uakino I'owkkh Bo., 100 Wall St., New Vork. dJvwtnpr!7 ' t'KOI-liSMQSA L e.ih'DS. TllKO. P. Kaviiikon, Tikis. A. Jonks kaleii'h. Ja . Maktik, Ashcville. Ashi-viUc. IJAVIHSON, MAKTJN JClNIiS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Uw, Ashcvillc, N. C. I pr-iUiee in the 11th and 12th Judicial .-la, Mlto in inc supreme v.oun 01 ro'rin .Hnn.Moid in the Pedernl Court of the Western lhstnct ol North Carolina. Kel'er to Uuuk of Ashcville. dtact VvMp CHionn CHA. A. MOIRK. Iirvr UKKMICK. JJCMIKK & MERKICK, Attorney and Counsellor ut Low, Aahcvlllc, N. C. Practice lu the CniU-d States Circuit anil Iiistriet Court ut Ashcville, Ktutcsville, Char lotte and tjrevnshorn, in the Supreme Court hi kuleiuh. mid in the court of the Twelfth judicial I ('strict of the Stut of North Caro- 1IIU. Special attention given to collection ol elninm. Partnership doc not extend to practice in . Umicoinuc, interior court utotu T. II. Conn, af"OHB Ac MUKKIMON. J. 0. UKKKfUON Attorney and Counwllur at I.nw. Practice in nil the court. Otlicc: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dtac4 I. W. JONK. fONllS Si SHUPORll. OBO. A. Bill FOkll Attorney at Law, Ahcville, N. C. ITnctics In the Suiierior Court of Western North Citroiiiiu. the Miprcinc courioi me Slate, and the r edcral Co-urU at Ashcville. oHice in johnton liuildinK, where one mem ber ottac firm can always lie found. d J0U(1 1 JOHNHTONIi JONliS, ATTOH.NKV ANll COI'NSKl.t.OH AT LAW ASHUVIM.K, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit aud IhKtriet Court at Ashcville. in Hie Kupreine Court at Kulcixh, and in the Courtso.' the Twelfth Judicial District ol tlicStutcol iorth Ciirolina, ami eincwnere, a m service may he required. Ollice over So. bxprrsa miiee, Hendry Block , (uiiUSdtl J H. DOUGLASS, l. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wingcrt' Drug Store. Kcsldcnce. No. BH Bailey 8t. fehlOdly It. li. KBUVUS, U. I). 8. DKNTAL, uffici: In Connally Building, over Kcdwrnid's Store, Pntton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew amesthetic, und all cases of irreulunty cor. reeled. i-i.i.wnv H P. BUKGIN, M. D. OFFICE. y New Grand Central BuiUliuj. over IliK Clothing Store. Ubl7dlm I P. KAMSAV, U. D 8. Dental Office t i i.r.,rri tiulHHiir Entrances, Patton Avenue und Main Street. fchttttdly 1 a mhw HK.K1). careful prepared by lead A inK memlK-rs of the- Ashevilkr liar (on finest parchment and hcivy Hat pncr), cov in nrreaHurv point;, iusl out and now on sale t the office of tk- Citwbn Publish !" !. Nr. K North .'"' r I- flo1l If any mifT say n hia h W. JU DonrlM Uw bottom, put uim downu fraud. ' ki" "ki V7. L. DOUUA5 centMen. $3 SHOE tWHlGKNlllNI;: 91.00 ." ' BulWn ul Killing hiuI (liivinir iMirtic hIhiuUI bo o .he ' Cieorjjia Dairy, " just ut the end I Lliarlnlte staft und iet a L'l:isti ol tush milk or butter milk. Cherried, Muck U-riies, KonwU-rriis und rnr lierricM now rite mid lor wile. They ay that n lioot with a triplicate mile 1 Ihe latent. The man wUh a pretty dnttuhter who will wear one oi lluse Holes is 1111 enemy to the hiimiiu race. Cortland's real estate aj-ency' re moved to BO. south. Mam St.. second W. L. DOUGLM S3 SHUB, roil LADlCk w....l. TR.t tvl". Bert ritt -. nnntrinn - ' i.iiriiiru and .Hu Huge For al bv ... nuiMi & WEAVER .. r, .u ..:., eirrrt. Ashcvillc, N atl BOUin gmiii jnPlU.v HI'HINI.MH AMI PI.HAM HK. Moor. Tn "doek" n horse's tail is nnwn jwnal ITense iu Massachust'tls. Tlicic are no Hies on the Massachusetts Legislature. No iieetl to take those Ml' cathartic pills; one til llr.J. H. McUan's Liver mil Kldnev I'lllcts is quite sullicieut unit more aL'reealile. For sale bv I'. L. laeobs. tlruist. till, for 11 Run that is ehari-cd with tacks, And wadded linn and Ul'IiL I'orthc man who whistles fromniuht till morn And UKain from morn till night. Prof. Ostiorne oiiened his dancinu class ast tiiiht with tt i;ood attendance. Next lesson will lie on Monday nij;ht. Spcnia linildmg. Waiter (in all ni'lit restaurant ut 2:110 ii ui. I -VK'iit firders Inmb- chops and there um't imy." Proprietor (lanciuj it clock) "Well, kivc him an oyster stew and say nothin.'" (iv the Children a Chalice. There in something radically wroni; with the health of a child when it seems it tlcss, has ltoor or no mnictitc, eves sunken and with dark skin liencath. lu most ruses showim; these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon lie in (irrteet health num. l a- cuts, try it uud let your little ones have a fair chance for life. An illiterate publican wrote over his loor: "Hear sold here." "lie siiells the word tiuite correctly," said Theodore Hook, "if be means to apprise us that the article is of his own Hruiii." Will You Head Thin lor soo? JJor many' years the manufacturers of Dr. Knife's Catarrh Remedy, who are abundantly responsible financially, as any one can easily ascertain by enquiry, have offered, in good faith, a standing re ward ol $500 lor a ease ol nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long stand ing, which they cannot cure. The remedy is sold by druggists at SO ccjits. The tramp climbed over the garden wall With the Irml to nave some sisirt. When be went back he had no pants, And the bud dog s pants were short. Careleiw motlivri. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before their eyes when they might have been saved. Any mother who keel house without u bottle ol Acker's English Baby Soother' at hand, runs a risk which rhe may some lime reKiet. It has saved the lives of thousands of children, und is doing so every year, l-orsaleliy 1. v.. Nuitn Co. It lakes four years for a college to turn out u good student. Hut it frequently turns out a bud student in less than three months. ' Flaming Fire In the Veins). We hold tKisilive proof that Acker's Knglish lllood l'lixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsapaiulas und so called purifiers tail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call ut our store 011 u positive guarantee. T. C. Smith it Co "Clara lielle" says that "Woman is a uMilirkl , Illt.ll All UlflMlllUllltV." Clilttl ins evidently got the thing wrong end foremost. A man often embraces an op- Mirtuiilty. "HACK MET ACK," n lasting and fra- trrnnt perfume. Price 25 nnd 00 cts. SHIUIH h LliKfc. will immediately re lieve Croup, W hooping Cough and Hron chilis. T. C. Smith & Co. Tlicosophy in Chicago. "What's your nurrv, ivou r nsKeo one v. incago gin 01 another. "Oh, the Tlicosophy club meets ut our house to-night, and 1 hustled out to get some sausage for refreshments. "One breaks the glass und cuts his fingers; . Hut they whom Truth and Wisdom lead". Can gather honey from a weed,". . Those who are wise, nnd who love the truth, will believe what we say when we tell them that Dr. Pierce s I-avonte Pres cription has done more to relieve tne sut- tcrnigs of women, than all other medicines now known to science. It cures all irreg ularities, internal inflammation anil ul ceration, displacements and RTiinreil troubles. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, iimlvr a jntsh (ire etiarnntte from the manufacturers. thai it will trivesatisfacti min every case or money will be rvlumleot. 1 his guaran tee has lieen printed on the bottle-wrni- per, and faithlully carried out lor many years. FOR DVSIT.PSIA nnd l.ivcr Complaint Vou have a punted guarantee on evcrv bottle ol Shiloh's Vilnliicr. It never fail to cure. A NASAL INM-CTOK free with each bottle of Shiloh's Cutarrh Remedy. Price 00 cts. T. C, Smith & Co. Dressmaker Ito Miss Dizzv-I "I have finished the bathing suit for your Fido, nmmVlle. There is a sm.il. lucee left over. MissDi..v (thoiit-htfullv:! "Well vou might make my suit out ui that." Their HuNlneH llwoniliiir. Probably no one thing has caused such u general revival of trnde at L. Jncolm' drug store us their uiviiiL' away to their customers of so many free trial I Kittles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consunii tion. Their trade is simply enormous 111 litis very valuable article "from the fact that it always cures mid never disap points. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Hroii- utis, (.roup, and all lliroat and luui: diseases quickly cured. You can test it helore buying by getting it trial ImiIiIc free, la.gt' sue $1. livcrv bottle wur- anud. Now with line, and ju;.', and hook, See the fisher by the brook, By the river lying. Now, ugain, at evc'lR-hold him . Showing fish 11 dealer sold lam By the hour lying! , Pimples, blotches, sndy skiu, nglv spots, sores and ulcers, uUeesaes and tu mors, unhealthy discharges, such as catarrh, cc.cma. ringworm, and other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms of 10011 impurity, tuke Ur. I. It. Me l.eun's Sarsaimrilla. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. Frenchman (proudly). "You have not in zc Oerman Umpire anything so tall as ze great Eiffel tower." " Uerman (indigiiantlvl, "No. und vou don't got noddings so slhoud like Lim- uurger cheese. Mow Uoeton Conquer Death. . Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : "After along ex 'x-rienee 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the leaths from coughs, pneumonia und con sumption might be avoided if Acker's bnghsh Cough Remedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by I , C, Smith & Co. .. .- - In the kissing line the Birmingham girl Can discount the girl from Sioux : One taste of her lip and her clinging grip . Will hit a man out ol his slnoux. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many Icel they owe their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Slomuch, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50e. and $1 per bottle, at F.L.Jacobs' drugstore. The secrets in the possession of New York millionaires' private secretaries might Startle the world were they divulged bv the young men who know them, but these trusted confidantes arc too honorable to betray them. Better Than Bloody liattleH. Genertd Wheaterofl Nelson savs: "My rxjierience in the English army as well us in America, convinces me that nothing so purifies the blood or adds to the health, vigor and lite as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great lemedy is sold under u positive guarantee by 1. C. Smith & Co. . fai(hi:miii-:it. One warm and pleasant summer eve c sat iK-uealli a tree, Anil she, the silence to relieve, This riddle asked ol me: If thirty-two," she shyly said, ' "Is freezing point, do try To tell me what" she hung her bead "Is squeezing point ?" nsked 1. - She bowed assent, my arm passed 'round 1 lint pretty little maul ; "I think," I said, "the answer's lound ; It must lie two m the shade. HiJION FXIXIU. A Pl.KASANT l.KMON llKINK, For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, tuke Lemon Ivlix'r. For nick and . nervous hcuduclic, take IrCinon l'lixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take V'ttiou Elixir. loir loss of ainietilc und debility, tuke Lemon Elixir. For levers, chills anil malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Iamiioii l'lixir will not fail you 111 any of the above diseases, allot' winch arise from a torpid 01 diseased liver, stomnch, kid neys, liowe s r lilood. rrepareu only by" Dk. II. Miwl.KV, Atlanta, tia. 50c. and $1 ler bottlt Sold by ! rug- gists. A I 'K O I N K NT i; INI8TH H WKlTliSl Alter ten years 01 great nunc nag irom indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, 1 buve lieen cured by fir. Mozley Lemon Llixir, Mini am now a well num. Key. C. 0. Davis, Elder M. E Church, South. No. 2S Tatnall st., Atlanta, (.a. apr21 dtoc2l th su Perkins will get tight occasionally, much to the astonishment of himself and friends. "For years," said he, "it was unaccountable to tne, for I never did drink but a mouthful or two; but tin ea use never did strike me until i meas ured my mouth and found it held a pint," THE REV. CEO. II. THAYER, of Bour Imn, Ind., suvs: "Both myself ami wile oweourhves to SHlMlH'S CONSUMP- TIOI' Cl'RE." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss ol ApiM-'tbe, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizcr is a punitive cure. T. C. Smith & Co. hlUL LSTATIi. it, d c- . ,- H S.if : MtTCT "VA Ire The Sionx City girls are the girls for me For their kiss is most intense; They've got a grip like a rotary pump Hint will hit you over tne lence. 'I.OJtlC lM I.OKiC." Now, there was the case of our friend h Knv: He said to himself, in his resolute way, That a cough which was growing from bad to worse Must lie cured, in spite of a slender purser An ocean vovage wnsoutof thequestion, A Florida trip a useless suggestion J Yet die he wouldn't! His money he paid For the "(ioldcn Medical Discovery, ' by Dr. Pierce made; And as sound as a nut is his health to day - - : "Logic is logiej that's all I say." "Golden Medical Discovery" is the only medicine for the diseases it is recom mended to cure, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufact urers, mat lilt 11011 1 eiiner oeiieuioreurc in every case, the money paid for it will lie promptly reluniletl. . A fwlLiw thai hoe actually tried says that, although there are three scruples in a dram, the more drams you take the tewer scruples you will have. DyHpepHla, Oetipalr, Ueath. These are the actual ste which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dysiiepsia Tablets will both check nnd cure this most fearful of diseases. Ouranteed by 1. 1.. smitn & Co. "The 'town which flies the highest Sinks the deepest in the gloom ; A big delinquent tax list - ' Always sujersedcs a boom." What will Brown's Iron Bitters cure ? It will cure dysiiepsia, indigestion, weak ness, malaria, rheumatism mid allsimilar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purities- the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system drives out all dis ease. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject it is invaluable.' It is the only preparation of iron that d(K-8 not color the teeth or cause hcaif ache. ' , Health journals insist upon reposing on the right side only nnd claim that it is injurious to lie on liotli sides, but we don't know where Ihey will find u .licaltbier-looking set of men than law yers. Faults of digestion cause disorders 01 the liver, and tlie whole system liecomes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLenn's Sursnpa rilla iierfeCts the process tif digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. For salt by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. Giles You should be careful not to get in the way of a draft at this time of the year. It is damrerou. Brown You liet it's bad to have a draft on you. J,the of them bankrupted me some years ago. Uuckleu) Arnlea Salve. The ..beat salve in the world for' cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and ixisi- tively cures piles, or no pny required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. r-or sale bv K L. acols. daw I'resnnts in Ihe inool elegant loim 1'HE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE Or THB- FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to lie most 1eneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective kxative to pertna 1, nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive "endition of the A1DNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS.' Kin the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFTECTUALLT When on ii Itiliout or Constipated - SO THAT UM BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. AiK VOUK DRUGGIST FOB syrup or I-IOB MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH FRAHCISCO, C. LOUISVILLE. Kr NEW YORK, M. ft A ' ' 1 II 'I1,,1 iiirin who ilrrurtrril tlie lake 11 1 11 I "1 1 l i Ti nin'r clothes get iinylhing?" I fjT li!' ' Vt8' U ,lllV C r'Kuma" I MyMttl.boy,yia. mU. YOU cough when Shiloh's with disease-' r"'.ff hla nff- If H., ..,;il i imm-diatr rrlicl. PrU 111 ern,snlth flngor. cim 1 off to tho mldillt Joint. Forrei'l j irVi.. I. now eettlnf well. no drelfn Ir; to "Si fl am nausuea "7"'i, - cUilcfe.u-01-u. ."!-.,,- era, iuu. III I'J iT.1 J.n. 13. Iti89. 1 ,.-t w Itli nil Dn?i-R Tbo lo r r tum 1,1 ,1U rl..l no Jl.nrtm to h-- K ted . AUaoU, 0t ' f ' ft tM" ' '' ' . ' .Jl.'-' USTAIICLIKlllEHT GO cts., und ft. IILOIl'S CATAKKII KlvMHDY live cure for Cutnrrh, liihthcriuniid Month. T. v.. Smith & Lo, rv Wnrd Ileccher once said : "The tvnc is iK-urcst to tlic divmc like- VcrY few ncwsimners use blonde I Kale mid certum remedy for fever e. use IN. J. H. McUnn s L hills t ture; u is wuimm-cu w imc, Iby F. h. Jucobs, druggist. . f. JANG LINIMENT r.EH. Itl'ltNH. CrTS, CORN'S, IJ1LA1N8 A I'liObTlilTttt Tour Retailer tor the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE 0K THK JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to lonr Keeds. JAMES MFANS S4 STTOB B'sUtilit aiKlstyllsb. It tits like ratm-kliiir, and RKQUIltKH ,nu-ttUliAKIIilUI5,"ln. 1 UlB DerfOCUv tnv tlw I1rt Hnu , Is worn. It will siiufy tha mmt LiMtUtons. JAMJC8 HKANK ' Bnui m twiiiutel)' llm ulj slue 01 its price which hss rTer hmn nlnral i. l IciulTelj on Uw nuirket in wnicn aamiiitj m oouuuerra oeiom mere out ward I A. I.-,'.E-o . -V lieaus 2 Hboe fur BorS 'Deal" auoa. J. MEANS oV CO.. Hoelon. Pall llnea of the atboT allocs lor sale kr for Sale llONtic Bros. & AVrijflit, ' A8HBVILLH, N. C. fel)21d3rn ' tu th ut V'Al.TKa 1. CiWVN, W. W. Wkt. G17YII & WEST, (Kiicecaiioni tu Wultcr H.Cwyu) ICSTAlSLIBIIEll i88x REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans tccurcly Ilaccl PerCeut. at 8 Notury ruliiic. ComminiiiuiicrH ol Iki-iU. :?IRE INSURANCE. OVKICK-HoutheUMl Court Huar-, Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MiNERALBROKER, Ar.lieille, N. C. t'nn acll you otic million iicrca of land. In trucHs Irom SO (u 100,000 ucree. Have a nutiilwr of city lula, improved and uniiri proved, which ! citn sell on the beat ol' tcrma. If you want a lurnc or amull Iiirin call on me. If you wnnt minctala of any kind, you need tto no further. If you want timlwr lunus. tliia la headiuurtcra. In fact I cun suit you iu anything oo want In my line. Sen-lccaofa finit-luaii civil engineer and pradtival aurveyor cnriua-d to ehow up all property wheu required. I have had fllteeu years' exiiei-fencc in the real ratntc busioi nnd think I know what will pieaae. Jr'roinpt ntti-ntion to all Inquiriea. Icbiijlif , --ORTXANU UKOS., Real Estate llrokers. And t Iuvcstiiient i AirentH, icca: No. 00 South Main at. riccoud floor. tcbudly D. S. WATSON, Ileal lintate Agent, (Not a 8xulutor.) l-'or Sulc A lurge amount of valuable City l'r6ierty, improved uuil unlinpruvcd. Fur ekilc Some flue farming luoda ; also, Umber und mineral lands. I can secure for parUca buying; City Lola from nic money to Improve the auiue on moat ruaaouuble tcrma I Money to loan on ood city and country property 1 Olliee hours : 1'roin 8 to Q. O.S.WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Aalieville, N. C. , c luiiyUO dtf lNSUKASCli. JJ-IKU IN8UKANCB. Fiitii. life. a(x,idj:nt PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Ashcvillc, ASHBV1I.LB, N. C. Till? EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society Nil. 120 llKIIAIlWAV, NliW YOKK, Cash AsM-ta .,... 995,c4a,fa.i Cah Surplus JU-,70,4,7 vi 1 lie niruiifreKi, inimi. iiocrnl und most pro KrcNNivc oiiipuuv 111 me worm. lt Tontine I'ohcica with 15 and '2lt vea tie-nous (when inmuci! in aiiiiroiiriiite lorni offer to insurable persona a two-fold udvan taifc. (Protection AKulnst I.oaa and A Secure and Profitable lnveatmeiit 15. D. Rlouroct Ajft., -- Asheville, N. C. Oflice with Judur Aston. (-li2:iilnin A subscrilier to on Rastern jourtml inquires: "How long docs undisputed possession of nil umbrella confer n riglu ful title to its ownership?" Undisputed possession mny run on indefinitely. l)is- puled possession is where nil the trouble comes 111,. . Drunkenness Or the Llpsor Habit, Positively Cured it MMmsTEmiia M.Minr eoiDER vteirio. It eanbs alvtn In cut eoflos or tea. or mii flclei ol tood, without the knowledire of the per. mn taking it; It la absolutely harmuuw aud will elTect permanent and apeedy cure, whetliei the patlontisa moderate drinker oran alcohollr wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete rare in every Idsisucu. iti page Uoul FREfc. Address In confidence, SOLOEM SPECIFIC CO., 1 86 Race SL. ClnclnMtLa The most delieute constitution enn safely use Dr. J. H. Mclenn's Tur Wine Lung Halm, it is u sure rcmeilv tor coughs, lossol voice, nnd nil throat und lung troubles. For side by I L. Jacobs, druggist. Oiiialin Hellt: "Mn, 1 really do believe that George is gcttingready to propose." Omnha Miitiima: "What iusiaires thirt hbK;?" Omaha lletle: "Well, last night he asked me if pa is doing well in business, und when I told bin) that pa is gelling rich he put his linn around me nnd called me bis silver stur nnd his golden lioic." Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup should always lie used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for riiurrha-a. 2fc alxittlc. SlinT'I.D ALWAYS BE KEPT IN 8II0P, WTUUKN. HTA.1K INI) FACT0UY I it 1EJIIII 1 wm imi aj SuSSIalTIav , fcbiodswlr 1 and 'WMaker Hah. Itaeurnciat homeviui nnl Mln Knib of nmita I J Ucnlaniwnt FREB. aa n as -rvcn'iajn 1 . ra.u. otOoo WH WkUouaU M, - to th aat FOR LIEU mux N rUOl l ilt CKmsral and BERVOUS. DfiILITX f1TT"n T1 Wnskiins of Body and Bind: Ef(ot w w .wm n' Ki-mrs 4r Hsoftssea in uiaor louac, knhM.1, loll N41llHIHulll So.l.rvd. llnir U, KnUrcr.nS lrwu,m H KIM. lltlllCVKMli'lll Ollil UK PAHTH al SUH, tl..l -.lj aar.lIlM H" IHKt'rKKNT-HraMIU Hi . Uj. iMMlf. im .1 SI.IM. T.rr1lH.. mm! Knrrlr. imirrt. V...s wrtMUIM. Hwib, r.ll.,.lM.tloii, wA armthmHH m tMrmm VlfllbAL SR., lutlAl, B. I, Schedule Street Railway. To take rffcet Friday, March 1, at OHO a. m Car leaves Court Honae n.mt a. m. " " " ... 7.00 ' " ,..;.m.m " " " " U.IHI From thin till T p. m. ear Ira vea court house every no minutes. Also, rnr leaves court house at 8.00 p. m and (Ml p. tn. ' , PARS, PIVB CBNT8. .lliSTAIlGLUHUEiiT HEAt,H 1NFLAM1ITIN, OLD HOIlEa t!AKU) WtKAbrj: iic.j.CT illTthl Keprcacnt the following eompuuica, vix. : flHR. cash AaattTS in n. AnKlo Nevada, of Culifomia, U, 4-117. M-l: ContincntHl, ol New Yord 4,H75, llHmhurjE-Hrcmeii.oI'lTcrmnuy..... 1,1'Jli.iMM. I.ontiiin Assurance, of Uiiuland l,fi.;t'l' NiiitfHra, of New York - i,'J::7,' utiint, ol Hartford l,iil7,l!H rhiumx, of Brooklyn..: o,Uf4,17v st. fain i-irt ana Murine, ol Min nesota 1 ,5'U.oiU Southern, ol New Orient!. '-Ulii.tiw Western, ot Toronto l,ii;m,2:iU Mutual Aci-lflt-nt Association. Htna Life Insurance Company, dtmuru I'KOI'KIKTUK OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS Anlievllle,N. C. AllSCliU.AM:0US. Climate I'liMurpaHMed. 1,500 t'eet Above Tide Water. Ilue mineral Srlnjc) AYltliln a Hhort Walk of the Hotel. . I J l 'If ; 0 n 0 0 1 ft 3 a. 0. 1 n IB If n, w '? n 0 a The "IlICKOliY INN i built oCbriek, stone and iron. has all liHxIeni improyeinents. Eli-ctrir Lights. 0ns and EliH-tric Bells in eaoh room, Hot aud Cold Water IJathsand Toilon on each floor. Irt elegantly furnirihed throughout. CuiHine and appointments unsurpaisHetl. (fhAK I Beautiful Building Lots 3lo.l -,n- itot. SKY LAND SPRINGS Bl'NCOMBIS COUNTY, N, C. Skyluud SprhiKX ia a new reaort, laid olT in huitdlnic lots, eitiht miles aouth of Ashcvillc, on the A. "it 8 Kailroud and the iieudcrsonville l'ike. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twenty-seven Spriux Chalybrrite, Alutn, Inin, Hi mum, Sulphur, MiiKiicaia, and Freestone pure, culd and hvulth giving. Fine Hotel Finished nnd Opened Kitr 'h1I thi year 'round," with low rtitn nnd lest of room and fart. Severul liuililitiK" arr K-'inK -up- Khw Mill and IMatier making lurulicr nht lit the place, l-'or a Hhort time, choice lot are offered very low to aettli-ra or In venton. Grand view, level loU, wide itreeta, pure air,, tine water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. may HI dSm ' I ..-.I' ' .. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Hao the Finest aud Largest Stock ot WHISKIES, : BRANDIES t AND WINES, liver Brought to Atihevllle. l'urtics wisliliiK u Kimd article for family or other purKiscs, will find it to their intcrcat tu alive me a call. ' KeaucctAilly, niarHldly Frank O'Donnell, Proper. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, P.O. Box I. murlSilTy" THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Kooina on Main atreet. oiiponite the powt- othce. thien dally, exirnt Hmirinya, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., anil a until 7 p. m. The term of ttuhncrlntion are: One year $2; 6 mod.. $1.00: 3 mus., 11 ; 1 mo OOctn.; daflv 2 et. Offlwri for lMHy I'renitlent, K. H. Kawln ; Vlce-I'renitlfiit, CharU-v W. Woolnev; See. and Treat., U. H. Watson ; Librarian, Mit tt. J. Hatch. Citlsenn and vinltom are cordluIW invitctt to inttpect the catalogue und itiHcritie their numen an nieiuheiM. IcltNtltl Wliolctsulc and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertaken. l'mnipl uttt'iitKiii nivcn to all onlvm ilny or tii'lit. . Itcsideuce t -oPctiliiiitl Street. fclildly " SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, F U N E R A L - D I R E C T O R S, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kin (In of cement woik Mum. Johliinx and , kalsomhiiiiH promptly fit tended to. Residence, Clayton Ht. Ordcra can he left with W. li. Wt-Htall At Co. (il.lHlliin MRS. S. STEVI5NSON linn removed to the Johnnton Huihtin l'"t ton avenur, eomt-r of Church iitrvet, where Hhe is prepared to keep regular or transient hoardtm. Talile furninhtd with the In-nt the market utTords. TermitrraNonale. mnrJlOra r.lUSTAf.G Li;il!,tllT W FOR MAN 1IF.A8T. PENETHATE8 MUtCL 1 UlliJi TO WE VKUY liOH U. E M B A L MING A N D S II 1 1 PIN G A SPECIALTY. 3- -31 I'ATTON AVKNII It. Hrcwton will attend Calls Day and Night. nmrl'ldly , r.iL-oti .ul-. LiiiiuEtiT mustahg lii:i:.:eit CHIIE3 TtHEIlMATLSM, LAME HACK CUTlEa FOOT EOT, STIOUtPEK HOT. ANU8T1FK JOINTS. Bl!b IS UA1U ' K0HEW-W0UM AKD8CAB LN miiW t

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