t:::: waily citizen W'iH ti nlill"hrd every morning trxrept Mfn 1hv) at Uic lolliswing rate atrKtljr casn. ne Vcr ..,........ .,...,.,..00 Mis Muntha .. .. 3.00 1 here Months............. . 1.60 tin Miinth.......... 60 One Were IS Our carriers will deliver the paper every morning In every part T the city to our aul scriliera, and parties wanting It will please call at tlw trniu Office New AdverUnenieuts. At HhCost W. ft. Im. lry tlooda, eta. 11. Bedwood & Co. Florida Melon. Tb first watermelons' of the eaon have made their appearance in this city. They came direct from Florida, and were received by Barker & Co., the couth Main trect fancy fruit dealest. Thit shipment is among the first made from the Land of Flowers, and the melons are excep t tonally large and elegant. The "cullud " brother who got a glimpse of "those 'millions" yesterday didn't get in mncb sleep jost night "fur suah!" The c. b. sticketlfto a melon closer than a brother, and is never as happy aga;n as when holding a solitaire festival with the fruit that be sits up nights with to watch grow. ". . A Railroad Company Organised. Dakvillb, Va., June 19. The Danville and East Tennessee Katlroad Company was organixed here to-dny. Among the directors are, A. B. Bateman and R. W. Stuart, the New York bankers. The road is really the Western extension ol the Atlantic and Danvilleroad, which will be com pitted between Danville and Nor folk by December 1. The work on the Western extension will be pushed ahead as rapid. as possible. A Murderer Hanged. Ruhr. Go-June 19. Hardy Hamilton, who in February last murdered joe Lee, a ininaman, and was convicted of murder, was hanged here to-day. At 12.55 the trap was sprung. Hamilton's neck was not broken and he died from strangulation He was left haniring twenty-five minutes, The crowd in town was estimated at be tween 10,000 and 12,000. Baseball Yesterday. . At Fituburg Pittsburg 1, Boston 8. At Indianapolis Indianapolis 8, Wash' inirton 3. At Cleveland Clevelund 10, New York 1. At Philadelphia Athletic 6, Columbus U. At New York Brooklyn 9, Baltimore 0, Chicago Chicago 13, Philadelphia 14 More Light. Special attention is again called to the new Calcium Lamp. An extra (urge sixe b made for lighting stores, halls, etc. One Inmp is almost equal to four gas or (candescent lights. These lamps will be sent for two days trial wherever desired Every one should try one of tlicse lani), MAKKICTM MY Ti;i.l.iU Al'II. Money and Hecnrltlea Cotton - I'rovlMlona and Produce. HOKBV AMD MCI'llTIKS. Nsw Yomt, June 10. Eat-honge dull but steady. Money eaiy, -jih-ivi. Hub-Treasury balances Gold. 1S3.H.'I4.- 00; currency, flH,97.inio. Government bonds, dull mil steady per cents, l.illM,; .Vi per eenU, fl.tMHi. btate bundii neglected. Ala. Class A ifa8 lu Ala. Class B Se lla Ga. Ts, inort lOS N. C. com.. u..un N. C. Cone., 4 twVjl 8. C. Drown'a...H8V Tenn. . .ion Tenn. fts lo Tenn. Set., 8a 7i Virginia 0........P H Virginia Cons... 42 Northwestern ...low. do Did ...11 'A Del frLack 17 NO Par. latmor MOW N. V. Central Iomu N. & W. pi'd 62Vj Northern I'm:.. 2h, Pi, r. I'acihcMuil SB Reading Kith. & Allr 19 K. tk W. 1'oinl. aH Hock laland 961 St. Paul 71 Vj do pfd H214 Te. Paviflc ill'i renncoaiAciroa su Brie 7VilUnion Pacific 61 East Tens 10N. J. Central U2Vi Lake Shore inssiMo. racinc 70 v Lou. at Naan 70Vi Weetern Union.. 87 Mem. St Char... 60 Cotton-eed Oil Mob. Ohio Certificate! BU Nash, achat... U74,Uruniwkk 2i COTTON. LirsirooL. June 19. Noon Cotton firm, with improved demand. American middling 6 1-18. Bale 10,000; Sieculation and export l.OOO. Kcceinta 13.000, .American a.MOU Futures closed firm at advance. 1 r. H. American miduiing, 01-lflll. Bales to-dav included M.vM) American. June a 03 , sellers; June and July S 63-64. telle re; July and Auiruet bu. sellers: August anil neptem ber n fia t), sellers;. September and. Oetobar 03-6. burera: October ancl November, o a 6. sellers; November and December, 6 3 aft, December and January 6 32-6 I qu Nsw V aellera. II Futures sellers; era; September 6 63-6. cloaed auiet but nteady. oK, June IV. cotton nrm. sales to-davS.oox bales: middling uplnndsll 1-16 middling Orleans 11 5-10. Total net receipts at all porta to-day n3 Biort. to orcnt HriUin 1.613; Continent 58. Mock 22, OSW bules Nsw Yomt, June 19. Cotton Net receipts 6; (iross 10S. Puturescloscd steady. Bales B.oUO bales. June 10.ftlal0.n2lrc 9 Ma 9. H.I luiy ..iu.oauio.rii jan... v. una v.vi auk ..... io.nuaio.w vcu uua w.un Hept 10.12al0.ialMarch 10.06al0.06 CM U.NUa B.OOIAorli 10 lHttlO.l Nov .M2a B.3 May 10.2(alo.21 Ualvkston, June 17. Cotton dull, 10, receipts 'iil. Nor polk, June 19. Cotton steady, 11; re ceinU I HO. Bai.timosk, June 111. Cotton steady, 11; receipts a. BosTON.June 19. Cotton quiet. 11 Vial lVi receipts aj Wilminoton, N. C, June 19. Cotton quiet, WW. receipts u. Phii.aiikli'Hia, June 19. Cotton quiet, lift: receipts B, Savannah, June 19. Cotton easy, 10V4; re- ceipts s, Nsw 0l.SAs. June IB -Cotton quiet. 10', receipts xo. M0HII.K, June 19. Cotton quiet, 104; re. ceipts 10. M hup ii is, June 19 Cotton quiet, 10 11-16 receipts v. Auoiista, June 19. Cotton quiet, 10 receinta '1. Cnanlkston, June 19. Cotton nominal. lU's, receipts iud provisions and toit'ca. Cincinnati, June 19. Plour active. Wheat nrm No. 2 red M7. CornttronK No. anileed 37. Oats steady No. 2 mixed 25a2SV4 Pork quiet 1 2. l.ard easier 6. 30. Bulk meats uuirt. Bacon nuict. Whiskey steady 1.02. rVr. Louis, Mo., June 19. Plour quiet Wheat lower No. 2 red cash N3 bid. Corn No. 2 mixed cash 31. Oats No. 3 cash 2214. Whisker I.02. Baltimiikn, June 19. Plour quh-tcr and steady. Wheat Houthern Arm anil hiither Pults HAa92. Lonalierry M7aU3; Western steadv: No. 2 winter red snot H(4. Curaw I II I I Hi'swl I' '11 I1 1 1 It Southern white steady; yellow la4lk'. west- -hau.i-" 11 """" rmmmju,.- 1 . . - CIllCA'lo, .1 line iu. tnaaiuotn nuns to-oay were as follows: Plour tirm. Wheat No. 2 ltd HObMIIVj. Corn No. 2 8Vi- (bits No. 2 22H- Ms pork It. Mall. HO. I.ardH.nn 67U. Hhcirt ribs 5.7ftaft.NO; aliouldcrs S.12HuS.2a; short clear 6 Ujall 2(1. W hia MISCELLANEOUS. Swannanoa Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. . Popular with tourists, families and business men. Hlcctric cars pass the door. KAWLt) IlKim.. fcbldly Propr's. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. S. BLACK. 66 South Main Street, Opposite the Bwannanoa Hotel. ' A fine line of Suitings to select from. Leave your order for a perfect fitting Suit. E. FOGETTE, Architect. Plans and specifications prepared and esti mates given, at short notice. ' Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Asheville, N. C. may30d1y I. X. L. MARKET, Cor. I'atton Avenue and Depot Street. HAS CHOICEST Beefy Veal, Mutton and Lamb Always on hand In the Beat Refrigerator in town. , JAMBS WOLPB, Prop'r. may2 d6m GEO. KIMBER, 6ENERALC0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work aspecinlty. Orates, Ranges and Boilers set. Building moved and repaired In first class manner. Sewerage, tlrnlnage and traps for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. once: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Asheville. N. C. may30dly Railroad Tickets, ItotiKht, sold find exchanged. All trans actions uunrantecd. Reliable inlormn- tion clieerfully furnished. Office removetr to Grand Central Hotel. W. M. Clank r. " JfOM BALb."" 1 - - Pine Rosewood Plnno for lalecheau. Apply Bt 29 WOOHI'IN HTKIiHT, jnatSdlw Asheville, N. C JOTICB. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership lately existing between T. W. Thrash, -P. II. Thrash, Max Lindan Bad W.J. Hough, of the city of Asheville, under the Arm name of Thrash, Hough It Co., was dissolved on the dayof May, 1MH9, by mutual consent. Max Lindan and W. I. Hough assuming the navmriH of all debts due bv the firm. All persons Indebted to the Arm will pi settle at one. may2M d:i ileasr lot -THE SULPHUR SPRINGS . HOTEL, .. POUR MILKS WESTOPASIIKVILLE E. C. CARRIER, Prop'r. Will be opened on tks 18th of June for the Season. Oood Pare, Floe Jersey Milk and Butter; Splendid Vegetable Onrden. rUKB MOUNTAIN WATKK. 'Bui meets all trains at the Asheville depot. This Hotel has so equal for families. 100 acre Park and fine Lake with boats. JunIS d.lnt THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OP THB We N. C. Baptist Convention. A Paper ZJeroted to the Intemta of the Dc- nomination Im Western North Carolina. 1 $1.50 Per Year, in Advance. Avertlsing apace limited. Kates made knows spon application. Address ARM B VII. LB BAPTIST, msyll dim wly Asheville. N. C. SVdL) krv I 111 Nkw Voik. June 19. Southern flour dull and slendy. Wheat moderately active No. 2 red M'f u store. Corn liilrl 7 active and nrm No. 2 lfeuis,; June 1W- Outs quid and lower June axvt. Hops amiut steaoy. Coffee options closed firm June 1. 75a l.UO; liot Klu lirni. Sugitr raw quiet, rather nominal. Molasses lorrlgn firm 60 teat 81. Kite steady and quiet. Petroleum quiet aim steady. Cottonseed oil dull crude o; yellow U7atU). Koaln quiet anirsteiidy. TuriK-ntinc may and nultt, !I7W:1- Hides quiet and steady. Pork steBilylnesa 13.ooa1S.2a. .aru easy western stesm d wwh.hu. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS, Having disjioned of the oar of White Elephant Potatoes, we now offer at cost what we have left of a car of HtMon. We do thin in order to close out the ear mid make room for another. If you wish a few cases of the Corn that we are offering at 10c, per can call early as we will soon be out. We have only a few cases of the Tie Peaches left at 10c. ier can. While hav ing your attention drawn to these sjieeial bargains do not lose sight of the fact that we carry the laruest stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain, Hay and Flour to b lounu in tno Mate, and can offer special inducements 4o wholesale- or retail - buyers. With a big, clean stock, bought for cash at the right time, we defy comietition. POWIXL& SNIDEtt Court Square. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. rALACt STKAMtna. , LOW RATI, fan Trip. fe Wnk Batween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND tataakey. Sault lite. M.n, and Lake .......... itmoa W.y furl., ttt Weak Day Brtwsan DETROIT AND CLEVELAND SawIM Hm., Trial M.f Jhm, July, hB .Ml n4. Double Daily. Litis Bsiwiwm CHICAGO AND T. JOStPH, MlCl). OUH lUUSTRATtO PAMPIH ' Balsa mimI Kxminil n Tick.', will Vi-.fii t.iMli. .1 kv yourTi,ik Au.ul.nraitlMtH t. B. WMITCOMII, O. P, A., Ilil ti Mi . Ostrolt and Clsvaland tsam N.:. Go. mayltwiti; PBW BOARDBR8 Can be accommodated at "Hell Rosa," a beautiful country home, 2 miles north ol Asheville C. H. WAV. junta dtw riTft tl'BU RV Ol.h HPIICIALIST Ml . rnimciAN. I a Bottle of BMHlitiae Pree 'e war I vaf rant or remrdvtoenrr the w.ri eases, and the only phveitiane who do thia to prevent yoar lriD ImiHwtl sKa by m.a asms false aantra and who art aot iNKtora. Heiae others tailed I. an reasot lor aot in( thia ssedietae. Oiv Riinras and Poat orhoe addreaa. It oats you aothine:. Addieas Aaiihcl Medical B arras. 221 Broadwav, New Voik. an27dewty Plenty of Goods. . 2 Cars Corn 1,200 bushels. 1 Car Oats i.imki bushels. 2 Cars 1 1 ay COO bales. 1 Cur Suit I'iMI sacks. ... I Car Urun WOO sacks. 1 Car Hhorta 200 sacks. 1 Car Plour. These goods ou hand and uo house will sell for less prices. Our stink of Hue Croverifs replenished daily. Cull and see us. A.l. COOPKU. LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, Flushes, White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Rib bons, Art Needlework Mate rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies Un derwear, liambivquinsTable Covers, Pillow Shams, Tidies, etc., eta. lessons in.Art Em- bj'Oiv ,pnVrH) Ktamping free to all who purchase material. Kid (5 loves tittol to the hand. Stamping done while you wait, at SARAH IXLICK'S, Comer of Main and Willow 8trrets, under Hwaunanoa Hotel. ASIILflLLE AHVEKTISEMEXTS. DON'T ORDER From your Grocer, even for trial, our "UOLLEU-KING" ..PATENT I'eeause it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," Put we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER DREAD. DISCUIT, ROLLS, Can be made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight goods in this market. Ask your Grocer for the above Brands, manufactured by the ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASHEVILLE ICE C0UPAI1Y. Fure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office: "No. 30 Fatton Avenue. " t ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: No. 30 I'atton vr,ue. Yard: Old Depot. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest und Mont I'anhioiiable Goods in ' Oifr Line, " We also have the cheapest. Cull ami see us. W. B. MARX, Prop'r. Kl'Fl'8 DAWSON, Sunt. IT All eyes fltted and lit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above Roods at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 34 SOUTH MAIN STRBBT. Oculists' prescriptions a specialty. fch7dnra FOR RENTOR SALE. The Best Chance Yet Offered. That denlrahlc houne, containing clRhtrrn roomn, now approaching completion at No, JO Clayton street, wilt lw trail y for occu- pancjr and FOR 8ALU OR RENT On or BiHiut the lntn day or June. It is es pecially adapted to the uses of a private hcmrdinK house. All persons Interested are invited to cult nnd examine It thia day. Terms, which are moat reasonable, can be had (Mi application to T. W. PATTON. maySi dtf (TI.ANTIC COAST LINB On nnd alter this dntc the following a'hed- Bled' III lie run over lla'Coliiuiliia Hi vision."" No. ft:i Leaves Cidiinthiit.. B.liO p. m. Arrives nt t'hiirli'aton...... ii.Mo i, tn. No. A!? l.t'Mvca t'hnrlcstuii, ........ 7.IO n. m. Arrives ill t ultiiiililn Il.n.1 a m Ciinnrciliiu with Irniiia In nnd from nil points on the t liTiiU.it,.. I'liliinihlii ,v An Kiisdi mid Cidtiniliin i limiivtllv Kuilmuds Dally. T. M lil!HSiN, Hen. 1'nss. Ant. J. K, IHiVINIt, t.en. Kunl. ARUIiN PARK IIOTIX ANO FAMILY COTTAGES, U'k iiilhs south of Asheville, on the A. A II. riiflinud la now okii ir the aiuaon. K A T 118. I'er I'nv , $ a oo IVr Wk a ihi I'er Mniilh , 40 imi For circulars ailihesa I lll'H A, MORRIS), prop'r. ninr'idtf Antra, N. C. T 'O LOAN. Prom 1,(MH) to IS.iK' lon ttnencamliercd improveil city real ettr si H nt rent. Ap- ' - Minrrvi ni. 11, nn7 dtf NKl.uud lluil.l,n A REAL PLEASURE TO IX) VOI K ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO, MANUFACTl'KEKS OP 8awJi, Doors, MlTiT?iriWc?7rJ.looriiijf, CelliiiK and all Kinds of Mill Work. - Hardwood Interior finish a specialty. apr2dlm OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Drautlfully located In a (Trove of onks and white nine, with no dust or n,de .th r- ner 01 iin. nno nuuunn iirrcu, avar me rciniuc college, anil ouiy tnrce squares Irom the court house. We have a number of elegnntly-furaisheri rooms to accommodMtc boarders who desire a nice, quiet place, awny from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fure, first-class cooling, si renauiiuuie prices. Ainu, QUI anil COIU oatna. Mr. T. J. HARAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. Alt tnodcrti nnd latest Improved methods foY trcatm chronic diseases of the tunn throat and nose, bv the inhalation of vaoorized and atomizrri fluiiU h. th. nnMMmuti.. compressed air apparatus; also Compound OxyKrn in connection with the vaporised Bal aam mi iiuiiwiii Mifiaiiicu iiuni inc imiurai IIUISKm irees near ASlievuie.l We also munutacturc a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxynen, which la, equal to the office treatment, and will be sent on application by express, on receipt of price, SI 3 Our suites, here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many caaea that were pronounced hopeiesa, whose names ana residences vau ue obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. Ily permission we refer to the following well-known frntlemen of Asheville: B. J. Aston, ex-Mayor; J. B. Heed, Clerk U. 8. Court; Kev.G.C.Ran in, pastor First Methodist Church ; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T. Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. , T. J. HARGAN, M. D. II. T. COLLINS. I'rrsiik-nt. U. E.EAOAM, Secret., D. C. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam, Cashier. THE BANK. OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. DIRECTOHHi I. P. SAWYBK, T. W. I'ATTON, J. O. MARTIN, W. W. BAKNAKU, . L. CARKOLL. " ll. C. WAlllll'.LL, GBO. W. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, N. C DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank, in Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, SURPLUS FUND $20,000. FITZPATRICK BROS, & ROBERTSON, Dealers in Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hang era, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Musury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, both French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. fcliSill) LUMBER YARD. CJEO. F. SCOTT, (Socwagor to Donblctlay & Scott,) North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS. Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fcndnjj Posts. AH kinds of Building Material. efT Orders will receive prompt attention. feblOdly W. T. PKNNtMAH. W. B. PKNNIaUN. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOBDBEi AND DHiLEBS IN- THE "BONANZA," THE LKAD1NU v WINE.'. AND .v LIQUOR STORExV - ' ' IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND HIL.L.IARD ROOM. J. A. NAKQVAR UT, M'lt'r. I NO, 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEYILLE, N. C, LIIW1S MADDUX, Pre. L. P. McLOUS, Vice-Pres, 1. B. RANKIN, CaJhier. Disectos.: Lewis Maddux, M.J. Bearden, M.J. PaR, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed 8. H. Reed. Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK A8HKV LLB, N. C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1S89. OrKanlied May 1st, 1HH8. CAPITAL, 50,000. . SURPLUS, $ 3,000 BTATB, "COUNTV AND CITY WKPOSITORY. Does a General Bunking Business. Hciiosits received. Kxchnnice bought nnd sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Havinu Feature will receive s)iecial attention. On all .urns In this department, deposited for four months or lonuer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. 8a.-cial attention given to loans on real estate, which will Ik placed for long time on real sonable terms. Open from 9 a, m. to 3 p. m. On Saturtfays the Saving Dt srtment will be open till fl p.m. fcbSdtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) . MANl'FACTI'kKKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work; Fine ln torior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. PRINTING Am, von want it mul .when you want it. CITIZEN riJDMSIUNG CO. all F NTS FOR . The lliickeve I'uinn. Steel and fin Sliiiiglt'!,, Floor and Hearth lilts. fcbi -IT- Ai.i-NTsa m'f'ks. OF Hyrkit's Patent Slicuthiug Lath, asiii;villi: ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portlnnd Cement, Hlune ItluckB and Tllm, exceedingly handsome In apear- ance, of various designs and colors and very durable for walks In janls, sidewalks, floors for Public Building's, Halls, Porches, Kntrauces, Basements, Butcher Shops, Ac. dprelal sites, colors and designs for IIKARTIId. Handsome Carriage Blinks with nunie. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. ?".!n,,, of u,ock' Ttc- " " " "n over I. B. IH, kerson s Hardware Store, on Public Hquare, corner ol Sooth Main street' P.O. Bo 634. C. E. MOODY. aiar3d3m HiARIDlWIAiRIE ASIIEVlLLli;, . c. AGENTS FOR. DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., , CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC M'CORMICK HARVESimo mabuiE CO. Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, fcbiOdtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND 6IS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECT U1& L, IRON WORK. 1 1 ' Plans and Speciflcatlono Furnlsed on ADpHcatlou BWe have thorough mechanics in each line who havd "ny years' experience bTtheir business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfa"1 In our work, a low hgura BALLARD, RICII& BOYCE. feblSdly C. II. CAM1ELL, ManufMCturer and Wbr' Shipper 01 CHAMP-NU CIDER, LE9ION SODA, ARsAPARllXAf MINERAL WATEB TONIC BEER CARBONATED WAiR N SIPHONS.!' Factory, a7 H Ay wood Bt. O. Box 84. "THE WV SANITARIUM." For the rKepti4,at'eilt" uffering of distrust of lungi and thro inducted upon the plan o, theanniUriies at rdorf and Fakengtdn in Ger many. Oura it t'y such intitution in the United State, and endr the ding member of the medii-al pnifcsW erni reonable. 1'....'. ARLV0NRt-CK,n;S.,M.n. '

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