- THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published every mornlnirt'rircpt Moo dily) at I he l.llwwtDg- rate. mtnctlj smh: nc Year...... ........ rt.Xl t-ii Months ... ., 8 ixl Three Months...................;... l.Bll tn Minth............................... BO UH Week. .. If. Our carrier will deliver the pirr every asorntng la every part of the eit y to our nb vrilier. and parties wasting it will please rail at the Crran Office. New AttTertlitcmciita. Cottare for Rent . H. Reed. Music Teacher Wanted This office, bale of Land M. 44. Carter, Trustee. strmly Money easy, 2a'J4. Rub-Treasury balance. Gold, (KM l; earrency, lU,liU7,HMl. Government bonds dull but sunny cents, 11. tw per cents, l.ui,!. uii am General Myers Dead. Washington, D. C, June 20. Gen cral A. C. Myers, late quartermaster general of the Confederate army, died at bit residence here this morning. He was a native of South Carolina, graduated at West Point in 1833 served in the Fourth United States Infantry until No vember 1839, when he was promored to Captaincy in the qtiarterniaster'i de qartment. He served in the Seminole war in Florida, and in the Mexican war, being brevetted Major in the latter for gallantry in the battle of I'alo Alto anil Keaaca de la Palma: and Lieutenant Colonel for gallant conduct at Churubus co. Gen. Myers married a daughter of Gen. David E. Twiggs, a solilier of thr war of 1812 and commander of one ol the two divinionsajf the regular army in the Mexican war. - Ala. Class A iluo 1IM Class B.fi..U2Mr a. 7s, roort 10!1V C. Cons.. 6...1il"' N. C. Cons., K'.iW C. Brown's.. .l(7Vi Tenn. s mu Tenn. r.s loft Tenn. Set., 3s 7o VirKlnla os n irmnia Cons... A Northwestern .l(lV4! do- old ...11 V. liel A Lack ..l7t Brie Bast Tenn m' Lake rmore. l.on. A Nash M International Conference. London, tune 20. In the House of Commons this evening, Sir James Fcrcu- ioti. thc parliamentary secretary of the roreign omce, in repiy io an- inquiry, stated that the government were con sittcring a program for the proiwsed conference at Washington of representa tives of maritine countries, but he did not think it desirable to reveal the sub jects to be discussed until they have lireti agreed umn by the countries which take part in the conference. He would say however, that England desired to narrow the issues to he considered, so that they should not include questions which should be regulated by niuiikiml legislation. Baseball Yesterday. At I'ittsburgr-I'ittsburg 1. Boston 2. At ludianajiolis IndiunapolisG, Wush- ington . At Ctevclund-Clevelund 0, New York 1. At Philadelphia Athletic 0, Columbus 7. - . - At Cincimiati-JCincinmiti 5, Kansas City 4. Chicago Chicago 2, Philadelphia 5. The Feeling- Merc Cordial. Hamburg, June 20. The Hamburg Correspondent (newspaper), asserts tbut the relations ol lermnny with the Irene government under President Cnrnot art better and more cordial than tliey hnvt been with any previous government ol trance. The Weather. Wasiiincton, D. C, June 20. Indica lions for North Carolina Fair; station ary temperature; southwesterly winds. The Dally Citizen. Is always alive to the interests ol Aslicvillc and its people.' Is the most popular advertising me dium in North Carolina, Is read by a greater number of iicoi ,1 than any other secular luiiier in tin- State. Is always filled with tlte choicest read Intr matter of the duv. Hoarding bouses fill their rooms by nd vertisuiK in tlie Citukn. News, and all the news, makes lie Cit ukn general favorite.- ' No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising, lry the Citukn. An advertisement in tlie Citukn pay tlie advertiser an hundred-loUI. " " It takes lour year for n collrge'lb tiifii out a good student. Hut it trcqtitnth turns out a bad student in less thun three months. . The receipts of tlie Brooklyn bridge lire now tww as much as thev were when II was first opened for travel six years ago having risen from $113,(MH) to J!W:i,:lit). Tlierc has been some talk ol building an other bridge. More I.lkThlu Siecial attention is again called to the new Calcium Lamp. An extra large size is made for lighting stores, halls, etc One lamp is almost equal to four gus incandescent lights. These lamps will be sent for two davs trial wherever desired Every one should try one of these lani For salt at Law's, 57 &5U South Muin street. - Railroad Tickets. Bought, sold and exchanged. All trans actions guaranteed. Kclmole inloriiiH tion cheerfully furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. VY. M. Cl.AHKK, mahki:t iiv tu.i i.haiii. onejr and securities Cotton - I'rovlHlona and Produce. MONBV AND SKCI SITIKS. Niw Yosk, June 20. BxcbuiiKC quirt but MISCELLAXEOUS. ASIIEVILLE AhVEKTISEMESTS. 83,Ku2.- ptr Swunnunou Hotel. 1'nescellcd cuisine. I'opular with tourists, families and business men. Electric cars pass the door. KAWI.H IIHOK.. fcbldly I'ropr's. rltate bonds du nd featureless. NOI'ac. Istmor H'.iU, N. V. Ccntrnl 10H4, N. at W. plit...... fl'-",. Northern rue.. N. r. ibl 07 Pacific Mail as Keatltuie 4Kl.i Klch. Alle 1 U K. t W. Point.. Kock Island !r.'. 81. Paul 7H, do pfil Ill's Tern. Pacific TennCoalMron HHi I'nion I'acilic ell1, N. I, Central 1 l.-l',4 lllf.l.lMo. Pai lhc ....... 7fti. IW11 n cate.ro, t u , em. c Char... uo vottona-eu wn Mob. M- Ohio la'tl Cert1li, ntes... BMH, Naah. Chnt... l)7,ltrun.nk sked. tl'i-ln. cirrTon. Livkn pikil June ao. NM,n Cotton linn. with good drinnnd. AnicricHn midulinu H I -111, Hales lo.iMMi, speculation and cxpon l.ooo. Hcceipts M.ooo, Ameruan U.loo. Fu tures closed hrm but liuiet. 1 p. M. American andillinir, 61101). 811 lr ti-day included 10, Boo American. June S da. 0. buyers: June and July 8 HU-64. buyers luly and Auictist II l-tt-4, sellers; Auuust anil Seplemlier fi tiaV4, sellers; KcpteniiM-r and (K'tober 5 44-114. sellers; tK'tolier anil Novem Iter. 5 C15-A4. buyers; Novemlier anil lrccm her, fi 3.114, sellrm; lleceintier and January a :J-n, sellers; thptciiiiKr Oli.l-lil, vulut Futures closed steady. Nkw Vokk, June no. Cotton stendy. Sab-f to-day I.ohu baks; iniiblliiiK upluniln i 1 l-lo, midiiliriK Orleans 1 1 ft-ltt. Totnl nrtreleipl at all ports tihday 45H Ksinirts to i.nul Hntain ,oit continrtit 100. hums J jo bales . NSW VOSK, June 20. Cotton Net receipts it. ....... o u-t ..l....l ....... '..1... r. . 4IH bales. lime 10.4all).4.l lire U M4u V Hi Inly 10.4Maio tuUun W.Dlin H.tt:: Auk io.r,4uio.(,r,il cii uiimu u.uu Scpl 10 1'alO i:ilMar h 10 lltiitlo 07 Kt. u.H'.ia u.ioA,ni 111 huiii.i o O.K'Ju uk.IIMhv io.IhIO.2 UAL.VKSTOH. June ao. Cottou steady, 10',i recripU 60. Noupolk, June ail. Cotton stcaily, 11; re ceipts VI o Haltisoss, June .'o. cotton quiet ami lirm, 11; receipts o. Huston, Jutir ao. Cotton uict. 1 l'sul 1V receipts axil n iLMiNOToif, K.c, June o. votton quiet 10V; rciripts U. 1'iiu.ApKi.i'iiu, June ao. votton sicauy lAv: rcceiuts IIH). 8a v Ann All, June Cotton easy, 10V4; re ceipts B. Nitw tisi.SAR. June an. cotton suaay receip.s 48. Moiiii.s, June an. Cotton quiet, U; re cciots O. SI nh phis, June iio cotton quiet, 10 1 i-io; receipts an. AtmnsTA, June ao. Cotton quiet, 10 reiviuts 4. Chahi.rston, June ao. Cotton flrm, 10 receipts 4 PROVISIONS ANII I'SIHll'l k. Cincinnati. June an Hlmir uulrt. Wheal quiet No. It red HiinHH. Corn linn No. a inlxetl llf. tints bu-riiv no. 4 mixcu oit.i.i. i'ork easier 1 a. I.nnl weaker .ar,an.a7V-j Hulk meats ensy. Iiacon easy, vt luakey act ite 1.0a. ST. l.ol'is, Mo., June ao l'luiir sternly wheat hluhcr No. a red cash ho. Corn Ni a miicd cash HoVHn;il. Outs No. a cuah a bid. Whiskey l.oa. .. . - Bai.timokk. June ao. Flour active nnd (Irm. Wheat feouthern quiet and sternly I'ults WRaua; Loiixlicrry W7uliil; Western strons: No. a winter red spot Corn Houthcrn dull but Hrm; white 43a48; yellow 41 a4a; western nrm. Chicaoo. Juneao. cnsnquotiitiiinsto-uii were as follows: Flour lirm. vtheiit No red HOW. Corn No. a 34t. Oats No aa. Mcssp11rkll.no. I.nnl fl.4aViiiil.45 rlhort rilis 8. 70118. 78; shoillilers t) l'Jilui.Z, short elenr tt iatul).a8. Whiskey I 112, Niw Vomk.Juiic ao. rlouthern Hour du and steady Wheat No. a red MA, store Corn hlKorr.'less i)oiiia No. a 4a; June 41 ',(, tints struiiucr iiine 2H't. Hups sternly Colli" options I'liised barely sleiuly June t ftonl 1 118; Sim, I Km dull and lower. Numir -raw dull. Mollissrs lorelKH strnllK. Kice mili.t Mini slHilw. I'elroli'tim slemlv anil quirt. Cottonseed oil dull. KnsinsUiuly and quiet. I urR'ntllie utin. times soaiiy aim quiet. Pork quiet, l.ard lower western stciiui u.aMino.n. rreiunis strnoy FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. S. BLACK, 66 80 u th Main tStrcet, OpjMiiU' thr Swannttnun. Hutcl. A fi Hf iine iiuiUnpr 4 trkft frtjm." " jlrravr your ordrr fur perfect fittiiiK Suit. i:. FOCKTTE,, Architect. Plans ami npn-iftcat-ioni prcparrd and rati- maU' Kivrn, at nhort notk-r. Orfu-r: Wolfe jBuililin(,Cuurt Houitr 8tjuure, AMheville, N. C. may30dtjr I. X. L. HI ARRET, Cor. I'atton Avenue and lie pot Street. HAS CIIOICH8T Ilccf, Veal, Mutton and laiuli Alwuys on hand in the llest KefriKeratur in I town. . JAM lis WOLPB, l-rop'r. niaya4 dflm DON'T ORDER Trojn your(irocer, oven for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT IVrau.80 it i inado in Asliovillr, "YOU KNOW," IUit we jilcde our word for it, that no VIIITER DREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Can le niaile from any imported Ftour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Ik tliejijoHt . joiiiJfULfcitruilit imjiIs in HiiH luarkft Auk your (Jroeer fortlieabover.nuids.inamifaeturedhy tin ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SuHi'ior Hard and Soft Coal at Wliolenale and lletail. II. T. COLLINS. rrcsuUnt. ASIIEVILLE E. E.EACAN, Scwtary ICE C 0 M P A . Y. Turu Ice made I'atton Avenue. from Dintilled Water. Office: No. 30 I). C. Waddell, President. W. W. Daman). Vice President. Lawrence Pullinm. Cashier. THE BANK OF ASIIEVILLE, ASIIliVII-tl:, N. C. UIKKCTOHH I . P. SAWYliK, . U. MAKTIN, . I.. CAHROI.L, T. W. PATTtlNA W. W. 1IAKNAKI', ll. CV VAlllil-;l.l Gl!0. W. WIM.IAMS.juf WilmiiiKton. N. C. Office: No. 30 I'atton Wmie. Yard: Old Ik-pot. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY GEO. KIMBER, GENERAL CONTRACTORS BUILDER Minwik Tile and Cement work a micciulty. Urates, Range nnd Hoileni set. liuilditiK moved and re inured in limt cIuhs tnaniier. 8ewerKe, liraituiKe and traM Ur the wune thurouKhly understood and prom idly t- Unded to. (irlitT: Wulfe HutldinK. Court IIoneSiuarv, Aaheville, N. C. niavaodly HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. :ill SOIJTII MAIN'STKliliT. While wv Have the Fine)! and Most Fashionable UoutU in Our Line, Oldest Hank in WeHlcrii Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSLMBLY OK THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. Wc also have the clic;iKt. " Call and stvns. W. B. MARX. I'ri.p'r. KlIFl'S UAWSON, Stmt. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO., MANI'FACTl'KEliS Ol' LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silkn, l'hwh(!H,VliiterioodH, Ljuvh, EinhroidcricH, Itib- i i . ii i noun, ait, Nimm unvoi'k MI,U- linl, llmidkiTi liirfrt, Coi-wtH, (ilovi'H, IIohutv, IjimIihh i!ii- dorvvmr, LMiilrciuiim,Tal)lr i',.,.....m i;ii..,s:i,....,u 'r;,!;, "'"'"i ' 1 " I Sash, OoiirH, ltlindH, niouldiiiKH, Flooring, Ceiliiijf and all r 1C, t l . iJt-MISIMIM III Al t Tilll- . i.,. .i.., ...i c. .... t,..A Kindt ol Mill Work. tr. ti.t iri ty tint. .t,lll'lllK un to all whopiirchiiHciiiiiU'niil. kid (ilov(Kntl'd to tluMiand Mnnipiii iiono wiiiit; you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of. Muin and Willow Street, under 8wuuniino Htitel. ----- FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shade ttaud Patent Hanger, I'uints. Oils anil Varnishes, M usury's Mixd PuinU ami Culurs. Window Gluss, botk Krcnch anil American Wc lurp in sl.K-k St. Louis and Kentucky I-ead. fcli.ldly HurdwiKHl Interior tinish asiwcinlty. apri!; dim KcMolullons of KcMpecl. Whrrrsf, It has plcasrd the fhiitrcmr Arch tret of the l'nlversc to rail fmni the lalmr of tile to frfreshment beyond our highly eslrrni. ed and dearly beloved Hrother, John tl. kol erts. of Krrnch Ilroad l.oilnr, No. WJ, A. I' fti A. M., who departed this life June m. 1HHU: And, whereas. It Is rl)ht and iroirr that we pay this last tribute to his memory Resulted, That we bow with humble sub mission to the will of Him who rioelh nil thlnxs well, rememlierinK that our llrotlur is only called from the lalhirs ol earth to the rt frrshments of eternal rest ; Keaolved, That a ropy of these resolutions be spread un the records of French lltoail LodRC, N, fUV. A. H. ft A. M , and thut one pasx of the same lie dedicated to the invniory of our drartrd Brother ; Keaoleed, That the nicinlirr of this l.nilKe wear the usual badge of uiourning lor thirty dsrs: Hesoteed. That a copy of then restilutions be sent to the lainily of the drcrasrd, and that another ropy lie sent to The Aahtvillt Citiaca lor publication. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Having disponed' of the mi- o! Whito Kli'iiliniit rotnloH, wo now offor at t-ont what vr liavo left of a ear of lUwon. Wo do this in ordiT to cIoho out tUu cur and niako room for another. If you w'ihIi a few caneti of the Corn that we are offering at 10c. jier can cull early n we will wion be out. We have only a few canes of the Tie l'eaehon left nt 10c. per can. While hav ing vour attention drawn to thcHe HiM-inl liargains do not lone night of the fact that w carrv the lanrent Htock of Staple and Fancy (iroccrien, (Iruin, liny and Flour to b toumlinttie MnU, ami can offer special intlueenients to wholesale or retail buyers With a big, clean stork, bought for cash at the right time, we defy compet it ion. POWELL & SNIDER Court (square. W. t. Ol'HT.KR.l JOIillMANK, J. M. (il'IKiUH.) Com. Cottage for Rent. . A Bee-room cottajr on Wooilfln street, op posite Female College. Boarding house for rent Apply to Jua31 It S. II. KKUIl. M U81C T BACH UK WANTIill. Wanted, s hoarder who can Instruct smnhrr of little girls and boys is vocal and instrumental music. Apply at JunStld'Jt THIttOFPICB, N OT1C8 LANUfOS BALK. Br virtue of a deed of trust eseruted to me as trustee for Powell Ik Hnider and K. Halrd hy Geo. W. justice and wife, M. It. Jusllce.on the anth day of January, 1 hhh, and registered In Book No. Ill, page 151, of the Kegistrr of lieeds' ofhee for Buncombe county, 1 will sell St the Court House door in Ashrville, N. C, at public outcry for rash, to the highest bid der, oa Ratunlay, the J7th dayof Julv, INnu, at 1 a o'clock, all the right, title, interest anil state of the said tiro. W. Justice and wife In and to the kit of land on the north side of Haywood street, is the city of Ashrville, on wntcn tne sura oeo. w. justice ami wile now Ol-Mnlng hits ol 1 the Astoa survey, and more particularly de rrilied la said deed of trust. This iiroiirrty will be sold to satisfy two note of One Hun dred and Two Hollars and fifty Cents enth, with bit errs t at M tier rent, from the said Uuth flsy ol January, lHi rre. adjoining hits of T. C. Htnrne. I'ow ell Si Bonier and others, being lot No, 10 of antd deed of HHH, trust and remaining unpslil with tlie costs aad eniiensrs ol this sale. This jae iwa. MbLVlM H, iuaVl dlt wit . CAMTbH. Trustee. It SAUK. at Pn moatwood Plsno kit anlrrheau. Apply mw Ulll,r II l K I.M , Ashevillr, N. C JuulSdlw Plenty of Goods. it Csrs Com l.atKi bushels. 1 Car Onls 1,(MH bushels. il Curs liny fiiKi liulcs. 1 Cur Sail 3110 Slicks. 1 Car Brim 3m sucks. 1 Car ShurU Jim suck...... ,.,.-.; 1 Car I'lour. These giMHls on hand nnd no hoim- will sell for less price. Our .lin k of fine Groceries replenished. dully. Call and are us. A. IL COOPER. All eye Atteil and fit gunrnntecd. A plete stink of the above goods at GRANT'S IiKl C. STORE, atSOI'TII M A1N HTKUIiT. fknillsts' prcscriiilinns s sieclalty. feb27dilm OAK STREET INN, Hrniitiftillv Itirfttid In it jrrove of onltn nnd white niiie. vitl nu (iiiNt tr notiH. nt thr cnt nor of Ouk ntid Wootltin HtreetB, neur the Kemule Col lew; . find only three Htjuurvs iruin tht I eotirt hoUHe. We have a miinlHT ol eleKtintly-lurn.Rhed room to Reeomniodnte hoarders who deshe u nU-e. nuiet tihtee, awnv liom the hoteU. Niee roomn, ni w furniture, temtd fare. limt-eleHfi cooking, nt rvusouaoie pneen. Aimi, not nnti eolu buihs. Or. T. J. HARUAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modem and latent Improved method lor trvrttiiiif ehronie diseasK of the lunus throat and none, by the inhalation of vaporized and atomized nuidn hv the om-uinntie und eompreNftea air apparatun ; aiHoi.omiK.uiHi tixyen in connection with the vaponed Bal sam une namam tunainea rroin me natural naiam trees near Artnevtue.) .... also manuiatunr a liom 4 rvamvHi ol inecompounn cvxyen, which ib, c(ua) to the office treatment, and will he sent on application hy express, on receipt of price, $1 li. Our MicceM here for the past three years with this treatment has tteen phenomenal. Iihv- lnn cured many eases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and rrmdenecs c.iti lie ohtained by ealltiiK nt the Sanitarium. Hy (term. salon wi n-ft r u the following well-known Kentiemen 01 Asnevtne: n. .p. Anion, ex-mayor; j. u. iteeu. vierK v. . court; Kev.ii.L. Kan- kin, pastor First Methodiat Church; Kev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. X. J. HARGAN, m. D. THE "BONANZA," nr . si k mist " LUMBER YARD. ;i:0. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Iloulilciliiy & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BEIISDS, - DOORS. lass, I'utty, I.imc, I'lustcring llitir, Shinclcs. l.aths, FcnilnK Posts. All kinds of Building Mulcriul. " MTOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. feblOdlv W. T. I'KNNIMAN. W. H. I'HNNIUAN. -PENNIMAN & CO.,- JOHIIRKS ANII DBALKRS IN ASHIVIIXK, N. C. An n ! An nai LIIU ULMI I III VIII L. THl IKAl.lNti run ntii i un onLLi ... wine . and ... liovor The Best Chance' Yet Ofl'ered. That desirable house, containing eighteen rooms, now approaching completion at No. liii L lay ton street, will be ready lor occu pancy and FOR H IMC OH HlvNT On or attont the t.th day of June. It Is es pecially adapted to the uses of a private honrdltiK house. All perwtm iuterritted are invited to call and examine It this day. Terms, which arc most reasonable, can k had on application to T. W. FATTON. mV.''-! iltf - ; T1IU - SULPHUR SPRINGS V. HOTEL, I-OI'K Mll.liS WliSTOl' ASHHYll.Uv. Ii. i. C ARRIi:R,IropT. Will lie oia-md on the 15th of June for the I Sen sun. t'.ood Fare. Fine Jersey Milk nnd Hnltcr; Splendid Vegvtuble Ciirdin. STORE IN THIS STATU. FINK SAMPLE ANII HIIJJARI) ROOM. NO, 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. HIAROl AKIIT, M'lt'r. .ItWlS MAIiIiUX, Prcs L. F. McLDUH, Vice-Prcs. IHHKClross: Ia;v. is Maddux, Ml. Ileardcn, M.J. PoKtf. j. i . 11. Keed. lico. S, Towcll, C. M Mcl.oud. RANKIN, Cnjhier. E. Knt.kin.J-. B. Kny.J. H. Reed WESTERN CAROLINA BANK -ASIIBV I.LK. N. C., PUBKI'AKY 1st, 1KM0. iirunniied May lt. ISNil CAPITAL, $50,000. - - Sl'KPLlS, fs,Mto STATU. COllNTV ANK CITY IIKl'OSITTIK Y. Hoes a ttenernl HankliiK llusincss. I ieHislls received. KxchunKe houxht nnd sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Snvinx Feature will receive k-c1uI attention. tin nil sums In this department, deposited for four months or tonrer, tnti'rcsl itt the rut- of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. SlKvial attention nivca to loans on mil mlate, which will lie placed lor long time on real onablr terms. Open Ironi t a. m. to 3 p. m. tin Saturdays the Saving U iirtinent will b open till p.m. feb2iltf AGKNT8 ltJR DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. MT0RMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. hftdly . Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, feb 1 Oil tf WILLIAMSON & SON, (SiKXTKsors to Hart it Williamson, MANrPACTI'KKKS (ll SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MoultluitfM, Stair-Work, Fine tiior Finish, Mantels, Ft AHHIiVlIXK, N. C. k TLANT1C C1IA8T LINK (in nnd nftcr this dntr the followlni! schcil nlcs will be run over Its "Columbia division." No. 03 leaves LoIiiiiiIiIh A. 'Jo p. in. Arrives nt Charleston P.ao it. ni. Nu. All leaves Charleston...,.,.,, 7.1nu. in. Arrives nt Columbia tl.A.1 a. 111. Connection with train to and from nil tHiiiilsoil tin' Charlotte, Columbia ,1c Au KiiNta mid Columbia k Ontuville Kailn.ail. liuily. T M. liMUKSDN, Hen. Pass. Agt. J. H. imvtNIi, t)m. Sunt. ARDFN PARK HOTIX AND FAMILY COTTAGES, Wt(, nillin south ol Ashevillr, mf the A. i S. ruflroud is now okii lor t lie scusoit. RATIiS. I'erKny $ a (HI I'er Week...., , ,a on lrr Mouth , Olio For ciivulnrs ndilrcss TlltiM A. MdRRIS, I'rop'r, maylidtf Anlcn, N. C. ) LOAN. from II.IMIO to Sn.nlin on nnencninliered nnimivru city real eslute at per cent. Ai- r'f 1.1,. ii, JunTdtf McLoud Uuiidiug. ri'RU Mlil'NTAIN WATHK. 'Hits meets nil trains at the Ashcvillc depot. This Hotel has no equal for lumilirs. IDO Here I'mk nnd line Lake with boat. juutn icim AliKNTK KIIK Tlie llm'kt'vv I'liiiip, Sltfl and tin Shingle, " l lotir ami llciir.tli I ilvs. r, 1.1,1 iv AC.KNTS S M l''kS. UK llyrkit's I'alrnt Slitiliiii Lath. THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TUB W. N. C. lluptUt Coiivviitloii. A 1'ninr Iviolci to the latrmti of (he lc- nom fii.il (on at H'cslcrn North Vmlinn, $1.50 IVr Year, lu Advanw. AvrrtlsinK space limited. Kate, nmihr know 11 UKn npplicntion. Address ASIIHVI1.LK BAPTIST, mayll dim wly Ashvville. N. C. JkOTICK, NotltT is hereby Riven that the partnership lntcly rsistinn between T. W. Thrssh, . II Thrash, Mai l.lmian and W.J. HnuKh.nfthc cttv of Asheville, under the hrm name of 1 nrasii, iKiuKh k Co , veas dlssidved on the dav of May, INMu, by mutual consent, Mas l.lnrinn and W. J 1 1 ouch assuming the liavnient of all debts due bv the hrm. ah prrsons imlrlited to the firm will ideas. ninyilM datlt - ASIIEVILLE - art tie at ones. ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. lor1lM..d t'enivnt, Mtun llluvkn and TIU, ccccdiiinly hHiidsoint in upiHur- ance. of various drsiKns and colors nnd very durable for wnlks In ynrds, sidewalks, fliHirs for Public HullillnKS, Hulls, I'orchrs, Kntmnccs, linscnicnts, llutchcr Shoos. e Ki.sl,.l sites, ctilorannddcslKiisforllKAKTIIS. lluuilsonic Carriue lllockswith name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Samples of llldtk, etc., ran iw seen st office over J. B. Irtckerson'. Hardware Store, on Public Square, comer of South Main street. P. o. iloi 63. C E. MOODY. uiarU(U13m 1 OTrmi 1 nr. niA riTTiun IllUIItU, 0 CHil Ami ht I IN . mm m mm m ll ivy TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, - ARCHITECTURAL, IRON WORK. Flans and Speclflcatlonv Furnished on Application CKWc have IhorouKh mechanic, in each line who have hud many y.ars1 experience In their business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In ( 1 our work, a low tiRurcs. RALLARD, RICH fcbl Billy & BOYCE. C. II. CAMPBELL, ManufotHurer and Wholenale Shipper 01 ;ingi:r alk, champagne cidcr, i.i:monsoda, sarsaparilla, mineral, waters, tonic reer, CARBONATED water in SIPHONS. I s-'Hdory, S17 Hnywood Ht. P. o. Don m4. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, ft C. For tht reci jition of patients snffn ing of d incuses ol IniiKS ond throat, and conducted ujion tlie jilun ol lltcsanitnrin-s at C(rrtrsdorf and Falkcnstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by tlie leading memlicrs of the medical professiqn. Terms reasonable. . v KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D.

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