TII1I DAILY CITIZEN. The Crrns-a- I the most extensivctv ri res isted and ilrlj read ftcwijtapcr ia Western Korth Carotin. Its riiat-oMioa of public men and measures ts ia the Interest of public mtraTity, honest Covrramcnt, aad pn"KToaa Industry, and it nowa no personal allegiance ia treating pub he iaur. The Crmi pabUshr. the dtapatrhe. of the Associated Pirn, which low covers the whole world ia it scope. It kaa other factli tka of advanced journalism for aathrrinK rw. from all quarters, with mrrthinKR wlly nil ted to occupy the smallest Sacc. t-pecimen en pies of any edition will be sent f .-re to aar oae aradiag their address. Tains Daily, $A fur one year; : for di autitbs: CO rents for one month; 15 cents for one week. Carrier, will deliver the parr in erery part of the city to Mtierrihrrs, and par ' wanting It will please call at toe ClTuss AoraaTuiati Rsvis Reasonable, and maile known on appliratius) at this oHice. All transient advertisement mast be paid ia aa- keadrne aoticrs ten cents per Hne. Obitu ary, marriage aad society notices fifty cents each not exceeding tea lines) or fifty cenu perinea. f SATURDAY, JUN"22TlHH'j. ' DAIRIKa IN THE MOl'NTAINs. Soifledairi ago Mr. S. L." Hough, of the Highland Orange Farm, near Rict vilk, Bunvomhc county, placed uHn the Asheville market a lot of very Ix-uutiful butter, the proceeds from bis new herd ol - Jeney cattle. Mr. Hough iacompuralive ly new comer, nortliern man in Knn.li of health, and windy applying himself to profitable employment which gives the exercise of all his faculties, mental and , physical, to the aid of bis pri(neoljtx-t the recovery of impaired health. I'crhup the butter of Mr. Hough isno bcttcrthun that mode by others who have gone into dairy work, some of whom like Mr. Hough are new comers, or not long in the country, such as Copt. J. K. Hoyt, the Huron d'Aligne, and several others. But the success of these gentlemen, and of others we might name, gives practical proof the stiierior advantages of the mountain section to dairy purposes in all its branches. Our owu native popu lation need not be told that, livery farmer has surrounded liinmlf with his flocks and his herds; and this is a html emphatically flowing with milk and honey. But the conditions were advene to perfection, either In breeds or pro ducts. Our original settlers had to en counter, when they cumc into tlie moun tains, alt the hnrdshiii of the wilderness. With their own stout arms they hud to clear sway the gigantic 'recs to make room for their little farms, by their own labor and their own skill they built their houses and their fences; but as they found that the cattle they brought with tlicui thrived and multiplied in the exulicrunt spontaneous mountain postures, enjoyed during nine month's of the years, anil its it it wan found that they bore the hard ships of the winter without material loss in numbers, though with most visible re- duct ion in flesh, there was little tulior S?nt in building shelters; and a practice of exposure, originating in circumstances, has been largely )eretuated to the pres ent time. And this periK'tuution was the more inevitable because the farmer had few inducements, except Mssilly the one of humanity, to do otherwise. Certainly, he saw no profit in it. He was so iso lated, as to live only for himself and his family. He had no no stimulus to tin provement in his breeds or his produc tions, or the creution of a surplus; and all because lie hud no demand for them ; he was practically without any market except the country store, which some what reluctantly, took his butter in ex change for sugar ami coffer . Things are changed now. The con struction of rnilrouds has brought rapid increase of population to the mountains, towns are enlarging in size and number, and the new population is a non-pro ducing one, and habituated to comforts and luxuries; and these furnish a steady market. Outside of this the same rail roads distribute what excess tliere may be, provided always the ropercoutlilion for the shipment of that excess is ob served. But what is the lesson to lie first leurned is attention to and improvement of the breeds of cattle, selection of them with reference to their meat anil milk producing tjualities. When such atten tion is given, advice about caring for tliem is lupt-rfluoti, cows whose prices run up in to the hundreds or thousands of dollars will be sure to lie well led and well housed. When such cattle largc- ly suiereed the old origiwd, and by no means despicable, stock, then will West ern Noslh Carolina stand ut the front us a dairy section. A MORAL FOR THK l-OIM.Iv The Springfield Republican, n journal whk-h steers with admirable judgment between the extremes of party, ami holds its own political faith with eves eandidU open to its shortcomings, uses the danger of growiug out of the existence of secret organisations, such as the Unn im-C.ml, to point "a moral for the io1iticiau, such being the title of an able editorial on the effects of such organizations We conceive that the ieplc, as well as the Mliticiuns, may read the lesson to their own profit. 1'rimarily, the hmiiU- are responsible for all this mischief which grows out of neglect or abuse of the ballot. Theoretically, all political Mwcr ... originates with them, and is vested in their bands. In their intelligence, tlieii virtue, their watchfulness, ore entrusted the purity, integrity and preservation of our institutions. To their negligence, their corruption, or, what is equally criminal in its fatal influence, their ensv facility in being led by the nose by pollti cal managers, wliether acting singly or through combination, will lie due the overthrow of these institutions. We must frankly admit that the ieople share the guilt equally with the politician, easy victims or willing eo-opcrntors in any measure which advance party interests, which is only convenient term for indi vidual interests. For the nfler-clas of every presidential clection.tothciiatiiots , m heart, only develop the eagerness of ex pectation and the intensity of greediicss which has been lite mainspring of purty t enthusiasm. The country miht sink into decay, the constitution might ceiise to be respected, even party obligations cease to have their rightful weight, if only the office-seeker fined his place, and t tie party worker find his reward. ' Vt eotnmcnd tlie following extract from tlie edilnri.il we refer to as illustra ting some of tlie evils which menace our iustit utions. The statement of t he Spring field Republican are mournfully true. Tliey point out tlie extent to whkh party has gone in effecting its purtsise; and they also, demonstrate tlie apathy into which the people have fallen, that noth ing that has threatened them has hern able to awake tlieir fears, tlieir interest, consenting with supine stolidity to U played as pawns in tlie hands of Hlitk'al gamesters, whose stakes are Warty, power and political empire. The Kepub cul says: "This Is only one of the numerous evi dences of a decided and ularining decline in the tone of public lile. When a bit of excise legislation comes up the senator or governor will first of uli inquire bow it will affect the Herman vote or the pro hibition vote; A service-peroion f -prr- tioacil in t-ongress, ami scorcsot men well inowiiiL' the demoralization and iiiiuNlitc of such legislation, dare not riin; their vokx-s lor fear of the-(jrand Army vote. And so we niiuht run through the list and show how personal conviction gives way to considerations of im.1i. y . Hie Croiiiu tragedy helps to briui; out in sr startling manner the dangers of silence wlien selfish and unscrupulous men con spire uguiust good order, uud use their sutlrnne uud iiolitical inlluciicc us a shield and buckler. A RKTI UION. There is something like a "hock to pub lic feeling, a revulsion in public sentiment to find Johnstown, so recently the scene of iudiscribable horrors already the thea tre of internal dissension, and precipi tated into ull the inconveniences of u strike for higltcr wages when it might I assumed that human selfishness for tin while was held in ulicynnce. It is hardly a mitigation of the shin-k that the strikers are Italians, not Americans Tliere must be wrong, or a suggestion of wrong, on both sides.- Tlie foreigners may assume to take advantage of press ing urgency to demand higher pay. But that very urgency In-trays the horrible necessities of prompt action without es timating cost. These internal disscn sinus should never have Ikcii icriiiiUcd to go the woJlil. They wound the sensi bilities of mankind, touched to the most extraordinary degree, and exhibited in a generous lilsi-rality without a parallel, The flow of lsiunteous, cordial, deeply sympathetic charity should not have Uxn distill U-il by the knowledge that one of its results was to bring promi nently into view the mean development of human selfishness ierhais, human in justice. ICIMTOKIAI. I'OINTM. In connection with our article on the Sugar Trust robberies, we may cite in proof that the advance in prices here is a forced one, that in Ivnglaud the price er pound is three cents less than it is here, though the distance from the plan tations is largely greater. A Siecial class of men won inipcrisha ble fame in ei ectiou with the Comic maiigh disasters.- The newspiir 'repor ter rushed to the HMit almost before the swollen waters had subsided, and forced tlieir way through obstacles ol Mood mid ruined railroads and wrecked bridges, on loot, or horseback or wagon, or any thing that would carry them forward with n resolution that was in every way wonderful Hiid admirable. Reaching the scene, they encountered hardships, priva tutus, even dangers, with the heroism of veterans; and amid the horrible scenes and environments that shocked and of fended all tlie senses, industriously, Intel ligentlyaud graphically painted for the information of the world those vivid pic turrs of elemental havoc and human suf lering that so electrically moved the heart and action of all civilized man Let the repot tcr lie no more despised The stull of the hero is in him. s a s The following statistical facts prove that, in the matter of educating its eliil dren, the South can do very well without the bolstering of the lllair bill, if it is de lermiiicii 10 make tne ctlorl; anil in doing so, well feel the proud indeiciidenceorthc achievement, lite from the humiliuttion of government aid in such u contingency Kducntcd at the exs.-use of the govern incntL What Southerner's cheek docs no tingle with indignation ut the taunts armed at the West Point cadets, partici pating n actors on the Southern side i the tale war; "traitors to the I'nioii, and ingratcs, because educated at the ex ieiiseofthe government. The Southern youth had a right to their share of Ikiic lit in a public institution established for siwcific purposes, as well as the youth of other sections. Hut such aid is not needed, should not lie asked or promised torgcurral education. Hut to the sta usiics : tcorgia snows an increase ol I,HI7 schools since iNHd.Soiith Carolina llHH, Florida Will, 'Arkansas 5,'JiV!. Texts a.-'Il'.i, Virginia li.tMJ North Car olina l.tioT and Alabama !'l, making a total increase of I t.Ntil in the last eight years. There arc How In these States rll,2S'J schools, uiaiiitaiuad at an annual expense of $t,7i'.,,U'(il. lr. Parker Trays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ougaliiic and lliamoud nail iNiwder having now In-come the ladies' favorites at F. L. Jacob's drug store, these ipular manicure articles may always ilie louiid. together with tiockct emery Imard, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, lilts and other such reipiisitrs. Also a complete line of drugs nud toilet articles, in addi tion to the llclw Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disiicnHcd. Cor ner Main street and I'ntton avenue. Another Kentucky editor is eviilmtK beinij slandered. Hi- is credited wit h t lu- aiilhoislupol this: "All the assaults ol that blatant iulidt-l who edits the as-tlit-tic shtvt across the wav cannot hi-iim discredit Ukii the Bible 01 tarnish the i.nr name ot its illustrious author, Thomas Jt-ltcrson." Iiitlllt-J lo the Ili-Ht. Allure entitled to the liest that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, n Isiltle of the In-itt family remedy, Srrup of l-ies, to cleanse tlie system whencoslivc or bilious. For sale in otic, ami Jl.ou bottles at ull k-ndiiig druggists. DONT Irt'liuiiibiitftfi'd. Tulkischcap but "tho proof of thepuiMinj' is the ohewiii": of the Kti inj;." I'ostic I!ron. Sc Wriht'H in t he plaee to buy and thousands of well pleased customers- will tell you the same if you will only take the trouble toiisk them. They have the floods ami thev sell them at bottom prices. They have received this week their second stock of "" 1 M'SS ( i ods,-Notions, Uatsjuitl Shoes for theSprintf and Summer trade.' Koine of them bought under "mudsill" prices and are now tfoiiiglike hot cakes. They have this week made a, reduction of 25 Nr cent, in many jroods and are now offering unheard of bargains in sNeial lines. Their store is filled with cus- tomers every day and nom go away without Itcing wait ed on, for their salesmen are polite and attentive to tin; trade ami are always ready to give you the worth of 100 cents for every dollar you leave with them. (Ut and see their new goods and you will be surprised at the low price ami beauty of the same. The man that said "Money is King" will have to learn that Pluck and Politeness will go further in a day than money will go in a life time, and if you don't think so, go to No. 11 Public Square and you w ill see that we are taking Cleveland's ad vice and ire "telling the truth" when we say Hostic Itros. & Wright are selling Oil Calicoes at fie., (Jinghatns at 7c, and Kn tines at He, Outing Clothsatl Crazy Cloth at l.rc., and the pretti est Challies you ever saw at 7Jic- bought fit Headquar ters for cash, ami they invite your ca reful inspect ion of the same. IIUOKg AND HTATIONIiRY, ARTIHTH' NATKHIAIA liNOINHIiKrV St'l'I'l.lKS, 1'ICTI'KKS AND FKAMU8, FANCY CI 11 11 IS. II. A NK IIOOKM, i.Vl.K V UH AUK, Illll.l.S, THY) AND tiAMI-S, Wl.MTI.RN 1H.C. MCICNICI, IK1TII I'lltlTOORAI'llie AND HAND- PAINTliD, AT KSTAIIUOOK'S, r H. Main Htrvi-t. A CAltD. Ilavinir sold irrv Jewel rv business to iMr, Arthiii' Ai, r leld, I desire to say Ut my friends ami patrons that it has been my care that all the best fea t ures lie retained that have made my business no successful, ami I am sure Mr. Field will meet all wants and demands, as 1 have tried to do. JL. LANG. In assuming control of the business of Mr.. II. L Lang I Iioh by constant attention and the best of efforts to offer such increased ndvantagesa-s io merit a contiuuanceol th confidence no generously lie stowed upon my predeces sor. AUTI1UUM. PILLI). In ll 7 i,Vwly - -A .' THE 6REATEST ATTRACTION tlmt line hit of ttNlU.IStl IlKllU.liM anil TIIHIiK IUikN CHAMOIS K(AT HADIU.HH J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And tin- low jirlees at which he Is selllnH all Khh1k tu his tint-. lit nan lucre im il his furtx ami Inn-ntU in mrrt the ilrimiml. SATISFACTION tiDAHANTliKD. A. TliNNIiNT, Arvbllvet and Contractor. I'lsns, stirrifW-Rtiona anil ratlmatra ftir iiUh.il. All work In my hnr rtmtrai-tnl for anil nu chaiKTS for dranitins on rontracts fk W atnltl lUf, Kt'tfrviuYM whrn ttt-ttlrrtl. OHiiT; Nu I'J llemlrv ID.u b M.k-tt. i . MISCELLAXEOrS. W. H. LEA Will commence to-day to lose out a big lot of Keia- nants in PJack (!iods, Ilcit- riettiis, etc., at half cost to close, and also a nice lot of Seersuekers will be sold at 5, (') and" 7 cts. H-r yard. These goods have been sell ing at l(e. iter yard. I will also offer a big job in Cream colored Lawn at 5, b and 10c, gonitis that have been bringing 1 5 and 20 cts. La dies' nice (iingham Under skirts at 21c . each. " Gents' pure Linen Dusters at l)l)c, A splendid bargain will b offered in l.attist Cloth tint Corded JackinetatlOc They will never be offered as cheap tigain. Come early, its they will not stay long at that price. W. II. LEA, "Spot Cash Store," No. 17 N. Main street. If in litM'tl of Trunks am Valises, including the high qualities, we can supply you Ilest possible value in La dies , Misses' and Children s Shoen, all grades. For Men our lines at $2, 2.ro, $2.tt, f:..7a, fi.sr,, 5.7". and (J.7.")( show attractions. II. REDWOOD & CO. Iry (UootlM, Fancy UootlM, HatM, ttlioc. Carpets). 7 uud 9 Pattun Avenue. liii-jliiiiiiii'iiiiiii iiiimi-if'i FOR RENTOR SALE. The Kest Chance Yci OtTcrcd. Tlmt ih-alrnhtr house, viHiliiinlnK ciHliUw rooms, now njiirit(u hiiiK i-ompli-tlnn at No I'll Clayton strtvt, wilt be rrnily for ih-c-u-ptim-y nnil FOU HAIJ OR RUNT (Hi or ntiout the tf.lh ilny of June. It is r- Nciiiiiy nilaplrcl lo the uses of a priviitt liiMinlinn house. All persons tliiten-steil are Invltett to cull mid rxniiiliie it this ilny. Terms, which are most reasonable! enn tie hail on appHcntion to , . , T. W. PATTON. mayWillf J. V. IJItOW'N Will continue thr iinilrrtiiker'a liUKlnrsaat hit ohl slitnil oyer J. K. DiekersonKCo.'s Hardware 8torc, under the Hrm name ol J. V. IIKOWN & C. Hovlnn thirty rears' rsrieniT as under. taker and enilmliner, and unequaled fnetlith-s fllf-llHtfln. . - w "wij miaranter saitstai-tlon Calls promptly attended to at all hours. UverjrthliiK uertalninK lo tne businesa 'k'ACKI-r' COLI MS. A Preacher Talks. A preacher of the (iosjr'1 said (and they ought to know, because they mingle with the rich and the poor), that the "Karket Store" had Imvii a blessing to the jieople as) of Asheville, btM-aust; it had eTieajH'iMtl the priciri)f'I!ivr'ry' line of gootls it handletl, and til light the iM'oiile how cheiiply gootls could be soltl when properly bought, and still afford a fair and living profit. Who will question tht! statement of our brother when it is known Unit the "Racket" sells Ulacking at 1 cent it box, Matches at (5 cents fier dozen '-boxes, Lead Pencils at (J cents jier dozen. Ink a t -I cents per bottle, Mu cilage ut 4 cents, EnvelojK's fit -1 cents ii pack, Paper at 4 cents a quire, a quart Cof fee Pot. for K) cents, Needles 2 rents a, paper, Pins 2 cents a paper, the best Brass Pin at 4 cents a paper, (others charge 10 cents for the saint goods), I ice Buttons at J cents for 12 dozen, Peai Dress Buttons at 4 cents per dozen (worth 10), Lamps at 20 cents each,' including burner, chimney and wick. Mens' (lauze Undershirts at 20 cents each, worth ;!.", La dies' Jersey Knit Vests at 20 cents each which are worth .'IS, and a thousand and out articles which come into the daily use of everybody, at prices tlmt save dollars jipon dollars to the people. These goods arc all gunrnntml to lie the equal of any goods in the same line in this city, and this "'agreement goes with every sale we make: W'liav vh use for rfissuiLsfiiction ex ists, bring h.-irk the goods and gel' your money. No man en n make a- st rongvr warrant than this. We wish we he had space in which to tell you of, everything we keep, but it woultl more thiiii lill this piijier. Come to us lor e reryt h ing ( hu t f-Toeeries ) hefoi-eyou lni.v. We will s;m .you money Jintl will tiike pleasure in showing you our gootls wliether you buy or not. We underbuy nnd undersell, and we ha ve facili ties for Inlying low possessed by no other concern in Ashe ville. Hesj mt t fully, :GEO.T.J01IES6C0, MISCELLASWIS. Mends Everything I Always ready for use Heady Prepared Hoyal Glue 10 cents a bottle. Mends 1 I 1 ' 1 . A 1. crockery, glass, cnum, lenut er, furniture ami metals. ..A urge lot just rtreived for the wholesale and retail trade at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. Jlfull line of Wyeth's ele gant Pharmaceutical Prepa rations for retail and w hole sale t o mcrchnn ts , phy sicm ns and consumers,- also large stock of Parke, Davis & Co.'s Fluid Extracts, Pills mid other goods at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. Experts in sniokingcanget -tliik ii'i w wlj -tli.sir w..t " 1 W kt Mill' I 111' faJMr VilKTj ill 1-7 iUWIMIIf for iit the drug store afore said. 511 cigars at 5c. each, or $2.25 ier box. La Belle Senora, the finest Key West 10 cent cigars Jn ..America; Also Gravely 's, Piice's l)ian oni, Dill's Best, and the poj uliir Nosegay Tobaco in any (pmntity froirt 10 cents worth up to a box or 10 boxes, at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. Two polite and competent Prescription Clerks njways in readiness to serve you at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store both graduates of Pharmacy and thoroughly trained in the business. Don't forget this pointer. If you want your bank uc count to show a better bal ance in your favor at the close of the year, buy your Medicines and Druggists' Goods from T. C. Smith & Co., Asheville, N. 0. HICHMONI) t fiANVIl.LB RAILROAtl COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) r-ASSliNUKK IIKFAKTMRNT, I Ashpvili.k, N. C, June l,KMl). PASMiNGKH TKAIN 8C H lilHM.K. In KhpKl-t Ji nkU. 1H89: I No. 81 N.i. r3 I.v. Asheville. ur.f.pm 4 37ntn (147am 1U4llpm t lapm M.lllpm 11 2llpm U2l)am 3 3pin 1 -iOpm 04.lim I O 2pm 1 2 mCmm criMam H liftant 107iim 1 -.'iMini -Vr. Salisbury, " Iianville. " l.yiK-hliurK, Washington " Haltiii.ure, " I'hiln., " New Yurk, " Hostoti, ' Kiehmiind, tKMipm I :i ailpni SI 5am KaleiKll, 1 Olipin I K.'Klam Oulilslioro, 31lprn 12rOpm W'iimiii;:tuti I ti'Hipml I No. n.i I.v, Asheville, Ar. llendcrsonvllle, Ar. Spnrtunh'g Charlotte, " Columbia, ' " Charleston, HHUam V'JltHm 1 1 fiilam S 3ipm 4 40pm illiipm " Augusta, " Savannah, " Thoinasville, Ga Jacksonville 14 Atlanta, " Montom'y " Mobile, " New (irleans UORpm nioam I 4opm luu in 1040pm 7Uoatn 1 55pm 7 2(im I.v. Spartanburg, Ar. lleniiersonvillc, . " Asheville, 840pm tl 117pm 7IIOpm No. So No. 6 J No. 84 7onpm 840pm i.v. Asheville, 7UHum 4.npm Ar. Hoi SoritiRS - Knoxville, " ChHttmrKa, ' Nashville, " Memphis, I.v. Ashevil.e. Ar. HotSpriiifi " Knoxville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, ' Chicago, " St. Louis, ll Ji in in 1 lopm 0 li.pra ) Ilium 7 Uism 1 10pm 840am fi.'lupm 7 4Spm o iiipm Hflopm S40ani U4flam fi 30pm 4 44pm 6 IOpm 850pm 7 loam 1 1 4ftam 6 30pm; 7 4oim' Ml'RI'HY BRANCH. Jio. 1H 8 asam Lv. Asheville, Ar. Waynesville, " Jarfett's, 1053am 4S I No. 17 I.v. Jarretfs, Ar. Wttvnesville, " Asheville, 600am 1 28pm 345pm Mr Sleeping cars on all niKht train. IAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINIIURN, O. P. A. I), p a. SOL. HAAS, T. M. HROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCKWOOD, IIANK-M1DB ltrouiiiti, VhiHks, Hearth and - Celling Ilrooius. Mill and Fnctnrv ktriIcs i Intions and samples free. siiecialtfc. Quo- n-uiuoiy J. W.SCHAUTLE, ilERCHAflT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. febOd lv Will eollet-t rlrlita for anyone In the city for la-r nt. CimiiI fiieililic. for rrntlliK ancl col Uvtinii n-nts on houses. Will aril r.n.i... ink and col li r..n....M .. n.ijr puynienis. 1. B. JOHNSON, At lllnir's Furniture Store, Refrrrm-es aivrn 0 ration avenue, marltdiim JAMIS FRANK, DIALS. I SI FAMILY 6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS Airrnt for Kccm. Creek Woolen Mills. HOTELS, A DELIGHTFUL EXCUBSICN ! ASIIEVILLK Tci HOT SPRINGS. Kt'uiitl Trip I K l-rt only $4.fto( m IuIimu u full day' (Miaid itt tin- MOUNTAIN PA HK HOTEL. The (luTtia in M.-irlile I'nuls uud- I'oneluin Tubs arc the lim-s't unit must luxurious in Aincriia. The Hotel ts NEW AND FIHST-CLASS lu livery Purticulur. l'NiXCKI.ia:i IN ITS CUISINB. The dHt Is a ehnrMiiiiK tot, nestled uiuong uud Mheltered hy I'inc-eliid Mountaiti w here there it uu Ux, nu dual, do muluria. . I'nrv ami abutitlaiit water, and absolutely priiect druiiiagc. dtlul2'- STUAUSS' RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. IHectrlc Cars Fast the Moor. 1 herewith nntify th public thut this day, May 1, I have milled tu my well known Kcs taurnnt a fine Ice Cream Garden. The mime has Iwen fit tul up neatly fur the uc easiuu and 1 will ulways have on hand the choicest of Creams end Sherbets and Cakes, Also, can supply families at shortest notice in large or sniiill uuiuitities. Bo come in ft-uod time and have some tine Ice Cream and Cakes and dun't forget that at Strauss' yuu will get Tlie Beat of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be ph ased to -serve. Come early, come often, cumc one, come all, and give your friend Strauss a ifuori many calls. Very respectfully, E. STRAUSS, may'-Mtf Proprietor. -THE SULPHUR SPRINGS .. HOTEL, . KOUR MILKS. WEST OF ASIIEVILLIv. K. . CARRIi:R,Prop'r. Will lie oKHcil on the 15th of June for the Season. Good Pure, Fine Jersey Milk uud liutter: Splendid VcKctable Ourilcn. I'UKB MOUNTAIN WATliK. Ilus meets all trains at the Asheville depot. This Hotel Ins no equal for families. 100 acre Tnrk ami fine Lake with boats. JunlO d3m CESAR'S HEAD HOTEL WILL Bit OFKNEI) FOR THE SbASON OF 1SSU ON The Firsof June. t The location of this Hotel on tin-summit of Ca-sur'. Head Mountain, an mitlyliix spur of the Blue Rlde, in upis;r South Carolina, affonis a climate and water unequuled. As a summer resort it bus no parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70. Whilst Its natural scenery Is varied and grand beyond conception. Comfort of guests care fully consulted. Livery and dally mall. Has. ily reached from Asheville in one day, orfrom ' " Hendersonville In half a dsy, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, F. A. RIILIvS. mavlBdtf AROEN PARK IIOTEI. AND FAMILY COTTAGES, tti miles sootli of Asheville, on the A. Ik 8. railroad is now open for the season. " RATH8. Crr,?r-V-; $ 2 00 orr"- - l5"10 rer Month t 40 tK) For circulars address TH08 A. MORK18, Prop'r, y8dlf Arden, N. C. A NEW HOTEL IN BRYSON CITY. jTIie Swayne House. One of the best In Western North Carolina. Hammer and winter resort. Nature's snnita rlum. Scenery and wutcr uncicelled. Terras modcrat niiii xi ni . . . l- ., mariadHm - , ' TLANTIC C0A8T LINK -On and after this date thr r.,ll,.u.ln .k...l. nlea will he run over it. "Columbia IHviaion." no. oa Leaves Columbia 8 JO p. m. Arrive. atChark-aton .:io p. m. No. S3 Leave. Chnrlraton 7.10 a. m. Arrive. atColumbia... 11.A5 a. m. Conneetina with trains in .nn .11 points on the Charlotte, ('nlnsihli sv An. gusta and ColuiuWa Ik UraeavUle KaJIroaUs, 1 way. on hand. . ftt.13dm N. V. Offlce, 466 Broad way. North Main Ashrvllb si r I'Kiiy. T M BMRRSON, Oea. Pass. Agt. J. P. 1)B V1NB, Oea. Bupt. dblOdly

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