TK3 DAILY CITIZEN Win be puhH.hcd rrrry .lorainr feiorpt Hi dav) at tbc following ralr 4lrn.ttj cmih: One V"-' S6.00 f'l Mouths.. ... ........ 3 H) THrec Umiilu , , , 1 SO Oie I, 60 UM Week. 18 Ovr carriers will deliver the paper .very as onus g ta cverv part of the city to osr sub scribers, and parties wasting it will please rail at the Crruaa Office. Mw AdTcrtlacniciita. Lost Battery Park Hotel. LiqaidatHMi Mats. Part Drataosu Meads B very thin ir T. C. Smith Co. Private Board sirs. B.J. Tkjrlcraad Mrs. . b. atsinsoa. Money and Sccarltlra Cotton - Proviulon and Produce. HUKIT AMD ssctsmiis. New Yosa. June 21. Birbanue dull but truly to firm, t 8 H'.il,. Money eaay, Ua.tVv, closing- at Kub-Trraaurv liaianccs tiold. fl&3,34,- OOO; currency, Sltt,341,ooo.- tiovernmrnt bonds, dull ut steady per erata,$1.2UH; Vs per cents, Sl.txi.. state bonds neglected. Niirac. lstnior N. . Central lux-Si TIm Aabcwlll Dally Citizen Oieea The la tot local newt. The freshest State new. The best general news. A first-claat telegraph service. Full Washington reports. General and special comments. The largest subscription lint of any secular naner in the State. The best advertising medium in the State. A full staff of able editors and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and most enter prising paper in North Carolina. Its efforts arc always devoted to the upbuilding and development of the re sources of the State, particularly the Western section. Subscription, $6 per annnm; $3 six months; 60 cents per month. V Papers appreaated. Vienna, June 21. The Government has suppressed the socialist paper Gkkhe- bcit. Ala. Class A 2a6 1U Ala. Class B.6snll'.'H Ga. 7a, mart lo:H n. c cons.. N. C. Cons., V"W S. c. Brown s...l( Tenn. 6s........ .UrnVJ Tenn. 6s los Tena. Bet., 3a... 70V4 Virinnla as. .. Virirlnta Cona... J Northweatera ...low. do PW...1 1WI Del at Lack 174,1 Brie !I7, Haat Tenn H'V lore Light. Special attention is again called to tbc new Calcium Lamp. , An extra large size is made for lighting stores, halls, etc. One lamp is almost equal to four gns or incandescent lights. These lani will be sent for two days trial wherever desired Every one should try one of these lum. For sak at Law's, 67 &G0 South Main street. Railroad Tickets. Bought, sold and exchanged. Alt trans actions ruaranteed. Keliublc informa tion cheerfully furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. W. M. Clankb. WOBT. A aaian red valla, with Book Inside, le tweca Battery Park and Patton Avenue ho tela. Return to Batter Park and receive reward. juua uui PRIVATE BOARD. MBW HOl'BBI NUWLV FUKNIBHBDI ALL MODHKN IMPKOVBMBNTa, MRt I 1 THYLER AND MM. Pt B. ATKINSON, No. 311 Haywood Btreet. - Junlliidly LIQUIDATION WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND SILVER PLATED WARE, AT AUCTION TUB STOCK 01' BURT DENISON, No. iS Patton Avenue, Aahevllle, N. C, WILL UE OFFERED AT AUCTION COMMENCINO MONDAY EVENING JUNE 2t, AT 7.30 P. M., AND CON TINUING EVERY AFTERNOON AT 2.30 AND EVENING AT 7.30, UNTIL THE AMOUNT SOLD WILL COVER THE CLAIM. ! MAKE THIS SALE FOR ONE ITR I'OSE ONLY, AND THAT IS TO 011- TAIN CASH TO PAY MY INDEBTED NESS. THE STOCK IS ALL FIRST CLASS AND WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, AND I WARRANT EVERY ARTICLE TO BE AS THE AUCTIONEER REP RESENTS .THEM, OR MONEY REFUNDED. HARktKTts BY TKLl.tiK APII. fill, 67l4 3, Kl IH'l N. W. utl Northern I'ac. N. P. M"d , Pacific Mail Heading- Kich. Alle K. at W. Point.. H!iU, Uoek Island uiH St. Paul.. 73V do utri .ill Tel. Pacific Si IS TcnnCoulttlron HHi Union Pacinc... N.J. Central 112 Lake Bhore lor.sitMo. pacific...... 7H Lou. at Nan 7v.iwctrrn tnion irayi Mrm. A: ChrlM. ICotton-seed ull Mob. t()bio.. 1214 Certituutea K, Nash, Chat... Wa ,Brunswkk 24 tBx-ln COTTON. Livibpool. June 31. Noon Cotton nulrt, rather easier. Americaa niiil'llinic 6 1-lft. Bales 7.IXHI: speculation and eiinirl GlK). kc ceiiits 3.200, all American. Putunra cltuied onici at uccnne. 1 w. M. American midtllinff, 61-16. Kales tolny Included fl.ftiNI American. June 6 112- 64. sellers; June and July fi 62-A4. sellers: July and AuKUSt S 3-4v4, sellers; AuKUStand tieu- tcmuer n 03-o4, value; Heptemlier anil iK-to- berS42-4, value; Uctolier ami Novemiier. 5 84-64, value: Novenitier and lieceiulier 5 32-64. sellers: tireeuibrr and January 5 31 64, sellers: arpteralier S 61 -t4, buyers. Pu tures closed quiet Dutstrauy. NHW vixs, June 21 cotton- tiuk t. ic to-day 43N bales: miilillliiK unlanils II; nml dlinK Mrleans 1 1 ,,. Total net reeelpts lit all ports to-aay mports to i.rciu tintion 4,o; continent 2o. ntocs jin.nj nnies NSW yoss, June 21. cotton Net receipts O; arosa 141. p'utures closed uuict. bules 1, WW bales. June 10.42a10.4.t1)rc t).M4a 9.N.1 luly ill 'Juki. :illHn w.iHia u.ui Aua 10.47ali.4H I'eii U.U7a u.un Sept. ....... Kl.lilisln HilMarih 10 ofiutu oil (Ht W.mhb v milAuril HI i:iulll 1 1 Nov U.KHIMay lo Jlulo a Uslvkstom. June 20, Cotton quiet, lo receinta 7. June Zl. cotton steady, 11: re ceipts 4. Haltiuiism. June ill, Cotton quiet and Hrm. 11: receipts S. uosTiiN.june Ml. cotton uuu 1. 1 1 Vsai 1 s, receipts 0 w 11. u inoton, ri.e, June Ji . votlon unlet 1UW: mvhils II. l'liiLiiikl.l'int, June si. cotton quiet. llk; receipts 1 savannah, June l. Cottoneasy, 10V; re ceipts . nkw t iklkahs. june i. cotton quiet, iuv receipts ujn. Miihii.k. June 31. Cotton quiet. 1U4U re cdiitsll. mkhhiiis, June i cotton ouict. 10; re ceipts . AtiuusTA, June 31. cotton quiet, 10 receipts H. CHANLNSTON, June 31. Cotton nominal receipts 1 provisions anu rsonucK. Cincinnati, une 31 I'lour easy. Wheal warce Mo. 3 red HouH7. Cora stronu No. mixed H7s37'i. Oats strsily No. 3 niisrtl 30. Pork quk't 13. Lard firmer tl.g.fiiH.Mr Hulk mrats lirm. uacon stcauy. nnisKc steady 1.113. 8t. Louis, Mo., June 31. Flour itiiet and easy, wnrat casn very aim No. 3 rtu 7;nji Cora dull No. 3 ml ed caan Bl. lints No. 3 cash a.'l did. Whiskry 1.03. Baltiuiikh, June 31. I'lour quirt and steady. Wheat Houthrrn unlet l ulls Hra l3; lmirlierry H7aUH; Western dull and Hrm active and steady: white 43a45: yellow 41a 43; western dull and Arm. Chic Aim. June 3 ! .Cash quotations to-day were as follows: plour Hrm. W hint No 3 red NOH. Cora No. 3 H-t'4. tints No. 3 J-J. Messmrs ii.7Uall.7o. i.ani ii.r.i, Short rilis B.Hlinn.H.1: shoulders 0.13'in5.3.i; short clrar6.l3U.aU 3ft. Whiskey 1.03. Nsw YiiSK.June 31. Houthern flour held firmly with koih! demand. Wheitt No. 3 ml M-iy4 store. Corn firmer No. 3414K4a; June 414k. Oats lirm June 3NH,. Mops stcml and quiet. Coffee options closed steady July 4.onai4 Ho, minor raw quiet. Mtiinsst toreiun lirm. Nice steady and quiet. Petro leum quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Nosinuutet and steady, luriieiiime quit Hides quiet and steady. Pork steady. Lard slow western steam O.NO. Freights steady WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Having tliwposiHl o tlio cur of Whito lOlt'iihaiit I'otutocH we now offer ufc cont wliut w huvu loffc of u cur of lacoii WedothiH hi order to clout out tho car und muko roon for another. If you wiwh a few cuhoh of the Corn that w are offer iiij; at 10c. jht can call early im we will booh lc out. We have only a few euHeH of tho Pie Pew-hen lef at 10c. jier can. While hav iiif? your attention drawn to thcHe HKcial barpiins do not lone Hight of the fact that w carry the larjjeHt Htock Staple and Fancy (iioceries (rain, Hay and Flour to he found in t ho State, und can offer HMcial inducementa t wholewilo or retail buyem With a hij, "clean istock bought for cah at t he rijh time, we defy competition. POWKLL&SNIDER Court Square. MISCELLASI-OCS. Swumianoa Hotel. Uncscelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and Imsinei en. Electric cars pass the door. BAWLM UK(i.. kbldly Proprs. FIXE MERCHANT TAILORING. F. S. BLACK, 66 Mouth ltlaln gtrect, li)Hiitx the Swnonanua HuU'l. A fine Hue fif SiitinK- to arlrvt from. hvmmt ftmr oftler fur prrtrrt littfnt ftitit; E. FOGETTE, Architect. I'lum nml tticciftcatluns prrmml and cati- ma to K.vrn, at short notice. Orfii-r: Wolfv Huihlinx, Court House SUttrr, Ashrville, N. C. maySOdljr I. X. L. MARKET, Cor. Puttoa Avenue und Depot Ktreet. HAS CHOICIiST Beel', Veal, Mutton and JLamb Always on hand In the Best kcfrlicerator la town. JAMKS WULPB, I'rop'r. may34dilm A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE ; AND : SIGN : PAINTER GILDER AND VARNISHER, la prepared to do all kinds of Painting Brlnu. on your old-lwiking CarriaKCS, Ilrctts. fur- rys, IIukkIcs, Carts and Wagons and have them vumlshcd or repainted, so they will look as Hood us new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or conic off until It wcurs off. Terms reason able. 1 Shop on llurnctt Hill, Bugle Street, mar.'lldom - Hcliedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.30 a. m Car leaves Court House A.RO a. m ' 7.00 " " " H.IM) " " " U.IM) From then till T p. m. car leaves court house every no minutes. Also, ear leaves court house at M.UU n. m ana u.ou p. m. fAKH, I'lVB CBNTB. GEO. KIHIRER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work a specialty, Crates, Kanitra and Boilers set. Buildings moved and repaired in first class mnnnrr. Hewcrage, Drainage and traps for the same thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Hulldlng, Court House H(nmre Ashcvlllc, N. C. mayaodly LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silkn,Plunhen, White Goods LaceH, Fmbroiderien. Itib Iioiih, Art Needlework Mate- lal, IlandkerchiefH, Cornetw idoveH, Hosiery, LmheH Un derwear, Lambrenuins, Table Covei H, Pillow Shams, Tidiei etc., etc. Iicssons in Art Km broidery and. Stumping free- to all who purchase material Kid (iloves fitted to the hand Stumping done while you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of Main and Willow Streets, under Swunnanoa Hotel. . VJINKELMANH'S LADIES ARE REnCESTEl) Ttl AT TEND THESE SALES. JfUHIC TBACIIBK WANTBD. Wanted, a boarder who raa Instruct a aamhrrtif little girls and boys It vocal and instrumental music. Apply at Jun3td3t THIN OI'FICK. J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT l TAILOR, r S Jattou Avenue, (Heat to Orand Central Hotel.) aprSdl, JfVlL BALI. Fin Roacwood Plsno Sir snlerhrsp. Apply Ot WUUUFIN MTNIlKT, j,inldlw Asbcvllls, N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Itarnard Uulldliis;. School and College Text Hooks, a full line. Pets, llis- torv I w I II II 1 1 1 11 t Itiitii-iMinlitr ...... . , . -II .1 I'll , , Travel nnd Novels, Family lWbles, S. iS. IJibles and Test- nments, Oxford Teachers' Ihbles, Song Hooks of all kinds, largi stock Sta t ionery. Hlank HookH and Office. hi'kI School Supplies. New line IuIieH and dents l'ocket books just opened. Fancy (loods and Dolls. fcblOdlt Plenty of Goods. 3 Cars Corn 1,300 bushels. 1 Car Data I.imh) bushels. 3 Cars Hay filHl bitles. i Car Ball 300 sacks. 1 Car Bran 3IMI sucks. 1 Car Hhorts 3(H) sacks. 1 Car Flour. These goods on hunil and no house w ill sell fork-as prices. Ilur stock of Hue Groceries replenished daily. Call and arc us. A. ! COOPER. JVJL0AN. From II.IMMI to fl.iMHi on unencumbered Improved city real estate at H irr ceat. Au V "t KlHlM NO. II, ia7 dtf kliLoud Building. AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IM Clkll AS CHOLCHA. CRAMP9. OlAKSIHCEA. DYSENTCRV AMD OTHia AFFECTIONS Or THE STOMACH AND BOWELS PRICE 26 CENTS. J. H. VVINKELMANN & CO Sots pnassiCTgst, BALTIMORE, MD.. U S. A. For sale by J. H. GRANT, dawtau'JM THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TUB W. N. C. HaptlHt Cunveiitiuti. A I'Hvr Ih YoM to the Intcnut of the IH' nomiioitron (11 H'ratrrn North Carolina. 1.30 Per Year, in Advance AvertlsliiK spare limited. Kates made known upon application, Address . .. A8HHV1LI.B BAPTIST....... may! 1 dim wljr Aahevllle. N. C. ASHEVILLE '4nTA'7'-;vr ; DONX ORDER From your Grocer, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT because it is made in Asheville, "YOU KNOW," Put we pledge our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Cam lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Is the most popular straight goods in this market. Ask your ASHEVILLE MILLING CO. D. G. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard. Vice President Lawrence Ptdilam, Cashier. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: No. 30 I'ntton v-nic. Yurd: Old DqMit HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, . NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKKET. While we Have the Fluent and Moat Faliioiiable Csouds In Our Line, We ulso have tin- clicuK'8t. Cull hiiiI sec us. W. B. MARX, I'rop'r. Rl'Fl'S DAWSON, Suot. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'PG CO.. MANUFACTURERS Ol' Sanh, Door si, HUitdn, 9Iouldin;, Floorinj;, Ceiling and all Kinds of Mill Work. Hardwood Interior finish a specialty. apr'J6dlm OAK STREET INN, ashjuvillk-, n. c, Beautifully located In a itrore of onka and white Dine, with no dust or nni. ot Hi- rnr- nerol Uaknnd Woodlin streets, near the Female Collevc. and onlv thit siniiin . imm ih. court house. Ve have a numlicr of eleieufitlv-furnisheil rooms to accommodntr hiinnim n-hn u nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, Kood fure, firstkss uoosiiiK, Ul reiisouuoic prices. Also, out anu com uams. Dr. T. J. MARtiAN, Proprietor. -. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR, All modern and latest improved methods for trcatinir chronic ritaritsea of thr inn... throat and nose, liy the inhalHtion of vaporiicd and atomised fluids hy the pneuniutlc and compreiuicu air apiiiirniu. , also .omHiunu iixyfen ill connection Willi lite vaporiicu llal sara Ithe balsam obtained from the natural linlsiim trees neur Ashevllle.t We also mantilacture a Home Treatment 11I the Comiiound OxyKtn, which Is, equal to urc imt.-c iiiii-ii., ami win ue vtiil on npUicuilOTl oy expresH, on receipt ol price, .14. Our success here for the oast three vears with this treatment has lieen nht-tiomi-nAi hn ins cured many cases that were pronounced hoxless, whose names and residences cun lie ontuinca oy cuiiiiik at tne Manitartum. liy iiemussion wc rclcr to the tollowinK well-know aentlemen of Anheville: B. I. Aston. ex-Mnvor: J. K. Reed. Cleik II. 8. Court: Rev.ii f Itsi kin, pastor First Methodist Church; Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church; H. T voiiiiis, wspi. nsii Aisinsou. T. J. IIARGAN, M. D. THE "BONANZA," THK I.EADINU ' WINE .'. AND v. LIQUOR .. STORE v IN THE 8TATK. FINE SAMPLE AND UIIXIARD ROOM. J. A. M4KUI ARIIT, M'K'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N.C LHW18 MADDUX, Pits L. P. McLOU", Vice-J'res. . B. RANKIN, Ca.ihier, lliaaCToaa: Lewis Maddux, M.J. Ileanlin, M.J. Phkr, J. B. Runkin, I. B. Ray, J. B. Reed 8. H. Reed. lieo. 8. Powell, C, M MeLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASHBV'LLB, N. C, FBBRUARY 1st, lhND. Organised May 1st, 1X88. CAPITAL, 50,000. . Sl'RHLlS, $5,000 8TATB. COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Does a ticacral llankinit Business. I leposits received. BxchnnKe bousht and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The SnvinK Feature will receive special attention. On all sums In this department, dcositcil lor four months or longer, interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will W paid. Special, attention Riven to loans on mil estate, which will lie placed for long time on real sonalile terms. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Di( art mint will bropcnttll H p.m ; febadlf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Willinmson,) MANUPAOTI'KKHSOP SASH, DOORS, BUNDS Moulding, J Stair-Work, Fine In terior FiniHti, MantclH, Etc, ASHUYH.I.K, N. C. JkOTICB. Notice Is hereby irlven that the partnership lately eslstinK lietween T. W. Thrash, P. II, Thrash, Mas l.lndan and W.J. Houuh.ofthe city of Ashevillr, under the firm name of Thrnsh. Iloiiuh ft Co., was dissolved on the day of May, 1H89, by mutual consent, Mai Llndnn and W. I. Housh assurainR the payment of all debts due by the Arm. All persona Indebted to the Brm will please settle at once. may8 d;wt f i-SHli All eye fitted and fit (varan teed. A com plete atiH-k of the above atrnda at GRANT'S Dill G STORE, 84 "OUTH MAIN 8TRHBT. Oculists' iirescrlptions a specialty, kbV7dm AliKNTS KtiR The Htickcve I'tiiiip, Steel anil fin Shingles, Floor mid Hearth Tiles. AfiKNTS A M'p'mH. OK Kyrkit's I'utent Slienthin Lntli . T. COLLINS, President. E. E.EAGAN, Scm-tar, ISIIEVILLE ICE COf.lPflIY, Pure Ice made from Distilled Water. Office : No. 30 atton Avenue. ASHIiVILI.Ii:, N. C. UIIIIvCTOKH I I. P. SAWYER. T. W. PATToN, .G. MARTIN, W. W. BAKNAKI', . L. CARROLL, ' Ii. C. WADDBLL, GKO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest ltank in Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. F1TZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, M usury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Window Glass, hot French and American We keep In stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. ' fcl5tlly LUMBER YARD. KO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doublcday & Scott,) North Public Square. WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, ShlnKles, Laths, Fencing Posts. All kinds of Buildinir Material. Sir-Orders will receive prompt attention. feblOdly W. T. VKNNIMAN. W. a. PKMNIMAN. PENNIMAN & CO., -JOHBKBS AMD DBALHSS IN- HIAIRID1W AiRTE ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINE8, 8AW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. b9dly Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, -was f ,MHV( lebludtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application haVf th,,rU8h mechan,c o hav. had many years- experience ta therr busineas. We can saiely garajitce onr patrons satisfaction la our work, a low njrurcs. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblSdly C. II. CAMPBELL, Hlitdly - ASHEVILLE - ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. Portland Cement, Mont Mocks and Ttlea, xTdliily handsome In ,mn. ance, or various designs and colors and very ilursl.le for walks In yards, .sidewalks, floors for Putille lluildlnirs. Halls, Porches, Kntrances, Basements, llulcher Shopa, ftc. Siierial slsrs, colors and draluns for IIHART1IS. Handsome Carrlnite lllwks with name. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. Ramples of Mocks, etc., can be seen at office over J. B. IHckerson's Hardware Store, on Public Square, corner of South Mala street. P. 0. Box 884. C- E. MOODY. (.INC.hR AL)h, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, 8ARSAPARIIXA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. Factory, ai7 Haywood m. P. O. Box as4. "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM," ASHEVILLE, N. C For the reception of itients snilcrinir of diwaaet "I lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol thesnnitark-s at Gwrbcrsdorf and FnlkensteininGcr many. Ours is the only such institution inthe Unite.! . States, and endorsed by the leading member, of the tnetlteal profession. Term, reasonable. r KARL VON RHCK, B, S., M. P.

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