T'nic':h PKOFESSIOXAL CA A7W. TtlOS. A. JilNKS Jas. O. Maktih, Asheville. V AVIl'SON, MARTIN & JONES, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Asheville. N. C. ill pro ' . Km. i-ourt of North and in he Federal Courts ot the Pt,ricts. iwri""' North Carolina. .HAS. H'""- . ' stoORB MBKRICK.. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Axhcvillc. N.C, Practice in the foiled Stuu-s Circuit and .strict Court, at Asheville. StHto.vilk.Ci.ar i rand Or.cn"!'""'- in thi- Supreme Court i K "r Kh and in tl.r court- of the Twelfth judicial District ol the State of North Caro- "sriiul uetHi Klvrn to collection of Partnership d.-s not extend to . -actice in Buuconils. Inferior Court. d,uc3 T. H. COBB. aor.ll f MBKKIMON. J. O. HKKHIMON. Attorney" nd Counsellors at Law. Practice in nil the court, liitice: Nua. 7 and H, Johnston buitdiUK. tltsc- '. W. JONS. PUNKS & 8HUFORU. OKU. A. SHIiroKlf. HI SINKSS AND FI.KAfcl RK. Mrs. E. J. Thyttr and Mrs. N O. Atkin son have taken the Outlier House, 211 Haywood street, and have opened the same for private boarders. The hotwe has tafn newly furnished throughout and supplied witliasaml all modern improve ments. The rooms are lare and airy, with l-uutiftil outlook. The table will lie supplied with every delicacy and the house kept second to none. Put it on file that the rasp-larry has uiienicd. Cortland's real estate ajjency re moved to 50, south Maui St., second floor. Jay Gould is going to tlie Paris Ex position. Hoc he hope to get a corner on the Eiffel Tower? Anv article vou see in the stock of Hurt iKuison if you ask it will be put pat auction, lie nceels money, and must have it. Very often the is answered by the monv. to I'rotirrss nn. I Poverty lhivinj; a street car at $1 er day. Handsome silk finished Persian mull for dresses, 15 ceuts a yard, nt S. El lick's, Main street, under Swauuanoa hotel. Win. E. Gladstone has had his portrait painted thirty-live times. And tie is still a good subject. Attend tlie auction nt Burt Denison's and Kivc him a lift, if you want anything in his linr. He is trying to raise money to meet his bills. Hiding and driving parties should go he"tieorgia Ihurv, just ut the end f Charlotte street and rt a glass of fresh milk or butter milk. Cherries, lack berries, gooselierrics and rnsiv- wrrics now ripe and lor sale. Detective: Was vonr cashier right or left handed? Hank President : Ri'lit. I should sn v ; nothing he could get his hands on is left. Just received a h:mds.nnc line of ladies' underwear, at S. Ellitk's, Main street, nder Swannnnoo hotel. Attorneys at Law. - ' Asheville, N. C. .1 . 1 .1 C..trt'iiMriil i,l Wiil.m North1 Carolina, the Supreme Court ol the necessarily martyrs. state and the Federal Court ut Asnevlllc. Office iu Johnston liuildmx, w here one mem ber of the firm can always lie fouAd. dtnovll , Men reared in business marts are not OlISSTONli JONBS, ATTOSV tKU CIII'MKLLOB AT LAW, ASHBVILI.B, N. C. I'racticea in the I'nitcd States Circuit and t-istrict Courts nt Asheville, In the Hupnmc Court at HaleiRh, and in the Courts o. the Vrltth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere. a his services mas ts: required. Office over So. Kxprcss Office, Hendry lllock 1 jan-'adtt JJ H. DOUGLASS, D. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant Jk Wingctt'i Urug Store. Krsidenrc. No. UN Bailey St. fcblodly 11. RBBVE3. I). V. 8. DENTAL. OFFICE Iu Counally Building, over Redwood's Store, I'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew nna-slhctic, and all cases ol irrrguiuniy cor rected. .el.Wdly How Doctor) Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond snvs After a long experience 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thirds ot all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's English Cough Kernetlvt-were onlv care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith fit Co. II. F. BURG1N, M. 1). OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over big 22 Clothing Store. Iebl7dlm F. RAMSAY, D. D.S. Dental Zi4iu? Office Mn Barnard Building Bntrancrs, Patton VMrenuc und Main Street. The organization ol a Castor Oil Trust is a very nauseating nttuir. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the lite of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe. their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and tonic. II you are troubled with any disease of KidiR-vs, Liver or Stomach, ot lonit or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Hitters, holt! at 50c. and" $1 per bottle, at F. L.Jacobs drugstore. "I know I am onlv a plug," said the tooacco, dui wno win aeny my popu larity?" WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh Cure will give immediate relief. Price It) cts., 50cts.,and$l. SHILOHS CATARRH REMEDY positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. T. C. Smith & Co. Icli26dly WlNKEtMnNITS 0t: I- AN UNEXCELLED twn. in cum or CMOUBA. Cf. 0IAB4(IA. SUkHsfPI COMPLAINT DV8ENTEHY AND OTHI f rrCTION OF THE STOMACH AND BOWEL PRICE 2S CENTS. H. INRELMArn SAUJffjmit"'. BALt'lMOBE.MD., O S.A. For sale by J. 8. OKANT, dnwt2H J. Just receivetl a beautiful line of white Hids and embroideries, nt S. Ellick's, ain street, under Swannanoa hotel. "May 1 ?" of courtship ie "You must" of matt i- President Harrison takes no stock in the Patriotic Sous of America, but he is a great believer iu the patriotic grandsons. No need to take those big cathartic ills: one of Dr. I. H. Median's Liver and Kidney Pillcts is quite sufficient nud more agreeable. For sale by F.L. Jacobs, druggist.- Poetical aspirant How shall 1 begin to punctuate this xa-m ? Editor llegui with a lull stop ann enn there. Waltkb B. C.wvm, J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT l TAILOR, 25 Patton Avenue, (NexLto Grand Central Hotel.) apr3dly There is no actual necessity for n man to be u wind instrument because hapicns to be a cornet. Better Than Bloody Battles), General Wheatcroft Nelson snvs: "M. experience in the English army as well us in America, convinces me tnut noiningsi i iu ri lies the blood or adds to the health vitror and life as Acker's English lilood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. Thisistlie time of year when young people who get, engaged while out canoe ing have their first falling out before marriage. If you want a fine watch ladies or gents size, gold or silver attend the auction at Burt Denison'sashemust raise money and takes this method of doing it. A Boston man found a penny in an ovstcr. It is regarded as a remarKame find, but it is nothing new to discover a scent in an oyster. Dyapepttla, Deopalr, Death. These are the actual steiw which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dyspepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. Burt Deuison. the iewlcr. will offer for a few days and evenings his fine stock at auction to raise money to meet bills. Wife: How funny!' A Mr. Rose and a Mrs. Flower once fought a duel in Georgia! Uusband : With pistils. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle ot Shiloh's ViUtlizer. It never fails tn cure. A NASAL INI ECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cts. T.C. Smith& Co An American watch manufactory is to be started in England. Americans want a good time over there. Give the Children a Chance. There is something radically -wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showuit: these symptoms the child lias worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Hart s Worm Cream, to exiiel tlie worms, and the child will soon be in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a tuir cuancc lor inc. Tlie man who tends the soda fountain should be very muscular, because he has so much "fix"kal exercise. Thc-lr BuHlnetM Hooiulnif. Probably no one thing has caused such a lrcneral revival of trade at t. L. Jacol dniff store ns their civinc away to their customers of so many free trial bottles ol Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuinjv tion. their trade is simply enormous in this verv valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disap points. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bron chitis, Croup, and all throat iind lung diseases (liikklv cured. Y'ou can test it before biivim' fiv L'ettiniT a trial bottle free, large size'$l. Every bottle war A reoortcr. describing n collection of bric-a-brac, savs: "Tlie visitor's eye w ill lie struck on eiitcrinir the room withal porcelain umbrella." Tricora Health Corsets for i ceuts, at S. Ellick's, Main street, under SwanuaJ noa hotel. Miss Lillie And so Mr. Flutterby pro- posed to vou Inst evening ? Really what did vou tliink of it nt tlie time? Miss Rose I with firmness) That it should be the last evening he'd propose Notary I'ub.ic. to anybody. Didn't I accept ? Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly- spots, sores mid ulcers, nliscesscs and tu mors, unhea thv dischttrKes, such as catarrh, ecxema. riuirwonn, and other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms ol blood imuuritv. Take Dr. I. tl. Me Lean's SarsnpariJIa. For Side by K L Jacobs, druggist. Tlie first official act ota woman Mayor of Kansas is reiH.rtetl to have lieen ning a man "5 for a plain drnnk. On the same (lav sue "made two gingimm aprons, set a hen and returned five culls. If you want knives, forks or spoons, tea sets, casters, ice uitcuers, cane baskets or butter dishes uttend the auction at Burt Dehison's, as he needs money to puy bills. Beggar: "Please, please help n jkioi- ennolc. FasKer-by tgiving mm money i - or How! Where are vou crippled?" REAL LSTATE. V. w. Wm. GWYII & WEST, ( Successors to Wa'tcr B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED -1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE, a I Loans Securely l'lacvd at 81 Per Cent. MISCELLANEOUS. Climate Cniurpased. 1,500 Feet Above Tide W'ater.ri'iue Iliuerai;sprlu;s Within a Short Walk of the Hotel. ContuiisuiHii'iii iKcdh FIRE INSURANCE. Will Vou Read Thin for Ijoo? For many years the manufacturers of Dr S;ii'e' l.utarrli Kemeciy, wno are abundantly resmmsible financially, anv one cun easily ascertain by enquiry have offered, in good faith, a standing re ward ol $500 tor a case ot nasal catarrn no matter how bad orot how long stand ing, which they cannot cure. The remedy is sold by druggists at 50 cents. President Harrison has been made an LL. 1).. but the office-seekers say he is never more than one degree above zero. ANBW ItKBD, carefully prepared by lead Inn member of the Ashevilk- bar (on finest parchment and heavy Hat paper), cov eriiin all necessary points, just out und now on sale at the oflice of the Citiikn Publish- ,.n f'f. Hn H Nw.lt OnBft liSMl"" If any dealer says h has the W. I. Tj oe without uim and prlos stan. th bottom, put bub - I - i1 u WK&mSIMSIDIII f HH.WB SSS IMIH The reporter who said thut the ballet costumes were the wittiest he ever saw explained to the city editor that brevity was the soul of wit. For a safe and certain remedy for fever nnd ague, use Dr. J. H. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure. For sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. The fact that etiquette requires gentle men to ifive ladies a tip .whenever they meet muv explain the masculine dislike to the presence of women nt a horserace. Flaming; Fire In the Veins. Wc hold positive proof that Acker's English lilood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap snrsaparillos and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a Hisitivc guarantee. T.C. Smith & Co. Hopper Stanley discovered traces of fifteen million Ethiopians who were hitherto unknown. Topper Yes, and heurly died following up the scent. Fancy and plain china and oriental silks, all colors, just received, at S. El lick's, Main street, under bwaimnnoa Hotel. Small Boy Papa, won't you take me to the circus ? Strict Father No, my son; the circus is the abiding place ot batan. Snud Bov Sav. oaon. he knows a good, tiling when he sees it, don't he? "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fra grant iierfume. Price 25 and 50 cts. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis. T. C. Smith & Co. fellow ! Where are you crippled ? Beggar pockeliiig the money:) "In my finances, sir! Buckleu'a Arnica salve. The best salve in the. world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay rcquirea. it is firuarnntecd to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For stile hv p. L,. aeons. (law There was a young lady of Lawrence Who held rain in the greatest abhorrence, She said: "It s too bad, . And it makes me so mad. TofSec it come down in such towrence." Faults of dikestion cause disorders 01 the liver, and the whole system becomes ileraiurcd. Dr. I. H. McLean's Sarsapa- rilla i)ei tects the process of digestion and assimilation, aiid thus makes pure blood. For side by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. "Jay Gould says he worked hard to get his monev." "Those who know him talk differently ." "In what way ?" "Thev say lie worked hard to get other folks' money." Best lisle thread gloves, all colors and sizes, 17 cents a pair, ut S. Ellick's, Main street, under Swannanoa hotel. THE KEY. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bour bon, hid., savs: "Both myself and wite owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CUKE." r ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, lvoss 01 Appetite, Yellow Skin f suiloii s vituuzer 11 . t - c.:i. fi. i. 18 a positive cure. 1 . v. viiiuiii ot o. OFFICK HoulhOHHt Court Square. D. S. "WATSON. Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.)- For Sale A large amount of valuable City 'ropcrty. Improved and unimproved. For Sale Some fine farming lunds ; also. timber and mineral lands. I can secure for parties buytiiK City Lots from me money to Improve the same on most reasonable terms I Money to loan on Rood city and country property 1 Ofliet hour: From H to 0. 1. S.WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Asheville. N. C. niay28 dtf. Wm. M, Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, In tracts from 60 to lttO.OOO acres. Have number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If yon want a large or small farm call on me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact 1 can suit you in anything you want in my line. 8ervicca of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property when required. 1 have had fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think 1 know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. lebZMlv a iff ., . - -V -T- I'll sm. Wwm mam Tho "IIICKOUY INN" is built of.brick, Btone and iron, hmi nil modern improvements. Electric Lights. Gas and Klwtric Helto in each room, Hot nnd Cold V ater Batlmand Toilets on each floor. Is elegantly furnished throughout. Cuisine and appointments unsurpassed. , . frOlr I Beautiful BuiltHiig Lots ltht . SKYLAND SPRINGS Bl'NCOJIBE COUNTY, N. C. Skyland Springs Is a new resort, laid off In building lots, right miles south of Asheville, on . me A. at e icauroaa anu ine ncnticrsonvuic riac. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE, j Twcnly-sKvcn SprinK Chalybeate, Alum, Iron, Bpaora, Sulphur, Magnesia, and Freestone niro ett nrl health irlvlnsT. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "all the vear 'round," with low rates and beat of rooms and fare. Several buildings are going up. Saw Mill and Planer making lumber right in the place. ror a snort time, enoice lots are onerea very low to settlers or investor. Grand views, level lots, wide streets, pure air, fine water, OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. . , maylO dnm 5 -.ilviti? If Gen. Greely ever has a monument erected to him it oujjht to be a statue- wet. Ladies are requested to attend the auction at Burt Dcnisons jewelry stort if tliey want goods in his line, as he I wants money to pay Dins. A Salem, Dakota, ncwspajier prints an advertisement that deserves a response riehtawav. It reads: "It John Jones, who twenty years a;oHecrted his poor wile and bjitic, will return, said babe will lick i he stufin' out ot mm. OBTLANlJ BKOS., Real Estate Brokers, And i Iiivcdtiueiit t AjrentH. Offices: No. 50 South Main st. Second Hour. febfldly INSURANCE. piRBlNSURANCB. FI11E. LIFE. ACCIDENT. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Haa the Finest and Largeat Stock ot WHISKIES, i BRANDIES i AND t WINES, liver Hi-ought to Asheville. I'artles wishing u good article for family or other purposes, will find it to their luterest to give me a call. Respectfully, . , f PULLIAM & CO. At the Hank of Asheville, ASHEVILLE, N. C. mnrHlilly Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r. 7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR OENTLiMEN. IlCSl in ins worm. 1'i uafnil. .00 OKNITINK IIAKP-NI;- 4.IHI HANIl-NKWH) Wyi'IJf",. -i 5:l.0 I'OI.HiK AND rAKMKUV .f"0K .0v and H.75 JMIVS' M HOOL SHOES. All nsd. la Voltaren, Itutton ud U V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE laCTcs. RMt Material. Bst Stylo. Bert FlUta. If aut sold by your dcsltr, writ. M Kxntnlne W. I- noairla; .H ! for Uciitlemen and ladieH. For sale by IIERRINf. & WEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C jurl9dly As the butcher adds the weight of his hand to the steak he piously sujhs to himself, I love to steal, awhile, a weigh. Careleaa Mothers. Many mothers have permitted their children to die licfore theireyes when they miirlit huvc been saved. Any mother wlio keeps house without a bottle ot Acker's Emrlish Haby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some time rcirret. It lias saved the lives ot thousands ot children, anu is noiiiR so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & Co. A Second street mother threw her young hopeful's pack of cards into the bontire. She forgave the youngster wbrn he nttemoted to tramp out the tire, singing the while, "The boy stood on the burning deck. LESION ELIXIR. The authorities of the city of Prague will not permit the Kussinn author, Filipoff. to lecture there. Thev have had no difficulty in scaring Filijioff. The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. H. Mclean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. It is a sure remedy lor coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and ung troubles. 1-or sale by t. L,. jacous, druggist. New Arrival Can I come in ? St. Peter Where do you hail from ? New Arrival From Boston. St. Peter Boston, eh? Well, you can go in, but 1 want to warn you you will be disappointed. - "One breaks the glass und cuts his fingers; But they whom Truth and Wisdom lead, Can imtlier honey from a weed." Those who are wise, nnd who love the truth, will believe what we say when we tell them that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres cription has done more to relieve the suf ferings of women, than all other medicines now known to science. It cures all irrcg ularities. internal inflammation and ul ceration, displacements and kindred troubles. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a posi tive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will givesntistacti in in every case, or money will I refunded. This guaran tee has lieen printed on the bottle-wrap per, and faithfully carried out for many ears. The drummer needs no marble shaft erected to his memory. His cheek is his monument. Represent the following compunics, vis. : F1KK. CASH A8HKTK IN I' Anuln Nevada. nrCnlifi)rnia,........a,!7,HH.'! Continental, of New Vord. , 4,H75,(W;i Hamiiurg-Bremen, oi (.ermaiiy...,. 1,1 h,i London Assurance, of Hngland l,r4-H,ln Niagara, of New York 2,2'-tf,M Orient, of Hartford l,7,il'.t: Phiemx, ol Brooklyn 0,0.r,17S St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota -.... l,nl,oni Southern, of New Orient: 4.:,i!H4 Western, ol Toronto l.OMt.Wi Mutual Accident Association. .4vtna Life Insurance Company. dtnmrtU -THE- "Logic la LokIg." Now, there was the case of ourfriend Mc Kay ; He said to himself, in his resolute way, That a cough which was growing from bad to worse Must lie cured, in spite of a slender purse. An ocean voyage wasoutof the question, A Florida. trip a useless suggestion ; Yet die he wouldn't ! His money he paid For the "Golden Medical Discovery, by Dr. Pierce made ; And as sound as a nut is his health to- duv "Logic is logic, that's all I sny." "Golden Medical Discovery" is the only medicine for the diseases tt is recom mended to cure, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufact urers, that ifit don't either benefit orcure in every case, the money paid for it will be promptly relundeu. For two years 1 li:.d rliciminllrr.il oh ilt'.;:l H disabled i-.u-f rw and oiiuliieil I v tn i " bid for i.V J-i.-rturiliK w'.lrll I : -I could mil en lit ' e.in huiidslnl I it, l: for 8 iiionli ,c.ii!i I' 1 IIHIVU IIIVHI It 1 tl ul 1 nilureil in 1. ' I h kIPStiiMllis. V.'i . iln -' 'id liy lie t i!.;rTlii; only lo trow wi ne. Finally I look Hwtfl's Snpeiflr, snd r xm h y improve. After awhile wnsst my work, nut lort e Kl lv months hnvti he ss well s I niw v as al. a tlx cBuctt of Hwllt's Hprcinc. JnllH 1!aT. Jsn. S, rt. Wayno, I ml Books on lilood and Plcln Dlsrsma ninlli-d frn). , . . uwurr Krsciric Co., lUnta, 0 MUSTAIIG LiniUEHT rnnnu vn vu nrrtNK. TT1TR. f'OUNS, A PLEASANT I.KMON DRINK. - For biliousness and constipation, take T .mull Flivir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take T jtiirin l-'livir. For sick and nervous neaunencs, iaac Lemon Elixir. , For 8lce)lessnes8 and nervousness, take Lemon Iilixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Hlixir. .... For fevers, chills ana miliaria, iukc Umon Hlixir will not fail yon in any of the above diseases, alioi wiucnnnsc " a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid- eys, bowe i or oiooo. i repuui .. lV DR. H. Mozi.ky, Atlanta, Ga. '50c. and $1 lr bottle. Sold by dmg- gists. n ........wiru U'UI'TI.'U a plff IMIKK?i I Mini; lew Aftprten venrs of irreat sullcring from imligcstion, with great niTvous pro..,.. .;,, hilioiisness, disortlercil khiih-vs m." .......tinntion. I hiive lain cured by Dr, . . . i-i::- iintv it m i....'m i omiiii r.iinr. uim iim wcllnian. Kev. C. C. Davis, Elder M. E. Church. South. No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, tn npr21 dtoc21 th su UUSTAla LOiEfJT aniSP'ffiMir' Pennsylvania having decided that a man's nose is his rvn, and that he may naint it any color he chooses, she may vet liecome more libera! on other grent questions. What will Brown's Iron Bitters cure ? It will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, weak ness, malaria, rheumatism nnd all similar tlisenses. Its wonderful curative power issimnlv because it minhes the blood thus beginning nt the foundation, and by building up tne system onves out an oia- ense. r or tne peculiar irouoies to w oieo ladies arc subject it is invaluable. It is the onlv nrenarafiori of iron that does not color the teeth or cuuse head- ache. FITS CtlKKU PV OI.II RPBCIALI8T ril VSILIAN. Hotlle of medicine Free. We war rant our rented vtocurc the worst cases, mid the only physicians who do this to prevent your lK-lnj( inimscu vHn iiy men inu fiiiHr names nnd who are not Ooctors, Hernusr others failed Is no ressnr lor not ... ihis mnlleine. Give Bkimtm and Post offi.-e .ddress. It costs you nothing. Addiess Asnhel Medical Bureau, 3M Brosdway, New Vork ' )aaa7dwi nusTAtiG Li:;u.iEtiT rmiES noLTjOwtToiiTf, takep bagr, OUUi HOOF """Hli Ifi JATTL EQUITABLE LIFE AttMurauce Society NO. t2( IIUOA1IWAY, NKW VllKK. Cash Assets 9V04a,M.)6 Cash Surplus 20,744,7 IS. $ The StronKest, most lilierul and iiiohI pro-grt-ssive Coinpnny in the world. Its Tontine Policies with 18 and 20 year iH-iiods (when issued in appropriate form) otter to insurable persons a two-fold advan tage. Protection Against Loss I A Secure and Profitable Investment. ) E. 0. Monroe, AgtM Asheville, N. C Office with Judge Aston. feliKHdom PrKienti in the mot elegant form TH8 LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUIOE or TH . FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of platrU known to' be" most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to pernia nentjy cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the AIDNEfS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Itls the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated Ml THAT MJRI BLOOD, RIPMSHINO ILII, HEALTH and TRINOTH NATUKAUV S0U.OW. Every one is using It and all are delighted with it. ASK VOU oauOOIST SOS) BYXIXJIP OX PIOH IMNUSAOTuniDONVr V CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL, misviut. in few row, . r. WM. Pi, PENNIMAN, PKOPRIBTOKOP THE ASHEYILLE BRICK WORKS Asheville, N. C. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale nnd Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertakers. Prompt ultfiilioti ivcn to all orders dny or nijrht. Residence 1 39Penland Street. Mildly P. O. IIOI P. marl 3d ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, rinuosttc the Dust- office. Oiien daily, txcent 8undavs, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and 5 until 7 p. m. Tne terms ot subscription are: line yeaT t2 ; A itiiii., $1.00: 3 mot., $1 : 1 mo., no cts.: daily n cts. ..oi . 4uuii . : . ri t ii 1 OlllCCrS HIT 1 "niri iTHIIirill. 1. I. I. (. " in , Vice-President. Charles W. Woolscv : Sec. and Treas., I). 8. Watson ; Librarian, Miss U. J. Maun. Citisens and visitors are cordially Invlleil to inspect the cutaloKue and Inscribe their names as members. filiMiltf SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - DIRECTORS, jE. WOLFB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik dune. juhliinK and kaisominitiu pioniptly at tended to. Resilience, Clnvton 8t. Orders can lie left with W. H. Westall Mt Co. tcbltdUin L HUSTAtlG Llilir.'.EtlT ITF.AIiB TNFLAMJI ATtON, OLD HOKEU CAJLKl) UltEAbTti .i-ttJATi' lilTKbl MRS. 8. STEVENSON Una removed to the lohnston llnilillnil. Pat ton avenue, corner ol Church street, wllt-re she is prepared to keep regular or transient hoarders. Table furnished wllh the best the market affords, Terms reasonable. niarHl Old .lUSTAIIG Lliili.ibllT IS FOR MAN BKA8T. FF.NF.TRATE8 MUBCLE A, FUJKJi 10 T1U1 V HON K EMBALMING AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. 31 j i PATTON AVjllNIUII.. Ji P. II. Ilrewton will attcudlCalU Day aiidJNIjtht. marldly wmm ummn i.iustaiig li;;i!:.hit CIIHI'.H KIIKIIMATUSM, LAME BACK CCnKS FOOT ROT, STiOTJLDF.n.ROT, ANUBTII'KJOIN'IU UllHlNUAlU BOUiiW-WOKU ANDSCAil LM BUlii.i' I VUUIHE8, CIUUILAIN 8 4 FUOSTBITEU

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