MlRKKTIt BV TKI.lXiRAPll. KIISCLLLASCOL'S. ASUEVILLK AMLKTISI-MLSTS. H. T. COLLINS, rresiik-nt. E. E. LAG AN, tWcrt tar 1 he r-1 : '4 every mm-nic . frscept M . i i . , iv.mui rate tiumitf cm: Money and Isectirltlesl Cotton - Swannanoa Hotel. DON'T ORDER From your(irotT, t-vt'ii for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT Ikvaurio it m made in Abbeville, , YOU KNOW," Hut we pledge our word for it, that no , ASIIEVILLE ICE C 0 P A I ,(U t M. 1 rtirt ,.o OO rrotlnlaua and Produce. MOMMY aid iicnmit 3 IX) ISO 60 IS i i. I'Dtxcrtlrd ctii-jac. m... New Yons. Jan St. Exchange dull but Popular with tonruU, farailkra aad b-inra On Wees. ..... Ovrnrnm will deliver the paper ever y mr-n' m fWT part erf the city to our eub . and parues wan nw it wt please rail at tut (.iTiina Uluoc Mew Ad vertlacmeu l . Lost Taj. Offioe. For kral B. B. -taint. Atu-u-a, A. L. I. J. H. Barnard. Yctcnaary fc-rgeon J. V. Rolling.. ' T A "Wet" Victory. steady. men. Pure lee made from Distilled Water. Ofliie: No. Moofy easy, lta3. ftub-Trcaeury balsnc-ea-johl, 9134.209.- Electric can paaa the door. Ooo; enrrency, Sl, 745.000. BAWLS UK OK., Gomnnnit bonds, dull Dot stranr ronrm fcbldly Prir'ft. Pattou Avenue. oeTcBts.S1.2; 4W per cent. ai.ou.. State bonds dull and fcaturrlcs.. FIXE MERCHANT TA1LCH1N llil'luA 2aA HHt INOFac. lstmor M9i Ala. Class B.6-..112HIN. V. Central D. C. Wa-dell, President. W. W. Barnard. Vice I'reaident. Lawrence PulUaai, Cn shier t Go. 7a, Blurt 1U8UIN. W. phi 01 , m f L'nflL.M..ix non era I a. K. C. Com., 4a BHWS. P. pfd S 4.C. Brownn...lo iPacificMad 44 F. S. BLACK, WHITER DREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Ten a. 6........ .loV!keadin 47J. T. b . lllA IKica. Mi Allr 10 THE BANK OF ASIIEVILLE, H-R-iwOMBtYO, Va., J oik 24. In tbe lucid option election, a large rote wu Tenn. Set.. 8a 7HWK. W. Point.. 66 South Slain Street, VirifiiA aa 4M Mark isiana..-.. vet l int. raai ... t:.:: daily cmz-r lH.rg4i.ito.ted. Tbe district ha. proba-1 """ ZwZrSXinA bit rone wrt. Harrisonburg given ma-1 pel x Lock i47S,lTcnaCoaiMro 3hi -.rit re--Ivor for the drra. I Brie 37SH!nlon Pacific 81 j , . ton M. I. Central HI1 an . I Lake Shore lOSAyMo. Paonc...... 73- " w-.ww- . . liuLIWpatM . I Hum na-v. oil 8S 4 t:- UMm- s.r --llir' I Mem. At Char... SO Cotton -seed . r J ' unh avohio 12U Certificate... something new, A lot of aona wnticiNash. aciu fs ,run.wicx handle knives at $1 per art. Beat quality I corroa. nlated Itmona. fork. arki aiKTta. Oct IDT I LimraiiL. Ian Noon Cotton quiet. . , , . ... it. f I fair demand. American middling l l'i. pncea before boying plain pattern.of (tak,7-tHa,,.peciaion and ik. k.- .ArrA nlo,. Hilnn ktiltn' diahea. I ortnu 2.IMKI. Amertraa 6HI. Futarea rloard " " ' . I nntrt but Btead r. etc.' Real bargain are onered. There mncb of hrtereat now at Law's, oppomte the postoffice. Railroad Ticket. BoncbL sold and exchanged. All trans action g-aranUed. Kcliable inlornta tkn cbterfnllT fumihfd. Uttice reinoTcd to Grand Central Hotel. W.M.Clarke. TbtscboolboT who was wont to have hi. dav. of learning blended with doses of .hingle remembers the pedagogue as his patterta saint. Dr. J. W. Rollins, retennary surjjeon, has opened I, office in Kay's stable. Sec bis card. wo". - An alligator prlirthfMk, between Bcvier'n Ubka and Win. WeataU't houae on Merri on Arcnoe, containing private paprra nnd two cheefca. TM awMf win ua rcwarucu uj retnrning it to the C1TUKN OfflCH. J. W. ROLLINGS, Vctcriuar SurKCOi . Will pr-rtier hi the town and nrronnrline coantrr. Also nav acientinc noracanwuiK done. Offlw in Col. Kar ataulta. . junJSdawlw nuiet but atead r. a P. a. American middlina, S1-1H 8nli tiwlar Included 6.WKI American June Bill AA Knvera: lunc and Inlv fi 61414. bavcrM Jul; and Augunt S Oi-IU. arlk-n: Auiruatuii.l ScutenilieT o niia. aciiera; acpicniiicr ami netolirr 8 43414. aellera: CK-tolier nnd Norrni her. fi a4. arllrr. NoTrmberanil lieeemiier. 81414, acllrra; Hecemlier and January 5 31- 4. arllen: aentemlirr S 614)4, aellera. ru turea einacn dull. Naw Voaa. lune 4. Cotton eaar. bmk to-dnr 81 balea; mldilling unlnndi 10 8 11 aiiddlinR Orleana It 316. Total net rrcriit at all porta tolay 111 3 Kxporta to Great Hntain jku. ntoca jiu.u.o iwh-b Nsw Yona, June 24. Cotton wet rrcein 0: aroaa 170 Puturea cloacti unlet nut trade. Balea SN.7IMI balea. lune 1ii.4into.4l lice .Ka v.n.i lulr 10.4i)all 4lian... 0 hm AM . II .ii rcu Sept lU.OKalo.OUl March 10.04al0 0.1 (ct... . li.MIAnril iii.iaaio.iJ Nov .7'J 9.i Mar raovnuoNi i'"iK:c riai'iauATi. lune 24. Flour atrndr. Wheal Mairr .No .2 retl HriaH7. Corn linrtcr No. 2 mixed 87a.H74. Onlafluii no. 2 nnu -n 2ftW- I'ork atcady 12.1'J'. I.ard atcadr fl.27W.aa.:iO. Uulh meata ateady. Ilacoii linn abort clear 7.0O. V. hianejf ateatiy l.ov. Ht. Luma. Mo.. June -24. flour aun. beat eaah Srm No. II red HOMot Corn -No. SI mixed caah 81 W. Oata No. 3 eaali 3M bid. Whiakcr 1.02. Baitim OMR, June 24. Flour miny active and rirm. Wheat Houlhern entirely noml- Oppoaite the Swannanoa Hotel. A line line of Kuitmga to arlrct from. I-nve your order for a periect Rttlnx 8ult. E. FOGETTE, Architect. Plana and ape eineSil n prepared and esti mates jriven, at abort notice. Office : Wolfe Building. Court Houar Square. Ashrville, N. C. may30dly Can lie made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT In the most iopular atraight goods in this market. Ask your (irtxr for the above Iirands, maiiufactumlby the ASIIEVILLE MILLING CO. ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. ASHEVILLU, N. C. DIKsCCTORS I I. P. SAWYER, . G. MARTIN, . L CAHKOLL. T. W. I'ATTON. W . W. UAKNAKI). U.C. W AM'I-I.I., I. X. L. 9IARKICT. Nu.ierior lhm and fck)ft Coal at Wholesale and lletail. G-U. W. WILLIAMS., ol AVilmiptou, N. C. aal Pulti MnaW2: Longlierrv S7nll3; Weatcrn liter rcu white 4 41a44: western iiukt and nrm. dull and easir: No. 2 whiter red spot nominal. Corn Southern higher; white 4:in40; yclluw Cor. Pat ton Avenue and liepbt Ktrect HAS CHOICEST Beef, Veal, inuttou aud Lamb Always on hand in tbe Beat Refrigerator in town. JAM EH WOLPB, I'rop'r. may24 unm . . A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER GILDER AND VARNISHER, Is prepared to do all kinds of Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriages, Hrctts. Hur ry", lluggirs, Carts and W agVns nnd have tbem varniibcd or repainted, so they will look aa (rood as new. All work warranted not to crock, blister or conic off until It wears off. Terms reason able. . Khop on Harnett Hill, Eagle street, mnrHlddm Office: No. 30 Fatton vwk. Yard: Old DeMt. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKKET. While we Have the FineHi and Most Fanhloiiable tiood. lul ' Our Line, Oldest Bank in Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FIND $20,000. We ulbi buve Hk- chcaa.-st. Cull and set-us. T HUNT. New home, eight rooms, servanta' room, wood aad so-l rooms, city water, ana i aa exceedingly convenient houae, convenient to Public Biinarc.- Numerous closets, eloiik rooms and other conveniences. Apply to . B. ATKINS, Corner Woodfln and Female College. Locust rit reels, neat Jun24 dl w ATTKNTION I Merabera of th Ashevlllo Llli . Infanlrv. Voa are herehy ordered to meet at your Armory to-morrow I Wednesday) evening, In fall snlfomt, at S o'clock sharp. By order al OMN It. BAKNAKIl, -apt. Com'd'g. F, M. KIMODKLI, U. B. All me in here are ordered to leave their measures lor Helmets at W. II. Lea', store, No. 17 N. Mala M. Kon't lull. 2t Cmc ado. Iuik 24 Cash ouotalions unlay were aa follows: Flour dull. Wh.nt No 2 red MOU. Corn No. 2 iir.'i. Oats No. 2 22. Mesa nrk 1.70all.7S. Lard a.fi2'A. Short ribs n.wiao.H.t; shoulders ft.l2Wuu.2a; short rlear H 1 2uil 2A. Whiskey 1 .02. Naw Yosk. iuneZ4. HoutiHrrn nour steady. Wheat No. 2 red 4. Corn winker June 41. Oh is dull and weaker June 2fH,, Uopx steady and nuiet. Cullce optiona closctl weak lulv 14 (ria!4 an. Molasses loreign strong. KutsUhU valid iiiilet. Petroleum higher rrnnrd 7 .111. Cottonseed oil dull crude 40. RimIh atead and uuiet. Turueiltine aunt. Hides ouiet and steady. Pork steady. Lard closed steaily wesurn.lesm U na. l'rcights steady. SALE OF THE JCOWAN LANDS 1 RARE C1IANCK FOR UOOD BARGAINS, f Valuable Improved and Va- Improved Property to be OlHpo-ed of on ICaity Teruia. Schedule Street Railway. To tuke cftcct Friday, March 1, at 8.30 a. m Car leaves Court House fl.HO a. m " " 7. till " " u.oo From then till T P. m. car leaves court honm every iio minutes. Also, car leaves court nouse at n.uo p. ni. and U.UO p. m. rAsn,riTa nnis. W. B. MAKX. Prop'r. RI'FUS UAWSON, 8upt. ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND M'F'G CO., FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Patent llaugcr. Painta, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed 1'aints and Colon. Window Glass, botk Pmich and American We keep in stock St. Louis anil Kentucky Lead. Icbbdly GEO. KIMBER, 6ENERALC0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work aspevialty. Orates, Kunges and Boilers act. Duildinga moved and repaired In first class nnnncr. sewerage, lirnluagc and traps for the same I thoroughly understood and promptly at- I tended to. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Hiinre, Ashevllle, N. C. maySOdly Plenty of Goods. -M ANUFACTl'KKKS OF LIQUIDATION SALE. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER PLATED WARE, AT AUCTION! THE STOCK OF BURT DENISON, No. i8 Pattou Avenue, By virtue of an order of the rtuiwrior Court I I of Buncombe county, made in the case oljt-sse I I r. Cowan and others, ex parte, I will sell nl nuinic auction on i hi'hmiay, tiik fikki I l'AY OK AUOUST. IKNU, and .weeding days until all the proirrty I. sold, the following real estate, at tile places and on the I' stilted below, to-wlt: 1. T he tract ot about lno acres, lying on the head waters of nmith's Mill creek, in II comlie county, adjoining lands of Jatnes cowan ana timers, being part oi tneoiitjiinn Cowan farm and known aa the Camilla Cowan lands. This tract is situated only three or four miles from the city of Anhcville, aud is well suited ior division into small truck fUrms, heslilcs containing many elegant sites lor building purposes. The tract will lie sold in one IhmIv, promptly at 12 o'clock in., on aid Thursday, August the first, 1NMII, at the vourt nouse ooor lu Asnevme. 2. Immediately after the sale of the forego. Ing tract, I will sell ON TUB PKKMI8K8. the brick storehouse lot on the north margin of Patton avenue, in the city of Ashevllle. now occupied bv Mr. H. H. Cosby aa a Jewelry store. This lot has a front of twenty-seven feet and nine inches on Patton avenue, and runs back to Pulllam street, adistanceuf 140 ten. I bis property I. very valuable. 8. Next In order I will sell.ONTIIBPRKM I8KS, the tract of land in said city, opposite . .i.vm w a.,,,.,,, v ow nil, iMjaoovo I a ,, , fl 1 j. y, . . I on tnesiwa ny t-atton avenue, on the north ni iV I1U.H I jU'IlllH II 1 1 OUlXOeN. by llaywotMl stret, on the east by the Lyman 'I r!'.diiiio?-.,-":1??A.?.',JtS. ,,3,.1tht we now offer at cost what we .J..a .w OT,.n ,....MU 1,1V JMHIUWH oi t-atton avenue aan tiaywooa street, lor- meny ownea oy lames uuttihk. This tract has been divided Into eleven lots which will Ik sold first separately by lots, and Biter- warns in one ihhiv, ami the sale which brings the highest aggregate price will be .taken as the sale thereof. 4. Alter the snle of the foregoing tract milll all IIM T14U liUUMIUL'u .I.- .i..u.. lots on the north side of Haywood street and few CaSeH of tlie Com that M'e yiwc-u ,1 ni.ii mo sireei, in s hi city, em-1 t uracing ine snin late resilience or canndii n pt OTTei'iniT lit, II If THP 11111 Cowan and aevernl otrn-r hoUKes. nil more " ' u 1 "'8 " " 1" till! call early us we will stion be 3 Car. Corn 1, 2() bushels. 1 Car Outs 1 .(MM) bushel.. 3 Car. Hay not) bale.. 1 Car salt 3)0 tack.. 1 Car Bran 200 sacks. 1 Car shorts 200 sack. 1 Cnr Plour. These Roods on hand and no house will sell for less price.. Our stock of 6ne Groceries replenished daily. Call and ace us. A.D.COOPER. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Having disposed of the car have left of a car of Ibtcon. We do thin in order to close out the car and make room for another. If you wish a Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Ceiling- and all Kindt of Mill Work. Hunlwood Interior finish a specialty. apr2r) dim OAK STREET INN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of oak. and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner of oak and Woodlin streets, near the Female College, and only three sou u res from the court house. Wc have a number ofclegantly4urnished rooms to accommodate hoarders who desire a I nice, uuiet place, aw ay from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, nratliiss I cooking, at rcaaonaoie pncea. Also, not ana coin buths. Dr. T. J. MARCAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. LUMBER YARD. sEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubledny & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - Glass, Tutty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shlnplcs. Laths, Fencing Post.. Aiatenai. dfOrdrr. will receive prompt attention. DOORS, All kinds of Building RblOdly W. T. PKMN1HAN. W. B. PKNNIMAa. PENNIMAN & CO., All modern and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lunu thront and nine, by the tabulation of vaporised and atoniixed fluids br the oneumnile mid eompreseti air apparatus ; also compound i.'xygen iu connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees nenr Ashrville.) we also manuiacture a Home Treatment ot the compound Oxygen, which in, equal to the office treatment, and will be sent on application bv expn ss, on receiot of nricr. at 2. Our success here for tke past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, har. ing curea many canes inac were prtinounceu nofieicss, vv nose names ana residences can be obtained by calling at the sanitarium. H.v permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen oi .isneviiie: n. j. astim, ex-niayor; j. a. Keen, Clerk ii. a. court; Key. G.C.Kan. sin, pasior first meinoaisc nurcn ; wev. w. a. neison, pastor First Haptist Church: H Collins, Capt. Natt Atkiuson. X. J. HARuAN, M. . jOBBXKS AND DKALIKI IX H ! A ; Rj D i W : A i R ! E ASIIEVILLE, IS. C. T. THE "BONANZA," THIU.EA1IING ' ' WINE AND .. LIQUOR . STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND MILLIARD ROOM. I NO, 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. A. MAUQt'ARUT. M'K'r. 1.HW18 MAHDUX, Pre. L. P. Mcl.OUs, Vice-Prcs. B. RANKIN, C.jhler. I E. Kay, j. B. Keed Aahcvllle, N. C, WILL BE OFFERED AT AUCTION, IMtrtlcularlv dcacrilied iu the pleadings and order of sale. 1 will first offer these lots sep arately by lota, aud afterwards in one bodv, and the biglust aggregate price ottered will ue taken as the sale ol the same. o. I will next Mil the tract consisting of fifteen lots, lying near and northward ol Hill street In said city, formerly owned bv Alfred Webb and occupied hy lesacT.Cownu. This tract will be sold llrst by lot. separate! v and afterwards as a whole, and the highest out. We have only a few- cases of the Pie Peaches left i at 10c. iHr can. While bav in"; your attention drawn to commencing Monday evenino. ft?!" u mw wl" M tne "' - these siMH ial bamiuis do not JUNE 2t, AT 7.30 1 M.. AND CON TINUING EVEKY AFTERNOON AT 3.30 AND EVENING AT 7.30, UNTIL THE AMOUNT SOLD WILL COVER THE CLAIM. I MAKE THIS SALE FOR ONE PUR- POSE ONLY, AND THAT 18 TO OB TAIN CASH TO l'AY MY INDEBTED NESS. THE STOCK IS ALL FIRST- CLASS AND WILL POSITIVELY HE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, AND I WARRANT EVERY ARTICLE TO BE AS TUB AUCTIONEER KEP- KF.SENT.S THEM, OR MONEY RE FUNDED. LADIES ARE REQUESTED TO AT TEND THESE SALES. II. Lastly, I will sell the brick dwrllluu I...... 4 ,.P 4l... f... il...i house lot on the north margin of llnywood lH" tillv liM-'l llllit Wf street. Hounded on tnc suiith by said street, on the north by 1. W. Miller's lot, on the west by Capt J. M. llnilger'. lot, and on the east by the lot owned by the Key. J. L, M. Curry. TI:KNH Of HAI.ttl One thlril of the purchiiM money will lie re quired iu eash, the balance to lie secured by notes of the purchasers, in two munt Install ments, due rraiNFvtivrly in one and two years from date of ante, with interest at the rate of N Per cent, per annum from date of sale. Titles rclnined till purchase money is paid. Im proved city property will have to lie kept In sured by the pure hum r for the la'netit of the hcira-at-law ol Canada Cowau, decenscd, un til payment f the first deferred Installment, in an amount to tie designated by mc on the day ot sale. Purchasers will have the option ol paying all the purchase money in cash on the confirmation of the snle and taking titles Immediately thereafter. For further particulars nmilv to mc at mv office in Ashevllle. where full plntsof the prop- erty can lie aeen ; and I will gladly show the iropcrt v to anyone desiring to sec It. Messrs. P. A. aomllcv and M. K. Carter, counsel In the case, will also lie glad to furnish any fur ther Information they may have as to the proisrty. inn June A. L. CAKTHK. Commissioner. L OUT. '. with A Sfon y. i s. ht-tMin to llatteiy l- w ard. Hook tnsidv, tie. sit on A venne ho- I'ark and rer-rivc J. N. MORGAN Ac CO., No. j Barnard Building. School and Colleijo Text Hooks, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Hiojrajihy, Travel and Novels, Faiuily Bibles, S. H. Pibles and Test.- ainents, t)xtord Teachers Hibles, Sou llookH of all kinds, larjjestock Stationery. Blank Hooks and Otticu ami School Supplies. NVw line liUdies' and (lents'" Pocket books just opened. Fauey (loods and I Kills. fcutodlv LOAN. . Prom SI. turn to an.lMMJ on anrneumliered tmprovid city re I .stuu at H p,r crat. Ap- carry the largest stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain. Hay and Flour to lie r . i 1 is.. a iouiki in tno MJiu?, ami can offer sKcia,l inducenientH to wholesale or retail buyers, With a big, clean stock, bought for cash at the right t une, we defy eonietitioii, POWELL & SNIDER Court Square. LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, Plushes, WhiteGoods. ijiwcs, riinoroitieni's, uio bons. Art Niinllework Mate rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' Un derwear, lrimbreiuins 'lable tbvers, Pillow Shams, Tidies, etc., etc. lessons in Art Kni- broidery mid Stamping free to all who puivlmw material. Kid tilovesnttciitothehand . . 1 a fcwunping uono wniio you wait, at SARAH E LUCK'S, Corner of Main and Willow streets, under swannanoa Hotel, Uishctoks: l-wls Maddux, Ml. Meanlen, M.J. lagg, J. Ii. Kunkin, J o. ii . rieeu, uni, o, ruwui, v m. mctouu. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK A8I1UV LLK, N. C, FEBRUARY let, 1KKH. -Orgunitrd May 1st, 1 888. CAPITAL, f 30,000. . . SCRPLCS, $5,000 8TATB, COl'NTV ANIi CITY JIKI'OSITORY. jHies a oenerni Kunaaig Huslncas. l)eiosits received. Exchange bought and sold. Cot- lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive a,ieclnl attention on an sum. in this department, deposited Tor tour months or longer, interest at the rale of 4 per cent, per annum will lie paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will 1 placed for long time on real sonable term. "i" ..ww a m. .... ... 0 ,. i, yjU osiuiuitji mc oaviug in iirtnicnt will ucopcntill h p.m. febailtf WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hurt ife Williamson,) MANPPACTt'RKKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldiiifrs, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. . ;,.,...... . . . AGRSTS FOR ; - DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO r OLD HICKORY WAGONS, 8TUDEBAKER WAGONS, "OLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. b9dty ' -i - - . .1 Anything lu the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. - BURT DENISON, mvussw febiodtf PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, J ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. If Plans aud Specification? Furnished ou Application W have thorough mechanic In ,h line who have had man, years' experience in there . bumnrM. rVc can nt.r r.ot,- 4i-r j ' " - F"VB BHUSU,-U BALLARD, RICH feblSdly Uoa in onr work, a low tiKura. & BOYCE. C II. CAMPBELL, AC.FNT8 FOR The Huckcvc Pump, Steel ami Tin Shinnies, Flotir ami Hearth Tiles. Mildty AI'.KNTSa xi'f'ks. OK Byrkit's I'm cut Sheathing Lath. Manufacturer and Wholrui. sif.i GINGER ALU, CHA9IPAGNE rim LEMON SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, I CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. i Factory, ai7 Haywood Ht. . a-, u. mix 8H4. - ASIIEVILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE AND TILE WORKS. N OTICU. Notice Is herehy given that the partnership lately existing lietween T. W. Theash, P. II. Thrash, Max Llndan aad W.J. tioagh. of the city or A.hevllle, anilrr the firm nam. of 1 nrasn. nongn in, was dissolved oa the ny 01 May, 1M. hy mutual consent. Mas l.indan and W. I. Hough assuming the payment of all debts due hv the Arm. All persons indebted to the Arm will please Port 1m ns rvaisni. sinns niAj... .Ma pn-. ' - ..u . .., esieeoipgiy nannsonie In appear. - --- ovoioisanu very iiurnoK-ior walks in yartl., sidewalk., floors ftir rublhr lluildlngs. Halls, l'onlies, lintraiiees, IV. semen ts, Bujcher 8how, Ac. Hiecial site., color, aud designs for IIBARTtls. linndsome Carriage tllorkswlth nam. BEST GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT AND GOOD BUILDING SAND FOR SALE. -ample, of Block., ete., can be seen at office oyer J. E. .Hckcron, Hardware Store, on ruone square, cornel or aout -lain .tract. P.O. llox 834, C. V "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, ft C. Pof the mviitiiin nt ....L.. rr , .. '-"""i.uauiieniigoi tliBcaacs iuiirs and throat, and conducted ion tl plan ol .n.ianics at Otrrbersdorf and Falkenstein in Gcr rnany. Ours is the only such institution in the United Mates, and endorsed by the leading members o. tin; medical profcMion. . rrms reasonable. ' KARL VON RUCK, B. 8., M.D. .are t5otr "-Jireeavllle kn. rasa. Aft. L, Ja.T dtf amim nu, if. Me Loud Building. art IK at once. aiayutt dJot BiaraedSai f. croadwajr. V