rim daily citizi'.n. The Ormtf la the mint citrnalvrlv clrru lnt.,1 ami WKlHy read ncWapMrr in Western rim l h I arultiia. Im 1iM tiNHiifi of nubile men anil nritiam Im in thr iiiirrrnt of public lntru:itty, hunrat .tovrrmitrnl, and prkirriiHa industry, Anil it wi uu priaotiMi allegiance in treating- pub-lit- iNU(-H. 1 hr citiikr pulill.hr. the dlapatchra of the A -mm hii trd I'rrM, which now covcra t hr whole wniir in ita ampc. II baa other fncili tus iff advanced jonrnalliun for ffathmtiK m-wa fnun all quarlera, wilh evrrytlnnKCare twliv e.nirO to occupy the amulh-st apace. himimn nim-t uf any edition will be acnl fee to any one aetiding their addrcaa. Tuana liailv. Id fur one rear: $. for all month.: 60 cent for one month ; 16 crntafor one week, Carrier, wul deliver tlie pnier In every part of the citv to aubarriliera. anil nor Ura wanting It will ukaaccaJI at the Cmzas lice. Aovkhtinso Rats. Reasonable, and made know oa application at thia office. All transwat advcrtiaancnts maat be paid la ad vancc Reading nutlet ten cent per line. Obitu ary, marriage and kecirly notice fifty rent each (not .acceding ten llnra) or fifty ceuta per men. a- FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 18H9. ABORIGINAL. RF.MAINS. The Economist directs attention to the hell mounds scattered along the const of North Carolina, the certain work and evidence of a people lon paused away. They have been carelcsKly accounted for on the presumption of annual festal truth- erings of tlie tribes; and the mounds themselves assumed to he the debris ol feasts prolonged for many days. But this is indolent and ignorant view ol works which, if examined, will prove to be works of design. They mnJ Prov to be similar to the kitchen-middens, found along the shores of the Baltic, the scien tific scrutiny of which has revealed mys teries of tlie past, and enlightened the pages of prehistoric existence. Similar revelations may await the exploration ol our shell mounds. The Economist somewhat lightly sug gests such exploration as the idle, yet ex citing research of picnic parties, cureless, full of the spirit of fun, ignorant of tin value of tlie subject. Against that, let protest be entered. It is work for tin scientist, the arehwologist, the ethnolo gist, interesting to the scientific world nd also to us ol North Curolinu, a proving identity between the mound builds of Western North Carolina and the shell mounds of our Eastern allures. OEN. UNON CAHKKON UKAII. After lingering several days after a sec ond attack of pnrulysis, this veteran statesman and politician quietly passed way on Wednesday evening. Like all men who bad lived to his great age, he hud passed beyond active participation in the work of younger and more youth ful successors. But he Kved to enjoy in quiet pride and satisfaction, the rcsicct and affection of contemporaries, and to close his life with more than the usual en vironuients that constitute human happi ness and contentment.. There was no premature failure of his faculties of ac tion or nf enjoyment, mental or physical t'p to the lost few weeks of his long life there survived in practical vigor, the strength of frame, the bright Hash of the eye, the firm, yet quiet will, the beaming cheerfulness of the man whoso impressed himself uixn his generation. We appropriate (he following eondensu tion of his career from the Baltimore Sun "After ninety years of a life of -wide the greater trort wes spent in active iml- iticnl service amid tlie most stirring scenes and events of the country's his- tory, (5en. Simon Cameron passed away at his country home, nenr Lancas ter, I'a. Beginning life as a printer, ns have so many men who have risen to eminence in this country, and afterwards Kitting newsiiatiers, he accumulated suf ficient capital to enable him to engage in otismess enterprises, eluelly liankinir an railroad construction. In this way he amassed a large fortune, and in time be came a recognized power in business and also in politics. It 1845 he was first elected to the United States Senate, and during the war and until his retirement from public life he was regarded the heud and practically the dictator ol theKcnul Ik-an party in renuiylvunia. His party antagonists sought to cast iiMn mm tin reproach of corruutinii political methods. but personally be was held in the hiiihest esteem and reajiect by his neighbors, and was endeared to his friends by many es timable traits ot cnariictcr. Asa iMiliti cian he was noted for his outspoken, ag gressive utterances and radical mi-Hindu At the breaking out of the civil war he was an eumest advocate of pence, but, ' pn being appointed secretary of wur, he advocated the most vunirous measure It was characteristic of him to folio w out any line of policy he had divided uix with great tenacitv and viiitir, mid h candor and st ronu common sense prolm bly had mis.li to do with building up the sentiment of personal devotion in his party wlisb. always insured him a com . pact and loyal loilowmg." OIH PHKslDKNTH. Of the twent jr-two men who have fillc the Presidential chair, lour strike us as. particularly distinguished, but in dillc ent ways. R. B. Hayes certainly had, and lost, the grandest opNrtiinity for the display of greatness had be iMissrssril it. If he had shown tlie courage to refuse to accept un office to winch he must Imve known he was not lawfully chosen by his people, he would to-dny have been in the hearts ol that people tlie most generally Kpular, as is the must thoroughly unrecognized, of the whole number. Entirely different are the other three. Prominent in bold determination, in forming, sustaining and expressing their convictions or duty, stand uut tlie names of Washington, Jackson and Lincoln. The virtues of tl first have lecn re cently brought to mind by the centennial of his luatiguratvoiw Sufficient time has not yet elapsed siuct Lincoln's death for us to hope that aH southerners will agree With usui placwg him in this trio, (if d,wttT.Io.ilyreml..a oumlve. aiinT rcmlcr by a fc w extracts tukeu from a Teeeeit issue of tlie New York World. In his veto of tlie Bnnk Bill l'residcnt Jackson gave utterance to tlase scnti ments: "Every inonosly and all exclusive privileges are granted at tlie expense ol the public. "It is to lie regretted that tlie rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their sel fish purjMiacs. Utstinetiiiiis in soci ety will always exist. But when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just ndvautogfs, artificiul dfstiuctitHis, to trrant uratuitics and exclusive tirivi- Ic L'is. to make the rich richer and tlie po- t-nt more Kiwcriul, the humble members f society, the fanners, mechanics and In borers, who have licit lur the time nor lie menus ol securing like luvorstotlicni- Ivcs, have a right to complain ol the ijustice of their government. Most ol the ililhculties our govern ment now encounters and most of the laagers which imiiend over the I'uion, ave sprung Iromunabandoniiicnt ol the legitimate objects of government by our fc-. : I v ... ..I . . .1. . i . ! .aLiuaai ucirisiaiurc ami me anouiiou fsuch principles us are embodied in this bill. Many of our rich men hnve not liccti content with equal iwotcction mid oual benchts, but have Ucsoutrht us to make thein richer by acts of Congress. We can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclu sive privileges, against any prostitution il our government to .the advancement if the few at tlie ex.-nse of the many." The following are his views on the sub ject of tariff it-form, and seem to us to correspond well with those of l'residcnt Cleveland. In one of his messages Jackson said: "While the chief object of duties should be revenue, they may lie so adjusted as to encounoe miinulactures. In this nd iustment, however, il is the duty of the Government to lie guided by the general good. Tlie present tariff tuxes some of the Comforts ol lite unnecessarily high, it undertakes to protect interests too local and iersonul to justify a general exac tion. "It is due. in Justice to the interests of the different States, and even to the preservation of the Union itsell, that the irotectioii ntlorclcil nv tne laws to iiuy tranches of tlie national industry should not exceed what may lie. necessary to counteract the regulations of foreign nations. " If, iiikhi investigation it shall I found, us it is believed it will be. that the leuisltttivfimitection granted to anv particular interest is greater than is in(liss:nsably requisite for these oli- iccts. I recommend that it be gradually liininished. and thai, as lar as may lie consistent with these objects, the whole scheme of duties 1 reduced to tlie revenue standard. Tlie safest and simplest mode of ob viating all the difficulties which luive lieen mentioned is to collect only revenue enough to meet the wants ol the dovern- incut, and let the people keep the milliner of tlie property in their own hands, to be used for their own profit. 'In reducing the revenues to the want of the Government your particular nt tention is invited to those articles which constitute the necessaries of lite. justice and benevolence unite in favor of releasing the poor Ironi burdens w hu ll re not necessary to the supmirt ol our Government mid tend only to increase the wants of the destitute. In his furewcll address we find the fol lowing: it is agtiinst the genius of our free in stitutions to lock up in vnlts tbetrensuii of the nation. To take from -the people the right ol m-ariiig arum and put their weiiions ol deleuse In the hands ol a standing unny would lie scarcely more dangerous to their liberties thun to sr nut the (loveriuneut to accumulate un mense amounts of treasure beyond the supplies iieccssaiy toils legitininte wutits Such a treasure would doubtless be em ployed at some time as it has Ihc in other countries when opportunity tern it ted uinlutioii. t "Longress has no right under the Con it it at ion to take money Irom the iieople unless it is reiiuired to execute some one of tlie MiHvilie imwera intrusled to the liovernineutl' and to raise more than W necessary for such puriMses is an alniM of the owcr of taxation and unjust mid oppresive. "l'luin us these principles ap; ear to lie you will yet find that there is a conslnul t-ITort to induce the Government to go Is-voud the limits of its taxing, power and to impoHC utmecersurv imrilens iiih tlie ieople. Many Hiwerlul iiifluenees lire coiuinnaiiy in wors. to procure ueavy duties on coinmerce in d to swell the revenue lirvoiid the real nmssitics of the public service, "There is but one safe rule, and that to confine the General Government rigidl within the sphere id its niipropriu duties. It has no power to raise n revenue or Iiiimimc taxes, except lor the purjiose ecilinerutcd in the Constitution, and i its income is found to exceed those wants it should be forthwith reduced mid the burdens of the (icople so fur lightened." I'mm these extracts we exiiect if Old Hickory lived in Asheville to-day, his IX'inocrucy would Ik: (piestioned, and Is? read out -of tlie '"jglfty by some of our advanced friends. When n woman is hung iii thin comilr we may lie sure she deserves her fan ulwnys excepting Mrs. Snratl. The te tlerness to woman is sometimes fautnsti cally chivalrous; woman is sciircel thought cuinble of crime, scarcely lime able to icualt.v. Yet when a woman bail, she is thoroughly so. The restraint over her once broken, she runs often u ca reer of guilt wider, wilder und more dan gerous than the worst of men, because her sex is the shield iigninsl siisiiiciou History is full of its Lucretia Itin gianjl du llarrvs, its Jlnnvillicrs; ami content pory record kcCW up the wicked cliai Only two or three daysag i,u lemalew hung iu Philadelphia for murder of he husband and child; yesterday we note the murder bv wife and mother ol hus- buiidiiud sons. In the first, iusnnit migot Imve been plead; in the oilier lust ol money, killing the dearest niemlien of her family to obtain the insurance on their lives, as Mrs. Kobitmou, of Massa chusetts did, not many mouths ago to make profit tifllie deaths of seven of her own family, some of them her children. Sympathy mid chivalry are ill sKiit iihiii such uiiiialui.il wretches. Hr. I'nrker Prays civum Van-Ola, Rosa line, Oiigaline and lliatuoud nail powder having now- liecome the ladies' fuvorites, nt lf. L. Jacob's drug store, these Mipular tnnuk'tirc articles may always Is found, together with pocket emery iMiard, or uigc wood slicks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also it complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the IIcIk.1 Soda l-'oimtaiii from which ice cold drinks are disK-nscl. Cor-iR-r Main street and Patton avenue. '. .' n '.'T"" lhwht' Cliieiif;o in his SSth yrur. He li.td very little of tlmt ttistinetive iiiulity in liiui tluit nuulr snme wit divide the niec into "men, women nml Iktvliers," hut wusu pluiii, hiiin-sl, lmiil-workiiiK mill liiitlilul Cliristiuii iiiinistei ol no greiit iimi k. He was born in East ll.-iiiiiilou. I.. I Jiiiiuury 15, 1M02. nm was tiliKiited eiiKllyitt home, study inn; theology wiih in. miner mm men ul Amlover sciiiumty. ICntllUd to the Hc-iit. All art entitled to the beat that their money will buy, so r. verv Inniilv should hitvt, nt once, a bottle of the Ik-sI family remedy, -Syrup Of Tins, to ekanse' the system w lien etisti ve or bilious. For side inDllc.Biid t.W) bottles tttull kudhiK druggists. WV!"!rFR H It'TVIIIF ! "H'h tin fli nt time I've brn fitted iu 12 yearn Houth of olin Wnimniakei-'H," re- i.'trketl one of IWincoinlMfV K'nt eitizeiw. He referred to le licaiitiful wiit juwt iur- lianet from 1'ontie IJioh. & I wriht. iiiiiiumiH oi. jum Much delighted tnen uro twti 'yintf to the beauty anil heaiieHH of all kimlrt of JentH' FuniiMlihiK (Joodw roin a 10c. Half Hone, 25c. He, ;i()e. (lauze Shirt, GOe. SlipH, fl Shirt, f4 Hat, f WillianiH NtH'latitl Shoe, to a 2. Suit. l'lTceH of Straw latH reduced 20 jier cent. (It) at once and iret voui-h. l-V.w(ie.itM'SlipiK.rH left and must go at Home price, The Ladies are remembered in the make-up of Hargaiiw also. IJesitle the trreat stock of I i ..n i wr..:......:..J iMiwiniuunuim x i iiiiuuiin of all shades, the Ladies find many Bargains in Embroid- . . i . I eries, jiiice turtains, iK'atieu Cujk'h, Fans, Bugs, Shoulder Scarfs, Mosijuito Netting, Silk (iloves, Felt innll colors, Hosennil Handkerchiefs by ine iiiouKai.d. Arrangeineius just made with a manufiM't- urer of Ladies' Fine Shoes to control the en tire sale of their goods on this market. Every pair warrants! or money nv funded. Prices far below what you have been paying. Big lot Misses' Kid Spring Heels now in stock. HOOKS AND STATIONERY, ARTHTH' MATKMIAIJt, liNOINHIiKS" SUI'I'LUiS, I'ICTl'KI'.a AND FKAMliS, FANCY 0IK1II8, hlank iioukm,i:vi-:hvuraik KILLS, TOYS ANI1 GAMliS, wi;hti;rn n. c. hcicni-.h, IIOTll PllliTOOKAI'lllC PA1NTKII, -AT- AMI IIANII- ESTAHROOK'S, aa S. Main Street. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING I Sueeessor to WHOLESALE JEWELER. 11, L. LANG. - AND RETAIL Practical Watchmaker and ICutfravcr. URAIIl'ATK OPTICIAN. We muke a aiieeiulty uf repiilrinR Watehc. that hitve never kept Kod time or that have failed nt the hand of IneiimiK-tent workmen Parties wanting liimd iilnsaea enn have their eye. einmini.il I'recofeharKe. We offer Ml rrtiiil for 30 day. the following Kooda nt wholesale priee. : 3 oi. tire Mlver ttennlnc Klnar Wnl- , ,., tlmin Wnteh ,....$4 85 'J 01. Coin tlilvrr , 7.23 Also .N-vil harxatnalnCloekaand Jewelry. A ne (assortment of emtirelUa nnd Cane. -THE GREATEST ATTRACTION: la that line lot of HNOLISlt IlKIDI.Iift and TIIKUH-IIUKN CHAMOIS HliAT sAOHLKS J M AW!XANDERS And the low prkxa at whieh he I. aelllnK all KihkI. in hi. line. lit hus Inerenard hi. fun and Intends to meet the iliiuuml. 8AT1SKACTHIN Ot'AKANTtStiU. A. TliNNIiNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, anevlnt-atton. and eatlmatr. fur. nUhnl. All work IS my line coatraetetl for, and no eharnv. for drawing on contract, a wanted me. Krhrem-. when dndred. time.: No. la Hnuiry llloek, North Court square, Aaheville, N. C. kbllKlly miscellaneous. W. H. LEA Will cominenee to-day to ,.OMt, m,t a iHt of iU.m nunUrtnlMack (ioodn, H'- riettas, etxr., at half eont to (1,W(! ,in(1 nm a ni,, lot of KSeerHUckerH will 1m?hoM at 5, U UII(l Vt (.1h. ,H.r -yn-wi. J These goods have Imvii sell- I tit 1 tf t u it irnti1 f vi ill , 1 J H (r ''f? jh i rMim Voloivd Lawn at 5. 8!4 and tluitlllve 1mh11 bringing 1 .r and 20 cts. La dies' nice (Singhain Under- I i i .i i t 1 ..i. t ttl -ywnm ... ..... puie lilllt'll I'USiei'S HL . tn A splendid bargain will be ..I'l'.......! :,, n.,4;f 'i,.ii. ,,,. "J " " viwm u Conled JackinetatlOc. They will never le offered as cheap "gain. Come early, as they wilI Mot 8tliy lullf; ttt that price. W. II. 'LEA, 'Siot(;ash Store," No. N. Main street. 17 SIX MIC, HARGAINS 1 IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Suits at $2.85, fr,:-'fi(i, fY.uu, iu and in..r)0 it turning us a bad loss. - ThestV" are fitinr lots of which we haveno assortment of sizes and such things, ns have sold slowlv at their real value. In some instances the new trices are" one-fourth btlow New York cost. II. REDWOOD & CO. Clothing, Iry Uood, Shoes, llatn, and Carpetit. 7 and 9 Pattou Avenue. FOR RENT OR SALE. The Rest Chance Yet Offered. That deairahle hnnac, containing eighteen rooms, now nppronehinK eoinpletion at No. SO Clayton street, will be ready for ueeu paney and FOR 8AL1J OR RliNT On or about the 15th day of June. It la es pecially adapted to the uses of a private boarding houae. All person, interested are Invited to call nnd examine it thia day. Terms, whleh are most reasonable, enn k hadwmppiwntion to T. W. PATTON. m.v'J J dtf J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker', buainessat hi. old atand over J. B. lik-keraon Co.'s Manlwara Store, under the Arm name of J. V. KKOWN & CO. Having- thirty year.' esperlenec as under taker and embalmer. and uneqiialrd fadlltie. hit bpylns, can farly irnarnnte aatlalHetinn Calls promptly attended to at all hoars. Bvcrythtns pertaining to the buainra. tuV w.r ankaad. Hehl.lrinia k:Cki-r' on.VMS. MASON'S FRUIT JARS, MASON'S FRUIT JARS, MASON'S FRUIT JARS, MASON'S FRUIT JARS, Racket Prices. Racket Prices. Racket Prices. Racket Prices. Fly Traps, Only 18c. w-s. sr arfc s 0 m raps, winy wt.r- Fly Traps, Only 18c. Fly Traps, Only 18c. 10,000 yards Hamburg, Torchon, Val and Spanish Laces. " Ladies Cuffs, 5c. a pair. Everything in Bibbon. Beautiful Challies, only 7c Fast Black Stockings. Staniied Towels, only 5c. Toilet Soaps, all grades, half price. 5 piiers Best Needles, (.k Bed Spreads, all prices. Lace Spreads, Shams to match. Surah Silks, all prices. Financings in Swiss, Cam brie, Valenciennes, Oriental and Chant illy, White, Kcru and Black. Sheeting, Bleached and Un bleached, (5, 0 and 10-quur- tcr. All-over Embroidery, all prices. 2,400 yards of Figured LmvilH, blu, m, l)ink bl. and black at per yard, worth 7c. other Bargains to be had at the "RACKET 8T0RE," and nowhere else iu Asheville. IiesHct fully, 0 .. GEO.T.iONES&CO. N. V. Office, 466 Broadway. 'RACKET" COLIMX. MismJ.ANMHrS. Blend Everything ! Always reatly for ust Heiuly rreiared Uoyal (Hue 10 cents a bottle. Mends crockery, glass, china, Icath- eiMurniture ami menus, a . 1 j.l. 4 large lot just received for the wholesale and retail trade at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug . . . Stores A full lino of Wyeth's ele- gant Pharniaceutical 1'ivpa i'ii fiimu fin itifnil imd vvhole- I i . i l I Stile tO inerCIUintS,tll,VSlCiaUB .... i !.,.. 1 Ulltl CWIlSlllllL'ItV ilintl liHt," stock of Parke, Davis & Co.'s Fluid Extracts, TUIh and other goods at T. C. Smith & Co.'s Drug Store. Kxierts in smokingcanget the goods they are looking for at the drug store afore said. 511 cigars at5e. each, j'or $ 2.2."i iMr btx. La Belle OI' f 2.2.") pel" bt)X. La Belle Senora, the finest Key West ho Also (iravely's, Pace's Dian 0ra, Dill's Best, und. the' pop ular Nosegay Tobuco in any quantity from 10 cents worth up to a box or 10 boxes, at T. (1 Smith & Co.'s Drmr iu -I OlOI e. Two Dohte and eomoetent i....Ur.,.intimi fl,.ilu nl-.iv in readiness to servo you at T C Smith & Co 's j)i-rjg'ji',",iol,an',,"ltt,wtty" nave on hanith . , , . . , , , - Ssf.mvi ItfiT.ri OTiinnnfoa nfl H-f axs.' "'Villi BBk UVSJ . Wl Pharmacy and thoroughly traintnl in the business. Don't tVil-trtJ tliiu rmmtof If you want your bank count to show a better lull- ailCe III yOUr ffJVOr at the t.iuoc Vt uic jem, uuj juui .ueaicn.es aim ruggnsra VIOOUH H OIII 1. j. niiuui IX Co.. Asheville. N. 0. - ' ir"""" J""' iwu COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) PA8SKNUS1 I18PASTHRNT, AmiKvu.uB, N. CJune 1.18H9. PASSBNGIiH TKA1N 8CHBUULB. In Bpfsot Jusk2, 1889: " I No. St No. A3 Lv. Asheville. B55pm 37am 947am Vi 40pm 7 13pm Hfiilpm 1 1 KOpin B20am 8 aupm 330pm ltiapm" 8111pm 6110pm 1411pm 64.Him tOKOpm 12U5ara Ar. SuliKbury, nanvuie, Lynchliur.;, WHshinfcton Baltimore, I'hila., New York, boatiinL Klchmond, "KalciKh, Goldshoro, Wilminrton 6S3nm 8 Kan 1047am 1 iiopm I UOOpmL 615am 8 3(iami . 1 50pm I I No. 6 Lv. Asheville, Ar. HemU-raonvllle, 8 3(am 9ailam 1 1 Atlam Ar. Kpartnnu g " Charlotte, 5 80pn ' Columbia, I 0 " Charleston, II 1 Opm " Auioiata, UOfipni " Savannah, 616am " Thoniaaville.Ga 140pm " J aekaon v llle j J ui m " Atlanta, 104"poj " Montffom'y 75am Mobile, 1 56pm " New tirleans 7 aopro No; B4 tv. pHrlnnbuiK. 340pm Ar. Hcmleraonville, 607pm "Aaheville, 7oopm No. BO No. 63 No'; 6 Lv. Aaheville 7 2Ham 3npmT"Y6Spni Ar. HotSpring. UOam 6 10pm 840pm " Knoxville, 110pm Hailprn " Chnttnn'ga. OlSpm 8 40am " Nashville, 1145am " Memphis, 6 JOamJ 880pml Lv. Aahevil.c, ' " 740amr444pmr Ar. HutSpriiig. Hailam 6 10pm " Knoxville, 110pm 850pm " l.ouiaville. 7 15am "Cincinnati, 640am 1145am " Chicano, 630pm 6 3(ipm' "JSt. Louis,. 745pm 746pm' " MUKPHV BHANCH, ' No, 18 Lv. Aaheville 825a"m Ar. Waynesvllle, 1063am Jnrrctta, ; B4Hpm 1Z :" "'" T No. 17 Lv. JarretfiT i600am Ar. naynesvlllc, 125pm "Aaheville, 845pra Lwg" 00 w.winb" WINIWRN, O. P. A. n. P A. 8OL. HAAS, T. U. RROOM FACTORY. HANFORD N. LOCKWOOD. MANP-HAUS Brooms, 'Whisks, Hearth and Ceiling Brooms. Mill and Factory Rradea a .necinlty. Quo. latum, and sample, free. Iebl6dly J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Slain St. lcb80dlT N OTICB. Will collect debts for anvone In th rlt. f.. srrccnt. tiood tiicilltl, tv tllHMI IIICIIItH. IC r rrntinir and ml. retina rent, on honaea. ectina rent, on honi Will aell furniture on weekly payment., J. B. JOHNWiN, idr'. Furnitnre Mtnre. At III Kcn-rrncca iriven 37 Patton Avenue. tnaM4dHm JANUS FRANK, PBALSS IN FAMILY G ROCERiES AND PBOVISiOKS Agent for Reem. Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala . A.hevUle, N. C. fcblOdly HOTELS. A CELICHTFL'L IWJ ASIIEVILLK TO - HOT SPRINGS. Kuunil Trii Tkkcta only 4.S0, lni'luiliiiK a full day' buard at the MOUNTAIN PAUK HOTKL. inc iaiiia in marine ruois ana roffwluln Tub. art the nct anil moat luxurious in Arocrien. The Hotel Is NEW AND FIUST-CLASS In Every Particular. t'NRXCBLI-EU IN ITS CDI8INK. Tn,; ei'armiug siMit. netted nmuiiK ana sni-IUnil by rine-clud Mount. lina where then la no fog, ao doit, no mnlaiia. pre Bnd "bunUant water, and atwj'utelv licrftct drainage. dtiulail STRAUSS RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. KIcctrIc Cara Paes the Door. 1 I 1 nirewun nutuy lor puiiuc that this duy, I May 1, 1 have added to my well known Kca. taurunt a flue ice vmim uarueii. .r - h " 6 p eotiy forthe . onoicest, oi creams ana sacructs and Cakes. iflal la in irg. or .man quantities, so cm. u, K Jo3 "rae nd bilin ome nue Iw CTam d ckes and don't furKtt that t Straus.' you will et i and where always polite and attentive wait e win lx plead to rye. Come" earl,. comeoflen, come one, eome all. and cir your fritod 8trauiw a g00(1 m(lny I , ver, I EaBIHAUSH, may-Jdtr Proprietor. -THE SULPHUR SPRINGS .. HOTEL, .. FOUR MILES WKST OP ASHEVILLE. K. G. CARRIER, Prop'r. I Will be opened on the 13th of June for the Season. - Good Fare, Fine Jersey Milk and Butter: Hplcndld Vegetable Garden. PURB MOUNTAIN WATBK. 'Bus meets all trains at the Aaheville depot. This Hotel has no equal for families. 100 acre Park and fine Lake with boats. JunlS d3m GESAR'S HEAD IIOTKL WILL BE OPKNED KOK THE SEASON OP IMHtf ON The Firstof June. The location of this Hotel on the.nmmlt of Cesar's Head Mountain, an outlying spur of the Blue RldKe, in upper South Carolina,, afford, a climate and water nnequaled. As s summer resort It has no parallel In the South. 1 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70. Whilst Its natural scenery Is varied and (rand beyond conception. Comfort of gneala care fully consulted. Livery and daily mail. Ka ily reached from Asheville in one day, or from Hendcraonvllleinhalfaday, over drllrhiful rood., through a romantic and cha rains' country, - v F. A. MILES. mavlBdtf ARIlliN PARK IIOTKL AND FAMILY COTTAGES, M miles south of Asheville, on the A. & 8. ailroud to now open for the aenaon. ral ' KATB8, Per Day ,. , Per Wcek... Per Month .$ a OO .. 13 OO - Fur circulars nddresa " THOS A; MOKKIA, Prop'r, Ardrn, N. C. msyldtf i. x. l. market; Cor. Patton Avenue and Depot Street. HAS CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton and Lamb Alwars on hand In th iini iiuri ...... town. """'" JAMES WOLFE, Prop'r. may24dllm ' TLANTIC COAST LINK On and after thia if tUm a.h..i , ale. will It. run over itaMt'nii,mi,i. i No. S3 Leave. Columbia 6 20 p.m. . ArrlvMatCharlrsTon .- B .KI p. m. NO. 63 Leaves Chark-aton 7.10 a.m. Arrives atcoiumtiin, ll.RA a. m. Cnnnertina with ... i p ...... - . " H1 1 1 1 , 1 Vf III B 1 1 point, on the Charlotte. Colamhla Ao Mil f Columbia A Oreenville Railroad. r.X.,M;.FMR,!"m' 0". Pass. Agt. J. P. DUVINE, Gea. Supt.

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