ri;ori:ssios.L cards. Till!". K. llAVIIlSUN, Tuns. A. Jiixks KhUikIi. Ja. .. Martin, Ashcville. Anhevillc. JJAVIllSON, MARTIN fe JUNKS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Aslicville, N. C. W ill pr u l iir in the 11th ami IHth Jtidicinl lintm-is, nrd in the Supreme Court of North srnliiiu, nml in the Pcdrral Courts tit the Wt-Mtt-rn Insirict ut Nurth Carolina. Kclcr tu Hunk of Aslicville. dtscl CI1AS. A. MOOS It. 111 HP UKKklCK. JJOOHB tk MERRICK. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Asheville, N. C. Practice In the United Mates Circuit and District Cuurta at Ashcville, StaUsville, Clmr lotte and Grcenst'oro, in the Supreme Court at kalcih. and in the cuurta uf the Twelfth Judicial liixtrict ut the State uf Nurth Cam inn. Kecial attention (riven tu collection at cluons. l'lirtnership does nut extend tu ructice In Buncombe Interior Court. dtoc3 T. H. C01IB. . 0. HHKKIUON. t)BII Hi MKRRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Practice In nil the eourta. Ottice: Noa. 7 aud 8, Juhuston liuililinic. dtse w. w.jokks. . oko. a. SHi'voan. JONKS & BHUFORl). Attorneys at Law, Aahcrille, N. C. Practlea In the 8iiierior Cuurta uf Wcatcrn North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the btntr, and tile Fedcrul Cuurta ut Asheville. tllhcc in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the hrm eun always Ik found, dtnovll JUHNSTONIS JON US, ATTOKNHy AND I'OUNSHI.I.OK AT LAW, ASH H VILLI!, N. C. Prneticea In the United States Circuit und Vuitrict Courts lit Ashcville, in the Suptemc . Court at Kaleiirh. ami in the Cuurta uf the J Twelfth judicial IMatrict ol'thc State of North X-'rirolina, and elsewhere, as his servicea may . lie required, otlicc over Ko. Express Olhee, tlcndry Itlock ian23,itf DOUGLASS, D. l. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grunt fit Wlngert's liruu store. Resilience. No. 98 Bailey 8t. fcbiodly . J H. RKBVI5S, D. D. 8. DltNTAL mySjzi ,),1,c,: lu Connally Building, over Kcdwoud's Store, Pattott Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, wilhthenew auorsthetic, and all cases of irregularity cor reeled, - .cblUilly J F. BUK01N, M. D. OFFICES New Grand Central Building, over llitf 22 Clothing Store. fcbl7dlin V. KAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental OlUce t 'Jin Ramnrd flulldinK Entrances, Putton Avenue und Main Street. 'i feb26dly All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed. A com I Arte stock of the above goods at GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 8 SOUTHJUAIN STREET. Oculist' prescriptions a specialty. " felV7ilBm PRIVATE HOARD. NEW HOUSE! .NEWLY Pl'RNISllKDI ALL MODKRN lMI'ROVEMBNTS. MRS. EXTrWLER AND MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. JunUKdty J. C. BROWN, MERCHANT i TAILOR, aj Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apradly v A NBW riEEi), carefully prepared by lead in members of the Ashevllle bar (on finest parchment and heavy fiat paper), coe ennn all nccessurv pointB, Joat out and now on sale at the ottice of the Citiien I'iihlixh- innrn Mo fl Wnrtl (Vitrl ritri riwnloH ' 1 If any dealer says he has the W. I, Doorlaa ifchoos without name and rlee stamped on sUm bottom, put lilui down as a fraud. V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Best In thm world. Famli his S..no poi,h:k and kakmk.ks' kiiob. .(W rXTRA VAMIK CAI MMM6. iiSoind l.75 ItOVfi HI IKML SHOES. 7. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE la'dTes. Bmt Mntnrial. Boat Stylo. Beat VlttUUb lSovalAa: BKOCKTON. MAS3. Kxamliie W. I HonsrlaH i.oo sjhoes) for Oentleinen and Iaaiett, For sale bv HERRING A WEAVER, 3(1 South Main Street. Ashcville, N. C -- ji19dl.v-- --. In 1HK1 1 rnnlnKitd lood Poison nfiiiil l.ih. iiihI :l I r::ttlHl With mennry, (i. l.tli r. 4 MraaiarlUa i.iixlun niwii sworn-nil thetlme. 1 t"0k T i :nll Uillk aS.H H.nJilch cured li -i fithvlr, and no irn of Llisurcuuhil iIiwumi lion ri 'iirnco. J ir Nsra. Ian. 10, VJ. llubbyvillo, lud. 6lr lllllc i-Iito Ima wlilta awclllng toa.wh ill" Mot tliatdie wnscuo- iliul lo Hi" ! it lor s lulif li" ii. . ii. -m ci i ' i.ii nf Ihhib estne mitofh rl. ' ,: 1 1 ii' li.ictors said iniwitMinn aa I'M wily remedy to am u I" r I i . I r-''iwl I lio rstlm and .;.H to ii . .il.iiil ulielsnow lllkn, lirLIVUi '"I l!IBLr'" iivimvu atiYfWI'U AasiiOsssuira. Fob. II. 'TO. Columbus, Ua. Book on Blond Dlaesa" sunt fraa, Hvivf HPRTIPIO Co. Drawer S, Atlanta, 0s Inn I'irH.iiil qpOLOAN. From 1 .OOfl to ffl.OOO on Bnencumherrd tmnroveri citv real estate at H nrr cent. A- ,,iJ.t ROOM NO. 11, unTtltf MeLoud lluildinn PA Till; CHI I I. VISITOR. Ill t lie iiuil't llllsh iifii il.nl;, rl it'scluH The skecu-r tlotlt npinritr. Ami e vc the cml of a maiden's nose . With cruel, wicked levr, ' It knows the place whereon lo liKlit Anil where to stick Ills bill, And liiiL'ers there nil tlirmn.h lb.. ;..l,i To sip atitl get its till. The day comes on, the maid nwuki-s, And to her niirnir jjik's, When her whole trame with horror shakes, At that awful, swollen nose. 1 She shrieks "I am a horrid eight' A wrecked, tortured meter I know 1 am a iierlccl fright Made go by that dcrn skeeter. Ht'HINi:tH AND PI.ICAHl ltK. Attend the auction at Hurt IVnison's and give him a lift, if you want anything in his line. He is trying to raise money to meet his bills. ' A knotty problem the highest possible s iced for ocean vessels. Better Than Suicide. Professor Arnold says: " An incurable dysieptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dy icptic within three months bv Acker's Knglish Llysicptic Tablets. !'el5dawlw Virginia has a dng with two tails. Here's a chance for a new can-can. For lame back, sideorchest, use Sliiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 vents. SHILOH'SCOl'C.H and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. An eagle always feels more or less soarness in its wings when it uses them. For a safe and certain remedy for fever and ague, use Dr. J. H. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure; tt is warranted to cure. For side by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. Wonder if sweeping the heavens with a tclcscoie is w hut makes star dust ? Give the children a tliauce. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no npix'tite, eyes sunken and with dark skin lieneuth. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is scfmc sitn pie remedy , such as Hart's Worm Cream, to exjiel the worms, and the child will soon Ik' in perfect health again. ' Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a fair chance for life. A man mav not like his own face lined with care, but he does his portrait's. Hncklen'M Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and Msi- ively vuies piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents jier box. ror sale bv F. L. lacobs. daw The lawn-mower is a good deal like the eepcr of n bucket-shop: it shaves the rceu. If you want a fine watch ladies or gents size, gold or silver utteurKltnji auction at BtirtlVnison'sashemusriltW money and takes this method ot doing it. This year's Summer girl is the most harming creature the world has ever known. THAT HACKING COUCH can be so quickly cured by Sliiloh's Cure Wc guarantee it. ; WILL, YOU SLrrr.K witn Dysiicpsia and Liver Complaint? Sliiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. . When the banks of the canal break the water Immediately rushes out to find a receiver. Do Not Hurler Aiiy I.oniter. - ' Knowing that a cough can lie checked in a day, and tlie first stagesof consump tion broken inn week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's English Cough Remedy und will refund the money tp all who Duy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. tebSdawl w Chicago is badly mixed on the Cronin ase. not knowing whether to try Alex. Sullivan for murder or embezzlement. A compromise will probably be made by barging him witn arson. Faults of digestion cause disorders oi the liver, and the whole system becomes eranired. Dr. 1. H. McLean s fcarsnna- rilla perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. For sale by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. The price of oil at the present writing recalls the old-time truism that n profit s not without honor save m our own country. , , Parental Criminally Liable. More than half of all deaths occur lie- fore six years ot age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly I way each year. Parents are criminally resiMinsiblc for this. The death rate of children in England is less than half this. Acker 8 Ivntrbsh llabv Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. Bride "George, dear, when we reach town let us try to avoid leaving the imnrcssion that we are newly married." 'All right, Maude; you can tug mis valise. A feeling of dullness and languor, Which is not akin to pain, And resembles suffering only As the mist resembles rain, - is often the first indication of incipient disense. In mich case the famous ounce f prevention" is the highest wisdom and may lie found in its most potent form in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, which, by its wonderful blood mtritvine and invigorating tonic proiier' ties, will oiiicKly restore tne euning vitality, reonir and strengthen the system, and thus ward off threatening sickness. Its saving influence reaches everv oriraii of the bod v. The "Discovery' is guaranteed to cure in uii cases oi diseases for which it is recommended, or money refunded. Paying you will Teller Timlitcly )". "Madam have to bring some one to introduce check." you before we can cash this Miss De Gorgcon (with freezing hau teur I. "Hut I do not wish to know von SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable bv that terrible cough. Sliiloh's Cure is the remedy for vou. CATARRH CURED, health ami sweet breath secured, by Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free by T. C. Smith & Lo. Pour millions ot contributions for flood sufferers is one of the greatest knock-down blows that modern essim ism has ever experienced. The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. I. H. McLenn's Tar Wine t.unir ItHlm. It is a sure remedy f coughs, loss of voice, and all throat unci lung troubles. For sule by P. L. Jacobs, druggist. Any tirliile you ace in the stink of Hurt I Vinson if you tisk it will lie put up at uuction. lie needs money, and must have it. The slickest combination yet is a ens tor oil trust. No need to take those big cathartic pills; one of Ir. J. II. McLean's Liver und Kidney Pilk-ts is quite sufficient mid more ngrerublv. Pur sale by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. Yes, tlrar; the must popular aongever written is "Evit of Thee." "They Mean llualueisM." If any one has ever given Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy a fair trial mid has not been cured thereby, the manufacturers of that unlading Remedy would like to hear from that individual, for when they offer, is thev do, in good faith, $5(10 reward for a case of nasal catarrh which thev annot cure they mean just exactly what ney suv. 1 ticy are financially responsi- bl(vrnd abundantly able, to make good their guarantee if they fail.asany onecan learn by makingnroiieremiuirv. Remedy sold by all druggists, at 50 tents. If a broker would get rich he must work hard tu get the money of other (R-ople. Tenihle Forewarning. Cough, in the moriiinu. hurried or dilfi- ult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest. iuickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at tug lit, u;loruiy it these things are the first stages ol con sumption, .Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these learlul symptoms, ami is old under a positive guarantee. tebiiriawlw Everv man has his role in life, but the Inst rule for a hungry man is the baker's roll. ' If you want knives, forks or spoons, tea sets, casters, ice pitchers, cake baskets or butter dishes attend the auction at Hurt Deuison's, as he needs money to pay bills. William Perm's handkerchief was the origiuul pen-winer. Kupepxy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, "to fully enjoy lite. 1 housands are searching lor it dailv.am) mourning because they find it not. Thou- anus upon thousands ot dollars are spent annually by our jieople in the hox' that they may attain this boon. And vet it may lie had by all. We guarantee that electric liittcrs, it used according to di rections and the use persisted in, will i...- i r:. !..- 1 . - i. ii iii y ifu uouu iigcsiiim unu UUSL me cmon Dyscpsm and install instead bu- )cpsy. VNe recommend hlectrtc Hitters r IlysiM-psia and all diseases ot Liver, Stomach and Kiilncrs. Sold at 50c. and 1 per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drugstore. Mrs. Parvenu No, 1 don't tike sea alhing. It always gets my hair so wet. Mi s. Kulcklvnch Why don t you leave it in the dressmg-rooin ? Ladies art requested to attend the ttclioti at Hurt llenisons jewelry stort thev want goods in his hue, as he wants money to pay bills. Mrs. Love and Bclva Lock wood have been elected honorary members of the l'urib Exposition Peace Congress, and there will be no war. The Final Hyniptoma of Death. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fever ishness, pimples or sores, are nil positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how ft became poisoned it must lie pun tied to avoid death. Acker's English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee. tebSdawl w When a river is bank full is the time when a run is made on the bank. In the ase of other banks the run is made when the bank is about empty. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Apjietite, iizzmess, and idlsymptomsofDyspepsia. 'rice 10 find 75 cents er bottle. CROUP, W HOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Sliiloh's Cure, -- Sitting Hull is now able to sit up and ake his Indian meal. He was feeling for sympathy, and ,1ms all the tricks of an micror who has Inniselt shot at. Burt Dcnison, the iewler, will offer for a few days and evenings his fine stock ut auction to raise money to meet bills. In some places the growing corn was much parched during the drought. 1 Ins will not serve as n liear on the pop corn market. The parch is in a different way. "What'" In a Blaine"? Shaksiiearc snid there was nothing, but there is. Would Caisar have had such a notoriety if his name hud been Caleb W. Pickersgill? 'Think of Patti Irawiug $7,000 a night if the bill-boards announced her as Jane Brown ! 1 he idea is absurd. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Purga tive Pellets is a name that has made a record. These tiny, sugar-coated pills cure sick and billmus headache, bowel oin plaints, internal fever and costivcncss. The hotel proprietor is made poor bv what he buys and pays for. The hotel steward gets rich by what he gets pay for and does not buy. Are you troubled with a sluggish, in active liver: Are vou billions.' Ho vou utter Irnin laiindice? Has vour com plexion a sickly, yellow tinge' 1 He blood as it misses through the liver does not lurnii.li the healthy action wlncn should result from it. The impurities ure stop- ix-d and clogging up the duct, cause disordered condition, which will produce serious results to your health, unless you take Brown's Inui Hitters at once, it will cure vour bilhousness and jaundice. and incite to healthy action the sluggish liver. When Sitting Bull and Gall have gone to their unhappy hunting grounds jti booed there will be an improved order ol red men. A (tcrap or I'aper Haven Her Life It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap- iMiiu nailer, but -it saved her lile. Nic was in the last stages of consumption told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time ; she weighed less thnn seventy pounds. On a niece of wroiMiitU! naiier she read of Dr, king's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle: it hebied her, she bought a large iKittlc, it helped her more, bought another and grew liettcr fast, continued its use and is now strong, healtuv, rosv olunm, weighing 10 pounds. For fulli particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole S e. t..:..i i. ..hi..-.. lirilL?l:lHl. run ciiiiilii. iiiiii iiin,n this wonderful Discovery Free ut P, Jacobs' drugstore. . The criminal who underlain- his ow defense when brought helore the court rarely acquits himself creditably. Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tu mors, "unhealthy discharges, such .iu catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other forms of skin diseases, are symptoms ot hood imuurity. lake Dr. I. 11. M Lean's Sarsiipnrillu. For sale by F, Jacobs, druggist. :.4 lrcKtnt THE LAXATIVi K3 NUT RITI0U8 JUICE -or TH FiGS OF CALIFORNIA, Com bine-J with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to jiennn-. nently cure Habitual Cousti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or hiactivi '"ndition of the AID3EYS, LIVER AND BOWUS. It i themoit excellent remedy known to CLAtlS WE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one it IwlmMs or Constipated SO Til AT PURS BLOOD, REFME8HIN0 SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK VOUR DRUOOIST FOR 8YHUP OOP XXGrS MAHUPAOTURI O ONLY BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kt HEW YORK, H. t. SALE OF THE COWAN LANDS I HAHK CIIANCK FOR CiOOD IIA1M.AINS. Valuable Improved and Un improved Property to be Disposed of on Kawy Terms. By virtue of an order of the StiiwrlorCourt of MutK'oinbe county, made in thetuse of Jesse T. Cowan and others, ex nartc, I will sell at public auction on THURSDAY, TUB FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 1KNU, and soceedlnif davs until all the property is sold, the follow inn real estate, at the places and on the terms stated liclow, to-wlt: 1. The tract of about 1S5 acres, lying on the heud Ufaters of Smith's Mill creek.'in llun- omtie county, adjoining: lands ol lames owan and others, being part of thcold John owan larm and known as the Cnnaila Cowan lands. This traet is situated only three or four miles from the citv of Asheville. and is well suited for division intosmnli trui k f. mis, lieaides containing many elegant sites lor building purposes. The traet will be sold in one body, promptly at 12 o'eloek in., on said Thursday, August the first, 1HSU, at the Court House door in Asheville. 2. Jmmediatclv after the sale of the foreiro- ing tract, I will sell ON THB FRIJM1SHS, the brick storehouse lot on the north margin of Patton avenue, in the citv of Asheville. now occupied by Mr. B. H. Cosby as a jewelry store. This lot has a front of twenty-seven feet and niue inches on 1'utton avenue, and runs buck to Fulllum street, adistanctiof 140 feet. This property is very valuable. 3. Nest in order 1 will sell. ON THB PR EM- SKS. the tract of land in snid eitv. oitnosite the lute residence of CanadaCowan, bounded on the south by Putton avenue, on the north by Haywood, stret, on the east by'ehe Lyman and Chedester lots, aud on the west by the lot lying in the angle formed by the junction of Patton avenue nad Haywood street, for merly owned by James Buttiick. This traet un urcu uiviueu niiu eleven tots wnicn win be sold first separately by lots," and ofter wards in one body, and the Bale which brings the highest aggregate price will be taken as me suie mercot. . Alter the sale of the foreuoinu tract I will sell, ON THB FKEMISKS, the eighteen lots on the north side of Hay wood street and between it and Hill street, in said city, em bracing the said late residence of Cuniuln Cowan and several other houses, all more particularly aescribed In the pleadings and order of sale. 1 will first offer these lots sep arately by tots, and afterwards in one body, and the highest aggregate price ottered will be taken as the sale ot the same. 5. 1 will next sell the tract consisting of fifteen lots, lying near and northward of Hill street in said city, formerly owned by Alfred Webb anil occupied by lease T. Cowan. his truct will be sold first bv Uitssciinrutclv and afterwords as a whole, and the highest aggregate price will be taken as the sule tnereot. . Lastly, 1 will sell the brick dwelllnu ouse lot on the north margin of linvwood street, bounded on the south by said street, on the north by O. W. Miller's lot. on the west by Capt I. M Guilder's lot. nnd on the east by the lot owned by the Rev. J. L. M. v-urry. TlvRlHS Ol HALKl One-third of the purchase ntoncv will be re- iiuireo in casn, me oainnce to be secured ov notes or the purchasers, in two c(uul instuli mentSj due respectively in one and two years from date of sale, with interest at the rate of H lercent. per annumfrom duteof sale. Titles retained till purchase money is paid. Im proved citv property will have to tie kept in sured by the purchasers for the benefit of the helrs-at-law of Canada Cowan, deceased, un til payment ol the first deferred installment, in an amount to lie designated by me on the nay ot sale. Purchasers will have the option of paying all the purchase money In cash on me connrmation ot tne sale ana tuning titles inmediately theseafter. For further particulars npolv to meatmv office In Asheville, where full pints of the prop erty can lie seen ; and I will gludly show the properly to anyone desiring to Bcclt. Messrs. F. A. Sondley.aiid M. E. Carter, counsel in the ease, will ulso be glad to furnish any fur ther intonuution they may have as to the protierty. nils June 22, ia9. A. I.. CARTER, Commissioner. WlNKELMflNN'S 60 AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASE or CHOLERA. CRAMPS, DIAHH1U.A. SUMMER COMPLAINT DYSENTERY AND OTHER AFFECTIONS OP THE STOMACH AMP BOWIL PRICE 2S CENTS. i M. tAINKELMANN A. CO. BALTIMORE, MD U S. A. For alc by J. H. GRANT, tlllWtHUiiM FITS Ct;kEI) BY OUi HIMiCIALlHT PHYSICIAN. Untile of metlU-iiir Prtt. Wc war rant our ri'inrdvtocurrthc worst wit-ft, ami the only phyiiManft whoilo this to prrvent your iwinK tnipntuMi upon ny nun unlnir fnlw numcw nrt who arc not Imctom. lirt-nutw otht-rn faik-d in no itpho. for no iiMinu thin mcilinne. (iivc Iixtirt'fi and I'ont orikt mMrcim. It cotn you noi liins . Addien Amihct Mtdtcal Hitrraa. Kroadway, New Vork ian7dvw1y fHOSHEMTBAfflSTT" OFFICIAL ORGAN of Tint W. N. C. llaptlttt Convention A PaKT Jerofei to the Inttmt uf the l)t- nominnUtm In WcnterirNorth Cnrvllf! Si.so rer Year. In Advance Arertlslng span limited: Knits mad known upon application. Address A.HHliYI LLlt IIAI'TIHT, uiayll dim lj Asheville. N. C. k'KAL ESTATE. VV'AI.THK ft. f)WN, W. W. Wmr. GUYII & WEST, (SuciYHHoni to Wu;tir tl.Owyn) ESTAIILISIIISD 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Percent. Notary I'ub.ic. CominisKioneni ot iKt-ils. FIRE INSURANCE. OFKIl K-MoutheuHt Court Square, I. S. WATSON, Real ltate Atcent, (Not a 8ieculutor.) For Sak- A large amount of valuable City roicrty. improved and unimproved. . For Sale Some fine farming lands ; ulso. timber aud mineral lands. I can secure for parties buying City Lots from me money to improve the s.-iine on most reasonable terms ! ' Money to loan on good city nnd country property! Office hours ; From 8 to fi. D. S. WATSON, Southcust Corner Court Square, Asheville, N. C. muyatl dtf Wm. 31. Cocke. Jr., EALESTATE AND MINERAL6R0KER, Aoheyllle, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of lund, In tracts from 50 to llHI.uod ..acres. Have a number of city lots, improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If you want a large or small farm call on me. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands. this it headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything you want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer und practical surveyor euguged to show up all property when required. I have hud fifteen years' experience in the real estate business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. teuuiv RTLAND BROS., Real Estate Krokcrs, And i IueHtinent t AcentH. Offices: No. B0 South Main st Second floor. fch'.ldly INSURANCE.- piRB INSURANCE. mil. LIFE. ACClDEXlM PULL1AM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville, ASHBVILI.E, N. C. Kcnm-scnt the following companies, via. : FIKK. CAHII ASSKTSIN I!. Anglo Nevada, of California $.41i7.k:im Ciintiiicntal. of New Vord 4,7S.I!2:l latiiburg-ltreineii,of Cerninity 1 .1 J'J.tlti .ondun Assurance, of hngland..... Lfi-IM. '.'., Niagara, ol New Vork 'J,a:t7,4..i Inent, of Hartford .... I,liil7,lili 'hienix, of Hrooklvn ii.or4..17y M. l ain i-tre and Murine, ol Min nesota l..r 11 .nut Miutht-rn, ot New Orleans 4.;tl),SN4. Western, o! I oronto.......... I,l:tll,a;t2 (Mutunl Accident Assoeiatliin. 'vfrtflii Lite Insurance Compunv. iHniaratf THB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society NO, 120 1IKOAIIWAY, NKW VOKK. Cash Assets A95,04liVia.) Cash Surplus 20,794, 75-3 The Strongest, most liberal und uioHt pro- gresmvc v-ompanv in me worm. its 1 online i'oiicics with 1. nnit 20 year iienons iwnen lssueu tn utilirotirlnlc torm l otter to insurable persons a two-fold advan tage. (Protection Against Loss A Secure and Profitable Investment. Ii. I). Monroe, At., Asheville, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. feb2HdUm A FAMOUS SOUTHERN HOTEL IN THE LAND OF THE SKY ziiFOR SALE AT AUCTiON.! UNl-KK THU SHADOW OIp BLACK MOI'N- , TAIN, THE HIGH EST MOUNTAINS EAST i)V THB MOCK1UH, rHUNOTEO HEALTH RHSOKT, WINTKK AND SUMMER, OF THE SOUTH. The HiiU-nilid Mt. Mitchell Hotel iiroocrtv linmctliattly on the W. N. l Kuilrnml, liftcth milfrt vnnt of Anhcv.lk, N, CM on the plateau of the Muc Kitljirc S.70U ftrt ahovr m a k-vd, will be boiu t&t auction, on the prnnim'H, VKONI-SIAV, io, '89. The hotel tmildlni; is new. huvinif been erected In 1KM((, and ha Iwcn mictcwwfully omnt'd to visitors for two ntuHon. It in h lurvcf tnree ntorx irum--JimlUM4T-- nimftrft- rooi, ereeiea aeconitniu, to the Intent nt vle ol nrehlteetttre, eonttiinin ixty bed rooms, with an MnmiiKhtd mmrtmeiit !n the uiuht Htory H'2x7'2 tttt, nuHal1r for bed room; din ing room HOxlo led; inllmrd hall VJxUJ fi-i-t; two kitihena Iftxlto nnd ttnx-to feet rmK-ct' ively, eonnei'tlnK; Inrge laundry. Then; are twenty room 11 which enn ht- uwii enituite. The front of the huildinR in 110 let-t, depth 1 10 feet, with a winif aiix714 feet. Over Hot) feet of broad plaxaan for exergue and prom ennden. The hotel ntandri ot a tieautiful elevatln, with miiKnitieent views of the nurrnundiiiK ni(tuntnin ; i on the north Hidr nnd wlihin loo feet of the rn.lm.iri nod aoo feet ol (lie ttntion. It In nupplied nyih an nlmnditnee ot the pureiit mtmntHin water for all piirponcn There are included with thin proiHTty mime 13 acren ot viilunlile land, nnd If pitrt-hnMcr deniren enn ouy OiMi ttcren of Hpleiidid Iruit, imnture and ftinnintr liuidn mueh of it al ready well net in fine fruitn and khim itutne- diittelv nnioiutnir. An will Iw iiereeivrd, the locatirm In on the wentern ilopc oi the Jlfue RldKe and the head wfltrfn ol the SwannHitoa rivrr, r Term of Hiile One-hall canh and the re mninder in one and two yeurn, with 0 rr crnt. tntrrent. 1 hrre jht cent niNcotint will lie mnde on defrrred nnvmentn for ennh. Eur further particulars apply to or Rddrrni Natt AtklfiHou & Hon, Real lvn title Dealer, Asheville, N. C. Junl tdt fii su wed MISCELLANEOUS. Climate I iKturpaHHcd. i, oo Mineral Spring Within a 3 p ! . : s Mm-m Ivl The "1IICK0HY INN" is built of brick. Rtnnft nn,l irnr, IniH all motltM-n improveiiients. Electric Liehts. (ins ntuf IOltM tric Hells in each room. Toilets on each floor. Is eleirantlv furnishiHl tln-fimriinnt. ('uisiile and apiHHiitinents unsurpasseti. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANI'FACTIKKKSOK SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, Moulding, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHliVILLE, N. C. ACKNTS FIIK The Huckcye I'littip, Steel ami Tin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. fcbliilT THE CAROLINA SALOON, Han the Finest and WHISKIES, 1 BKANIHES 1 AND 1 WINES, Fiver Brought to AMicvlllc. Purtics wisliiiiK a ood article for family or other purposes, will find It to their interest to give nie a call, Krnwctfuliy, Frank , mur:t1d1y BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertakers. I'rotnpt itttt'iitiou joven to ull orders Itcslilcucc t ,i9lcnlainl Street. fehlilly Ws B Wo'l'Ii' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All Itlndd of cement woik done. l"t'l' ' ' J' lolihiiiK and kalsomininK promptly , at tended 1 'i. Kenidenee, Clayton St. Orders enn he left with W. H. Wentnll St Co. , feldd(lm T0 ihi! OUHMFP. TcUPf. Palacc jiiamcm. Low Rati. Pour'J'riM' pr W'lt Biwrtn DETnOir, fiiACKP AC IlLAMO Pcodkey, fault rm Mel", and Inks lliuvii W v Pt'tU, Mverr We'i. I)v Bntwusn DETi'Oli Ail ) CUEVCLANO Sirr'l! i.n.U; THm ilHthir Jim. J lv, i'iiiiI.AIiil ill. Dniib! tlAltv U.I- U'i'wrn CHIC .(lOND ST. JC3SPH, MICH. O'lR I LLUSTRA rt O P PMt'f" tlstm Ej-uml n Tl-kn-n will b In i.iwl.t U . ,-hrvn.i'r I'l.'S..- Arfviit.rrs d . E. B. WHITr.IMB, O. P. A., Dtrmm. ! Kit. . 0 tro t and Cleveland Stnnm H..1. Oo. muyimltf MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Hnildlntf, I'at t'n avenue, corner of Church jilreet, when she is prepured to kei rcKtihfr or trnnnieiit liotirders. Table litrninhed with the twit the iiiai kctutfords. Terms rtnmjnahle, tnarUl tint Kect Above Tide Water. Flue Short Walk of the Hotel. Hot and Cold Water Rnt,linn,nil ACKNTS MV'KS. OF Byrkit'i I 'n tent Sheathing Lath. Largest Stock ot O'Donncll, PropV. day or night. WM. R. PENNIMAN, 1'KOI'KIBTOK OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aftlievllle, N. C. THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street. ooDosltc the nost- oflics. OlKn dully, txcrnt Snnilavs. from 10 a. m. until t p. m., nnd fi until 7 p. m. 1 he terms ot sulist-nptlon are: One year $2; 6 men., $1.50; 8 nios., $1; 1 mo., OOcts.; littily 2 cts. TTT?f r.o.Bo.p. t)ll'nt;rs lir 1NM! President, R. R. Rawls; Viw-rn-sidcnt, Charles W. Woolsey; eicc. and Tress,, I). 8. Watson ; l.llirariun, Nllsa U. J, lliitih. - C'ltiicns nnd visitors are cordially Invited to iiiaH.t t the cntitloiiuc and liisvrilic their"' nuiuvs u uumuera. "' ' " fcbMdtf Hchctlule Street Railway, To take elTect Friday, March 1, at .90a. m. Car leaves Court House. 6 SO . m. " .7.oo " ' " " ' .. HAH) 9.00 " car leaves court house I'rom then till T p, evt'rv .10 minutes. AImt. ear leave eourt house at 8.00 p, and u.oo p. m. FAKtt, K1VH CENTS. to.

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