Ti::t DAILY CITIZEN Will tie pnliH-hrd every morning (esrrpt Mon day I at the tuliwwttig rate sincty tn; One Year. .. fH.OO his Monlhi a.oo Three Months ... l.ftO Out M. in I h. ......... ,. CO One Vverk. .. IS ."kt nw. ......... ... i . , Oar carriers will deliver the paper rvery I Ive and steady, MAKKICTK ItV Ti l l I.UAI'll. Honey and rU-curltle C'olton - I'rovlnlo.is) and I'roduce. HONKT AND SBCI'KrTIKS. Nsw Yokb. June 27. lliihunge more act- nwrning la every part of the city to oar sub scnliers, and parties wanting it will please rail at to crruua umce. New Advcrtlaemeutav. Trustee's Rale A. T. Rummey. 1st. Mary's (knout Key. Bennett Bmedcs. Money eay, 2afl, ctping nfTirrd lit 3. Bub-Trtasury biilnme. tlold, $104, 3o2,- OOO; currency, IJo.'.'oo.ooo. Government bonus, dull nut stcnoy per cents, l.2UW; V, per cents, 1.IM. nil a titute bond dti A Divorce tiranleel. A la. Class A 2a8 lott Ala. Class B.6S..1 12 M r.a. 7s, mort loaV, N. C. Cons., Hi N. C. Cons.. 4s ll 8. C. Brown's.. .limi and featureless. NOPac. lslmor NO N. Y. Central lOH N. & W. pfd til, NortheTO Pac.. 2 N. P. plil ... . Hti'-i raclftc Mail J Wasiiini-.ton. Tune 27. Mrs. Koaina I t . '!iinL:Rrn,iinir " 4n't. the Itrict Su,)rerrcourt from JdReUS3iSr1 Thomas I Macker. furmrriv of South 1 v,rC,i r..n. ... 41 im. Paul 71' . Carolina. Ttw ground of the application I Northwestern ...joufc, d" '--",.V',!' ill. vi- w;.h.JiL. f..l do vtd ...40 Tern. Pacific " "i"'J wn.is.uia. ..,-,.. - 14TH TennCouhVlron :'. erly of Washington. Mr. V itbei bet i I Brie 27 Union pacific o ........ I- Hul Trnn 10. N. I. Central Ill m . TH. Ji. K.r.iA m.: Pa..,.'. ...... 7u. I law'a-lnant I-rl-e-n. I Loo. At Nash Western Union MAVk AlUWV-UWCWmm, Mem. at Char... 00 Cotton-seed (HI Tintopjcllie.; &m screw topjcllk; Mot ..obi0 ruate. tomctning new. a 101 01 mu wmw f... 11- L ....... .4 1 .a IUi niiattT v ""'"'7 """v" VJ J, ; " M"XIHM.I.;june Sr-Non-Cotton firm, plated tpoon, furka and knivtl . Uctmjlfair demand. American miililliiiK 6 I Hi. prket before byin plain 1'," .M..nA.tA- lr.t famlrtrm tlltftM lliat.UMI. I doard atTAtlv. ,... vw... - 3 r- -Anwffc.(lB mM,n,11Ki 61.lrt. sale. etc. Real Uurgiuna are offered. There is to-day imlndid h.hoo American. June a, wii- junc ana juiy n, aenera; juij bu n um-. rllrr: Aauuitand Mrntemlier 0 S-64, aril- era; RVptemljir and (Htolier S43-B4, huyira; tKtobcr ana Novemner, o ;io-, ouyer, rmlirranri lleermlier a 32-4. Iiuren; IK-iem ber and January A 32-04, arllera; httcnilcr Dnyera. ruturen cioieu nuiiuy. une 27. Cotton hnn. hulea middling upland ill ir-ii liiiHirta to tlrii-l Continent 1,378. Stock !iiH,- era U1UVU VI llllCBfc HWH " "t ' . g the poatomce. RallroAMl Ticket. Bought, told and exchanifed. All trnna-1 a ea4, imyera. ai-tioni cruaranUed. Ktliaiile imormn- "r-;, rv.Lt... tion cheerfully fumiahed. Orhce removed middling ori.am 1 1 a-itt. Total net receipta to Grand Central Uotel. "''v0'".'"" W. M. Clarke. rT.'".":"" I u.u, v..tiw iHn 'J7 ('..tton Net recelota niamonai ail AUCtwo. I 0; groaa 0. Futurca eloKd nUttdy. halea 0,. .... .. 1 Mi M l l.a l.-a Attentinn ta called to tbe aalc of uia-i." hiu'lhiuiiw.. o .N7 nii.tulaat auction at Deaiaon'a lcwelry iui 10.n2nio.BH Jan o.u:ia mm . t.-:.i r. o ftn l,.n I Auv io.fi7nlo.ftH Feb lo.iHialO.OI aiorcun run., ' JJ", i 11.111. inlMarch lo.oNalooo for examination Friday morning, iviuaii, .imApril io.iabKJ.ib lie sold for what they will brinu;. Noy .K4May.. lo.23alo.24 t.ALVHMTon, June . I . --.u. w. UU......H., rJmieTEB'8ALB. 1 Noai'ul.n, Juiic 27.Cotton steady. Hi n rWJXVZilrS June .a7CMtU -tuiet and ?",,.r"" rr.; LJ "j.Z' i I Brni. 11H; receiiua o. ner, litHT, aaia neeo oeina uu.j 1 n,;,. iUiii! 27 Cotton uuict. HallW; the Rcirt.trr'a olhe of Buncomlie eonnty "V."?"?", i V -. .ill aell W ii,AiiNiToit, N.C., JuneS!7. Cottonqukt, S"Tiil?a52!S!; niThe Vuth day of FH.LA..K..PH.A.June27.-Cotton firm, UHl J0':!?J,'hl,r.V'lio.; June 27.-Cotton quiet UJ mum iki ... m. ...... - . 'i.. ..... Cotton aucudy, MISCELLXSEOVS. Snamiaiioa Hotel. I'lieiiellrd rulalne. Popular with touru.la,fannlicaand buainena men. i;ltTlrk can uaaa the dmir. KAWLn BKOH.. febldly ProM-'a. E. FOGE'lTE, Architect. I'latiB uml wiM-1-ilk't.tiotit pir pared itnd rti- maU-H filvcn, at hort notice. Office: Wolfe BuillinK.Curt HouncKjUurc, A.hcville. N. C. mftySmlt jr A. F. STEVENSON, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER GILDER AND VARNISHER, la prepared to do all kmriiof Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriages, Brrtta, Hur- ryf Buerir, Carta And " Wagons and have them rarninhed or repainted, so they will look as good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come oft" until It wears off. Terms lesws- able. 8hop on Harnett Hill, Ragle turret. ntuKUtlnm . eoTkimbeuT GENERALCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mouiic Tile and Cement work a specialty.. Grati s, Kanges and Boilers set. ' Buildings moved and repaired In first clt manner. riewcrugc, Drainage and traps fur the same I thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe llnililiiig. Court House Square, Ashevllle, N. C. . may3()dly ASIIEVIUE AbVEh'TISEMESTS. don't oinnat From your(iro(fi,) cvpii for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT I5miuw it i inado in Aslicvillc, YOU KNOW," I?ut wi) jilcdgo our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Tail lx nuulofroni liny imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Ih tlit! inoHt popular Ktiaight j;oo(1h in tliiw market. AhU your (Jroeer fortlieiilioveriraiidH,iiianufa.eturedl)y tlie . ASIIIvVILLE MILLING CO. H. T. COLLINS. iWMU-iit. - li. E.KAOAX, Sunt,,,, tlSUE-VILLE ICE COUP All Y. l'ure Icq made from PiHtilled Water. .Oflice: No. Z() atton Avenue. ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, ; II. T. COLLINS & CO. a.. M.V Sujierior Iltird ami Soft Coal at Wholesale and ltetail Oflic: No. 30 l'atton a-vimic. Yard: Old Jtuot. inatd on the eoruer stmts, hi the city of Asheville 37. 1HHU. Jua2dlaw 4tfrl A. T. BUMMUV. Trustee. St. Mary' School, Raleigh, N.C. The Nlnety-Pirth Semi-Annual nesslon be gins MONDAY, BBPTBMBliK 13, IMMu. For catalogues, addrrsa the Hector, REV. BENNETT SMEDE8, A. M. jun2d3mo HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE LIQUIDATION SALE. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER PLATED WARE, AT AUCTION! Tllli STOCK OP HURT DENISON, No. 18 Pattou Aycmuc, Ashevllle, N. C, WILL UU OFFKKED AT AUCTION, COMMENCING MONDAY liVKNlNO, JUNE 24, AT 7.30 1. M., AND CON TINUING EVliKY AFTEKN(K)N at 2.30 AND EVENING AT 7.30, UNTIL THE AMOUNT SOLD WILL COVER THE CLAIM. 1 MAKE THIS SALE FOR ONE I'UR POSE ONLY, AND THAT IS TO 011- TAINCASHTOI'AY MY INDEIITED- NESS.'. THE STOCK IS ALL FIRST CLASS AND WILL POSITIVELY HE SOLD TO Tllli HIGHEST DIDDER, AND I WARRANT EVERY ARTICLE TO BE AS THE AUCTIONEER REP RESENTS THEM, OR MONEY RE FUNDED. LAD1 E8jEJEojry8JBlltik-ATTEND THE8B SALES.' Nkw Oai.kAKS, June 37.' IOU: m-riota H2. MoniLK, June vonon uuu, 1074, celpts 6. MUHPHII, 1 V Olton ijuiei, oi-..r, At'oiisTA. June a. vonon uuici, iutj, receipts o. CHAMLKSTON, Jltn. af.-VUluin aouiiun., 10',; receipts a raovisioNS anu raomica. Cincinnati, lufie 27. Flour mmlrratc dc mand. Wheat strong No. 2 red H7n. Corn strong and higher No. 2 mled 3M. Oat teuily No. 2 mied 2AVsa2il. Pork Hnn I2.2A. Laru nrm ami nigner s.wn.,u. r.um meats steady. Union steady. VShi.kcy steady 1.112. mt. 1.11111.. nio.. lune di. riuui 1.,... Wheat lower No. 2 red Mtt. Coin No. 2 mied cash 1 i,im.1 1 S. Uat No.2msh22,. Whiskey 1.02. . llAi.Tiuimt;, June 27. riour acuve, iuun and higher. Wheat Houlhrrn quiet anil steady Fultl old 7h3; l.onglH-rry old K7 aW3, WeatcTB firm, No. 2 winter red spot H4iy Corn HoutBrrn scarce ami strongi wnitr 4a4H; yellow 43n43: wcsUrn strong. C MIC Alio, June f . t ami quoiuiion. io-oh; were as follows: Flour hnn. Wheat No 2 red HIV,ii2. Corn No. 2 30 bid. tints No. 2 2JVfc. Mess Mra ll.wi. i.mtii o.ii. Short ribs 6 .ofiall.oA; ahoulilrrs 0. 2ft: short clear t 2r.tl 37 j. Whiskey l.oil. Naw Yomk. une 27 Miutiieni nnur mooer- ate demand and steady. Wheat No. 2 red WAV..- Corn vwnker No 2 41'4a2. flats sternly-Mine 2Ml4. lliiM quiet but sternly. Codec July l3.5onl3 Uft. Moluasrs lorcign lirm. Hice qunt ami steady. Petroleum steady tvlined here 7 20. Cottonseed oil dull. KOHin qilll t ami stinny. I urprmine sicauni. Illilrs steaily mid quiet. Pork firm Lard sltHilv western atcnin 7. Freights strong. Cotton lt.iiO'11411. C.rain l. TRINITY COLLKtsi:. Kiitrnnrr runmlnntions Hrnt. .1 ami 4. Krc- itntlnns and I.e. turn begin promptly Sept. 6. Send lor new catalogue at once to JOHN F. tKiiwm.i., rresiornt, Jun2B ilUm Trinity College, N. C. JILC1I COWS I'OH 8ALB. Swnnnnnoa Imiry will sell ten or fifteen flrst-cbiHS milch cows on account of losing the flattery Park milk supply. Jun2odawlw tiiiimabukk. e7t Tfl fOCfl A MMNTff can be made flv I w vuU working for us. Agi-nln pre ferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spur moments may I profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns ami cities. H. F. JOHN SON Mi CO.. loou Mam St.. HIi timolol, va N. B. Please state age and business eiiie- rtencc. Never mind about sumllng stamp for reply. B. F. J. Co. aprddtini we Plenty of Goods. 2 Cars Corn l,2O0 bushels. 1 Car Oat 1 .OOO bushels. 2 Cars Hay Sl0 bales. 1 Car Rait 200 socks. 1 Car Bran 200 sacks. 1 Car Shorts 20 sacks. 1 Car Flour. These goods on hand and no house will sell for less prkrs. Our stock of fine Groceries replenish! d dully. Call and sec u. A. D.COOPER. NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While wc Have the I'iiict and Most Fashionable Cioocln in Our Liue, We alao have tltcchca)est. Cull and tee us. t. C. Waildell, President. W. W. Iluroard, Vice President. Lawrence Pullium. Cashier. THE OAlilC OF ASIIEVILLE, ASIIUYILL1S, N. C. IHKliTOHs 1 I. P. SAW Vl'.K, T. w. r ATTON, - .0. MAKTIN, W. W. RAVMAMI' I L CAKKOLL. I. C. WAUUFLI., OKO. W. WILLIAMS, ol Wilmington, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY OIiet HauU in V-u-ni Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE ttNERAL ASStlBBLY Or THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, SURPLUS FUND $20,000. OAK STREET INN, ASHKV1LLK, N. C, BcautHullv located in a irrove of oaks nnd white uine. with no dust or noine. at tht- cor- nerol 4ak and Wootllio tretrtut, near the FVmak Colk-, aud only three nquarui from the court houw. We hare a nam tier of ek'icnntly-tiirtiirtiird room to accomnHidatc boardcni who desire a nice, ijuiet place, away frotr. the hotels.. Nict roomH, m-w furniture. K(d fart, first-ciast RliUlCTION AT WHITLOCK S DRY GOODS EMPORIUM '"" "l re"Boa"ft p A,"-h,,t w tmit ., ,H,...r....i.,oe ..I: : ..M Dr. T. J. H ARC, AN, Proprietor. $1 25 " 1.30 " " $2.00 " $2.2.1 " " $2.50 " F1TZPATR10K BROS. & ROBERTSON. ' -- - ..' -l- i '.-1 1 Oealcrit lu YVall Paper, Window Khadcsand Patent Hangers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, At usury' MUcd l'aiut and Colors. Window t'.luss, both, " French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky 5atr h badry" Red Ticket Daytt spkcialITarvains FOR TWO DAYS ONLY ! Friday ami Saturday. All goods will Ik' marked In plain figures o Ked Tickets. 75c. Ladies' Cause Vests for $ .30 BOc. " mblieU " for 63 0c, " " " for 22 $1.25 " Chemise for Nil $1.00 " " for 03 75c. " " for ail $1,25 " Gowns for h $2.00 " lluiitlsoinc Gowns for 1.4U $1.50 " " Skirts for 3 $2.tK) " " " for......... 1.40 $1.75 " " " for 1.14 $1 25 Health Corsets for U'.i $1.5(1 Kid Cloves for .110 2fic. Lisle Thread Cloves, per pair 17 Silk Finish Persian Mull, prryanl .1 Illmk Silk liruiwry Nety per yard. ..$1.25 All colors Surah Silk, per yard .50 Fancy China Silk. sryard 1 lu Tinsel Cord, per bull 05 Arrnscne, per tloii.M..,..,B,ra,., i .lu Itmbroidcry Silk, ir dosrn I III White Coods, limbndileries, Laces, Hand kerchiefs and lots more goods too numerous to mention. Ketnemlirr, Twu !aya Only, PKIliAY ANU SATI'KDAV, Jl'NU 2 and 20 For Bargains, at 8. ICLl.ICK'N, Cor. MnJnBwd3'ijjftj8ieic Wwww llnllou Hotel. Finer grades In like proportion. A beautiful line of fine Funs, latest styles, at 25 per cent, discount on regnlar price. Hlnck Urainry and Fish Net at reduced prices. New stock uf Chinu, Oriental and Surah Silks in all shades just received. Reduction of 2D per cent, on Millinery Goods " ". " " Swiss Flouncing. " " " lllack Chnntilly and Spauisli I. net Flouncing.. These arc bona fide bargains. Call curly and secure a good selection. Respectfully, A. WHITLOCK. Jun27 dlw UUNIrUUNLI UATUtfl ANU NltUIUAItU tiALSAM VACUK. t.H) I All ..rw... M.,tl..wl. Cm ..1 1 . Jl ..t 1L.. Insi iisieuviia iusi launt iiuiimiu iinniona titniillK Vil r I. UinsrnnaTBl III m IUUK) throat and none, rty the Inhalutiun of vaporized and utoinixcd Huids hy the pneumatic and vviujiimku nil "','i "lun , .iiiiiniuiiu i"illltil'H V IUI tllfT V Uf'UI 1M-U DHI- 1 Ufi Mn nr Da,8ani oktained from the natural Imlsnm trees near Ashevllle.) We also manutacture a Home Treatment of the Compouml OxKcn-, which la. equal to I tbe orhec treatment, nnd will he aetit on upplk'iitltn h expresH, ori recciftt of price, $1 a. us,, nuui rscv bh s iui ins. i iun v ii J""" nim nun maiiiniii lino UWII HIV lit Illltrnui, nitV- Inn cured many ohscs that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can Ik obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. Hy permifsion w- refer to the followinx well-known ttrntlemen of Asheville: K. I, Alton, ei-Mayir: J. K. Kwri, Ck-tk V. 8. Court : Kev.ll C.Kan kin, pastor Kirst Methodist Church: Rev. W- A. Nelson, pastor I'iist Haptist Church; H. T. T, J. HARGAN, W. D. Collins. Capt. Natt Atkinson. MM THE "BONANZA," THH LUAUINU ' WINE AND . LIQUOR STORE v IN THE STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND MILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MARQVAKDT, M'Jt'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. LHWIS MADDUX, Pre. L. P. McLoilH, Vlce-Prcs.- I. K. RANKIN, Ca.ihier WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. ImsbctuuS: I,ewls Maddux, M. I. Ilenrden, M. J. Fagg, J. 14. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed e. rt. Kceu, Uco. S. fowell, C. M Mel.oud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK - AMltJV iLB, N. C., FlillKI'AR Y 1st, lbxu. Organiu-d May 1st, 1S8S. .. CAPITAL, $5,0,000. . . Hl KPLl'M, f 5,000 8TATB, COUNTV AND CITY DKPOSITORY. Hoes a (k-nernl Bunking Business. 'Deposits recHved. Kxchunge bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Suvlng Feature will receive special attention. On all sum. in this department, deposited for four months or longer. Interest at the rati for uiiotlicr. If you wish fT I of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. 1CW CIIHCH OI T IlO LOril tllllt VP 8lx-lal attention given to loans on real estate, which will he placed for long time on real aro offoriiiff at 10c. iKr can onahietcrms . , Having tlisjioHwl of the ear of White Elephant Potatoes, ve now offer at eont what we have left of a ear of Bacon. We do this in order to clone out the car and make room Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Savins; Department will beoientill H p.m. M2iltf -.' $25.! lleautiful RuildingLots IN i$65. call early as we will noon lie out. We have only a few easeH of the I'ie Teaches left at 10c. jht can. While hav- iiifJT your attent ion drawn to thewe necial baraiiiH do not lone night of the fact that we carry the larjest- Vtock Of Staple and Fancy finnvriw, (irain, Hay and Flour to be THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. t 1 :.. At... ij 1 1 HJ11IIW III U PUIIA', II 111! fill! offer HiKiial inducenients to wholcwile br i-etail buyers. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened With a bitf, clean stock, bought for cash at the right time, we dffy eoinietition. POWELL & SNIDER Court Square. J. W. ROLLINGS, Veterinary Nurjccou, ASHHVU.LH, N. C, WIN practice In the town and surrounding country Also have K-irntilic horseshoeing done. Office in Col. Hay's stables. Jn25dw,w .... JV1 BBNT. New house, right room., servants' riMim, wood aad coal rooms, city watee, gas; an exceedingly convenient houac, convenient to Public Sonar. Numerous dosrta, rloak rooms ana other cunventenees. Apply to H. li. ATK.INS, Corner somm aaa ironist streets, near l emale voiiegs. JuaJOdls J .N. MORGAN & i'O., No. 3 ltaniard Iluildlntf. School and l1oll(m Text Hooks, a full line. I'oHn, lliH-Joi-y, l.oniiince, lliographv, Travel and Novels, Family l.iblcs, S. S. lliblcs and Test anientH, Oxford Teachers' )iil.'l, .'"r? Itks of. all kinds, large stock Stationery. Illank Uooks and OtHce atui School Supiilies. New line Ladies' and dents' .Pocket books just oihmuhI. Fancy lioods and Dolls. VblodtT LADIES' NEW FURNISHING STORE. Silks, Plushes, WhiteOoods. Laces, Kinbniideries, Rib bons, Art Netlework Mate rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, UlovesJ loMei,YJiuliesLtIiw derwear, Laiiibi-eiiuins, Table Covers, Pillow Sluinis,Tidies, etc., etc. Iii'ssons in Art Em broidery und Stamping free to all who purchase ma terial. Kid ( .loves tit til to the hand. Stamping done while you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Corner of Main and Willow Streets, under Hwannanoa Hotel. JkoTICB-. Notice Is hrrehy given that the partnership lately existing between T. W. Thrash, P. li Thrash, Max l.lmlnn and W. I. Hnii.li ..r.K. city of Ashevllle, under the firm name of 1 nrnsn. tilings , t o , was dissolved on the day of May, 1NNU, by mutual consent, Mas t.indnn and W. J. Hough assuming the payment of nil debts due by the firm. All H-rsons Indebted to the firm will idraae mny2 d Jot settle at one SKYLAND SPRINGS llCNCOWBIJ COINTV, N. C. Skylund Springs la a new resort, laid off In building lots, eight miles south of Ashevllle, on (fie n. na nnorouii nnu inc licnoersonvtnc 1 ISC. For 'all the yenVrouiid," with low rntes and best of rooms nnd fare. Several buildings are going up Saw Mill uml Pinner making lumln-r right in the place For a short time, choice lots an: oileml very low to settlers or Investors Grand views, revel lots, wide streets, pure air. tine water. OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. tnnvto dftm C. II. CAMPBELL, Mamnftttturer Mttd H'Iiolt-MHle Mhlppvr ol UINtaCR ALi:, CIIAItIPAt.Ni; CIUUR, LIJMON SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, . MINERAL WATIiRS, TONIC HIiliR, 1 C A R HON ATKD WAT1K IN SIPHONS.; - raciory, 117 HaywowiHL I. o. Iloz a84 i7 "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C For tire aveption of Mttient sulfcritij; of tliscaatu of Iuk atut throat, nnd comlm'tcil tijHin tltc plan ol the annitariira at Girrbcrsilorf nml Fiilltcustcin in Ck-r. mntiy. 0ur fs the; only ttx-h institution in tin Unttetl States, nnd enthirawl by the UwliiiR mcmliers of the mctlH-nt profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON kl'CK, TJ. S., M. D. LUMBER YARD. t;LO. F. SCOTT, (Succcwior to Doulilctlay & Scott,) . North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Laths, Fencing posts. All kinds of Bulldintf Materia!, e-Order will receive prompt attention. fchlOdJy W. T. FKMNIHAN. W. . PBKNIUAN. PENIIIMAM .& CO., F"BUS ANU KKALKKS IN- H j AR - D W'i A ! rtTE ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGBNT8 FOB .. uuruni ruwutn tu., KICnMOND STOVE CO.. CORTLAND WARnN rn OLD HICKORY WAGONS, " 8TUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE Sf ALE CO ... ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. WCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. ; badly s Anything lu the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Coods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, 1 3 Pat ton Avenue. ' tcblOtltf SHKPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, FUNERAL - DIRECTORS, V St .1 E M B A L M I N G AK D S HIPPING A SPECIALTY. - 3 31 PATTON AyKlSiril.- -3 .J'vwtp" ytlll attend Calls Day and NljtM. mar21d1 il. ' ' . ! PLUMBING, STEAM AIID GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE HOOPING, ARCHITIiCTCUAL IRON WORK. Plans andpeclflcatlo,,, Frnlsl,cd on Application BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblSdly " f

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