: N CI - It ' '-'.. V - ' .V it 1 . l. r ....) !:.! ; . :: .M. CM ', '.. I l'.nn..,i, I .V ..h .. J VS. I. M ill UN, .-IKuiu. II Si IN. MA K ITS A. Jl 1NI-.S, Anhcvill..N. C. VS -II pr lia in tflf I ltli :t::'.l ll'tll Jh.Ih-ihI I t ! i. tit, mimI in the Su'iiinic Omit nl V.flll jrnlnui, Hhil lit ihr l-V,l,-r:il I'ouit ol lltr UiL-rn In-trut ol North Carolina. Kikr to il:ink of Atlu-vilk-. iltl tUU A. MOIIKK. IM V UkKKlCk. " IMtKli At M H K KICK, Attorney and Counncllors at Law, Aluvillc. N.C. I'nictict- In the I'liitnl States Ciivuit mill HiHtrtel Courts lit Ai.lKvillf StitUovillf.Clmr- lotic uml t'.itt-nniMiro, in the Supn-mr Court l KitUiyh, itml In the courts t,l the Tvttluh . judicial District uf the Stale uf North Coro- lilta. Signal attention tdwn to collcetion ol chimin, I'nrlnrmriip doe not extend to prnctice in lluneoiulie Inferior Court. UtocS T. U. Colin. -i)llIl At MI'.KKlMtlN, . 0. HkKKlMON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice in all the court. (ith.ee: No. 7 anil M, Johnston Ijiulcliiitf. disc W. W.JONB. WU.NK8 : SIIUt-OKD. OKII. 1. Ktll'VOKII, Attorney at La ', Ashevtlh-, N. C. . I'raetie in4he Sii.'rior Court oi Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court ol the State, nutl the J'cdcral Court at Asheville. Oilier in Johnston litiiltliiiK, where one mem ber of the tirra can ulw ay lie fountl. tltnovll JOHNSTONB JONUS, iTTOlt-.ty AMI COl'NSKI.LOti AT LAW, AijlIimU.K, N. C. Practices in the United States Circuit and f)itriet Court at Asheville, in the uprciuc Court at Kulcixh, and in the Courts ol the Twellth Judicial District ..I the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as hi service may he renuired. Oflice over So. iixpn-im Olhce, tlentlry Wock iuuL'Jdtr H JJ li. DOUGLASS. I. U. 8. DENTAL BOOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grunt Hi WiiiKi-rt's Dru Store. Keaidencr, No. KM Huilcy St. fchiodly H, KlitiVBiS, U. 1). S. ItlCKTAI, A&" OFJ--1CK In Counally lltiildiuu, over Kctiwood's Store, Pulton Avenue. Tcelli extruded w ithotit pain, with thcaew unaHlhelic, uudull eases of irtcjiuhirity cor rected, leuiviuijr UN, M. D. OF1 ICIii Nc tjjtfiiil Central HiiihliiiK, over Hik Ml ' ' Ctiithiiiu Store. U"7''llu, ri , .; -v VT i f V. KAMSW, D. U.S. T J Oilicv i lit llartmrtl UtiildiiiK Entrance, l atlun r Avenue anil Mam Street. ! feliudtr . : : ! . ' - 5 m r WSTAMJ LENSES All eyes fitted and tit ic'iur"'!'1'1!. A com plete tock of the above Roods ftt GIIANT DRUG KTOltE, 24 SOUTH MAIN STKIiHT. tX-ulista' prfsiTiytitin a siiedalty, Iclt27dtlm S PlU'rii BOAKMi 'f NHW lltlUSH! NEWl.V Fl'HNISlllil) I . ALL MOUHKN 1M UK'HUM l!NT8. ' tV MRS. Ev' V,)fLER AND MRS. N.B. ATKINSON, t V v ilo. mi Haywood Street. .r fk jun-,a'UY j.c. mt6vN, t n 1SRCII ANT I TAILOR, 23 I'altun Avcnhe, (Next tu Grand LVntml Hotel.) :.,'. vll'lil), carefully prepared liy lead , Inn n Anlier of the Aslievtlle liar (on Uncut parcVVient and heavy flat pnKrt, cov cririK all luAssnry points, lust out and now on sale nt f c titfiee of the Citixkn I't nt.tsu to ' KI,rt f'-.,,rt vi,inv fit tor Tf mny dealer y lie ha the W. I. DouarlM PlKMia ivlllmut uaiiiii and urioo ftauiptxl on tae bottom, yut hiiu down a a baud V L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ran CENTLEMEN. . . . . , i v n.nB 1.1a nmr in inn wurm, It.lHI tlKNUINK H AMK-HfWKll MHE. .4.oo ii AM-si;w t;i wki.i hiiok. 23 so imSmok ami kakmkks; miok. Aa.tMand t.7A HOVS' Hl'HOUL SHOK8. Uv tll uuule. in UinKien", lliilliiu uu Lav i L. DOUGLAS J SHOE iVdTes. - lUat Matarial. Host Stylo. Beat Klttlnfc U not, nll by yiiiii" l''f, "K . W.L.WIIOUS. BBOCKTOW. MASS. Kxamltie W. I.. IXiiikI" . Mhoc'H lor-4entleiiieii aim iiaie. For nalrhv lIliUUIN; St WliAVliU, 'M South Main Street. Asheville, N. C. , jtinl'Jdly Fur I w o ym'ri 1 I; iIh'I1II1IIIh.I: 'I'.:'II ..it HiHmliM i-ii'f nv. k t t'.i.i.iliil i 'i- I'll ,- In d fur B V. -.fl! J.U,, Mi I tw ! flitrn -!r w ruiilil I'lil.ei-i-.t Imiiili in i y 1- !. r. fur 8 in, 1 1 ' I i l!HIV- III v i il 1,1. "i in r- -i i 1! Ji.ml r. I,- ill by Iki-v i .ii.firlr ,...lw f., rrr,..tf . i' .uj i .....i. i'u.iri. u.u.lnn h,iI lu ...ni t. riiunijl whim, i" " . ' I ' . ' . Impruvii. Afti a wlillfl at my aurh. v.il (-re--'.w.t flvo niniillm li'.vn hern its we'l 1 every, us-uL jroin tut) cBect of Bwlfl's Hlii-clllc. Jons Hat, Jan. B. 1H89. It. Vayi'u. lnd. . Book on Blood nd Skin f)wr innllt n ft.. Mwirt hi'soiriu t'oM AUaiuu, ! I inn lOrhi. JT0 LOAN. J'rom $1,000 to fn.nnn on onciieutnlxVetl tiuprovcd city real elule at H tr rent. Aii ,,1,'at KIMIM NO. It. i (tiii7 du McLoutl lluiltling. I nprl1 y A. 1 Nl is : i i I t i U I t A it In I l,c i;l,t .i 'tile .t'l'l MvllK ( i 1 he lot -vv.il 'I t .ll l t 1 1 if cut a IomIv ni : i i.K n liii lint; in llif t tL v lv the Ciiiii If. In lur li.'tml a IhhiK M. IhnU; In Ikt th. myitis u mil li la uiiiiU ; UnttT ili:tl'rt I, iilkfll IdVC-skt ill lU'W tiilctl willi tnnt-lcil snails. l-.iitc rs f:tr yntiiiK nlrm with nicitit t, C I"' In l in wtiiitlrtiiis slriifil j.uKt t. Ai.il he notes thf pitci'ii pallor ! tla miisitit; iiitiiik'n's I. ue. He sits tlnwn jusl i'Iksa- Us'mIc Ikt Atitl -well, kmivIv, tine tint cliiilc Ikt; While u- pom' vl thanks IMistui ant all the electric race. Caniliritlf New. Ill MINIMS AMI 1'I.KAiil K1U The iim-tion ak--tt iliaiiiKinls was (Kist Kincil on I'ritl.iy ai'lcniMiii aL lAni son's auction until Tiicstlav, on itixntnit ofrain. Iion't I'orKit the ilttjr tur the sale, Thunxlay, July . Taseott is still in a state of tlisiicur- auce. WHY WILL YOU cout;h when Shiloh's Cure will pive iiniiietliaU- relict. 1'riee lu ets., oOcts., niul $t. SHIUIHS CATAKKH KF.MIU)Y a (Kmitivc ettre fur Catart h, l'iihtlKTiitaiul Canker Mouth. A man mail with whiskey naturally uses iiitcmiJcrulc laiiyuae. ( A Kewmd of950u. 19 olTered hy the manufacturers ofDr. Se' Cutait'll Ki'tuetly. for a case ofca turrh which they cannot cure. Thertiijtl, stMjthiiiK.cleansinu anil healing pro K-rties of thitiTeinedy are ifrcsistihle. 50 cents by druggists, . V ChicjiKo is trying to takcinita snliurlis. If the stihiirfis know what they are hIm tit liny will kick.1 ' r Many ueople hahitually cndiiiv a feel iii"; of lassitude, liccatisc Ihev think thev have to, If "they would take Dr. J. ll. Mclean's Sarsaparillu this fc-tliu of weariness would ive place to vior and vitality. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. "Vell,"sitid WriKht Field, as he took his overcoat U) tlic pawnliroker, "here goes lor three halls and a bat!" Attend thcauction sale of diamonds at !eiiism's oil Tucsil.iy aftcrniion at -.I1' p. m. Kain prevented the sale on -Friday last. The only real problem of poverty in this country is to make tlmse keep skIkt anil work diligently who now jet drunk and do not work at all. I Ktineuilier. I reiiienilKT, I remember, When I was but a boy, How Castor ( lii anil Iipsom S.ills koblted life of half its joy. 1 reniemlier, I ivmeinlK-r, " When fur each trilling ill, The family liseulapiiis IVeieiibcd the V.iz llluc I'ill. Hut happily, (let suueriiio, huilianity murmur a prayer of thnnksjjiviii",!, that tierioil of woe is past. Speedily anil pain less relic,!' from all the ills o! a disordered stomach or impaired liver, can lieufUaincd by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They do not f;riie, weaken or nauseutt. Small, suxar-eoit ted, pleasant to lake, and mild and gentle in action. Neatly put upinjlass vials. One a close. Smallest, cheaeKt, easiest to take. hi commercial circles they have what arc called cast iron notes. It seems as though it would lie hard to forge them. Persons advanced in years feel younger ami stronger, as well as freer from the infirmities of age, by taking Dr. J. 11, Mclx'au's Sarsaparilla. For sal'.' by F. L. Jacobs, The lobbyist w ho gives the best dinners has the most power. Where there's a swill there's a swav. Ulvc the Clilldrcn a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health' of n child when it seems listless, has )Our or m appetite," eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. In most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such as Hart's Worm C renin, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in iierfect health again. Pa rents, try it amJ let your little ones have a fair chance for life. Oh, now the rich man's eying In grief his golden hoard; 'Twill soon be.K'iit in buying Cheap country hoard. Ik'iiisoit has a lew fine watches left that will be sold at auction. Attend his sale for bargains. The itch for office is not a sk'n disease, but the man who has it wouldn't mind skinning ,1 friend for the sake of gelling nu ottiee. ' Uuckleu'M Arnica Halve. The liest salve tu the world for cuts, bruises, soix-s, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapcd hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay retiuircd. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money 'refunded. Price 2C cents per box. -"For wile liv L. lacobs. daw A western young lady has given her I iet goat the title of oleoiiinrgai iue, iKxause it v ill never come up to butt her. THF KliV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Hoiir. Imn, Intl., savs: "lloth mvsclf and wife owe our lives to SlllLOIl'S CONSUMP TION Cl'KH:". ARB YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Const ipalion, Dizziness, Eoss ol Apetitc, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vttalizcr is h positive cure. Mrs. Figp John, there's a long red hair on your sliouldcr. And your sleeve is riiKil, tJo. '-'('' s Mr. Figg Yes. I put the hair on then niyscll so you (1 notice the ripped place A condition of weakness of bodv and mind which results from many disorders of the system tiiuls its liest and surest re lief in Brown's Iron Hitters. As it en riches and atrengllicns the blood, so the stomach, liver mid kidneys receive power to perioral their duties, nml the depress ing influences from a diseased ami dis- ttirlicd condition ol these organs arc re moved. Jinks "How ditl yon come to lose ho much money on the races.' Winks "Got too many tips before I started." This is a chance of a life-lime Jo get n good watch, jewelry or plated ware at your own price. So- attend the auction at liurt iH'iiison's every allernoou uml evening. Foreiimn "I want to employ a good strung ni.iii to wheel brick. Have you Iki'ii engaged in work that wuuld harden vonr muscles?" Applicant "Yes, sir. I've licen employed in Wheeling West Virginia. . Pimples, boils rind other humors, are liable to apjicar when the blood gets hented. Tim- liest remedy is Dr. j. II Mi U-aii' Sarsnparilla. For sale by F. L.J acid is. 1 N l tf i ii it i liter-.. Tliisietnc.lv is U-c.Mi.ii.i so will kiiovu ! ami pupitUrasto mt-tl n.isi i.ti me iiii.m. i who h.tic ui 1 1-lf.tiK I'iUfis Miij t lit s.i ii it Mir,,,' i it 'praise . A pttttr nieilifiuc lues iiotexi.sl.tiid it isguaraulivtl Imloail that iM'l.ilimd. I.ltvlnc Hitters will cure all ilisiascs ol the l.ivcr ami Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Hoik Salt klictim and oilier iillcftious catisfd by impure b. mil. Will drive malaria froiii the sys tem anil prevent as well as cure all malarial levers. Fur cure til headache. Constipation nnil Indigestion try Electric Hitters Entire satisl.tctioii guaranteed, or money refunded. Price ." els. ami $ 1. IK) nr bottle at F. E. Jacobs' drug store. A candle in a Imtile was a light of other days. Gas and electricity have supplanted the candle; but the bottle re mains. It ts spirited, and lias come to stay. No liniment is in U tter repute or more widely known than Dr.' J. 11. McLean's Volcanic Oil Eminicnt. It is a wonder ful remedy. For salcbv F. E.Jacobs. Kind words never die; but thev fre- ipKiitlv stay a long time from home. Im CoiimuuiUoii Incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Euinrs, am! mentis ami phvsicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. IVgan taking Dr. Kings New Piscoverv lor consumption, am now on mv third bottle, ami able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." esse Middlwnrt, Itccalur, Ohio, says: ilad it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have lied o! Eung 1 roubles. as given upliy loctors. Am now in best ol health. Trv Sample liottlcs free at F. E. Jacolis drug slore. Edith "Eet's see how many sisters have you got, Fred "Three. Edilh "Well, frtnn tlie way you have been talk ing to-night I thought I had lictter warn von. that four is an unlucky numtcr. "HACK MET ACK," a lasting anil fra grant ierfumc. Price l'o nml fid v'ts. SMlltin t l Kr, win iminetiiaieiy re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis. CitVvEllior to New Reporter Io 1 understand that this interview is ver batim? New keiMirter Yes. sir. I wrote it myself, the man was out of town ! Hi'Hlili and lteauty. She is a lorm t it life and light, Dial, seen, liecomcsa part ol sight; Health on hercl.cik mid beauty m hen ye Her form allgraceaiiiltpicen like majesty. 'he secret of her splendid health ami bcautv is siniplv this: She averts and ivoids the many ills peculiar to her sex by I he use of th . Pierces Favorite Prc- seitption. I Ins is the only rcnieilv lor woman s HCiiluir weaknesses ami ail ments. Sold by all druggists, under H ssitive guarantee from the manufactures that it will give satifliiction iuevcrv case or money will lie reftmilefl. Seeguaraiilee on boltlc-wrapiier. That must have been a big drunk when Goliath got slewed with a "sling." How UwvlorM Conquer Ueatli. Doctor' Walter K. llammoiui says: "After a long exiericuce I have come to Ihe concliisiou that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia anil con sumption might be avoided if Acker's Eiiubsh Lonirh Kcniedv were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold tiniler a positive guarantee. A mini never knows that a wonlan has my old clothes until he has married her. Flaming Fire in tlie Vein. We hold iHisitive proof that i' ;-'s Huglish lilood lilixir cures nil blot i- sons where cheap sarsa pari lias all . ' called purifiers lail. Knowing thk , ,e will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee, f. l. Siutth& Co. Man, with all his wisdom, never knows who is his best friend as well as a baby. Carelestt IM other. Many mothers have" ticrmittctl their children to die liefore thcireyeswhenthey might have lieen saved. Any niollicr who keciis house without a bottle ol Acker's English Haby Soother at hand, runs i risk which she may some tune regret. It has saved the lives ot thousands of children, and is doing so every year. An Irishman, recommending n cow, said she would give good milk, year after year, without having calves, liecatise it ran in Hie tirccil, us she came Irom a cow that never had a calf. IMjiHia, UeMpair, Deutli. These are the initial steps which follow indigestion. Acker's Jinghsh Dysjiepsin Tablets will both check und cure this most fearful of diseases. Tell a woman that she looks fresh ami she will smile all over. Tell a man the same thing, and if he dbcscu'l kick you it is either .liecatise he has comsor daresn t. Heller TIihii llloody KatlleH. Oeneriil Whcatcroft Nelson savs: "My exjicrieiiee in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that not mug so purifies the blood or adds lo Ihe health, vigor ami hlc as Acker s r.nglisli Elootl ixir. I his great rcmctly is sold under a positive guarantee. A little woman can tlo things and be applauded, where a little man under the same circumstances would be dropped out of a window or poked in Ihe stovepipe hole. FUR DYSPHASIA and Liver Complaint von have u Driiitctl unarantee on cverv Imtlle ot Shiloh's Vilalizer. It never fails lo cure. A NASAL INJECTOR free wilh each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reniedr. I "rice :i) its. You can buy a pins-in-clover puz.lc for two cents, but il isn't any easier to put the pis in the pen than.il was when the tiling cost a tliine. One of lir. . II. McU-an's Little Liver und Knbie;- I'lllets, taken at iiiht Ulore j;oinjj; to lied, will move the bowels; l he effect will astonish you. l-'or sale by I'. L.Jacobs. I'itl you ever notice when the tragedian cries: "l-'lv for vour life!" how naturally his companion lakes lo the wiiis? THE GREATEST ATTRACTION- Is that line lot of UNGUSll IIKIIil.US nml TIIKliU.lltlKN CHAMOIS KliAT SADHLliS al ' J. 91. AiaSXANDISR'S Anil the low pilces at whicH he In KliiiiR all Kotitls In hi line. He h IncrctiHv' lil ftirer unit Intrml to meet the tiiiimiijr"' --t- 8ATI8l'ACTIl)N OUAHANTlilill. i s.. ft Jl- ' . ' 1. f I - i :. 3 1 V ,5 - ' -r''.xK,,t .r-r- - Ptescut tlie nt'--- THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE FIG3 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the nuxliehvil virtues of plants known to Ik." most lx.uctici.il lo the huniaii system, tinning; an agicvaEic and t'ffeclive .laxative to jvnuu nently cure Habitual Consli- ro I- iti mi I llio ill : n i Mc 1ti. j)endiug on a weak or inactive ",iHlitiou ot the AICNEYS, LIVER KD CO V. ELS. It is the most excellent remedy knoun to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When ou t& tMioit or Cunaii(idUi Ml t II t PURE BLOOD, REFRtSHIMO SLEEP. HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATUHLLV FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. AoK TOUH ORUOUIST FOR feiTTXlXJX OP FIGS MANUFACTURED OMLY BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. lonismti. kt hew rok. tt. r. SALE OF THrC0WAN LANDS I KAUi; CHANCli FOR GOOD ItAUGAINS. Valuable Improccl and Uii improved lropcrt (u be IlspoMcd of on ICasv Terinx. By irttic ol an onlcr if the SuH'rhrCuirt i if itiiiicuinlK comity, made in tht canc ttl JvKNi' T. Cowan Mini utlurH, vx, imiti', I will sell at imhlic utu-lioii on TIM'KSHAV. Till. I'IKS'I DAY OF Art VI ST, IHJU, :iiul KtiivfdiitK tluy until nil the iiKi tv is M'ltt, tlu tnlitiwhi ival estate, at the .lacea mtii mi the term stittiil IhIow, to wii: 1. The trart "I altoitt lNf m, lyinu on the htr.-ul witters ol Sniith'N.Milliivek, in 1 1 tm coin le comil y, nli rinin lait'ts ol' Jnjm h Cowiiii nnd oihers, K-in pnrl oi tlieohijolni i own il farm nml known as the Cnnml a Cowan lands. This traet in situated only three or four miles Irom tlie city of Asheville, und in Wvll Ktiiteil for division intosniall truek L rnis, lu stttcM eontaiitiiiK mmiv elegant nites Ibr Imihlinx nnipostH. The traet will he sold in one hodv, proinjitly at 'J o'eloek in., on xnid Thursday. AnjiitNt the lirst, lws'J, at the Court Houmc door in Anheviile. li. linnictiinttlv alter the Male of the foretfo inj traet. 1 will sell ON Tllli VK KM ISlvS. the hriek stoivhotiKe lot on the north margin of Fattott avenue, in the city of AHheville, now oecupieil by Air. Jl.- H. Coty us a jewelry siore. 1 his lot has h front of twenty-seven tevt and nine iiulief on l'atton aveitne, and i Ltns hack to Fulllain street, udiKtanet'of 1 H) feet. This projK-rtv is verv valuable. 3. Next in order i will sell, ON Tllli I'K li Ni ls i;s, the traet of land in said city, opiKisite the late n sidenee of Canada Covvun, bnunded on the south by l'atton avenue, on the north by Hay w ood stret, on the eust by the Kyman nml Chedester lots, antl on the wet by the lot lying in the nujih- formed by the jum tion of Pat ton avenue and Haywood street, for merly owned by James liutti iek. This traet has been divided into eleven lots which will be Mold first separately by lots, nnd after wards in one body, and the sale w hich brings the highe st nKgreK".Ul price will le taken its the sale thereof. - 4. After the sate of the fort'K"itiK traet I will sell, ON Tllli I'KKMlSKS, the eighteen Ittts on the north side of Hay wood streetand let ween it and Hill street, in said city, em bracing the said late residence of Canada Cowan and several other houses, nl) more particularly Uescrilicd in the plcaditiKS antl order of sale. I will first ofier these lots sep arately by hts, nml afterwards in one laxly, and the 1hkIh's avK'KHte price o tiered will be taken as the sale ol the same. 5. I will next sell the tract consisting of fifteen lots, lying neur and northward of Hill street in said city, formerly owned by Alfred Webb and occupied by Jcwse T. Cowati. This tract will be sold tirst by lotsseparately and attorwanls as a whole, and the highest aggregate price will Im; taken as the sale thereof. 0. Lastly, I will sell the brick dwelling house tot on the. north ihnrgin of Huywood street, bounded on the south ity nm strerl, on the north by 1. W. Miller s lot, o the west by Chpt J. M (ludner'i lot, anil on the east by the lot owned by the Kcv. j. L. M. Curry. ti rmh or ham; t One-third of the purchase money will be re quired in cash, the balance to la secured by notes of the purchasers, in two eoual ittstall- mentfl, due resHOtively in one ami two years from (late ot sale, with interest at the rate (tf X per cent, per anntiiu from date of sale. Titles retained till purchase money is paid, im proved eitv property will have to be kept in s$ed by tlie purchasers for the benefit of the heirs-at-law ot t nnmut Cowau, ueeenscii, un til payment of the lirsl deferred installment, in an amount to be designated bv nit on the dav of sale. Purchasers will have the option oi paying all the purchase money tn cash on the eouhniiation ol the sale and taking titles immediately thereafter. : ror lurthrr particulars apply to me at mv oflK't in Asheville. where iuli plalsof the prop erty call be seen ; and I will gladly show the property to anyone desiring to seett. Messrs A. Sondlev and M . K. Carter, counsel in the ease, will also be ubui to furnish any fur ther tntormuttou they may have as to the property. This June wJit ihku. A. I. CA RTI1K, Coimiiissioucr. ti'iiinitv colli ;i;. Kiilnincf t-KititiiiiiilMitis Sept. .'I antl 4. Kt-e- iltttiiinii ttttil 1,1'cltitVN lK-ili iirtiltijiU.v Seiit.5. Hcntl lur new t'ltlitltiiim' al. tiitt'c tu JOHN CKuWlil.L, rrtmilcttt, iun'Jti il-Jiti Trinity CoIU-kc, N.C I I PHYSICIAN. r I I -A HottU-ot'imiiicinc I'ri't'. We wnr- III w rnnt onr fiinvflv totniT the worst t(iHi.H, nml the only pliysuMiirm whotlo ihi to prrvetit your 1h'Iih iniMMtl itpou oy nun uintf false iiuint'N nnd who are not Itot-toi h. ftfcnuNe othiTM t'.tilrii i no rx-n'j for not UMinj; tbii mtilidinr. C.ivt HxnlrM tun I Pot otlitc atlri.'MH. It cowls you notliinif. AtltlitHW AMiibel Medical Hiirt-au, MU1 Bromiwtiy, New York. junl!7datwly FOR RENT OR SALE, The IJest Chance Yet OiTcred. 'I hnl diMirahk house, eotitniiiiiiK eighteen rooms, now atprnu Ihuk eoinplolioii at No. 20 Clayton Hired, will he ready or oceu pnncy nnd I OU SAL15 OK RICNT on ornl'out the lnth May of June. It in cs IKcinlly tiilnpt'il to the uw-tt of it jirivaU lioiinllMH houw. All H-rHiitm Intcrculctl are iiivlttil lo tall Mini t-itiituiuc It thin tiny. Terms, whlt h arc mottt rcuioiuililc, cull lie hat) on itiilictttiou to T. W. PATTON. Ill 11 v l tl' REMOVED. 1 have moved lo lite lrick home No. l! t Drove ntrtct, which in Httctl tin with all the inotkrit 1m iri vi no n t , anil nm irciin.'it to tttkt lio.inlers for the scnon at reaBtinalilc rate. C.J.McCArH. ri ONHV TO LOAN. . -.Three. Xhiiusnntl lollarit ($:i,lit)0i on real i-Htute. Apply lo "" ' '" - ....... 1A VlllbON. MARTIN t lONKS, Juullti UU' k om 7, LckuI tllock. V .1 , GIVYi! ft WEST us to n'u-r It tiw u i i:STAIJMSHi:i l&Zi REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely I'lacvd at 8 l'cr Ccnl. Notary 1'ub.ic CoiuutiNhiinn n ol tKeds. FIRE INSURAISCIi). Ol l'll'l'. -houtliciitit Court Hiiar-. I). S. WATSON, Real ltate Agent, (Not H Speeulator.) For Sale A larc auiututt of valuable City rojKtty, improved anil unimproved. I'orSile Some fine farming lands ; nlw tiniln r nitd mineral In m if. - 1 can MVttrc (or purtic.t buying City Litis from me money to improve the munv. on mot reuMonnl tie terms! Money to loan on Kd v't v nn -'i,try ptiei ty I tuliee houiK: l-'rom H to tl. I. S. WATSON, Stmtheast Corner Court Square, AKhev'llle, N. C. may 20 dtt k Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Ablicvillc, N. t. C'hh wii tm one tiitllitin ttcrca ul latitl, in trttt-tk Iriitti .m to too.iioo aertn. .lime u iitnniKr t.l tilv Itilx. Iii:pri.vttl tnitl ...MP.i.m.. ittivi-it, -hit-It I etui sH mi tlic InHt til' tennt. If. vim wttiit tt liirj-u'- iii-ttiMiiU I'ttitit cull ttt iiie. It ytiti )iint Hiiiictitlh ul'ituy intl, '.von tiicil Kti mi I'ttrtln-r. II .vim w.int tltnlKr Itinils, litis in lKittliiiiirtt.rsi. I'lltill ctni tttnt you in iiti.vlltinx vim want i 'iijr line. Scrvitvs til'tt lii'l-t-liths vttil iMinccr nml ptttclictU Kurvryur cn:t;v"l to flmw up nil liruicrly wlit-lt tciittiivtl. I have hntl lilUt-n ycurtt' exjierifit'-e In tlic icitl cstitli- litisiitcus, antl iliittkl know wltul will ilt.ist'. I'fiinipl altcniiiiit lo till iittiuiiictt. It li-Jtl I v HKTl-ANlt I1KDS.. Real ICstalc ItrukeiN, And s Investment i Agent. nfliccs: No. fin Koulli Main Kt .Stctmil lloor. filidtlly lXSVKAXCt!. JJIKli IXSURANCK. FIKIv I AVE. AIVIIHOT. PULL1AM CO. At the nank of Asheville, ASHliVll.I.li,. N. C. Ki'iirciitul the following eoiHittuits, viit. it. s AukIu Nciniln. of California ;.$,-l-!J7. ,m;i.i ,iia:i ,ti 14 ,!HI!V ,4'.ta .!t ,17'J , Ii.iui lul .it' Vt.r.l Mititililir;-Hrcnicll, of k-rimitty.... I.otithiti Assurftiicc, of Un'aml.... SitiRnra, of New York Orient, of llnrlfiiril l'hiL-nix, of llriitiUlyn at- ti...t.l l.'lri ittitl Miiriilt'. of Min 1,1 an 1, r.t:i 2. BM7. l,tif.7 5,054 nrtiotu .'....'i.;-..;fi, .. 1 .fi H Southern, nl New Orlcanii ..i..".'..;'.. 43i Western, ol Toronto. l.lKIU Mttliiti! Afcitlinl Asttiiciation. i;tiin I. itc liiHUranee Comiany. tlttniirl".! .0111 ,11X4 TUB EgUITAHLE LIFIC Assurance Society No. 10 llltOAllW.W, NHW VtlttK. Cash Asset 95,M,l.i Cit'li Stirphis ,74.7 .V.I The Stioiif.isl, iiitml Itln rnl nml iiiiikI pr frtVHsivc Conlliitltv in t lie tvorftl. I Ik Ton tint- 1'iilitkn svith 1" itml '- yc IK-rioils i when ixstiiil in iiiiiria'ie -form I oltcr lo IllSUt tllllc IK-t sintw U I vt o-nuo mi tin t.'lttt:. , I rriiti'flioil An;nnst Loss I nml A Secure ami rroiital'le InviMtnicnt. J Ii. II. Moiuoe, Ajil., Ashcvillf. N. C. (illiic with IuiIkc Anton. ItliJ.'Itltitn A I- AJtlOlH SOUTHERN HOTEL IN Tlllii LAND OF THE SKY !F0R SALE AT AUCTIONS I'NUIiH Tllli SHAIlOW DIJ 111. ACK MOUN TAIN, Tllli lllf.llliSTMtirN 1'AINS KAST 111' Tllli Kot'KlliS, Tllli NtiTlil) llliAl.Tli KliSUKT, WINTI'.K ANH SUM MtiK. til-' Tllli Si H'Tll. Thf milcniliil Ml. Miti-ltill llolcl property lintntiliiittlv on the V. N. t'. Kallroatl. lilu-cn iniit-H cast ol ' Asht-villf, N.C, on the plateau of lite lilnc KMki- '-',7n ttt-t above wa level, will lie oll at uuetion, on the premises, vi:ini;,siav, ji i.v io, '89. The hotel IniililiiiK i" new, huvlat! lit-t-u crectt-il In INHtl, ami littx Ikiii Mtcctuslitllv iinilt'itu.y,iitors for two witsims. It is it law three tttnrv . .frame liiiiltlittu, tnnnBiiiil roof, trtctftl aicoiiHiiR-lu LlH- latent style ol architecture, conltttniiiK xiVry IjcU rootits, with ml iinlinlslntl apnrlnieiil ill the "itptier lory :ii!x7a let-t, millitlih- lor lieil roouis; tlin iiiftftioin .'111x1(5 lift; liillittril hall UlixSiU feet; two Ititt htiiit 1 "ixllu anil Uux It) fli t rcsptet ivelv, eniinectlnK. I't'W iHimilry. There an-twi-itlv itionm which enn he iim-iI cn unite. The 'front of the IniililiiiK i ll'l lift, thplh 1 II) ft-ft. Willi a vvitiK axTa ftct. liver Kilo let-t ol In oiul piuzu for cxfi-eiscn ami iirnui- CllfltlcM. The lintel utantlH on a lictiutiful elevation, wilh itiMKiiiltecnt view of the Htirroundiuii niotintttltiM ; i on the north iiiiic atul within loo fict ol lilt-rilill otiil nnil UDD Icet ot the ntiillou. It I" Hiipplteil with an itlittuiluncc ol the putvttt tuotiulniu witlt-rlorall purposi-H 'I'herc are incltitltil with lltitt iiroKrt.v Komi 1 n ntrrn ol y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c lallll, tlllii il purihllHet 'aixircH can 'mv riiitl iteteii ol Hplt ntliil fruit. ptntlitre ami inrnoiiK tunon iniicn oi 11 tu rt tnl v w ell net in line fruitn uml ki-umi Iniinc ilintflv mlioiiiiuK. An w ill lie iK-reeivcil, the location i on the WMtcrti liiK- of the lilui- HIiIkc nnil the littiil watt-rn of the Swnunntiott river. Tt t:i'i of Sale line hall eauh antl tilt rt- mitiiil. in one anil two' yettrtt, with 0 , k r tent. t -rent. Three K-r cent tlisetnint will he niniv on tlefcrrt tl iiiivmenm for cash. l-'or lurthrr parlk-ujuni apply to or uriilrenn Nntt Atklnwon & Son, Mrnl HdlntC Dealer, Aliuvillu,,N. C... j till 1 4- til ill tru well k i: i . .. ... .... . ... . a. . Licet tic Lights, lias, H..I ami Cohl Water .-inJ Tel;, t on ... U t'..-, i Cuisine itml appoint incuts unsiiri;iSM.-il. I UANU I.OKiintAN, I'll), lid r, "THE, WINYAH ASHEVILLE, l-'or the rewption of Kitieiils sufTerinj; of iliscasts of I titles antl throat, und coinliicteil upon the plan oi lite (viiii taria-s at Cii-rlH.TStlorf anil FuIkensteininGcr iii.in v. (lurs is tlie only stall institution in the United States, antl endorsed ly the lending members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. . KAKL VON Kl'CK, B. S.. M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOOil, IIa the Finest and WIIKSKIKS, i BRANDIES I AND t WINES, lCer I!rouitit i'ltt tu.t wii.liliiiia t!,,(Hl nrtkk- lor family or give iue a cull. KcNKetl'ully, V rank iitarn 1 tl 1 y 3LAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, , Wholesale nnd Retail Furniture Dealers, And Utfrltrlakers. I'toinpt (itUiitum uiven to all orders day or night. Residence t 39 fctililly PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. , ' All ItiiiiU of cemt-nt woilt tlone. .loliliing and kulomitiinK rniuitty al-tt-nili'tl to. Ki siitont-ev Clttvlttn St. Ortlers enn lie left with W. II. Wfntnll .Nt Co: tt-btitltim TO MACKINAC Summer Tours.. PALACC STlAMtM. LOW RTt. Four Tn p. pr Wrfk Hnl wr. u DETROIT, MACKIWAC INLAND Petuakny, Hatilt atn. Maile. nd Lalul Huron W iy I'oit. Bvry Wouk Dity Bntwrnit DETROIT AND CLEVLLANO lti:tl Suiiily Till tliihii(( Jim. Julj, Atifci.ri inl ?i4. Ooubl -Daiiv Liu U 'v.Mii. CHICAGO ANO ST. JOStPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATED HAFPHL ' Uttm.lit'l ):-urK! n -rtel:" will b t j . Jl br yinrTtelt-.'' Ki-iit "ra i .-:i t. B. WHITCOMH, 0. P. A.. Pin:. I Detroit and Ciavelantl ttonm ..: .. Co majlMtltf WM. R. PENNIMAN, l'KOl'KlliTOK OK THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, AlivilIc,N. C. . K ' .-".'.' ...i':..;.. V . ...... . 1'. . Ilox 1. mnrl.lilly THE ASHEVILLE TlBRAKYASSOCIATION, Rooiiih on Mtiln street, opiiemlle the poBt- olhff. Otien tlallv, exeept Sunday, from ltl a. ui. until 4 p. in., nml 5 until 7 p. m. The tirrim ol milinciipton an-: (lilt- year $2; 1 inos., lXii); :t num., l ; niia.7Sorff- ilml v J ctH. Olliirm lor 1 HM'.i I'rfitulettt, Viee-l'resiilfiit, Chnrlrs W. W TrctiH., 1). S. WatMiui! l.Hoclety" CitlitftiK itii l vlslt'-utt the court liniise, toillHIKft the CU-. u f, Wf,.; mime (in incinhfr. l'tlc ami Kcv.'K, P. Schedul- iver nildrcs.scM. All of the To take filer 'of Asheville lire cortlitilly far le- ,.4 Htreet Knllwav Kervlc-v. I'i! notice of luitrtitm of the Btreet ruil ,A etillcil lo the fact that a car now iiui Mike's limisc nt S.fiO n. m., pn m., nutl -"nrt hoiwe nt 9 n. MRS. ptitnt 9.10. Han rctaoveo , ihe 1JC"re l'r f "r 'oun fi,,ks w'" I o an i in. .i the Sulphur Sjnins halt tnutketlt ""' .... ... ..... ... ..... . . ..... SAMTAHIU:,!. " II C. - .l Largest Stock ol tu AslievUlc. " , uthcr purposes, will hntl It to their tatfcnpt to - , -yy O'Doimell, PropV. Peiilantl Street. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. ' School and Oolltw Text IJooks.'iiTullline. I'octiS, His tory, Uoituinco, Itfoimiphy, Travel and Novels, Family Hiblcs.S. S. liiblcs nndTcKt- nmcnts, Oxford Teachers liibles, Soiifr iJooks of all kinds, lartfestoek Statfom-fyf IWank liooksaiid UUuu antj School Supplies. New line Ladies and (ients M'ockiit books just oiiened. Fancy (ioods ami Dolls. fehllltllv . St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. - i " ji The Niilcty-l-'iflh 8cul-Annual StBmon bc- giaii MONDAY, Slil'TBMBKH 12, 18MU. l-'or catalogue, atltlresa the Kfctor, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. juaN UHtiioa . .- , 1IKOO.M FACTORY. IIANFOAU N. LOCKWOOD. R4NII-HAI ' Brooms, Whisks, Hearth and Ceiling; Ilrooms. Mill und factory grades a lueciatty. Quo tationa and lamplea free. . fcblttdjy J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker'! bunlnetis at bit old utitnil oyer J. B. Diekerton & Co.'i Hardware Store, under the finn .tin perntiis, j . ttiij thaU will attentl J. V -n.hc Fourth, as I learn that .coinjwnv have n greed to meet I'on that day lor their animal re- -Hmn. 1 shall Ijc haniiv tu take tuirt in any proeeediilKS intended to henefit our old soldiers. Very truly yours, "Z. B. Vanck." Fair for th soldier. At a meeting of the ladies yesterday it was decided to turftnge for an entertain ment for the benefit of the disabled and needy soldiers of Buncombe county, to be held early in the fall. It is possible thnt part of the proceeds mny be (jiven lo the promised Soldier's Home. A conference will be held with the veteruns to-dnjr ot the subject. At Church tttreet Church T-Iay. Religious services will be conducted at the Church street Methodist church nt 11 o'clock this morning, and at f " 1 o'clock this evening. The public in to i attend. "' ' X'- ' 'I V