1 7v OILSSIONA L CA KDS. Tl!M 1 lUVHMUIN, Tims. A. Jims k.utli, Jas. O. Mj.TlX, Ashcvilk'. A.hrwile. JAVIIOM, MARTIS & JONES. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, A.heville. N. C. Will pr hi ice in the 1 1 th and 12th Judicial limnd. ninl in In 8uprrme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courts ot the Vi -iirrn ItiMim-t ot North Carolina, krler to bank of Asheville. dtscl cm. A. hook. W TOORB & MERRICK, ovrr MBRKICK., Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Ashcville, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit and District Courts at Asdievillc, Stntcsville, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at KatriKh. and in the courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the Statr of North Cara ina. . - t ' T. fiiecial attention given to collection of claim. - - Partnership does not extend to practice In Buncoes te Interior Court. dtoc3 T. H. coaa. . a. HiaaiMON. OBB & MBRRIMOM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. , Practice In all the courts. - Othce: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building. dte w. w. jons. TONES & 8HUKORI). OBO. A. IHl'FOID. . Attorneys at Law, AihcTille, N. C. n .1 . i .l.- C J . r uMi mwn m ouKiim turn ... .-,. I u North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the federal Courts at Asheville. Office in Johnston building, whereone mem ber of the firm ean always be found. dtnovll JOHNSTONE JONBS, ATtoaxBV ANn.CODMSBl.LOI AT LAW, ASI1BV1LLE, N. C. Practices in the United State Circuit and Thstrict Court ae A.neville, in the riupreme Court at Knleixh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth judicial District uf the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may lie required. Othce over So. Express Office, llcn.iry Block ... jau23dtf H. DOUGLASS, D. I). 8. .OENTAL ROOKS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., . Over Grnnl H, A Insert's Drug Store. Vesidcnte. No. 1H llalley St. . fcblOdty 11 H" KBBVB8, D- D 8 . DENTAL IMR OFFICE lo Connully Building, over Redwood' Store, Tatton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with the new anarstbetie, and all case of irregularity 'cor rected. .cbl3dly JIs P" BUK0IN' M- D- . " OFFICE I Hew Grand Central Building, over Dig 22 . v Clothing Store. Iebl7dlm 1. RAMSAY, D. D.8. rSu - Dental Office i In Bnrnard Building nn trances, Patton Avenue and Main Street. febUddlv All eye fitted and lit guaranteed. A com- GRANT'S DRUG STORE, 2t SOUTH MAIN STREET. Oculists' preacrlption A sixvinlty. ftb37dJm PRIVATE BO ARB. NEW HOUSE I NEWL FURNISHED 1 ALL MODERN IMl'Ri'VBMBNl'S. MRS. E J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, No. 811 Haywood Street. dun32dly J.C.BROW'N, MERCHANT i TAILOR, a3 Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) pr2dljr ANEW ItBBh. carefully prepared by lead ing members of the Ashcville bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), cov ering all accessary points. Just out and now on sale at the office of the Citizen Piblih- ihii On No A Mnrth Pwirt "iflfiir r;.,.-iQf ranydfialsraayshahaath" 4uoe without name and prli ha bottom, put liira down as W. L.. UUUliLHd 03 SHOE GENTLEMEN. rVnt In th world. r"STTilm his 1 .1.0O 11 K N I ! I N K II A N I-Sf , W K. O KHO& .4.M) MANI-HEWKI WKI.T HHOK, ' ilJUi I'OI l K AND FAHMKK!' SHOB. .. Kxrit i vAi.ru t.Ai.F mioh. 4 lU0and J1.73 HOYS' ! Iloot BHOE& an auuw is vtMwn i"1 - 'i wm V. L. DOl? S3 SHOE . Brntt Matertal. RMt ft II not sold by your diler, W. U DOUOLAJi. ) 8. A8& Kxamlne W. L Ui,uiia' .oo snoei for (Gentlemen ana I-aien. Forgalcbv " HERRING & WEAVER, SO South Main Street, Anheville, N. C, janlOdly In im 1 tun; rw' 1 1 :lwd Poison of Kid I . ii Hint h :.i I mated with nenory, k.is::i k d sorsapirlu i.ilxttin ,'-it)Wi! :woi'Miall tneiim. I limk 7 , tnll I iUlrt M. U 8. WtUcB r.nrrd ri t Mt' )y, end no sign of '.oeurvaniul iu.-:na nasrciunmi. I n. Nun Jiin.)!),--). Uobby vUle, Uxt M white swelling sack r a c . v t Ibat sli wss con fined l'i i I- I li a long time. Hlorct:. it VI of bona cam out of I rl '.i,.. I tlitj doctors ssid oinimlm.n ; i I 'm i nly remedy to S'lvul. rl 1 1 li'.wltlioopcrsuon adtl ..'. si'd sli I now n;H! ili'i it'i i ' ilnsseood healths snrrhil'l. :,ui Axilla Clarsuiro. Fell. 1 1, . Columuus, Us. Book on Bloxt DkwsaMi aunt fr, Hwirr Hpbcipio Co. Drawer S, AlUnU, 0a. Ia 1 MrJ LOAN. Prom tl.OOO to "SR. 000 on nneneumbered improved city real estate at per cent. Ap aj -- - 1. i p, 'MMwiliiiiMiiiiiimiiili'iisns inifn r'inf usimwlirviv -iffl f 1 ply at KtlUM INI J. 11, . un7 dtf McLoud Hnlid eg. IT lOU.n NOT UK. One day in the season when fate Uir the most May be nuiil to rlqietid on a fan. To the ollice where (H.nj)lt insured their Urea Caine a wild-eyed and wenry innn, He told his Imsiiietts, his luniily line, With all they had heen and done, As near and as close as he very well could, Wo v buck to the year of one. But the man of risks gravely shook his head. And his voice was chilled with awe. "Wemij;ht not decline to accept you," he said, "If yon lived with your mother-in-law." "Nor were it so bad if you blew down -guns To find out if loaded or clean : Smoked pipes inside of a powder mill ur Kicked mtro-glycenne. 'But there are two cases we dare not touch, Thnt we never mav take at all. . And they are the Csar of Russia and he W ho umpires a game ot ball. HI MINKMt AMD PLCASI MK. WHY WILL VOU couch when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., SUcts., and $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure fur Cutarrli. Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. America's national flour is cornmea A Reward of Ijoo. Is offered by the manufacturers ofDr. Sage's Cntarrh Remedy, for a case ofca tarrh which they cannot cure. The mild, soothing, cleatisinjr and healing properties of this remedy are irresistible. 50 cents by druggists. Picnics are ordinarly no-table afluirs. Many people habitually endure a feel ing of lassitude, because they think they have to, If they would take Dr. J. H. McLean s Aarsapnrilla tins leclnig ot weariness would give place to vigor and vitulity. For stile by F. L. Jacobs. The virgin forest has never been axed. I Remember. I remember, I remember, ' When I was but a boy, Ho w Castor Oil and Epsom Salts ..Robbed life of hull' its joy. . 1 remember, I remember, When for each trifling ill, The family Ivscuhtpius Icribcd the Big liluc Pill. But happily, (let suflvring humanity murmur a prayer of thanksgiving), that iieriod of woe is punt. Sieedily "and pain less relief from nil the ills til a" disordered stomachoriinpaired liver, can beobtaincd by the use of Dr. Tierce s riensant Purgative Pellets. They do not gripe, weaken or nauseate. Small, sugar-coaled, pleasant to take, and mild and ticutle in action. Neatly put up in glass vials. One a dose. Smallest, clicnix-st, easiest to take. . The woman who lives in vanity lives in vain. Persons advanced in years feel younircr and stronger, as well as freer from the infirmities of age, by taking Dr. J. H. McLean s aarsaparilla. For saw hy F. L.Jacobs. The Straits of Magellan arc so called because they are very crooked. - Give the Children a Chance. There is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath, in most cases showing these symptoms the child has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy , such as Hart's Worm Lrcam, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a fair chance for life. No broker ever nets so. old that he doesn't prefer a hug to a "squeeze." . Flatnltijr Fire In the Veins. We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparill.is and so called purifiers fail, Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. A Dakota Kstmaster has no hands. He probably stamps with bis feet. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bour- bon, lnd., snvs: "Both mvself and wilt- owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Diy.zine.ss, Loss ot Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. , How gladly we take to the ice that we were so much down on last winter. A condition of weakness of body and mind which results from many disorders of the system finds its best and surest re lief in Brown s Iron Hitters.- As it en riches and strengthens the blood, so the stomach, liver and kidneys receive power to perform their d in ics, ami the depress ing influences from a diseased and dis-turlK-d condition ot these organs are re moved. If Ben Butler could see -.himself as others see him he would not be cross eyed. Pimples, boils and other humors, are liable to apear when the blood gets heated. Ihe best remedy is Ur. J. Jl. McLean s Sarsapanlla. ' For sale by 1". L. Jacobs. . flrit is n frond thinir in its nlnce. but its place is not in strawberry shortcake. Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that notningso purifies the blood or adds to the health, vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee. A clergyman doesn't claim a monopoly of his business when he announces him self as soul agent. Dyspepsia, Despair, Death. These are thejaetmil steps which follow indigestion. Acxer's English Dyspepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of discuses. It is hard, of course, to be disappointed in love, but it is a good deal harder to be disappointed in marriage. Klectrlc Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and popular us to need no siiecml mention All who have used Lie-trie Bitters sing the samesongofprnise. A purer medicine does hot exist nnd itisguurnnteed todoull thnt is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ull diseases ot the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other uflections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the sys tem and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of Headache Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at F. L. Jacobs' drug tore. Is ( oilHumptioil Incurable Read the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lunjjrt, and friends and physicians pronounced me nn Incurnble Consumptive. Ur.m taking Dr. King' New Discovery forConsuinntioii;amnow on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlwart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Trv it. Sample bottles free at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. . Poscvboy (sneeringly ) So you have gone and got engaged to that old Dollar grab ? 1 suppose he is worth a million? Miss Dc smith (contemptuously) tea, of sucti as you arc. . . "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts. SHILOH'S CUKE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis. - Irrelevant impudence : Evangelist I shall deal tOMlay with especial reference to the curse ol cards, Voice (from a back seat) Sli utile 'fore yer deals and give us er chance ter cut. One of Dr. I. H. Mi Iran's Little Liver and Kidne- PilU-ts, taken ot night before going to bed, will move the bowels; the effect will astonish you. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. " A correct phrase: Jones (on platform of car) You were driven out by the ladies also, were yon ? Brown Yes. as the ncwspuers say, we are crowded out to make tom for more interesting matter. Health and Beauty. , She is a form of life nnd light, That, seen, becomes a part of sight; Health on her cheek and beauty in hef eye Her form aUgraceandqucen-likemajesty. The secret of her splendid health and beauty is simply this: She Averts and avoids the many ills peculiar to her sex ny the use ot ur. fierce s Favorite Fr- scnption. This is the only remedy for woman s pc-culmi weaknesses and ail ments. Sold by all druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufactures that it will give satisfaction in every case or money will be refunded. Secguarautee on bottle-wraper. You cannot Maine the publisher Who dallies in flirtation; You know yourself how much a kiss Increases circulation. .No liniment is in belter repute or more widely known tlinn Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder ful remedy. For sale by F. L.Jacobs. "Ca-sar hnd a Koinitu nose, didn't he ?" asked the Judge. - I don t know, replied the Major. "Yes, when lie thrice declined the impri ial crown 1 think he used Roman noes. How Doctors Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : After a long experience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's bnglish Cough Remedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee. In those States which have a prohibi tory luw the drug stores are drachm shops, sjicll it as you may. Careless Mothers. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before theireyes when they inignr. nave ueen saved. Any mother who Keeps nouse without a bottle ot Acker's English Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she mav some time regret. It has saved the lives ot thousands of children, and is doing so every year. Now thnt bustles are going out of tusmoti, it is to be hoK.d that the Indians will leave oft their war whoops. FOR DYSPEPSIA and LiverComulnint you have a printed guarantee on everv bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer It never fails to cure. . - A NASAL 1NIECT0R free with ench bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price oucts. It is a little girl of five who makes the discovery that the shad is a porcupine turned inside out. Ducklcu's Arnica Halve. The 1est salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapjictl hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions,, and posi tively cures piles, or uo pay mtured. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For side by F. L. Ineobs. daw The sportsman Cupid whets his darts And dons his lightest suiting To sally forlh midst fluttering hearts, I'pon his summer shooting. I.i: JION ELIXIR. A IM.KA8ANT t-KMON DRINK. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Klixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Ulixir. For sick and nervous "headaches, take Lemon Ulixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Clixir. For Iosb of appetite and debility, take Lemon Flixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon lilixir will not fail you in any of ine aouvc diseases, itnoi wiiicnnrisctrom a torpid or diseuscd liver, stomach, kid neys, bowels or blood. Prepared only 1 1 I C by 1)k. 11. Mozi.HV, Atlanta, Ga. 5()c. and $1 per bottle, Sold by drug gists. A PROMINENT MtNISTKR WKITKH : " After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great mrvous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidnevs and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley s Lemon fclixir, and am now a well man. Kev. C. C. Davis, Elder M. 15 Church, South. No. 2H Talnall st., Atlanta, On nprl'l dtoc21 th su The Dally Citizen. Is always alive to the interests of Ashcville ami its people. Is the most popular advertising n)i dittm in North Carolina. ' . Is read by a greater numlier of people than any other secular paier in the State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter ot th day. Boarding houses fill their rooms by ail vertisiiiK in the Citizkn. News, and all the news, makes the Cli- iziiN a general fuvonte. No retail merchant ever made n great success without advertising. Try the CITIZEN, An advertisement In the Citizen pays the advertiser an nunurcd-tolu. trinity coixi:-i:. Kntrsnc naminatlons Sept. 8 and . Ree. ttations and lectures begin promptly ricpt. 5. Menu lor new catalogue at once in JOHN F, CROWULl,, President, jun20 cUra Trinity College, N. C V k Fretentt in the moM eleesnl fbtut THE LAXATIVE AM) NUTRITIOUS JUIOE , or TMB FIGS OF-CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agTeeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation," and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive rendition of the X10NEYS LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Hilious or Constipated so TH AT PURt BLOOD, RCFRiaHINO HIV, HEALTH md STRtNQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it . ASK OOR ORUOOI8T KM BYHUP OX FIOB StAMUFAOTUftlD ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHCISCO, CAL. - loumius. n , he w rout. k. r. SALE OF THE JJQWAN LANDS ! RAKE CIIANCU FOR GOOD BARGAINS. ' Valuable Improved and Un improved Property to be Disposed of on lvay Terms. Hy virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Itunoombr county, made in thecuse of Ji-nsr T. Cowan and others, tx uartc, I will Mil at putilic auction on TIU'KSUAY. THK FIRST IiAY OP AUGUST, IHHU, and sucvrdiiiK davn until all the pfox:rlr ia sold, the lollowiiia rral ntute, at the place and on the terms stated below, to-wit: 1. The tract of about 1K5 Hcrcs, lying on the heud water of Smith'sMillcreck, in Ilun comtie county, adjoining lands of lames Cowan nnd others, hema part of the old John Cswan farm and known as the Canada Cowan lands. This tract is situated only three or four miles from the city of Ashcville, and is well suited for division in to smull truck f. mis, besides containing many elegant sites for building purposes. The tract will be sold in one body, promptly at 1 a o'clock in., on said Thursday, Auk us t the first, 1NHU, at the Court Houne door in Asheville. 2. Immediately after the sale of the forego ing tract, I will sell ON 'I'llh I'HKMISHS, the brick storehouse lot on the north margin ol i'atton avenue, In the city of Asheville, now occupied by Mr. B. H. Cosby as a jewelry store. Thin lot ha a front of twenty-seven feet and nine inches on I'atton avenue, and runs buck to Pnlllam street, a distance of 140 feet. This projierty is very valuable. 3. Next in order I will sell, ON THE PRKM ISB8, the tract of land in said dtv, opposite the late residence of Canada Co wan, bounded on the south by I'atton avenue, on the north by I lny wood strct, on the east by the Lyman and Cliidestcr lots, and on the west by the lot lying in the angle formed by the junction of fatton avenue and Haywood street, for merly owned by James Huttiick. Thi tract ha heen divided into cleTen lots which will be sold first separately by lota, and after wards in one body, and the sale which brings the highest aggrcgatr price will be taken as the sale thereof. . After the sale of the foregoing tract 1 will sell, ON Til B PKBMISKS. the eighteen lots on the north side of Haywood street and between it and Hill street, in said citv. em bracing the said late residence of Canada Cowan and several other houses, all more particularly described in the pleading and order of sale. I will first otter these lots sep arately oy tots, ann auerwarus in one oouy, and the highest aggregate price offered will Ik taken as the sale ol the nine. B. I will next sell the tract consisting of niieen lots, lying near and northward ot Hill street in said city, formerly owned by Alfred Webb and Occupied by JcsseT. Cowan. This tract will lie sold first by lots separately and afterwards as a whole, and the highest aggregate price will be tuken as the sale thereof. " " " - 6. Lastly, I will sell the brick dwelling house lot on the north margin of llavwood street, bounded on the south hy said street, on the north by O. W. Miller's lot, on the went hy Cspt. J. M. Gudgcr's lot, and on the east by the lot owned by the Rev. J. L,. M. Curry. TERMS OF 8AI.K I One-third of the nurchase money will lie re quired in cash, the halxnce to tie secured by notes of the purchasers, in two equal install ments, due respectively in one and two years from date of sale, with interest at the rate of w iHircent. per annum trom date of sale. Titles retained tili purchase money is paid. Im proved city proix:rty will have to be kept in sured by the purchasers for the lienetit of the heirs-at-law of Canada Cowan, deceased, un til payment of the firnt deferred installment, in an amount to be designated by ine on the day ol sale. I'urchaners will have the option of paying all the purchase money in cash on the confirmation of the sale and taking titles immediately thereafter. For further particulars apply to me at my office in Asheville, where lull plats of the prop erty can lie seen ; and I will gladly show the proiierty to anyone desiring to seen. Messrs. F. A. Sondley and M. H. Carter, counsel in the case, will also lie glad to furnish any fur ther informatHin they may have as to the proiierty. liusjune az, A. I.. CARTKR, ' CummiHsioner. E. FOGKTTK, Architect. Plans and eciflcations prepared and esti mates given, at short notice. Office: Wolfe Iluilding, Court House Square Asheville, N. C. may30dly FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet OtTerecl. That desirable house, containing eighteen room, now approuching completion at No. 20 winy ton street, will be ready fur occu pancy and FOR SALE OR RENT On nr about the 15th day of June. It Is es pecially adapted to the uses of a private hoarding house. All persons interested are Invited to call nnd examine It thi duy. Terms, which are most reasonable, can Ik had on application to T. W. PATTON. may22 dtf The ttnderniKiicd may tic found In 81 win It ' new building, our door went ot J. V, Wood hury'a iuhk, on imit'Ke itrcftt. I hey arc fiTTiiarcd to mantil'm'turf carnuift-ii. buutritn. wnpotin, and anything tine in their line. Kc- iMtirintf nnd hot-He-Hhocintf are fxtintt.e I hey have nt-curva the erviceiior iicnry I'nw- ell, and would Ik- pk-aiM-d to receive a lilernl h arc of patruiiHc. KntirOuetion guaranteed. juitt auru jit KiNu i i ts ac jiuvaku UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel" Hill, N. C. The next session begins "pt. ft, 1 WHO. Thor ough instruction is ollered in Literature, Hci- rnce, Philosophy and l.iw. Tuition, f.tOper smsion, For catalogue address HON. KKMP 1. BATTLU, Jul8 drodOw tu th sat A'E.t L 1ST ATE. WI.T B. C.wv, W. W. Wkt. G17YII & WEST, (SucrvtuM)ra to Walter B.Gwyo) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners ot Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK (toaUteaat Court Hquarc. D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, t (Not a Speculator.) For Sale A large amount of yatuable City Property, improved sad unimproved. For Sale Sum fine farming land ; also, timber and mineral lauds. . I can secure for parties buying City Lot from me money to improve the same on most reasonable terms I Money to loan on good city and country property! Office hours : From 8 to 8. D. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Asheville. N. C. mayl'6 dtf Win. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, AKhevillC, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of tand. In tracts from SO to lon.ooo aires. Have a uumber of city lots, improved and unim proved, which 1 enn sell on the best of teruis. if you want a large or small farm call on hie. If you want minerals of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lauds, this is headquarters. In fact I can suit you in anything you want in my line. Service of a first-class civil englueer and practical aurvcyor engaged to show up all property when required. 1 have hud fifteen year' experience in the real estate business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiiics. fcbt-dlv) OHTL.ANl 11ROS., Real Estate Brokers, And i Investment i Agents. Office: No. 50 South Main at. Second floor, feblldly INSURANCE. P1RKNSURANCB. FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULUAM & CO. At the Batik of AahevUle, a ASHKVILLB, N. C. Represent the following companies, vis. FIHR. CASil AIWRTS IN Anglo Nevada, of California, $2,407 Continental, of New Yord ,H7S t). . ,H33 ,023 .(1114 ,005 Hamburg-liremen, of Germany l.llfU, London Assurance, of bngland -1 .o-K-l Niagara, of New York 2,237 Orient, of Hartford .... l,fiB7, I'hnenix, ot Hrooklvn 0.054, ,171 001 St. J'aul Fire aud Marine, of Min nesota : 1.641. Southern, ol New Orleans ;) ,HK4 Western, ol Toronto 1,039 id Mutual Accident Association. .4tna Life insurance Company! dlmar29 THE- EQUITABLE LIFE AsHurunce Society MO. 120 UKOAIIWAY, NKW VIIKK. Cash Assets vaV4).96 Cash Surplus ao,7t4,7I5.IS The Strongest, most liberal anilmost pro gressive Company in the world. lip luiiiiiic I'.JUiicn Willi 1. Mil), jt-tt, periods (when issued in appropriat'' form I offer to insurable ersoii a two-fold advan tage. Protection Against Los und A Secure aud 1'rotitable Investment I. I). Monroe, Ajtt., Asheville, N. C. Office with judge Aston. Icb23dtltn A FAMOUS SOUTHERN HOTEL IN Til LAND OF THE SKY zF0R SALE AT AUCTI0N. UNIiEK TUB SHADOW OF BLACK MOUN TAIN, THE HIGH HST MOUNTAINS EAST OF THE ROCK 1KB, TUB NOTED HEALTH RBSOKT, WINTER AND SUM M ER, OF THE SOUTH The splendid Mt. Mitchell Hotel pronrrty immediately on the W. N. C Railroad, fifteen miles east of Asheville, N. C, on th plateau of the Hlur Klilge 2,700 feet above sea level will be sold at auction, on the premises, WEDNESDAY, JU1W io, '89. The hotel building 1 new. having heen erected in 1HKH, and has been successfully opened to visitors for two seasons. It is a large three story frame building, mansard roof, erected according to the latest style of architecture, containing sixty bed rooms, with an unfinished apartment In the upper story 112x72 feet, suitable for bed rooms; din ing room aoxin feet; milium nail 22122 fret; two kitchens 15x30 and 2tn4.ll feet respect ively, connecting; large laundry. There are twenty rooms wnicn can oe used en suite. The front of the huildinir is lie feet, denth llo feet, with a wing 32x72 fret. Over Hi 10 feet of broad piuuas tor exercise and prom enades. The hotel stands on a beautiful elevation, with magnificent view of the surrounding mountain. ; is on the north stile and wtimn loo feet of the rnilrosd and 20O feet of the station. It is supplied with an abundance of the purest mountain wntcrforall purimsea. There are included with this property some 10 acres ol valuable land, and if purchaser desires can buy fino acre of iplendld fruit. pasture und lurmlng land much 01 it al ready well set in Hue fruit and grass Inline dlutelv nillolninff. As will lie perceived, the location is on the western sloW 01 the nine Hinge ana the head waters of the Swannunoa river. Terms of Sale One-half cash and the re mainder in one and two year, with 0 per cent, interest. Three per cent discount will be made on deferred payments for cash. For further particular apply to or address Natt Atkliifton & Son, Real Hut ate Dealer, Asheville, N, C, Junl 'ill fri iu.wcd MISCELLASWS. THE"HICKOEY:ni: v IIICIIOI1Y, N. C. lilcvtrk- I.iglils. Gas, Hot and Cold Water Dutba and Toilets on each floor. Cuisine and apjioiiitnicnts unsurpassed. FRANK LOt'GIIttAN, Proprietor. "THE WINYAH SAMARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, JL C. For the reception of patient suffering of diseases of HinRS and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol tlie sanitariat at Grberslorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, nnd endorsed by the leading members of the medico! profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOON lias the Finest and WHISKIES, i BRANDIES t AND i WINES, Ever Brought Parties wishing good article for family or give me a call. Respectfully, Frank marSldly BLAIR FURNITURE : COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUB, , Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertaker. Prompt uttcntion ivcn to all orders day or night, . . Residence i 39 Penlantl Street. fcbldljr w. K. WOLFB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. AH kind of cement wot k done. stabbing and kalsomining promptly at tend? to. ResiitWNieClByton Bt. Order can he left ith W. lirwtfstall He Co. tebitdtlm TO MACKIMC Summer Tours. Palack Stcamirs. Low Rates. Four Trip, psr Wesk Bel wfr-n DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 7UMky, Rsult ite. Hsrls, snd Lsk Huron W Ports. very Wli Dsy Brtswi DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spadal KuMlaj Trip .Hriitr Jun., July, Aukmi t"l tavi.t. Doubl. DslLr Un Bs'wmn CHICAGO AND ST, JOSEPH, MIC;). O'ln Illusthati::i papl BsUMnnd fixuurai n Tioks it will bfi-. J hv riurTlok'i sinut, ers- il.e . E. B. WHITCOMB, 0. P. A., Of tu-lT. ! 1 .1 Detroit and Cleiund Stam t...v. Co. maylHdtf WM. R. PEillMAIl, I'ROPKIBTOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, . .. Asheville, N. C. tJW P. O. DOS I. marl 3d ly THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Room on Main street, opposite the post- office. (tiien daily, except Sundays, irom 10 a. m until 1 n. m.. and 6 until 7 p. m. The term of subscription are: One year $2; 6 mo., 11.00; 3 moa., 1 1; I mo., oucts. dally 2 cts. uinivm 1111 1 j. -. u 1 ic.iu.iib, m.. " - " , Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsey ; See. and Trcas., U. 8. Watson; Librarian, Miss a. J Ht.h. (Milni. snd vlsitnrs are eorrllullv Invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their name a member. teunuu Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.80 a. m. Car leave Court House 6.80 a. m ' " " 7.00 " " " H.(M) " " 9.00 " Pram then till 7 p. m. car leave court house every 80 minutes. Also, car leave court house at 8.00 p. m. and U.00 p. m. FARB. FIVB CBNT8. 91 IIS. S. STIJVKNSON Ha removed to the tohnston Bulldlns, Pat ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she la prepared to kern rrirular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the market afTord., Term reasonable. marSlniO Largest Stock jots to Asheville. other purpose, will nnd It to their Interest to O'Donnell, Prop'r. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Haraard Building: iStliool and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, !3ong Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Blank Books and Office ana School Supplies. New line Ladies and Uents' rocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblOdlv St. Mary's School. RalclKh, N. C. The Ninety-Fifth Seml-Annnal eeMion be- Kins MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1880. I'or catalogue, address the Rector, - REV. BENNETT SUEDES, A. M. junl'H dilmoi BROOM FACTORY. HANFORD N.LOCKVTOOD. HAND-MADS Brooms, Whieke, Hearth and Celling: Brooms. Mill and Factory arades a specialty. Quo tations and samples free. fcb!6dly j.,y BROWN Will continue the undertaker's bnslnrat his , old Jtand over J. B. Wckerson Co.' Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty yean' expertcne a under taker and embalmer, and unequaled Atdlltles for buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Call promptly attended to at aA hoar. Everything pertaining to the business al wavaonhand. Sh18d6m HFOTIILITOTISTT"' OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TUB W. N. C. Baptist Convention. A Paper Vcvvtcd to th lattrtttt of tht De nomination fa Wnterm Norta Carolina. $1.50 Per Year, In Advance. Avertlslng pac .limited. Rate made known ppoa applleatiou. Address A8HEV1LLB BAPTIST, mayll dim wly Asheville. N. C. 7