rion:ss;osM c.U'tt?. , I'm Hit. P. I'AVUwMlN, Tlios. A.JonkS K;.n;U. Ji. t;. Mahtiu, A.hevill. Aslictlilc. f AVIISON,' MARTIN A JOiliS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Astieville. N. C. Will prwllc in the 11th and 12th Judicial iitrRls. id in the Supreme Court of North tart4ina. and in the Federal Court of the YVrt-lrrn lHHtnct of North Carolina. Kticr to llank of A.hevillc. dtsel CHtl X. WWH. iHjvr untunes.. fOURB St MERRICK, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, ; Asheville, N.C. Practice in the I'nitrd State Cirrnit and , lli.triet Court at Asheville. Statrtville, Char lotte and Grreoslioru, in the Supreme Court at Kaleish, and in the court trf the Twelfth Judicial Uiatrict of the State of North Caro ina. 8ecial attention given to collection of claim. - Partnership doe not extend to practice in Buncombe Inferior Court. - dloeS T. B. COBB. afOBB & MEKRIMON, . o. MKasiuoH. Attorneys and Counsatlor at Iar. Practice 1 all the courts. Office: No. 7 and 8, Johnston building, duct '. w.JOHS. roNBS A 8HUFOKD. CEO. A. SHUPOKD. Attorney at Law, Ashevillc, N. C. Practie In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Court at Asheville. Office In Johnston uuildlnu, whereone mem ber of the firm can always be found. dtnovll J0HN8TONH JONK8, ATTOBMV Al COUHSBLLOS. AT LW, ASHKVILLB, N. C. Practice in the United State Circuit and District Court at Ancvine. in tne nuprernc Court at RaleiKh, and in the Courts ot the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, a hi services may he required, umcc over o. express umce, Hendry Block , ianaSdtf H. DOUOI.A88, D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant .V VYhiuert's Drug Store, Residence. No. I'M Hniley St. feblOdly U. RKCVBS. u. U. "'- DENTAI, OFFICE In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, i'atton Avenue. Teeth extracted without pain, with thenew anwsthetic. and all case ol I irregularity cor- reeled. wDlittiiy OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Big 23 Clothing Store. fel17dlin F. RAMSAY, ft. 0.8. Dental r? Office i In Barnard Building Entrance, Patton Avenue and Main Street. fcbZOdlv -.JKj- . All eye fitted and fit guaranteed. A com plete stock of the above good nt GRANT'S DRUG STORE, SOUTH MAIN STKKUT. Oculist' prescription a specialty. . febSTdAm J. W. ROLLINGS, Veterinary Surgeon, V ASHEVILLE, N. C, Will practice In the town and surrounding country Also have scientific horseshoeing done. Office in Col. Ray' stable. julS d3w j.cimowN, MERCHANT l TAILOR, as Patton Avenue, (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) . apr2dly ANEW I)I?BD, cnrrfully prepared by lead ing members of the Asheville bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), cov cringall necessary points, just out and now ..1. . the ..lfii-e of the ClTIZHN FUHLISH- .. On N. A Itinrtl rnnrt n."r rt...of roy dealer says ne has thi dhoM without nam and prl. iK bottom, put Aim down as W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE OENTLKMEN. .1 , 111 .00 KN1I N K H X ND-SKW :! SHOafc A a nA u A u I, ua.'W u h i T KHI1K J lJSO POLICM A1SI KAKMKKS'KUOfc .5( r.XTKA VAI.HK CALK MIOK. iiJIO and l.7 HOYN' SI IK Kit, BHOESi It All uiMkt la OonxTi w, mi 7. L. Dour 03 GHOE : . KMt Material. Heist 1 . II aoi sold by ymr dealer, i W. L. IWUGLAsV i 8. AB8 F.xamlne W. L. Mu.ti- .oo flhoea for fSentlemen and IKlleH For sale by HERRING & WEAVER, 30 South Main Street. Asheville, N. C junl9dly i If. Mil. !. SvaMianld a flick k r wiia s aiseas tor wnica aicuira uu r I o nam. Tbs nails earn off his fin- I 1 I ,k- A tn II.a r 1 middle joint For 1 yssriJie suffered I S"l diMitrniix l now mulnff well and I l'i I m sslltod BwlfTs Hpecllie UJ tbs I cluW cans of hi Iffluromment fc SUMS IfKIHb, rl JtB.It.iaa. Per,Inl POISONED BY A CLr-T I llttl i 1mi linik Olll WHU SUIT BIHJ r'-.r tin i sit of the saliv of a calf cmulne In con but with a eat Shut. Tb leers were deep snd paln Inl :M slio-ied an flttllnatk lo auaL I ra aim & ft HprrlOe, sa fee I now well. JU.lit, Jons F. Usard, Anbsm, Ala. :V-od tnbookl nn XOnrA Poisnns Rkln Plsnwoa, '-. Mwurt arawtne VO Auaau, us. M' ONBV TO LOAN. Three Thnnstiad Pollar (IS.OOO) O real state. Ailr ( 1A VfKfiOK MAITlN lONIW, . InaSO dt Room 7, Ufa! tlloeh, "ffHAgEMARKVs 1 ,! .';.j'T;f Till: lil MMI H PARttiOI. Tliy 'trolled nlung the Ixtuli one day lksiile tlie silver sea. And watched the merry wavelets play Uli! beautiful was iic. The dawn's rich low was in her face. The dewdrtip iu her eye. The willow in her supple grace, The zephyr in her sigh. The perfume of the silken hair, Which almost bruhed his cheek, So thrilled him, as they wandered there, He coud not help but speak : '"1 love you, worship you," said he; "The words 1 speuk are true." Then, blushing redly, answered she: "If so, then 1 love you.'' "Then give nie just one kiss," said be, Now bursting all control, "Well, you may takejust one," said sue, "Beneath my parasol." HI BIN ICSti AND rLKASl RK. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ct.,50ct8.,aud$l. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Muffled voices must be very uticom- fortablc in hot weather. Parasol? and fans at half price at W hit- lock's. The days are getting like the rest of us somewhat shorter. Better Than Muiclde. Professor Arnold snvs: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui- le. vve will guarantee to cure uiiyuys- ptic within three months bv Acker's English Dyspeptic Tablets. feb5duwlw Those who crave notoriety seldom unger after righteousness. Call and see the mark down prices on all children's suits at Whitlock's. The Rublier Trust hopes to make prices less elastic. Many p.ople habitually endure a. feel ing of lassitude, because thev think they have to. If tbey would take Dr. J. H. cLeuu'a Sarsapnrillu this feeling of weariness would give pluce to vigor und vitality. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. Strange to say. civil suits are not institutions of polite society. The Ureal Diurnal Hwamp, Of Virginia, is one enormous quagmire of decayed vegetation, a region ol gloom and desolation; but not more so than the human system when blocked up by decayed animal matter, which poisons the blood and brings gliimi to an other wise happy household. Dr. Pierces lensaut Purgative Pellets remove all waste matter, and give Nature a chance build up. The passion some women have for at tending auctions is a mor-bid taste. Light colored clothing of all kinds, itable tor present wear reduced in price at Whitlock's. One swallow doesn't make a summer. but several swallows often make a fall. Persons advanced in years feel younger and stronger, as well as freer from the infirmities of. age, by taking Dr. J. H. McLean s aarsapunlla. t or sale by r. Jacobs. Can't some enterprisingscientistinocu- late the mosquito with the diphtheria Give the Children a Chance. mere is something radically wrong with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no appetite, eyes sunken and with dark skin beneath. Jn most cases showing these symptoms the hilil has worms, and all that it needs is some simple remedy, such us Hart's Worm ream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be in oerlect health nimin. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have lair chance tor lite. The two most "striking figures in news paper literature to-day are bullivan and Ktlrain. Thin summer , clothing, alpacas, Sicil ians, drab de etes, skeleton tlannels, ula- lers, marked down at Whitlock s. Some men who can get a fortune out of a deal in stocks can't get a hen out of truck-patch. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both mvsclf and wile owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion. Constipation. Dizziness. Loss ol uVpietite, Yellow Skin ? Sliiloh's Vitnlizer w a positive cure. When a detective gets ready to know anything he is not at lilierty to tell 'any- tning, ana tnere you are. Do Mot Buffer Any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked iu a day, and the first stages of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker 8 English tough Remedy and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, arid do not find our statement correct. , lcbotlawlw The poorer the young man, ns a rule, the larger the checks lie draws when lie draws on his trousers. I'itnules. boils and other humors, are liuble to appear when the blood gets heated. The best remedy is Dr. 1. 11 McLenn's Sursnpurillu. For sale by F, L.Jacobs. The urnve need never associate with the gay unless they choose out tue gay must eventually go to the grave. Straw hats Dunlap and low grale .b,.,l .t...... at U''a I11UI R.M UV , 1 C4V , "III"." Nolwidv obiects liecatise the church organ goes olf oh a toot every Sunday. A Hound leiral Opinion. E. Bniiibridge Mundny Csti., County Attorney, Clay Co., Texns says: "Have used Electric Hitters with most hnnpy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial I'ever and Jaundice, but was cured bv timely use of this medicine. Amsattshed lilectric Hitters saved ins life." Mr. I). I. Wtlcosson, of Horse Cftve, Kv.. adds a like testimony, saying: He positively liclicves he would .huve died, had it not lieen for Ivlcctric Bitters. This great remedy will ward on, ns well us cure all Malarial lliseuses, and for nil Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disor ders stands utietiualed. I'rice 6()cand $ 1 , at F. L. lacobs. A very promising Imy ought to be made n shoemaker or u tailor. Parvntn trlmliially I.lnble. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of age. An urmy of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly nwnv each vear. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The death rate of children in Lnirlnnd is less than half this, Acker's English Babv Soother has done more to bring this aiiout than all other ennsrs combined. You cannot afford to be without U, ; ' The 11 rut H miloiui of Ix-alli. Tired Kvlint;, dull headache, pains in various parts of the IhmIv, sinkmi; at the pit ol the stomach, loss ol'apetite, h'ver iflinesa, pimples or sons, are nil positive evidence of poisoned uUkkI. No matter how it became xiisonrd it must lie puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Mood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee. fcboilawl w There is a great deal of difference le- tween a light bill and a lull tor light. II you don't believe it, ak the gas com pany. , Millinery is going fast at cost. Mm. Macn.iir trims elegantly and without charge at Wbitlock's. A sufferer sends in this one: Why is a luitim'crl (Government clerk like n rtistv shotgun? Because he kicks when be'stireif. "HACKMETACk," n lasting and fra grant perfume. I'rice 25 and 50 cts. SlllL-UHS CliKti will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis , Because a voting man wears it tennis blazer it does not necessarily follow that he will set the world afire. One of Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver and Kidnc Pillets, taken at night before going to bed, will move the bowels; the ehect will astonish you. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. The English Princess who is to marry Fife need not be a musician iu order to blow her husband. No liniment is in better repute or more widely known than Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic un Ununcnt. it is a wonder ful remedy. For sule by F. L.Jacobs. It takes a man with a pretty strong constitution to rise with the lurk after being out on one all night. New lot summer underwear from 25c and up at W hillocks. . It was a Westerner who went into a haberdasher's and asked the proprietor if he hud any family ties. FOR DYSPEPSIAand Liver Complaint vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle ol Sliiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. A NASAL INJKCTOK free with efich bottle of Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cts. A certain amount of wholesome ignor ance is necessary to the enjoyment or ven to the toleration ol existence. TouriHt Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Pigs, ns it acts most pleasantly rHwlcffcclunlly on the kidney, liver and bowells, preventing levers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sule in 50c niid $1.00 bottles bv all leading drug gists. The man who allows himself to drift idly down the stream will never make much ol an up-rower in the world. Bucklen'n Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,' chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give tiertect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. i'orsalr by r . u. Incohs. daw A clergyman doesn't claim a monopoly of his business when he announces him self as soul agent. "Death haa no many doors lo lei out life," snng on old time poet. In those days thev had not discovered remedies that shut these doors. How different is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, from the old time doses. Consumption or lung-scrofula, is one wide door that it shuts, if taken in time. Don't waste a moment then, lest life slip thorough that iien door. It is guaranteed to cure in all cases of diseases for which it is re commended, or money paid for it will be refunded. In spite of the fact that Queen Victoria has had a long reign she never uses an umbrella. Advice tb Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the test remedy lor diarrhoea. Hoc. a bottle. We have often wondered how houses, which always stand, can show their seat- ng capacity. There's a blessing in the bottle on whose lnliel we can read Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,' for the woman who has need Of a remedy for troubles none but wo men ever know. 'Tis her best and truest friend, and happy thousands call it so, As they think of years of sufTring that were theirs lielore it came, Bringing them the balm of healing, and thev bless the very name of this wnuderfnllv, and deservedly, popular remedy for the Various ills wo man is heir to. ' ravonte Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, trom the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be reluniled.' I ins guarantee nns lieen printed on the bottle-wr.ipier, and faith- liilly carried out tor many years. The sword-fish ought to have no diffi culty in cutting a way for itself iu this world. The New DJHcovery. You have heard your friends and neigh- liors talking nlnvit it. You may yourself lie one ot the many who know from per sonal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are of its staunch li iends, liecause the wonder ful thing nliout it is, that when once giv en a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and shoultl )e nillicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Ltttig or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money rcluuncd. I nn bottles tree at v . L,. Jacobs drug store. "Hdvv (lo you like tnvliov, Mr. Itrown ? Nice, quirt little fellow nliout the office?" Yc. lie (Im'Kii t snore. IJvcrv third iieiwh vou mcetitroulile(l mor or Icsh with liillousiifss, nnrl don't know how to npt rid of it. The chuw are easily recorded. A lin k of miflicietit cxerciiie. cutiny; too much hy jiernonn ol aeilcntary hul)it, indulgence tn too rich food, n slinicish toriiid liver where thi hhmd docs not do iu duty, and bile is allowed to nccumulnle; these emise the wll iU-s of the eves to turn yellow, the skin to look thick and course, and the complexion yellow or dark. These lire Sure indications of biliousness. Brown's Iron Hitters is the remedy you want. It acts directiy upon the hlood, cleanses nnd purities ii and sends it on its journey through the channels of the liver, giving tn it activity and clrnrinir out the bile. I' will remove the yellow tinjye from the eyes nnd tne complexion leaving tne me ter Irvsta and clear. , Morocco is able to do a Ivy's woik. Something new in Tics, lieautiful and heap at W hillock's. A metallic voice is generally applied to a public speaker tm his mettle. Terrible Forewarning). Cough, in the morning, hurried or dilii- cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the clicst, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee. icuonuwiw Presents in the most elegant foim Trie LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS dU.CE cr thi FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to ienii4 uently cure Habitual Cottot: pation, and the many ills tic pending on a weak or inactiv-.. "onditiou of the AlONEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It U the most excellent remedy knovn In CLSAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one u Bilious or Constipated 0 THAT PURC BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH . NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOIST KMt BYHUP OP PIOH MANUFAOTURI0 ONLY BV ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO. CAU Louisville, rr . nt w roRK, jr. r. SALE OF THE C0WAN LANDS I RARIS CHANCE FOR GOOD 1IARGAINS. Valuable Improved and Cu lm proved Property to be Disposed of ou lasy Terni Hy virtue of mi order of the Superior Court ot Buncombe county, made in the vane of Jest T. Ciiwnn and other, ex imrte, 1 will mrll at public anction on THURSDAY, THK FIRST UAY Ol' AUGUST. lHHtf, and auceedinK Uayi until nil the iiropcrtv is ituld. the follow inn real entate, at the placet and on the terms ttlntcd lielow. to-wit: 1. The tract of about IBS acrm, lying on the head water ot smith's Mill creek, in nun- combe county, adjoining lands of James Cowan and others, being part of the old John low an turni ana known as tnc can an a Cowan tunds. This tract ia situated only three or four miles from the city of Aitheville, and is well suited for division in to am all truck furms, (resides containing many elegant sites for building purposes. The tract will be sold tn one hod v, promptly at 12 o'clock m., on said Thursday, August the first, XHHW, at the court House door m Annevnie. 3. Immediately after the sale of the forego. inir tract. I will sell ON THB FKBMISBS. the brick storehouse lot on the north margin of Fatton avenue, In the city ot Ahevule, now occupied by Mr. B. H. Cosby as. a jewelry store. This lot has a front of twenty-seven feet and nine inches on Patton avenue, and runs back to Full I am street, adlvtanccof 140 fcet. This proierty is very valuable. 3. Next in order I will sell. ON THB PR EM ISB8, the tract of land in said city, opposite the late resilience of Canada Cowan, bounded on the south by Patton avenue, on the north by Haywood stret, on the east by the Lyman and Chedester lots, and on the' west by the lot lyinif in the auicic tormed by the junction of Patton avenue and Haywood street, for merly owned by James Buttrick. This tract has been divided into eleven lots which will be sold first sennratelv bv tots, and after wards in one body, and the sale which brings the hlglunt aggregate price will be taken as ine sate tnercoi. 4. After the pule of the foregoing tract I will sell, ON THK PRKMISIiS. the eighteen lots on the north side of Haywood street and between it and Hill street, in said city, em bracing the said late residence of Canada Cowan and several other houhes, all more particularly deserilwd in the pleadings and order of sule 1 will first offer these lots sep- arattiy by lots, and alter warns in one body, and the hiuhest aggregate price offered will be taken as the aaie ol the same. 0. I will next sell the tract consisting of fifteen lots, lying near and northward of Hill street In said city, formerly owned by Alfred Webb and occupied bv Jesse r. Cowan This tract will be sold lirnt by lots separately and afterwards as a whole, and the highest aggregate price w ill be taken as the sale thereof. 6. Lastly, I will sell the brick dwelling i house lot on the north margin of Haywood street, bouuded on the south by suid street, on the north by G. W. Miller's lot, on the west by Capt. J. M. Cadger's lot, and on the east by the lot owned by the Kev. J. L. M. Curry. TERMS OF HAM',1 One-third of the purchase money will lie re quired in cash, the balnnce to be secured by notes of the purchasers, in two equal, install ments, due reflectively in one and two years from date of sule, with interest at the rate of Hncrcent. tier annum from date of sale. Titles retained till purchase money is paid. Im proved city pnqierty will have to lie kept in sured by the purchaser for the benefit of the hcir-Ht-law of Canada Cowan, deceased, un til payment of the drat deferred installment, in un amount o be designated by me on the day of Kal:. - Purchasers will huve the option oi paying all the purchase money in cash on the continuation oi tne saie anu tuning tuies immediately thereafter. Iaor further particulars apply to me at my office in Asheville, where full plats of the prop erty can be seen ; and I will gladly show the property to anyone desiring to see it. Messrs. A. Bona ley ntm m, a. carter, coansei in the cuse, will alHO be glad to furnish any fur ther information they may have as to the property. This June 22, 1HXU. A. L. CARTBR, Cointnissioner. TLANTIC COAST LINU Mi and ofur this date the following srhed- lie will be run over lt"Colnmbia Division." Ko. Gil Lchvcs Columliin 0.20 p, tn, Arrives ali;hMrleston.,M.. v.HO p. m No. 52 Lrnves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives utColttmbia 11.05 a. m Conm-cthiK v'ith trains to and from ail ooints 011 the Charlotte. Colmtilila ft Au Kiinta nnd Coluinhiu tk Green cille Railroad. Daily. T. M. KMIiKSON, Ctn. Pass! Agt. J. K. HKVINK, Gen. Bimt. lldlisi I ti what yon eat hurts you yon, or ll'you are troubled WHAT YOU EAT HURT YOU? with Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart lilirn, lU-ailnche, Us Sulrlts. Kidney Coinplnln ts, lite., lite.. Try a bottle of DK. HAM'S Aromatic t Invigorator It has stood the tests of the publie for over a quarter of a century, and thouauiuis have testlllcd to Its value. Send for circular and testimonials. 50 cent and 1 per bottle, Por sale by F. Lm Jacobs, Comer Main Street and Tattoo Avenue. HEATH A MURRAY, General Agt., Boston, juUdU The ruler ol W.IL LSTATE. Wai.tkk 11. CWVN, W. W. Wkkt. GUYil ci WEST, (Succewor to Walter 11. Gwytl) ESTAIILISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Fubilc. CommlMluncr of Uwli FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE aoutheaiit Court Square. D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Nut a 8cculutor.) Fur Sale A large (.mount of valuable Citjr Property, unproved ml imimprored. Pur Sule Some fine farming land : alio, Umber and mineral land. I can secure for parlle buying City Lot from me money to improve the sume on most reaconnhle terma ! Money to loud on good city and country proierty I Office hour : From 8 to 0. D. H. WATSON, . Southeast Corner Court Squurc, Axhcvillr. N. C. niay'JO dtf Win. HI. Coeke, Jr.4 REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, I Asheville, N. C. Can wll yon one million acre of land. In traaftum 00 to 100,000 acre. Hare onmbcr of city lot, Improved and unim proved, which 1 can nell on the bct of term. If yon want lurge or nmull fiirni call on me. If you want mineral of any kind, you nevd I go no further. If you want timber lanua, thi is headquurU'r. In fact I can suit you in anything you want In my line. Service of a firat-clun civil engineer and practical aurveyor engaged to show np all urooerty when required. I have hud fifteen year' experience in the real eitate buslnew, and think I know whut will pleuae. Prompt attention to all inquiries. ICbZ4dlY ORTLANt I1KOS., Real Estate llrokers, And t Investment i Agents. Uflices: No. 60 South Main St. Second floor. fcb9dly INSUKANCli. J?IRB lNSUKANCB. FIItK. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. ( At the Bank or Asheville, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Represent the following companies, viz. : vme. CASH ASSETS IN II. s. Anirlo Nevada, of California $K,97,H33 Continental, of New Yord 4,87(5,0:1 Hauiburg-llremra, of Germany I,iau,fi04 London Assnrance, of nngland..H. l,o4.i,tU3 Niagara, ol New York a,2H7,9a Orient, of Hartford ,. l,B7,fl2 l'hu:nix, of Brooklyn 5,0S4,17B St. I'aul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1,81 ,0flt Southern, ol New Orleans 4!!U,6H4 Western, ol Toronto l.oan.MK Mutual Accident Association. A'.taa Life Insurance Company. . dtmar2u -THB- EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society NO. 120 BROADWAY, MEW VOX It, Cash Asset o,v4,.c6 tah Surplus 0),7O4, 713.15 1 he StroiiKcst, most liberal auu most pro gressive Company in the woriu. Its Tontine 1'olkles with 15 nnd 20 year periods (when Isnuert in appropriate form) ner to insuraoie persons a iwu-imu wjvan- turn. 1 Protection Against L,oss and a ii.,n nnd PruKifllilr Investment. I ij.d. Mo,,.e, AKt., Asia-vine, n. Office with ludge Aston. fcb23(IOm Drunkenness r the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured IT AINHKiSTtllNB II. H.IIZS' tOIKU STECIIIt. It csnbs o4vm in t ess ol colic or tes. or In sr. RCies 01 TOuu, witnuui lira suowieiiHr 01 iihi ivr. on taking it; it is absolutely harmless ami will ePect peruisnent tnd speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker oran alraihnllr wrwi. it NEVER FAILS. "dUUAKAN I tt a enmnlote cure in every Instance. 48 page book Address id oonn(ieiiuo. SPECIFIC CO I ttft Rscs St. CliKlnnitl.a OR m ONLY! ftrwal lllC u,.ral slid NEEVOUB DLBlLITYl TTT "P Wrnksein ef Body snd Kind: KffMts V J A-W a-! of tircrt ur K.sof,u i uiaor kvuii Kr.Ui..IU.l llMklJl I I'm; :. l'TBol SIIIH. f,M,rai.rKaUin. Soon. rii,,iBi,Mn, Bn prw - till lUSISAt k. sutisis, S, k Ak Tour Retailer for tbe JAMES UEANS S4: H0 ' OU THH JAMES MEAN'S - $3 SHOE. Aocordlnr to Your Needs, fJAMF.8 MEANS 94 RTTOW ii Unlit snd It flu like UKiklng, and TtFOMKKH 9. lnf porfbctlr eiisy um nrit Utm K tn W(im. It wilfmititfy tlw niiwt s Tt- S3 HIIOK . t.liiU-iy th VA V unlj atwa of IU ph whkU .1. n fAtem "fft'a ::. J i" wsrd Art ! Jsmst J: SHft-,; a m rr MmuuWSom far Hoys X. MEANS Mc CDs Bsta. Vail Hbm f Iks akT she far Mils fc Por Sal Bostlc Bros. & Wright, AnllBVILLB, N. C. feb21d.ini tuthsat misci:i.lam: "THE v;::;ya:i sct.: ASHCV1LLE,' It t For the rtvcj)tion of patient julTiring of disease of lung's and throat, and conducted Uxn the plan ol thcaauitariu-s at Gtcrlwrsdorf and Fulkensttin in Ger many . Ours is the only such institution iu the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOON, Has the Fluent and WHISKIES, I BRANDIES t AND i WINES, Ever Brought I'ortie : titling a good article for family or give mc a ealL Meicvtfully, Franli maraiillv A A K' BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all order day Residence! 39 fcbldly yB. WOLPB. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kind of cement woik done. loliliing and kalsomining promptly at tended to. Kealdenre, Clayton St. Order can be left with W. H. Wetall t Co. h0dm TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. PLxtSTi.Mr... Low Rate. Four Trip psr Wosk B.twwin DETROIT, MACKINAC INLAND n'Mkey Jisuit Msrin, ana la. Huron W ij PorU. vary Wook Dy B.twm DETROIT AND CLEVELAND tifmeM SitnUfty Tri) ilurtiip June, July, Auituri Mill !it. Doubl" Daily Luv- B-.n CHICAGO AND 4T. JOSEPH, MICH. O'ln iLLUSTRArcb PV Ph'L' t- Bam. nii Ex-mrsl nTlfk.'wfUbfu r.i...;.d bv your Tlok ' AiT'it, era dit.i; e. B. WHITCOMB, ij. P. A,, DITHOIT, Vilh., Ootrolt and btoam Hv.v. Co. mayl8iltf VM.R.PE PROPRIETOR OP THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Asheville, N. C. I. V BOX P. niurlHo 1 y 3 II h aCTOHY. HANI OMR N. I.OCKWOOD. IIANII-HAIIS Brooms, 'Whisks, Hearth and Ceiling Brooms. Mill and Factory erodes a specialty. Quo tations and samples Iree. Icblnuly THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OP THB V. N. C. Baptist Convention. A r;er Dcvutetl to the Interest uf the De- auuiiuatiua ia Western North Curvllna. Ter Year, in Advance. Avertlslnir sunee limited. Rate muiU known iiimti application. Address ASHUV1I.LB BAPTIST, mav11 dim wly Asheville. N. C, I. N. JIOIIGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Build lug. School nnd Colloge Tt'xt Hooks,-! full Hue. PootH, Ilis- torv. llonuuico, Hioin-iuiliy Truvt'l and Novels, Family Hiblos, S. S. Hiblos nnd Tostr nincntw, Uxtord loaciiors Hiblt's, Souk Hooks of al kinds, laiwstofk Stationery Hlank Hooks and Office and School Supplies.- New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket- books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblOdlv II Largest Stock ot to Asheville. other purpoaca, will find it to their interest to O'Donnell, Proper. Furniture Dealers, or night. Peulaucl Street. HOARDING HOUSES, Turnpike. N.C. Thi beautiful .ummer resort ia situated immediately on the Murphy Division of the YY. N. C. 8. R., half way between Asheville and Wayncsville, among the most attractive scenery in the mountains. The hotel Is new and well furnished, large and well ventilated, Telegraph and Post Office in the house. Fresh mutton, milk and butter supplied from the pretnUcs. Parties can leave Asheville In the morning, take dinner and return in the evening. For terms and other information, apply to J. C. Suiathers, julS drim Manager. PRIVATE BOARD. NEW HOUSBI NEWLY FURNISHED 1 ALL MODERN IMFROVKMBNT8. MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, No. 211 Haywood Street. jun23dly WRIVATB BOARD. A large, airy house, 818 Patton Avenue, on treet ear line. Good location. Terms reasonable. Good fare. ju14(I3iu MkS.J. L. 8MATHBK8. RIVATE BOARD. P. H. Breese has rented the Rawls' Cottage on corner of College and Spruce streets. The ouse Is neatly turntslied ana ready to receive iiests Hy me montn, wee or any. 1 erms reasonaoie. , jui aim , I! I 1KST-CLASS BUAKD1NU. M KB. S B. CHAM BERLIN, ina Chestnut Bt. Good Beds and (iood Board. Usual Terms. jul7 dla BOARDING! At 24 Grove Street. LurKe airy rooms, fine views, good shade. House fitted up with all the modern eonven- ienees. C.J. MeCAPB. MRS. S. STEVENSON tins removed to the lohnston Bolldlnit. Pat ton avenue, corner of Chnrch street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. Table furnished with the best the markctanord. Terms reasonable. maxSlmO THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Kooms on Main street, opposite the post- olhee. Ouen daily, exeent Sunday, from 10 a. m. until I p. m., and S until 7 p. m. The term of subscription are: One year tU; 6 mos., 1.6(); a mo., t; 1 mo., 00 cu.; dnlly V cts. otiieers for President. R. K. Kawls i Vlee-President. Charles VV. VYooiMry: See. and Trens., 1). 8. Watson; Librarian, Mis B. J. Ituun. Citizens and visitors are eordlally Invited to insis.t't the cutaloguc and inscribe their n limes a members. febSdtf J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker' buslncat Us old stand over J. Dlckerson Co.' Uardwara Btore, under tbe firm aame of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience a under taker and erobalmer, and anequaled facilities for buying, can Safely guarantee satisfaction. Call promptly attended to nt all fconr. Everything pertaining to the business al ways on hand. feblSdOin

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