- t 1 1 f ' ' ... tUf .Vl !(..., One Vi erk. - ixly cmz::: 1 fvrrr nmrclnr trirrpt Mun U W iSJjj( iftUt in Itlijt cmMtt: 00 . 3 (Ml ... 1 .HO AO IS uurciinrrt will deliver the riaiirr every mcirtniiM in ererr part of the city lu our sub-criiK-r, and parties wanting it will please roll at the ciriiKK Gthce. Mew AdvcrtlMeracntaw Opticisn Arthur M. Field. Water W. C. Carmkhael. Round Kn.ib HuUl-J. Hulow Brwill. To tohom tt May Concern F. O'Donncll. Money and Securities lollou- frovlnion. and, ITodticc. WOKKV SXO ..Ct-.rNXS. Nw Yon a. July 8 Exchange dull but Money easy, a.tUj. Sub-Treasury balances Gold. fl33,U33.- Ooo; c-rency, 1Uo.14m.4HMJ. Oovcramrnt bond dull but iteBdy Her 1 Cent. w per trail, 91. uo-. State bond, dull tint leaturrlrss. Ala. Class A Hao o3Vin (I I'ac. latmor KUt I The f.atc Cltsr Filter. This filtering medium if a natural stone mineral from the earth. It it unlike any other stone. It duet not atitorb and became foul. Impuritiet never prnetrnte it, but lie on the surface. Internally, the tone remains at pure at when mined. I sell them at maker's prices. J. II. .Law. Ashcville, N. C. Ala. Claat B.6...1 Ga. 7s. mort HHU t. turn., be. .lit N. C. Com.. 4a t7 SC. Itauwn'a...l03 Tetin. loft Trnn. 8s 100 Railroad Ticket. Bought, sold and exchanged. AH trans actions iruaranteed. Reliable mlonna tion cheerfully furnished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. W. M. Clarke. Swannanoa Hotel. Unexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourUU, families and business an. Bketric can pais the door. BAWLS BROS., 'a-bldly Ptout's. JV) KBNT-CHBAlf Bight ale rooms up stairs oyer oar -store Also two 4fwn nouses on Atkinson street GRAVBS As THRASH, No. 19 Main St. A pill y to JUI7 QOt Soda "Water I Soda Water t THE COMING DRINK IS HERE t WHIPPED CREAM SODA ! TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Only S Cents a Glass. For sale in Asheyillc only by W. C. ... CARMICHAEL, Apothecary, 30 SOUTH MAIN tTRBBT. a SodaWaterI Soda Water juio dtr MARKIiTM II V TI.I.l C.KAI-II. N. V. Central ...lo51 . A w. wii r,o Northern Pae.. '.iTi n. f. pur ..... o.i Pacific Mail '-, Reading f.V I Km. at Alle in Trnn. Set., 3s..... 73WiK. JW. FuinL. Virginia t IKock Island...... t-J I Virginia Cons... 0 I St. faul 7V Normwcatrrn ..,io&yi do pra.. ...... ion do Did ...137 ITex. Pacific IM Drl&Lack ItVVTrnnCoalfelron 8t. Brve . Union Pacilic 57 W bast Trnn......... 10 IN. I. Central...! 1 2S Ijke Shore 101 4, Mo. Pacific S I Us. Nash 7, Western Union ktaVs I Mrm. Char... AO ICotton seed Oil I Mob. Ohio...... 13 Ccrtincale...... M'A ftasB. at l. bat... Vii, Brunswick a COTTOM. I.lvssFoot.. Inly 8. Noon Cotton Arm. with hmm! demand. American middling n. Sales 12,000: siwculution and eiport l.SOO. Receipts a. Ooo. American 3.7ou. Futures closed ouict. a r. u American mlddllns. S S-1S. Hales I to-dar included V..HOO American. July 0 044. sellers: July and August rl IM14, sellers; Au gust and Kcptrniber e) 6-e)4, sellers: tScptetn bcr and Octolier 5 nCM14, sellers; Uctolier and I November, 6 4114, sellers; November audi liecemiier B aH-64. sellers; lJcccmlier and Jan uary 5 87rV4, sellers; January and February I n 37-4, sellers; DcptrinbcT 6 IM4, sellers. Futures dosed steady. Nsw Vobk. July M. Cotton strong. Bales today 1.A73 bales: middling aplands 11 8-16: middling Orleans 1 1 7-10. Total net receipts 1 at all ports to-dny 310. Kxports to Great j Hittam o; Continent o? i. stock 171. woo l Nsw Voiig, July 8. Cotton-Net receipts I. I'll. t.. 0; gross (I Futures closed quiet but steady. I 7 ' Hates H0,7IN) Hales. July......10.ftt510 67L)sn.......10.IN)al0.01 feb lu.oxaiu.uu March. .... 10 IRalO 16 V.UHa B wotAoril lU.2Halo.34 May... 10.3oalo.31 tiscLLLAi:ors. In our dealings with the public we realize that the most scroiwlous care and honesty are paramount In im portance. If these arc virtues in all ordinary business transactions, they become sacred duties In Pharmacy, and without them no one can lie a true Pharmacist. Every one must realise that the health, maybe the life, of those dealing with us depend upon them. Pharmacy la not a trade but a profession, and as such we con fine ourselves to it alone. Hence it is our work, our constant study as well as our duty to shun adultera tions and spotted as well as Interior drugs. Wt assure ourselves of the purity of an article before It Is made use of. I am ably assisted at the prescription counter by Mr. II. M. P. Clarke, an experienced prescriptionist. If your prescriptions arc left In our rare you can positively depend upon the purity of every preparation used and that the greatest care will be ex ercised in all directions so as to secure ail possible safeguards. DON'T ORDER From your Grocer, even for trial, our "ROLLER KING" PATENT Decause it in made in Aslieville, "YOU KNOW," But we pHle our word for it, that no WHITER BREAD, BISCUIT, ROLLS, Dm be made from any imported Flour. ELECTRIC LIGHT Ih the mowt popular straight gooda in this market. AhIv your Grocer for the above Brands, manufactured by the ASIIEVILLE MILLING CO. II. T. COLLINS. President. E. E.LWOAN ASIIEVILLE ICE CO J P ii ii Pure Ire made from Distilled Water; Office: No. ; Tatton Avenue. I), c Waddcll. President. W. W. Barnard. Vice President. Lawrence Pulliam, Cashi, THE BANK OF ASIIEVILLE,! ASIIEVILLE, N. C. UIUKCTUHN I ASIIEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS CO. Sujierior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: No. 30 Putton . venue. Yard: Old Deoot. I. P. SAWYh'K, I. G.MARTIN. I L. CARROLL, T. W. PATTON. W. W. IIAKNAKli, b. C. WADDHLL, OliO. W. WILLIAMS, ol YYilminKton, N. C. Aug.... ...10.oMal0.su 8cpt lo.lHalO 19 Oct. Nov. ...... W.wla Dec 9.V4a v.U.M OsLvasToM, July h. Cotton quiet, 10: recriots 30. . . NonroLK. July g. Cotton steady. 11; re ceipts o. BsLTiMoag, Jnly 8. Cotton quiet, 11, receipts o. Bostom, July . Cotton quiet, HViallHl receipts 1 Wilhinoton, H. July 8. Cotton firm, 111,; receipts 0. rillLAPSUFHli, July 8. Cotton Arm, 11; receiptso. StVAxsAH, July It. Cotton quiet and ft rut, 10; receipts 14tt. Nsw Os leans, July H Cotton quiet and steauy, lo io-io; receipts to. Mohils, July . Cotton quiet, 10; re ceiots 5. M sunns, July Cotton quiet, 10; rc cciuts U. Auousta, July 8. Cotton Arm, IQ',4; re- HERRING & WEAVER, Pharmacist, 34 South Wain Street. iuur Imvwv i jt w w a-v m i immrn A. F. STEVENSON, THIS OliUtt STOKsCi, CARRIAGE : AND : SIGN : PAINTER DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank in Wentern Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE ceiots li. CrlABl.ssTo, July 10, receipts 3 Cotton nominal, ROUIIDKIIOBIIOTEL McDowell Co., N. C. (Wtuated on the W. N. C. K- ft. Aa hoar's ride from Ashevllle.) First class la .very respect. Mineral waters I.lthla, Iron, Alum and Iron, Red and WhlU Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque spot In Western North Carolina. ' Terais reasonable. Bjieciai rates to fami lies, . . ; J. Ilulow Erwln, JulB dam Proprietor. r.ovisiost amd raouves. Cincimmati, July S Flour fair demand. Wheat unsettled and lower No. 1 red Mil. Corn scares No. 3 mixed AMa43. Oats firm No. 3 niiird 3flUa3Ms. Pork barely steady t3.oo. Lard loan 13V,. If Ik meatsquiet ana easier. GILDER AND VARNISHER, I. prepared to do all klndsof Painting. Bring on your old-looking Carriastes, Bretts, 8ur rys. Buggies, Carta and Wagon, and have them varnished or repainted, so they will look a. good as new. All work warranted not to crack, blister or come off until It wears oft. Term, reason able. Shop on Barnrtt Hill, Bugle Street, mar.lldom GEO. KIMBER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mosaic Tile and Cement work .specialty. Orate., Range, and Bolters set. NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Most Fashionable Goods in Our Line, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. OAK STREET INN, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. F1TZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON. Dealers in Wall Paper. IViudowShadeiiaudPateutHauser Pailnta Olla nnrl VarnlaliM JLf a .., 'a UUiut D!ntn sa..1 -.... Mli-A . rt 1. . x- i ivuvu, ausHsaaj MUM OUIU VWIUIS, T UIUU ft VIHIl OUUJ , T. Ul'lir-Mu., July TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. t respectfully request all person, having friends of known Intemper.u hatdtljntl minors that they don't want litoslcatlng drink, sold to, to give me their name, and 1 promise aot to let them have any such drink.. Respectfully, PRANK U'lNiNNBl.L, JulV d:Od Prop'r Carolina Haloun. yRTHUR M. I'lllLI), Graduate Optician, Iain Btrect All mechanical ocular defect, of the eye cor rected. Hours for examination 9 to IS a. m., 3 to 8 p. m. julli dtl a. .ants Awe AATa.JSVg1v JU m. , Cor, Patton Avenue and Depot Street. HAS CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton and Lamb Always on hand In the Ilest Refrigerator In town, JAM US WOLPU, Prop'r. may34dnm rady Plon Hitst. Wheat steady No. 3 red cash 77H- i'ra Arm No. 3 mixed cash Hlls3J. tiatx weak No. 3 cash 3H. Whiskey 1.03. Haltiuoss, July " I'lour itrsil fiouthrrn steady Pults Hdallfl, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of oak. and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor-1 nerof Oak and Woodnn streets, near the rcmale College, and only three squares from the court house. We have a number of elcKantlv-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders who desire a I Buildings moved and repaired in first class nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good furc, Arst-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, not and cold baths. . French and American We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. fcbSdly Wheat iy. y Fulls Koaurt: Lunubrrry Nflaua 1 Wrstrrn Ann No. 3 wintrr red spot Mnt. corn nouthern arm; wnit 4xaoo, yellow 47afiO; western Arm. CHicsoo, July n. casn quotations to-day were as follows: Flour Ann. Wheat No 3 red Ma,aH4W. Corn No. 3 351. Oats No. 3 33ni. Mess pork 11 Ooal 1 00 Lard O.ito. fl.Hn. Short ribs ft.aonS Nft; shoulders S.3Sa A.U7H: short clear a.l3Viut.3o. Whiskey Nhw York, July A Southern flour strong. Wheat firm-No. 3 red 7yu71. torn tirm No. 3 4JV41W. II "s quirt but steady. Cofl'ee July 13.4naia.fiO. Sugar raw firm; fair rcftiiing TU, Molassrs loreign Arm. Kiev quiet and sternly. Cotton seed oil dull. Kosin steady and quiet. Turpentine quiet and steady, l'ork quiet mess 13.00b1 3.3(1. Href inactive, uaru easier anil quirt western steam 0.70. I'rdKhtsArmcr. Cotton 6-83la 11-04. Oram an. manner. Sewerage, Drainage and trap, for the lame thoroughly understood and promptly at tended to. Office: Wolfe Building, Court House Square, Ashevllle, N. C. muySodly Plenty of Goods. 3 Car. Corn 1,300 bushels. 1 Car OaU 1,000 bushels. 3 Cars liny 6 OO bales. 1 Car 8nlt 3O0 sacks. 1 Car Bran 300 sacks. 1 Car Shorts 300 socks. 1 Car I'lour. These goods on hand and no house will sell forks, price.. Our stock of Ane Groceries replenished dully. Call and see us. A. D. COOPER. FOR RENT. WHITE ELEPHANTS AND HOGS. Having deponed of the car of White Elephant Potatoes, we now offer at coBt what we have left of a car of llacon Ur 1 ,1 , 1 I That well known business stand at Ashe- B UO t lllH 111 Onler U) t'lOSe vllle Junction, being the store house lately OUt tlie COT aiUl lUakO rOOUl hox70lect. Also, room cottage adjacent to store, Apply to 1. A. 1 BNitnni, 13 Hendry Block, or through mall. JUUIUVW Attention, Ladles I Desiring to use our room for other goods, we have decided to go out of the Mllliurry business, and offer the stock of New and TUB PI'BLIC. The nnderslgned may lie found In Shnnk'i new building, one door west ol J. P. Wood bury's stable, on College strrst. They are prepared to manufacture carriiiges, buggies, wagons, and anything else tn their line. He pairing and horsr-shoeiug are specialties. They have secured the services of Henry Pow ell, and would lie pleased to receive a liberal hare of patronage. Hatlsbu tlon guaranteed. Juladoin 111 KNli l TIi i llt)W AKU. LADIES' NEiTFURNiSHlNGlTORE. Silks, riushos, Whiti'(Joods, Lacos, Embroideries, Ilili bons. Art Nwdlework Mat rial, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves., Hosiery, Ladies' Un derwear, Lambrequins, Table Covers, Pillow Shams, Tidies, etc., etc. Iiessons in Art Em broidery and Stamping free to all wnopim'hae material. Kid Gloves tit ted to the hand. Stamping done while you wait, at SARAH ELLICK'S, Comer of Main and Willow Streets, under Swannanoa Hotel. for another. If you wish n few cases of the Corn that we are offering at 10c. per can call early as we will soon be out. We have only a few cases of the Pie Peaches left at 10c. per can. While hav ing your attention drawn to these sjKK'ial bargains do not 8t,,,i,h ,ut' liomKi' ' uuikrBm lOSe Sight Of the fact that We Ft.,., Splendid Assortment of Wreaths, carry the lartrest stock of ... I 1 li f l Monture anu oiincn riowers, roooons, out uu jtuu x' inn ,y vu urerieei, i Grain, Hay and Flour to be pothers, etc, at found in the State, and can offer special inducements to wholesale or rttail buyers. ith a big, clean stock, bought for cash at the right time, we defy conietition.. POWELL & SNIDER Court Square. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. COMPOUND OXYGEN AND-MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR. All modem and latcct improved methods for treating chronic disrancB of the unn throat and note, by the inhalation of vaooriied and atomtied fluids bv the uneumatic and compressea air apparatus; aiso compouna uxyum in connection witn tne vaponica Bed- am (tne Dai nam ontainea irom tne natural iiamam trees near Asnevtiie.t We also manulacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which is, equal to tne omce treatment, ana win oe sent on appiicauon oy express, on receipt of price, Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been ohenomenal. hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names and residences can be obtained by calling: at the Sanitarium. Bv permission we refer to the followitiK well-known gentlemen of Ashevllle: B.J. Aston, ex-Mayor; J. E. Keed, Clerk U. 8. Court; Kev.G.C. Kan- Kin, pastor nrst metnouist cnurca; kcv. w. a. iNeison, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T VsOiuns, (.apt. natr. AiKinson. . T. J. HARGAN m. IJ. THE BONANZA," v at a a saa sr - ' a ara srv i,rAui atvu V WINE .'. AND .-. LIQUOR STORE V IN THE STATE. -FINE SAHIPLE AND 1IILL.IARD ROOM. J. A. MARQVARUT, "f'K'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUF ACTUM KR8 OP V LUMBER YARD. u GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doublcdny & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - RLINDS, - DOORS, Glaa, Potty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingle, Laths, Fencing Post.. All kind, of Building Orders will receive prompt attention. feblodly W. T. PBNNIMAN. W. K. FBMN1HAR. PENNIMAN & C0., -JOBBEl . AND DBALKK. IN- HARJ2WAiRIE asiievdl,le,:n. c. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOR RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. DUPONT POWDER CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS, bUdly E. FOGETTE, Archtteet. I'lans and sin-ciAcations prepared and esti mates given, at short notice. OfBce: Wolle Building, Court Housrdqnare Ashevllle, N. C. maySodly Schedule Street Hallway. To take effect Friday, March t, at 6.80 a. m. Car leave. Court Hons. fl SO a. m " " " " ....... Too " - oo ' . M W .1 y ju, t From then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every So minutes. Also, car leave, court house at a .00 p, m. ana v.uiv p. m. FAR8. FIVB CUNT. riTA CUKBD BV OI.O BI'liCIAl.lST HI -7 1'MVKIt.lAN. I - Bottle of medicine Free. We war I I I W rant our rrmrdvtocure the worst cases, and the only physicians whodo this to prevent your being imposed uimn by men using luiae names ann w no arc not Iioctors. Because others .ailed to ao feasor lor i u.ing this medicine, tllve Bsprrss and Post- onliv adorraa. It costs you nothing. Adni Asnhel Medicai Bureau, ItVl Bmailwar, New York. Ianll7dwlv ! " .nd Whlshaa MaV. II 1 IssmrsdslaoaMuluk L. Pm i ioutpala. BooSiif pat. ft I I I , I uniisnswil rat al firbiodawt tuthsat AGKNT8 K)R The Buckeve l'ump, Mecl and Tin shingles, Floor and Hearth Tiles. febl at, AGKNTK a M'p'ks. OF Byrkit's Patent Shenthing Lath. Prime Cost and Lens. sold without reserve. Large Cuic May. at 15c, former price 25c. and 85c, Stylish Roc. Straw, at 26 WINKELMANN'S s AN UNCXCtLLCD SPECIFIC IN CAStS OF Cholcra. cramps, diamrhcca. SUMMIN COMPLAINT DVtCNTCRV AND 0THIS) AFMCTIONn OP THI STOMACH AND BOWELS PRICE 28 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN 4 CO BALTIMORE, MD., U t. A. For sale by J. S. GRANT, dawtanSH T5c. $1 at.. at.. .50 Now 1. the vhnncc for a pretty Hat or Iton- nct at a very small coat to yourself. Convince yourself by calling at W II I T L O C K'S, 46 S. Main St. tiilS dim ' SCHOOLS. trinitycolli:ge. Rntrance examinations Sent. S and 4. Rec itations ana uec tares orgia promptly nrpt. o. bcuu tor new catalogue at once to JOHN F. CKOWKLL. President. unwisi MAUIII.A, rrc L. F. MCLOU", Vlce-Pre.. I. B. RANKIN. Ca.hler M.J. Beorden. M. I. Paeir. I. B. Unnkin I it ,..! a o i 8. H. Reed, Geo. S. Powell, C. M McLoud. "J' WESTERN CAROLINA BANK A811BVILLB. N. C, FBBRUARY 1st, 19. Organised May l.t, 1888. CAI-1 1AL, 9 50,000. . . SURPLUS. I.oon STATB, COUNTY AND CITY. DHI'OSITORY Doe. a General Banking Bu.iness. Deposits received. Bxchonge bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible olnts. The Saving Feature will receive .pedal attention. . m tnis uepanment, ocpositcn tor lour months or longer. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. RlWf4.1 .tlMlIlM H. I- L.. . I .... - . I . .... ... . ..... nun, wmcn win oe placed for long time on real sonahle tern.. Opea from 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will beopen till fl p m febSdtf THE HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. Iilcctric Liirhts. Co. Hot nn1 r..M w..... n-u j i -i . r u..uu i"in.i5 un eiicn noor. Cuisine and npjiointiiients unsurpassed. FRANK LOUC.HR AN, Proprietor. VALUAIILE REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE I In nlwdtrnre to a decree of the Ruprrior Court of HarwiHid county. I w III sell at the t-ourt House door In Wavnravillr, on Mm. iisy, the nth day irf August, 1HHU. at til n'cliH'k m., that valunlile and very tlrsirablv inuirri,T, suuami at i-igroa Hirer, in May- nuv. wnii yy sauwa aa "THE I'BNULAND H0THL PROPURTY." I Beautlft Building Lota SKYLAND SPRINGS BUNCOKIBE COUNTY, N. C. Skyland Springs Is s new resort, tntd ofTIn building lots, rlirht mile. r .... ' tlie A. at a Railroad and the Hendcrsonvitle I'lke. THE FINEST COLLECTION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE STATE. Twetyven SpringChaly.te. Atom. Inm. B,m, Rnlphur. M.nl. and Fr.... pure, com and health giving. Fine Hotel Finished and Opened For "fllll ! Watia vmh " .It k I . . " The Ninety-Fifth Beml-Annual Session be- ral building, are going up. Saw Mill and Planer matSJ . tJ 2 !BT' .. . OTIS A. MILLER, Proprietor. Juna.11 uitm Trtnlly CoIIcrt, N.C. St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C gin. MONDAY, BKI'TBMIIKH 19, 1889 For catalogue., address the Rector, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. JunU8 damo. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill, N. C. And the bite resilience of William tuilllnr.... dee'd. tm the land are situatetl aneluhl nmiri urtca resiilente and all nrcrsaary nuthouses mho a siiire. 1 ne store hit wtll l rntrly, II drslrrd, at the .ale. Terms of sale : One-third in rash.onr-thlrrl In six months thereafter, and nne lhlnl la twelvemonths: deterred navmenta , h.r Intrnst from sale day till jald at the rate of I ough instrurtmu ia - lier vent. ri annum iuii payment, 1 a. asion. . ' w HALLIBIRTON, For catalogue address 1. im iT ' Adm r of VYm. Halliburton. I HUN. KBMF P. BATTI B Julodln. I a ia "''in, The nest arssloa begins Rent. II. 1 880 Tk.. 1 " w rate oi 1 p... instruction ia orferrn Title retained until ,' er.ee, I'hilosonhv and Law red in Literature, Hci- tuiuon, ;uiirr C II. CAMPBELL, GINGER ALE, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, LEMON SODA, 8ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL W ATERS, TONIC BEER, CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. i-w F SIIEPARD, MANN & JOHNSTON, UNERAL - DIRECTORS, &5 v i? 1 u a. LMING AND SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. ALSO SOLE PROPRIETOR PATENT INVALID BED. . 31 i-AXTON AVENUE,. P. B. Brcwtoti will attend Calls Day nnd NlKht. mm rnarSldly P I MRiNn I s-VIIIUIIIL QTCAM Win P10 riTTiiin 'p wiLfiiii rtiiu ono r ar. TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plant, and Specification. IWsl.ed on Application b,- w. . .afHy guaranue our P.tro. uiion ou, work , BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcbtSdly Jul8 deoddw tu th sat Kmclory, sit Haywood St. a", O, Boa a4.