I jAII-Y CITIZlir. I Cf.j. I. ih him! eitrn.NclT circa- l gating me cauxs 01 uie voncninua u- i .,:,, rtaii Ki.lIUllcittH li .iTn.mim of pnMtc mm iM mramim I lirtakm? of the dam. lilicr.itin? the itn- - " ...... lovrnimnil, and proviirr.ro. imiu.try, tod H I uu "',"U pcru""U l"","cr m l""' back, ii attributable to the nejjligmce of The cmzs nnl.liho the ditatrne of th 1 Ihr h.,k- world i. its KDx. It ha. other fanii- uciona. n toe nriMiKcnce arose irom ic- fully niurd to occupy tbc maikiit iu-e. I a BimnKflcoiHrtMurnuuoB ttiu be seal I , -rr to any oil srndtn their aldrrl. 1 Haiiy, n lor one year; S3 for I wrath.: So crat. fur oik immth: lSccotalor one week. Canim will dciiTrr th paper la 0f nnj parr oi inc tuy to auiMrnrirr., anu v'- I txa wuuii( It wUI iiieaat call at UK limu I nc- n. Adtsstibmo liTIt-Braaonable. and marir I taowa on appiicatioa at thi. o. aii I or vane. I acauiaa novice tea cvnta prr im. umia- i a.mamaiteandorictvaoticr nft crau tn each not e.ceedmg tea line.) or nfty cent. I ' I WEDNESDAY, JULY 10. 1889. I A BLOODY HOLIDAY. Tbc measure of patriotism is thought I to be filled in the celebration of the Fourth I ofjulybyall the noises possible to be I made, yells and screams, explosives of lone everv kind, from the noisy little "ood - - - . . cracker," through all the changes of Chi-1 ; diabolic invention up to the "loud I mouthed cannon": ty huge excursion 1 parties, some of them abundantly sur-1 charged with profanity, whiskey and I rowdyism ; by innocent picnic parties I on the water, .often by rational and I pleasant gatherings for quiet relaxation; and, no more by the spread eagle oration, surfeit of which entertainment has led I to tbc conclusion that that once uidis-1 pensable tribute to American valor and I American institutions is far better "hon-1 American institutions is lar Detter - Don-1 ored in the breach than in the cl-err- ance. ah over ine wiue area 01 i i United States, from ocean to ocean, and from lake to gulf, the whole population is for the one day, in a spasm of patriotic ut.iiiuiii, w ithuin iw ivn.u . i. .t. In mIm .w.m . M..I nalrailtittin nf I Jr.tf.hr.,M,rt. i And the find everv vrar thev have I paid dearly for it; not only in money value, but in the auick heaping up of mountains of sudden sorrow; of grief I more bitter because its parentage I was pleasure;. of agonizing sorrow for the blast that has stricken down the I vountr. the cbv and the boneful: of the I black cloud that so quickly darkened I tlicir sky, and closed the morning that I nssiMAft an 1u41I.ism-1m Yt liat aia-Tll twr I t .r.r J iwii ot aentn. , i Uok over tlie papers from all purtsol the country the day after this joyful celt- t .it a -. t ; . I nnlla. What record they present! Here group of merry cnmiren gntnereo in gleeful expectation around some one oil theirnumlier while be makes reauy to ex- plode a bomb. Prctnaturdy th mntch I b 6red; unci with the thunder of the ex-1 1..-!. a tU aria, nnrt ko I shrieks of the mutUated Utile ones, and the ground is strewn with the scattered I bodies of the innocents. See a group of I merry girls floating gmly on the bosom I of lake or river, their boat decked with nowcrs anu gariunu., iuc i miiumih i with laughter or song, a charming pict-1 ure of "youth at the helm and pleasure at the prow," Suddenly a wild shriek I rends the air. the boat is sinking, ami down go the helpless merry milkers, en-1 gulled forever in the bosom of the water. See the group of noisy mischievous boys, igniting their fire works, tossing them without regard to destination. Suddenly flames envelope some combustible struct-1 ure, the winds lend their aid, and before the flames are subdued, many families are cost out on the world without a home, thousands of dollurs worth of property vanish in smoke, and a com-1 muuity is made to suffer for idle and thoughtless sport. We will not follow through the scenes of excess, debauchery, violence and blood, or through the other innumerable forms of accident, of misery and of death, which combineto make the Fomth of July tlie blackest instead of the brightest dny in the calendar. H i enough to know, as it is CRsy to demon- struts, that we Americans adopt a very irrational and a very calamitous method of giving our annual vent to national exultation. For it is always rejoicing followed with lnmentations or losses, somewhere. When the sun pierces, the next morning, the smokeof pyrotechnics, l-.-r, ..,l,... ..,,1 ,n...rrnt una Ii ,K.u.,.v-, ....v. - - loom aowa upon a nciuoi carnage, ukih the ashes and cinders of burned houses and towns, and upon households wrung with anguish over tlie untimely taking f it. rlnrli.i.r In lliH vprv atirini'l illl' " ..j ..-. ri " j i I of joyous life. AS the Fourth of July oration has Inllen into practical disuse, so it may be hoped f.u llww Lm M.iiiiinliU nn.l niirmlcHia " V . " survivors of their assocuited customs ...... will also perish under the force of an "innoxious desuetude." KUITOHIAt, POINTS. The Charleston Clergy resolved ltia.lt into a "ministerial union" the oilier day, and, at a well attended meeting, adoptetl bkitcs of resolutions which will coin- mand universal approval. Denouncing the buju enmes of murder and adultery, they resolve to "invoke tlie pulpit throughout the city and State to unite in putting down those crunes ' and oth - ers which disgrace the land, etc. Uut tliese crimes have always existed among the people, everywhere, wWrever tliey '.'have fathered together in coinuiuuilies, great or small ; and if the solicitude is ex - cited solely because of the Dawson and McDow tragwly, and because tlie party recently tried for li is participation in It escaped all punishment, then this new lu.M wn1 In tininl thl ..ritlt. nltFnf " . . ,.: . .V ", ; . " w w huh u iik hi.miii ,nc HMinc uuui after the horse had been stolen. It might be somewhat cynkally suggested thut the same seal put HI action before these offences became so rampant would have anticipated and prevented tltcir oc - ltiseu.irrto reL-uluu. a e.,r. . , ... ... TCUfc HV v v .UIIVIVI IV wlien it has assumed the cliurnctcr of a headlong torrent. Uut as tbc world has. sometimes been set into a career ol virtue when It seemed to be given up to tlie very tensity of viriousneaa, the ministerial , . 1 , . 10a has no ground for despair, and intrnsi union Tli gTum! jury, after carefully invests I r,,m. tn fl mn.-1n.uin ih.-it tti I ., t,. -h 4 w nui.i u. uum uwiu i owners of the hiliintf club to which it I load ii lifted from the conscience of I . ., .. .. I IDeSC OWIierS. tlUl II IX WU negligence I ;.., . 1 - I """.. I criminality bat accrued which cannot I . , ti cijnuicu uriore any Human inounai. ii ....u 1 :-.i:(T,.w. I '"'"UK" I nlgKnrdIr parsimony of ten thousand human live represents an aggregate of 1 - i i , i 1 ausoiuieiy appalling, vne mur.rcr i weigln down the conscience with into 1-1 1 l I fl .,.!!. 1 .. a il I craowioao. aiumprv inat oy ten inon-i and, and then estimate the loadof guilt. The grand jury bold each and all of these owners of the exclusive 6shing pond as responsible for each and every death oc- curring through their default; each and erery one responsible for each and every of ten thousand murders. mm i Nothing more troves the overpowering tirce of public opinion over law than the success of the purpose to carry out the fight between Sullivan and KUrain. Stringent laws stood on the statute books of almost every State. Governors and law officers felt bound to obey these statutes; and all made a feeble show of doing so. Hut public sentiment was largely the other way; perhaps nine- tenths of them who knew anything about the matter were wild that the fight should come off; and it did come off hght should come olf; and tt did come on I bec.u law was contemptuously brush- ea aauie ny tne overwneimtng lorce 01 ai popular sentiment, powerful at the scene ol conflict; stronger if possible at the ex- tremest points to which the telegraph iiaaiim lint iih.hiciil.ui UKHllvtu uimuoh I a.au!1 ........l I. I The retirement of General loseoh E. (Johnston from bis post as Commissioner I of Kailroads under the United States! government wns done quietly and with dignity; and moreover disturbed by no unpleasant incident of hnsteon the part of the present administration to displuce him. In truth, exceot for the imoatience I of greedy office seekers to possess a place so full of profit, we probubly would have I hirl n mMiiinn nf Utm MiiraitiMiri a iwl I . Mr. " . - uen. jonnstun apparently loiiowea tiici suggestions ol his own will in laying down his honors, enviable as they were, i . , . . p . t . I Whenever "Joe Johnston" goes he will itmd a large place in the heart ol every Southerner, and respect in the minds of every intelligent and hlicrul Northerner. I Mr. II. 0. Ewart is mnkinxHimKlf use- A.I U!. C' I- 1... it!.., ...... of them positions in the minor pluces. He has got the upHintment of a berth I in the government printing office for Mr. I James U. Justice, of Waynesville with a pay of $1, 3(H) a year, But be is power-l icss over in iKKcr places, anu muny a craving soul is yet unfilled with the good things of party, but full of chagrin at so much good work thrown uwny. None ml - . . I of those we refer to are km to .'resident Harrison. I Rather nn exciting incident occurred in the New York Avenue Presbyterian I church, Washington City, on Sunday lust. The Rev. I)r, Carpenter, occupying I the pulpit in the absence of the pastor ol I the church, was sciwd with anjapoplectiv I fit while delivering his sermon, and fell from the pulpit. The wildest confusion ensued, ninny females fainting. Dr. C. I was somewhat injured by the fall. He is now better, and no fntal results are I aijlicijiated I llishou Colcmuu of tlie Kpiscopul Dio- cese of Delaware, has done wlmtnootlier clergyman of any denomination has ever done in Atisvricn, nor in western Europe either to our knowledge. He christened a Gypsey baby the otlier day in a camp of those nomads with the full wish and I consent ol the swarthy parents. It used to lie regarded as inviolable I sanitary axiom thut ground for sewer- age, gns pipes, wnter mains, and other I .,U. ,.f i . .1 I.I ..... I.. I vnj annum mil ix iirokenintlie summer. Asheville has done it with impunity. Knlcigh is doing it now, for its sewenige, with rather more I of risk, we think. I I I Mr. S. A. Ashe, having liccn suicrcedcd Us postpnster of Kiilcith. will, we sun- pone, and hope, soon resume editorial I ..tinv. ..f iI.a V...... i ,1 n t p.l,t.a.H...aerltr, ir. v.rnu- dy, for two inontlisdirectingthecolumns I n of that piipcr, has returned to Washing- ton Citv. "It is estimated," says the Imliannpolis4hrlr eyes examined Irreof charge. Journal, "thut $200,MR),(RK) of Ilritish capital lm. Ikxii invested in the l'nill I States during the current venr. This docs not indicate distrust of Aincricnh I institutions, or of our pa-scut industrial I system." The Knight Templur Triennial con- lclnveln Washington promises to lie the largest ever held. Dr. Tarker Truys creum Von-Olu, Rosa- I line, Ongnline and Dinmond nail powder 1 having now Uvome the Indies' favorites, I at F. L.Jncob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always be found, together with wicket emcrv board, or- unge wood sticks, nail scissors, files and I a....!. m.iI.!i. 11. , 1 , T " "M"7" i line oi urugs aim toiKt HrtiCRrs, in audi - tion tothe Ilcl Soda IVmntnin fnm, which ice add drinks are dispensed, Cor- tier Main street and I'ntton avenue. 1 Tlw piwrnstinntor cannot get into the territory ol achievement because he has no nght-awny, Kulltlvsl l lh Hvat. All are entitled to the heat thnt their I money will buy, so every tamily should n. a uottie ol the lirst tamily "'""'y. T"P ' to cleanse the system wlienoistive or bilious, horsnle in soc.and $1.00 bottles at all Wading I druggists. Attention, Ladies ! Forty years' U't, for Extt'llence of Material. Elance of Stylo, Exactnenaof Fit, Durability, and Moderate Cost, lias proven thin , . , , To be Surpassed by no Shoe I m the United States. Our U'iyyu nnj DaUtrhtel'S may I all lie suited at Bostic Bros. & Wright's, fronting Public I U$nuxire. This llOUSO llUS en- I I . il 1ww. .w1u I " Asheville. Don't buy any A.I. Lit.,.,, .... v.. V. . I ouiw ouw umu juu Uu - , . tn twl ..frr,ltl,u" - I Fine Shoe. Every pairgUar-Ut untetHl. Every description of Hats, Clothing and Ladies' "OOi lS HUiy 1)0 UUU OI JjOStlC Bros. & Wright at eXCeed- ingly low prices. MBtfikr-U a TBa OrM aV rala'amiUnVT nvwskotnuotai unvii ARTIMTfeV MATKKIA1J. KNOINUUHS' 8UPHLIKS, I'ICTl'KliS AND FKAMKS. FANCY GOODS. MI.ANK hookh.KVKRVUKADK, IIOLL8, TOYS AND OAM BS. WUHTKRN M. C. HCi;NK, IIOTII I'HOTOC.KAI'IIIC AND IIAND- PAINTKD, AT KSTAIIUOOK'S, a 8. Main Street. ARTHUR M. FIKLD. .,..,,, ....... ,wuni reii t "'""""T' . V.' """" I IFWEL EH. I II. I.. I.ANIJ AND RETAIL. Practical Watchmaker and 1 arfl(Sss,s. UKAOt'ATK OPTICIAN. We omke a .peeiHlty of ,mirln: Watche. I U . kuu. Ha.u l.-..t ,r.MA 1... n- sM.u4 U- K ,BIWU "l lnl na"1". 01 lucumpcunt workmen. 1'artira wanting good gloMc. can hate We oner at retail for 90 duy. the following mMi l hok,ak ',rilT" 3 -lre 8"y!r l5""",ne B,Kin or WhI" tham wstes.... t il oa. Coin Silver , 7.26 Al.o Sieclal bargain, in Clock, and Jewelry. A Am assortment of limbrrllas and Cane.. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION t. that fine lot of ENGLISH BRIDLKS and Thrkk-Horn chamois beat saudlks J M. ALKXANDliR'S I And th. low price, at which he I. Mlling all 1 od. In his line. He hns Increased hi. him and intend. In meet the demand. SATISFACTION Ol'AH ANTKKD. A. TBNNKNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, .necifieatlon. and eallmalr. ftif. .ndno ch.rg swanlcd m. l"?? ' .11 won in a, nn. eontractnl ... rgrs lor drawing, oa contract. whra dnrirrd. i (nil No. 12 Hrmtrv Bloek. NnrtK o . MISCELLANEOUS. VVi Hi LlEA Ih Going Out of the Dry Goods Business And will offer his entire Ktock of well reelected Dry Goods, the Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, i l 1 XT 1. A. eu. a i actual ew iui kiuhi, and when I say cost I mean it. I will show my bills to any one wno aouuw my i i statements. I meain business and am coins? to sell. . , , Below you will had some of the low pri)8 I offer : Best Oinghams at 0, anti it., ou-m. ieu irku Goods, at 22Je.; 30-in. Bed .... m ,. , A . r. . ,, Battist Cloth at 10c; Gents I T rv . i luce L'"wn UiLeiB uu ouu, Umbrellas at 37!4 GO 75 $1 . ' .IJI JK )' 111C0 11110 OI M? CltS I ' ' all shades, 95c. per yard; gtraW Hats from 5c. to Jlja beautiful Hlieof IlCgligeShirtslbotll aild pint WZCS. Do I M'Om 50c. to $2.25 each; Gents' Linen Collars, G, S and MJ4c.; Gents' Cuffs, 4-ply T. lim nf191 9ftp- u.in-.i, -j, j A , ,,,..,, , m.:..., UfiibH umuununeu nuius, 3., 50 Ulld 73c. each; best (,l!nnu of H r.l ft flV nn.l ' " . 7p n hi'intifiil litipnf T ndics' . and Gents' Hose atany price om oc. up. Warner's Health Corsets at fllWarner'sCoralineCorsets .,4. uit . at. ;.. I ,to out.., u o t Hand Corsets at 80c: War- ner's Sunrise Corsets at 00c; Warner's Good Luck Corsets if 5171n Womi' Aiulrmi . Ul U I J,V") II UI Ai,.a rial Coiwts at f 1.25. Dress Goods of all kinds at any price. Good Cotton Checks at IH'r yard. Come and see for yourself, and you will see I am doing just what I say. llernember, no poods will Do altowed to be taken outof L j f t m. - for and twlit will Hot be CX I tended to anybody, rich or poor. Yours very truly, W.H.LEA. SIX BIG BARGAINS IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, . Suits at 2.85, $5, $(, 17.50, $10 and f 12.50 - re - turning us u bad loss. " 1 llCSe IMV fl'0111 IoI h f which we have no assortment of sizes and such things, as have sold slowly at their real value. In some instances the new prices are one-fourth lielow Xew York cost. II.RKDWOOD&CO. CiottiliiK, Dry Good, Shoes), Hata, and Carpets. 7 and Patton Avenue. THE RACKET COLU2IN. We tliink our "ad." of last week brought us letters from all over Western N. C. about Mason Fruit Jar and from the way they have been selling it looks like we shall elose out the first 10 gross before the fruit crop is retuly for packing. 1 here are J . fruit jars and fruit jars; MASON'S are the old reliable an(1 iWj the every I Ml (11UllL'lfelkIUlr L'liriU'U I IlkU . ,la . , MOt. We are going to make the same drive m JELLY GLASSES with tor)s, of which we have a big lot' in nof buv Ulltil VOU ITOt OUl" prices. By the time this "ad." is in tVIK) Wt shall have another - I lot of ltUSSet ShpI)erS for La-1 . . U1CS, MlSHCS and tllllUien at "Kax Ket" prices. You who have waited so patiently for phem shall make it up in the Laving in price. Our line of standard Novels at 10 cents each, though broken, still hnt,linH much thatwiU latld instruct. U h h!i v n niw 1 ----- - v v v v "V M lot of Silk Umbrellas, theUr-?!''' prices of which will be sure to sell them. We advise an early call if you would secure ()I1.'H LHir StOCk Of Klimll ..'no Wliu 1IVVJUC3 ileto LltT.ll I replenished, and we are jn-e- naredto match almost nnv , , . T m , sliade or color. In Trnti- Vlll. iXnato.a n,oatJ rn-, Z ' ' m.uu v uuiifuwiiie we are lien.dmmri nmluunmsv. 1 ,..... u, v . A peering daily a new lot of I " " " Croiut Setts and Ice Cream Freezers. Our line of Hani mocA-s is still complete. Our stocA: of Hamburg Edgings and Inserting, as well as Laces of all Ainds, is unequalled in Asheville, rang- fug from 1 cent ieryard up. L nw 'y lmP we sell at 18 cents is Harjier's, said to lie the best; it is a regular 25 cent article. A purchaser told us he would not tnJfce a dollar for his if he could not replace it. Mr. Collins, the ice and coal man, will tell you so if you as him. Ours is the "KncA-et" Store, and our prices "RacAet" prices, and "IlacA'et" prices mean the lowest in town av;iys, ofttimes below cost of manu factuiv. New goods received daily. llesiHH'tfully, GE0.T.J0IIES&C0. MISCELLANEOUS. PLATE GLASS. We ai-e agents for two large factories for Polished Plate in i r... ..i.-.K.-t,. "vuus glas and all sizes of window ghws Also thin Plate Ghiss for residences. We make est- iniate !or a11 ort8 of glaB8Urfectdrage. delivered on the spot where used, avoiding difficulties arising from breakage. T, C. Smith & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Asheville, N.C. UICHMONI) A DANVIL-LB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) Pamenors Dbpaithhnt, t Amiimi.i.K, N. C, June 1, 1KM9. I PASSBNGKK TRAIN SCHKDULK. lw Bffkct Jukb3. 1889 l.v AathwullI- 65fipm 487am 947 am 12Opm 7 13pra 850pm 11 UOpm 6 20am 8 30pm lOpm 643pm 10 20pm 12 2.1am 653am 8 25am 1047am 1 20pm 9QOpin Danville. " Lynchburg, " Waahington " Baltimore, " Phila., " New York, " Boston, Richmond, 8 30pm 5 15am Raleigh, Gold.boro, Wilmingtoo 1 02pm 310pm 600pm 8 30am 1250pm No. 55 8 30am 9 20am llOam 5 30pm 440pm 9 10 pip Lv. Asheville. Ar. Henderiionville, " Charlotte, " Columbia, " Charleston, " Augu.ta, 11 Savannah, " Thoma.villc, Ga Jacksonville " Atlanta. " Montgom'y " Mobile, " New Orleana 905pm 615am 140pm 1200 m 1040pm 725am 1 55pm 7 20pm No. 54 Lv. Spartanburg, Ar. Hendersonvillc, 340pm 607pm 7()Opm A.hcville, - Ashevine. Ar. HotSprinira No. 50 No. 52 I No. 54 7 2Ham 620am 1 lopm 8 15pm 810am 74)am' 92(lam 1 10pm 436pm A 10pm SSOpm 540am 1145am JS80pm 444pm 610pm SfiOpm 715am 1145am 63()pm; 745pm 7 05pm 840pm " Knoxville, " Chattan'ga, " Nashville, ' Memphis, Lv. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Spring. " Knomvillc, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, B40am BSOpra nicago, .1 St. Louis, J 7 45pm MI'BI'H V BRANCH7" No. 18 Lv. Aahevllle, Ar. Waynesville, " Jarrctt's, S25am 1053am 54Hpm No. 17 600am Lv. Jarrett'., Ar. Waynnvillc, " A.hcville, 1 25pm 346pm Mr- Sleeping cars on all night trains. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBURN, O. P. A. r. P A. SOL. HAAS. T. M. Commencing June 30, thefollowingPaMen. ger Train Service will be operated on Sun. days between Asheville and Waynesville: WEST. No. 12. EAST. No. 11. STATIONS. K 35 am Lv. A.hcville An Sulphur Spring. ' Hominy Turnpike " Pigeon River " Clvde ' 7 53 pm 7 2Hpm 7 14pm 50 pm 6 37 pm 6 19pm 8 55 am SOU am 2Mam B47am 10 05 am 10 2 am A IT. Waynrarllle I.v.l Boo pm J.W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Main St. JOTICB. Will collect debt, for anyone In the city for per cent. Oood facilities in mitinanrfeo. lectlng rent, on houata. Will 11 weeaiy payments. ..... IU.UILU1I I. B. lOHNMf in At Blair'. Furniture Stone, References given w miuii avenue. marl4dflm JAMES FRANK, DSALBS m . FA.VILY GROCERIES A'D PROVISIONS Ageat foe Kecais Creek Woolen Mills. IIOTLLS. A CkLiv.iiFvL L.... ABBEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Koand Trip Th-kcta only 14.511, IniiudiuK fuU day's board at the MOUNTAIN PAIIK HOTEL. The Hath. In Marble I'ikjI. and I'onrlai, Tabs an the finest and asoat huartua. ; America. The Hotel Is NEW AND FIItST-CLASS In Bvcry P articular. UNKXCBLLBD IN ITS CUIBINK. Tbc place la a charming sput, aeatM among and .beltered by Pine-dad Munataim where there is no fog, no dual, ao malaria. Tmb anil atiHMilnnt nsrat S aairl ananlMi.l. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND ..... NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Electric Cars Paw the Door I herewith notify th public that this day, May 1, 1 have added to my well known Res taurant a fine '', Ice Cream Garden. The same has been fitted up neatly for the oc cuslun and I will always have on hand the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can .apply families at shortest notice in large or .moll quantities. 80 come la good time and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakea and don't forget that at Strauss' yon will get The Best of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come early, vome often, come one, come all, aad give your friend Strauss a good many calls. Very respectfully, . ' :. K. STRAUSS, mayidtf Proprietor. , - THE SULPHUR SPRINGS .v HOTEL, V. FOUR MILES WEST OF ASHEVILLE. K. . CARRIER, Prop'r. Will be opened on the' 15th, of June for tbc Season, Good Pare, Pine Jersey Milk and Ilutter j Splendid Vegetable Garden. PURB MOUNTAIN WATEH, 'Bus meets all trains at the Asheville depot. This Hotel has no equal for families. 100 acre Park and line Lake with boats. junlS d3m CESAR'S HEAD " HOTEL , 1- i. j. WILL BB OPBNBD FOR THB 8BA8ON OP 1839 ON The Firstof June. The location of this Hotel on the summit of Ca-sar's Head Mountain, an outlying spur of the Blue Ridge, in upper South Carolina, affords a climate and water unequaled. As a summer resort it has no parallel in the South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM W TQ 70, WhU.t its natural scenery I. varied and grand beyond conception. Comfort of guests caret fully consulted, Livery and daily mail. Baa. Hy reached from Asheville In one day, or from Hendcrsonvlllelnhan-aday, over delightful roads, through a romantic and charming country, F. A. MILES. mavlSdtf ARDEN PARK HOTEL t AND FAMILY COTTAGES, ( i""?.outh,rfA""""'''on 'he A. ft 8. !? ' row 'm the seasoa. - s viivuihis niiumi TH08 A. MORRIS, Pro, maySdtf Arden, Sunday Excursion hawoodwEewkurspei-ss WAYNKSVILLB, N. C, Commencing July t, , aprc. trala leave Asheville every Sunday at 8.35 a, m, f Returning leave Wayaesvllle at 6 p. m. This gives the dtlsrns of Asbevillt and her summer guests an apportunltjr to visit the Ihrnons Haywood White Sulphur Springs. There arc 20 acres of densely shaded lawn "d plenty of seats. Our conveyance, will . meet passengers at the station. Hotel aeeom modatlons in general unsurpassed. G. D. 8. Allen & Son, good reasons for ho 4a. AakcvUls, N. C stblMly N. Y. O nice, 466 Broad way. North Mala , . Ahr.ltu w r kblOdly Jul7 dim Proprietors. nmi. ' s3..

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