J'KOlllSSIOSAL CARDS. Thko. P. 1v"mh, Thui A. Jknu ti.iliith. Js. ' MTI, Anhcvillc. A.llCVUie, UtSON. MARTIN & JONES, iiorney and Counsellor at Law, V ' Asheville. N. C. Will prtice in the lllh and 12th Judicial District. nd In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Court! of the Western Iitnc-t of North Carolina. Keler to Bank of Ashcvillc. dtsel SHILOH'S VITALIZEK is what you need for Constipation, Lost of Appetite, luziness, and allsyTnptornsot Dyspepsia, 'rice 10 aud 75 rents per bottle. CKOlr. WliOOl'l.NG COl Oil and Itroiuhitis inimeiliatcU relieved by Shilob's Cure. cuii a. noons. rOORB MERRICK, ourr MESS1CK. nr Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Ashcvillc, N.C. Practice In Jie United States Circuit and District CotiJ at Asheville, Siuteaville, Char loue and Greensboro, ia the eiupreme Court at KalciKh, and in the eonrt of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Caro- 'speeiaT attention Rites to collection of ' Partnership does not extend to practice in Buncombe lulerior Court dtocS A clothes oltscrver in society knows what everybody has on. Something new in Ties, lieautiful and cheap at YYhitlock's. T. B. COBS. -OOBB & MGRRIMON, . o. HsaaiMon. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice In all the courts. Office: Nos. 7 nd 8, Johnston building, dtse WOKKS. 0; A. SHUrOBD. JONES ft 8HCFORD. ; ' Attorneys st Law, Asheville. N. C. Practics In the Superior Courts of Western NorthCaroliiia. the Supreme Court of the Stat and the Federal Courts a- Asheville. Om in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm ean always be found, dtnovtl : Fish are not weighed in their own scales. Exchange. 0, but they are. They do not get out of scrape in that way. Better Thatr Snicldc. Professor Arnold Buys: "An incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within three months by Acker's English Dyspeptic Tablets. febSdawlw The tramp who bees for a drink natur ally puts on a rye face. New lot summer underwear from 25c and up at YVlntlocks. A colicky baby at' niht is lithletic. It can raise the house. JOHNSTONE JONES, -STTOB.VB1 T AND COUSiltULOB AT UW, ASHBVILLB, N. C. Practices in the United States Circuit and Instrkt Court, at Asheville, in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twriftl Muult J District of theSt-ttof -North Carolina, and elsewhere, as his serricc. ma, be required Office over ou. Hendry Block Many people bubUuiillv endure a feel ing of lassitude, because , they think they have to, If they would take Dr. J. if. McLean' Sarsapanlla this feehnir 'of weariness would give place to vigor and vitality. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. There is one eood thin about anisr. He noses business. Express Office, lanvoau J H. DOUGLASS, D. D. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . MO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant V Wingert' Drug Store. Residtnce. No. OH Hailey St. fcbiodly 1 H DENTAL. RKBVBS. D. D. 8. office; In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. . t-.,i, ..tracted without pain, with the new .;. ami all cases of irregularity cor- . leblSdl, BURGIN, M. D. OFFICE t New Grand Central Building, over Big 22 Clothing Store. febl7dlm J. F. RAMSAY, D. D.8. Dental Office i i. n-rnard Building Entrance, Patton Avenue und Main Street. febUoulv J. W. ROLLINGS, Veterinary Surgeon, ASHBVILLB, N. C, Will practice in the town and surrounding country Also have scientific horseshoeing done. Office in Col. Ray's stables. ju!5o3w RTHUR M. FIELD, - Graduate Optician, Main Street. All mechanical ocular defects of the eye corrected. Hours for examination 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 8 p. m. jul dtf DENTISTRY. The underslrned having resumed practice of Dentistry In Asheville, respectfully tenders his urofesaional services to the public. Filling teeth and treating diseased gum spe cialties. Local anaesthetic to prevent pain ed when desired. i on Patton .Avenue, one door 'jewelry store, same as lor- 1. B. F. ARRINGTON. Jull cialtles. Local s "rtfdgfhcn dci t xToom oi tV'f Cosby'. '"Jieriy Pccnpicd. lull 1 dtf jpX3M-J. ' i.SKiA t.-fltv- . .-v. . Bt'tilKLBS AND PI. KAMI HI- The I In. I Nyinptonis of Deatti. Tirtil ftxlin;,', dull henduclie, pains in various parts of the body, sinking st tlte pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, levcr islmcss, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must I puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Wood Elixir has never fuilcd to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee. fcliTidawl w Education without experience is of obout as much use to a man as a lace petticoat would be to the wife of an Esquimau fisherman. Call and see the mark down prices on all children's suits at Whitlock's. Solomon is said to have been very wise. We should liuve liked to notice Solomon's expression at an afternoon tea. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mademiscrablc by that terrible contrh. Shiluh's Cure ia the remedy fiir vou. CATARRH CURED, health and tweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 61) cents. Nasal Injector free bvT. C. Smith & Co. . , Now down to the sands offairNantasket The family go with a big lunch basket, And sit upon the sands all day : -And watch the yachts sail down the bay. Parasols and fans athalf price at Whit lock's. . - It is not right to consider a man a pirate just because he sheds a lew priva teers. The Great Dismal Swamp, Of Vinrinia.isone enormous miairnire of .i - y , un.njrcu vcf;ciuiion, a region OI gloom and denolation; but not more so than the human system when blocked up by decayed animal matter, .which poisons the blood and brings gloom to an other wise nappy household. Dr. Fulrces Pleasant Purgative Pellets remove nil waste matter, and give Nature a chance to build up. The green nuole mukes a most tellini ngni alter it is down. Millinery is eoinir fast at cost. Mrs. Macnair trims elegantly and without cnarge ux nmtiocK S. Man will give ten words to the ex pression of his joy, and fifty to lament hit sorrows. No liniment is in better repute or more widely known than- Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder ful remedy. For sale by 1 L. Jucobs. Many a man who wore shoulder straos during the war has been strapped ever since. . .. TouriHta Whether on pleasure bent or business should take ou every trip, a .bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly ana ellectuully on the kidney, liver and bowelis, preventinE levers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 5)c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. It is evident that the earth is feminine. from her persistency in refusing to dis close her age. Ruckleu'a Arnica Halve. Tbc'best salve in the world for bruises, sores, u'cers, salt, rheum, cuts, fryer Persons advanced in years feel vounirer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, and stronger, as well as freer from the corns, and all skin eruptions, and poni- lnhnntties of age, by taking Dr. J. H. McLean s barsapanlla. For sale by F. L. jucons. There are men who are really wise. To be wise in one's own conceit is to be otherwise. lively cures piles, or no nny required. It is guaranteed to give iierfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per nox. Por8aie ov Y. L. acobs. daw Straw hats Dunlan and low wades. marKeu uown at wmtlock s. The clnm stands the summer weather better than the oyster. In fact the clnm is full of grit. "Death has o many doors to let out Ufe," l sang on old time poet. In those days they had not discovered remedies that "Shut these doors. How different is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, from the old time doses. Consumption or lunir-scrofulii, is one wide door that it shuts, if taken in time. -Don't waste tipment then, lest lite slip thorough that In former times it took ten mills to make, one cent. Now it takes hundreds of pounds to make one mill. Give the Children a Chance. There is . something radically wronr with the health of a child when it seems listless, has poor or no apjietite, eyes ...n .tn n own ,J.MVllil. Ill I , -, . " , . . most cases showing these nvmntnms the n"r'. " guarantcea to cure in child has worms, and all that it needs is a" cases ot diseases lor which it ts re- some simuleremedv.suchas Hart's Worm "i"cy ir n wm ue Cream, to expel the worms, and the child will soon be-in perfect health again. Pa rents, try it and let your little ones have a tair chance lor lite. Alum contracts soft solids. That is why a college man becomes an alum-nus1 upon leaving his alma mater. THAT HACKING COUGH cttnbeso quickly cured by Shilob's Cure. We guarantee it. WILL YUU SUFFER with Dvspensia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizcr is guaranteed to cure you. n is estimated that some women carry forty or fifty miles of hair about their beads. Forty or fifty miles without a switch is a good long distance for an 'air line. refunded. t The popular phrase to-day is, "Every thing goes." This is especially true of the ettects ol the rising young poet. Every thing goes to his uncle s. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents, SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is told by us on a guarantee. It cures Consuni ption. All eyes lifted and fit guaranteed. A com pk te stock of the above Roods nt GRANT'S I) RI G STORE, !t, SOUTH MAIN STKIiliT. O enlists' prescription a specialty. fet)27d0m f any daur says n hasths -Shoes without nam and pri- a bottom, put htin down as ;' ia Thin summer clothing, alpacas, Sicil ians, drab de etes, skeleton flannels, bla zers, marked down at Wmtlock s. Now the student of the college Gives up Pursuit of knowledge. And goes to slinging hash ia some hostelry at the beach, A napkin deftly handling, His funds tliereby expanding, And a very noble lesson ne doth teach. Do Not Buffer Any Longer. . Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's F.nglish Cough Remedy and will refund the money to nil who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. . tcuodawlw L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Best In th world. Evnmliw Ills f.l.OO (1KNIIINK HAND-tKHII) MI OK. i t.RO I'OIJCK AND FAKMKltf' fUOK. .60 FXTKA VAl.rK f'AI.I' SIIOK. KlQKVlllIHIWflUtVlu lirkK.' and 1IOVS1 Ki IKXIL SHOES, AU uamt lu Couarcsa, Bn'ti n ml a. "He who fights and runs away May live to fight another day." But he's the wisest, people say, Who never fights on any day. There's a blessing in the bottle on whose label we can read Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the woman who has need Of a remedy for troubles none but wo men ever know. ' ; 'Tis her best and truest friend, und happy thousands call it so, As they think of years of sulTring that were theirs hetore it came. Bringing them the balm of healing, and they bless the very name of this wonderfully, and deservedly popular remedy for the various ills wo man is heir to. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be rchindccl. I his guarantee has been printed on tlie bottle-wrapper, and faith fully carried out for many years. A colicky baby at nicht is athletic ? it can raise the house. REAL USTATU. WALTIta B C.WVM, W. W. Wsrr. IVn . t Jf-i- 1 Presents in the mm! elegant form THE LAXATIVE amo NUTRITIOUS JUICE or TM FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, - Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants knowri to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the ? inONEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. Itis the most excellent resiedy known to Clime we system EmcrvAur When one is Bilioni or Contlipiled SO THAT PURE BLOO0, REFRESHING LBEP. . HEALTH and STRENGTH HATUSAU.r FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK TOO" WWOOtST SOU BTHUI OP FIGS MAjsupwrruRto onlv v CALIFORNIA FIG SYKUP CO. y v SAM FRAHCI8C0, CAL ' toumiue, kt new roRr, t. t GWYII & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVIUE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 . Percent. Notary Public. Commissioners ol Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFPICsK-eouUieaat ConrtOquare, 1 sate. m m WY. L. UUII S3 SHOE . Rw4 Material. Hmit l:i u Btw sou bjt T'ir ler, i W. U UOUUUAS, f Afifl, Examine W. 1 In.usihh fi.oo Sboea. fur Cieiitlenien aucl lidieH. For sith-by HERRING & WKAVGRf 30 South Main Street. Asht ville, N.C. jnr19dly John, what is a stood sons: tor a serenade ? "In the starlight" of course. Licht colored clothing; of all kinds, suitable for present wear reduced in price at Whitlock s. Father to his son I dou't say that you are an idiot, hut if anybody else should say so I would not contradict him. Pimples, boils and other humors, are liable to appear when the blood gets heated. The best remedy is Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. A box party is not a pugilistic soiree as may be supposed from the phrase. It is a talking match, conducted while the play goes on A Sound Legal Opinion. ' E. Bainbridce Munday Esq., County Attorney. Clay Co.. Texas says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother also was very lo with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He nositive v X'Ueves ne wouiti nave urcu Url it not been for Electric Bitters. This ' great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney. Liver and Stomach Disor ders stands unequaled. PriceSOcand $1, at F. L. Jacobs. SALE OF THE JOWAN LANDS ! RARE CHANCE FOR GOOD BARGAINS. Valuable Improved and Un. improved Property to be Disposed of on Easy Terms. By virtue or an order of the SuprriorConrt ot Buncombe county, maile in the case of lewie Cowan and others, ex oarte. 1 will sell at public auction on THI'KSDAY, THB FIRST OAV OP AUGUST, 1H8U, and snceedlnK davs antil all the projirrty ia sold, the following real estate, at the place, and on the terms stated below, to-wit: 1. The tract ot about 181) acre.. Ivhil on the head water, of Binllh'.Millcreek. in Hun-1 combe county, adjoining lands of James Cowan and other., i'mg part ol thcoldjohn ! Cowan farm and known aa the Canada Cowan lands. This tract ia situated only three or four miles from the city of Ashcvillc, and 1. well raited fin- division into small truck f..rms, besides containing many elegant sites for building purposes, The tract will be sold w wih. imij, i v. 1.1 j a . w m uin. 1 11 . , i ' it said Thursday, August the first, 1880, at the Court House door in Ashcvillc. 2. Immediately after the sale of the forego ing tract, 1 will sell UN THE PREMISES, the brick storehouse lot on the north margin of ranon avenue, in tne city oi Asneville. now occupied by Mr. B. H. Cosby as a jewelry store. This lot has a rront of twenty-seven feet and nine inches on Patton avenue, and runs baf k to pulllain street, a distance of 140 leet. This property it very valuable. S. Next in order! will sell. ON THB PREM ISES, the tract of land in .aid city, opposite the late residence of Canada Cowan, bounded on the south by Patton avenue, on the north oy nay wooa .tret, on tne cast by the Lyman and Cnedester lots, and on the west by the lot lying in tne angle lormea by the Junction of Patton avenue and Haywood street, for merly owned by James Muttrick. .This tract has been divided into eleven lot. which will be .old first separately bv lots, and after wards in one body, and the .ale which brings tne highest aggregate price will be taken the .ale thereof. 4. After the .ale of the foregoing tract I will sell. ON THB PKKM1SKS, the eighteen lots on the north side of Haywood street and between it and Hill street, in said city, em bracing the .aid late residence of Canada Cowan and several other houhes, all more particularly described in the tileading. and order of sale. I will first Oder these lot. sep arately by lots, and afterwards in one body, and the highest aggregate price oflercd will be taken aa the sale ol the same. 8. 1 will next sell the tract consisting of fifteen lots, lying near 'and northward of Hill street In said city, formerly owned bj Alfred Webb and occupiedbv lesseT. Cowan. This tract will be sold flrst by lotsseparately and afterward, a. a whole, and the highest aggregate price will be taken a. the sale thcrcol. - s 1 ' - 6. Lastly, I wilt sell the brick dwelling House lot on the north margin ut Haywood Street, iHinndvd on the south by Mid street, on the north by O. W. Miller', lot. on the west by Capt. J. M. Oudgcr'. lot, and on the east by the lot owned by the Key. J. I.. M curry. TERMS OP BALE I One-lhlrd or the purchase money will lie re quired iu cash, the balance to lie secured by notes oi iue purcrmwers, in two eqtim install ments, dne rcsitcctivcry in one and two years from date of sale, with interest at the rate of M it-r cent, per annum from date of sale. 1 ttles retained till purchase moncv is paid, lm- oroved city omnertv will have to be Kent m- surcd bv the purchasers for the benefit of the heirs-at-law of Canada Cowan, deceatted, un til payment of the first deferred installment, in an amount to he designated by mc on the day of snle. Purchasers will have the option of paying all the purchase money in cash on the continuation oi the sale ana taking titles immediately thcrenllcr. For further particulars apply to me at my office in Asheville. where full plats of the prop erty can be seen : and I will gladly show the D. S. -WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a R peculator.) For Sale A large amount of valuable City Property, improved and unimproved. . , For Rale Some fine farming lands ; also, timber and mineral land.. - - I can secure for parties baying City Lotf from me money to Improve the same on moat reasonable term.! Money to loan on good city and country property I . 1 ' ; fc Office hours : Prom 8 to tt. D. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, Ashcvillc, N. C. Ilaa the Finest and largest Stock ot WHISKIES, t BRANDIES t AND i WINES, Erer Brought to Asheville. Parties wishing a good article for family or other purpowa, will Sad it to their interest to give me call. Respectfully, . v - may26 dtf Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, AHlievUle, N. C. Can sell you one million acre, of land, In tra. from 50 to 100,000 acres. Have number of city lotav improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the beat of terms. If you want a large or .mall farm coll on me If you want mineral, of any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this I. headquarters. In fact I can suit yon in anything yon want in my line. 8ervico of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to .how op all property when required. I have had fifteen year.' experience in the real estate business. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. KbZ4diy ORTLANU BKOS., Real Estate Brokers, And i Investment i Agents. Office.: No. SO South Main at. Second floor. fcbudly INSURANCE. jJMKK INSURANCE. F1IIE. LIFE. ACCIDENT PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Ashcvillc, ASHBVILLB, N.C. Represent the following companies, vis. : An&rlo Nevada, of California... Continental, of New Yord Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany London Assurance, ot England Niagara, of New York Orient, of Hartford PhnL-nix, ot Hrooklyn St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Mm- nesota Southern, of New Orleans Western, ot Toronto Mutual Accident Association. Etna Life Insurance Company dtmar29 CASH ASSKTS IN V. S. f 3,4il7,H33 4,N7S,01i 1,12U,HII4 l,fl4X,v.1 a,aa7,4a l,li7,li!l 6,0f4,179 l.S-M.OOl 43U,I144 1,0UU,'JH Every third lierson you meet is troubled more or less with biliousness, and don't know how to get rid of it. The causes are easily recorded. A luck of sufficient exercise, entini; too much by persons of seueiuury nanus, liiuuifjctice in too ncn food, n shumish torpid liver where the blood does not do its duty, and bile is allowed to accumulate; these cause the whites of the eyes to turn yellow, the skin to look thick and coarse, and the complexion vellow or dark. These are .a ...... f ri T nure indications oi oinousncss. nrown s Iron Bitters is the remedy you want. It acts directiy upon the blood, cleanses and purines it and sends it on its journey through the chunnds of the liver, eivinir to it activity and clean iil' out the bile I1 will remove the yellow tinjjc from the eyes ana xne complexion leaving tne mi ter tresli and clear. A nobby suit prosecuting a boy for pulling tl a door knob. -THE- " THE MISCELLANEOUS. VtiiiYAH SAniTAiiiwult " ASHEVILLE, N. & For the reception of patients suffering of disease of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol the sanitaria's at Goerbersdorf and Folkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOOil, marmdlv Frank O'Donnell, Prop'r. BLAIR FURNITURE Mr, NO. 87 PATTON AVBNUB, Wholesale and Retail 3 Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. Residence t 39 Penland Street. febldly yB. WOLFE, . ' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik done. jobbing and kalsomining promptly at tended to. Residence, Clayton St. Orders ean be left with W. H. Westall He Co. febBdOm TOM ACKINAC uruptrty to anyone ucftintiK to eeit. Metum. F. A. Soutl Irv and M. K. Carter. coHnitel in the case, will also be K'adl to furnish any fur ther Information they may have aa to the property. rn June .na, A. L. CARTHR. Commissioner. FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet red. EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society NO. 120 MtOMlWAY, NKW YORK. Cash Assets 9VO 41,9.1.96 Cash Surplus ao, 74,713. 15 The Stronifest, most Hbcrni and most pro- gresslve Company In the world. It. Tontine Fuliclcs with 15 and 20 year periods (when Issunl in appropriate form) offer to insurable person, a two-fold advan tage. I protection Against loss unu I A Secure and Profitable Inycstmcn El U. Monroe, Agt., Ashcvillc, N. C Office with ludge Astrm. fcbilldflm Summer Tours. Pa lac i STEAMtftti. Low Rates. Tour Trips par Wok Fstwsea DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Pstosksy, Bsnlt sta Msrls, sua Lak. ? Huron Wjr Ports. vwry Wsok Day Bstwssn ' DETROIT AND CLEVELANT 6mwU1 Hundty Trip during Jnna, July, Auuit and H. Double Dily Ltn Bui wen CHICAGO ANDT. JOSEPH, MICH. Cjr Illustrated pakphi. t- BtM snd Bxouralon Tinks's will t. r- luNlud by your Tiokor Aeut, or aOO . c-t it E. B. WHITCOMB, Q. P. A., Deihiht, Mkm.. Detroit and Ol.v.land Steam May. Co. maylSdtf For lo yuars ! li ! tluinmalit-ri ho l:.fl t'.;:f lt(it..ibl (I i-Hif'Tiy :R ml fvtf.Hm-d ntn tor y il ("t a w'.o'o v a". uriiiv v.: kli litna I C1111UI iitovtnr.-l;uitiy ImiHUblL y I :;!, it fiirBimmd n. A 11 t umivi' mym-ir rt Ixu.v s iicd In II- i fn i;i ft llfoBrl lln.. V.'mln:.t- V I Ci.-t-'7lhy hr i.h:-sirls:'. only tn rrnw vnrin. Finally I took Fwlrt's Ppoellle, rd sou h-.run k Iniiiroy. Afti ranliilewasstiiiirwork. ai;1 fc rH.o Bt five months Iiito been sswi-ll as I tvitu? aU bun to. .Sccu of Bwlf fi , ,piic ion Rkt, Jan. S, imi, ft. Wayn., lud. Books ou Blood and Bkln TYamrm rrMW fn-a. Bwirr Braeuno Co., Atlanta, Oa Ian 1 irtiol . rnrenta Criminally Liable. More than balf of nil deaths occur lie- fore six years of nire. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each year. 1'arents are cnnijnnlly resiMitisilile for this. The death rate of children in Knl'ind is less than half this. Acker s bullish Uuhy Soother tins done more to brine this alioat than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. . ' . . 1 . - Many college Ixiys can scan Latin verse who cannot Scandinavian, The New JMncovery. You have heard yonr frienils and ncii;h- Ikm-s tulkitiir nUvjt it. Vou may yourself lie one ot the many who know Irom ikt- onul exiiericnce just how good a thing it is. 11 yon liuve ever irieu it., you are 01 its staunch friends, because the wonder- That dramible house, containing eighteen roonWnow approaching completion at No. 20 Cfnyton street, will be ready for occu pancy and FOR SALE OR RENT On or about the 15th day of June. It U pecially adapted to the aaca of a private boarding house. All persons interested arc ' Invited to call and examine It this day. Terms, which are moat reasonable, can be had on application to - T. W. PATTON. tuav22 dtf THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Room, on Main street, opposite the post- office. Open daily, eicept Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and t until 7 p m. The terms of subscription are: (Inc year $2; 0 mo.., fl.fiO; S mos., $1 ; 1 mo., nocu.; daily 2 cts. Officers tor 1HM9 president, K. K. Knwls : Vice-l'rcsidcnt, Chiirle. W. Woolsey; Sec. and Trcaa., 1). H. Watson; Librnriun, Miss U.J. Hatch. Citlxen. and visitor, are cordially Invifcil to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their name, as member. fcbSdtl FITS Love is blind and that's why lovers think lighting the gas mmccessary, Terrible Forewamlnns, Couch, in the morninif, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness In the chest, tiutckeneu puise, cntnincss in the evening or sweuts nt night, all or any fu thnl n)Ut jt ( ttmt when once giv of these things are the hrst stages ot con- en trilli i,r King's New Discovery ever sumption. AtKcr s ivngnsn wm- nflcr foMfl a .,UiVK , the hone. II you CUHBU BY Ol.O HPBCIALI8T I'H VS1CIAN. nnt.'c of medicine Free. We war- rant our remcilv tocurc the worst caw., and the only physician whodo this to prevent your being imposed upon uy uitn using lalae nuint-s itud who are not Imctors rlecuune others lallid ts no reasoi lor not using this medicine, ttive Kxprchs and Post- office address. It cost, you nothing. Addiess A.iibd Medical llureuu, 2U1 uroanway, New York - lan27dtwly ANTBD AT ONCB. ) THE IM'BLIC. A healthy Wet Nurse (white.) Aflply nt JullO dlw NO. 1 8. MAIN ST. 'JMtUoTliB'B SALK. By virtue of a deed of trust esecntcd to me bv I. H. Merrill on the 12th day of St'lilei her. 1HH7. said deed being duly registered in WM. R. PENNIMAN, PROPKIETOR OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Alievllle, N. C. P. . Ho X I. niari:inly ' M FACTOR V. HAN FORI) N. LOCK WOOD. I IIANII-HAIIB Brooms, Whlnka, Hearth and CeilliiK ltrooiud. M ill and I'actory grades a .necialty. Quo tations and .ample, free. teblHUiy the Kegister'. office of Buncombe county in Hook no, 11, at page a 10, to secure a certain note mentioned therein for $600. I "will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Asheville on the 2Uth day of Inly. 1KHH. the lots mentioned in said trust. situated on the corner of Flint and Cherry streets, in the city of A.hevllle. Thl June J7, a. I . rvwi im n 1, Jun28 dlaw t fri Trustee. The undersigned may be found In Wi link's new bnildlng, one door west of J. P. Wood bury' stable, on O.ihKC strest, They are prepared to manufacture carriages, buggle., wagon., and anything Use In their line, ke- r pairing and liorse-shoelng are sprcinltirs. - They hayj secured th seryiceeof Henry Pow ell, and would lie pleased to receive a liberal share of patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. jui3dom itiiKNuri n at iiuwaku, :dy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sola unutr a positive guuruutix. feb5dawlw Everything hits a beginning. Even the burglar must he broken in before he be gins to Dreak in. One of Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Tillets, taken at night before going to lied, will move the bowels; the etlect will astoiiisn you. ror sure uji L. Jacobs. have never used it and should be alilicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a Ixittlc at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free nt F. L. Jacobs' drug store. Enter- 'Nations move by cycles," says son. Hoys move bicycles, too. Noah was an exjiert with the gloves. lie boxed everything in tlte ark A NBW tlBBI). carefully prepared by lead 11 ing member of the Asheville bar (on finest iiarchnicnt and heavy Hat paper), cor enng ail necessary points, jubi hui uim no on .a It at the ollice of the Citurs Poni.lSH- l.i Co . No Nirth Cimrt o"Ve rionmf TLANTIC COAST L1NB On and after thl date the following sched ule will lie run over its "Ci duinbla I M vision." No. 6H-'-Icavra Columbia ft. 20 p. m. Arrives at Charleston , tt.:!0 p. m. No. 62 Iave Charleston 7.1H a. m. Arrive. atColumbia 11. on a. m. Connecting with train to and from all point on the Charlotte. Columbia Jfc Au gusta and Columbia at Greenville Kullroads. "Dally. T. M. KMBKRON, Oen. Pass. Agt. J. P. IH'.VINB, Gen. Bupt. SI ONEY TO LOAN. Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) on real estate. Apply to IlA V1D80N. MARTIN IONIW. lunSO dtf Houm 7. Ignl Mtock. JV RENT CHBAP. Bight nice room, up stnlrs over .our .tore. Also two a-room house, on Atkinson street. Apply to 0KAVU8 t THKA8H, JulT dot No. ID Main St. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I respectfully reijmst all person having friends of known Intemperate habit and minor that they don't want tntoilcallng drinks sold to, to give me their name, and 1 promise not to let them have any uch drink. Respectfully, 1'KA.NK O'llONNBlX, JulB d30d Prop'r Carolina Baloon. THE ASHEVILLE BAPTIST, OFFICIAL ORGAN OP TUB W. N. C. naptlst Convention. A Paper Devoted to the Interest of the De nomination In Wen tern North Carolina. $1.30 Per Year, iu Advance, Avertlsing space limited. Rate made known upon application, Address " A8HKVILLB BAPTI8T, maylldlmwly Asheville. N. C. J . r. jTlLal.A.t.'t X. No. 3 Barnard IIulldhiK. School and Collide Text Hooks, afull line. 1'ootn, His tory, lUnniuHH, Biography, Travel and NovcIh, Family Itibl.'H. S. S. Bibles and Test- ainentH, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, -Song Books of all kinds, lartre stock Stationery Blank Books and Office and School Suppliesv New line Ladies' and Gents' "Pocket- book h just owned. Fancy (joods and Dolls. IcblOdlV BOARDING HOUSES. Turnpike. N.C. Thl. beautiful summer resort Is situated immediately on the Murphy Division of the W. N. C. R. R., half way between Asheville and Waynesvllle, among the moat attractive scenery in the mountain.. The hotel Is new and well furnished, large and well ventilated. Telegraph and Post ' Office, in the house. Fresh mutton, milk and bn iter supplied from the premise. Parties can leave Asheville In the morning, take dinner and return in thecvenlng. 7 Por term and other information, apptto J. C. Smathers, " julS d3m Manager. PRIVATE BOARD. NEW HOUSE! NEWLY PUKN1SHBD I ALL, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. I MRS. E. L THYLER AND MR8 MB. ATKINSON. No. 811 Haywood Street. jun'J2 dlr PRIVATE BOARD. A large, airy house, 81 8 Patton Avenue, on street car tine. Good location. Term reasonable. Good fare. jul dam MRS. J. L. SMATHBKS. PRIVATE BOARD, F. B. lireese ha rented the R awls' cottage on comer of College and Hpruce streets. The house is neatly furnished and ready to receive guests by the month, week or day. 1 erm reasonable. Iul7 aim flRST-CLABS BOARDING. MRS. R. B. CHAMIIERLIN, lftlj Chestnut Kt. Good Bed and Good Board. Usual Term. juI7 dim BOARDING! At 24 Grove Street. - 1 Large airy room, fine view, good .hade. House fitted up with all the modern conven ience. C. J. McCAPB. DIRS. S. STEVENSON Ha removed to the Johnston Bnildlng, Pat -ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarder. Table furnished with the best the market afford. Term, reasonable, mar 81m8 ROUND KNOB HOTEL McDowell Co., N. C. (Situated on the W. N. C. K. M. Aa horn's ride from Asheville.) First class In every respect. Mineral waters l.llhio. Iron, Alnm and Iron, Red and White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque .pot In North Carolina. Westers Terms reasonable. lie. 8Kvial rate to fatuK Jull) d.lm Hulovr ErwUi. Proprietor. J.C. I1ROWN, MERCHANT l TAILOR, Patton Avenue (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) ' , aprSdly - d '

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