rm: daily citizi:x. Th CmiFH la Itw nmt e.tenaivrly rirm Intnl and wttlcljr read newspaper in Wnlrn North Carolina. loj i1im-u.iib of public mm and mmum ia ia the inlrrrnt of puliiic Intrant v. h"nrt fovrrnmmt, and m-,i-riia industry, and it now no personal alu-ioiioria treating pub lac Imuti. The tmm patili.hes the di.patrhr of the Aiaociatrd. I'rrM, whkb sow covers the hoi world in ita at-oiie. It baa uthcr mnli tita of advanced J.iurnaliurn for irattirrinK arwi from ail iiuartrrs, with everythina care fully rtliud to orcutor the .mallet .puce. teliecimra mnra of any edition will be arnt f.-re to any one smiling their aililnna. - Taaus liatlir, so for one year: $:l for ail month.: 50 centa for one month; 15 cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the MiMrr In every part of the city to auliat-rilirrs, and par ties wanting it will plcasr.coil at the Crruss jrhce. Advistinho Ratio Reasonable, and made anowa on application at this omce. Ail transient advertisements must be paid la ad vance. kendinjr notice ten rent nrr line, Obitu ary, marriage and society notice fifty cent each (not exceeding ten hues) or hltjr cents per uica. TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1889. Itt IT A KUNDKRr Tlie New York Sun characterize thr following iulilic declaration of the Ret. Id. IlcCosta, a clergyman of New York, as ilamlcr; "With the luuwiiif; a war of Mack sln err there should lie found time to con aider the subject of white slavery, which holds the workinurm-n of thin country in bomb) ita itronir.and often at tleirrndinir. as the chains of the black slnvea, rcducini; ewiential statements of the Iktlurution ol ImfersMiderice to K) many 'flittering gen eralities. ' And my i; "To talk about while ilavery in this country, .and to liken the condition ol the workingincn to the negro slnvcs lie fore emancipation, ia to tuk falsely, to bear falne w itnehs, und to insult, slander aud degrade the vast majority of A men can citizens. "Under ilavery men have neither per sonal nor political freedom. They ore counted ou Wis factors ol tlit-boily politic, They must bow to the absolute control and i wit of their musters. They art chnttels and not hitman. Ikmiiks; and they have no more to do in making Un laws under which thev lived and by which tlicy' are enslaved than does und cats, horses und cows. Tliey are bought nnd sold and carried hither itntl thither as their masters lilensc. Tin y have no wills ol their own, nnd in every rcsiiec. they are separate und apart from tree men." . The ills and the evils of black" slavery were those of inherited aud transmitted bondage. That was a condition which was normal to the African, continued without mitigation in his native land to the present day when the negro is never freed from the peril ofcapturc by his own nice, to be kept in captivity to do his captor's work, or until a royal ceremo nial demands his immolation as n sacri ficial offering, or until he is fat enough to be served up as a bon bouche at a feast or until, an Arab or Portuguese trade comes along to take him in exchange for calico, guns and powder or New England rum. A slave in America, his condition was a ameliorated; still he was a slave nevertheless he was a human (wring in tlie eye of the law and Immunity, not mere "chattel" as the Sun alleges. They are free met) now. Does the Rev, Mr. lie Costa utter lander wlien he siieak as he does? 11 did not mean, it is plain, "to instilt( slim- tier, and degrade the 'vast majority ol American citimis." It is plain that lie ' did not ; for the very extravagance of his assertion would have deprived it of ti its weight, lie spoke with limitation lie spoke, and he spoke with truth, ol that body of operatives in the Northern States so absolutely under thr control their task masters as to actually lie us true chattels us ever the negro slaves were, "men who have no wills of the own, separate and apart to all practi cal purpose free men;" men who exe cine the shadow of manhood suffrage at tlKt dictation ol tlieir employers; men who vote as directed to vote at the dic tation of their masters under pain of dis charge; men, submitting to this dicta .tion, ns much bound to tlie soil, as com plcte riyi('cw as the Kustiian serf; because the miserable pittance of wages supplies only the scanty iiecvssaries ol lil'e, and leaven not a remnant to aid desired change ol habitation or cm plovers. Of course tlie burtUhips and . the injustice of such position coniicl me legally free, and with tlie instincts of fr men in their breasts, to rise in rehcllii . taking the form of strikers; coniieI the , tu tlo, what the negroes never did, rise insurrection to supply' Iheir lilij'sical lie ccssities. The block stave had nlwrt ample provision of food, clothing, slicltc medical attendance, ami what the white slave never has, consideration nnd s.vui puthy. The lordly planter, us the Sun might choose to style him, never went i his animal summer Northern tour wit out having previously made ample pn , vision for the comfort of his slaves whi . lie was away. Mr. Carnegie, type of class, leaves on his utinriul summer K roprnn tour, with urMjsc to dazzle 1 display of his wealth; und the provision for his employes lie leaves licliiinl liiu are orders still further to cut down the wages, orders still latlnr to curtail the comlorts of their families, orders to test how much more of misery Immunity can endure, orders thut develop-still farther the insolence of wealth, and the tlepl und width of tlie gulf between the ric - employer and Hie oppressed employe, These employes are the class of Ameri can citizens to whom Mr, Ie Costa re fers, and between them and the black slaves to whom tlie Sun refers, if there is uny slander, it is for the latter to resent at being cuinpiired to those American cit izens who are reduced by tyrannical weulth to a condition more oppressive, becuusc more unnatural and unreasona ble, than slavery itself. HON. T. J. JAHVIH Ul.Cl.lNICM. W nieiitioued with Krent gnililieution in our Sunday morning's isue that our UistiiiKuislicd ei-C.ovtrnor hail been elected to tlie presidency of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical CoIIckc ol Kaleij;li; elected to govern lmys with the line ca pacity be had displayed in tlie govcrn - ment of men. No w, we arc sorry to lay that he has declined an honor imposed with nWlute hearty unanimity by tlie bonrd, and urged personally by many judicious personal friends ; friends of his, and also friends of tlie institution. And his declination Wtaaed upon his jiro uincil unfitness for a position so resKin- sible, and involving qualifications Ik modestly assumed he did not possess. We remember one similar case in State istory and in tlie history of literary in stitutions, in which a gentleman was advanced from the executive chair to the presidency of a college; when David L. wain, recently Governor of North Curo ua, on tlie death of Dr. Joseph Caldwell was chosen to fill his place as President f tlie University., Gov. Swain bad been froiKriini5nibcr of the Legislature from Buncombe had been a State solici tor, had been placed on the bench, anil bad been elected Governor. He had little literary culture: but in all tlie places hc had filled in all of which tic was still a young man he had displayed so much lodgment, tact, knowledge of human nature and such Jcadincssof acquirement that those who knew him best-, were ur gent for hi selection as the man best fitted to revive and advance the fortunes f the University. The oft repeated wit ticism of Dr. Hooper, that the State, hav ing done everything possible for Gov. Swain had now sent Iiim to the Univer sity to lie educated, was ns true as caus tic. Not true to tlie extent that the Stale Jid actually send him to tlie University to be educated, but true,' that it was tliere lie was educated after be wus prcst- lent. For though Gov. Swain was not an ignorant, he was an unlearned man until by the opiortunitie afforded bis inquisitive and acquisitive mind, lie did become a learned man to the extent f acquiring a rcsiectable knowledge ol tlie classics, and a very Inroad acquaint unoc with general literature; and with his other qualifications soon made hi: apiKiiiitmcut to be recognized as one of wisdom and of great good fortune to the university. There is in Gov, Jurvi many of the same qualifications that made the career ul Gov. Swain so successful to himself and with whatever lie had to do. And if it lie merely the sentiment of self depreciu tinlion that inllucnces Gov. Jarvis in de clining the appointment, we Iiont he will dismiss it and reconsider; for we assure him that the tmiplc of the State have higlicr opinion of his capabilities than lie himself entertains. Another branch roud from tlie main stem of the North Carolina railroad ha been completed thut from High Point to AslK-lMiro, tlie county scut of Kan dolph, a distance of t wenty-iilit. miles, This is the true'iKilicy, both of thegreaty. through lines, ns well as of tlie towns and villages which can never exiect to lie on a main line. Obtaining a branch they enjoy all the substantial benefits of a main line, while that main line issu plied with another valuable feeder 'Greut streams from little fountain How"; and un immense volume of busi ness insensibly gathers from these little rills of traffic. Every greut railroad pass ing through a county ought to push out these brunch roads, ribs attached to tlu, inain vertebra, until as they project and approach each other from main parallel distant lines the whole State will beinte luccd in profitable reticulation. Stuiibiy, the l l-tli, wus, or otij;lit to linve been n-ijreut day in I'aris; that bciii the anniversary of the fall ol' the Iluslilc, equivulcut to tlie overthrow o tyrants, the lils-ralioil ol'the French iieo- pie, nnd consei'iucntlv tlieir birthday of freedom. If they did not so celebrate it, it is becuuse iliey do not feel so certain that their frcctlom is on a very sound ba sis. And if tlK-y do so think, they have more sound pructicul sense than we credit theiri for. II they huve looked iihii their dojen or. more revolutions, tlieir numer ous chaises of dynasties, mid tln-ir iuuu- meruble irctc.nders to the H"vcnuncnt in some oik- or other of its many tlinrg, as tfivinvc them rational or satisfactory us surutice that they ikiskcss their lils-rlics in shitie to be enjoyed and ierictunlcl, we woWld take it that they have all the Irivolitv tf tlte tyiiicat I'rench ioile New intliistiies ure IiHiikK 'P over the Statu. Anion); these the Journal tells us of a new eo-'ierutive fiu tory in Newlirru which will undoubtedly be sue cchsIiiI. 1 here is work for nil in North Caroliiui, lor in this State there is such variety ol rcsoiii-ecs and products that the liclil of iuiluslry aud enterprise' l without limit. We limy tint live to see it, but North Carolina is destined to lie n peat iiiatiulucturiiiK State. Louj lime iigo our next neighbor to the South cou tcinpltioiiKly called the North Curolinians the Vatikecs-of the South Uvunse they showed u disposition to cnuye in inauu- lactin iiik. We wish we had better de served the scornful taunt. Now we lion in the progress of iiiaiiufuctuifs to out Yankee all Vaiikeedom.. Dr. Parker l'rays crvain Van-Ola, Kosa- linc, Oualine und lliamoml nail jmwiler having now Uvouie tlie ladies' favorites, nt L.Jnctib's limn stni-e, tlase piipular maniciiic articles may always lie Itiiuid, tonelhcr with piH-ket emery Ixianl, or- imge wood sticks, nail scissors, liks ami other such reiiiisitcs. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to tlie llelic Soda Fountuin from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. "titi to the ant, tlHiusbiK-r," siys the Chicago Herald. It minht huve added that heaven notes tlie spurrer's lull. ToarlMts) Whether on pleasure bent or business should take oil every trip a bottle ol Syrup of ns it acts most pleasantly and elici t ually on the kidney, liver anil bowvlls, preveutiiiK levers, hcitilnchcsiind other tiirins of sickness. For sale in Stle and$l.tMj Uittlcs by nil lcntling UrtiK gists, The Summer hotel that is "twenty fnik's from ii lemon" and til'leen ti-om an upright piano ouht to do well. The "torn up" condition of Herring & Weuver s store prevents their innktiiK a window tlispluy of tlieir goods, but they have the larKest and finest fctoek of shiw-s in Western North CaroliiiW-Cnll and see them at DO South Main street, "the Shoe Store." It was B barber who remarked that it took everything be could "mke aud scrape" to wake him a living. Attention, Ladies Forty years' test, for Excellence- of Material. EleaiKX' of Style, -ExwtnerW of Fit, Durability, nnd Moderate Coat, IIoh proven thiu petals in To lie surpassed by no Shoe in tlie unitm Mttiew. vur . t .- Lil t t Wives and Daught'r8 may Jill be suit4Hl at Uostic Dros. & Wright's, fronting Fublic Sfjuare. This house has en tire control of these goods in Asheville. Don't buy any other Shoe until you havt called for the "Morrow s ' 1.:.... cl I.' :. ........ 1- uie niHif. i-iviijf linn kuiu- initjwl Kvii-v lU'Hi iiiitifitiLiii kIuiiIlu nr.f - iur vnnl ays a w v ' . -"I of Hats.Clothingand Ladies' Goods may lie had of lo ic Pros. & Wriuht at exceed ingly low prices. iiookmanu stationer v, AHTIMTfcV MATlvKIAMI, UNl'.INIit'.KS' 8111'1'UUS, I'ICTl'KUH ANU FKAMliS, l'ANCY OlMJllS. H1.ANK HUOKHiKVI'iKVUHAUKi I 1KI1.I.S. TtlYS AND OAMI'.S. wksti;hn n. c. hcicmicm, utrrii riiuTtK-.KAi'iiic I'AINTBD, AT anu hand- ESTABROOK'S, ji H. Main Street. ARTHUR M. FI1CLU, LEADING I 1 Successor to WHOLESALE JEWELER. k 11. 1.. LANO.- ANORETAIL Practical WatcliniiaktM' and ICiigravcr. UHAIH'ATIC OPTICIAN. We tmikt- a Miei-iaU of rt-talriiiK Watches that huve never kept iiootl time ur that have fulled at the hands of Ineumuctvut workmen. I'urtU-s sranliiiii aoutl tilusaes enn huve their eyes oumiiied free of i hrKt Wt utter nt retail for Uo days the 101101111 gooda at wholesale prli-i 3 os. lire Silver Ik-nulne lilulu or Wul- - thuill Wateh f t ko 'i 01. Coin Silver t.sj Also aiKviul tiarKttinain L'ltH-kaaml Jewelry A line assortnwnt of t'mlitrlliii and Caw. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION: Is that Aim lot of HNlil.USlI 1IMI1U.KM and TIIKHH-IIOKN ClIAMUltl 8b'AT SAHllLHS t 1 ' , J. 91. ALEXANDER'S Ami the tow prices at which he 4s sellinir all Kwxla lu hlii line. He has Invreaaeil his force antl Inteuda to meet the demand. SATISFACTION OUAKANTKKll. A. TBNN8NT, Architect aud Contractor. Plans. atwHllratt antl ratlmaiM -. nialml. All work in my lin contracted for anil no charnr for drawings oa contracts awantal ate. Kriermera when iWwIpni. oilier: No. I a ilrntirv lU.irk N.,.,1. , Mtjaars, AahsTtlk. K. C. ItbllHll, MSCLLLAXWS. W. H. LEA lis Going Out of the Dry Goods Business And will offer hisentire stock i wen seiecwxi ury nooun, 11 1 i .1 I t i"1 1.. i Notions, Boot, Slux'S, Hats, etc., at actual New York cost; and when I say cost I mean it. I will show my bills to I . i i , nnv mm w no uouuis my . I..1..1. A. I lSl-ilU'IIlfllt. 1 Illfilll UUrilllfrwi and am froin to sell. Come und set; for yourself, and you will see I am doing I ;0,I,HU.. I line nuivi, rx j . Kemember, no goods will iu niinu-iui tu iu tiiLcii nntfif I m r i III iv v v svrv .wssv va v v-' thestoivto see unless paid ffirunilfnilit. will Tint. I. (.x tended to anybody, rich or poor. IJelow you will find some of the low prices I offer : 15est Ginghams at 0, (, ,viwi 7,. :n.;n ibui Ti,.LiticJ ' " " ' ? --- v. - - Goods, at 22c. ; .JO-in. Bed Ticking Goods, at If, Lawns at 3. 4, 4, 5 and Ge; I Hattist Cloth at 10c; Gents' nice Linen Dusters at fiOc.l I , ,JI"unu,w tttul uu " f1 ..,..1 i i n. w, i llu ..f i( TU iuiim i invv mi', vi j vixi,, I s-ay uinviivut v -v S 'v jf Mi truw llals lrom oc. to f l;a i beautiful lineof neglige Shirts from 50c. to $2.25 each; Gents' Linen Collars, ( H and 10J$c.; Gents' Cuffs, 4-ply r.i,,,.,. ,,t iW.'li'A mill acw. ......... X? " ( ients' - Unlaundered Shirte, Ht 35, 50 and 73c. each; best Calicos at 5, 5, (i, i and 7c.:alM.antirulliiioofLadiis'r;u'4l,J j l . and Gents' Hose at any price from 5c. ui. - Warner's Health Corsetsat - ' " " " V" at 0c.; Warners l - our - m ilium unsets at ow.: war I It , ii-wi Hr I ' ners Suniise Corsets a t (iOc Warner's Good Luck ('orsets atyTc; Warner's Abdomi nal Corsets at 1.25. Di-ess Gotnls of all kinds at I,U Good Cof ttnlCliecksat4(i. IH'l' yard. Yours very t inly, W,H.L2A.- 'JJbli'JJllHI'iiK! 1! WiilHi. f!ll!JllJlii!iiE-H'i CARPETS. We aiv closing out our stock of Cari lets and Mat ting, und ih we are Koinj? out tf that particular line of tfootls it will pay any one thinking of buying to neeour gootls and prut's. II.RKDWOOD&CO. Clothing, Dry Uoodn, Shoes, Matt) aud Carpet. 7 9 iattou Avenue. 7 A o. aiiiMi!!i tiii: 55S5H3LH!: "COODtt GIVIiN AWAY." CHAHI.KS BKOADWAV KOlSS, NKW YOKK CITY. luly 9, 1H80 Geo. T. Jones, Lwj., AkIh villo, N. C Dear Sir Your esteemed favor of the Cth rm'ivetl and fully notetl. Your ideas are COrrec.t ; put a knife intoyour g001'8 nnd close them out. We would sutrireHt tuat nn Vmir Notion. lw'l.,w, IT.f- nn1 li'iimiiuliinT ouuw, uai " ""J dciiartments. We have the facilities for supplying you with complete lines of No tions, Laces, Edpings, Rib bons, and Trimming Goods Ucncrully at such low figures I.....1 ...,,..1, Im,I,iit thuir Ipn. iiininiiuuilMiiU. . ., , 1 r.. ...... lin(j ullcomietition that may lanse. isil Awaitmir your lurtner i- predated commands, are trusting that you will rol the orders m,with best wishes niectfull.y, C.15.H0USS. The lett'ras priutwl nboy . . . , ii. i . ' S.j.1 . .. ., explains itseii unu is auiuur itutive. "Put the knife into your Dress Goods and close them out." ' In accordance with orders we are going to , .1 . i 'iii close tneni out ai cost, oeiow cost, m fact at your ow ,,riWH so that they are turn- ed into money. We enumer ate some of the bargains we I shall be prepared to otter on Mondav: .fulv 15. which Will 1 " , , i. (0 ruun iw m. van trvv cnu iroods market! down. easK I ' you to read the prices Lawn Dresses (not cheese cloth Lawn) GIVEN AWAY; Calico li, 4, 5 and be. ier yan, the very best Indigo Blue at (e.,' usually sells at 8 "d yt'- DnnishClothatlOc, Challies at 8 and Ge., sold at VJt und ye., Ginghams 5 tG lOe., s.)ld for 7 to I2c, Satmes (a new lot just open- Iftn W gotng to sell t-nem at e, w mid rzw. and tney were splendid value fit that, Everything in our stock til t IvttflaJsJ (lt iltJ Xr Mit llri., , , 1 1 nvmie uootis, is going do - i....,..i.i .....i.. .. ,.,.., 1. ..a .a - atorv to nuttimr m the arir n ' .: tock of Notions, Trim lnhigsvSluH's, Hats, nothing, Ladies and Men's Underwear, Furnishings and Housekeej) ing things generally that has ever been shown in Asheville. We have a few pieces of very .. .. ... . line Henriettas and now is the time to buy all the Dress Goods that you will need for the next 12 months. During our closing out wile of Dress Goods, as long as it lasts, we will give with every sale of a Dress amounting to One Dollar or over, 10 yards of our rc. Lawn. We hnv about 8,000 yards to be thus given away. It can't hist, si come soon if you would secure a Press for nothing. Aur stock of all other lines of goods (already a big oik- is to lie largely increased, and we calculate as hereto f A I 1 . lore io leau in low pnees on whatever we handle. It js hardly nm'ssnry for the "Itacket" to say anything by way of explanation for this step. It involves a bus- mess change only. The "Dank of Asheville" can tell you whether necessity calls or it or not. Come and get a Lawn Dress for nothing. IlesiHvtfully, GEOJ.JOL'ES&CO. T. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. M1SCKLLASK0LS. PLATE GLASS. . We are agents for two large factories for Polished Plate Glass store f route, skylight glas and all sizes of window ulass. Also thin Plate Glass for residences. We make est imates for all sorts of glass delivered on the., spot where used, avoiding difficulties arising from breakage. T. C. Smith & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Asheville, N.C. U tCHM'JNU & DANVILLB It AI LRU All COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina THvision.) 1'AIMKNIiKS IlKPAKTMKNT, Asmrvii.ls, N. C, Junr 1, lHMt. PASMBNUKK TRAIN SCHUDlll.B. Is Bfvkct JiitvKii, 1889: No. Al No. 83 140pm e43im 10 20pm 12 25am l.v. Asheville, Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, Lynchburg, " VVaahingtoB " Baltimore, " Phila., " New York, " Boston, 437am 947am 12 411pm 713pm 8 511pm 11 2pm 6 2llam 3 3iptn 83pm 102pm 81(ipm eiNlpm enaam S2Snm 1047am 120pm 900pm Richmond, "Raleigh Goldslioro, Wilmington 5 15am KSOam 1250pm No. 55 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hendermmville, Ai Spartanb'g """CharYotte, 83tam U 21 lam llSOam 5 30pm Columbia, Charleston, 440pm 9!Opm 1 Augusta, 1 Savannah, ' Thoinasrille.Ga ' Jacksonville ' Atlanta, 1 Mnntgom'y ' Mobile, 1 New Orleans 005pm 6 15am 1 40pm uuun 1040pm 7 25am 1 55 pm 7 2Qpm I No. 54 Lv. Spartanburg, Ar. Henikmonvilii 840pm ' 007pm 7oojm lie, Ashcvilfe, No. 50 I No. 52 No. 54 Lv. Asheville. 7 2Num 4.'ltlpm HI 0pm 8 50pm 5 4am 1 1 45am 6 30pm 444 pm 610pm 860pm 7 15am 1 1 45am fl.Klpm; 7 45pm 705pi Ar. Hot Springs Knnxville, ' Chnttan'ga, 0 2oam 1 liim 616pm flIOam 740am 2tlam 1 10pm 40am A3(pm 745 pm B40pm " Huanviiie, " Memphis, Lv. Anhfvll.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoirillc, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " St. Louis, Mt'Hl'HY BRANCH.- No. 18 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Wa.vneiivillc, " Jnrrett's, 8 25am 1053am 5 48pm NoY.17 Lv. Jnrrett's, Ar. Waynrsvillc, " Asheville, fioonm 1 25 pm 845pm - Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR, VY. A. WINBURN. O. P A. ..... SOL. IIAA8, T. M. vv.uu.nimiBjiint au, tnefollowlnitl'asaen nrr 1 rain uerviee will be operated on Sun- nays netween Asheville and Waynrsvillc: WKST. No. 12. 8 H5 am 8 55 am 9 Ottam Arr 7 5.1 urn Sulphur Springs 7 28ptfi 7 14 pm S 56 pm n 37 pm S 19mn 9 28 am 47 am tiominy Turnpike " , Pigeon River Civile 10 OS am IO 24 am Arr. Waynesvltlc Lv. uupm J, W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 NsHalnJSt (rbSOdlr Will enlleet drills for u.. In 41m J. ft.r leeting rent, on hnum-a. mtlna anil mil. Will sell fumltare i wreaiy psymenta. J. B. JOHNSON, .It's Furniture St, At Illafr's Furniture Btnr. Kefrraws afvsa 87 1'atUia Avrnoe. marl4ilKm JANES FRANK, DSSLSB IS AMILYGROttRIESAXDPHOVISIOXS At eena Creek Wooka Mills. North Man . A..m. - 1IOTVLS. a celdtfu Ex:';:.::::i i ASIIEVILLli TO HOT SPRINGS. Kunnd Trip TifkeU only $4.00, Including a t full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Baths la Marble Pools and Pvaxxhuk, I TatM are the finest and most Intwrtnas In America. The Hotel Is NEW AND F1RST-CLAS la Brery Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS ClISINH. The place la a charming spot, aeatlral among and sndteml by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dast, no malaria. i. Pare and abundant water, and abaohrtel perfect drainage. dt)u!3!i siiiAusai' RESTAURANT -AND-' NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. Electric Cars Pass the Door. V I he r with nutily th public that this day. May 1, 1 have aildco to my well known Kes- taurant a fine Ice Cream Garden The same has been fitted up neatly for the oc- I cusion and I will always hare on hand the choicest of Creams and Sherbets and Cakes. Also, can uiity families at shortest notice in large or small quantities. 8o-come ia good time and have some fine Ice Cream and Cakes and don't forget that at Strauss' you will get The Best of Ice Cream, and where always polite and attentive wait ers will be pleased to serve. Come early, come often, come one, come all, , and jrive your friend Strauss a good many calls. Very respectfully, - K. STRAUSS, mayadtf - Proprietor. THE Olll nillin AnnnrrA aMlr rllllti .phi:i; "- Wl IIII1WU a sTsTaTsTVW?V FOUR MILES WEST OF ASHEVILLE. E. . CARRIER, Prop'r. Will be opened on the 15th of June for the Season. Good Fare, Fine Jersey Milk and Butter; Splendid Vegetable Garden. PURB MOUNTAIN WATKR. Bus meets all trains at the AshevUlcbtpot. This Hotel has no equal for families. lot) acre Park and fine Lake with boats. jnnlS d3m CESAR'S HEAD HOTEjV WILL BB OPBNBU FOB THB SEASON OF 1HHU qsj The Flrsi of June. The loeatki of this Hotel on the summit of Coraar's Head Mountain, an oti . , the Blue Kldge, in upper South cii atlords a climate and water aneqnaled. As n summer resort it has ao parallel in tt South. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM W TO 70. Whilst its natural seenerv la rit a a beyond conception. Comfort of (nests tare fully consulted. Livery and daily maiL Bas Uy reached from Asheville in one day, or from Headersonville In half a dav. ovar rf.ll.hir..l roa.ls, through a romantic and chaeminV country, F. A. BIILES. msvtSdtf ARDEN PARK HOTEL V AND FAMILY COTTAGES, rniln.a.l i. - . 1 " ,r""'tli of Asheville, ailroad is nr c. ow the A. & 8. For circular. a i, ""j" , "w "If" or tnc scaaoa. r. aiiuresa THOH A. MOKKI8, P, mayadtf ron'r, a, N.C Ardea. Sunday Excursion - TO '." KAYW000 WHITE SIOTH SPES8S WAYNKSyiLLB, N.C. Commencing Jul, 1,' . tri will kvtA.hrvlle Wry Sunday n . tetumlnB leave Waypc,vll t fl d. sb. TM Iflves the cHisens of Ashwyill. aad f summwguesu aq spportuplt, to s Mk famous Haywood White t.lphs Sprias, There are go acres of densely efculcd laws Md plenty of seats, or eonreyaaocs will owet paastsgui at the sutloa. Hotala aiodaUoas la iraerml nnssipassij. CD.s.AllcajkSon. fcblodly Jul7dlm Pro prtr tors. I r -lr. AH t . i i H It.

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