VHorESSMSAL CAk'lJS. Tmko. P. UAT1IM.IN, THO. A. J.ma hiaeifh. Ja. g. MiiTU, Asbevilia. Ashcviuc. JJ A V1DSON, MARTIN fcJONKS, ' Attorney and Counaellora at Law, AsheTille, N. C. Will practice in the 1 Uh and lath Jadicial Districts, and in the Suim-mc Court ,J N.,m. Carolina, and in the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of AsheTille. dtsel cma. a. hook. nvrr kuuci, JJOORB MBKKICK. Attorney aad Coaniellora at Law, Aahcvilk, N.C. Practice hi the t'aitcd State Circuit and . District CoirU at Asncvillc.StatcsvUlc, Char lotte and lrcca.biru, in the S)aiBi Coart at Raleigh, and la the court of the Trytk Judicial District of the State of North C aro ma. Special attention girt to collection of Claims. Partnership doe aot extend to practice hi Buncombe Inferior Coart. dtoc3 T. H. conn. "" - I. e. mskkiuox. OBB ft MBRRIUON, Attorney and Cooaarllor at Law. Practice in all the court. Office: No. T aad 8, John.ton building, due Bl 81,:,) AMI PLICACtlRK. SHILOH'S VITALI2ER is what von nerd lor Constipation, Uim of Apictilc, Ihziniesg,n( ulliyuintoiMofUytpqwU. IVht 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUI'; WHOOPING COUCH and Hrunchitis imruciimtxiy relieved by Sliilub't Cure. Afternoon teal (eh flic. Flaming -lre la the Veins. We bold iMMn'tive proof thiit Acker's fcnglish Blood Elixir cure all blood poi soiii where chean saraminrill.-ia nnd an. 11 I r I t. . . 1 ... vuinru nunnen lau. Knowing this, we will aril it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. In for a crape the violin. Oik of I)r. I. It. McLean' Little Liver and Kidney 1'ilk t, tultcn at nijjht tx lore ' going to bed, willmov the bowel: the .ciirvt will astonish you. For alc by F. LnJUCOO. If a man calls you a fool don't ask him to prove it. He may do it. Advice to Mathers. Mr. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup sIkiuM alway be used for children teething. It I soothes the child, often the gunia, '' ai- l my an pnui. cure wind colic, and isthe I uest remedy kir diarrho? a, 25c. a bottle. Among; swim men the crab is never a I uivonie in tne pools. , Better Than Rloody Battle OencraJ Whentcroft Nelson ay: "My experience in the English armv as well as Persons advanced in vnra t-i ........ m America, convinces me that nothing an and stronger, a well a. f fL. Vu- P""" the blood or add to the health infirmities of aire, bv taking lb- I H Y& an ,lfc Acker's English Blond McLean's Sursaparillu. For sal- bv f' L,ixlr.-. Tnl remedy is sold under w JU1.0U. rAYAX W. W.JOHBS. gbo. a. sHurosn. ' JONBa at 8HUFORD. Attorney at Law, . Aaheville, N. C. Practies In the Superior Court of Western Woodlark a picnic in a grove. - t.ivc the Children Chance. There is something nulanllv I with the health of n child -,K listless, has POOr Or no mira-tirr rm. m,L. i j . , . : . ,m...vU uuu wun aara skin ovneath. In most cases showing these ymptom the a positive guarantee. A Substitute ibr "cheat nut a" what'. I tne matter with phoarnix ? No liniment i in better repute or more widely known than Dr. J. H. McLean' volcanic Uil Limoicnt. Una wondcr- iui remedy. For ak'by F. L, Jacobs. cmld liaT;;; adXth'n b n ma? th U. hand. ..m li V .ns 18 and very ndv with bis temner. Practle in the Superior Court of Wetrrn "" " "ti n neeas IS nnd Y(rrT v witn h; North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the ,me ""pl remedy , such as Hart's Worm TCT' ngjwnper, State aad the Federal Court at Ahrville. Office in Johnston buiktinK, where one mem ber of the arm caa alway be found, dtnovll - " JUHNBTONK JONKS, STTOS.SaV AND CUUMULLOB AT LAW, ASIIBVILLB, N.C. Practice In the I'nUed 8tatc! Cii cuit and District Court at Aiheville, in the Hupreme Court at RalriKh, and in the Court of the Twelfth Judicial DUtrict of the State of North Corolina, and elaewhere, a hi service may , tie required. Ottice over bo. Exjire DfHce, Hendry Block anU3iltf B.u- DOUGLASS, D. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., I Over Croal t M'iuti'ert' Urutt Store. Keaidencc, No. UN riailcy St. fcblOdly A. H. KUKVBS, I). II. S. wKJTiTiErJS T?. oral cd . SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable ren a tev H I" rilTl. ? . K"m' . b.v tnal Shiloh'. Cure is " your Hitar one nave tne remedy lor vou. . a lair chance for CATAUVH nrut'ir t.u ...i A i - - v "UA, arvn III mUM SWCTJl I breath aecnreil, bv Shiloh' Catarrh Kerned v. Price 50 Cents- Nuftfll Itlirr I i ce iiy i . i. aiiiiin ol C.O. Life is but a pan, which explains why so manv.nicn take "four fin nW f.,r . drink.- I D... 1 i i. i . in uiiicuucK,sitieorcnest,usesluloh s rorous riaster. frtce 25 cents. SHILOH 'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is gold by ns on a guarantee. It cures consumption. After a lonir exnerirnce I h,.'.v,m.' i I Th- j n the conclusion that t.tl " il .Z.atZ. uiL.itLTl" nave cnunt . . - vs cm iui i ibssii cs u n iirc imi A cold cuwclTlie k-eman' bill. TH AT HACKING COUGH caa be so quickly cured by Shiloh' Cure. , We guarantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Pysipsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh' VitalUer is guaranteed to cure you. Sound to the corps a bugle cull. Doctors) Conquer Death. fl........ lir 1. ir . nniicr iv. Iliiiiinmnil viva ! Prexalt in the aMat rlccaai (una THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE oe tub F1G3 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medidual virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to jiernu nently cure Habitual '. Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the AlDNEYS, LIVER flf.D BOWELS. It u tkeaott Czccllesi remedy known to cieamse ne smEM Errccntur Wkea on a IMioas or Coauipuad SO THAT-. niKI BLOOD, KtmiSHINO aLEE, HtALTH shmI STRKNQTH NATURAU.V nXLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK VOU) DaOQOIST son Bvmn? or s-xg-s- BMNUAOTVIRSOO)a.V BV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' MH FRANGISCO, CAU S toummu. in new rout, n. r.- DENTAL, OFFICK -""K" pneumonia anu eon- sumntitm mijjht be avoided if Acker' English Couirh Kemedv WPrt rsffilv rflrv. fully used in time." This wonderful Rem- bad as any one. : man in town seems as ta Conaall, ""Winoverl Red w.hmI'. store, cdy is sold under a positive guarantee, A niush room a dairy restaurant. Teeth extracted without pain, with the new of irrcKnl auismtbetic, and all ci reeled. gnlurity cor- lelil3Uly Pimple, boils and otfu-r hnmm liable to apM?ur when the blood erts luIuJ 11 1 A """w- ik in-si remetlv is Ur. J. H. McLean's Sareapurilla. For sale by F L. Jacobs. JJ P. UL'KOIN, M. D. OFFICE i ftew Grand Central BuildinK, over Our 2U ClothiflK Store. M17dliM "f F. KAMSAY, D. D.8. Muny people habitually endure a feel- ing ol lassitude, because thev think thev the farmer's hnv ifthfn. i. nit veto, it tliey would take" Dr. J. H. MCix-an barsapanlla this fceliiiL' of wcnrincss would pve place to vigor and vitality. For sale by P. L. Jacobs. Down nna out The first mustache. This is the turning period in the life of a grindstone on the place. onice i A lesson In uranimar. "I cough ! He coughs ! They cough !" And why need they cough ? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dist-nverv will ,.. In Barnard HuililliiK Untrancca, I'utton coughs, colds, and all lung (fiseuses ,y Lan.d tryt, there's virtuennd worth In the bottle whose Cfltlti'tl ttt Ol-aW f i 1 'Twill extiiibuish the germs of consump- ll Ull 111, Anil itm .... . ...o uiin muic symptoms will cure. DyapepMa, Deapalr, Ucath. These are the actual steos which f indigestion. Acker's KmHiali !).,,,;., P"1'1 ' the nnncrtv i ol.l. the in,, i.... Tiilileta will hnvh -1,-w.i. j -T. i -" T . th place and on the t,r,. ..... Ki I IVV IV most fearful of diseases. SALE OF THE COWAN LANDS I RARF CHANCE FOR GOOD BARGAINS. Valuable Improved and l'n Improved Property to be OlHpoaed of on Easy J Term. Br vlrtne or an order of the Sunerior Court '1' Buncorahe county, made in the case of lease L:W,,"do,,l.r",, I,arte. 1 i" sell at 5Vi'i,; "utt,,,n " TIUIKSIIAY, TH K FIRST " r aui.llor, 1889. and suceetlin .1... and c .ri .M. .;:;7-l '"m.. R,wxm " thetenn. REAL L'STATIi. Waltks B. Owvk, W. W. KT, GVYfl & WEST, (Succeaaor to Walter B.Uwyn) ESTABJUSUED 1881 REFHR TO BANK OF ASHEV1LLE. REAL ESTATE. Loaua becurelv Placed at 8 Percent. "THE SllSaLLANEOL'S. urn sa:;ita ASHEVILLE, N. a " M ill ! I Notary Public. Cmmisiouers ol Ueed. fire insurance: prriCB Wouthcawl Coart ttquare. D. S. WATSON, Real EsUte- Ageut, a (Nut a Speculator.) ' For Sale A larKe amount of valuable City Iroperty, imuroved and unimproved. For Sale Some 6oe fnrniini! land ; al: timber and mineral lands." ' ' ' . i can aecure tor parties buying City Lots from me money to Improve the same on most reasonable terms ! Money to loan on good city and ekiuutry prppcrty! "- Oftiov hours : From 8 to 6. " n. S.WATSON, Southeast Comer Conrt Suanff For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol thesuiiitaim-sat ftrrberedorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Our is the only such institution 1u the United Stati-s, and endorsed by the leading member of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. ' . KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE CAROLINA SALOON, lias the Finest and arKCat Stock ot WHISKIES, i BRANDIES i AND t WINES, Ever Brought to Ashevtllc. l'arli w.hi a ttrtk1e (or lanlily or Rive me a cull. Kcapecttully . !. l rank O'Domicll, PropV. niar.ltdiT msyUtl (Hf t Asheville, N. C. Dental Avenue and Main Street. fcb26dlv The tract of about 1H5 acres, I ill ere the head water, of s.itl.'. uinZlu '."'ft..1 ,.l , ."",. nu! FOR RENT OR SALE ISIS A nose affair A tioa. lent bid at an auc- J. W. ROLLINGS, Veterinary Surgeon, ASIIBVILLB, N.C, Will practice in the town and surrounding country Also have scientific horseshoeing done, office iu Col. Kay' (tables. julSdSw KTHUK M. FIKLU, Graduate Optician, Main Street. I to brfiiK relief in everv rase. ui,r ,,oi rected. " lor any affection of Throat, Lunifg, Bron- Houra for eiatnlnatinn U In 1 2 . t.. I ..!,:.; -. 1 . L """fi .v .... 1 V411V10. naLiiiiii,. vv nruii,iiifri I dtf 1 . ' i I cic, cic. It is Dieasnnt anil mmvxi ik c . - .- . -o--- - The Best Chance Yet OfTercd. A Kafe InvcHtment Is one which is guarnteed to bring you That desirable house, containing eighteen room, now approaching comiletion at No 20 Clayton street, will be ready for ecu pancy and satisfactory result, or in case olfaiTure a FOR SALE OR RENT return ot purchase price. On this safe On or about the 1 5th day of June It Is es plan you can buy from our advertised peciatly .adapted to the uses of a nrivat lrtl?!' All per, interested ZZ if -"--""F"""- guarnteeo inTiiea to can nnd examine It this day. term, wntcn are mot reaaonahis k. w 8 p. 111. julUdU DENTISTRY. The undemittned hnving resnined practice bf Dentistry in Ash villi, resiwctfully tenders his urofcwriunal services to the public. tiiste, perfectly safe, and can always lie depended uixn. Trial bottles free at P. ij.jacoDsarug store. had oa application to T.W.PATTON. the public. gum to prevent puin ur i dalties. Local anwathctic applied when desired. Office rooms on Fatton .Avenue, one door west ofCosby's Jewelry store, same as for merly occupied. B. F. AKK1NGTON. JuUt dtf The coal man wealth. knows the weigh to THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post- Sundays, from 10 a. m. office. Open daily, except until 1 p. and S until 7 p. m. Th. 1 , . . ; Brown's Iron Bitters funiislKsi ni.l tn 2; 6 mo... si.bo: a mJ. t, "i the stonuuh to acconiDlish ila n4 r8'.0"- Only a medicine which has a specific a lVSSJ. tion uion the stomach will do you anv T.re - u- w.taooi LibrarW juiw if 1 asd I well suited for division into small trues for i.n r ntaining many elegant sites i- .ZZ i j" pi"e. 1 ne iract will lie sold in one bodv. iiromniiv a iu ....i 1. SinrTH'J-'l' V" S1- t the 2. Immediately after the sale of the forego If ."' VW,M " ON THBPKKMISK8. the . r ' 01 Asnevinc, now occupKd by Mr. B. 11. Coby a a jewelry tTr ,!'t!:'U, fr"nt o1 twenty ven JL ? C ?C,,?c'g on PHtt,,n avenue, and r"" b"k l'lnm street, adlstniiceof 10 u 1 ,r f Tcrr valuable. S. Next in onler I will an hutuu I8B8 thetract of land in said city, opposite on the .,ia,lin".,0f.i:B,,,MU Cowa". hounded on the south by Patton avenue, on the north ,i1a.yM:oou "trct' on the 't by the I.vnmn nipi . " , ..'" lnc Junction . ........ .nine nan naywood street, for merly owned by lames lluttrkk. This trad ur:""""u"tlcv "ts which will be sold hrst stpiirately by lots, and after wards in one bodv. anrf hA .niu .i.i..u,. : A!.ter t hW of the forcKolnir tract Will KH. UN H K rWKMIl.'C .1... -j.i. lots on the north ide of Hay w'o.1 .tree tand . o., , aireci, m an m eity, em bracing the lad lute n..i,l..n ..r rZ'"j.. . , . f v.uunuil oerni inner nooses, all ,- i,,.u4w , t ui-m-mieu in tne uruer 01 sale. sHKCfetaagsKfewav.-. . .. .-W3o. ' more lllfMllinv n.l 1 will firal ...., . 1.. ' arnlrlv l, 1.... ..V ..r. ' " "r" --A iizi. t a waru in one body, and the highest aggregate price offered will "'e noe 01 tne same. B. I will next sell the tract confuting iiii. . ? 'y!1s ,nKHr ai,1 northward ol iiri!it,t.in"a,.d frmerly owned by Alfred Webhaml ju.....! This tract will be sold hrst by lounanurutelv -auaiierwnrusasa whole, and the highest thtnT PnCe U' taktn a the sak ciiinif ana nnorovinu thHmnvtit. r.m,.,.. I a . ...... I. i-astiy, 1 will sell the brirb ri.m. : . "7 Vi i .ru inn aace tne lollowinir ai hnt. I houav K- i I ... 1 1 I . . . . . . ..-I"": I .... .... .... I.x.l 111 UIHTUin Itl IIUVU fl.u. On. i,n.i ,l . . on the north by 0. W. Miller lot. on ih . V.u ,!t.J- M ,;"'K" S lot, and on the Curry '"luw"ca oy tne Kev. J. L. M DTMiri nnH Rmuin'a 1 bill "It ". T. " """Sl Wl uu III WOTK, re- I wreiuucra. IrbHlltf iicviiijj me pressure upon the system, strengthening the nerves, quick- ATLANTIC COAST "nb enini: and iinnroviniT il.a,, (;,..... I .'. ;.,.,,. i r-- -n.rH.l.,l,,vii,ur k,u aim aiier mis nate the rollowliiK sched- ing flatulency and heartburn, restoring he mn over lU 'Columbia Di'illon- the ai)ietite and disjiellingthedizzy siiclls No' oJil?1ColT,,ia; 6 ao whicfi are so aniiovinir and ml, m i" i 80p.m. very dangerous. 7.10 a. m. ll.r.r, a.m. Poor business that bureau., may provel No. 83 Leaves Charleston Arrives at Columbia.. y .irauiii w,m trams to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia & An u"ttt f "U Columbia & Greenville Railroads. j . of the charity 'AM eyes lltted and fit guaranteed. A com pk te stock of the above Roodp nt GRANTS DRUG STORE, at SOUTH main htkisijt: . Oculists' prescriptions a specialty. fcba7d8m 500 Reward. So confident are the manufacturers of iir. Hgc s Catarrh Kemetly in thcirnbilily to cure nasal catarrh, nomatu-r hnwl.n.1 or of how long standing, that they offer, in good faith, tlie iilaiye reward for a case wnicn tncy cannot cure. Kcmcrlv h druggists at Site. T. M. EMEK8ON, Gen. Pass. Art . F. DBVINB, Gen. Bupt. K fchinrtawlT RBWARO snd Wblhes HaH IU cn rod at noma with ontpalQ, Book of par. ueniars sent FBKB. B. M.WOOLLKV. an. UO00 M WUIasau b4 tn th st raay Oaler ay n hasthx snosi withaut nam. and prle. la botkoWi But klm dsns Doubling the second dram. U.nn ,n e il I . I ine conhrination of the norncailing tor the For thf anvit and conviction of the unity MttinirdiatHy thmnlter. I Whll lirtilK llu tllura '.rl.. 1 a.S. III, ' i. I .. r. 1 .) . TKH1WS OK HAI.Kl One-thinl of the purchase money will lie re 2"""- me ouinnce 10 ue secured by note of the nurchnwra. In tu n ..i i..iir ments. due respectively in one and two yeurs from date of nale, with intercut at the rate of VV P1' annum irotndnteof sale. Titles purenase money 1 paid lm proved city property w ill have to lie kept in nrcu oy me pureiinacrs for the licnc lit of the ... w vnnaoa cnwan, deceased, un til payment of the first deferred installment in an amount to lie desiKnnted by me on the day ol sale. I'urchusers will have the option of payinii all the punhase money in caxh on the confirmation of the sale and takiu titles Bucfclen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world fnr mi. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, dumped hands, chilldnins. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pues, or no pay reouired. It wno orosc lite nlntr irl. 1 h. on....: ,. llront. MANK uiiir.iiuiu Jull4dUt TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I respectfully request all persons having friends of known Intemperate habits and minors that they don't want Intoxicating For further imrtii-nliira imolu ln m. M.. olhce in Asheville, where full plntsnf the prop ertyan lie seen; nnd I will Kladly show the proiK-rtv to anyone desiring to seeit. Messrs. 1'. A. NondlcVanil M H I'un. r 1 i the case, will also lie ulnd to luniiKh any fur ther mlormation they may have as to the proiK-rtv. This June B2, 18nu, I m ini'ii-qitlnj ......1'..... A' r.. I " " "" iiciaiisaiisiucuon, drinka ...IH i .ti : Ormoncv reliniiln l'ri, up, .1. . . nan name ana 1 . L. CARTIiR, Cninmissioner. Iiox. For salt- by K. I,. acolw. daw Song of the dry-iroods clerk: "SwiiiLnmr I in deliiine." promise not to let them have any such drinks. Respectfully, FRANK O'DONNBLL, ju!9 daod Prop'r Carolina .Saloon. iOR KBNT. Intellectual Women. "I do believe those women, VV; L. DOUGLAS aVsa 9 c::oe OR OENTLKMEM. Jgest In th. world. Kxamlna hi OaOKNIIINK HtHDHhKfllilHOI, HANIMKWr U VHCI.T KHOK. M KXTItrVAMTK tlAl.r MIOK. JJ" nwnnisilM Ml Of, lean be had anywhere. Askyourdruggists I for it. Full direct inna fur iiaiM,. II, .nv "HOW- anteed to give satisfaction or money re- . 1 ...... 1 .. rAI,iv 1 I iuiiuco. If application lie mnde at once we will rent the Mt. Mitchell Hotel at Black Mountain on verv reasomibl term. .. 1... Who for years and years and years, ifoperty nut in -ood condition. For partic ..i!i.: ii...:l ' ulars apply to ToomenK J,d4t natt Atkinson & s should ngmn call the attention of their Schedule Street Railway. sex to the remedy especially provided for To take effect Friday, March'l, af6 30a m brT0, ar(:,mni: called "Favorite Prescriiition." Women ' " ZZ".'.".'.tto " of intellect for years anf years and years Prom then till 7 p. m. ear ieaVes' courthou have used it and pronounced it the best every ao minutes corrective of all "female weaknesses" that Also, ear leaves court house at 8.00 p. m. KARB. FIVE CBNT8. AMs G3 SHOE ssa ST atari al. B t U aot sold by your dealer, W. L. DOUOLaaV I Raamlnc W. I.. IHmik ihm as. 00 for tienllemen ana Isdlea. For sale bv 80 8otl Main Street. Asheville, N. C. jnT19dlr ' BROOM FACTORY. HANFOAD N. LOCK WOOD. HANn-MADS Broom, Whiska, Hearth and Celllnif Brooms. M III and Factory grade a koecinlty. Ono tation and samples fra. fcbltttll If what you eat hurts yon you, or if yon arc troubled with ' 3 Sr. A ISA A A Kansas pnjier wants to know if Adam died of apineplexy Merit Winn. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling I)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption Dr. v 1 .V- i,:n. n..i.i , . . rwing wrw lytic 1 inn, oucaien S Arnica Waar-w-4a Salve and Electric Bitters, and have aJWli never handled remedies that sell as well, WII AX or that have given such universal satis- rTT faction. We do not hesitate toguaranter aWU 1 i iai Pniann inem every time, and we stand read v to H. BL 1. "P". r.i,d .1 1 trtxav-l wills I refund the purchase price, if satisfactory mtTIM ffi'ort.'OTlnH o not follow, their use. These "VJfJ nipiiinniy tMM)f i. tt JUsr. s, lata, .1 It. .1.1 Itl- tZS t, .! r'a'TL-Sr-S ofS tfST" ,m,,n 1x7 " rrmt Aromatic i Invlgorator sum in II m t, t Kjr Dysn lleadache, Los m i Mora th -tt 90 i ! na of hma earns lotitof I rl, . i.: I Urn doctors aijd JsninMts!. n t rnl'in nnlsmnnlsU 1hi., I r ! HlihapiH'aifta H put h. r nu NS.H. nd plis I Bow susi.lm ,vvi -IhssKoodlMalthM snyelilld, ?,u Assia Vsssuss, fob. II, fa, Colombu, (M, j ' . Bwirr Htbcifio Co, DrawwI.AUuaa.Oa. Ian inrkanal KpMia, etvonaness, Heartburn. w tinti-its. Kidney Complulnta, ttU-Llilc. -Try a bottle of DR. IIAIrIi I It has stood the teat of the public for over Careleaa Molliera. U quarter of a century, and thousands have Many mothers have permitted their testlned to Its value, Send, for circular and children to die before tliefreyei when they testimonials. 60 cent, and $1 per buttle, migiit nave Dcen saved, Any mother who keeps honse without bottle ot Acker's English Itaby Soother at I F. L. Jacobs, hand, run n risk which h ma v uitn. I time rcirret. It has saved the lives of CornCT M,B Patton Avenn.. thousands of children, and is doing sol HEATH a MURRAY, General Acts.. Doston 'every year. I jaiadtf For sale by Drunkenness Or the Liqtor Habit, Positively Cari. tKJ'S' M- ",,lr mm ceint. bOLDEM SPECIFIC CO. 1 M Die. IL. Clu.1 a FOR t,1EN ONLY! I POSITIVE l" W8T " Monro haithpodi arwai 1 1 1 n.n.rml nd HEKVOUS BBBUITTi CTTHiE sf Bodyuid Hindi Effort, y of Errem or tiouu la Old or Youar, SHaal, K,!. t!HIl rail. Kral.rril. H.a 1. K.tar7u rl,nS,lllllirTKMlKllOKIUIBrlST.ISll. tfcnltn.h ..hill., HUBS TBKAVaKST-BmSl. a, . BraUMIhfhaXI SIMn, Trnllarln, mlf CiaialrlM, 1oa.Mwrtl.Ullw. Hw. fnlli'iplMMtlna.Mil.nwIkBi.lu. uiint,iiaucaniutrAu,i.i Ask Tour Retailer for the JAHES ilEANS $4 bHOE R Til I! JAHES IIEAirS $3 SHOE. Aeoordlng to Your Keeda. ?JA WKSJ MKAM8 M UTTnis "P!'""', snd RKUIJIKKM 1 In psrSKtiyauy th. Rm dm. m Is worn, if will wu.fr Uunn.t MIOK I. aiwiiuteiy ih r wi pno wiuvn BS. tvmr bawl nl&Mri ... .tenlT.lyon Uw m.rtt iu wiiH-n onralMllly naawpn Drntir. maraoat a vr.rd AhrnilsinM 4..T SMiTe aoMMUIlbu.iorBciTS J. WIAH8 COn K..ISB. rail llaaa f ih. abava shaa. far al kf For Sale Bostlc Broa. & Wrlsht, A8IIBVILLK, N.C. fcbaid3in ts th Mt n I PaJf.V-1 1 Wlr. aa k." t,TSMi7e - Wm. M. Cocke, Jr.y REALESTATE AND MINERAL BROKER, Asheville, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of lund. In tract Q-om no to 1O0.O0O acres. Have numiier ol city lots, improved and unim proved, which 1 can sell on the best of terms. you want a lance or small farm call on m. you want minerals of any kiud, you need BO no Anther. If yon wsint. timber lunds, tnis is headquarter. In fact 1 can suit you anything you want In my Iftic. Ser vliii of s first-class dvll ctmluccr and practical inrvcyor eiiKugcd to .how up all property when required.-1 have hud liltccri yean' ierirnce In the real catuto business, ana think I knoiy what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. &'b24dlv ''''' BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY r QOKTLANU 1IKUS., Real Estate llrokcrs, And i. Iiiveatiuent t Agents. ORicea: No. 60 South ajaln t. Second Hour. I lebOdly INSURANCE. piKB INSVRAMCIt. FlItE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. NO, 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, ; Wholesale unci Retail Furniture n.il. Aud Undcrtakcror . rrompt attention ifiven to all orders day or niht. ' . Residence t 39 Pcnland Street. febldly ' . j " 1,500 ACRES PULLIAM & CO. At the llunk of Asheville, ASIIBVILLB, N. C. OV FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER LANDS, -TO BB Stll.U IN Kcpresent the following compaiiiea, vi. : lIHK. rial igi.a u . nnKio ncvaun, or California $a.47.n:t3 ,M7f,tiaa 1,129,11114 1,B3,1 1',2H7,41U l,tii7,IHIi 6.054, 17U I CotltillfltiHl tt Mflu, V..l iiamiiurK-llrrmen, of Grrmnny London Assurance, nf .:i,.,oi Niacura. of New Vork Orient, of Hartford I'hiL-nii. of Hrooklvn fct. I'aul Hire and Murine, of Min nesota Southern, of New Orleans '.' western, ol Toronto Mutual Accident AsHociittlon. .Kliia ,ife Insurance Company. dtmnrU 1,041,1X11 4.111, (1H4 Transylvania County, N.C. lly virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Transylvania county, North Carolina, the undersiKiied as executor of liliiiir I'utton, dee'd, will sell at pulilic auction at the court house door In the town of Brevard, oil lMMaw Monday, ad Way of Sept. 1889, THB EQUITABLE LIFE Aaaurance Society SO. lliO 1IHOAI1WAV, NKW VOKK. . ,ui.,nKi.v, luimi I1IH.TUI 1111(1 ItlOM Krcsaive Company in the world. ,.....in i.Htu i.Nurti in approprintf loritil oner iu m.uraoic iK-rsons a two-fold ndvan- iHlte, I 1'rotection Attains! Loss C und I A Secure and Pn.limlilr Invcatmisil li. 1. Monroe, Ajtt.v , Anheville, N. C. Office with lodge Anton li lp-.'ililtim ...I JV) THB PI'nLIC. The undersigned .imtv he found In mi,....i,h trw uuiiiiniK, one ooor west ol J. F. Wood miry s stable, on CoIIi-kc-strrst. Tluv arc prcpnmt to nmniiliu lure cnri iiiKi ., tmuuies. "K.-i", o.ki mijoiiiiKiia' inimir line. Ke- .7. r Bna norse-shoeiiiK are sia-einltics. 1 hey have secured the services of llnirv I'ow- 11. Ulld WOUld be lllt'HMfil In r,.,,.i.. ., 'lil...Ml sluire oi patroimiie. Hntisliivtlon Kunrnntenl. jiii.t u-ini tut kin li 1 115 iv IKIWAKIl. B. WOLFB, PUIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wmk ,1,.,,.. JoliliiiiK and kalonilnini ,,,.,,ii. . tended to. Residence. Clnvton 8t. Orrii ra Iu. l.fi With W. H. Westall At Co. f, l,!l,Hl, To SubHcribers ASHEVILLE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. The service of the Km-hamm laHy InsuKurated on the niornlnu of MONDAY, JILV 10, 1KHU. The eatnloirues of stilMrilM,rM u,iu Hu. .11. trilititcd on Saturday, the l.'lih in.i ui,. scriliers and those connected wilh thvm who will have occasion to use the telephones, are respectlully uriied to read nnd observe the rules printed on the catalogue cards, mien uon i porttculurly called tu rule No. V, S and 4, Don't wait for the llinnlnrii. "rl.,i.....L e will answer vour cull orallv iiir,,uk n. transmitUr. Always Vive th SI'MIiHH of thealallon ivllli hich you desire to le connei-leil l-h.. n,u.r. ator only hus the nkhhkks liefore him. Answer your calls promptly. This Ih in.cn tial to a quiek, prompt service. When your bell riiiKs remenilicr some one Is waiting with the 'phone to his ear to siwnk to you, hii. bly on a matter ol Importance to yourself. The Oiiernlor will onlv rina oni k in (,ivii. eni-e to an order for a connection. The lines will lie disconnected in case the calling sub scrilicr rings for the Central office the second nine. In onVr to secure a sutifa. l,.rv a,.rvi.... th. bove points must be curcfiillv olmcrvrd. Ju"3'1w Manuuer. J. C. BROWN, MI-RC1IANT 1 TAILOR, 23 Patlou Avenue, . (Next to Grand Central Hotel.) apradly JJtNBV TO LOAN. Three Thousand 1 xMnra (13.011111 on real estate. Apply tn UAVlHISON, MAKTIN Ac ONHn, Jun30 dtf kooin 7, Legal Block. All that tract of laud, lying on Cuthry's creek, known as the Bliiur l'atton Siccula tion land, containing about One Thousand l'ive 11 unil red acres. The land is accessible und finely tinilHTed. It Is- situated about 4 miles southwest of Ilrcvurd and Iks parallel to the French llroad river, about Tap miles listiuit Iroiii tlie same, und about two miles distant from the proimwd line of the C, C. 0. ti C. railroad. Also the sumc distance from the Baltimore, Asheville and Atlanta luilroiid line as proponed. There "are line in dications of Iron, Lime and other mineral. 011 the land. It Is well udupted to growing pur poses and cun be conveniently divided into small farms. The lund will be sold to make assets to pay debts and for final settlement. Terms One-third cash, balance on sis und twelvemonths, with note and interest on sumc at H per cent. Title reserved till lust pavmcnt is made, i'urchuscr has privilege of paving ensh in full of amount of sale if he de sires. Title guaranteed. For further inlor- matiou npply to or address the undersigned or W. A. Hash, Att'y, Brevard, N. C. Full description anil pints of the luuil enn be seen on file In the oHIee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county. CIihh. c. Patton, Bxeeutor of Uliiur I'utton, dee'd, jiilldlsept IS0AKD1NG HOUSES. TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike, N.C. This beautiful summer resort I situated immediately on the Murphy Division of the W. N. C. R. R., half way between Asheville and WayncivUlc, among the most attractive scenery iu the luountuln. The hotel 1 new and well furnished, large und well ventilated. Telegraph and Post offices in the house. Fresh mutton, milk and butter supplied from the premises. Parties can leave Asheville in the morning, tukc dinner and return in the evening. For terms and other information, apply to J. C. Suiathera, Jul3 d3m Manager. PKIVATI5IMJAKU. NliW 1IOU8B! NBWLY FUKNISHBUI ALL MOIIUKN IMPROVEMENTS. MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS. N. B. ATKINSON, Jun'J ; No. 211 Haywood Street. Idly pKIVATB BOARO. WM, R, PENNIMAN, -J'KOI'KIBTOR OF THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, Aaheville, IS. C. . , ' P. O. Boa P. marUlilly FITS CUKBl) BY OLD SI'BCIALIST i PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. Wc war rant our remedy tocurcthc worst case, and the only phyaicinns whodo this to prevent your being Imposed upon by men using false names and who arc not Doctors. Because others failed is no reusov for not using this medicine. Clve Kinreas anil Pnat. office address. It costs you nothing. Addles Asnhel Medical Bureau, 21)1 Broadway, New Vork. ianU7dotwlv J. IS. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Ilu'lidlug-. .. School and .College Text I5ookn, nfullline. Poetw. Ilis- tory, Romance, JJiography, Travi'l nnd Novels, Family Millies, S. . Uibk'H and Test ament!, Oxford Teachers' JJibloH, ftonir I.ookH of all kinds, large stock Stationery. Uhink Uooks and Oltico and School Supplies. New line Juauies and Gents l'ocket books iust oiiened. Fancv (Joods and Dolls. fcblodlv A large, airy house. 318 I'Mllitn A vum... on street cur line. Oood location vm..l reiLounlile. Good fure. MRS. J. L. 8MATHBHS. Jul tUlm pKIVATBBliARU. F. B, BrccHc hus nntcd the Rawls' cottage on corner of College and Spruce .treeU. The house in neutly furnished and ready to receive guests by the month, week or day. . Urms reasonable. Jul7 dlnf " IIRS'KclTsS BOAR1JINO. MRS. S. H. CUAMI1KKL1N, ' lfla Chestnut St. Oood lk'ds and Hood Board. t'sual Terms. ju!7 dim 1IUARU1NVI At 24 Grove Street. Lurge airy rooms, fine views, good shade. House fitted up with all the modern conven- C.J. McCAPB. MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Building. Pat Km avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep regular or transient boarders. I able furnished with the best the market adonis, Terms reasonable. mar31mU ROUNDKNOBHOTEL McDowell Co., N. C (Situutcd on the W. N. C. R. K. An hour' ride from Asheville.) First class In every respect. Mineral water Lithla. Iron, Mum und Iron, lied a. H White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most picturesque North Carolina. sKt la Westcia Term reasonable. lie. Special rate to fan, I. Juludam J. Bulow ISrwlu, Proprietor. OARDllK!i, Mr. W. P. Paul.. I. n .... few alee harder, at Slid N. Main ttt., ternil nus of the street car line. Table amid, terms reasonable 1,,11'j rfi WANTBU-AT ONCB. I 1AM,!,!.t.hy w Nunat (white.) Apply at

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