THE DAILY CITIZEN r Delivered to Viaitor. la ur prt ot tbe City. One Month .... Two wk .r ic..";"""!;.';;;aac.' II ( 1 I ; ( 1 m 1 i . "A T -W ft. HI. U I V TT TPTxT . I . sillcsotlje::;;::: VOLUME A REPUBLICAN ROW .(10,000 Coi)lc) WITH THIS, RSORNING'S CITIZt.t 0 Pri 5 Cent. A LONG RECESS. OVER THE LOCATION OK THE iui.i..TUHl OFFICE - ...uuny laaclndrd . -n KttU Till October. fNDOM. Jul 25.-Tbe Parnell mm! ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1889. THE PROHIBITIONISTS KNIGHTS OP HONOR FOR OVER FOUR MILLIONS. I OF OHIO NOMimiw . ... . I . . JU'J iS.Tbe Paroell com-l niniiT, I n.juninic, 1 rii,vKB uk THE Washington, July 25.-fSpecial.l- LTA. i of .the . League, Hundred Delegates Frut . "I1"0 th ' reat Surprise ThrouVhoo," . u. uranu ixietge ol that I " "r uwi world, Etc, FOLKS YOIT KNOW. They Arei Where They Are. nui xuey Are Doing. ueputy internal revenue collector J. C. I ntcliard, of Marshull. wus here vret-r. day. , 1. Micrmun, Esq., a prominent ck NUMBER- 90. SECOND DAY'S SESSION OF THE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE I N ION. .----- . J J . -. ikviui.i winch hn.l hm. j j t .1 e - ill. ThMvim ni(rhffM.Aninnin. .i i uiuuumi mitv thMtm I siiii ill I nr J". I l.miul 1 t1.M ..I . 1 1 1 headquarter., however, and that is if was u;"JtYV"" Pon.nd.. Mtk n7r "uT"7. Wh t--.ft! - -v- thi, mornimr bv th. . . - remain at sen nf tk. i i.. , . - Wnrl ,.f i... ... ---.-....... - tne nrm ol Iwi. Hr,. s, r i.l . . v-nicncsier. ti.. a nmnnni I -.-.v.. vu v. ine session was quitelylnrceattended drr ..nnH. J oT'' 7""?"" m..,n4..r . ' . . was almost filled hv th. nVt " -- - ,-. totoui, vncstnut 'street. I ",":"s""i v.., u at the I . ' mt work was trans- lve Second, had made an assignment. Swanuanoa. - btate Convention of the Won alters, however anrt that :tl ,v ,na pounds, which I t J inn wrarv otvanr to XXX'it l WMUVntedfor,owr to V "t,on Permanent with Kev, br. Z L ci;i...,- tw. I ol the books of th IstiWrm t . 7Z "orK. Portsmouth, for rhnirmn """V "utuuK. I bad bern m. -11 ""S""! Tbfmmmitt... i V... " i-v"kuct ntrenodi dtnaimi rhtn.. w mercnantof treused toendorse Eaves until M, "ri1"'"1-.. . ,lrl.tMrr""""wre ""! much important work was trans, above Second. hrf'm;H. s. he promised in lavor of Asheville. Eaves favored however Held in the Church Street Method. It Church and of Vnnanal inter, eat and Importance The Cloae of the Convention To-Day. At 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning Rev. I)r. Rankin's church on Church tr.t was almost filled by the deleeates to the .-'the Times, in W " "S 'TI 1"- .nuanoa. , "s .pinnuni, fliii;iaist and Carroll I ' 6"""" ui incur --. --.... vnuu us yet oe l 11 , u. . , , . i -'"Hcrnce union and residents nf TheplatfomadoptednnsbyVS State during the past vear "f" V tt, the' l4t L.MR CampbrH and Thomas and visitors to thecit, SnterS fa Tthe cdinngGodasthe sourti in .' j H ' J l th firm ach nearly $.(X)0.0M). Cockney, jr., of Charleston. S.C.. are h. ; ? interested in the .v.v., .u,. limner 01 me to w tness The mm inll '"and authority in human mwmm-rf i. A . . . ' : ui incnrm is one of the argest in its line of fbraicwdnva .,:,au: movement inaugurated internal revenue when Eaves appointed very large ThSnduded tll- Pds to dec C fafcf orf 7ZJ th Gnd ecmed to ta in hiKh buincM in tbe ritr. dha in the iu .7 nnd "Kusly printed by of TYl,At""lff. of tV Hqlr raffit teowbri' of . Waters, of Cocke county, Ten,,., noble Christian women throughout 1 appoint H. G. Mott as .torekeeoeV aU l. r n to a question IT li"? M criminnl in it! ture. tm,Kd and inCTlea8cd Rrowth of the Mt New y cuii f.1"' nota- 1 " " Wltne88 ln attnln" pon commonwealth. legthatlt WMtob" SSU&re to the funda- Knight, of Honor in North Carolina. Sfi Ctom Bultlmore -nd the criminal court. I The exercise, of the day were opened affair. 3 PnJL,U"e Tbenarae. ofthenewlv Mr. The membr nf t i: Mamurer F. C Swnffirl.t nr k. -I bv nravrr. nnH a , On toother hand, several nmni;mi l.T.r . ' UIUU " "ad a conference KV, JT",ua ?u.nrKe. denounce. . . " . thi. rit, .LU'" ',ucnl o. 7 "7 ' ' ' .. - ng ana Republicans don't want tlw office a "JSL? and SirHeiiry James, lSVX' faT?" "J ZZL , Uwi and kZZ XT. " m"""- ,7- " " f U,.P""r S5.lmnK hotd. w T K "aucted by Mrs. A.hvil thi. n1,.n p, iii. I . i imcs, stated hewi.xnnt . "K;i":incnioiaispute8 be-1 Jl"J session oitne Oodv could not I ' ". iuu, ite devil and tfcdeepVaT ' ZLV2&?"1 the whok 2! L? t night, but .prominent miUedeZ.ZS Sl Jim Young, a prominent colored mn MTVle-'!"" Hann 'nrmed "V. " . ntTJ ""5? "ctioiial ad- Knight informed . Zot .u. that hi. fi h-TlTj-'' "7' l-n annointerf thmCTh rwTlVJ "at lurther evidence would Jr:""'".y' lBn. and declare, in . -' QH . "".T.,. ".. """Snment, '"J cuwen o, tnarl influence .pedal t agent ai m :5. considered "I. ' W ?f the Sabbath ' made with an VC was 1' JL".?,' h the Bat Park wife . X Ad . T. UUL 1 IIP nKunai k 1 . . I " I JBILU'UIHr V IIH IU tn thJ orlunHi.i..l.r hUI UUIllJIfr. m ngton, . at a salary. must be ci ,;.; ".,:ra"V' A resolution wn. j ' I lt f "V ,-.r...i, continued Mr. Wharton." to ,,l,. kivorr hat annnintaH I O 11 I. . a UC CUUrl likM! nd. I . - I - wuu, liui HI IOC Ortranizritirin nnl yi.- J I -..a r " - I . . ' I litorrfttaiir-7-l . fefaJtot!. Temperance, at their W aynesTillc, is in the city Mr. A. B. Davidson, a well known nml very prominent citizen of Charlotte, is at Gen. R. B. Vance delivered an address Jand h, Py, rnt North Carolinian, and ha. U-eu made. We art now goiiTve .mc cbrough ribleandporUntions re.uluthat follow membert ofth KniKhts of Honor whom ' lxoks and will nrobably Low more !? tm,!! thr comPrnlisinK and profits-sharing a reporter mw at Battery Park last dcnfi"'.te 'yto-uight how and where we , Mr- K- einuiuder pohcy maintainelb, the old poliS evening were, State Senator 1. T. Le- f.i.. httd two Walkewill Ilrower is abusini? Ewart for iVnnrinrr wi?Ue "g sentences in Ireland " -r '!. i ft,... i . all his recommendations for local an- r V ,ra.unucrtnecnnies act were . - , ' 1 10 lyOtidon. to tmt f l-i.. n.. I""" . rnm.i-u l,,c cne compromis nif and rtrr,t...fc,. . a reporter saw at Batterv P I r diuiuicxe ine n-ititimrLi, .. P. I 1,11; i - - oftheir t.i-u-1 ... ii.v muintaincd bv the o c n..lii.,n even nc wen- Stat- &, i t t . vumu uuve nau on Wa.Hin(1tok I.,lo.r,i t. I P1" toward the liquor interess. r..j" f.i;t.. ",wu" V"OT. we would liistiiegramy Tu&;irthe NCHINO. noSVHc, Td ES t,., . K.f ahlike; t Monroe ; S.J. Pemberton, of Fatvilte ; i'riSlf!?. - the doctrine, of Christianity, fr Wha- Popular Wllh cattle Me.7 he Sinfi ofLP"""ti"g M. Nndal and S. P. Clark, of Wilson ; morning For ionie timeL .7 d'd i""8 Minister rnnunnr- . i L7uuiut wyoming,.says: - A cow bov "r' ,ul ""e-Kwrnment. he,id. on the " nanmngion; c Jv i oiurKei paper." 7..,,. r t..i oA,u named Buchanan, who was a friend nf - Moulder, of Jesus Christ. F. Lamb, of Elizabeth Citv:S. B. Waters. ?w Vomc, July 25.-The assi...-,. Washington: The report concerninirMrMI":.. ":n ?f ark county, was jr., of Washington ; P. C. Carlton, of i..if.w,f Bfog C?- was, filed in the . "-Fs- v Ua- "hkiKuitu i viiv ijiiviiinif. was fiimsavit hrviri anna wicwan. oi runrivniLr ivviw, ui iiuiiiiu Lun : ana utnera. SSt'tel. away: Wbri delegate, will leave Ut ' ' "I --"' were sworn out lor their". ji"-"-'. juy tinner, ol Aslita plication of Loui. C. Powell, of South ol the tragedv. Sheriff W..i,.. C" I1,'H! ASSOCIATION. M. L. Wells. nf Ptnttonn. r ' - .M..,l,ua X Kill, Then followed the regular program a. published in yesterday morning's Citizen. The convention was neit entertained by a fine, practical address bv f r Mar. Mendenhall Hobbs, of Guilford College, on the all important subiect of "TTmlik 200 place to the goVernment orinVlnV1? Prciding justice Hannen ordered' thVt !T?U8 attitud o th "orek ttte Portant dutK imposed virjtd they will not be much in picnic on Gouche's Peak yesterday " mP wbjert of "Health IS EHES" TT. JS&S t- n ire and fur n,.r i... : "V y "t I umiucni onn Carolinians and I lias been nm.U if. : " . ' I oy Mrs. Wei sand Mm Snlli. P ri,o.,i lember. of tbe KnigbU of Honor whom ' lxoks and will nrobably Low more ' C1,arlotlc' were very interesting and instructive. ' r. .. . ... I . " r. vtaiKe and the Misses I ln consenurnc nf l -i. I i -"v iivoij BLuriai leave this afternonn tor Itlnrlt I wlii. h t.:u : i a. . . i I-in mc aitcrnoon ana even Mountain where they will spend several ing the Convention was put behind in it. for their respective home, during the I--T .. WUB nletl ln the county clerk', office here this afternoon. Cornelius N. Hlin i. The assignment was executed in lMiila- unpuuh . i acre were no preferred credi. tors. .The annoimreim-nt .if l.o k.. :..i ... ... Hl i in ia i days. Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Raleigh, is accom panied by his mother and not his wife, a. was stated in these column, yesterday. The Doctor is a widower. Mrs. Chas. A. Mosely is visiting rela tives in Asheville, and Miss Fannie Fer guson is the guest of Mrs. Col. Brainier at the Aslieville Female College. Mis ,Bcrt Patton ha. accepted a position with F. P. Mimnauifh & Co.. .... VHIIVM,ulll ui mc rLTTJ Gra"d mnd? th:Uf'h thc mor"'"8 pn,rs came nd is in charc of the fancy white good LiOdLre will lie twlil Af W m nn4AH I an nituf jn lia ivu. kt i- , . .1 ... . J Carolina, for pardon. Powell wa. con- "J1" tl inquest, prodded to the rancli Tub Citkbn wa. informed but night. wor!d M a K84 rprise. Even the'.nt'''" dC1'Urtment of tbat victed of violating internal revenue laws. "'Tow Sunn, who admHted he was one The "evenlh Annaa convention gnu t'up':..u,- employes who work in tlie big ware- mwuru ociiucn nnu aam. Butler, ol 'y"-nersanureadilygavethcnames Meld at Lenoir, Etc. I .v, ,.uriii,ii UM nortn and Thomas streets Mr. wm. J. Kumnge, of Knoxville an the same State, charged with the ime ' the others. He .aid further that one I Lknoik N C t,,i oa tl . " I kne.w n?u"g about the firm's condition ex-newsunner man . 1.. ti 'i. offense, also had their aniilirntinna A., of the shots fired hv 11, ...!,. I ' "! Julv the Seventh I -t. . : . I until this morninir anil tin I. . . ' ! ' ,u "K "lf ,nsl nied." -.,---r... n when r.( - -nn convenuon of the North Carolina ' ."T f W"'y- then. -The otlr tinth o 7 rf . n,Knt on f1' retrn f" a "."" trip in ....b jircruwwu l.. u . 7 J t ii. . mc tiiiuii oi me extreme western por- CRIDfaE PAVS THE MONEY. - - - - . . . .-"-j un tv.i 1,1 1 riess Association u.. ..n...i ...j .i Mniunra inn ineraMa. .... .. ginB Avenll .truck John Durbin to r. . , worm expressed no surprise, tliouirl, u,c w"iers oi tiw thehtp.?llictinga very serioui " T nltV.'n? '"the '"f Owing to the extremely stormy and in- much regret that the ,.ubl fanm tion of the State. I.. .. I ..i ti - . . I nivuiiui t, A-CIIIHie l nilfr hv Tk. a..i iL a a I J'rt- ... - I mtaiwounu. i ne wounded man had I K. Manuini; Pmidmt Si "J .u11 1 vre,,t"i wcainer yestetxiay aiternoon the I Jv lnf a,meuities ol Lewis Bros. & I Mr I r n . . , been taken to Sand creek. n, Jh Ihe fair for the benefit of the Miaainn H have become necessar? . . Mr J' C! Dttvfl8on, s,i,Kr.nteiHle..t of Alter takinir Sunn in rnst..H. !, Ju v. . "J ev. v.. r. &lier-l . , . II wo vearsniro thet urn. o i.:..u T.. the city schools of Helena. Arkimuna X answered thJ & ZZZ whwa. aaeq Principal of tlie Jefferson High school of k ' " ..."J -.'.""J '.' tnat nc roll call: Manninir. Hender.n r-Vu .J . 1 . .. " " I j : " rx . lurtner the same place, i. in the city for a month the summer. John L. Sullivan Receives thc Fiise for His Fight. i Muw Vnvl. al1 ....... 1.1 T O. I j i wen, wno a so reac i v adm tted thnt he I mil .Dn. m " "irawim uumvui iuiu, ucguuung atnvei wurus Kttled up without fnrilim- tl, .n. .uervnuge. ai nisesiaDiismneiit, having UntoW uieaner; St. Unir, nicnt ana be on hand, thi. afternoon to member of the firm was at the Worth , wt . K KCI,Ue" 13 west Twentv-eiL'hth street.. It wna 1 d?..i:. i.. , . . . "5 l"Kt" Mnlord hx press Senator. I)nrni(.,,u.. 1 1 .1. . -. I.t 1 . '. . al. lne "Orth num. of fl h-miiurhnin A . i i.. . - - -,w . . Hi nnviepn r w vi.a i ... 1 .. : - - , UH, ,v, , - uiivhiht 1 ni iiirumi t-u.n.,. buvvl wurriiiintu' rnio i,Mi..n it ' -.u,( ,Vil itoitiutiv o'clock this afternoon before Sullivan ,1 i.... t "i "... r t . . :.'?wa.' Mecklenburg Times: Lflthn, r .7 ".7. " I ;.T7 ""'""K.n'eiiucr f(1, Tll(. e - ,. ' and his nartv arrived t Cri,'. ri." 'V"" c"r lr ne ?amc to on Washington Gazette: Pit. p.,7 T:. "l'rtai oy liberal purchase, from "Peciea ueiore two " uer Fellow5' wa.accomoanied bv E7. k.7 !.as M would be Farmer, Haydn. Charlotte Ch? among the many elcirant. usefnl and I fiiiJTJ!::-!. J: .. j e , . ttmt an ,n- several auVB 111 city. t . . . . - ' t n v 11 iiiiu bix or curnc mnn rniti i iw,;i, ii..;.i. t. . . . - v,"i . . " ' i iuuhli wuuiu m nem. i . - . . :,;a;Z :.Trj,..romcAeJ-.1,amfl Wil- ornamental fancy article, that will be The amount of the liabilities is miss Annie Solomon, of Columbia, S. ...v , vhiu well. OtatPSVllIt .unH. I i ..... ... I nf SI OfUt imia j ii . tut-:. .1. 1 ..: -.iU- uiuiiu ui huic. in nnnitinn r fivw,vvu. unn tim nssMia Salisbury Herald- kin r!.K ' cake, will I--rvl ot V' ?,1.3'"V more than the habili- 1111 hellnw" wn accntnnEinijul 1... WJJ I . . "uu in. tor Luinley, of th liltra News: ,.,.ft. i, " ..:f.' . "I?"1,. more calt KvJ1Sli. JilT . thesefacts 1 . . ' i in aiicsvmx ineremaiiiaer Oliueivnchers Lve won'" VCr m"ey yU ,A" ,.f them who Participatedyin the "Here it is." id . fc. I Wln amo" the mo8t Prominent dive into an inside veStlrket f oweetwater valley which he drew forth a roll of bills. There I Saratoita Races Were tUSt tnrtv nf t hrm fh. A.r,m.-1 . . . tion of ,"". .:rr"uJ . M-"9. J"1? ZS.-Tbi. was the 0,... .atdowniu r ." . . - cniintfH li.i. r..ll .. . :. ' ..... ivi 1 .niciuiijr twice. and then,. shoving the wealth in his trousers pocket, thanked Cridge for ac cepting the office of stakeholders and ihik aiicn gooa care ot the money. John L. then invited all hand, out to nlenannt First rnre Intrnditrtftrv ummKI. C fiirliitiff'. Iw.t- ......i t?n-lt...' M 1 -n hp . line 1.(1114. StcmmI r.... v.'iiiir..rnia M,iki-s, all OLf: lliiiiwr wnn. Kmu C'ruli second nrinlr im I liL I. " I "IW r WUn. 1M ":'u"i n uumper. oi cnam- m.. !li..i ;.. i i,.. i iv,.iMt pagne. I ..... iuii. i.-mrj. Cridge then Mid the 20 non , Third Titcc-Five furlongs: Successor w Z SM: Wr wo". Pearl Set second, Sana third. Time then produced the Police Gazette cham- Wnrth r-Tr.vm .t,w f, rn.'7,?.totl,.t "ipula- vear-ohTs. $1,000 added, mile and ihr. olttaMrrJ oodtide them nt-. ...t T J"uc;Bl"yu second. Time 3.08. Only twostartcrs. .fi.VJ"L . mu" oe given lor its Fifth race-Six furlongs: Vivid won. ot-ATT ,c c"u,a. -nrrenaer it. Dalesman second. Red Stone third Ti.n, Ml lit Vfln inHiatrH that lnt ... . v " TT til V with the money, and demanded it on the spot. Matters were smoothed over by Wakely'. giving the requisite guarantee, and then, with money and belt m his possession, Sullivan and his party left a iu eeieorate ine event. Everv timi n ..t. n. A i. i John L. bulhvan c.lled for eltzer and lemon. Sullivan say. he will take all the stones put of the belt and distributethemamong HI. Inanil. ..J .1 .. .... .. V! -....n.iiuii Him l0en men -lne COflr" into a solid mass. Sullivan, flushed with his recent victorv is anxious for fresh laurels in the pugil. isiic world. ; .LEd.iior Lumcy aid this afternoon that . - "" me cnai- lenge ol Jem Smith, England's champion, "uiu (iiCToii nim witn 9,000 II he would come in Amu.. ,.. I.- Marquis of Queensbury rules liefore tlie tjlllliirmn A UIA.:. rt..t. ..... ninn-wi; WIUU. The $20,000 stflk mrninv u c.i ! nTen thousand doflnrs go to the ig reuow"; the balance wfll be d v ded among his backers, a. follow.: One-half ine wew york Illustrated New., one- : Z? . i"r and oneiunrter to Charlie Johnson. It is said that in ii n rw"J.the ""cker. will present to Itlflv M ..1,1 akfa .wv, r-. ... " . . - ... ..iu ,uvw. buuivan also in tend, to give him two of those $500 bills ENDING THEM SOUTH. Wew Haven Lock-Makers Bound i "r Florencet Ala. Nbw Havkk, Conn.. July aG.-Forty ex-cmploes of the Branford Lock Works teft here this morning for Florence, Ala., whither they hart been induced to go by -nnrlcs -oster,agent ofa manufacturing concern m Treuton, N. J. Tbe men are guaranteed work for three year, at wnge. ranging from $1.75 to $3 per day. roster sends the men to their destination on special car., giving them ticket., the mount of which i. to be deducted from "!r Several ot the men were accompanied by their families, nnd "nwnK the men arc several of those who t out on the recent strike at the works. There are many vetrnns among tin; men, one of them being sixty jme year, old nnd having been with the lock wrk for thirty year.. The meat Elected. Bmun, July 25 -FatberDrlle.,Cathn. ir. numember of the Protester party, nai i been elected a member of the German Mch.tR (,,r Meu, to take the place of "err Antomnee, who relinquished his "at and returned to France. 1.16. Sixth race Six furlongs: Brait The Lion second, Dilemma third. 1.17. won Time Baseball Yesterday, f At Baltimore Baltimore 8, Louis ville 4. At Philadelphia Athletic 6, Cincin nati 10. At New York Kansas City 5, Brook Iyn7. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 5. Bos- ... o ' IU1I U. I At i'itt80urg I'ltUburg 3. Lleveland 2. At Indianapolis Iiulianaoolis 6. Clii- e.'iirn 7. o . At New York New York 7, Washing ton 5. At Columbus Coluiubus 8. St. Louis 10. Htrlklnir Miners Sentenced. Bhklin. IuIv 25. The trial of tliestrik- ers arrested at Breslau has resulted in the conviction of thirty-two of the pris oner.. Henkel, tlie ringleader, was sen tenced to seven years' penal servitudeand to be deprived of his civil rights for seven year.. Nine of the striker, were sen tenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from eighteen months to five years at hard labor, and twenty-two were sen tenced to imprisonment from a year to four year, without hard labor. Before a Fnll Court. ......... ..,.,j..y .... . ... ..,.r.,.,,i....l vl n.rl.,a Miiinii.1 In molr. til. uit .riiri. bea. corpus granted yesterday absolute, is being argued here to-day before the full court. It will last all day and possi bly to-morrow. The counsel for the ... .... . t-. prosecution win occupy most oi to-onv . ii.ii witi. t.:. ..wMk i .HiniArf ..i I.:. ILIIIIK, m.M IIIDPIHlll III DU1H11 ui Ilia contention that Judge Bain's judgment oe sustained. Protection lor Foreign Labor. un. v.. t..i.. ue t nnn i u.i, JUIJ i nu aviliaiii .11. . ' . I ...j . m i . . n . .. . I . . nn vi Garden foi veral hour, to-day looking r. i i 1 1. ..i! i . ior laiMinrs nir incir csutiiuanmcnt. Ilj.fnrp nilflit nltv miirranla hnl engaged nl yard hand, nnd common laborer, at from $1.25 to $1.50 per day, and were .nippea mr un v.itjr on the 'enn.ylvnnia railroad to-night. The Salt Trust. Sviiaci sr. N. Y.. luly 25. t'nwnrd. Of half a million dollar, have been Riilv KTibed here to the North American Salt A... u-ififiiin mn.l1 hv diinmlniin .nit manufacturer, on condition ol admission to inc-sssociuiion. e r V 1""'",r,"e iimesj Whichard, ' ."" """. ices anu , 000 "er; Miller. SMb.' IA S L rTfsf Y LV?. im8,'"tlud. wever, all the Lnmberton Kolnnin7rrr VT' ; contnoute to this r "ly oi tne nrm, ..uch a. buildings work much behind the usual time and ; resolved itsell in a social meeting, which wa. quite enjoyable. The last session of the Con vention will be held to-day, and mothers are earnest ly requested to be present with their chil dren at the children's meeting at 3 o'clock tni. aiternoon. The program for the day is as follows: . 9.30 a. m.-Bible reading by Mrs. L. A. Winston, Greensboro. ' 10.30 a. m.-Uevotional exercises, Mrs. P. F. Broadway. . Minutes of previous session. 1UUH1C ' Report, of department.. Greensboro1'"88' Mr ConninKKhain' The Flo wer Mission, Mis Anna Wood fin, Asheville. tMibbath observance and gospel tem perance meetings, Mrs. F. M? Bumpass, Greensboro, . ' Sunday school work, Mr.. P.J. Ector. Wm.ton. . . Unfermented wine at the Sacrament, Mr Ida J. Pay lor, -Winston. Election of officers. Music. Noontide prayer. 2 p. m. Devotional exercises, Miss S. hncti,uurB". Sooth Carolina. Minutes of previous session. . Rejiorts of departments. Scientific temperance instruction, Mum Mary M. Petty, Archdale. r , . , ' " I ""iSaricn wore, Mis. Lorena Key- C, and a prominent and popular young I nolds. laoyol that city, is visiting her sister I ""'uencing the press, Mis. Julia White lotte rmocraTontu Yrk' Wlatlclphia and other i luuiuii., niLKOrV KrPttl OnH "uv to UV IJIIUCllL - A I vBO Ulltll aroiinmn: Soittt t . inrutn th m OD nH n t . & h it your duty, and should be. gress ; Paddison, BurWaw Herald y pIea8Ure- Ren'ember the hour-five i ne i resilient read bis annunl nnn. I " "v " aucrnoon. which was ordered printed. .'L . "77 ...Messrs. Josephus Daniels. ClTri.tinn ofe""lt-Tloin of Heaven. fcldndge and Haydn were appointed a I Paul Kellogg, aged twenty -two months. DALTiMORK.July 25.-Prominent drv goods-men lierr catiinut. i . or. , . ".v mai XCWIH u & have '" Baltimore more than nan a million assets and no liabilities. PKOVIDBNCK. K I lul bi5Ti.. ...:n- , . - ' y j "'j i ut ill 1 1 lb and banks here will be involved by the . " j, f 9 UI wo., to tne ex tent Of SfUKUWHl I........ . - t mw.hi utniKB nave about $150,000 divided among six or Mrs. J. M. Lonck, of this city. Mis. Solomon spent several week, here last summer and has a host of admirers and warm friends in Asheville. RANDOM NOTES Roped In by Ranibllnir Reporters coaniliiK Around the City. Only two case, liefore the Mayor yes terday. Fines imposed $6. The United Workmen will hold their ." "l'i aiiuuintca a feii"6- -"viii.T-,.wuiiiuiiins, i . i ., , committee to draft resolution. In me- infant son of W. F. and Jennie Randolph S of then, n t ' ?'ng 81x or T,,c Ul,ited Wrl"nen will ht iiz izt Udi'KK r-r aaxTass -u,rr wrek,y meeti,,g to-niKht nigofthe Association. Later Mr. Chris- Beaumont street, last evening at Mannville and Wauregan. The belief pre- Tobacco sales were light at tian presented reantut;nn. ' 11.15 nVtnck aftw . ... ur :u vans here that tbe firm can nav ita in. inrplirn.. j., i..,. : j; , . . iw. me iuhi men. ingot the Association. Later Mr. Chris tian presented resolutions On Kf flint V ntod mwl Hal II I . a . " I ma ..... m anu hi i . mih vim nn i rti i ha :ii i. i i r . . . . . -.... klIV . ni. tr vru 1 1 iii loseohus Daniel. Vn.. .!'" !!:. 'um'.ut w'" x ne,a ,rom the resi- None of the mills or bunks will b, 7 " w ""UV CUMIl'INIII' rp, riAIIAa fn M T.. . . I I . . ----- marks on Maj. Yates and W. W Ht. v-itbbk extends its UUI"y emuurrassed. hnrmn nM t . . - i iicrnear avmnnthw n i.. l . i i ............ vul. junes. joe Caldwell I ' -j w wr ncui i-uroKen sijoke freely and gracefully of both of Parents of one whom the Blessed Master Charlotte's deceased nlitnra i:l..j .u. .: j A new Constitution ., ... I ure Aiiiguum oi neaven unto. ud IVtlll UIIU llll- I ' ' H I Jl- Tful The rresldent at Deer Park. ... ...i unci in, uu t-ommissioner of Im- uiiKiuuon niison addressed the conven x . uuo, arcer a very one! dines.. debitd - " ? f '."- M.... ..r.i..7 -7. . ' " MR. DEMENB' SCHEME I To . Dkbk Park, Md.July 25.-The Presi- rt- . . . . Build an Extensive Wood Working Factory Here. A meeting of prominent business men s?a& ?sss s:tToSof?hrhe,d7thc At night, Vcruonlv. Lo- f th, the aternoon. , t.0. ?LPr?,dent Breesc- f the Winston Sentinel, addressed the meet "kt . i081' Virginia, ona, Bank, yesterday morning on higher education. K f1",1 "n '"terview in regard to Repub- to consider the proposition submitted bv The people of Lenoir are profuse in lla?Mr !n St-te; but Mr. P. A. Demens. late nf pT" 1 ,? urn uui ci a cnnntc to Place his viewal.. """""i itm- before the President. t,ve t0 the establishment of a large Cifn. Hurrionn Vina x I wmw1.u-if C....t- a iu occ per-1 " "u, muury in Asneviiie, coat- ZiuTtr in Probab,y 50."- Mr. D.'s proposi- all the warehouses yesterday, but prices were lairiygood, -The heaviest rain of the year visited Asheville yesterday afternoon. No dam age done, however. Regular Friday night germnn at tlie Battery Park this evening. It promises to be a brilliant affair. e .. . u.m tuna ii line. Temperance literature, Mr.. E. M. Scl den. . Industrial schools, Mr.. A. E. Pease. Children's meeting Report of committee on Resolution. Report of oemmittee on Finance. Adjournment. 8. p. m. Devotional Exercises, Mrs. Neb oett, South Carolina. Minutes of previous session. Music. Report of Demorest Medal Contest., Mrs. L. N. Blair. Music. A Demorest Medal Contest. Presentation of medal and address bv Mrs. M. L. Wells. Report of committee on courtesies. Music. Benediction. THE RAILWAY MEN Having Completed thelf Work' will Leave the Cltv To-Day. The adjourned session of the Atlanta convention of the Southern Railway and Every hotel in the city was filled with Steamboat Association, held in thi. city their generous hospitality. The weather ECHOES OF THE FIGHT. Railroad officials Arrested Taken to Mississippi guests last evening, and the town was literally crowded with strangers. The City Council will be in session at the mayor's office this evening, and will be called to order at eight o'clock. Mothers and children should attend the and New Ohlhans. Fiilv2SPn.,t n , . , ' J J !'. J i mjU III. ley, siiecial agent for the State of Missis sippi, came here yesterday from Baton Rouge, naving an order Iron, Gov. Nich . . i ....... '.; " ai uevr jrarx in tne near tuture. Should Have Been Lynched. Tuesday, Wednesdav and vesterdnv aA. journed at 6.30 o'clock yesterday after noon. The Rate Committee of the Aswdation was in session almost during the entire day, and the program consisted of the discussion of the usual Questions mmin minor office, which can be a ended to ' . 7 Mr U-8 Proposi- children', meeting of the W. C. T. U. at before the bod" 7d T Be by Cabinet member """' t0 ,on wa to the effect thatif a.uitablelot the Central church at 3 o'clock thi.after- d aH. conccriii thi Ti Cardinal Gibbons, i. expected a. a visi- for factory ite was donated by the noon. . iconcennng the establishment of " : v . T ; wjt. isicn-i unMiuKKH, ix. J..luly ; uiiH (in I nr m 1 1 1 1 vi t it rt Tt--t m i'n., i . ii a. i - - I . j -r"""-"-t n V.V7I1I n 1 1 1 I i rin. of Mi.issippi: tz&zztZiSRZi wSTsSr. vutZJi vn of w- m- k h. & vr mithrnipa M ' 'Srtothe Theodore Aublc, of Newton, and his K,n' J-1 Sawyer, W. W. Barnard and S&.pnM female fi-iend, was arraigned in court C. E. Graham were aPIK,ited to investi owOr'JfeSA" ?!8e!;da.?:"nd.P'a. ..gilty to an gate suitable lot. in the vitv and re ... ..., ..ui uivusi- naauuii wiin intent to Kill, and . in an .1 .. , . ern railway de,K,t it wa. agreed that assault with intent to commit"",! He at an adJourned meeting of the body at .'.'". iri. 10 jacuson uy the was sentenced to twenty years in State ln CIOCK tnm morning. Mr.Demensi tt ifffi fiTLS ssSrssrlr-,1,,ite wta,tnd husi-8- pcopie o, tne city or any of its ciii,,.,,. a . -.L . . . " ,,c,a' rate, on all he would immed ately leave for IM Hn I ' WU" " . yf VM Part,t'- Soutnern fa,1way and steamship lines. Phia to purchase all Z! ! entertainment Tbe old officer, of the associatton were for the enterprise, etc. A committee c 1 Z l" . 1 """" "otel unanimously, reflected, and -the next h' regular session of the Association will be The Swiss Ixll-rint;ersnre4)illetl to give held in Atlanta, Ga., (the usual place,) an entertainment for the benefit -of the "n the second Tuesday in July, 1890. the i.x ,i . . . u ,,lc snerin nurnea hi. prisoner ivu leTv o.Z rrrM high anil I THE CITIZEN the COUIltV flt of Mnrinn " k V 6 "" ma0e lat ...II V. I ly a . I ' i .- or aaiaaaaaa w... nrruiKTiTO. uov. ixwry has Ready for Trtal vx.i is. ui niiinun count v Lhristmn chureh in this city, at Farmers' warehouse this evening. W.F. Justice will be placed on trial In the criminal court this morning, charged with the murder of Preston B. Jones. The jury will be selected from a sjiccial venire of one hundred men. ad- An Edition Well Worth Exnml nation and Preservation. It i. with a mingled feeling of pride and court to be held on the 5th of August, for S'".?00' 4ul-v 25- Dnn Coughlin, P. tne tnn ol thr cnapa I u. ouiuvan. 1. 1. iteirLrs. Inhn k .... 1 1 n-"i "-ihik oi pru eand dipt. Lnnglev is of tlie opinion that F,rnnk Woodruff, under indictment for Pk'a8ure that the management of Tim Sullivan and Kilrnin and the rest of the lKt m,t,rdc' ,f Crtmin. were arraigned Citkbn presents to the public this morn party will lie on hand at that time. before Judge Horton this afternoon. In ing'. issue of this paper. Not i. it anwer to tlie question, all the prisoner. ...Yu .... r. 1 ". wot only is it veienraiea tneir uolden Wedding MiNPON, uiy Zi. Ihis wns thr wcddiilB ilnv of Mr. nnd Mra C.ln.Ut... wished to aee Ida nit..r.u.u k..r. I li.f tkot ..... r... . . The Uueen telegraphed a congratulatory ng. Tbe matter wa. continued until and give them a newspaper Lnll Z message to the distinguished couple, and to-morrow morning, when the prisoner.' ik.iJ "ew',Hlr worthy of the Prince nml lrin..a ..f ' i attomrv. will l-H oners their AiprcciatHin and suimnrt will I- other memlier. of the niynl fnmilie. sent - ' du,y ertecmed by every render of the ,c . r" .VT"?- inc-rinccoi walesalso Carlisle Banquetted la MckIm. I nandsomely illustrated, clckautlv nrinteil The Opening Ball At- the Hickory Inn, Hickory, N. C. took jilace last evening; and judging from the class and number of guests now stopping at that famous hotel, and thcex tensive arrangements made by Mr. Frank Loughran, the energetic manager of the a ne attendance upon the present journed session has been unusually large, una tne meetings have been most har monious and pleasant. Most of the delegate, will kave the city on early train, thi. morning, and it i. probable that Aslieville and tlw rtiit. tery Park hotel will again be designated tim me piaccs ,or holdnifir n fnt,. journed meetings of the Aswciation. UOVERNOR FOWLS ad- And His Party at Hot Springs for - -ew Days. tent a gold ink .tand to Gladstone. A number ol Liberal Indies presented a Kir trait of Gladstone with hi. grandson. i ne ponrnii wus piiinted by Millais. A larire nnmlier of other iima-nta I- ceived. Gladstone rose early anil ot. tended morning service.. The family took i i. r a a . i ... .i . City op Mrxiciv !ulv or ton, Texas. The first train on the Mon. rnw anri i : IS .... .1 I t . . - I ... ....,.,.., ,nu nacnta Mont- Page V.ITUKN of ths morninir Fverv mornle. yesterday. Ex-Siwnker Carlisle thin. .ti..i. a.. g. Inn, TheCtizkn ha. nodoubt that the Jll'Z11' nened tothepass- ball wa. a gloriou. succx-hs. Mr.Lough IZa "m'i . SHh Ctt ran wil. also tendertlie North Caro I ,a 2 " t J J Vd hh thi Pres. Ass.Kii.lion a grand reception and .a t clock yesterday morning, baiu.uetthis eve,,i,,,. ,ki TJ. Pary consisting of hi. excellency iv nniitKii i o ikauiii i laiiv iinti.Ati f ' i? i. and unusually attractive .election from U"ir. an account of which will Fowic ir Mr. ..kiT ,'r , ' reading matter contained in tnTeTglo- nPIur m. Thk Citizkn to-morrow morn- M Mar, Tink en rout.T f," a m . le..-: .-i. ... . . " ." ,.i...Ka, wnere uiey intend .pending itr. Among those who culled were John Morlrv. Sir Wiltinm Vrm II and the Earl of Aberdeen and ntlwr l.ii eral peers. wn.given s reception at th. American r'""""K '"Asnevuic and the .nr- . Opera Hall To-Nlul.t. Iruiiiuiti Ni. c...... . .. . I ruunuinir count rv ia r... i. I . . i.?. riu.' " i m T"1"' . " r 17 . ..i.n, i ne closing session of the W. C T I! eral day. at the Mountain Pari. v..., Liculenunt-Governnr Tk - .. .. brenkfast togalicr at the Janie. . reet "l'"t 'ha,.will give a banquet 'to tl a,,d of the principal institution, convention . " " the Sprinrt and Z 77 residence during the day ncw. Amencn minister and the new finely portrayed If Thk Citk. ,.. T . 7 " , K cntcrtainineiit, will " " ln, , , W,th Attorney. ' Am,tl,oseK who called were mmister of the Argenae Republic, with 'the .. ll'c 1". "T . "'. "l " instead 01 in . eral Dav,dwn thi. city, tbe people o, tne west should feel themselye. bon ored indeed by tbe prence of the three highest officer, in the -ommonwealth amongst them. Gov.FowleanM i,: will visit AahevDJ. for several day. on minister of tbe Argenlae Republic, "i Englishmen buy Hrevyertes, t . .... . .. ... ... . . ."" .j,,juiy n An English syndicate has purchased five of the six breweries in Peterson for an wiEreirate The Weather. Washington tion. for North weather and shower, nearly .tntiry The transaction, were made thrchY. ,.... .,.,, , U( lrK,1(Ii tin. tne church. The dav k mornmu it. owners 1111I1..M. ...:n , .. ' """, feel thm , a " -n tne ventral Methodist 1 . 7 ' ,,,H occn maue church. n vain. D C., July 25,-lndic.: oi .MCHH M" Can' wife of W. C. Caroliiia-Tlircawaing tain one third interest in the mcernt Candkr' of Candleri, N. C, died Thurs- yju.y,, p. m. The funeral temperature: varlabU wind. ,U,v. inU m- foutheaterly. B "uoa". aaa completed w w.e Aice at 10.30 p. m. tolay ' . . ' " meuos 01 tne lanuly .re invited. Telephone Subscribers Are .reque.ted to add the following . u ' L . 7 7 for -veral day. on number, to their li.t : " . Im lDe sPriK. and will be 45-T.J.Hargan.M;D. .7 , . " quite probable . that LRUtennnt-Govemor Holt wiU also 38 Baltimore United Oil Co. 23-Jamc Wolfe 'be of the party.

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