?! ' f I it ,1 i THIS DAILY CITIZKN. The Citizkn in the moat extensively eirru Intwl and widely read newspaper in Western North Carolina. Hh diKeunsion of puMie men and mensures w in the i ii te rent of public integrity, honest oveniment, nnd prosperous industry, and it knows no personal alkyiancein trtatiriK pub lic tHflUCH. The Citizkn publisher the dispnti-hcn of the Associated Press, which now covers the v hole world in its senpe. It has other faeili livK of advanced journalism for Kuthcriuj: newN from all quarters, with every thine-are tally edited to occupy the smallest space. SHcimen copies nl'any edition will be Kent f 'it to any one senilin their address. Tkkms ltaily, $( lot one year; $;t for si. ..ion t lis ; fo cents lor one month ; to cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in every part of the city to subscribers, and par ties wanting it will please call ut the Citizen "i Hit, Auvkktisim; Kaths Keasonahle, and maile knowil on application at this ollicc. AM transient advertisements must be paid in ui vanec. Kcadinp notices ten cents per line. Oliilii ury. marriage and society notices lilt v cents each (not iweeeiliti: ten lines) or fifty cent- per inch. SATl'KMAY, AIV.I'ST :t, INN'J. HUKTIIJTVTKAII.K0A1K'01C M)KATIOH. We (iiotc the tollowin from the New York Sun as illustrative tt' a sciilinicui siiiulnrly ami widely prevalent: "hi sonic iii' the Western States, liola lily in Iowa and Missouri, there is mani fested a rowing disposition In legislate against the milroails, to ent tluwii their earning eapaetiy, anil to make them prolitless to the men who Imitt lliem and to those whose capital is now invested in them. No aeeotint is taken ol' the part borne by the railroads in building up the the region in which tin v areopeialed ; up credit is iveu to them lor the eoiuiiuiai ties they have created, the industries they have lotimlcil, or i'or the enormous wealth and material prosperity thai hut tor the railroads could never have been called inlo existence. The objection, it must be admitted, is a purely sentimental one, and it implies the existence of rati tmle, which, on the part of a new ant! thriving community toward the icat public catcrorisc that has uivi-u it vitali ty, is sotneliiiii" not lor a moment to U thought of." There arc sonic conservatives lelt, old lories they are called, who regard the eiiiuinu of the railroad as the Iliad of all woes; as the disturber of the iriinilivc ways anil customs of the people, the ban isher of I he simplicity of habits, of the in troduecr ol 'artificial wants and luxuries and the era of cxtravayaiicc, as the em ruptcr ol manners, and in effect asthead vanccd jttnnl and wicked emissary of ai: new fancied notions and practices by which human virtue is corrupted and all innocence perverted. Hal these old lo ojcsaiv few, and their moaning are un heeded. Progress is 'he walchwonl o: the ai;u. Any progress is lame, halt and blind without the railroad. It is sale ! say that without it, this whole country would be full a century behind the ad vance it has now attained. I-or "amine human happiness, perhaps it were bel ter that it were so. lint l he railroads canu and we were hurled alon with its resist less power and speed, and carried awa with the excitement of their inliueiiee. Charmed with the changes they havi wrought on external human conditions, elated with the cuinlorts, the elegance, the prosperity they have brought in their train, tlie men of prooivss want more ol them. Wanting more, it seems a strange in consistency in human nature, that tin. moment the beiieliceul inlluciiccs of a rail road manliest tiicmseives just so soon does hostility sprint; up between thecom numilics benelitcd often created by railroads, and the railroails themselves, and a watiare i;ocs on, as it interests were antajo uiistie, misU.mI of bein- iniei - depciideiit. AsiheStinstiLesls, theseiiti mcut of i;ralit udc need not be invoked The relation between the roads and the country is that ol interest solely, lint police tm the nail ol communities -li mn mis something of i u bca ranee. 1! xpe rience in the jjnoil effects of railroad.--stimulates the dcniand for more. I'ew coumiuiuties in tins Stale or section are able to undertake such enterprises with out foreign aid. Capital seeking invest incut is abundant, lint capital carries a "ood ileal of human nature with it, and will not court such communities or .see tiousasjtvc it certain assurance ol em barrassment, prejudice or hostility. Cap ital must be welcomed as a friend, not but the public seems to have neither sym pathy nor resentment in the matter, and whether anything is ever heard of the ease in the courts will doubtless depend upon whether or not the voting man Ltrown amies up and surrenders himself. CIllCKAnAKiA, A Washington letter in the New York Sun indicates that the writer has I ven pa yini; attention to the statistics ol the battle of Chiekamauua. That is the bat tle in which the lioth North Carolina regiment participated, and in which it suffered so severely. Many gallant sur vivors live in Huucombe and adjoining counties to recall the exploits and the horrors of that day. A partial descrip tion of the battle is .uiven, but wc con tent ourselves with a lew extracts: Chieatuauya was for both sides the bloodiest baltlc of the war, in propor tion to numbers and the time of the cn aemeul, ami it far outranked ju the percent at; c of killed and wounded any of the battles o modern l-iuope, there has been an industrious searching of records, hoi h of our own wai and ol recent famous foreign campaign, to test the accuracy of the claims made la Cluekamauua. The man el ol Herman Unlit hij; in 1 lie ureal baltlc ol Mars la Tour wnspii fo rn led by the Thitd Wcslphaliau regi ment. It sulictid (he heaviest loss in the t ierniaii army dm inn I he l-Vanco-l'i it-siau war. ll went into liicbaltlell.UDliMroii.L:, -1 ml its liss was was 1'J. I- per cent. Thei c was not hint; in the eaiup.nuiis ol which tins formed a pat t which eeeided these Injures, and they became famous throughout 1 he ('.ci iiiau army. Anil yet in our war there were over sixty rei uictils w hose loses exceeded this. Seven teen Jol llu iu !ot above (lit per cent., and tpiite a u umber rn ni;cd Irom 7 1 to NI i. There wire over a score of rc.yin'cnts on each side at Chiekamauua whose loss ex ceeded thai ol i lie Wcslphaliau regiment. We find no retercuce to North Carolina troops. The writer says he makes no lull presentation of t he exploits or losses ol the whole lorcc ci;t;a,neil. As ilhtslia tion of i h. character ot Coiilcdci ate tiihli i;, we present I he followin;;: if I ri aeie's brigade, the First Alabama l.eiou lost ""percent.; the Si.sly third Tennessee. l-'.t.T percent. This brigade ot (aaeie, which sulfcrcil Mich ti niblc loss wit hiu the space of an hour, earned into act imi L'.lio.'i i llieers and men. and in this time losi I'n.S killed and woiii.dcd. ThcSeei md Alabama ba t taliou lost It'1.) killed and wounded out ol L'.'i'J. In t he asault (til 1 he Kid.yc, in which these losses oecut led, the colors ol the Second Alabama were pierced in ciIily-llinc places. They were iftu ward. by ropiest, presented to 1'icsidciit Mavis, ami the standard-bearer, KoIkti W. IKaiih, w as prouioled lor e npicu- mis coin ."e e. mrnne. t ret;'s in iv;:-de ol llushrod Johnson's di ision, while assault in,:; Snodrass Mill, losl nearly -Hi percent.; the Twcuiy liflh Tennessee, of Johnson's bijnde, in Si ew a i t 's di ision, lost over .( ) per cent . Jackson's brigade of Chealhaiu's di vision lost 'il7 per eciil.; the Fifth t Kor-'ia, one o its re;;iuients, losl o l.'.i per cent. Several of the regiments ot M aucy's brigade o this same division lost over ."in per cent . This was trticoi I lie two reuinii ills. Sixth and Ninth Tennessee, under the command of that brilliant olliccr. Col. ttcorc C. Porter, r 4 1 1 1 1 the same character of tiuhlim; was performed by t lie first ami Twenty L-veuth lenncssee, under the command f that eiiuallv brilliant otlieer, Colonel 1 liiuie K. field. Aileiition, Ladies Forty years' IpsI, for Kxcrllcupp of Material. KlefAaiU'P ol Style, Kxaetness of Fit, Duraltilily, and Modcrale (1ost, Has proven lias MB 1 I hir Irk-in I I'ru-n-, nl" I lu- Ivli.alii ill Cil v l-.i-iiiiiinisu lmyis siu-li mkhilIi w.iU-i iiiL' .u-i' units ni 1 1 if j;r.iiis . 1 1 1 I hiIkt IruitMil K'uaiiiil.i Isl.iinl, lli.it il'tln v i!ii! nut j n i- To In' snrpiissi'd h.v mi SIkm in lint I'liitcd Stiitcs. Our ivcs iiuil n.iunlitcrs uiii.v lie suited ill I'oslir I'ros iV: Wridit's, 1'i-oiitiiiy; I'ultlii Sipi.i M'. 'I'liis Iioiisi- li;is en I ire conl ml ol' ( lii'si- j-ooils in Ashi'Villc I'on 1 liny ;iny ol her Shoe until you li;i v oillol for I he ".MoitowV r nit' sin m r.vcry p.-iii'j'iiiir- niitiM'il. r.vcry dcst-ripl ion ol' Il;ils,('lolliin,n;ilii 1 jii lies' (iooils in.iy he li.'lil of Iiostii lli-os. A: Wright ul exceed ingly low prices. Under. Tin-; kii.i.im; i- iv;i:. Like tlic l.aiiiliii.'irk wc Iimvl- Ihunlit that tlu-rf was a sinularapatliv, liolltat tile set-ni.' ol the tragedy and tlirouuliont the Slate al llie killing "l a man, vlu, whatever his faults anil thev were hu man faults hail strong claims to consid eration, not on account of his liirth, his lineage, or his family connections, hut for those iiialitics of education, culture, tat ent and irolcssional reputation, posses sious and acipiircmciitsof his ow n, whicl seems to make it incrcdilile lli.it such a man should lie supposed to pass into forctftiliiess, his sudden and cruel death regarded as a trivial incident, his cause be ignored liv the icoplc and the press. and the machinery of the law apparently so apathetic in the pursuit of its duly. Wo, however, had some reason to lieheve that the apathy was more apparent than real, and that the law was not sliinihcr inj;, lint only liiilinu its time. If such were the ease, reproaches were untimely and unjust. Whether the law had any tliinj,' to do with the voluntary surrender of the one j;c'iicrally conceded from the ljcyiiinin to Ik-the slayer of Mr. I'a;e wc nrc not prepared to say. lie is now in the hands of justice to aliide the decis ion of the law. We quote what the Landmark says, which was evidently predicated u)H)ii ollieial iicKliKence and popular iudillercnce: lect at a sc.iscii ul tin-vai hen the ik sicnt Iti'ina un 'iiul.-iiii to a low touutrv cliiuati- yi rc not sunn. wliat pclilous, uc uu.ylit l.c tciiipteil to visit the lamous st uppi nion;; inc arils of the islands, single vines ol u hieli sometimes cover an acrt ul uihiiihI. K, i.-i m ,kc Island ri-laius ihclauicili.it Amiilas anil Cirlow yavc ii as the laud ol lhenrape. Hut we have .-uwavs iiiouiui uiiiM- ort uv voyagers tliew upon their imaginations for t heir facts; oriiitlicir iuoi auct of the yrapc nii.i;ht asci iln- to the niisci-.-ililc Ml tic win ter .ur.ipi- the saiiiccu-cllciR-cllial lielous to the luscious product of I'iovcihc or l.aniiedoe. They, or sonic of the old dis coverers, k II in 1 1 that snare when tuv called the lilt ak shores ol New lvnland when they could Iiuil only sour and un eatable grapes I iv the faseiiiatiiix title ol inelands. The Scuppcrnoni; did not t; row- on Koanokc Island at the lime of its dis- ery. 1 1 was loutu! one h lied and liflv years later in lyrrell county on the main land, lint it found a congenial home on the island. Hear what Mr. C retry say alioul it. and also his surprising stale iiuiiis annul inner nuns ol llie saint- liappy isle. "It is certainly true of tile ScuiiiicrnoiiL' yiupc inai ii is proiiuceil on Koanokc Island m Inrucr (iiiantities to the are; mil of liner iinanliiy than elsewhere other I tali tics near the sea, on sandy soils, produce tile Seuppernon j;rapc very well, hut the Koanoki--yrape vines of thai tfrapc are superior to all oehcrs ines covering an acre of ground will produce six to ciilil hundred gallons ol sctipiiernoiij; wine, and as evidence of the illness oi ine isiauo lor llleir proilllctloll it has been shown m vartous cases that a Scuppci iioiu; rapc vine removed from the island to the adjacent counties in the interior will not produce!! jLtrape of tin same ipiaiity or productiveness. As t other fruits our observations are not si l.-innliar, but our friend says lh.it the ap ples, pcacnes anil vine ti nils ol Koanokc Island , ire siipcrior to fruits of the same kind produced in anv p.-irt ol North Car-lina." HOOKS AND KTATIONICllY, Alt I IS I S' 1 A'I'l .ltl 1.S, i:n(;im;i:us' sci'i-i.tiis, I'lCTt KliS AMI I'kA.MliS. l-'ANi V C,M liS. iii.ank hooks, i:vi:itvia(iii;, III H.I.S., TlIVS AMI I .A M I.S. wi;sti:kn is. t. mci-:ni-:h, I II I'll I I'llll'I'lir.K-.M'IIIC AMI 1 IAN li I'AIN I i;ii, AT ICSTAISROOK'S, a S. main SI reel. AllSCELLANMX'S. Liidies' liCiilliei- (iaunllets, Mousipietiiii-e, iiuil l-luit(on Hidinj-- (J loves, fl. 11. IN ni id f l.DN. All wool Crea in Ih-ess (loods. sevei-id qiiidities iiud weij;lils. I'.l.ick I'linnlillv .-inil While I'l.-it Viil. .-md All Over Liici iiud l louiiciim' jii-ciitlv re- iluceil. ()iirf." 1 liind-Sewed Kiin Kiiroii Shoes for Men ;ire iie;it. liji'ht, stylish, ple.-is.-iul lo wenr. strii lly lii-sl-cl;iss. II. UKUWOOI) &CO. HCIHHH.S. trinity ioi,i.i:.i:. lintijiucc i s.uniii.-tliniis Sept. .'i nnd I-. lice iliilH'iis iiinl l.cctnrrs In fill proinpllv Sept Scml lur new e;H.il: tie ::l otiee lo jnllN l;, Hi iWlil.l., I'icsi-ldil, juirJC. iC'iii 'l ihiit.v Cnliip-, N.C'. St. Mary's School, Ualcittli, N. C. 'I'lic Niinlv-rilth Scini Aiitimil Ser-sioii lc- uius MiiNHAV, Slil'TliM IUli I L.'. is.s-.i. l-'or c;i1;iIol;ik's, julilrcfs the liccinr, REV. BENNETT SIVIEDES. A. M. RAVENSCROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Koiinlfl ItlacKoiiald, II. A. Head master. Tin- mliiilahtle vt-iu' will npiu UliliNHSIlAV, SIM'TI-M 1 1 1 ; K is. Terins- I-'or Itoanl, 'rnilUm In all lii,-iik'lH lllil every l-it-nse, S:iin per iiiiiiiuu. liny .ehnhu-s $so ,ir .-iiiiiiiin. l-'rr rnrtlk-r iiiroi iiuiljiiii in.ihrss Kl-iV. Ii . I ! I -1 I . I . . Aslk-ville. X. C, until Sept. 1 liter thai aililrrss M K. KiiNAI.H MalIhiX ALU, lleiul Muster. JulL'7 il'iu ICiiKflisil and I-rcucli BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRI.S, .No. l-o I'reiiclt Itniiul A t one. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL. AI1TIIUR M. FIl'XD, I'or many years Ass, i.-i U- I 't iuei pal ,,' Mt. M-riiim Institute, nnltniiiiiv. I Assisteil liv 11 eurps ol eoinpelitt lit tiaellers Tile course ol' iiislrtietiou inelnih-s tlu-iisua u.ulish liiaiK-lu-s with l--i-riii-i anil l.nttn. l-ixtrjis Music. C.eriii.-iu, An Neidli- Work, Caiutiiiuoti Chiiia, li.-ineiii ,'iiul K-iliiiii. Spi-ei.-il ,-tlleiilioii ivrii tit the I raining ol' little cirls. aiiKl il-'m "SinKulnrlv enough, tliouu'h cvervlKidv knows who the slaver is, and though he fled at once, neither the coroner's iiirv bv its verdict, nor the Times-Kcristcr, by its reK)rtol the occurrence, indicates mm. This case hasattracteu surprisingly little attention, considering its character and the prominencrof all the partiesiuvolvcd. No jfreat ileal of feeling was to have been excctcd to (row out of it, for it is gen erally considered the natural unit projicr tlllll tlUIL VIOIVIIL UCUlll nilOUItl pU It penou 10 sucu ouences as voi. i';ie imd committed, but we have never known a tragedy invol vine' a iK-rson of etiuiil stand ing to be taken iuite so as a matter of course, every now and then one hears some one wbo knew him say thut Cage was a man of talents and acquirements and in tome respects a very useful man, and other suggest that the manner of hit taking off was not exactly an fait; gists. Iir. I'.irker I'rays cream Van I ll;i, Rosa line, I )ift;alinc and liiamoud nail powder hiiving now lieeomc the ladies' favorites, at F. I.. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always Ik: found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wooil slicks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks arc disiicnsed. Cor ner Main street anil I'atton avenue. LEADING JEWELER. Successor t II. I.. I.ANC. WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL. Praelical Watelunaker and ICiiKraver. ;k.ii ati: OPTICIAN, W'e make a specialty of rcpuiriiiK Wjilelies lli.il have never kepi f;"'"! linn or tliat have I'ailiii at Un- h.-uiils ul jik-otnieteiit wiirkineil . I'lii-lies wuntiMK k"iI plasms can liave tlkir eyes exiiluiik il Iree ol' charge. We oiler at relail lor an ilays the luIlcvviiiK Kontls at whulesale iriees: .'I oz. lire Silver tiiuuinc Klin or Witl- thaiu Walell $.. sf. U oz. Coin silver 7.LT Also sK-eial li.-irKainsiuCloeksanil Jewelry. A line assortmeiil on'inlirt-llas anil Canes. Albemarle Female Institute. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. I 'nsiir passed lor thin Khuessof inslnk-tioii, 1k altlllllliu-ss mill lK-ailtynt' silii:ili,.n l.-icili. Iks lor cumrm-t. inotaruml n-liinus lone. Tirius very inoilerate. I Inkr i !i tali ue. W. p. lile'K INSIIN. iltaiiKl l- til th sat Principal. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cliapel Hill, N. C. 'rile next session lie-ins Sept. ,r, 1 sstl. Thor (Mih instritelion is otli-ri-il in l.iu-ralure Sei enee, I'liikis.iph.v anil Law. Tuition, S.liiper session. I'or ealaliint' ndi1i-ss . , . , , HON KI5MI- 1'. IIATTI.U, jnlli iU-imIiIw tu til sat Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES KEAtfS $4 SHOE nit tiim JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According; to Your Needs. "'"fWi'B. and RKOIUKKsi k iirnucuji eauy uic drat ttme it '..'E, i. ausiuu-ly the THIS RACKET COLUMN. KEEPING JT UP ! ! Wc t rictl lo write our ;nl- vcrt iscniciit jiiiiioiiiicinu,- our .nil't of l,;iwn Dresses so pl.-iin ly (li.it no one eoiilil misiiii (lerst.i ml it. W'v li.ive never nie.iiit t lull we wonlil uive ;i lifiwn Dress williOiieDolliir's worth ol' niiy ol' our snoods sohl. lint only with.-i Doll.-ir's worth of v,s-,s ii'ooils. ;inil wc cspeci.-illy e.eeitel U'liite (ioods. Our rejisons were these: Wc ,-irc f'oiii"- to quit lceiiii- .-ill kinds of Dress ( Iooils. except White (Iooils. .-iml in order to clc.-ir t hem out we jt-'ivc these Lawns av;iy. hols of I tidies ha e .nailed tiicmseives of onr offer. Iml we ha ve qiiitea pile of 1 he Law n yet which wc shall cont iimc to ivc away, w hile at I he same 1 hue we sell the Dress (ioods that io with it con. Our stock of White (ioods. Flonm-inis. Lawns. India Linens, plain and dotted Swisses. Uarred .Muslins, and ot her thin lvoihIs suitable for llieseason is verv larive, and we guarantee t he prices to lie as low as those 01 anyiiody. uur Mnli (ioods. Ilniliroideries. Ham- Ihii-.U's. Laces and I0d-in's are all new. fresh Loods. Xo need to clean t hem after vou Let them, hut new o,Wn, and sold as low asotherslhat an ll.v -specked and shop-worn mid in utility r:isis lower. II people will examine befon they buy we will be content, W 1 , i . i e wish we could impress upon onr people thefact that our store is the place to buy their Shoes. We probably ha vet he largest stock in town outside of a regular shoe store, from a La (lies' Pebble (io.it. button that we war rant solid leather, to, hot low, inside ninl out. for f 1 .2". to a line French Kid. When the sliairirv-licailcil K'lissi.-ins Hurry to the lrontier you may expect a new war scare, mil v lieu the hiild heailcil Americans scramlile lor tile front- tier you may look lor a new oreiniere (lanscusc. ToarlHtM Whether on pleasure licnt or business should take on every trip a bottle of syrup oi i-i.js, as it acts most pleasantly anil eiiexinauy on ine Kidney, liver und bowclls, prevcntinK fcvera, licatlachcsancl THE GREATEST ATTRACTION s th.it lint-l,,l ul 1-NGLl.Sll IIIllll.i:ss anil THKIil-.IHJkN CHAMOIS SKAT SAllIlI.HS at J. Iti. ALEXANDER'S Ami tltc low priix-s ut which hi' Ik hcIIhik all goods in his Hue. He has iiicnraHitl his forcv uud intends to meet the demund. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. "illy sliou of lu price which i nils ever bwn placed px- Icnalvely on the market in wnicn anrauiltty ucruoiit- witnl Heuu tJ sIhx for Bon J. MEANS Ac flO.. Hnatna. Fall Hue. of iha ubove shoe, lor sale kf i'or Sale Iloxtlc Bros. & Wright, ASHEVII.LH, N. C. felU1il.1in tilth sat A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. IMuns. siieeifientiofts and climate fur. nishcil. All work in mv line cuntrn.-tnl for antl no charKrs fur drawioK oa contract. other forms ol sickness. For mile in 5(c awnnlcd me. Square, A.hcrulc, N. C and $1.00 bottk-s by all leading drug- sltTlilocU. North Court fcbllKlljr Drunkenness Qr the Liqaor Habit, Positively Cured it aiWMimna n. .n:r mini wane. V.Vi-Vo.. . ,' "F """wwiKe ol llie per- on It. it I. .1 ., I,. I . 1 .... 1 : . . fr60' Pnniinent awl upeeily eura. whcthei Uiepatleiit 1 a moderate drinkSr or an alcohol" wreck, it NEVER Fan r WiRIUdiutcc a complete cure in every instance, ia page Uul WLCM SPECIFIC C0 1 86 Race St. ClackwatLa I'CTKI.N SALE, lion't forRct the nuetion mile at W. II. Lea's Saturday morninK at lo o'clock. 8e cial nle of l.adii-K Ooori. nnd Shoe. General ale at 3 p. m. Seals proyided for the Indit., who are apci'lully invited to attend the morn ing sale. 2t Wc luivcji M.iii'.sSliiii in Liicc iikI Coiiji-n'ss t Ik "li,-ic( Shoe" which wc lmvc niiidc. Wcscll them ut 2, mid will linilcli them with jiii.v slio( sold in Ashcville I'or 2.5(), j;uiirjiii(iHiii",()ui-.sl()licc(ni.-il in ((U.-ilit.v, style ,-hkI (it. Of coni'sc wc kcii!ill tlicchc-ii'ei- fi'i-iidcs, lioth for iiui iiud women, suitiiblc for rouli wenr, ;md when wc c.-iii xi people lo pricetheiii wcriirel v f.-iil to sell. We hiivc a full- sized .Mexic.-ti) (Iniss Iliiin inock for fJ.(i,S worth Lots of cheitper ones nlso. Hammock Stretchers cts. each. 2, .'5. 4, (5 and H-ipiart Ice (Vcani I'rcc.ej s.evervoiie warranted as food ,, nn iiimb', and where niter trial the.v fail to jjjive perfect satis faction we return the money. prices lie-in at fl.."i,S for 2 piarts. We have a few suits of lif-ht weight Clothiii"' which we are anxious lo sell. nol anxious eiiouiih to sell them at cost, hut willing to sell them lowertliaiiaii.vnian in Ashcville will match them for. We keeiever,vtliiii",and only ask that. vou see whet her we have what .you want be fore you 1 my. Another sup ply of Matches, 2."c. licrdozeii boxes of .'5()()s others ask 2.V. for 2(K)s. (io to all the stores and niceooods if you wish to We only ask that you will not buy until you have priced Misa;u..Ni;ofs. ONE YEAR AGO. The tiiiest and best equip ped Di'inr Store in North Car olina was opened in Ashcville h.v T. Smith A Co.-Aftcr eifihteeii years of prosperity in the wholesale and retail druj;' business a t ( 'harlot te. (hey sold ou( and moved lo Ashcville, where (hey secured the best and handsomest store room in ( hecity lil ted up in style, with all the latest appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern druj,' stores. Twelve months ha ve passed since this vent ure was made t hey Mini t he outlook far ahead of their ex pert at ions business ;rov inn' larger monthly, having already reached a solid basis. Theirsuccess demons! rates what Ashcville will do. for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and genera I business have ton red into this New I)ruV Store until necessity compels the employ incut of a larj-c force of thoroughly competent clerks. This new firm do not want theeartli. only a small part of it. They are ciitcriiio- the second year o' their business career with lie, snap, lai-p slock, ample raw cash to make larcaddi I ions, hi"' trade already es tablished, a successful past and a bright fill lire. These facts show what can be done for those who have a well grounded faith in (he com mercial importance of our .urowinu; city for those who have the nerve lo burn all I he bridges behind (hem. and jiive proper attention to their; business. The people arc kindly asked to continue their favors tot his prosper ous and busy dru store, where every article sold is warranted as represented, or purchase money refunded. Address T. ('. Smith eV. Co., Leadinj- Wholesale and lie tail and Prescription Druji tfists. Ashcville. X. ('. noriiLs. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AND NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. lilccliic Car. lt the Door. 1 heren itli iiolily tin- niililie Hint Urn. tl.iv. May 1. I liaec .uiilcd to my well known KLS. taiiraiil a line Ice Cream turclcn. The same has been litUil up inall.v lur ihi ri easitjii and I will al;ts have on hutul the elioiceffl tl Creams anil Sherbets nml CaKeH. Alsu, ean supil.v lamilies at lmrusi iiotiec tit lare ur small qnaulilies. Sn cuint tit immI time and have smne line lee Cream anil Calves ami diiu't h.rj-ct thai at Strauss' ytm willi t The llcsl oi Ice Cream, ami u hue always polite tuul atUnlivt wait ers will lie pkasvil to serxe. Conte earl., eome otun, eoiiie one, eonie all. and ivt your Iriend Strauss a kooiI many ealls. Very res, K-el lull x , in:i -'.III I'ropi it im mm head IIOT1-.L wu.i. in; iii'i-:ni:ii i--ui -rms m-.amin 1 11-' 1 ss;i 1 1, Tlac First 1 June. The locution Hl llils lloO I on Iln sniiniiit ot e-.i-s,'ir's lh;iii M. ni ii I ;i in. ;hi ou ll Ine, i no ol the lllu,- Ki.l.-, in iiij,..i Soiilli t.uoluia, ullonls a cliiil.-llc uml iv ;i let nil, i(ii;iU.I. An a siniiniii- ry.soil il ha:, nopuiallel Ml Mil Si, u III. AVERAGE TEIYIPEKATUKE, rHOM 60 TU TO . U'liil.-,! ils ii.-ilin,-il m-i m-i-y ;il inl ainti: Intel 'f.vi'iid ei.mvilioii. e'"iul.,u ,, Kmn ran-. Iiill.v ci n-iilii ,. Livel y ,-onl il.-iily nniil l-.io-ily i-t;nlu il Ikhii Alu ille in nue .lav, m Iron, ll.-iiil. 1M.10 ill, in h.-ili a .l.iy, ,,Vei ihlihllnl i-o.-iiIn UiioukIi a loiiiaulie anil eliaiuiiuu UllllllV, K1C1IMONI) (t DANVIl.l.li KA1I.KOAD t'lIM PA MV (Western North Caioluia I ii ision. I'ASSHNUIiH niil'AKIMIi.v-i, I Asui-yii.i.ii. N. 1 ., I,,,,,. lNS., ! 1'ASsi;ni;i-:k tk.mn se n i-in i.k. In lii-i-iicT ,i-m: :., ismi: l.v. Ashcville. Ar. Sn'isl uiry, ll.-lliytlle, ' l.ynehlun'K, ' Washington ' Italtiniore, ' I'hila., 1 New '.n-k, 1 Huston, 1 Kieliiuond, ' Kuleljjll," I ' C.ohlslior.,, j WiliiiiiiKtini 1 I No. f.l I No I -! I pill ! 17-1111 1 1! lupin 7i:in Knopiii 1 1 l: 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 201011 :-, I'.opin I 1 1.10 II l:ipni lll-'llplll lU'L'.-iain l:iain s 1.T.0 m in l-7aiu I 'Joptn I '.loop, 11 1 :i:topin r,ir,,iiii loL'pni s.iiiioiii ,'i lopi,. lfiOptn liOOjinii F. a. miia;. ma v 1 r.tl 1 1 AKIUiN PARK HOTlvL. AND FAMILY COTTAGES, 1'.. miles Moiilll ol'Aslievlllr. im llu- A .V- i 1 ai lit in is im v opiMlor the mason, l-'or eirenlar ;nNlit ss 1 lit v. AI I IK K IS, I'l i.p'i , .nlui, . C Mil T ( HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUR SPRffIGS WAVNIisVM.I.H, N. c. l-AKi: l-Ok Kdl'Ml I UH', . jLyr, L'..niiiien,iii,; July 1. a special train vti 1. live Ashe ille every S'inila at s.:;.", a. III. Uetiuiiiiin leave Uainisull, ;il i; p. This ;iv.s llie eiliz.-nsol Ash. villi-and lier siunniei ia-sls an apporlunitv t.i visit the laimiiis llayuooil While Sulpluir SiriiiKs. I llere are L'o acres of densely sliadeil lati n ami plenty ol seals. Uur conveyances will meet passi liters at the Ha lion. Il.ilelaeeoui itl. illations in general lliisui p;tsseil. . U. S. Allen V Son, i ul T .1 1 in I'r.iprietoiH. I.v. Asheville, r. llen.li'i-s.iuviiu-, Ar. Spartanli' Cliiirlotte. Coluinliia, Chai-I.sl.iti, Augusta, Savannah, Ylioninsville, f,a Jacks. inyllly Allaula, MoniK.im'v Molnle, New- lirl. - 'is l.v. Spaitanliui-K. Ar. Iten.lers.iavilly, " Asheville, l.v. Asheville. Ar. H.itSptiiiKS " Knoxville, " t-hattan-Ka, " Memphis, l.v. Ashevil.e, Ar. 1 lot SpriiiKH " K n. ix . ill.-, " Louisville, " C'iueinnati, " Chieaif.i, " St. l.tinis. N.i. "Hi 7 I oa 111 ii-'ii.iiu 1 li'tmi ! lTiptu lil nam No. C, J ttl-liill Ii lllpm Knilpin n Ulam .l.'lOpm 4.P111 II lopni srillpm 7 lrniui 1 1 r.ani i;iopni; 7 4ripm MI KIJ11V IIKANC11. I No. r, I NJIllain !il.'Oaiu I 11. "Ham j a.'lni llll n id tior.p,,, Ii lf.aiu 1 Hlpiil lllll in loo pm 7 l.Tiani 1 ."ipni 7 -"pin I N.i. Ti I .'I Hipm I II 117pm I iliopm I N.i. 7nripni N4npm 7 Ulam '.r-'Oain 1 lopni 0,1 in Ii .-lllpm 74.r.pm l.v. Asheyille, Ar. Waynesville, " Jarrett's. l.v. .larrctt'H, Ar. Waynesville, " Asheville, I No. is s.';.riani lo 17.1111 nj-Mpm I N. 1 SOI la 111 .ILT.pin I U'lL'pin W- SleepiiiK ears on all niuhl trains IAS. I.. TAVI.nu, w. A. WINlll-KN ' '' A- 1. 1' A. S(H.. HAAS, T, M v.M.eeiiiK j,,e ,-,, f. .n ,v ..lssl.. i... ....... -n- ,ll l,e ,.,,, ,le.l on Sun days lietweeu Asli -yiiu and Waynenvilk : WliST. I No. Ii. I SI ATHiNS inill.v. Aslmille I HAST, I No. 1 1 anil" S11I, , 1,.... .'. i 'I'm ...Miniv 7 ,., Pi.. "'"'',kr " I I;-Hi pin loo-ianij " Clv.le ' lil-ainlArr. WaVnel-vilk- l.v a A !"!! tl o'.iaml Lv. MERCHANT TAILOR kli'JOdi v 4 N. Main St. ours. l0HfK'tfull,', GE0.T.J0NES&C0. N. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. uTIl.li. W ill I. . - ' 'tents mr anyone in ,i,,. ..it., r..- ikt inn. r.iM.,1 i. -a.,... r... 1 '"- ln "r on weekly iii.v,, "iatii lunntun. a. in il-.ly,NKHN. ai lilnirn himiitiirc st,,re o. i-ntton Avenue. mnrl4ilimi FOR RENT OR SALE. The Best Chance Yet Offered. Thai desiralile house. eont;oniiiK eijjlilun looms, now :iipioaeliiiiK completion at No. -" l-'lllM"" lrtvt, will lie ready lr occu pancy ,-iiid 1 Oil SAI.IJ OK Hl-NT (in or aliout the loth day ol' Jmie. It is ,--peeialh a,l.-,pe, , nK. llsl.s . ,.:,.,,. lionnliiiK house. All persons inteiesleil are mvileil In eall and 1 xamiii.. ii llu- .1,... Terms, which are most reasoaal.le. e.1.1 I,.. had uu appliealiou to T. W. I'ATTON. inavj'jiiii l,500 ACRESiE- FINE MINERAL AND TIMBER IMS', TO 111! Sill. II IN- Tiaiisyivania Couittj.N.C. 1'J virtue ol a decree ol tK. SaiKrior Court ol iiansylvnnin county, N,., Carolina. II,.. in.lersiKe,l as executor ol i;ii21,r rati,,,,, dee'd. witl sell at pal, lie aiieli.,.. . o J luun uisc door in llie town ol lti-. v,..-.l .... Moiulay, 2.1 Oa, ol Sept. l89, Ml that Iraet ,,l a,l vill creek, known ;is llie .jiir 1',. ti-'.. 'il.i-..it ins aliont c Thu,,a l oe Ml ui.he,. acres. Tl la,,,, Is at,Tssi.,l, ' ....uv tnnliertu. It is situated uIkiuI 4 west ,, llrevard and lies parallel ki-feix-ni-i. irlven JAMES FRANK, l'KALKK IM FAMILYGROCERIESAND PROVISIONS ABcnt for Rcemii Crk Woolen Mills. "x? -.: n.c. niil.s smith ine I I'ctieli Itroad river, ul,., t. ,.. "taut irmii the same, ami nliout l "lam front the iir, i , .. .. .. v ' ' '" un.- c, c. V e. railroad. Also tho -an l.i....... lh. Malliuioiv. Asl.evil.c- nnd A'tla,.ta oli.iad linv as pi e.l. Tl,e,-e .-.....!.. ealnins , . ,.,, ,,,. ,,,. " ' well .daiited lo r..,l - l's ,l eaa lK. eony. !..,., , L. ..." ..'ir,. ti,,. ,..,., win ,K Koit,,j;: assustopayuentsandlor .in.,, -t,u,,.,,7 enns line-lhir.l eash. I,,. I , tve.venhH. .a.nealS1RT cent. Title .... ."T mem is ,.,,, ,.,,,.. .,'"" 1'nM.iK cash i r,,,; , ,.., , r " iirt-s. Title iiunranuiil. For Inrther inlorl mat...,, app,y l.,,a,u,ri.s, ..." T W. A. Cash. A.t't, Urevnril, N. k.""-" I-..II d. seriptiu,, ,, llat8 f h seen on ,e iM t, -n. IKr,or Court of Trans, ,vllnitt ,untyUr Chan. C. Pattou, Jul I a dt.e1X,,U'r f ,,n-'. lee-tt. VAN- 'i I'Nlll'liKTY SALM. ' v-"!" '""My on ir... rty f X y u ' '".nW "Kmc and eillie. "U t or fa .holclT,'' nnw f!,r ....piv t., I" Vl.r. IUll!-L till" timn cx CM