n . . I ! ? '' -v - f I 1 THE DAILY CITIZEN. The Citizen Ik the most extensively drew- Western government, and prosiierous industry, and it lated and widely read newspaper in Nortn Carolina. Its discussion of public men nnd measures is in the interest of public inteirrity, honest knows no iiersunal allegiance in treating pub lic issues. The Citizkn pulillshes the dispatches of the AHociatecl Press, which now covers the whole world in its scope. It has other facili ties of ndvanced journalism for KathcrinK news from nil quarters, with cverythinKeare luHy edited to occupy the smallest space. Siecimcn copies of any edition will be sent f ce to any one sending their address. TRKMS--lluily, $ti lor one year; $3 for six uionths; So cents for one month : 15 eentsfor one week. Carriers will deliver the paper in every part of the city to subscribers, anil par ties wanting it will please call at the Citizkn , lice. AnVBKTtsiNO Ratks Reasonable, and made known on application at this otlice. All transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Keadinc notices ten cents per line. Obitu ary, marriage antl society notices fifty cents each (not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cents lcr inch. FRIDAY, AlV.fST '., 1SH9. JAII.H ANIf POtlRHOrHKii. The Monthly llulletin of the North Car olina Itoarri of lleallh will furnish some items sii2.neslive to the tliniuilitt'iil mind. They occur in the county reports sub mitted by the otlieer ehai'k'cd with the duty orinvcsliK.'itiiiK and reporting upon the sanitary condition of the resiective counties, and alsoof the jails, poorhouscs and public buildings. The exaction of such reports indicates an advance in the humane public scnti men t, and purpose to liiinj; the prisoner ami patiKT within the pale of public charity. These, in past social history, have Ik'cu too much forgotten, ami whe removed from siht, lieliitid prison bar or pauiei' walls exist as those between whom and more happy conditions Kreat gxiH is fixed, across which humanity need seek no passage, ami which dainty charity lias mi errand to pass. Hut it the very condition to invoke lutmanitv and the one to touch the tender sympa thies of charilv; and so of late years many can say with grateful heart: "1 v. in prison, and ye visited me," anil in do itu; so brought comfort to the outward man, and touched again the chord ol moral sensibility. The brutality that dictated the treat meut ol prisoners is one of inheritance Time had sanctioned the idea that prisoner was a fore-doomed criminal, violator of the law, an ollence to society one who had forlcitcd mercy, who had ni friends, and deserved none; riclilv merit iug all his misery, and entitled to in amelioration of it. The Bullish system made the jail a living bell on earth, with out hope, without comfort, without dc eeney, with so much to degrade and tor Hire the body, so much to debase th soul, that the transfer from the cell t ti e gibbet was welcome natural transi tion to a longer duration of punishment scarcely worse than present suffering The American system, adopted, will' Knglish law, from Ivnglish models, ier- pctuatcd all the horrors, the brutalities the negligences of the original. The onlv obligation resting on the authorities wa to hold the prisoner secure to the day ol trial; to keep hint behind I he grated bar: ofuuglnzcd windows; to chain him ti the floor in unwarmed rooms; to stifle him with summer heats; to freeze him with w inter cold ; to dole out his scanty allowance of food anil water at stilted times; to immure him amid filth and stench until he was loathsome to himsell and an olftucc and menace to all around to keep him, hold him, torment him lie fore his lime, because he was a prisoner a prejudged criminal, receiving in his in carceration onlv a foretaste of what hi deserved. Anil to a certain extent the inmates ol the poorhouscs had received consideration only a little more tender, attracting a perfunctory charity satisfied to throw t the maimed ami the halt, the old and tin feeble and the helplesit, the poor anil the vicious to which category the public verdict assigned them a II tiie crumbs and the bones, the morsels and the fragments that fell from the bountiful public table, and were contemptuously told to be thankful for what they got. Thank ("mil that the voice of charity is being lie.'itl at last. The jail has conic to lie regarded more as a place of deten tion than one nl punishment, in which the prisoner has not parted with all his human and legal rights, in which society has not abdicated all its duties of mercy and humanity. The prisoner can lie held sale, but he can he made comfortable; he may Ik- restrained of his lilierty, but he cannot lie deprived of air, or warmth or food, or decency. Itut much yet remains to be done to bring the jail up to its proper standard as a prison, and yet as the abode of human brings not totally devested of human feeling, nor yet alto gether deprived of human rights. We present abstracts from the reports which represent certain counties in the State as still behind the age. Wc hoiie the judgeson theireireuitswill strenuously urge on grand juries and county authori ties to make those reforms which licing so much credit upon the large majority of counties which have adopted them: Alleghany county sanitary condition of the jail pretty fair; Ashe, right good, nothing lieing done to lwtter its condi tion; Heaufort, nothing done to improve sanitary condition, subject under discus sion; Caldwell, reasonably good; Chero kee, sewerage defective, endangering health within and without; Cleveland, good as can lie on present plan, improve ments contemplated. Greene, jail will do tolerably well; Guilford, sanitary con dition of jail good as can Ik under exist ing circumstances; Hay wood, jail a dis grace to the couuty, hut kept in good nnd healthy condition by the jailer; Lin coln, jail badly crowded, no effort at im provement; Montgomery, same; Onslow, same; Rockingham, sanitary condition ofjail very bad; Craven, jail poorly ar ranged for the comfort of prisoners; Sampson, sanitary condition ofjail very bad; Transylvania, public buildings not in as good condition as they should be, except the poor house, which is in excel lent condition; Union, condition of jail indifferent. Model jnils, in relation to health and comfort, we believe to be very few in this State. Perhaps Raleigh, Wilmington, and Charlotte present good examples. The jail of Buncombe seems to combine every essential, and thcotu to 1m? built for Henderson county seems to comprise all the most advanced ideas. Hut in most of the others, even those favorably re ported on, there will be found wide room for improvement. The Iialtiinore Sun gives an account of a wonderful flower recently discovered in Sumatra, called the Amorpliophallus Titamim. A plant was raised on Kcw Gardens, near London, from the seed, and has lately bloomed. The plant is still young. It has only one leaf, but that was forty-five feet in circumference. The leafstalk was ten feet long, and the veins or ribs of the leaf whercthey Kirtcd from the stalk were as thick as a man's thigh, and nearly four yards long. The flower was developed in the course of time. The stature of the giant from head to foot was six feet nine inches. "The spathe," says the Review, "was three feet deep, four feet across; the spadixhvc feet long, ten inches in diameter at the base, narrowing to a blunt point, green ish in the early stage, turning to drab as it grew older, A grand piece of color was the lull-like spathe fur those who had courage to look down into it maroon-purple, as has lieen said, tinged with a violet, velvct-likeshecn, indescrib ably beautiful. The lining had a suicrb effect, pouring over the edges, greenish white, boldly toothed and crumpled. Hut there is one drawback; it is not fragrant, "ll emits," says the Review, "as all sorts and conditions of men agree, the very foulest odor known to the upjier world, and the strongest. An artist of determined character, was em ployed to sketch it for the Holauicn! Magazine. He carried out his contract, but he fainted." Atlanta is stirred to its depths by the appointment, by the new postmaster, (ten. Lewis, of a iier,ro in the registry de partment. The grievance i, not that a negro was appointed, for good faith on the part of the winning party not only justified, but demanded that the negro voters, so loyal to their party, should have some sharcof the rewards; nor that the appointee was incompetent; for Penny, the new clerk, is a graduate of an Atlanta colored college, is apt in figures and write a very line clerkly hand. If he hail been assigned to other po.jtjon or duty, not a word would have liccn said. Hut ('ten. Lewis seems to have placed him where he was sure to give ollence, and where ollence amounted to wanton in sult; he placed him at the registry clerk's table, where he was to be thrown, in the course of business, in contact with a young lady of refinement and culture. Ic)cndcnt, like many such, upon her own exertions. 1 he alternative presented was bitter humiliation and work, or res ignation and wanl. 1 he last was adopted. The justification offered by the post master only proves a purpose to adhere to a certain line of deliberately offensive policy, to be remembered and resented when the Republican party again pre sents its claims to the favor of the South- cm people. The follow ing, relating to the war in Hayti, which we clip from the Haltimore Sun, will furnish mure food for reflection Our readers need not be told of what race the Hayticns arc, on both sides this barbarous contention: 1 he last accounts trout Dorian I'rincc are to the 2Nth of July. They show thai i ne war net ween l,cgitime and llippolytc mis iiegeiieriiieti into a war ol savages. the prisoners taken bv Himiolvte art lorthwilh shot, while those cultured bv Legitime are at once brought into the market place and their throats cut in the presence of the populace, the Anieric.-i consul ami the captain of an Atlas Line steamer iKingeyc-witncsscsof the blood spectacle, lint" legitime has had mil the savage satisfaction of cutting the mroais oi seven ol mppoiyte s men while llippolytc has shot two" batches o prisoners, numlieriiiL' ninctv-five. in all eighteen on one occasion and seventy seven on another, the captain of a 'tic tachnient ol eightv men bcinir surnriseil and l-illed while going the round of the works, all the rest, after surrender, liciiiL' summarily shot, with the exception ol two men who hid in the bush, and on their return to the city, reported that they saw their comrades, while begging nir mercy, snot down to a man. Attention, Ladies Forty yours' t-est , for Extrlli'iico of Matcrinl, Klt'aiicD of Style, Exactness of Fit, Durability, and Moderate Cost, Has proven this U 1 O CD TflF r c CO n - 1 i i To lie sni'i uissed by no Slit in the Fiiited States. Our Wives and Daughters may all be suited at lostic l?ros & Wright's, fronting Public Siiuare. This house has en 1 ire control of these goods in Asheville. Don t buy an.v other Shoe until you havt called for m 'Morrow!s Fine Shoe. Every pairguai' anteetl. Every description of Hats.Clothingand Ladies (Hoods niav be had of Bostii Dros. tV Wright at oxceet ingiy low prices. If our friend of the Lexington Dispatch had carefully noted our account of the recent I'ress Convention, he would have neen governed liy the context m acquit ting us of disparagement of the Assoeia tmn m any manner or farm. We went no farther than to qualify somewhat our ipproval of an innovation, with some idmirable features and influences, others not so laudable. We confess, however, to n misconception, which our friend cor rects, that an nthrinutive or nega tive position on the topics submitted for debate was an arbitrary one. The youngest manslayer, an involun tary one, however, has been found in Ohio. A man about to go out on a day's squirrel shooting, equipped with gun and bag. stopietl to kiss his little two-year-old boy. While kissing the child, the lit tle fellow, trying to climb his father's knee, put his foot on the trigger of the gun, which went off, blowing off the lop ol the head of the unfortunate man. Dr. Parker Drays cream Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites, at p. L.Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie found, together with pocket emery board, or ange wood sticks, nail scissors, files and other such requisites. Also a complete line of drugs nnd toilet articles, in addi tion to the Hebe Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are disjiensed. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. HOOKS AND STATIONKKY aktists' mati;riai.s, liNt'.IN KICKS' SI'I'I'l.llvS, I'ICTl'KliS ANII FRAMliS. p'ANCY (KlllllS, HI.ANK BOOKH.I'.VIvRVUBAUE HI II.I.S, TllYS AND CAM liS. wi:ti:rn n. c. sci-:nk, IIOTH I'HUTlKlKAl'llie AND 11ANH PAlNTIil), AT ESTAUROOK'S, 22 S. Main Street. ARTHUR 31. FIELD, LEADING I JEWELER. Successor to WHOLESALE 11. U LANG. AND RETAIL. Practical Watchmaker and Kugraver. UHAni'ATK OPTICIAN Wc make a sjiccialty of rcimiritiK Watches that have never kept goutl time or that have faili-tl at the hands of inconiiictcnt workmen Parties wnntinK good Khtaaes can hnve their eyes examined free of charge. Wc offer at retail for 30 days the follnwiiiK Kuoils at wholesale priced: :i o. Ore Silver Genuine UIkIh or Wnl- thani Watch $4.H5 ox. Coin Silver 7.2f A Iso siieeial hawaiiis in Clock uml Jewelry. A fine assortment of UmlircMus and Canes. "Father," said Willie, who had just been corrected, "that strap is hereditary, isn't it?'' "1 don't know that it is"" "But it descends from father to son, doesn't it?" TourlHtM Whether on pleasure bent or businras should take on every trip a bottle of ovruu oi riKs, ns it acts most n eosant v and effectually on the kidney, liver and bowells, preventinir fevers. heaHachpumiH other forms of sickness. Por sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles bv all leading drue gists. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION" Is that fine lot of IiNCl.lSH HKIDI.KS nnd THRIiE-HOKN CHAMOIS SKAT SAIIllI.US at J. 91. ALEXANDER'S And the low prices at which he is sellinK all Koods in his line. lit has increased his force and intends to meet the demand. SATISFACTION (iUARANTIiHU. MISCELLAN&H'S. FOR BOYS. We have a nieelineof I Joys' Suits, siieh makes as Holers, Peel & Co.'s, Koiioli and Tumble, etc., well made, neat and stylish. To close out i few broken lines we have made extremely low prices on tliem, at cost and some below cost. Ziejilei' l.ros.' Hoys' Shoes are the best wearers you can buy and are always satisfactory. II. REDWOOD A: CO. One Price SlrU-tlv. trinity coi.i.i;;i:. lintrniK-r cx.-iniimttinns Si-pt. .'t and I-. Rec itations anil Lectures luTiin promptly Si-pt r. Si-nill'iir iit-vv catalogue at oiu-t- to JOHN I-'. CKOWlvl.l., I'resiilrnt. .jini-i, dUtii Trinity CoIU-kc. N.C. St. Mary's School, RalciKli, N. C. The NiiK'ty-l-'ilth Semi-Annual St'ssion hi K.iin MONDAY. SKl'TliM HICK 1 li. 1NSU. I'or caliiln'iit-s, address the Kretor, REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. jiinl!H iKlinoH RAVENSCROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ronald ItlacDouald, B. A., Head Blaster. The scholastic year will open wi-nNiisiiAY, si:i"n!.ini:u is. Terms I-'nr Hoard, Tuition in all hranclu-s. anil every expense, $:too ier annum. Iiav seliotars $!o per annum. I'ur further liiniriiiMtlnii ui.ilreK KHV. li. II. IH ISl.I., Asheville, N, C, until Sept. 1 alter that address MR, KONAI.Ii MacIxiN Al.ll, lleail Muster, July? illlin KngliNh and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LAOIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 l'i-eneh llroad Avenue. MRS. BURfiWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL. I-'nr uiauv years Assoeinte I'riueipal of Mt. Vernon Institute, Haltimore. Assisted liy a enrps of eonipeiitent lenellers The course of instiuetinn includes the usual l-.nnlixh brunches with French anil Latin lixtrns Musie. Cerniiiii. Art Needle Work nintinciin China, liancinj; and Rldlnif. Special attention jtiven to the trninini: of little t'lrls. ,,.,, da,,, SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, Salem, N. C. LARGEST, OLDEST AND BEST FEMALE COL LEGE IN THE SOUTH. Session miens August 'J7 , skii l.'..u .. Ill rrolt'ssors nnd Icacliers. Special feature's IIIC I 'CVClOlllllcni l l l.'ir.'irter th .in, Intellect. Tltllv eiiuttiocil Pri-miriit or,- f.i.l t-uiK'Kinie oi pari nu n Is. hesiilcs lirst-class e urns in .music, Art, l-auKiniHCB and Co tncreial stu-lies. Send for Catalogue to Kkv. J. II. Cl.liWHI.I., au.ldfcwBw Principal JUDSON COLLEGE, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Season of lHH!)-".lo Opens Monday, Sept. :io, nnd closes tirst Thursday in June, ls'.io. A full corps of instructors in Ancient and Modern l.niiKiMKes and Literature, Moral ind I'hysical Science, Commercial Arithmetic, Surveying l'hysiolnKy anil Hygiene, Music Vocal and Instrumental i. Art, irawinjt and aintinR. Full particulars can lie had from KlCH'll II. 1 iulld d.'im tu fri .IiWIS, A. M., M. II., President. pRIVATH HOARD. MRS. C. R. KOPP, 199 Haywood S'reet, (Formerly of York, Pennsylvania.) Pint-Class Board. Bleicantly Famished Rooms. Terms reasonable. u6 dlw -0 TO MACKINAC Summer Touas. Palacc Stcamervj. Low Rates. Tour TriD" nr Wrak nmw.n DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petotkey.flaall Fte. Mrle, and Lake Huron Wn,T Porti, Mrmry Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 8pteUI Kundsj Tript durinr Jnnt, July, Auku.i ,nj N-H. Double Dtilv Un TlewMin CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATEO PAMPMLn? Bbn snd Xzoutral-.n Tleks's will bp fn iuh'kiI ot Tour Tlokrt Airent. cr Arrn E. B. WHITC0MB, Q. P. A., Ditsoit, Mi.h.. Detroit and Clevsland Steam Nnv. Co. maylHdtf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I respectfully request all persons havinR friends of known intemperate haliits and minors that they don't want intosicalinK drinks sold to, to give me their names and I promise not to let them have any such drinks. Respectfully, FRANK ITIKINNBLU ju!9 dSOd Prop'r Carolina Saloon. THE RACKET COLUMN. KEEPING JT UP ! ! c Ini'tl lo wi'ili' our fiil- VI'I'liscllH'lll illllKMlllcillJi' oui- ilt (if awu I)i-('sscssi)iliiiii-l.v tli.'it no one coulil inisiiii (liM'stiiiid il. Wc li.ivc never tneillil tliill we would fi'ive il liiiwn Press wit li ( )ne Pollur's worlliof iiii.v of our xhh1s sohl, hut only uitliii Polhir's worlli of Divss ootls. ;inl we espeeiiilly e.ceileil W hite (ioods. Our rensons were I liese: We lire fi'oiuj;' lo quit keeping ;ill kinds of Press (ioods, except White (ioods. nnd in order to elenr t hem out we fi'ive these Lawns a way. Lois of Ladies hiive availed tlieinselves of our offer, hut we ha ve (piilea tile t . i t . 11 ol I lie Jj.-iwn yel which w e shall continue to iive away. w hile at I lie same t inie we sell the Press (ioods that ji'o with it ;it cost. Our stock of White (ioods. Flonncin.us. Lawns, India Linens, plain and dotted Swisses. Marred Muslins, and other thin 'oods suit a he or ie sea son is verv In rye, and we guarantee the prices to lie as low as those of anybody. Our White (iliodw, I'llllliroltleries, llam burys, Laces and Ivlyinys are all new, fresh yoods, No need to clean them after von yet them, hut wir oils. and sold as low as o1 hers that are. fly-specked and ,sltop-worn, Mitl hi ninny ensrs lower. If i . . 1 1 . . i ,. peopie win exainine neiore they buy we will be content, We vis we eoiitd Impress upon our people the fact that our store is the place to buy tlieil" Shoes. We probably hnve thida ryest stock in town outside of a reyular shoe store, from a Ladies" Pebble (ioat, button, that we war rnnt solid lenlher, tojt, hot torn, inshfr uml out, for ftl.o, ton tine French Kid. We havea .Man'sShoein La-e and ( 'onyress t he "Kacket Shoe" which we have made. We sell them at 2. ami will match tliem with any shoe sold in Asheville for $2.'t(). yiiarant(eiiiyours tobeeipial in (piality, style and lit. Of course we kecpall t In-cheaper yrades, both for men and women, suitable for rouyh wear, and when we can yct people topriretheni we rarely fail to sell. We have a full- sized Mexican (irass Ham mock for 1.(;,S worth 2. Lots of cheaper ones also. Hammock Stretchers !." cts. ench. 2, :i, 4, (5 nnd S-tpinrt Ice ('renin Freezers, every one warranted as yood ,,s ,-r tntuh', and where ul'tvr trial they fail to yiveperfect satis faction ire return tln money. jirices beyin at .fl.r,H for 2 piarts. We haven few suits )f liyht weiyht Clothiny which we are anxious to sell. not anxious enoiiyh to sell them nt cost, but williny to sell tliem lowerthiiiianyinan in Asheville will match them for. We keepeverythinynnd only ask t hat you see whet her we have what you want be fore you buy. Another sup ply ofMntches, :.". per dozen boxes of .()( )s others sisk 2.V. for 2()()s. lio to all the stores uml ju ice yoo Is if you wish to We only ask that .row will not lmy until you hnve priced ours. ResiMvtfully, GEO.T.JONES & CO. N. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. misci;i.i..m:oi s. ONE YEAR AGO. The tinest nnd best eipiip ped Pruy Store in North Car olina was opened in Asheville by T. ('. Smith A: Co. After eiyh teen years of prosperity in the wholesale anil retail druy business at Charlotte, they sold out and moved to Asheville, where they secured the best ami handsomest store room in t hecity tit (etl up in style, with all the la test appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern druy stores. Twelve moiit lis have passed since this vent ure was made they Mini the outlook far ahead of their expect at ions business yrow iny laryer monthly, haviny already reached n solid basis. Their success demonst rates what Asheville will do. for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and yeiier.-il business have poured into this New Pruy Store until necessity compels the employment of a In rye force of tliorouyhly competent clerks. This new fit-in do not want tlicearth, only a small part of it. They are enteriny the second year of t heir business career with new snap. In rye stock, ample raw cash to make Inryeaddi- 110ns, niy trade already es tablished, a successful past and a bright fut lire These facts show what can be done for those who hnve a weli yrounded faith in the com mercial importance of our yrowiny city for those who have the nerve toburiall the bridyes behind them, ami yiyeproper attention to 1 heir ntisiness. l lie people are kindly asked to continue their favors to this, prosper ous and luisv drnir store. where every article sold is warranted as represented, or purchase money refunded. Address T. C. Smith iV: Co.. Leadiny Wholesale and Re tail and Prescription Pruy yists, Asheville. N. C. RICHMOND K: 1 .N VI l.l.Ii RAI1.KOAH COMPANY. I Western North earnlina liivisinu.i I'ASSIiMiKK ll-.l-KIli:N--. 1 ASIIKVII.I.K, N. C, lime 1, ISS'I I l'ASSKNliliR TRAIN '.si Ill-Ill 1. 1-;. IS liKHI'.eT JlMiy, lx.sii: I.e. Asheville-, Ar. Salisluiry, " llanviltc," " Lynelil.uiK, " Wasliui'tiin " HnltiinuiY, " I'liila., " New York, " ItllSli'll, " Kieliiuunil, " Nalcih, ' (MildslMirn, " WiliuiitKtiui I Nn. ?,i Nn. r.:i I '.1 1 1 pill I 151 pin -t'jiittui i li 4:ipni 11 l-Tatii In I'lipin 1 - lllpni 1 L! U'.'am . lllpni I li.,:'.!!!!! M.-.iiiin Kiam 1 1 1'lipin iimtiiiii ilL'iiani iuii,tn 'l:illpin '.imipiiil :i:!iipm I .- lf.nm , "lo'.'liml s.-;i,-nii I :i lupin l I liiiiipiui l.v. Asheville, Ar. Ilctiikrsnnvillc, Ar. Spurtunli'K " Charlutte, " Colunihia. " Chat'IcsLun. Augusta, Savannali. Thiiuiasville.C.u .lacksiinvllle Atlanta, MontKnui'v Mnliilc. New l Irlc.-ins I No. r.r I H.HI la in '.11 la ni I 1 1 ruin,, I 5 ;il ipm Hipiu '.I lllpni '.lll'ipm ! 15a in 1 4-Opni 12IUI m in Hlpni 7 25a ni 1 55pm 7 '-'Opm l.v. Spurtaiihui-i;, Ar. 1 Icnilersuuvillc, " Asheville, Lv. Asheville. Ar. Hot Springs " Kniixville, " L'li.-itt:nr;ii, " Memphis, l.v. Ashcvil.e, Ar. HotSpriiis ' Knnxville, " Louisville, " t'iuciiiiinti, " C'liiciiKu, " St. I.ouis. No. 511 No. 52 7 tiiain 4-4-l.piii !i2il.un (ilopm 1 lupin H50pin lilTipin 54Uain li I nam 5 :111pm 7-Miani 44-tpni '.120am 11 lopm 1 lopm S50pm 7 1 5am ll-l-iaui 1 1 -l-.-miii li.'tllliml li.'tOimt' I ' i-.ipin I 7 -Lopm MCKl'MY HUANCil. J No. 51 I .'Mllpiu I Iill7piu I 7illipni I No. 54 7ll5pm 8 4(lpni IK nuts. STRAUSS RESTAURANT AMI NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. lilcclric Cars Pass Hie Door. 1 herewith notily the piihlie that this day May 1, I have aililcil lo my well known Ids. tauiaul a line Ice Cream Garden, Tin- smile lias lum fittt el up mutl.v tor the oc rasicm ami I will .-iluriys have imi IkiimI Hit tlmiaRl nl Cuains anil ShcrlK-ts nmt Lakes Also, i-aii supply families at shortest notite til larne 01 small ipiantilies. So ironic in K,M), lime anl have some liiii' lee Cnaiti and Caked itul duii't iofKet-lhat nt Strauss' ytm willct The liest ol Ice Cream, ami where alwa.is polite and atteiitivr ivmt- eis ill he phiiMil lo serve. CoitK- early emne oi'teii, eome one, eouie nil, and j;ivc 011r friend Strauss a ood many callH, Very respeetlully, K.STHAISS, llia.MMH I'roprietnt. GESAR'S HEAD HOTUL wii.i. 111: oi'i-:ni-:ii i-ok -i sa.w Op ISHil The Firt of Jtgc. The loi-.-uiMii , ,h, iliitel 011 tlicsiiiiimil ol Ca-s.ir's Ilea, Moui.tioil. an oiitlvinu sour ol the llluc KhIkc, in ii,per l.omli Carolina., allurils a eliniau- an, I nal- r 1111 -ipinleil. as a summer resort it lias uopaiallel in thi. Soulh, AVERAGE TEMPERATURE, FROM 60 TO 70 . Whilst its 1111t11t.il sceuerv is v :i s il anil Krauil Ik voiuI coiieeption. t'oiuU.rt ot quests care I'ullj eonsiilieil. I.iieiy aaiiilaili mail. l-:,-i-. ilj reached Irom Ashmilc ill one ilav, orlroui lleiich-i-sonvilk- In hall 11 ila.i , nur ililittittul ro.-uls, through a roiiiautie anil ch.rmsi; cmititry, 1. a. iiji.i;s. mavl.-.iltf AUIUCN I'AKK lIOTIiL, AND FAMILY COTTAGES, miles south ol' Asheville, on tilt A r.'llliouil is now open lor the season. 1-or ciri-ulars aihlress TIH IS A. MORRIS, l'lo..1, inny2ill" A n lei.,, N. i.-. ICcnrsiii HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUR mm W AYNI-SYII.I.1-, N. C, l-'AKIv I'llK UOI NIi TKII', . $1.75 neneiiiK July 1, a seial train will leave Asheville every Sunday at K.:tr, a. 111. KcliiruiiiK leave Wa ynesvillc at II i. 111. This Kivm the eillitellH if Asheville ami her slimmer quests an apportiinit v to visit the rimoiis llavwooil White Sulphur SpriiiKS. i'lieic are 211 acres of ilcnstly sh.-olcil lawn, nail plenty ol' seats. Our conveyances will: meel passcuccrs at tin st itioii. Ilotclaccoiu.. niodations in Kcucral uiiMirpasscil. U. I. ti. .Viicil fc Hon, itilT dim I'ropriijors:. l.v. Ashcvill.-. Ar. Waynesvillc, " Jarrett's, I No. IS I s.'ir.am I 11147am ! 5 4Npm l.v. Jarrett's, Ar. Wavnesville, " Asheville, I No. 17 I KIMlam .'12.ripm I lill2piu Mr- Sleeping curs on all niht trains. JAS. 1.. TAVI.OR, w. A. WI.NIII RN, ll. 1'. A. i. p A. SOI.. HAAS. T. M. Coniini tniiiK June .III. the I'oIIowiiik I'assen- Ker I ram Service will lie operated on Sun days between Asheville anil Waynesvillc: WI-ST. - j ,,.ST .No. 12. I STATION'S. N u'. N .15aiu!l.v. H or, anil " !l nPain1 " II 2Hainl " ! 47ani " III li." ain1 " 111 24aniArr. TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike. N.C. This heaiitilul Hummer resort is sitnateij immediately 011 the Murphy Division of Uhc W. N. C. K. K-, halt way iH'twern Asheville and Wavnesville, uiiioiik the most attractive scenery in the mountains. The hotel is new ami well furnished, lar; e and well ventilated. TcUKiaph and Post I Itliees in the house. l-'icsh inuttoii, milk and liuttcr supplied from the premises. Parties can leave Asheville in the iimmlng. lake dinner and return ill theevi uhiK. I'or terms and other inforniati apply to J. C. .SlIIHtllCI'N, jtll.'t d:im Manager. PRIVATIJ IIOAKI). Nl-:w llol'Sli! NliWI.V FI'KNISIIIilU AM. MOIUCKN IMPRHVI-MI-NTS, MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B.ATKINSON, No. 21 1 Haywood Street. Jiin22 dl v pirn-ATI-: HOAR 1 1. A Inruc. airv house. Illx Patioii Atrim. on strict ear line. I'.ood location. Terms :i iii.-i! il, . t Vood fare. .i'll-l-d.'lm MRS. J. 1.. SM ATIII-:rS. JJoar: HKS. Asheville Arr I 7 .".'I pm Sulphur SpriiiKs " t 7 2spm llommy " 7 I4imi Turnpike I'iKcon River Clyde Waynesvillc Lv. ti ntl pin e ;t7 pm ti 1 ti pm ti III) pill J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Main St. frl)2()d I v JOTICB, W ill collect debts for anyone In thceitv for I-, wooii menu ics lor rent.ne and eol- lectuiK rents on houses. Will sell furniture on wei-kly puyiueiits. ,1. II. JOHNSON, At Illmr's I'umitiire Store, 37 i'ntton Avenue. Relerr-nees uiven mnr14ir,ni Mrs W. p. I'enlev is irepaied to take a w nice boarders at .'tilli N. Main st u-rmi. mis 01 the street car line. Table Rood, terms reasonable. Julia dim MRS. S. STEVENSON Has removed to the Johnston Itiiildiim. I'atJ ton avenue, corner of Church street, where she is prepared to keep ret-ular or transient bonrdcrs. Table furnished with the best the market atlords. Termsrensoiiablr. uiar.'llnif, JAMKS FRANK, nRALKR IN FAMILYGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. Asheville, N. C. North Main feblOdly McDowell Co., TV. C. I Situated on the W. N. C. R. K. An InmrV. ride from Asheville.) I'irst class in every respect. Mineral waters I.ithia. Iron, Alum ami Iron. Red uud White Sulphur and Magnesia. The most pietuiesiuc spot ill Western. North Carolina. Terms reasonable. Sicciul rates to fanii-. lies. iul'.l d.'lni J. Bulow Erwin, Irorictor. A NBW IIKKII, rnrefullv prepared bv lead ins memlH-rs of the Asheville liar (on finest parrhmeut nnd li.uvv nl nmirri isn- vniiK all neeessiirr points. )nt ont and now on sole at the titnee of the Citizkn Pi'bi.isii-. "1 Co , No. North Crmrl SlqnnrF. nnt"tr ."V-Jt ".'UW ' Vis.l''