THE DAILY CITIZKN. The Citizrn la the most extensively circu lated anil widely read newspniier in Western North Carolina. Its discussion of public men and measure ia in the interest of pulilii intcKrity, honest Kovcrnnicnt, and prosiierous industry, and it knows no iicrsomtl allegiance in trentitiKputi lic issues. The Citizkn publishes the dispatches of the Associated Press, which now covers the whole world in its scoie. It has other fneili tks of advanced journalism for Kiithcrin: news from all quarters, with cvcrvthiiiKCnrc lully edited to occupy the smallest space. Siiccinicn copies of any edition will lie sent f-ee to any one sendine their address. Thhms Daily, $ti for one year; $:l for six iilonths ; fill cents for one month ; IT cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the paicriii every part of the city to subscribers, and par tics wanting it w ill please call ut the Citizk.n lice. A nVKKTIslM- Katks Reasonable, and made known on application at this otlicc. AM transient advertisements must be paid in ad vance. Kcndinr. notices ten cents iter Hue. Obitu ary. marriage and society notices lifly cents each I not exceeding ten lines) or fifty cents per inch. SATTKPAY, AlCI'ST in, 1SS!. COnMI'TATION OF PKXAI.TV. A SKii;il UUniin from K.ik-ih in formed us nil Tlnirsihu nielli llt;it fniv. l-'iiwlc li.-il cnmiiiiitcil the ilcatli sentence of I'livid Hell, of M.tillsuii county, to hiivc Ikvcii i-xc-cutcil on the lt'ith insl., to ill) i ris hi moil t for lili- ;il hard labor in 1 1 if (K'nitfiitiary. It is no love of capital iiiinishiiifiiL, no fjloatin for tin- lilmul ol a victim, that vc take invasion to dissent lroiii this SKfial f xiifisf ol f xtv utivc e Icnic m-v, bin liccaiisc, it the law ilcliuitiy tin- nature anil lixiito, llif (K-nalty of llic crime for which Hill was ciinvictcil was ritilil . thin the ocfnsion for its vigorous cnhircciucnt had arriviil. Then- was an atrocity anil brutality about this special aft which has few parallels in such utl'cnccs; there was a violation of the confulfiicc im posed upon his honor and bis manliness which stamped Hell as. 'Milan with whom no dealings could thereafter be had; a man who had wilfully and wickollv thrust himself I icy i mil the pa If of huuiaui ty, and beyond the reach of human mcr cy. It occurs to us that the evidence in trodiiccd on the trial establised a 'iiilt of peculiar blackness; and there was HCiicral sentiment that the verdict and the senti 'ice were fniiufiitly just. What after-evidence (.lint has come to liht cannot invalidate fads clearly cstab lished, They can pi to the extent only so far as we know, of siucsthu.' the mental irresponsibility of the affiiscd. In that fasf, and in that only, does it a pf.'ir to us that clemency is judiciously in tcrposcd. Wf do not understand how or why il is that in criminal cases, after Jiufu'c Solicitor and jury, after careful hearing ami siftiuo of evidence and wciyhint; o arguments, have reached the momentous conclusion of 'nilt, they should start back with .-1 llrili t, as it were, al what they had done, and make haste to recede and rescue the victim, as they now construe him to be, from the fate t which they had solemnly consigned him. as if they had done awful wron. They have no riht so to trillc with those rave responsibilities, If they wcrcriyht in the first instance they should bravely stand to their conclusions. It is not they, as individuals, who have done it but the sworn othcers ot the law; it is not their caprice nor their passion, theii hate or their prejudice that solves the ipiestioti of uill or innocence. It is tin law and the evidence, and they stand rc- licved of tiei-sniial responsibility when thfy obt-y its mandates. If the laws be wrniiH. if I hey be harsh, cruel, unjust, rc iealj them. While they stand, execute them. This facile yielding to every wail of sympathy, to every sucstion of ten derness is what makes the rifjid cxcfii tion of the law so distrusted, and makes apK-aI to mob law so ready and t're- ipient. Law is a terrorto evildoers only when it is cnlorccd with certainty. Its uncertain cnforfcnifiit argues that so ciety has no rights to be protected; and that all the machinery of law is to be used only for the protection of thosewho assail those rights. When such comes to be understood as rccopiutcd distinction, then society, when outraged, will take the law into its own hands. It will be justified in so doinj;, lieeause all other re course is denied it. HRAiNAttK i-' mi u ihi:i:k. The last Ilcndcrsonville Times says: "Work on the Mud creek canal has la-en delayed by the heavy rains for over a week. It will licpn as soon as the wa ters subside sutlicicntly lor the hands to U into the swamp, liveryboily on the creek has "conic in" and will do the work, thereby obviating the necessity of an assessment. The commissioners de serve the thanks of all for the very effi cient and impartial manner in which tliev have located thcroutc. When these lauds shall have been drained thev will lie the richest, not onlv in this section but the entire Slate." We notice it lieeause the work to lie done interests not merely Henderson county, but affects beneficially the finan cial condition of the whole State by the additions to lie made both bv State and county revenue. The area to be brought into cultivation is lietweeu 1 .1,1 Mil I and UD, 11(1(1 acres of land cxiilieranlly rich, cs liccially productive in corn and grasses. Mr. Darker, who lives on the south side of the creek, opposite Ilcndcrsonville, has proved its value, his corn crops standing as thick and luxuriant on the tracts he hnsililclieil and drained as if they grew on the Mississippi bottoms. The existence of a broad creek Imttoni reiuiriiiK the work of laborious and costly drainage npiicnrs to lie an anoni aiy in tue mountains, ami is imiecd a re markable one. Mud creek, rising a few miles west of Hendersonville, in a range of mountains jutting out from the Blue Kidge towards the north with an exten sion of eight or ten miles, first flows cast parallel with, and a very few feet liclow the summit level of the Illuc Kidge, which is along here much depressed 2,2"i) feet nnd with very little cost, might Ik drained over the mountains into the val ley of Hungry river. Hut the barrier is high enough to divert the course of the stream northward, in which direction it flows for a few miles, when it again turns westward, and falls, after a course of about twenty miles, into the French Broad only six or eight miles below its source. Throughout its whole length, with the exception of the upper tributary branches, it flows through a flat swamp of front SIM) to I, Mi) yards in width, resembling, except in its vegetation, the swamps of the eastern counties, nunc more so than LuiiiIht river in Richmond and KoIhsoii counties. The growth is water oak, red birch, maple pine, and a thick tangle ol brainhle, graic vines and cane. A strongclcarcuncnt of from thirty to fifty feet wide passes through it, cut ting out of the bank in high water, form ing numerous thoroughfares and mud lagoons, hid in the summer with the pond lily. The soil is very rich from source to mouth. There is not a particle of mias ma, and one may enjoy as pure anil healthful ail close alongside this swamp as on the top of I'isgah. Neither arc there any mosipiilos. Thecllcct of reclamation now going on will lie to add a large bodyof arablclauil to the area of cultivation, every inch ol which, except that taken up by the cur rent, can be put to use. livery acre will produce, with ordinary skill least fifty bushels of corn, ur three Ions of grass. And the opcrationo!" drainage, owing to the greater fall ol water ran lie effected with much less difficulty ami greater completeness than nllcmls the drainage of the swamp lands in the east ern counties. We regard this aslhcinosl important work vet undertaken in this section except that of railroad construc tion, I HAXKI.IX .4X11 IIKVSON I'lTV. The Swain Count v Herald gives an ac count of a railroad meeting held recfulb in liryson City to consider the feasibility of making railroad connection bclwrrn t he towns above named. It is a subiffl wi ll worth considering, well worth push ing to completion; and both Macon and Swain count ies should exert their ctlorls to effect it; the fust county more lively than the last, lor Swain has facili ties already, while Macon is lucl-cil up wilhout outlet. Among the projects '.-onsiilcrcd was that of an electrical road. That is by no means a fanciful or chiniercial project; lor the day perhaps is noi far disianl when electricity will lie a universal mo live power for railroads. Hut in this .-asc il is premature, besides being ton costly for the means ofilic projectors. Such road would be isolated Iroui all others, dependent upon iis own machin ery and rolling stock; whereas, it should be the object of the builders to make it a link in a chain capable of indefinite c ensiou.iu that case making use ol the notice power ami rolling slock of the roads with which il first becomes con- icctcd. More than fifty years ago the Malum lap road, beginning in ('.corgia and run ning across Norlli Carolina through the ounlies ol Macon and Swain on its way o Cincinnati was begun, and much osily work done in ('.corgia. Then it slopped, and no subsequent effort has .-vcr sueeceedcil in galva 'iing it into ac :ion. "1'wo rival companies hold eliar lers over the route. Whether they arc iilaying a dog in the manger policy oi not we cannot tell. Hut the franchise is too valuable to lie unused, and Macon county has too much at slake to sutler ucb condition without effort lochange il. Macon cannot afford lo stand still .chile all around is lifeaud progress. Ma con with larger resources than any of licm, with an earlier and a better start, aniiiit act the sluggard wilhout fatal niiury lo herself. Wcarc sure there are men in Macon ible and willing lo "lead the way out ol the wilderness. Mr.Cieo. A. Jones thinks here will be no difficulty in securing HMi, lino in Macon by the issue of bonds, we suppose; and we arc sure lit is right. Now Id somct bing he under taken hi earnest. The following sugges ion, in the line of action made in the nccling, has good sense in it: "Il was also suggested that lorrrs- pondence be okiiciI with the K. M- ). leople anil sec il thev would lake hold ol 'he line provided the counties would bond themselves for the above amount." Iivcryonc, almost, who has visited knoxville has met Mr. I'crcz liickiuson. retired merchant of wealth, and has been taken by him, or sent out by him. to his beautiful and extensive Island larni, a visit never to be forgotten as a icciiiicu of fine agricultural develop ment, or as a perlcct specimen of land scape farming. Remembering with pleas ure such visits have given our old friend. ill who know him will be pleased to hear o! a piece of good fortune which has iccrucd to him. 1 luring the war (Jen. Ilurnside destroyed a quantity of cotton bcloiiL-ing to Mr. liickiuson for the value of which subsequently he obtained judgment before the court of claims for $;Mi,tMMI, lor which his attorney in the case, Col. Woods, was given a draft by the treasury department, payable to Mr Dickinson. Woods wanted as his lee one fourth ol the recovery, or $l' f, (MM), which Mr. I), refused to allow, and also rc- lused to endorse the draft, still in Woods hands. The draft was siibsciiicntlv re lumed to the treasury, and Secretary l-'airchild issued two new drafts, both payable to liickiuson, but gave one ol $1M,0!MJ to Woods, the other to Dickin ., Tl... 1....... i . noo. i ne i.illct iciiiseii to endorse either, and Woods brought suit to estab lish his right to a lien on the judgment, which suit was dismissed lor want of jur isdiction, livenlually these two drafts were also returned to the treasury, and icting Secretary llatchcllor has just or dered a draft lor the full amount of the claim to Ik- issued to Mr. Dickinson. leaving the question of fees to be settled between the parlies. at Dr. I'arkerl'rayscrcani Van-Ola, Rosa line, Ongaline and Diamond nail powder having now become the ladies' favorites. it 1". L. Jacob's drug store, these popular manicure articles may always lie lound, together with pocket emery Imard, or- inge wood sticks, nail scissors, files ami I other such rctpiisitcs. Also a complete line ot drugs and toilet articles, in addi tion to the llclic Soda Fountain from which ice cold drinks are dispensed. Cor ner Main street and I'atton avenue. The expression "the lonji anil the short of it" is never belter understood than when man longs for money when he is short of it. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ; combination of iiakuains. If .von mi-c looking fin- tin1 best o-ooils for tin' It'iisl iiitnicv ("ill Mostic Bros. & W'Viji'lit. Tlit'ir stock is sini)l,v iiiuiH'iisi'. iiiul fivsli. nnd it niifilit well be wnrtli ;i Jew's eye to you to inspect their roods whileon the buy. ClothiiiK ' ClotliiiiJt ! A lull iiiul complete line ol' Cents' Keiuly M;nle Clot hiiitf, Mini it must tit), jis we iire cleiirin-r out for Fiilliirrivnls. Il.-its iiiul dents' Furnish inir (iootls il double supply on liiind. in which we offer speciid hi i rjrii ins. Dress oI.s. Just opened the very l;it est product ions of imported iind American inaiiiifact ures ami trimuiiii'is to match. Choice extra line fabrics, medium and lower rrades. calculated to suit anybody. Parasol. For the next few days we offer our uneiualed line of Ladies' and ( hildreiis' tine Parasols at trreatly reduced rates, coniprisintrplain Silks, fancies in Plaids and St ripes with colored sticks at all prices. We can suit anybody Table Linen. Towels, etc. in Ituots and Shoes. We will make il to your in terest to inspect our well se lected stock of Ladies' ami Mens' Fine Shoes, medium and lower Tildes. Our Barirain Counters are still at tract in".' and pleasing t he barirain seekers. A full line of Directory Kin-h-ino- just in. When you call foraiiythiiiir in the Dry (loodsliiieyoii will not be bolhered with that old chestnut "Just out.'' Respect fully. BOSTIC BUOS. & WKHiHT. HOOKS AM) STATION ICR Y, artists' materials, i;m;im:i;iis' siti'I.ii;s, I'KTTKKS AMI 1-KAMIiS, FANCY Coitl'S. III.AMi HOOKS, I VI;k V liKAUli, imi.i.s. Toys ami i;ami:s. III i I'll I-IIUTIMIKAI'IIIC AMI H A N I PAINTlili, AT ESTAKROOK'S, 22 S. HI a in Street. ARTHUR 31. FIELI, LEADING JEWELER. Siurfssur Ut - II. I,. LAN.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Practical Watchmaker and ICnjfravcr, (;uaim ah; optician Wc nnikf u sptiialty ot' repairing Watthi's that have never kept mn time or that have failed at the hands of inennipetetit workmen. Parties wanting Koud jlasseM can have their eyed examined free of charge. We oiler at retail for :tu days the following oods at wholesale priees: :( oz. Ore Silver Genuine liliti or Wal- tham Wateh JI-.H." 2 oz. Coin Silver ".iio Also speeial bargains in Cloeks and Jewelry. A tine assortment of I'tnlirellaH and fane. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION-" Is thai line lot of li.N'i'.I.ISH IIKIIU.liS nnil TIIKIiE-llllKN CHAMOIS SKAT SAlllll.liS J. M. ALEXANDER'S Anil the low irieen at which he in sclliiiK nil KooiIh in hiH line. lie ha increnseil his fiirce ami intenils to meet the ilcniiuul. SATISFACTION I'.l'AKA.NTIiliU. JRlVATli IX1AK1J. MRS. C. R. KI1PP, VJ'J Haywood Si reset, (Formerly of York, I'cnnaylranin. I First-Clara ilonrd. Blcunntly Funiishcd Rooms. Terms reasonable. aul) dlw MISCIiLLAXIiOrS. FOR BOYS. We have -i nicelineof I'oys' Suits, such makes as lloircrs. Peet cV Co. Uonuli iiiul Tumble, etc., well made, neat and stylish. To close out a few broken lines we have made extremely low prices on theni. ill cost ami some below cost. Ziefrler Bros." Boys' Shoes arc the best wearers you can buy and are alwavs sill isfaHorv. II. REDWOOD & CO. One Iriee Striellv. SCHOOLS. trinity coi.i.i:;i:. I'lUr.'iiift cv.Tiiiii.ittiMis Sept. ,"i Mini I. Ki-t-itnlifiis ami l.i i't urrs hi-iu pn TiiplI Si pi St ut 1 fur in fiit;il iif ut i niff 1 1 1 Ji Ml N i'. CKi Vi;i.l.. Pnsi-lt ill, juii'-'ii il-'ni Triuiiv C'tilUr, N.C St. 3Iar's School, RaleiKli. C. The NiiKtv l'illli Scnil Aniiiuil Sissiou lie- 14MIS miimiay. si:i'-i i-;m i-.i-;k fj, iss-i. I'or caul. 'inns, .-ulilrcss the Sector, REV. BEMMETT SMEDES. A. M. RAVENSGROFT HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASHEVILLE. N. C. Ronald KlaeOoiialtl, It. A Head Master. Tin- scholastic year will open wi:iiM-:sh.Y, si;i-ri:.i iu;k is. Tuition in all lu aiiclic an. I every expense, $:ion pcr anni,1N. i; scholars $so ,-i it ti ii i ti . I-'' i flirt In i iiil.ii inaiiuii ai.ilt-css K-;-, 1 II. Ill l-.l., Ash, Mile. N. C. Illllil Si-pt. l alter that ad. Ires- M K. !.'( INA I.I I MacIuiN, llea.l Muster. jnlL-7 ,; ICtiV.lisli and I'reneli BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. ..n l i,ml, p.,,,;l Avenue. IVWS. BUKUWYN IHAITLAND. . PRINCIPAL. mi- maiiv .ll r-'ii's A s si i, ) ; 1 1 I ' ri nei 1 hi 1 iif Ml n mi-iii inc. n.-illiiniire. I Assistcil liy . em 1 in i, lapcntcnt leaclici- The cinirsi .il iiiMnu lion inclnilcs tllcllsll lniKlish l.iaa.h,- iiiil, I'nncli nnil Latin lixtrns-Mn-ic. i.irniaii. An Neeille Work I'ainlini; mi ( hiaa. Haii, iiiK aml i,inv. Special atlinlaai Kiini tl, n,t. trainhlK Utile Kil ls. iuikI il-lll SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, Salini, V. LARGEST. OLDEST AND BEST FEMALE COL LEGE IN THE SOUTH. IMSMfill ,, ,s AllKIIsI -J 7 ISK'I. I-acilIt .io I rnlessois ami Uacliels. SK-cinl feature - . '' i '''.'ii i naiaelcr. llealtn am intellect. I ol y ..un,,.,, 1'renniatoi v am Colleiale iliparliiieiils, liesiiles lirst-class . . -. i '.asic. .ii? Landmines ami Colli Scnil lor Calrilueai,. o, ., lv i-'i c .i. ii. ci.Kwin.i., .iii.l il.Vww Principal. Albemarle Female Institute. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. i iisiiipassni loi tliii-.,iii;liiiessiil inslnictioii In-.'iltliliilin-ss ami u-antv ur sitiiMli.m lit. -ill tics i..rci.iin.irt. imiral aml reliuioiis tone .n.i.s, m trait. ( mli r caliili. cla ve. I'. lllCKINSilN, il taiii;! I. tn th sat Principal. UINVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Cliapcl Hill, IV. C. Tl... , : . . - .. . ... ... -. stsKiuii ucKms.-scpi.;i, i.hnii. I 11 or- "una insii-iielion is ntlercil in I. teraliire s.-i. ciiee. Philiisiiphv anil l.nw. Tuition. $:illicr l;nr catalogue mlrlress III IN. K liM P P. IIATTI.H, jiild ileiiililw tu th sat Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES EANS $4 bHOE JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs. lMi.S8-M8HOB ... ..n.ujr uaey ,ne nm flpjp (j 3 SHOE Is abaiilutrly the ly tH of IL prlc wMch lin cvpr been placed e. unilvcly on the market in wnicn aonbllity men out lk ward Ihr the iVT4 s H 4v ,.4PPar. Jlcani ti Sboe for Boyl J. MEANS 4c CO., Iloaioa. Fall line sf the above nhoca for sale by For Snlc Hostlc Bros. H W'rljtlit, ASIIIiVILLK, N. C. fehSilri.lm t th Mt nnd Whiskey Has. Its cured st noma with out pain. Book of par. Ucnlsrasent FRET. BM.WOI1IXKT.1I.Dl ' AUsau, iiav. mDoo SM WoUaUkU v fehindawlT tilth sat E L.'vic.. mm OPIUP THE RACKET COLUMN. KEEPING IT UP ! ! Vi I rii'il in write nir inl- vi-rt isi'iiicnl ;iiiiMiiiiiiiii,ii' our jji'iil of Liiwn 1 )n 'sscs so pl.-iiii- Iv tliiit no oih' coiilil inisiiii-l"rst,-ni(l it. Wc luivi iH'vcr iiie.'iiit I h.-it wc would iivc ii lifiw n lrcss wit Ii ( tue )oll;ir"s AVI i t Ii of any f our ffootls xolil. luit only wit Ii ii's wortli of Ihi'ss floods, .-mil wc cspcci.-illv c.ccitc(l White (iooiIs. Our rciisons were these: Wc iirc i'oiii1'' to iplit kcciin' .-ill kinds of Dress ( ioods, except White (ioods, .iinl in order to dear them out we liive these I;iwns ,i wily, litits of l.iidies luivc iiviiilcd Iheinsclves of our offer, but wc 1 Ii I ve (plite; pile of the Lawn yet which we shiill coiitiniie to;ive ;iw;l,v. hile ,-it t he siiuic t inie wcsell I he Kress (Ioods thiit j;'o with it nt cost. Our stock of White (Ioods. Flouiicin's. L.-iwns. Indiii Linens, pliiiu iiid dotted Swisses. Iijirred .M iislins.ii ud otlier tln'n floods suitiilile for t hcsciison is verv l.'iriic. ; l in I we filliiriintce (he prices t o lie ils low ;is those ol iinyliody, Our white Ioods. I liiiliroidcrics, 1 1 1 1 1 1- mrus. Li i ces iind Kilfiinj-'s ire nil new. fresh fi-oods. No need to clcilll t hem ;i ft or Voll et tlicin. luit nr pootlfi. nnd sold ;is low iisothcrsthiit .-ire lly-spcckcd iind shop-worn. nnil in many rusrs tower. If pcojile will exjiiiiine licl'ore 1 hey liny wc will lie content . Wc wish wu could impress Upon our people the filet thill our store is the plnce to buy their Shoes. We probiilily li;ivetlieiiii'i;-cst stock in town outside of ii rejiuliir shoe store, from ;i Ladies' I'ebble (loiit. button, tluit we war rant solid leather, top. hot torn, insult' nnd out. for 1 .27. to a line French Kid. We haven .Mnn'sShoein Lace iind Congress the "Racket Shoe" which we have made. Wcsell them at 2. and will match them with any shoe sold in Asheville for .ft2.."i), "A'linrantfH'iii"-ours to be equal in quality, style and lit. Of course we keepall thechenper "Tildes, both for men and women, suitable for rouh wear, iind when we can f'et people to priccthem we rarely fail to sell. We ha ve a full sized Mexican Orass Ham mock for fl.(iS wortli .f2. Lots of cheaper ones also. Iliiininock Stretchers i ts. eiich. 2, :. 4, ( iind H-qunrt Ice ('ream Freezers, every one warranted sis i'ood ns mi,v ninth', iind where nl'ti-r trinl they tail to give perfect satis faction ire it'turii tho money. prices be-iin at l.."nS for quarts. We have a few suits of light weight Clothing which we are anxious to sell, not anxious enough to sell them fit cost, but willing to sell them lowertliiiiiiiiivniiin in Asheville will match them for. We keepeverythingiind only ask that you see whet her we have what you want be fore you buy. Another sup ply ofMiitches.2.")c.perdozen oxes of ;t(K)s others ask ITn-. for 200s. (lo to all the stores iind trice goods if you wish to. We only ask that you w ill not hny until you have juiced ours. KesiMttfiilly, GEO.T. JONES & CO. N. Y. Office, 466 Broadway. I MISCh'l.l..'li(rS. ONE YEAR AGO. The finest and best equip ped Drug Store in North Car olina was opened in Asheville by T. C. Smith & Co.-After eighteen years of prosperity in the wholesale and retail drug business fit Charlotte, thev sold out and moved to Asheville, where they secured the best and handsomest storeroom in thecity litted up in style, with nil the la test appliances and conveniences possessed by other modern I rug stores. Twelve months have passed since this vent ure Wiis made they Iind the outlook fiir ahead of their expect at ions business grow ing larger monthly, having already reached a solid basis. Their success demonstrates what Asheville will do, for those who come here with "the know how." Prescrip tions and general business have poured into this New Drug Store until necessity compels t he employment of a large force of thoroughly competent clerks. This new linn do not want theearth, only ii small part of it. They arc entering the second year of t heir business career with new snap, large stock, ample raw cash to make Inrgcaddi Ih ns.big trade already es tablished, a successful piist and ii bright future. These facts show what can be done for those who have a well grounded faith in the com mercial importance of out growing city for those who have the nerve to burn all the bridges behind them, iind give proper attention to their business. The people are kindly asked to continue (heir favors to this prosper ous iind busy drug store, where every article sold is warranted us represented, or purchase money refunded. Address T. C. Smith & Co., Lending Wholesale and Re tail ami Prescription Drug gists. Asheville. N. ( '. RICHMOND IIANVII.I.F. RAII.ROAII COMPANY. tWestern North ei'U'l.nn Division.) I'assi:m;i:h Dki-autmknt. Asmkvii.i.k. N. C, lime l. ls.N',1. I I'ASSKNOIJK TWAIN "sc 1 1 I.I i: ' I .Ii. I.N KKI'KCT .rvK2. IsH'.l; I No. I I No. "..-I j I.v. Anlleville, Ar. Snlinliurv, Danville," "- l.ynehliui'ji, " Washington ' italtiinore, ' I'liila., " New York, " Huston, lll iin I 1 .r t.pni 4-L'ii.-iiii r .i.'ipiii I '.M.7.-1111 1 louupiii IHlpm lU'.'r.anil 7 l:iim l5:tam xrilipm N'.'oani ll'.Mlptll ItlTlllll lillllfltll 1 llptlll :i:ui.iii ;i(ii,ni j ' Kiehinoiul. I .'l;tllpin .'iirialill " RnleiKli, I 111'Jpinl H:tiiaiii " ('.olilHliorii, I .'tltlpiil llj.rillpiil " Wilmington liniiiinl I No. r.-i I N.'llliim '.121 lam I 1 1 ri)uni I fl.lllpni I.v. Asheville, Ar. Ilenilersonville, Ar. Spartanli'g " Chai-lotte, " Colunilna, " Charleston, " AUK'USta, " Snvannall, " Thoillasville, Co Jiu-ksonvlllc " Atlanta, ' Monti?oin'y " Mi. Ink. " New I Irlenns 44llpni II lilpni !ll).ripm l 1 finni 1 40pm Illllil 111 KIKlpni 7 l.'ruim 1 rifipin Tropin I No. n I.v. Spartanliuri;. At-. Ilenilersouville, ' Asheville, I aniniii I l!ll7pm I 7lltlpin I No. nn 1 No. ns 1 No. r.4 I.v. Asheville. 7 4i lam '.i Sua in 1 lupin li 1 op 111 1 nam 7 41 lam tl S( la in 1 lllpm (ill mill n.'tnpm 7 4riim 4 44iun (I lllpm N!illpm f 41 lain Gilpin 444pm li lllpm K.ri(lpm 7 1 5am 1 1 4ram l:illpin' 74.-iin 7nrpni Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, ' ChattmrKa, " Memphis, I.v. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxrille, " Louisville, " Cineinnati, " Chie.iKo, " St. Louis, 8 4llpm MCHIMI Y H RANCH. I No. 1M I.v. Asheville, Ar. Wnvnesville, " Jarrett's. n:-.nani I III 1.7am J ." 4Kpm I No. 17 I.v. Jarrett's, Ar. Waynesville, " Asheville, I Hiiliiin, :i sr. pin I lillSptll S- SleepiiiK ears on all niht trains. IAS. I.. TAYLOR, V. A. WlNlll'KN, I". A. I). V A. Sill.. HAAS, T. M. ConiiueneiiiK June .'111, thefollow-itiK I'llsseir Ker I ram Serviev will lie oieruteil 011 Sun ilays lietweeu Asheville and Waynesville: WI5ST. I No. IS. I s :i.-nuuLv. K ri.-ianil !1 llliiiml " tl SManil it 47 am in il.-iiiint " lo S4amlArr I HAST. I No. 11 KTATIDNS. Asheville Sulphur Springs Air I 7 n.'lpm 7 SK pin 7 14 inn lloininy " Tiirnnike I'iKeon River " Civile Wayiu-sville Lv. II Tilt pm fl :I7 pm ii lllpm ti lllipm J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Main St. lehsndiv JDTICH. Will eollet t drills for anyone in the ritv for !. - """'i" ir remind ami eol- leetini: rents on houses. Will Mil luniilure on weekly paynients. .(. B. JllllNSliN. At Itlnir's l-iirnitiirr store, , 37 I'Htton Avenue. Krfrren.-es civen mnrltilHm JAM IiS FRANK, IIBAI.KB IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Auent for Rerms Crtek Woolen Mill.. North Main . AsbcvUlc, N. C. fcblOdly Htm-us. STRAUSS' RESTAURANT AMI NEW ICE CREAM GARDEN. ICIcclrlc t ars Past tlic Iuor. I hen-will till tin- pulilie thnl this il,,,-. May 1. I have milled to my well known Kes. taiirnnt a line Ice Cream Garden, Tin- same litis been titml tip iuatl- for the oc lasiuii ami I vill ahvnvs have on linml the mis anil Sherliets flnil Cakes Also, ean supply lamilies at shorlt-Kt notiee in Iiuki- or small iiiantities. So eimie in Kooil time anil have some line lee Cream anil Cakes anil ilon't linnet that at Strauss' you willj;tt'. Tlic Hcsl ol" Ice Cream, iiiul w here always polite anil attentive wait . eis will he pleaseil to serve. Come enrlv.. eoilie ol'teil, eonie one, eonie all, nnil Kivf your Irieml Slrauss a koihI many calls. Very rcsiieetfully, li. STKAl'SS, iiiilyU'iltf I'loprietor. CESAR'S HEAD IIOTKL VYIt.l. III! ( IOK Till! SliASdN: OF ISS'J (IN The First ol' June. The loentiiiii of this Hotel on the summit oif i';esai--s Heml Mouulaiu, an oiltlyiui spuror llie lllue KiilKe, in upur South Carolina., atVoi-ils a elimatc anil water utu-ipialetl. As a summer resort it has uopurallel in the: South, AVERAGE TEMPERATUKE, FROM 60" TO 70v 'hilsl its iiaturat seenery is vai; Vil anil utaind ''i-yoiul eiiiH-eptiou. C lol l, tt xut-sls eiim- 1 ill I.v eonsulleil. I.iveiv mJplpily mail KSs- ly re.-ulieil IViim Ashevil'e in, one ilav, orh-om I lenileisouville iu llall a, iJiia , over 1I1 li;lilliil nails, IhrouKh u loiiiiintu.' uuil eli.-u miiiK olliltry, k. a. ni 1 1. 1 ;s. niavirultf AKIICN t'AHK JIOTIX AND FAMILY COTTAGES, :, ttiili s smith ol Atilu vilU-. on the A. S. .'iiitnaii is now open lor the hi'mnhii. For eireulars address T1KJS A. MOKKIS, 1'rop'r, niny'.Mtr .nUn, N. C. TURNPIKE HOTEL, Turnpike, N.C. This lieautirul summer resort is sitawtiril iiuiiu-iliiilely on the Murphy Divisive f the . V. N. C. R. K.. hall way iH-lwrnt Asheville mil Wayni-sville, autoiiK the most altraetivr; seenery in the mountains. Till- hotel is new anil well I'm nisllcil., ho-); ni'l well venlilateil. TiUmapli 9hI I'osti llliees in the house-. Fresh mutton, milk ami butter sin.nt 'loin the prelliises. I'arties ean leave Asheville in the morniUK 'ake dinner anil retain in thi-eveninK. For terms ami other iufornialion. imply to J. C. Sinatlicr.H, jul.'t il:iin MuniiKrr I'll IV ATIi BOARD, NliW IIIICSH! NliWl.l I'I'RNISIIIvIlt Al.l. MIIDKKN l.Ml'KuVliMI-NTS. MRS. E. J. THYLER AND MRS N. B. ATKINSON, No. 1M1 Haywood Street, ill v .inn JKIVAT I1DARII. A larite, mry house. :I1N Fntton Avenue, nil street enr line. C001I loealion. Ternm reasoualile. Cooil fare. jiiltil.lm MRS. ,. L. SM ATIII-RS. jJOAUIiKRS. Mrs W. I'. I'enlev is prepaH-d to take a lew niei- lioanlers at .Hill N. Main St.. lermi. mis of the strei t ear line. Tnlile mioil. I runs reasonable. iiilisdlm MRS. ST STEVENSON Mas removed to the Johnston lluildinKl PntJ ton avenue, corner ot Chureh utreet. w here she is prepared to keep rexular or transient hoarders. Talile furnished with the best the miirketutloril.. Terms reasonable. innr.tlmO ROUNDKNOBHOTEL McDowell Co., N. C. ISituateil on the W. N. C. R. R. An fiour- ride from Asheville.) First class in every resset. Minernl wnlcra I.ilhia. Iron, Alum ami Iron. Red and White Sulphur and MiiKilesin. The most picturesiuc spot in Western North Carolina. Terms reasonable. Sieeiul rates to lami lies. J. Bulow Krwin, Croprletor, jula (Mm Biiindfinnfi Or tho Liquor Habit, Positively Cured ul.iV?'S"a!n UKV ieir. -IrJi ?Siii U B bw'tly harmieM ami will Jhepatlent is . mortal nrTnkJr or . Trh"l" rreek. iT never its We m I A D a sj-rtrE: a rnnipieic care U every Wane, tn uaio IS.k MEAi AllreM In oonudenco, BOLDEN SPECIFIC CO, 1 8ft Ran tl- Ckuk.lLO. FOR r,lEN ONLY! A POSITIVE 'or L08T or FUtlnt 0 MAKHOOD; O.TTTJ "P Wnlnii .r Boilvaiid iii4: EffMta w f Error, ar Iimw ia Old or Tonu. L-fcMt, Holilr, RrOT.. Hot to I.larf m4 Mrnibr WKik.i aiiKVuuirrii iiBuiws h riarsoi innK li-alpMlf; rnw 41 Trrrtlarfe, mm4 i'rrM TMalrW. "iwurn aa. niu.tai.ii.UM, aa II tna. Mm UK MillCAl t$n llFlAlt, 1. 1 A NEW HKKD, carrfullj prepared by lead ' " Inn mrm Im-tt, t K. Aal...ili i - ne-t parchment and henvv flat paper), cof criim all nmanarr points, lust tint and now on sale at the office of tnc citim Pun ..u ln Co , Nn. a North Cnnrt Hoaxer, 'laninti